英语演讲与辩论课件Lecture Five
英语演讲与辩论课件Lecture Two

Language Use in Debate
• Precision Vocabulary: Use accurate and specific vocabulary to express one's views and positions, avoiding the use of vague and vague words.
• Clear Expression: Maintain fluent and clear language, allowing the other party and audience to accurately understand their own viewpoints and arguments.
Addressing the challenges of globalization
With the accelerated development of globalization, English speaking and debating skills have become important skills for international communication and cooperation. This course aims to help students adapt to the challenges of globalization and enhance their international competitiveness.
Opening statement
Attract the audience's attention, establish a connection with them, and lay a solid foundation for the speech.
英语演讲与辩论课件Lecture Five

An argument can be a fight or a
quarrel, but it can also mean a set of reasons given in support of something in order to persuade. Argument is the process of explaining why a point of view should be accepted. ▼
which investigate the truth of opinions that challenge and question conventional wisdom. These discussions make us search for greater understanding of the world around us, and think about and look for better solutions to the problems we encounter.

Subjects: Variety Be familiar ground for all speakers. One topic or one to three questions on the relevant topics.Time given: 2-5 minutes
Familiar words → obscure onesConcrete words → abstract ones
Short sentences → long ones Better rhythm.
◆ Simile ◆ Metaphor ◆ Parallelism ◆ Antithesis ◆ Analogy ◆ Repetition ◆ Rhetorical device
Brief Introduction Topics for impromptu speeches Getting prepared for a competition. Suggestions
Becoming increasingly important. Forms of speeches: Prepared speech, Unprepared speech, Answering the questions raised by the judges and question masters.
A good use of pronouns Word choices Sentence structure Common used devices
Can draw near the distancee.g. “My fellow Americans”, “My fellow citizens”.Avoid: “I feel…”, “You should…”, “You must…”, “They say…”, etc.

Beginning the Speech
A. Relate the Topic to the Audience Improved:
It’s Saturday morning, and you are helping clean out your grandmother’s house. After working a while, you stumble upon a trunk, open it, and discover inside hundreds of old postcards. Thinking about getting to the football game on time, you start tossing the cards into the trash can. Congratulations! You have just thrown away a year’s tuition.
Beginning the Speech
1. The Introduction First impressions are important. Well-begun is half done.
In most speech situations, there are four purposes you need to accomplish at the outset:
English Public Speaking
Lecture Five
Strategic Order to Organize the Speech
• Chronological order • ---used in informative speeches • Spatial order • ---used in informative speeches • Problem-solution order • ---appropriate for persuasive speeches • Topical order • ---applicable to any subject and to any kind of

English Debate Skills and Strategies
Listening skills
Active listening
Paying close attention to the opponent's argument and actively
seeking out key information.
The Importance of English Debate Competition
• Enhances English proficiency: Competing in English debate tournaments requires competitors to use English constantly, which helps improve their language skills.
Preparation of Debate Questions
The competitors need to prepare arguments and counter-arguments for both sides of the debate question. They should also research any relevant facts or statistics that could strengthen their argument.
The History and Development of English Debate
English debate tournaments originated in the UK in the 19th century, when debating clubs were formed to discuss political and social issues of the time.

Art is more important
❖ Say from industrial products, everything is used by the designers carefully designed, If only pay attention to the transformation of technology, we have all kinds of brand mobile phones? Apple mobile phone is just advanced, it loses simple atmosphere filled with a sense of design shape, humane phone operating page, you can also become fruit powder? Will you still crazy for it quarterly appear cool products? Don't anticiof technology needs the support of society. Without mind emancipation movements, people would bend to the authority of churches and there would not be three industrial revolution even though there might be some invention by chance. Without humanism spirit in Renaissance, people would think it is the anger of gods when faced natural disasters and no one would do research of them. Without the proposition of innate rights of man in the Enlightenment, there would not be intellectual foundations of modern society and overlords would regard advanced technology as dreadful monster just like the government of Qing Dynasty.
英语演讲与辩论课件Lecture Five

