商务英语写作课件 Unit 15 Business Report
• My working pattern and that of my colleagues varies from week to week.
During certain periods a large proportion of my time is spent doing fieldwork. This is followed by office-based work collating and recording the data collected. Once the results have been recorded, I proofread the colour copies of all reports and maps.
• As regards communication with colleagues, department meetings are held
once a fortnight. At all other times, the individual members of the team communicate either face-to-face or by phone, depending on their location. Apart from official meetings, the same results can be achieved whether I am in the office or working elsewhere.
Resource Planning Manager: Assessment of Suitability for Home-based Working
How to write an abstract
先写报告主体部分,待完成后,再写摘要。 从导言(主要是报告的目的部分)、正文(选出最重要的 部分加以高度概括)、结论和建议(报告的结果)三方面 提炼出摘要的内容。 确保摘要短小精悍,简明扼要,同时富含信息,可读性强。 比如,不要笼统地说 “Conclusions are drawn and a recommendation is made”,而应该具体说明主要的结论 是什么,应当做什么、怎样去做的建议是什么。 让你的读者清楚地明白:你要讲述的是他们最想知道的内 容,最想听到的消息。 使用简洁、普通的词汇,不要使用专业术语,以便任何阅 读摘要的人都能理解报告的主旨。 对该部分多做修改,已充分达到其目的、发挥其作用。
I&D Investment Company Ltd. set up a new branch in Guangzhou and you are working in the HR Depart. Recently the Personnel manager Ms Wang discovered that many staff are not punctual for work. She asked you to submit a report to her.
Long Formal Report
Cover Letter(转送函) Cover Page(衬页) Title Page(主题页) SUMMARY Table of Contents(目录) INTRODUCTION DISCUSSION CONCLUSIONS RECOMMENDATIONS Reference or Bibliography(参考文献) APPENDIX Back Cover(底页)
The data presented in this report was collected informally from the newly-appointed Personnel Manager at Transpacific, Wanda Cheung, during a visit to the company in late October.
商务报告是商务信函的一种重要组成部分, 在商务交往中起着重要的作用,尤其是作为 对外交流沟通使用的商务报告,在现代企业 中使用的特别频繁。作为商务函电的高级形 式,商务报告在语言特点上有着不同于其他 类型信函的一些特点,在我们的学习中要尤 其注意。
பைடு நூலகம்
商务报告在的一些语言特点我们可以概括为 以下几点:
一、语法正确(correct) 二、语意明了(understandable) 三、可读性强 (readable) 四、直截了当 (straight) 五、归化自然(natural)
调查报告是受其他单位或个人委托或本 单位指示,对某一情况进行调查后写出 的尽量反映客观事实的报告,这类报告 是委托人或本单位领导进行决策的重要 依据。如果是委托公证部门在调查事实 后出具的报告,那么该报告将是以后进 行索赔、理赔的有力证据。
4.可行性报告(feasibility reports)
BEC商务报告写作 ppt课件
3. The table/chart above tells us that… 4. From the chart shown, we
find/learn/notice that…
BEC商务报告写作 ppt课件 2021/3/26
1. The following are the recommendations… 2. It is recommended that.. 3. Based on the conclusion/analysis above, we
recommend that 4. With reference to the advantages/facts stated
BEC商务报告写作 ppt课件 2021/3/26
7. As you (某人/某部门) requested on November 12, I am submitting the following report on …
8. Here is the report concerning… 9. We have done a survey showing that…
Use language that is simple, concrete, and familiar.
