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Duration Duration 1.5 hour
q q
案例一: 案例一:
Case 1:
• 二位顾客在结帐时,顾作熟识,给收银员造成一种二人 认识、一起结帐的假象。当扫描了一半时,前一位顾客 将一部分已装袋的商品拎走,当收银员结束扫描正要收 钱时,后一位顾客说收银员多结帐,他与前一位顾客根 本就不认识,他没买过帐单上办部分的商品。 During scanning, 2 customers pretend to be acquaintance, the former customer took away part of the packed goods and left. After finishing scanning, the cashier ask the later customer to pay, the customer then complained that the cashier overcharged and he did not buy some of the items on the slip.
Discussion & Prevention
• 收银员必须执行一手交钱一手交货的原 则,让保安或资深照看商品。 Cashier must ask the security or one senior to look after the goods till she gets the money.
Purpose Objective
ヘ 目的 让收银员了解常见的诈骗案例。 让收银员了解常见的诈骗案例。
Let cashiers be familiar with usual cheating cases
At the end of this training you will know to you will be able At the end
Dissuasion & Prevention
• 收银员当然不能拒绝顾客再次清点的要求, 但一定要记住:已清点的钱款一但离手,再 次收到时一定要不怕麻烦,再次清点。 Cashiers certainly must not refuse customer’s request to recount, but do remember, when she receives the amount counted by the customer the 2nd time, she should count one more.
Discussion & Prevention
• 首先收银员应该保持清醒的头脑。其次 ,当发生该类事情时,在顾客零钱没有 找出来之前,不要将整钞交给顾客。 • Cashiers should keep cool, and never give change to customers before they take out their money.
案例三: 案例三:
Case 3:
• 一位顾客拿了一件10元的商品来结帐,当他付给收银员 100元整钞并在收银钱箱打开时,说有零钱并将这张百元 纸币拿了回去。经过一翻寻找后,该顾客说不好意思, 没有零钱,那你找吧。然后就等收银员找零。如果收银 员一大意,就会在没有收到钱款的同时,又“找零”。 而顾客会说他钱已给了收银员。 One customer come to the cashier line to check out with an item valued amount 10 RMB. When he gives the cashier 100 RMB and when the cashier drawer opens, he suddenly says that he has change and takes back the 100 RMB. After he searches his pockets all over, he says to the cashier: “Sorry, I have not, please give me change”.
案例四: 案例四:
Case 4:
• 一位顾客买了很多商品,结帐时,他先点了一遍现金然后交给 收银员,当收银员也点了一遍且辨别了真伪后,该顾客又说好 象不能确认,要求自己再点一遍。当他再次清点时,乘收银员 不注意,迅速换了一张假钞进来或抽调一张。而后装做很不好 意思的样子说对的。当收银员再次收到这笔钱款时,误以为没 问题,刚刚才点过无需在复点,便将这笔有问题的钱款大意地 收下了。 One customer bought a lot of items. During checking out, he counted the cash before he gave it to the cashier. After the cashier recount and made sure that there was no counterfeit, the customer required to count again to make sure the amount and quickly changed a counterfeit into the amount when the cashier was unnoticed. The cashier received the counterfeit without recounting.
• 两位顾客买了一推车的物品, 乘过节商场拥挤,要求使用信 用卡结帐,但这张卡是坏卡,无法结算。顾客提出先将帐 单打出,然后去ATM取款,留下一人帮忙看商品。当一 人去“取款”时,看商品的顾客乘收银员忙时不注意带着 商品离开。 On one holiday, the store is crowed, two customers bought 1 trolley of goods and want to use credit card for checking out. However, the card is invalid. They ask the cashier to hold on the goods, one is helping to take care of the goods, the other goes to the ATM to draw out the cash, the customer who is taking care of the goods stealthily left with the goods when the cashier is busy with scanning the goods.
案例五: 案例五:
Case 5:
• 两位外国顾客买了一些商品,结帐时,其中一位以需换取特定号 码的人民币或换钱为由(利用收银员不懂外语并感到困惑时), 在收银员打开钱箱后,收银员拿出一叠现金让顾客自行挑选,顾 客在收银员的注视下,迅速将人民币翻找一番,然后将钱还给收 银员,离开收银台。等收银员醒悟过来核对现金时,发现已经少 掉数千元。 2 foreign customers check-out on the cashier register , one of them asks to change cash (Using cashier’s poor English and puzzled) ,after the cashier open the cash box and give the cash to customer to let the customer choose , the customer steel the money..
Dissuasion & Prevention
• 严禁顾客接触营业款,如发现顾客强行 接触,一定叫资深和保安过来,在核实 营业款无误后,才能让顾客离开。 • Customer can’t touch the cash , if the customer insist on ,before the customer leave the cashier register ,must ask senior cashier and security to come to check the cash .
Fra Baidu bibliotek
训练课程结束时, 训练课程结束时,你将知道如何 癡絤揭祘挡盢Τ暗
To be alert and to prevent cases like these from reoccurring.
提高警惕,防止诈骗案的发生。 提高警惕,防止诈骗案的发生。
Staff Concerned Attendants All cashiers
参加人员 q Τ闽ぇ
Training Method Training Method
Trainer Trainer
癡絤よΑ 训练方式
训练者 癡絤 收银主管/ 收银主管/助理
q Cashier chief / Assistant q
投影仪 时间 丁 1.5 小时
Disscusion & Prevention
• 收银员在结帐时,已扫描但尚未付款的 商品千万不能离开自己的视线。 Cashiers should always keep an eye on the unpaid goods during scanning.
案例二: 案例二:
Case 2: