The origin of the Parthenon's name is from the
Greek word παρθενών (parthenon), which referred to the
"unmarried women's apartments" in a house and in the Parthenon's case seems to have been used at first only for a particular room of the temple;it is debated which room this is and how the room acquired its name.
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The Parthenon
The Parthenon is a temple on the Athenian Acropolis, Greece. It is a flat-topped rock which rises 150 m above sea level in the city of Athens,with a surface area about 3 hectares.
the connection with old Egypt architecture
Old Egypt architecture is the main resources of the Greek architecture , especially in the temple building.
The pavilion of the parthenon during Beijing Olympic Games.
神庙的前方有一个巨大的门廊, 由10根石柱支撑,增加了建筑的
建筑采用四排石柱,每排6根,共 计24根石柱,形成宏伟的列柱式结 构。
墙壁上雕刻着神话故事和宗教仪式 场景,增加了建筑的神秘感和观赏 性。
屋顶采用石板瓦覆盖,使建筑更 加坚固耐用,同时增加了建筑的
帕特农神庙的雕塑是古希腊艺术的代表之一,它们描绘了古希腊神 话中的故事和人物。
帕特农神庙的建筑和雕塑风格对 后世的艺术和建筑产生了深远的 影响。
帕特农神庙是古希腊文明的代表 之一,它对历史、文化和艺术的 研究具有极高的价值。
宗教信仰是古希腊人生活 中不可或缺的一部分,它 渗透到他们的政治、社会 和文化生活中。
古希腊宗教信仰是多神教 ,他们相信在世界的各个 角落都有神祇的存在。
帕特农神庙是古希腊雅典卫城的主体建筑,它是由当时的雅典统 治者为了纪念战争胜利而建造的。
帕特农神庙不仅是古希腊宗教活动的场所,还是雅典城邦的政治、 文化和艺术中心。
在帕特农神庙的参观中,游客可以参加讲解员或导游的现场讲解,了解更多关于 神庙的历史和文化背景。
帕特农神庙区域设有游客中心和休息区,提供各种旅游设施和服务,如纪念品商店、餐厅、洗手间等 。
根据游客的评价,帕特农神庙的旅游设施和服务质量较高,特别是导游和讲解员的服务非常专业和周 到。
It is said that Athena fought for the city against Poseidon(波塞冬), Zeus(宙斯) decided: who can give mankind a useful things, and the city ll be the one. Poseidon used his trident to hit rocks of the city, and then a horse rushed out of it. This is the symbol of war. Athena used her long spear to hit the rock, where an olive tree grew up .It is regarded as the symbol of peace. As a results, the city belonged to the Athena, and she became the patron saint of Athens.
The temple is built for The Greek Goddess Athena, which reveals that Athenian extremely adore the patron saint of the city. What 'more, Athens, the capital of Greece, is in the name of her.
This temple is designed by lctinus(伊克梯诺 and Callicrates(卡里克 利特).
帕提农神庙(又称雅典娜 神庙)是雅典卫城的主体 建筑。
帕提农神庙呈长方形,除 屋顶用木外,全部用大理 石砌成,还用了大量镀金 饰件。建筑在一个三级台 基上,神庙基座长69.54米、 宽30.89米,外部由46根 高10.43米、底径1.905米 的大理石柱环绕,两坡顶, 东西两端形成三角形山花。
❖ 柱子是由一个个鼓形石叠 加而成。
神庙有两个主殿:祭殿和女神殿,从 神庙前门可进祭殿,踏后门可入女神 殿。在东边的人字墙上的一组浮雕, 镌刻着智慧女神雅典娜从万神之王宙 斯头里诞生的生动图案;在西边的人 字墙上雕绘着雅典娜与海神波塞冬争 当雅典守护神的场面。
爱 奥 尼 柱 式
神所庙有有 城两邦个在最主形为殿成:时华祭期丽殿,和农,女业柱神都殿是头,最从主神要庙的前生门产可部进门祭,殿作,为踏主后要门生可产入资女料神的殿土。地只有公民才有权占有 。 在强烈的阳雕光刻下,着间玩接地去造的型极植易捕捉光纤。