BEC商务报告写作 ppt课件 2021/3/26
1. Define the Problem 2. Analyze the Reader 3. Collect Information 4. Arrange and Interpret Information 5. Construct the Outline 6. Write the Draft 7. Revise the Draft
Unit 15 Business Reports
商务英语unit Business Report
1.All staff are late at least once every two weeks . 2.Ten members of staff use the subway ,two use the bus ,six traved by car ,and five travel by bicycle . 3.Traveling time varies between 20 minutes and one hour . 4.All staff experienced problems. I. All members of staff experienced delays on the subway (Circle and the First Line) due to : 1)Signal problems 2)Engineering work 3)Overcrowding 4)Poor train frequency on some lines II. Members of staff who use the bus experienced delays due to traffic jams . III. Members of staff who travel by car also experienced delays due to traffic jams and two had problem parking , particularly on Monday and Tuesdays . IV. Members of staff who travel by bicycle experienced delays due to bad weather , vehicle problems and travel jams as well. Conclusions 1.All staff using public transport are late because the subway and bus services are unreliable. 2.A minority of members of staff who travel by car experienced problems with parking . 3.The office opens at 9:00 a.m . and so staff are forced to travel during the rush hour . 4.Members of staff are not leaving sufficient time for their journeys which are extended due to delays . Recommendations 1.Members of staff should leave longer for their journeys in order to allow for delays . 2.Staff should investigate alternative routes and means of transport . 3.It is recommended that staff who travel by car and experience parking problems use the new car park in Commercial Center, which opens next week . 4.It is recommended that the Personnel Director investigates the possibility of introducing a flextime system so staff do not have to travel during the rush hour .
商务英语写作课件 Unit 15 Business Report
Activity 5
1. The Chinese car market is expanding because Chinese economy has grown fast recently. 2. The poor managements caused less profits for the company last year. 3. No good after-sale service for people who buy our products results in the dramatic shrinking of market in this area. 4. The poor lighting has resulted in ineffective work of our employees. 5. The promotion has caused a temporary price drop that will not last long.
Activity 11
Submitted to / To 2. Submitted from / From 3. Subject 4. Employee Name 5. Employee Title 6. Date 7. Introduction performance Findings Record
f) Small companies g) Medium-sized companies h) French i) Spanish j) salesmen a) Conclusions b) potential market a) Recommendations b) timetable c) flexible
BUSINESS REPORTINCREASING THE DEPARTMENT STORE’S PROFITSFORINCREASING THE DEPARTMENT STORE’S PROFITSPrepared forJohn SmithGeneral Manager HARRODS department storePrepared byPeter AlbertChief advisorTWCBJuly 15, 2013MEMODATE: 07/15/2013TO: John SmithFROM: Peter AlbertSUBJECT: INCREASING PROFITSHere is the report you requested on Jul.12, 2013 on the department store’s profits.Your uneasiness was right. As we only focused on some high-quality products, we can’t expand market share in other aspects, then the profits fell sharply.The solutions to the problem are clear. We need to take some cares in other marketing.•Set up some convenience stores, discount stores and speciality stores as competition did.•Expand foreign retail chains in some economically potent states like China and Japan.•Make transition of service mode to follow the consumer demands. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to work on this assignment. If you have any questions about the report, please call me.Executive SummaryIn the past six months, the profits of Harrods department store’s fell sharply. As a result, several similar famous store groups are now heavily in debt. The report studies the cause of the fell and recommends solutions to the problems.Causes of the fellWe have found three causes relating to the fell:•Market Positioning is inflexible.•The Foreign market didn’t develop well.•Service concept was out of date.Some positions and service concepts are out of date, it’s lower customer satisfaction. We also found that a large number of staff numbers and managers lack awareness to follow with customer’s consumption concept. Harrods department store may start training their staff to keep up with modern customer’s idea.Measures to Increase the Profits•Set up some convenience stores, discount stores and speciality stores as competition did.•Expand foreign retail chains in some economically potent states like China and Japan.