第七章增词翻译法(1)Chairman Mao is an activist, a prime mover, an originator and master of strategy achieved by alternating surprise, tension and easement.毛泽东是一位活动家,是原动力,是创造和运用出其不意、紧张和松驰而取得成就的战略大师。
(2) The daily newspaper guides,educates and encourages the masses.这份报纸可指导群众、教育群众、鼓舞群众。
(3)For the international community the most striking consequence of these changes is that China has grown to be the world’s eleventh largest economy, and is set to grow further.对于国际社会来说,这些变化所带来的最为引人注目的结果是,中国已跃居世界第十一位经济大国,而且今后定会更强。
*In the evening,after the banquets,the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions,he would work on the drafting of the final communique.晚上在参观宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表演以后,他还得起草最后公报。
*My work,my family,my friends were more than enough to fill my time.我要干活,要做家务,还要招待朋友,这些足够占去我全部时间。
*The first requisite of a good citizen in this Republic of ours is that he shall be able and willing to pull his weight.要在我们这个共和国里当一个好公民,第一必备条件就是他要能够而且愿意尽自己的本分。
第 十一讲 翻译疑点 概略化与具体化
譬如用deadlock (打不开的锁)来指"僵局",用circulation desk (流通桌子)来只指"借阅处".在这种情况下,译者可以反其字面意义,从汉语中选择含义抽象、概括或笼统的译词加以表达。
一般说来,概略化的译法可分为以下两种情况:A. 具体词义概略化。
例如:(1)The United States is often depicted as a nation that has been devouring the world's mineral resources.人们常把美国说成是一个挥霍世界矿物资源的国家。
(devour原义为"吞食")(2)A single thermonuclear bomb today has the destructive force of all the bombs and other explosives of World War II.今天,一枚热核弹头的杀伤力就相当于二次大战中全部炮火的总和。
Translation of Practical Writings
1.1圣经:通天塔(The Babel)的故事 《圣经· 旧约· 创世记》第11章节录 创11:1 那时,天下人的口音、言语,都是一样。 创11:2 他们往东边迁移的时候,在示拿地(古巴比伦附 近)遇见一片平原,就住在那里。 创11:3 他们彼此商量说:“来吧!我们要作砖,把砖烧 透了。”他们就拿砖当石头,又拿石漆当灰泥。
5. 卡式炉燃气罐英文说明: Never refill gas into empty can. ? 本罐用完后无损坏可再次补充 * 空罐切勿再次充气
6. 公共场所的翻译污染 1)乌鲁木齐的一块广告牌 与世界对话 ? and world dialogue * communication with the world
1.2 什么是“实用翻译” “实用翻译”也叫“应用翻译”( Pragmatic Translation)。 美国学者Joseph B. Casagrande 认为, 实用翻译的主要目的是“尽可能准确有效地 翻译信息”,侧重“信息内容而非美学形式 、语法形式或文化氛围”(Shuttleworth & Cowie, 1999:129)。
中译外时,中国人名、地名译为西欧语言语 系语言的按汉语拼音译出;译为其他语系语 种的按目标语言习惯音译; 外国人名、地名按目标语言国的既定写法或 习惯拼法译出。 通讯地址或具有通讯意义的专用名词除按汉 语拼音译出外,应遵照目标语言国的相关规 定或习惯译出。
8. 关于缩略语。意义明确或经前文注释明 确过的缩略语,可以在译文中直接使用。译 文篇幅过长或缩略语过多的资料,可采用统 一缩略词表等措施。 9. 行文结构、章节标号等,在保持原文风 格的基础上,遵照目标语言的文体及相关专 业的表述习惯。
西洋人什么事都讲究按部就班地慢慢动作来, 从来没有平地登天的捷径,而我们中国人专走 捷径,而走捷径的第一个法门,就是吹牛。
While westerners go about whatever work they do methodically and patiently, never dreaming of reaching great heights in one step, we Chinese are always given to seeking a shortcut and regard the ability to boast as the master key to it.