Widely collect evidence and factual materials that support one's own position, while also understanding the possible viewpoints that the other party may raise, and be prepared to respond.
• Exploiting the opponent's weaknesses for attack: In debates, it is important to observe the opponent's weaknesses and loopholes, and cleverly exploit these weaknesses for attack. This can weaken the other party's position and enhance the persuasiveness of one's own viewpoint.
Dealing with nervousness
Using methods such as deep breathing and positive thinking to alleviate nervousness and maintain confidence.
Adapt to different occasions
Non verbal communication
Using nonverbal means such as body language, facial expressions, and eye contact to enhance the effectiveness of expression.
实用英语演讲课件Unit Five-2Opening the Speech

to get students or audience actively involved.
·Cost effect alternative to an interactive whiteboard – all
software features at a fraction of the cost.
·Up to four units connected to one computer.
5. Good morning, everyone. I appreciate the opportunity to be with you today. I am here to talk to you about…
6. Good morning, everyone. I am very happy to have this chance to give my presentation. Before I start my speech, let me ask you a question. By a show of hands, how many of you own a car?
stereo speakers, GPS software, high resolution and
Multimedia, etc. the VG-01 is set for release in the
near future.
3. Exemplar(II) 实例展示(二)
Dear Sirs,
Our lightweight portable presentation device (PPD) replaces
or teacher to roam freely while navigating various captivating

26. 大学自然科学教育四大法宝
27. 了解中国的崛起
28. 学校扼杀创造力
29. 老师需要真正的反馈信息
30. 嘿,老师们!让科学变得有趣吧!
The Art Of Public Speaking
What is Public speaking?
• Public speaking is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners.
15. 不要一悔再悔
16. 尝试做新事情30天
17. 去怀疑的勇气
18. 成功是一条延续的旅程
19. 互联网可能会崩溃,怎么办?
20. 大人能从小孩身上学到什么
21. 十条黄金省时技巧小贴士
22. 现在或永不
23. 怎样用纸巾擦手
24. 抛弃一心多用,尝试一心一意
25. 想要帮助别人?闭嘴,听人家说!
• Speaking to inform: objects, process, events, concepts
• Speaking to persuade: fact, value, policy
• Speaking to argue: Constructing a Logical Argument Debate Format
• In public speaking, as in any form of communication, there are five basic elements,

高考英语作文辩论稿课件I am programmed to follow the requirements provided. Here is my response:In recent years, the debate over the effectiveness of the college entrance examination, or 'gaokao,' in China has become increasingly heated. Some argue that the gaokao is an equitable and efficient way to select students for higher education, while others believe that it is an outdated and unfair system that places too much pressure on students. In this essay, I will explore the various perspectives on this issue and offer my own insights.One of the main arguments in favor of the gaokao is that it provides a fair and objective way to evaluate students' academic abilities. Proponents of the gaokao argue that it is a merit-based system that allows students from all socioeconomic backgrounds to compete on an equal playing field. They believe that the gaokao helps to identify the most talented and hardworking students, regardless of their family background or connections.On the other hand, critics of the gaokao argue that it is an outdated and unfair system that places too much emphasis on rote memorization and test-taking skills. They believe that the gaokao fails to take into account students' individual talents and abilities, and that it creates an overly competitive and high-pressure environment for students. Furthermore, they argue that the gaokao does not adequately assess students' overall potential and readiness for higher education.Another perspective to consider is the impact of the gaokao on students' mental health and well-being. Many students experience intense stress and anxiety as they prepare for the gaokao, and the high stakes of the exam can have a significant impact on their mental and emotional well-being. Some argue that the gaokao places an unfair burden on students, and that it contributes to high rates of depression and suicide among young people in China.In addition to the impact on students, the gaokao also has broaderimplications for the education system and society as a whole. Some argue that the gaokao perpetuates a narrow and rigid definition of success, and that it fails to recognize the diverse talents and abilities of students. They believe that the gaokao hinders innovation and creativity, and that it limits the potential for social and economic development in China.In conclusion, the debate over the gaokao is a complex and multifaceted issue that elicits strong emotions and diverse perspectives. While some argue that the gaokao is a fair and objective way to select students for higher education, others believe that it is an outdated and unfair system that places too much pressure on students. It is clear that the gaokao has significant implications for students, the education system, and society as a whole, and it is important to carefully consider the various perspectives and potential reforms to address these concerns.。