檐口 檐壁 额枋 柱头
爱奥尼柱式爱奥 尼亚柱式又被称 为“女性柱”, 其名称来自于迈 锡尼文明的遗民 所建立的爱奥尼
亚城邦。略微华 丽,柱头装饰着 螺旋形的漩涡。 爱奥尼亚柱式的 下端比上端略粗, 柱子较为挺直。 由于爱奥尼亚式 柱子上的垂直凹 槽较深,所以在 阳光下呈现的阴 影较为浓重,使 柱子更具立体感
↓ ↑146.5米
→ ← 230米
胡夫金字塔高146.5米,底长230米,共 用230块平均每块2.5吨的石块砌成,占地 面积52000平方公尺。
画和工艺美术等领域,都有辉煌 的成就。 埃及人相信人死后可以在另一个 世界里继
续“过活”。就像植物在冬季死 去,来年可 以再生一样。这样产生了著名的 “木乃伊”(经药物泡制、包扎和 密封的尸 体)以及装饰豪华的棺匣和牢固的 金字塔。
所有城邦在形成时期,农业都是最主要的生产部门,作为主要生产资料的土地只有公民 才有权占有。除斯巴达在“平等者公社”形成之后公民完 全不从事生点劳动外,大多数 城邦中多数公民从事农业生产。 “平等者公社”=假想共产主义
金字塔是古埃及最具有代表性的建筑,被誉为“世 界七大奇迹之一”。公元前三千纪中叶,在三角洲 的吉萨,造了三座大金字塔,是古埃及金字塔最 成熟的代表,也就是我们常说的大金字塔,在今 开罗近郊,主要由胡夫金字塔、哈夫拉金字塔、 孟卡拉金字塔及大狮身人面像组成。周围还有许 多“玛斯塔巴”与小金字塔。
希腊雅典 帕特农神
希腊城料poleis; alty-states of andient Greece公元前8世纪-公元前4世纪古代希腊的城市国 家。当时数百个城邦并存,出现过许多城邦联盟。古代希腊最强大的城邦中,雅典第一, 斯巴达第二。所谓城邦,就是一个国家,它以城市为中心,周围是乡镇。
• 是世界上目前 最高的双子楼 和第四高的建 筑物。
13、Madrid palace (西班牙马德里 王宫)
• 在1734年的圣诞节 被烧毁的巴奔堡皇 家宫殿基础上, 1736年,菲里普五 世和王妃依沙贝尔 .德法尔内西奥计 划修建新的王宫, 意大利的建筑家谢 瓦拉和萨凯提、萨 巴蒂尼等在1764年 10月,修建完成了 现在的这座王宫。
1、The Great Wall
The Great Wall
• 12,700 meters • The Wall climbs up and down, twists
and turns along the ridges of the Yanshan and Yinshan Mountain Chains through five provinces--Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu--and two autonomous regions--Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, binding the northern China together…
• 320m high, world's tallest building until 1930
• Eiffel Tower and the Empire State Building in New York(纽约帝国 大厦), Tokyo Tower (东京电视塔) “the world's three famous buildings”
Significance of it
• designed as a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the United States gifts
帕特农神庙呈长方形,庙内有前殿、正殿和 后殿。神庙基座占地面积达2.3万平方英尺, 有半个足球场那么大,46根高达34英尺的大 理石柱撑起了神庙。伊瑞克提翁神庙的女神 柱廊 伊瑞克提翁神庙的女神柱廊帕特农神 庙的设计代表了全希腊建筑艺术的最高水平。 从外貌看,它气宇非凡,光彩照人,细部加工 也精细无比。它在继承传统的基础上又作了许 多创新,事无巨细皆精益求精,由此成为古代建筑最伟大的典范之作。它采 取八柱的多立克式,东西两面是8根柱子,南北两侧则是17根,东西宽31米, 南北长70米。东西两立面(全庙的门面)山墙顶部距离地面19米,也就是说, 其立面帕特农神庙 帕特农神庙 高与宽的比例为19比31,接近希腊人喜爱的“黄金分割比”,难怪它让人觉 得优美无比。柱高10.5米,柱底直径近2米,即其高宽比超过了5,比古风时 期多利亚柱式(三种希腊古典建筑柱式中最简单的一种)通常采用的4比1的 高宽比大了不少,柱身也相应颀长秀挺了一些。这反映了多拉克柱式走向古 代规范的总趋势。
祭殿的外面的腰线上镂着雅典 娜节日的游行盛况:有欢快的 青年、美丽的少女、拨琴的乐 师、献祭的动物和主事的祭司。 在帕特侬神庙里,原来还供奉 着一尊高达12米的雅典娜女神的雕像。神像设计灵巧, 可以搬动或转移隐蔽。形象是这样的;她站立着,长 矛靠在肩上,盾牌放在身边,右手托着一个黄金和象 牙雕的胜利之神;黄金制造的头盔、胸甲、袍服色泽 华贵沉稳,象牙雕刻的脸孔、手脚、臂膀显出柔和的 色调,宝石镶嵌的眼睛炯炯发亮……
历史作用: 神庙不仅仅意味着对神的尊崇,还体现了雅典民主制的
萌芽。在神庙内有一幅巨型壁画描述雅典人庆祝节日的盛况, 其含义是“所有雅典人的节日”,表明修建神庙的决定来源 于城邦所有公民的直接投票。另外,工程的预算和开支都被 刻在石头上,供城邦公民监督。
effect to the building making it
appear lighter than its material
would suggest.