西洋人究竟近乎白痴,什么事都只讲究脚踏实 地去做,这样费力气的勾当,我们聪明的中国 人,简直连牙齿都要笑掉了。
Because of their earnest and down-toearth approach to work, westerners are, in the eyes of Chinese smarties, next door to idiotic. They are being laughed at by Chinese smarties for the tremendous amount of energy they put into their activities.
2、He had fallen in love with this beautiful girl when he met her at the seaside. However, he was such a sophisticated and cautious man that he knew that revealing his love too eagerly might spoil their friendship, so he had held back his feelings and talked only of subjects likely to please Tao-ching.
第五章 翻译的标准
5.2 本书提出的翻译标准
翻译是语际交流过程中沟通不同语言的桥梁。 它的任务是把原文信息的思想内容及表现手法,用 译语原原本本的重新表达出来,使译文读者能得到 与原文读者大致相同的感受。译文读者和原文读者 的感受大致相同或近似,就是好的或比较好的译文; 相去甚远或完全不同,则是质量低劣甚至是不合格 的译文。从翻译效果看,也就是以译文读者得到的 感受如何,来衡量一篇译文的好坏,这就是翻译标 准。(这个翻译标准以下简称“感受”)
人,能通过译文而懂得体现在原文信息中作 者的思想、意图、观点和所表达的思想感情) 和接力(使原文信息能传播得更远、能传播 到更多的人那里)。这就是翻译的目的和功 能。
第二章 什么是翻译?
2.3 翻译的定义 翻译是人类交流思想过程中沟通不同语
言的桥梁,使通晓不同语言的人能通过原文 的重新表达而进行思想交流。翻译是把一种 语言(即原语)的信息用另一种语言(即译 语)表达出来,使译文读者能得到原文作者 所表达的思想,得到与原文读者大致相同的 感受。
❖ 口头交流往往是当面进行的,说话的人可以直接看 到对方的反应,决定下一步谈什么,怎样谈。
第三章 翻译的性质
3.3 翻译的特点 ❖ 人云亦云
前一个“云”指的是原语作者的创作,后一个“云” 则指译者的译文。 ❖ 不容更改 最后一句中的“不得增删或更改”值得商榷。 ❖ 先理解,后动笔 “动笔”在此实际上指的是翻译过程中的“表达”。 ❖ 克服原语的干扰 翻译一方面要忠实于原文,另一方面又要符合译语 的表达习惯。
第四章 翻译与对等 (equivalence)
翻译实际上就是对等问题。 ❖ 4.1 词的对等 ❖ 4.2 短语、句子的对等 ❖ 4.3 形式对等 ❖ 4.4 灵活对等 ❖ 4.5 意义对等 ❖ 4.6 风格对等
• The remembrance of the past is the teacher of the future. • 前事不忘,后事之师。 • A young idler,an old begger . • 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 • The tongue cuts the throat. • 祸从口出/言多必失
• A watched pot never boils. • 心急吃不了热豆腐. • Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. • 顺其自然./不要庸人自扰. • Count one’s chickens before they are hatched. • 盲目乐观.