movement, gesture, eye
contact and manners;
Ethical Consideration: Follow the ethical guidelines when presenting arguments, using evidence, or choosing arguments and reasoning patterns; Abide by the principle of mutual equality; Show respect for other debaters before, during and after the debate; Be fact-oriented and refrain from making personal attacks; Act as global citizens with concerns.
01 Warm-up Questions 02 Why Debate? 03 What Is Debate? 04 How to Debate? 05 Exercises
Warm-up Questions
A How do you understand debate?
What do you know about debates in the
Defend the general direction and case of the 1st Government team. Continue refutation of the 1st Opposition team’s arguments focusing on new arguments introduced by DLO. Extend the argument that is different from but consistent with the case of the 1st Government.

❖ --What the father said made great difference to me.
❖ Make a difference between 区别对待 ❖ --She made no difference between her sons.
❖ In sympathy with sb./sth. 对…表示支持或赞同
❖ --I am sure she will be in sympathy with you proposal.
Incredulous, incredible
❖ incredulous 表示怀疑的,不相信的 ❖ --His eyes took on an incredulous look. ❖ Incredible:令人难以相信的,难以置信的 ❖ --What she has said is incredible to us. ❖ --He earns an incredible amount of money. ❖ 他挣钱多得惊人。 ❖ Credulous 轻信的
❖ --You’d better convince others of your honesty, if you want to have business with them.
❖ Sb. Be convinced 深信不疑的 ❖ Convincing 令人信服的
Moral, morale
❖ --She had a prejudice against modern music. ❖ Prejudice: (v) prejudice sb. Against/ in favor of