•Training staff. Make transition of service mode to follow the consumer demands.Estimates for Implementing the ProposalMost of the expenses of implementing the measures will be on set up new stores and expand foreign retail chains. They are estimated to be 25, 0000 pounds.Table of ContentsExecutive Summary ⅲIntroduction 1 Purpose, Scope, and Challenges 1 Methods 2The Decreasing Profits in Harrods Department Store 2 25% Decreasing compared with 2011 2 Competition’s Average Profits in 2011&2013 2 Major Causes of the Decreasing 3Impact on Harrods Department store 4 More Funds Needed to Increasing Profits 4 Jeopardizing the Harrods’ Brand Reputation 4Methods for Increasing the Profits 5 Three Ways to Increasing the Profits 5 The Fund Needed to Carry Out the Measures 6 Conclusions and Recommendations 6Supplementary Parts7 Appendix 7 Bibliography 8Part One IntroductionIn last several months, there’s sharply profits fell showed on the financial reporting form Harrods department store. Our company, TWCB, as requested the solution by Harrods department store’s manager, we immediately looked into the matter and found three problems which may have caused the decreasing. The fiscal third quarter of this fiscal year will end in two months. We will do everything to solve the problems before customers switch and never to return.In this report, I will describe the problems we found in the department store and propose three possible measures to solve them and the estimated cost.1.Purpose, Scope, and Challenges·Purpose: the purpose of this report is to analyze what caused the problem and how can we solve it as soon as possible. The report gives the result of the investigation.·Scope: we immediately formed two teams, one of which checked the department store regularly and the other conducted a survey on customer. The first team hangs around the store for 7 days in a row and constantly does some shopping to see how the service feels like.The second team designed questionnaires collecting customer’s comments on the store. The result was not as bad as we had expected. But the store should do something before it becomes a real problem.·Challenges: the department store has been facing tremendous challenges and pressure as the number of competitions grows at high speed each year. For instance, some customers select one store visit regularly out of ten. Our store is facing increasing competitive pressure.2.MethodsWe conducted the investigation through two methods: interviews and questionnaires. We sent out 1000 questionnaires and 800 customers responded to them. 300 customers chosen randomly from customer questionnaire’s numbers were interviewed.Part TwoThe Decreasing Profits in Harrods Department StoreIn last six months, there’s sharply profits fell showed on the financial reporting form Harrods department store. We did research on the decreasing problem.1.25% Decreasing compared with 2011After the research, we found that under the strategy of Harrods, to offer a wide choice of products and personalized service, the department store has worked well until st year, however, profits fell sharply and results for the first six months of this year have been disappointing. Then we did a comparing with this store’s profits from January to June in 2011 and 2013, there is the chart:petition’s Average Profits in 2011&2013After compared with our own store’s profits in 2011, one of our team did research on our competition’s average profits in 2011&2013. Here is the table (on next page):0 From the table, we can see that, when Harrods department store’sprofits decreasing sharply in this two year, the competition has grown a lot; it gives us a great competitive pressure at now and future. We need to do something to change the bad situation.3.Major Causes of the DecreasingFrom the research, we can see the major problems which caused the decreasing, and we summarized them as follows:•As we only focused on some high-quality products, we can’t expand market share in other aspects, our market positioning is inflexible. •As economic globalization becomes strong, our foreign market should develop more deep and widely.•Our strategy is good, but it didn’t pay attention to nowadays shopping fashion. Service concept was out of date.We must take concrete measures to solve all the problems.Impact on Harrods Department storeThe decreasing of the profits not only made damage to the economic interests of Harrods department store, it wills also jeopardizing the Harrods’ brand reputation and then when we need more funds to increase the profits will be very hard.1.More Funds Needed to Increasing ProfitsIndeed to increasing the department store’s profits, we should do a lot of research and work. To make a perfect solution, all the projects will spend a lot of money to get the most accurate answer. During the whole things, we will cooperate with many famous companies on investigation or doing business expanding. To make sure everything is moving on schedule and is within the budget, we will make an accurate expense, and expect to complete the project without exceeding the budget.2.Jeopardizing the Harrods’ Brand ReputationWith the result of our questionnaire, we can see that: among the 800 customers, 650 are employees and rests of them are teenagers and senior citizens. In the employees group,25% of them with an annual income of 100, 0000£or more, and others annual income is about 30, 000 to 80,000£. The high income group didn’t show any unsatisfactory to the service and product. But in the middle income group, many of them want value for money and to feel they have got a bargain and services which make life easier or save time, which they think Harrods can’t serve well.Methods for Increasing the ProfitsThe working team has worked out methods to increase the profits