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世界上最难学的10种语言汉语排第一10 Hardest Languages to Learn

Hardest Languages 最难学的语言

Learning a new language is a always a big challenge. The most difficult part in the learning of a new language is vocabulary and grammar.


Are you ready to challenge yourself


Good, then go ahead and check our list. Give the following languages a try.


What is the most difficult language to learn


These are top ten hardest languages to learn for the English Native Speakers.


1. Mandarin (Chinese) 普通话(中文)

Chinese is considered as the World’s Most Difficult Language.


Mandarin has not only an enormously complex alphabet with over 10,000 characters and each word having its own symbol, but it is not even phonetically. This means someone cannot infer the spoken language from its written form and vice versa.


The accent is also Problematic. 4 different pitches decide on the meaning of a word. For example “shi” has, depending on the tone and context, 32 different meanings. Furthermore many poeple find it difficult to cope up with the pronunciation.

口音也是个问题。 4个不同声调决定的单词的意思。例如,“shi”,取决于音调和语境,有32不同的含义。很多人觉得发音难以应付。

“Hello, how are you” in Chinese: “Nǐ haǒ, nǐ haǒma” (你好!你好吗)


2. Arabic 阿拉伯语

The biggest hurdle in learning Arabic is the scripture. Letters have 4 different shapes, depending on where in the word they are and vowels are left out in writing Arabic. The words are difficult to pronounce, there are 13 verb and 3 different noun forms (instead of 2 in European languages). Another problem are different dialects some of them differ from each other like French and Spanish or English and German.


“Hello, how are you” in Arabic: “Marhabaan kayf halik”

“你好,你怎么样”,阿拉伯语:“Marhabaan kayfhalik”

3. Japanese 日语

One of the reasons for Japanese on third place in the “most difficult languages to learn list” is that spoken and written Japanese are completely different. Japanese writing is not phonetic, which means someone cannot learn Japanese by reading texts and vice versa. The 3000 signs have to be learned by heart. Even simple phrases like “How are you. Thank you, I’m well” are difficult to use, because they vary on the person someone is talking to.

对于日语在“最难的语言学习名单”中排第三的原因之一是日语口语和书面语完全不同。日本人写的不是音标,这意味着别人不能读课文,反之亦然。 3000个标志必须要用心记住。即使是简单的短语,如“你怎么样。谢谢你,我很好“也很难使用,因为他们对不同的人谈话有所不同。

“Hello, how are you” in Japanese: “Kon’nichiwa, genkidesuka” (こんにちは、元気ですか)


4. Hungarian 匈牙利语

With incredible 35 cases is Hungarian on pla ce 4 in the list. A lot of words are formed in a very “special” way (for example orange means “not yellow”). Hungarian has a big number of vowels and the guttural pronunciation makes it very difficult for people to learn.


“Hello, how are you” in Hungarian: “Helló, hogy vagy”

“你好,你怎么样”,匈牙利:“Helló,hogy vagy”
