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• Eg.不一斑的女人
• 1. Practice and discuss:

• Your body is beautiful • It’s your jeans that are out of
• 你的身材美极了 • 是你的牛仔裤不成比例
• Even the most beautiful body can get lost under the wrong pair of jeans.
• 所以,重要的是,要穿就穿最能 体现你风采的牛仔裤,要穿就穿 最能展示你自身有利条件的牛仔 裤,就像我们的“轻松骑士。”
• When we make Relaxed Riders, we cut our material on a curve to conform to the natural contours of your body. So where your proportions change, the proportions of your Lee’s Relaxed Riders jeans change, too.
润 滑,美观大方
• 4) “美人”鲜花,倾诉衷肠 • 5) 让世界遍布“声佳”电器 • 6) 方便旅行,到达平安
• 1) 穿上“双星”鞋,潇洒走世 界
• Double Star Takes you Afar. • 一册在手,纵观全球
• 2) The Globe brings you the world in a single copy!
• Equipped with solid technical forces and the imported advanced machines, our company is big enough to design and produce all kinds of gifts with imported raw materials. Gifts of Taikong cost you less but speak more.
• 在生产“轻松骑士”时,我们 将布料剪裁出一定的弧度,以 顺应人体的自然曲线。所以, 你的身材比例若有变化,你所 穿的“李氏轻松骑士”牛仔裤 的比例就会随之而变。
• If you’ve been thinking that something is wrong with yon just because your jeans don’t fit, try Relaxed Riders. You’ll see it’s not a better body you need. It’s better jeans.
• 如果你因为牛仔裤不合身而正 觉得有什么不对劲时,试试我 们的“轻松骑士”吧!你会发 现,你所需要的并非更好的身 材,而是更好的牛仔裤。
• 你的身材美妙 • 不当的牛仔裤 会使美的身材黯然失色。
•Lee’s休闲牛仔裤 •剪裁得体,自然流畅 • 随身所欲,调整体型, • 好牛仔胜过好身材。
• That’s why it’s important to wear jeans that let you look your best, jeans that make the most of what you’ve got. Like our Relaxed Riders.
• 穿上不合身的牛仔裤,再美的身 材也无法展现。
• 3) 中华铅笔,品质优良,书写润 滑,美观大方
• Smooth and beautiful, Zhonghua high quality pencil!
• 4) “美人”鲜花,倾诉衷肠
• Flowers by BeauБайду номын сангаасy speaks from the heart!
• 让世界遍布“声佳”电器 • Our Aim:
Main contents of this lecture
• 一、广告文体的特点 • 二、广告文体的翻译
• 1. Practice and discussion • 2. Examples • 3. Improvement –making
• 广告语言大多精炼,一语中 的,突出主题,加深印象, 便于上口,易于记忆。
Make a global hit—Shengjia Auto Electric. •方便旅行,到达平安 (箱包) • Smooth trip, smooth arrival.
3. Improvement –making
• As a joint venture, our company is the first manufacturer in China dealing with various kinds of gifts, souvenirs and serial appliances in hotels.
• 1. Free translation is preferred • 2. Expressiveness and elegance
are prior to faithfulness
2. Examples
• 1).穿上“双星”鞋,潇洒走世 界
• 2).一册在手,纵观全球 • (《环球》杂志广告) • 3).中华铅笔,品质优良,书写
• First – rate service is offered along with our first-hand products. Gifts of Taikong are your first choice for its quality and fame.