Translating Proverbs and Quotations 谚语、引语的翻译
• 谚语作为一种以简单通俗的语言来表达深刻 道理的语句,常为人们所引用。在国际交往 中,人们喜欢引用本国的或者外国的谚语。 所以谚语的准确翻译是非常必要的,当然也 是非常不容易的。 • 幸运的是,现在许多谚语流行甚广,翻译起 来并不是一道不可逾越的障碍。事实上,世 界各种语种中有相当数量的谚语有着非常相 似的语言形式和含义,而且,千百年来各国 之间的或多或少的文化交流,往往会使一个 民族的谚语跨越地理疆界,广为流传于其他 民族。
• • • • • • •
Love me, love my dogs 爱屋及乌 The sauce is better than the fish 喧宾夺主 Birds of a feather flock together 物以类聚,人以群分 The pupil outdoes(超过)the master • 青出于蓝而胜于蓝
实用翻译教程(英汉互译)第三版冯庆华著翻译期末复习英汉翻译期末复习1.Phrase Translation1.Look before you leap. 三思而后行。
2. Make hay while the sun shines. 趁热打铁。
3. There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。
4. Ill news travels fast. 恶事传千里。
5. East and west, home is best. 出门一里,不如家里。
6. All is not gold that glitters.7. to take French leave8. to bring down the house9. Dutch courage10. a t one’s fingertips 了如指掌11. fish in troubled water 浑水摸鱼12. kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕;一举两得13. at sixes and sevens 七颠八倒14. s peak one’s mind畅所欲言15. turn a deaf ear to 充耳不闻16. all is fish that comes to the net. 拉入栏里就是菜。
17. between the devil and the deep sea 左右为难18. b urn one’s boat破釜沉舟19. fish in the air 水中捞月20.six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两21. castle in the air 空中楼阁22. to add fuel to the fire23.from the cradle to the grave 一生一世24. neither fish nor fowl 不伦不类25. k eep something under one’s hat保密26. eat one’s words 承认自己说了错话27. look for a needle in a bundle of hay 大海捞针28. hang on somebody’s sleeve 依赖某人,任某人做主29. talk through one’s hat 胡言乱语30. call a spade a spade 直言不讳2.Sentence Translation1.The inside of each room depended on the inclination of its occupants. 每个房间内部怎样布2.It was in vain that the old lady asked her if she was aware she was speaking to Miss Pinkerton. 老太太问她明白不明白对她说话的不是别人,是平克顿小姐。
英汉汉英视译教程上篇英译汉第十一单元 条件句视译-文档资料
第11单元 条件句视译 (例段)
〈译评〉 本例段的条件句If the author would “do some editing” and “decide what he’s trying to say”有两点需要注意。这不是通 常意义上的条件句,因为作者不可能改写 其作品,实为假设,因此汉语译文使用 “倘若”比较得体。
the unlikely pirate attack that sends Hamlet back to 迫使哈姆雷特回到丹麦就不够真实,这些繁杂的情
Denmark—that keep the play from completely 节使该剧无法全力“运作”。 “working”.
第11单元 条件句视译 (例段)
第11单元 条件句视译 (例段)
〈译评〉中文条件句通常在句首,而英文条件句 除了句首,也常见句中和句末,这就造 成视译翻译瞬间转换时的障碍,主从句 都偏长的条件句翻译难度更大。条件句 置于句中或句末的情况下,英文if 不一 定要译成“如果”,而可译成“前提”、 “先决条件”,译文显得更加流畅。
第11单元 条件句视译
(2)英语条件的表现常常借用介词,这恰恰是英语 介词的生命力之一。英语里一个介词词组所表达的条 件语意经常相当于汉语里一个完整语句所能表达的条 件语意,而把英语的介词短语在瞬间翻译成汉语完整 语句也是需要相当翻译经验和功力的,因为不是所有 词组都需要译成句子。临场视译时怎样做到见招拆招, 见机行事,完全取决于视译译员的自我判断,只有平 时进行大量艰辛的练习才可战时熟能生巧,驾轻就熟。
If the author would “do some editing” and
E-C Translation Course NotesDefinitionTranslation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.(Eugene A. Nida)Significance of TranslationPlays the key role in inter-cultural communication1. Bringing about mutual understanding and friendliness among nations.2. Enriching our own experiences and knowledge of the world.The most important media in international trade and business. ------No translation, no globalization.The Criteria of TranslationTytler (p.5)严复:faithfulness, intelligibility, and elegance(信达雅)林语堂:忠实,通顺,美钱钟书:化境傅雷:神似The procedures of translationAccurate comprehensionAdequate representationCareful proofreadingRequirements on the translatorsGood command of the languagesWide scope of knowledgeSensitive to cultural differencesHard working and willing to sacrifice personal gains and interestsStrong sense of responsibilityLiteral Vs. free translationsThe former focuses on a word-for-word translation of the source text into the target text; while the latter involves language adjustment in the process of translation.No matter what method you may use, your translation should be correct, comprehensible to the target reader and close to the original style. Only when you keep the meaning and spirit of the original sentence structure a nd/or its figure of speech can your translation be regarded as proper literal translation, otherwise it is merely mechanical translation.Similarly, only when change the original sentence