of the department store. We will depend on marketing positioning, foreign market, and training new service concept as our main approaches to our customers.Three Ways to Increasing the Profits•To attract customers we will rebuild our department store to make a place for some discount goods. And in other city area, like communities and shopping mall, we will set up some convenience stores, discount stores and speciality stores as competition did. But as the long history and special brand charm we has, our stores will be very different from others. We will develop a new message to our potential customers, that “Luxury culture also can be an Approachable culture.” The message together with pictures showing features of our new stores will be advertised in the local papers, magazines, and our new catalogs.•Although HARODDS is a successful department store in London and has many chain stores in New York and Italian, we can’t ignore the mega consumer market in some Asian countries, like China and Japan.These countries own a large consumer population, which makes them consumer markets with great potentials. So we should try to connect with those local business men to expand our foreign retail chains and develop foreign markets.•With a survey shows that: as the English population ages, older groups will provide opportunities for sales growth.And nowadays the English consumers want value for money and to feel they have got a bargain. Britain is moving from a luxury culture to a convenience culture. People want services which make life easier or save time. So the old service concept was out of date, we should do a series of trainings to improve staff’s awareness of the shopping fashion andtheir competence in competing in the market. The training mainly focuses on how to serve customer in a pleasant way. Then most of potential customers will switch to our stores.Part FiveThe Fund Needed to Carry Out the MeasuresThe estimated costs for the measures are summarized below:Training staff 5, 0000£Rebuild department store& 12,0000£Set up new storesExpanding foreign retail chains 8,0000£Part Six Conclusions and RecommendationsAlthough problems exist, great business potential is waiting to be exploited. We have calculated that all the measures should bring an increase in profits by 23% in three months. Under a improved service concept and create a more comfortable shopping environment, Harrods can remain high in profitability and offset the threats.The Office has worked out three recommendations:·Set up a committee (composed of store’s managers, customer representatives and government staff) to monitor the service. ·Carry out training for the store’s staff and managers.·Advertise the feature changes of the store on the local news papers.Part Seven Supplementary PartsAppendixQUESTIONNAIRE OF THE HARRODS’GOODS AND SERVICES This questionnaire is designed for Harrods department store’s problems and future improvement on its goods and services. And we’d like to collect your feedback. You do not have to write your name on them. You are asked to fill in scales and write constructive suggestions to improve it. We appreciate your time and efforts very much!Select your answers as follows: 5 is a highly positive response to a particular question.1 is a highly negative response.Use a blue/black pen or HB pencil to mark your answers.1.Do you often shop at Harrods department store? 5 4 3 22.Was the shopping environment comfortable? 5 4 3 2 13.Was the staff’s attitude approachable? 5 4 3 2 14.Can you always found favorite product at there? 5 4 3 2 15.How good were the goods and service? 5 4 3 2 16.Overall, how did the store compare with the others? 5 4 3 2 17.Which do you have more desire to buy?a. Luxury goodsb. Convenience goodsc. Luxury goods with discountd. Convenience goods with discount8.In which store would you like to buy?a. Department storesb. Discount storesc. Specialty storesd. Convenience stores9.If you may choose freely, would you like to shop at Harrods?a. Yesb. NoFor question 10-11, please write any other comments and suggestions that might be helpful and constructive. WE appreciate your time and efforts very much.10. What kind of activity you would like to join?11. Any comments to Harrods?Thanks again for your participation!BibliographyLevitt, S. D., & Dubner, S. J. (2005). Freakonomics: A rogue economist explores the hid den side of everything. New York: William Morrow.Lucas, Stephen E. "Public Speaking." Encyclopedia of Rhetoric. Ed. Thomas O. Sloane. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. 640-47.。
商务英语写作Chapter ReportPPT课件
Alphanumeric Decimal
This report presents … The report carries the information on … In this report I will explain … The purpose / aim of this report is to … The report aims to … The report is based on … The purpose of this report is to … investigate, evaluate, study … The objective of this report is to … recommend, analyze, give … The aim of this report is to … provide feedback, estimate, assess …
Length long report; short report
Format letter report; memo report; preprinted report;
Formality formal report; informal report
Function Information report; analytical report;
What should be concluded in a report?