Also, the stylobate (柱基)or floor
of the temple is not exactly flat
but rises slightly in the centre.
The columns also have entasis,
that is, a slight fattening in their
middle, and the four corner
columns are imperceptibly fatter
than the other columns.
2.Three Kinds of Orders
1.Specific dimensional composition
Plans of Ancient Greek Temples
dimensional composition
The temple was constructed using a 4:9
ratio in several aspects.
1.Specific dimensional composition
The Temple of Hera I (“Basilica”), Paestum, c.550B.C.
Central is a living room, hall, surrounded by columns, can be collectively referred to as Central pillar construction. (中央是厅堂,大殿,周围是柱子,可统称为环柱式 建筑。)
Байду номын сангаас
Historical Setting:
Construction began in 447 BC when the Athenian Empire was at the height of its power. It was completed in 438 BC although decoration of the building continued until 432 BC.
Architectural Features:
Doric Capital 多P立ara克th柱en头on
Ionic Capital 爱奥尼克柱头
Corinthian Capital 科斯林柱头
Architectural Features:
The Metopes(墙面)
The metopes of the Parthenon all represented various instances of the struggle between the forces of order and justice.
Pictures Appreciation:
Thank you
Iktinos 伊克提诺斯
Historical Setting:
The origin of the Parthenon's name is from the Greek word παρθενών (parthenon), which refers to the "unmarried women's apartments" .The Parthenon is a
Parthenon Temple
It is located in Athens, the capital of Greece. The Parthenon in Athens is the most famous surviving building of Ancient Greece and one of the most famous buildings in the world. The Parthenon has stood atop the Acropolis of Athens for nearly 2,500 years and was built to give thanks to Athena, the city's patron goddess, for the salvation of Athens and Greece in the Persian Wars. The building was officially called the Temple of Athena the Virgin.
Santorini 圣托里尼岛
It is one of the most famous island in Aegean Sea, about 200 km southeast of Greece’s mainland.
Santorini has the most beautiful sunset in the world. It is the most active volcanic centre in the South Aegean Volcanic Arc. The island is the site of one of the largest volcanic eruptions in recorded history.