structure and/or the figure of speech but make no addition or deletion of the original meaning and spirit, can your translation be regarded as proper translation; otherwise it is simply random translation.The designative meaning of a word (指称义) refers to the object, people, plant, animal, place, etc. that it represents; while the associative meaning of a word (内涵义) is the idea, quality, state, circumstance, etc. that it makes you think of.Formal vs. Functional EquivalenceFormal equivalence (形式对等) focuses on the match between the source text and the target text as close as possible in both form and content; while functional equivalence (功能对等)stresses the closest parallel of the target text to the source text in communicative function.If the communicative function of the source text can be translated into the target text without having to change the form of the former, formal equivalence should be strived for;whereas if the strict reservation of the structure of the source text constitutes an obstacle to the transmission of the communicative function, adjustment then needs to be made structurally for the establishment of functional equivalence.Hypotaxis(形合) vs. parataxis (意合)English is a language of hypotaxis(形合). It heavily depends on grammar for constructing different linguistic parts into a sentence or an article. the Grammatical meanings in the language of English are reflected in such aspects as the suffix (后缀) of a word (e.g.“-s, -ing or -ed”), the tenses(时态), the voices(语态), the moods(语气), constructions(结构), and such functional words like articles, conjunctions, pronouns or prepositions. On the contrary, Chinese, being a language of parataxis (意合),has the parts linked up with each other semantically or through the context. Therefore, when English is being translated into Chinese, some of the words mentioned above need to be omitted out of grammatical or rhetorical considerations.Syntactic marking (语法标义)vs. semotactic marking(语义标义)Syntactic marking refers to those situations when the meaning of a word in a sentence is specified by the grammatical construction of the sentence.Semotactic marking refers to the determination of the meaning of an English word by some other words in the sentence, which form the semotactic environment for that word. In other words, the context, built up by the words prior to or following the word, can often provide clues as to what the word means.Syntactic marking interplays with semotactic marking in the specification of the meaning of an English word.Form and ContentIf we assume that language is a device for communicating messages, then it follows that language and linguistic forms are means to an end rather than an end in themselves. The content is the conceptual intent of the message, together with the connotative values the source text wishes to communicate; it is what the message is about.The form, on the other hand, is the external shape the message takes to effect its passage from the source’s mind to the receptor’s mind.In transferring the message from one language to another, it is the content which must be preserved at any cost; the form, except in special cases, such as poetry, is largely secondary,variable.It is a bit like packing clothing into two different pieces of luggage: the clothes remain the same, but the shapes of the suitcases may vary greatly, and hence the ways in which the clothes are packed must be different.We preserve the form when we can, but more often the form has to be transformed precisely in order to preserve the content. An excessive effort to preserve the form inevitab ly results in a serious loss or distortion of the message.Semantic adjustment made in transfer—Specific meaning Vs. generic meaning Some of the most common shifts in meaning found in the transfer process are modifications which involve specific (个别意义)and generic (一般意义)meanings. Such shifts may go in either direction, from generic to specific , or