What format should we employ?
Formitle Page: The title page includes the name of report, the author's name and date.
Informal Business Report
• Letter: between organizations • Memo (NOT EMAIL): within an organization • Report: when the information is more complex or
• Contents Page – Much like a table of contents, this page list the sections of the report and the page number where they are found.
• Introduction – Explain the main point of the report and highlight what will be covered in this section.
Executive Summary: The executive summary is used to summarize the background of the report in one page for managers who do not have time to read your business report.
A report is an orderly and objective presentation of information that helps in decision making and problem solving.
The writer of reports is expected to collect information from all likely sources, and, based on numerical data, to write a report which provides information, presents a summary of discoveries or findings concerning a specific problem, arrives at a definite conclusion, proposes a course of action, and/or makes recommendations on a specific subject for a specific reader.
Steps of creating a report
Determine the Scope of the Report Consider Your Audience Gather Your Information Analyze Your Information Determine the Solution Organize Your Report
Findings A number of employees clearly suffer from a lack of motivation as a result of dissatisfaction in one or more areas of their work. The key findings are outlined below:
中职教育-英语应用文写作课件:2.4 Business Reports.ppt
Class A—burning wood, paper, textiles Class B—burning liquids and greases Class C—burning electrical wiring All three types of fires could occur in our offices.
When you have had an opportunity to go over the report, I should appreciate your comments. Should you wish to discuss the report with me, I shall be happy to be at your office at any time convenient to you.
By Carolyn Dunn, Purchasing Agent
Body of the report
Introduction Our company must soon purchase new fire extinguishers for the entire building in order to comply with local fire regulations. This report will examine two types of portable fire extinguishers (comparing overall performance and cost) in order to recommend one variety for purchase.
商务英语_报告 PPT
• Enthusiasm for Sports. You must write no less than 120 words and explain WHY many TV viewers like to watch sports.
• Modern sports are becoming more spectatororiented than participant-oriented. Just think of millions and millions of people who spend countless hours before TV sets watching sports of all sorts: Olympic Games, World Series Games and the World Cup Soccer Game. According to a survey, among various televised events, sports have the greatest number of viewers. When an important football match is televised live, the streets of a big city are often left deserted.
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%
Enthusiasm for Sports
Percentage of TV Viewers of Various Programmes
business report 精美框架式PPT模板
One should give up anger; one should abandon pride; one should overcome all fetters
ADD YOUR TITLE HERE One should give up anger; one should abandon pride; one should overcome all fetters. One should One should give up anger; one should abandon pride; one should overcome all fetters. One should
One should give up anger; one should abandon pride; one should overcome all
One should give up anger; one should abandon pride; one should overcome all fetters
“ ADD YOUR TITLE HERE One should give up anger; one should abandon pride; one should overcome all fetters. One should give up anger. One should give up anger; one should abandon pride; one should overcome all fetters. One should give up anger ”
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
report aims to review the production in March.
897,000 KGS Labor Costs $322,800 Material Costs $135,600 Unit Cost $ 0.511 / KG The unit cost was above the company target, rising 1.1 over target. Labor costs increased because of the heavy snow on March 7. Material costs increased because of the price increase.