How to write effective speechesLearning how to write a speech needn't be a nail biting experience! First of all, you need the overview or outline of the speech. If you haven't gotten one, check these guidelines on how to prepare a speech outline. Before starting writing ,you should figure out the five major aspects:Who,When ,What, Where ,Why and How. They can be expanded in details as follows :1. Who ---am I speaking to --- audienceThe main consideration in a speech is always your audience. A good speech is never written from only the speaker's point of view.Make sure that you select someone who represents the majority. (you can call him John in your mindThat is they are struggling to comprehend you at the bottom of your scale or light-years ahead at the top. In a word, if a speaker is a salesman ,then audiences are the customers----your god! a Write down everything you know about the audience,such as age , education ,etc..b Understand what they will be interested in --- examples, content, stories, etc.c identify the number of people, age group, gender, ethnicity (if appropriate, common uniting factors, and specific interests they might have.2. What --- is the subject --- general or specificAs a speaker, you must make it clear that:a Are you positive or negative about it? Or neither?b What statement do you want to make?c What you are going to present?It may even include the effect you want to make on the audience3. How ---are you going to showa How long will the speech keep on? A short speech within 5 minutes or long speeche ? Or long speech?.b How will you clarify it? Which will you prefer to make it ,by one or more major themes?4. When --- is your speech? -9Am.? Just before lunch?Sometimes it seems nothing serious ,but if you take it into consideration ,you may keep yourself away from a lot of troubles. You can put yourself from the standpoint of audiences, and know more about their feelings through simulative thoughts in your mind. Finally you can adjust your speech.5. Where --- is the physical layout of the room and the speaking area?a Will they see me easily?b Will they hear my clearly?c Is the microphone needed?d Is there a place to put my note?e Are there technological resources?After having a clear goal of your work ,you can easily decide the theme of your speech. And the following is the steps to finish a prepared speech. Step1: looking for, selecting and refining the speech materials On the whole, the intention of the combination of materials is based on the keynote speaker.First, gather all relevant materials and arguments, including the presentation of the facts and other necessary materials, demonstration materials and reference materials.Second is the choice of material. Filter out to the point, the typical, interesting and fresh material; abandon the old, non-representative, overused ones.Then extract material. Before you put them as part of yourmanuscript ,you must verify the authenticity and accuracy of the material. You should tap the circumstances from these chosen materials, such as the character's language, action, heart activities ,etc.Step 2:extracting the title of speechIs the title of my presentation attractive? A good start is half done. So it is with speech. Lecture title reflects extraordinary head start. It appeals the audience and leaves the first impression on them. Audiences often want to hear a lecture because of the title.Title language should be simple, concise and easy to sing. Speech title does not mean the theme.If the theme is like the heart of the speech, then the title is like the eyes of speech.Step3: the writing of speechThis part includes the central argument of the speech, the sub-arguments, and the filtered materials to "pigtails" . It clarifies the logical link among the various points ,the size of the designed presentation level and the order to compile the summary . The vertical structure may be divided as follows:1 The beginning should be fascinating and unconventionalThe beginning of a speech should strive to get the audiences’ attention quickly .You can set it as a suspense ,or just get straight to the point . You can raise several questions ,or simply begin with an allegorical story, an aphorisms,an introduction of a relevant background, motivation or purpose of the speech.For example,clever as Martin, he begins his world famous speech "I Have A Dream" as "Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation... ." With no superfluous words,just get straight to the topic with backgrounds.2 The main body of the manuscriptAs important as the beginning and the ending ,the body is the leadingactor.You do not have to write down everything you're going to say but you do need to write down the sequence of ideas to ensure they are logical and easily followed.Remember to explain or illustrate your point with examples from your research.(*Tip: If this is your first speech, the safety net of having everything written down could be just what you need. It's easier to recover from a patch of jitters when you have a full set of notes than if you have nothing or just a bare outline.At least there are two special modes:mode of argument structure and narrative structure model.1 Argumentative structure model. That is arranged in the structure of ordinary paper. By asking the questions, analyzing arguments, and concluding that three parts. The problem is usually the order structure, analysis and demonstration in the middle.2 Narrative structure model. Psychologist clues to the audiences that the structure of the arrangements mainly impress the audiences in the fun, emotion , like the story beginsin a novel. Obvious separation of issues, arguments and conclusions of the various parts in the narrative thrust of the proposal revealed; describe a few things or timesequence, or space-order, proceeding from the purpose of engagingarrangements. Speech may be composed of several paragraphs, according to time order, alphabetical order parts. Put it in the general pattern of speech, compared with the structure. Do not assume because you know what you're talking about the person you've chosen to represent your audience will know too. a Check the tone of your language. Is it right for the occasion, subject matter and your audience? b Check the length of your sentences. If they're too long or complicated you risk losing your listeners. Will everybody well understand your words? There are 5 cent words and $5.00 words. Why use a $5.00 one when a 5 cent one tells it better?' Example: He 'spat' = 5 cents. He'expectorated' = $5.00.Read what you've written out loudly.If it flows naturally, continue the process with your next main idea. If it doesn't, rework.Remember that you are writing oral language. You are writing as if you were explaining, telling or showing something to someone. It doesn't have to be perfect sentences. We don't talk like that. We use whole sentences ,part ones and we mix them up with asides or appeals. For example, 'Did you get that? Of course you did.Right...Let's move it along. I was saying ...' 3 The ending The ending of the entire speech to the audience is left to a full, clear idea, and strive to be revealed. It should point the subject and wok as induction.The basic requirement of a good ending is to mention hope and express passion. According to theme of your speech ,you can make it as a summary style, a call type, or oath ceremony as well as a wished the ceremony. A provoking ending may win extra credits for your speech. Example: The desired outcome of a speech persuading people to vote for you in an upcoming election is that they do so. You can help that outcome along by calling them to register their support by signing a prepared pledge statement as they leave.。