from specific to generic.Semantic adjustment —Analytic process Vs. synthetic process分析过程综合过程In the transfer process, sometimes the semantic contents of a word or a group of words need to be redistributed through either an analytical or synthetic process. The former involves expanding the semantic content of a word over a number of words; and the latter group s the semantic contents of several words into one or two words.Structural adjustmentThere are numerous features of the sentence structure, which must be adjusted in the process of transfer from one language to another. Such features, among others, concern word and phrase order, gender, class and number concord, active and passive constructions and ellipsis,etc.Discourse adjustmentAn English discourse generally starts with a topic sentence followed by the explanatory statements or supportive examples and ends up with a conclusion. The sentences in the discourse are often logically connected with each other by such cohesive markers(连接手段)as “first of all”, “furthermore”, “in addition”, “however”, “therefore”, “to sum up”, etc. The sentences in a Chinese discourse, though not always bound up together through formally distinct devices, actually all center on the theme of the text.Translation skillsChanging the positions of some phrasesChanging words or phrases into sentencesChanging the part of speechMain clause firstChanging the positions of the major componentsAdding words when necessaryKey word repetitionBreaking a long sentence into several short sentencesLeaving out unnecessary wordsUse of four-character phrasesPositive and negative ways of expressing an ideaDealing with idiomsThe former focuses on a -translation of the -text into the -text; while the latter involves language -in the process of translation.No matter what method you may use, your translation should be -, c-to the target reader and close to the original -. Only when you keep the-and-of the original sentence-a nd/or its-can your translation be regarded as proper literal translation, otherwise it is merely m-translation.Similarly, only when change the original sentence structure and/or the figure of speech but make no addition or deletion of the original meaning and spirit, can your translation be regarded as proper translation; otherwise it is simply r-translation. Designative Vs. associative meaningsThe designative meaning of a word (指称义) refers to the object, people, plant, animal, place, etc. that it-; while the associative meaning of a word (内涵义) is the idea, quality, state, circumstance, etc. that it makes you-.Formal vs. Functional EquivalenceFormal equivalence (形式对等) focuses on the -between the source text and the target text as close as possible in both -and -; while functional equivalence (功能对等)stresses the c- p- of the target text to the source text in -function.If the communicative function of the source text can be translated into the target text without having to change the form of the former, -should be strived for; whereas if the strict reservation of the structure of the source text constitutes an obstacle to the transmission of the communicative function, adjustment then needs to be made s-for the establishment of functional equivalence.Hypotaxis(形合) vs. parataxis (意合)English is a language of —. It heavily depends on ——for constructing different linguistic parts into a sentence or an article. the Grammatical meanings in the language of English are reflected in such aspects as the s- (后缀) of a word (e.g.