31、只有永远躺在泥坑里的人,才不会再掉进坑里。——黑格尔 32、希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。——普列姆昌德 33、希望是人生的乳母。——科策布 34、形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。——郭沫若 35、学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。——洛克
33、如果惧怕前面跌宕的山岩,生命 就永远 只能是 死水一 潭。 34、当你眼泪忍不住要流出来的时候 ,睁大 眼睛, 千万别 眨眼!你会看到 世界由 清晰变 模糊的 全过程 ,心会 在你泪 水落下 的那一 刻变得 清澈明 晰。盐 。注定 要融化 的,也 许是用 眼泪的 方式。
35、不要以为自己成功一次就可以了 ,也不 1(精选)
31、别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不 穿。(名 言网) 32、我不想听失意者的哭泣,抱怨者 的牢骚 ,这是 羊群中 的瘟疫 ,我不 能被它 传染。 我要尽 量避免 绝望, 辛勤耕 耘,忍 受苦楚 。我一 试再试 ,争取 每天的 成功, 避免以 失败收 常在别 人停滞 不前时 ,我继 续拼搏 。
帕特农神庙介绍英语作文The Parthenon: An Architectural Marvel in the Heart of AthensThe Parthenon, a temple dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena, stands as a testament to the architectural brilliance and cultural significance of ancient Greece. Situated atop the Acropolis in the heart of Athens, this iconic structure has captivated the minds and imaginations of people around the world for centuries.Constructed between 447 and 438 BCE, the Parthenon was commissioned by the Athenian statesman Pericles as part of a grand program to rebuild the city after the Persian Wars. The temple was designed by the renowned architects Ictinus and Callicrates, and the sculptural decorations were overseen by the acclaimed artist Phidias.The Parthenon's architectural design is a masterpiece of balance and proportion. The temple is constructed using the Doric order, which is characterized by its simple, yet elegant columns and unadorned capitals. The building's dimensions are meticulously planned, with a perfect harmony between the length, width, and height of the structure. This attention to detail is evident in the subtle curvature of the columns and the slight incline of the walls, which create theillusion of perfect straightness and symmetry.One of the most striking features of the Parthenon is its intricate sculptural program. The pediments, metopes, and frieze of the temple were adorned with elaborate carvings depicting scenes from Greek mythology and the city's political and cultural history. The east pediment, for example, features a central scene of the birth of the goddess Athena, while the west pediment portrays the contest between Athena and Poseidon for the patronage of the city.The Parthenon's sculptures were not merely decorative elements but rather integral components of the temple's overall design. The figures were carefully positioned and proportioned to create a harmonious and visually striking ensemble, with each element complementing the others to form a cohesive and awe-inspiring whole.The Parthenon's influence on Western art and architecture cannot be overstated. The temple's elegant and harmonious design has inspired countless architects and artists throughout the centuries, from the neoclassical buildings of the 18th and 19th centuries to the modernist structures of the 20th century. The Parthenon's enduring legacy can be seen in the countless replicas and adaptations of its design that can be found around the world.Despite the ravages of time and the numerous conflicts and natural disasters that have threatened its existence, the Parthenon remains a symbol of the enduring power of human creativity and ingenuity. Today, the temple stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of ancient Greek civilization and a reminder of the timeless beauty and elegance of classical architecture.As visitors ascend the steps of the Acropolis and gaze upon the Parthenon, they are transported back in time, captivated by the sheer grandeur and majesty of this architectural masterpiece. The temple's soaring columns, intricate carvings, and harmonious proportions evoke a sense of awe and reverence that transcends the boundaries of time and culture.In conclusion, the Parthenon is a true masterpiece of ancient Greek architecture and a testament to the enduring legacy of classical civilization. Its timeless beauty and enduring influence continue to inspire and captivate people around the world, making it one of the most iconic and beloved monuments of the ancient world.。
The Glory of the Parthenon: A Monument to Ancient Greek CivilizationNestled within the heart of Athens, Greece, stands the Parthenon—a monumental testament to the grandeur and sophistication of ancient Greek civilization. This magnificent temple, dedicated to the goddess Athena, is not just a structure; it's a symbol of the city's rich history and cultural identity.The Parthenon, named after the Greek word for "virgin," was constructed as a part of the Acropolis complex, a sacred area dedicated to the gods. Built during the 5th century BCE, the temple was commissioned by Pericles, the Athenian statesman, as a way to showcase the might and prosperity of his city. Constructed entirely of limestone, marble, and other precious materials, the Parthenon's facade is adorned with intricate carvings and sculptures, depicting scenes from Greek mythology.One of the most striking features of the Parthenon is its size and proportion. With a height of approximately 43 meters and a width of almost 31 meters, the temple is massive yet elegant, exuding a sense of harmonious balance.Its columns, standing tall and straight, are a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of the ancient Greek architects. These columns, made of Doric style, are characterized by their simplicity and elegance, creating a sense of dignity and awe.Inside the temple, the interior is as impressive as the exterior. The walls are covered in intricate carvings,while the ceiling is supported by a series of intricate beams, known as entablatures. These beams, along with the rest of the interior design, are a testament to the advanced engineering and architectural knowledge of the ancient Greeks.The Parthenon has also played a significant role in history. In 1801, the French army under the command of General Bonaparte occupied Athens and took many of the Parthenon's sculptures as war trophies to France. These sculptures, known as the Elgin Marbles, were eventually returned to Greece in 2003, after a long and contentious legal battle.Today, the Parthenon stands as a symbol of Athens and a popular tourist destination. Visitors from all over theworld come to admire its beauty and to learn about the rich history and culture of ancient Greece. The Parthenon is not just a building; it's a bridge between the past and the present, connecting us to the wisdom and achievements of the ancient world.**帕特农神庙:古希腊文明的荣耀象征**在希腊雅典的心脏地带,矗立着一座神庙——帕特农神庙。
Iris 08
Greece is located in the southeast of Europe.