3. 4. 5. 6.
retired, had held were, had reached had had, set up had recovered, stabilized rose, had been had lost
Activity 14
1. Submitted to / To 2. Submitted from / From 3. Subject 4. Date 5. a) Introduction b) aims to c) market survey a) Findings b) dramatic increase c) Statistics d) market survey e) small and mediumsized companies
C. Blake, President
Activity 9
J. Saunders, General Manager Monthly report for March, 2003
1 April, 2003
Unit 15 Business Report
Types of business report
report (常规报告)
Performance (绩效评价)
proposal (商业计
Structure of business report
(reader) From (writer) Subject Date Body a. Introduction
b. Findings c. Conclusions d. Recommendations
Key words of part 2
manager 地区经理 Quarterly report 季度报告 aim to 目的是 performance 表现,情况
Activity 5
1. The Chinese car market is expanding because Chinese economy has grown fast recently. 2. The poor managements caused less profits for the company last year. 3. No good after-sale service for people who buy our products results in the dramatic shrinking of market in this area. 4. The poor lighting has resulted in ineffective work of our employees. 5. The promotion has caused a temporary price drop that will not last long.
Key words of part 2
1.只要公司继续支付比本 9.应该考虑提高技术工人 地其它公司低的工资, 的工资; 招工困难就将继续存在;10. 东莞大地工厂的生产 2.建议; 目标应该减少; 3.员工的福利必须改善; 11.东莞大地工厂的工作 条件必须改善; 4.短期的; 12.东莞大地和深圳大山 5.长期的; 之间的差异未在制定生 6.结论; 产目标时给予考虑; 7.我建议以下行动; 13. 深圳大山工厂的生产 8.问题可以概括如下; 目标应该增加
Structure of performance
(reader) Employee From (writer) Name Subject Date Employee Body a. Introduction Title
b. Findings c. Conclusions d. Recommendations
problem Recommendations Short term: reduced increased Long term: Working conditions improved Employee benefits / Worker benefits improved
Activity 12
管理 assess = evaluation 评价 repeat business 熟客 above average 高于平均水平 Achieve 取得…成绩
Supervision 10%
higher sales than average 比平均值高出10%
Inຫໍສະໝຸດ Activity 7 1.
Submitted to / To Submitted from / From Subject Date Introduction / Terms of reference report General Manager Findings
average existing customers indicates / shows after-sales strategy Recommendations training course
Activity 12
Activity 13
f) Small companies g) Medium-sized companies h) French i) Spanish j) salesmen a) Conclusions b) potential market a) Recommendations b) timetable c) flexible
District the
third quarter 第三季
Key words of part 2
speaking 总的说来 major problem 主要问题 result in = cause 导致 below / above target 低于/高于目标 overcapacity 生产力过剩 allocate for 分配到,用于 low salary rate 低工资水平
Activity 11
Submitted to / To 2. Submitted from / From 3. Subject 4. Employee Name 5. Employee Title 6. Date 7. Introduction performance Findings Record
/ decreasing / dropping below target above to recruit / to hire Low salaries / Lower salaries / Low wages / Lower wages For example / For instance Conclusions setting production target
problem was a short-term problem.
should try to lower unit costs this month to compensate for the loss during March.
generally maintenance
and electrical engineer 维修工程师和电工
Key words of part 2
150 per month basic 每月150元基本工资
production targets 设定 生 产 计划 short term 短期 long term 长期 working conditions 工作条件 technical personnel 技术人员 employees’ benefits 员工福利
customer 现有客户
cold-contact selling 针对新客户的销售 Indicate 显示
after-sales 售后策略 training
course 培训课程
Activity 10
retirement age 2. career development manager 3. Job agency advertising 4. Internal staff training 5. National newspaper advertising 6. Senior management recommendations 7. Careful material collection 8. Good material selection