“-s, -ing or -ed”), the t-(时态), the v-(语态), the m-(语气), c-(结构), and such functional words like a-, c-, p- or p-. On the contrary, Chinese, being a language of---, has the parts linked up with each other s- or through the c-. Therefore, when English is being translated into Chinese, some of the words mentioned above need to be o-out of g- or r- considerations.Syntactic marking (语法标义)vs. semotactic marking(语义标义)Syntactic marking refers to those situations when the meaning of a word in a sentence is -ed by the-cal construction of the sentence.Semotactic marking refers to the determination of the meaning of an English word by some other words in the sentence, which form the - environment for that word. In other words, the-, built up by the words prior to or following the word, can often provide clues as to what the word means.Syntactic marking interplays with semotactic marking in the -of the meaning of an English word.Form and ContentIf we assume that language is a device for communicating messages, then it follows that - and -c forms are means to an end rather than an end in themselves. The content is the ---------of the message, together with the - values the source text wishes to communicate; it is what the message is about.The form, on the other hand, is the --------------the message takes to effect its passage from the source’s mind to the receptor’s mind.In transferring the message from one language to another, it is the content which must be preserved at any cost; the form, except in special cases, such as ------, is largely secondary, since within each language the rules for content to form are highly c-, a-, and v-.It is a bit like packing clothing into two different pieces of luggage: the clothes remain the same, but the shapes of the suitcases may vary greatly, and hence the ways in which the clothes are packed must be different.We preserve the form when we can, but more often the form has to be transformed precisely in order to preserve the content. An excessive effort to preserve the form inevitably results in a serious loss or distortion of the message.。
• 翻译概述 • 英汉语言对比 • 翻译技巧 • 常见翻译错误分析 • 实用翻译案例分析 • 翻译实践与提高
翻译是将一种语言的信息转化为另一种语言的过程, 确保信息准确、流畅地传达。
根据翻译的性质和应用领域,可以分为文学翻译、商 务翻译、科技翻译等。
在翻译实践中,注重反馈和反思,发 现自己的不足之处,及时改进和提高 。
利用现代的在线翻译工具,如谷 歌翻译、有道翻译等,可以帮助 快速进行初步的翻译工作,提高 工作效率。
利用语料库资源,如平行语料库 、可比语料库等,可以帮助了解 不同语言的表达方式和习惯用法 ,提高翻译的准确性。
英语和汉语在修辞手法方面也存在显著差异 。例如,英语中常常使用比喻、拟人等修辞 手法来增强语言的表现力,而汉语中则更多 地使用排比、对仗等修辞手法来达到同样的 效果。在英汉翻译过程中,需要根据目标语
掌握足够的词汇是进行翻译的基础,通 过不断积累和记忆,提高自己的词汇量
通过大量的翻译实践,不断锻炼自己 的语言表达能力,熟悉不同领域的专
了解翻译的基本原则、技巧和方法, 掌握常见的翻译理论和技巧,有助于 更好地指导自己的翻译实践。
(3) 生产生活也是文化意义的一个重要源泉
不同的生产方式和生活方式自然要在语言中有所 反映,从而形成了另一类的文化意义。 例如在中国有这样的说法,“巧妇难为无米之 炊”,因为中国人的主食是米饭,因此对于中国 的主妇来说,如果没有米,自然就很难做出一顿 像样的饭菜来。但这句话如按字面意义译成英语, 由于米饭不是西方人的主食,西方的主妇完全可 以不用米来做一顿像样的晚宴,因而这个熟语的 文化含义就很难翻译出来。
琼州学院外国语学院 9
讲话人不仅传达信息,而且还表达一定的 态度:赞成或反对,请求或命令,威胁或 劝诱,褒扬或贬抑,推荐或命令,等等。 其中有的可见诸字面,有的则隐藏于字里 行间。
示 例
委婉请求 Would you mind passing me the salt? 许诺 I shall return the book tomorrow. 警告 Say that again and I’ll part with you once for all. 你再这样说,我就跟你永远分手 褒与贬 You are stubborn. He is pig-headed. I am strongwilled. 你很执拗,他是头犟驴,而我却意志坚强。
琼州学院外国语学院 22
(2) 中、西方的称谓也不尽相同
英语中对亲属的称谓相当笼统,不论长幼,一律 按名字称呼,对堂、表亲用cousin来概括,而汉 语中对亲属的称谓可谓五花八门,有舅舅、叔叔、 表叔、表嫂、表兄、婶婶、堂兄、堂妹等。 汉语中对比自己年长的人(无论熟悉或不熟悉) 都称为大姐、大哥、叔叔、阿姨,而英语中却直 接称呼其名。此外,汉语中一般称呼姓,比如王 先生、李小姐等,而西方人对此疑惑不解,觉得 直呼其姓是极不礼貌的。他们通常直呼其名,比 如Jack,Rose,Ann等。
修饰性分隔:语法或语义关系密切的两个句子成分被其修饰作用的词语或从句分隔开来,这种分隔称之为修饰性分隔 e.g. He marked all the bees that came to the nearby feeding place blue. 他给所有来到附件喂食处的蜜蜂标上蓝色。 插入性分隔:当说话者对所述内容进行说明、解释或阐明自己的态度,看法时,往往在句子中插入一些词语。由于在句子插入某些词语而造成的分隔,就叫做插入性分隔。 e.g. I found the book, on the whole, very interesting. 总起来看,我觉得这本书非常有趣。 e.g. His condition is, what worries me, getting worse. 使我忧虑的是,他的健康状况越来越差。
A Practical Translation Course for College Students
Translation before Class
People often say that a dog is man's best friend. Over thousands of years, man has taught his dogs to do many kinds of work besides guarding the home. For example, sheepdogs are famous for their ability to control a flock of hundreds of sheep. Dogs have been used to aid disabled people for centuries. A guide dog can lead its blind owner. Nowadays, dogs can be taught to turn on light switches, open refrigerator doors and dial the telephone for their disabled owners. For the majority of people, however, dogs are simply pets and friends for both young and old members of the family.