The Hellenic Republic(Greece)
Belongs to Europe
The nation speaks Greek and the language has been used for thousands of yrs, and has never been changed since it was spoken..
Church and building
The national religion of Modern Greece is Eastern Orthodoxy(东正教), it is a faction(派别) of Christian.
There is another famous spot is Aegean Sea(爱琴海)——like wine, romantic and mellow (醇厚).
Actually, Aegean Sea is a part of the Mediterranean, but it was changed by people who preferred romantic.
Zeus' wife and sister. Queen of the gods. Goddess of marriage and childbirth and takes special care of married women.
Most stories concerning Hera had to do with her jealous revenge for Zeus‘s infidelities(不忠实). Zeus was married to Hera ,but he is famous for his many affairs. He and different women gave birth to many children who were the gods of Olympus and many Greek heroes. He is also known to punish those that lied or broke oaths.
帕特农神庙采用的是多立克柱式,这种建筑风格的特点是粗犷、雄壮和简洁。石柱的断面 呈圆形,给人以厚重、稳固的感觉。
对于缺失或损坏的石块,采用 与原石材相同质地和颜色的材 料进行替换或仿制,保持整体 协调。
对雕刻、浮雕等细节进行修复 ,还原其原始的艺术风格和历 史价值。
对神庙周围的环境进行整治, 减少人为因素对神庙的损害。
设立帕特农神庙保护区,限制游客数量和活动范围,避免过度拥 挤和人为损害。
神庙的各部分之间比例协调,无论是整体与局部,还是局 部与局部之间,都遵循了严格的数学比例关系,这种比例 关系赋予了神庙一种独特的和谐美感。
神庙的装饰非常精美,包括浮雕、雕塑和绘画等。这些装 饰不仅美化了神庙,还反映了古希腊的神话和历史。
帕特农神庙位于希腊雅典卫城的 最高点,可以俯瞰整个城市。选 址于此是为了让神庙成为城市的
古希腊是西方文明的发源地之 一,创造了著名的希腊文化, 成为了西方文化的基石之一。
古希腊时期,希腊经济发展达 到了巅峰,文化艺术也取得了 巨大的成就。
古希腊的城市和城邦是当时欧 洲最大的政治、经济、文化中 心,对欧洲文明的发展产生了 深远的影响。
帕特农神庙介绍英语作文The Parthenon: A Timeless Architectural MarvelThe Parthenon, a magnificent temple that has stood tall in the heart of Athens for over two millennia, is a testament to the ingenuity and artistic prowess of ancient Greek civilization. This iconic structure, perched atop the Acropolis, has captivated the minds and imaginations of countless individuals throughout history, and continues to be a symbol of cultural and architectural excellence.Constructed between 447 and 438 BCE, the Parthenon was commissioned by the Athenian statesman Pericles as a tribute to the city's patron goddess Athena. The temple's design was the work of the renowned architects Ictinus and Callicrates, who collaborated with the renowned sculptor Phidias to create a masterpiece that would become one of the most renowned and influential structures in the world.The Parthenon's architectural style is a prime example of the Classical Greek order, characterized by its harmonious proportions, intricate sculptural embellishments, and the use of the iconic Doric column. The temple's dimensions are meticulously calculated, with a lengthof 69.5 meters and a width of 30.9 meters, creating a sense of balance and symmetry that is truly breathtaking.One of the most striking features of the Parthenon is its intricate sculptural program, which adorns the temple's exterior and interior. The pediments, metopes, and frieze are adorned with elaborate carvings depicting scenes from Greek mythology and the city's history. The western pediment, for instance, features a dramatic representation of the birth of the goddess Athena, while the eastern pediment showcases the contest between Athena and Poseidon for the patronage of the city.The Parthenon's interior was equally impressive, with a central chamber housing a colossal statue of Athena, crafted by Phidias in gold and ivory. This awe-inspiring statue, which stood over 12 meters tall, was considered one of the wonders of the ancient world and a testament to the skill and artistry of the ancient Greek sculptors.Over the centuries, the Parthenon has endured numerous challenges and transformations. It has served as a temple, a church, a mosque, and even a gunpowder magazine, each of which has left