1 V 1小组辩论
目 录
01 02
辩论常用语 思路展开 真题演练
再次强调、总 结自己的观点
agree 同意 disagree 不同意 think、thought认为 opinion观点 argument争论
Ways to open a debate 开启辩论
A: flower B.grass
On the lawn, A and B both thought that they were more liked by people. An argument started.
• I think..., In my opinion..., I believe…
• I'd like to point out that 我想指出的是… • In my experience…根据我的经验… • I'd like to say this:…我会这样说… • As far as I'm concerned...,就我而言,…
A: monkey B.dog
A and B met in the forest and they both thought they were smarter. an argument started.
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English debate will reinforce information and increase knowledge expand understanding about how information can be used, extended and broadened. make us realize that we are not alone with our problems by sharing our ideas and experiences. ▼
Competitive debate is formal
debating in which winning is important. Whilst the exchange of reasoning continues there is an added element of persuasion in order to win. This requires clear and logical analysis of issues and a decision about which arguments to adopt.
Why debate?
What is Debate?
Styles of English debate
Uses of English debate
Differences between debate and speech ▲
People discuss or debate in order to: help understanding enhance self-awareness, ability and ideas foster tolerance and appreciation of opposing views provide a forum for informed decision making
It is sometimes called dialectic style debating which encourages and requires the clash, in other words, the challenge. It is the most common form of academic debate in universities the world over. Debate is about disagreement and winning, no matter the costs. ▼
In many aspects of daily life: the daily meetings that constitute business practice in the education and upbringing of children in universities and research institutions where existing knowledge is explored and challenged n order to be increased. in social conversation at all levels ▲
For example: You may have to argue a point of view that you personally disagree with in order to win the argument. In other words, you may have to “play devils advocate”. Although the rules may differ in different countries or institutions, the substance will be the same. ▲
Cross examination(盘问) Public speaking(演说) Free argumentation(自由辩论) Parliamentary style debating
Discussion may be just conversation or conversation that is regulated with rules and procedures which may be different in different circumstances.
An argument can be a fight or a
quarrel, but it can also mean a set of reasons given in support of something in order to persuade. Argument is the process of explaining why a point of view should be accepted. ▼
Cross examination is where a person puts his point of view and is then questioned by two or more separate adversaries. This is common in many courts of law.
which investigate the truth of opinions that challenge and question conventional wisdom. These discussions make us search for greater understanding of the world around us, and think about and look or better solutions to the problems we encounter.
“The unexamined life is not worth living.” ---Socrates
of debate
Debate today
To most westerners, debate began in the 5th C BC in Greece with the famous dialectics of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.
Formal debate is held under clearly
defined rules which maintain order and provide structure; allow the speakers to fulfill roles in a fair manner; allocate time and provide clear criteria for assessment. They take place in many universities and institutions throughout the world.
When water is scare, why do people still clean their teeth under a running tap?
Being challenged, they may well decide that they can change their habit and use a tumbler or cup instead.
Free argument is another form of debate but it can be problematic. Unless speakers are given sufficient time to develop their points, the lack of depth in the arguments means that the debate often degenerates into a quarrel.
Some Definitions: Dialectics (辨证)
Discussion (讨论) Argument (争论) Debate (争论,辩论) Formal debate (正式辩论) Competitive debate(竞争性辩论) ▲
Dialectics are logical discussions
In debate, it is the train of reasoning that is important not the conclusion.
Debate is defined as “an exchange
of reasoning”. In another words, it is a questioning exploration that is changing, energetic and dynamic. Debate depends on there being opposing or at least alternative views.
A good debater is therefore SEXI.
S—Statement: making a point EX—Explanation: giving the reason for
that point
I—supplying evidence to back up the reasons ▼
Discussion can be thought of as
debate--indeed many conversations are debate. During conversation, people often explore ideas and possibilities, challenge existing ideas and exchange reasons in order to better understand the world around them. ▲