法律文书要求语言准确无误,表达严谨,避免歧义和 模糊。
法律文书的语言风格通常比较正式和庄重,用词规范、 语气严肃。
法律文书应尽量使用简洁、明了的语言,避免冗长和 复杂的表达。
同一法律概念在不同国家或地区 可能存在不同的表述,导致翻译 时难以找到准确对等词汇。
法律领域术语更新 快
随着社会发展,法律领域的新概 念和术语不断涌现,需要及时更 新和统一。
目前法律翻译领域的术语翻译缺 乏统一规范,导致同一术语在不 同文献中的翻译不一致。
不同文化背景下的语言习惯可能影响法律条 文的准确传达,例如,中文表达更注重意合 ,英文更注重形合。
不同国家的法律体系存在差异,导致法律概念和术 语的内涵和外延有所不同,给翻译带来挑战。
不同文化背景下的社会价值观可能影响法律 条文的解读和执行,例如,对权利和义务的 认知和平衡。
注意合同中的法律术语和表述,避免 产生歧义和误解。
法律法规翻译案例:某国家公司 法
案例分析:法律法规的翻译要求 准确、严谨,确保法律条文的原
翻译技巧:采用直译和音译相结 合的方式,保持原文的法律效力 。
注意事项:注意法律法规中的专 业术语和表述,避免产生歧义和
Lesson9-Lesson10DictationPart1单词英汉互译:1-51. n. 人群v. 聚集2. n. 指针n. 小时n. 分钟n. 秒3.v. 喊叫v. 拒绝v. 大笑4.v. 损坏(具体事物)v. 损坏(抽象事物)5.Instrument clavichord string keyPart 2 用正确的介词填空6-86.Saturdays I always go to the market.7.I never go to the cinema the week.8.I can’t see him the moment. I’m busy.Part3 活学活用用正确的顺序排列下列词和短语。
9. Henry can/better/write/all of us/than___________________________________10. No one/harder/Peter/works/than___________________________________11. Mary/longer/spends/most of us/in the library/than_________________________________________________ 12. This book/that one/than/difficult to understand/is/more _________________________________________________翻译13. 在一个寒冷的晚上,一大群人聚集在大厅里。
(refuse)被动语态:结构:be doneam/ is/are doneWas/were doneI beat him.He was beaten (by me).1. Henry can/better/write/all of us/thanHenry can write better than all of us.2. No one/harder/Peter/works/thanNo one works harder than Peter.3.Mary/longer/spends/most of us/in the library/thanMary spends longer than most of us in the library.4. This book/that one/than/difficult to understand/is/moreThis book is more difficult to understand than that one.用括号中的词翻译。
Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.1)rather adv.相当;相反1. adv.相当;宁愿;I would rather stay at home.我宁可呆在家里。
would rather宁可;宁愿1.I’d rather go to Blue Ocean because l like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating.我宁愿去蓝色海洋(餐馆)因为我喜欢在吃饭时听轻柔的音乐。
(教材第81页)would rather意为“宁可,宁愿,更愿意”,表示主观上的选择,后跟动词原形,没有人称和数的变化,其否定形式是wouldrather not do sth.He would rather stay at home in such bad weather.在这么糟糕的天气里,他宁愿待在家里。
He would rather not listen to jazz.他不愿意听爵士乐。
【拓展】would rather do sth.than do sth.相当于prefer to do sth.rather than do sth,意为“宁愿做某事而不愿做某事”。
I would rather read a book than watch TV. =I prefer to read a book rather than watch TV.我宁愿看书也不愿看电视。
He would rather walk than ride a bike. =He prefers to walk rather than ride a bike.他宁愿步行也不愿骑自行车。
2.But that music makes me sleepy.但那种音乐使我困倦。
《实用英语》第二册11课The Virtue Called Devotion
sacrifice: give up sth valuable to get sth more important
a. v.
sacrifice sth for
It’s not worth sacrificing your health for your career.
Sacrifice sth to do
He was too mean to devote any money. Shylock I Shakespeare’s The Merchant
of Venice is regarded the meanest person in the world.
b. unkind or unpleasant Daddy, they’re mean to me, they
The recluse shunned all company.
at the hands of –(suffer) under the control of
They suffered terribly at the hands of secret police/ their step mother.