its mark on the structure. Despite these trials, the Parthenon has remained a symbol of resilience and a testament to the enduring power of human creativity and ingenuity.Today, the Parthenon stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of ancient Greek civilization. Visitors from around the world flock to the Acropolis to marvel at its grandeur and to gain a deeper understanding of the cultural and artistic achievements of the ancient Greeks. The Parthenon's influence can be seen in countless other architectural and artistic works throughout the world, and its legacy continues to inspire and captivate people of all ages and backgrounds.In conclusion, the Parthenon is a true masterpiece of ancient Greek architecture and a symbol of the enduring power of human creativity and ingenuity. Its timeless beauty and cultural significance continue to inspire and captivate people around the world, and it remains a testament to the enduring legacy of one of the most remarkable civilizations in human history.。
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Architectural Features:
The Parthenon is a Doric peripteral(多立克柱式檐) temple, and a colonnade(柱廊) (8 x17) of Doric columns extends around the entire structure. Each entrance has an additional six columns in front of it. The larger of the two interior rooms, the naos(内殿), housed the cult statue(崇拜的雕像). The smaller room (the opisthodomos后殿) was used as a treasury. Here is a plan of the temple:
temple of worship the gods of Greece, mainly in order to worship Athena.
Historical Setting:
In1687,an Ottoman Turk ammunition dump (土耳其军火库) inside the building was ignited by Venetian bombardment(威尼斯军队的炮击). The resulting explosion severely damaged the Parthenon and its sculpture; In 1806,some of the surviving sculptures were removed and were sold in 1816 to the British Museum,the Louvre ,where they are now displayed. The Greek government is committed to the return of the sculptures to Greece, so far with no success.
Other Architectures:
The Erechtheion is an ancient Greek temple on the north side of the Acropolis of Athens in Greece which was dedicated to both Athena and Poseidon(海神波塞冬).
architect: Iktinos 伊克提诺斯 Kallikrates卡里克特
Historical Setting:
The origin of the Parthenon's name is from the Greek word παρθενών (parthenon), which refers to the "unmarried women's apartments" .The Parthenon is a
Site of Parthenon
Historical Setting
Architectural Features
Other Architectures
Pictures Appreciatio2n
Historical Setting:
After the Greek victory in the Persian War(波斯战争),the Parthenon was proposed as a way to thank the goddess Athena(雅典娜) for protecting the city and offer sacrifice to gods or ancestors.
Other Architectures:
Temple of Athena Nike(雅典娜胜利神庙)
The Temple of Athena Nike is a temple on the Acropolis of Athens. Built around 420BC, the temple is the earliest fully Ionic temple(爱 奥尼克柱头) on the Acropolis. It has a prominent position on a steep bastion at the south west corner of the Acropolis to the right of the entrance.
"rejoice,we conquer!"
Historical Setting:
Construction began in 447 BC when the Athenian Empire was at the height of its power. It was completed in 438 BC although decoration of the building continued until 432 BC.
Architectural Features:
Doric Capital 多P立ara克th柱en头on
Ionic Capital 爱奥尼克柱头
Corinthian Capital 科斯林柱头
9Hale Waihona Puke Architectural Features:
The Metopes(墙面) The metopes of the Parthenon all represented various instances of the struggle between the forces of order and justice.
Architectural Features:
The Parthenon is a temple located on the Acropolis of the Athens (雅典卫城),a hill overlooking the city the Athens,Greece.