He sacrificed a promising career to look after his handicapped daughter.
b. n. make sacrifices we should forever remember
the sacrifices our parents made to give us a good education.
a demanding task: a task requiring great skill and patience, etc.
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Unit 5 Texture of the Sentence Structure Now try to translate the following sentences: He had returned the previous evening from a tour of the countryside and wanted to go through the papers that had accumulated in his absence before visiting hours.
The door stood hospitably open.
He was visibly anxious.
Unit 5 Texture of the Sentence Structure Disjunctive modifiers Hard to say what kind of adverbial they are Semantically they give some additional information separate phrases; independent clauses
Created with Haiku Deck
Chinese President Xi Jinping, his wife Peng Liyuan and guests were all wearing Chinese-style outfits made of silk and specially designed to represent China's rich history and old tradition.
month or two every summer vacation in my hometown. 每年暑假,我都要回老家和父母同住几个 月。
Unit 5 Texture of the Sentence Structure
Compare the different positions of adverbial in the following sentences: China successfully launched its first
Unit 4 Different Perspectives Behind the Language
Negative v.s. affirmative —perspectives of thinking —implied negative
Unit 5 Texture of the Sentence Structure
Unit 5 Texture of the Sentence Structure Now try to translate the following sentences: Lincoln is the most famous instance of the claim that Americans often made that in their country a man may rise from the lowest to the highest position.
立领 stand up collar
对开襟 Chinese-style jacket with buttons down the front 连肩袖the raglan sleeve
双宫缎面料 douppioni
Photo by Wiedmaier - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License https:///photos/18133618@N00
Unit 5 Texture of the Sentence Structure Now try to translate the following sentences: I shall remember always the mysterious, beautiful sensation of wellbeing I felt, when I was small, to hear my grandmother talk of the suppers she used to eat at boarding school.
Unit 5 Texture of the Sentence Structure
Compare the different positions of adverbial in the following sentences: I went to live with my parents for a
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Today’s Agenda
—review on Unit 4 (II)—Unit 5 (I)
Photo by Wiedmaier - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License https:///photos/18133618@N00
Texture: minor structures of the
—word order —relative clause —conjunctions
Unit 5 Texture of the Sentence Structure
How will you translate the following phrases? —迟早 —二班 —中小型企业 —2014年11月14日 —我是从美国来的 —他什么都不懂 —中国北京王府井大街18号
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Unit 4 Different Perspectives Behind the Language
Each language has its unique ways of saying things And this is based on different aspects of view
Unit 5 Texture of the Sentence Structure How will you translate the adverbials in the following sentences? She was remarkably silent when the other girls all talked and laughed.
Photo by Wiedmaier - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License https:///photos/18133618@N00
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new Chinese-style outfits
14th November, 2014 Week 11
Photo by Tc Morgan - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License https:///photos/63114962@N08
Unit 4 Different Perspectives Behind the Language
Translation Skills
—generalization —specification —adding category words
Passive voice
Unit 4 Different Perspectives Behind the Language
Created with Haiku Deck
new Chinese-style outfits
开襟 front opening
连肩袖 the raglan sleeve
立领旗袍裙 cheongsam skirt with stand up collar
Photo by Wiedmaier - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License https:///photos/18133618@N00
Photo by Wiedmaier - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License https:///photos/18133618@N00 Created with Haiku Deck
new Chinese-style outfits
Unit 4 Different Perspectives Behind the Language
Differences between E & C —C:abstract concepts & concrete
things are quite different to the
Chinese minds.
Unit 4 Different Perspectives Behind the Language
Differences between E & C —E:abstract concepts & ideas
vague distinction between
concrete objects & generalized concepts
—pragmatic function (implication)
—semantic focus
—to express objectiveness —to show a formal style
Unit 4 Different Perspectives Behind the Language
Differences between E & C —C: covert passiveness —E: passive voice
man-made satellite in April, 1970.