in use stability专题研究

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In use stability专题研究
Zhulikou431 内部培训
2012 中国
2.本专题资料主要针对药品in use stability研究。

In use stability专题研究
第01章:in use stability概念解析
In use stability,顾名思义,指的是药品使用期间稳定性研究项目。

对于如下使用条件的药品,需要考察in use stability 项目:

In use stability专题研究
第02章:中国药典对药品使用期间稳定性要求中国药典2010版附录XIX C《原料药与药物制剂稳定性试验指导原则》也要求:

In use stability专题研究
原则》,其中对于in use stability,进行了明确规定:


In use stability专题研究

In use stability专题研究4.1-Objective
4.4-Selection of batches
4.5-Test design
4.6-Test storage conditions
4.7-Test parameters
4.8-Analytical procedures
4.9-Presentation of the results
4.11-Labelling of the primary container
4.12-SPC, leaflet and labelling of the secondary
In use stability专题研究
The purpose of in-use stability testing is to establish -where applicable - a period of time during which a multidose product can be used whilst retaining quality within an accepted specification once the container is opened.
In use stability专题研究
This guideline refers to medicinal products in multidose containers which -by nature of their physical form and chemical composition -due to repeated opening and closing, may pose a
risk to its content with regard to microbiological contamination, proliferation and/or physicochemical degradation once the closure system has been breached.
In use stability专题研究Introduction
The continued integrity of products in
multidose containers after the first opening
is an important quality issue. While this principle is acknowledged in the Ph. Eur. and EU Guidelines, no specific guidance is available on defining test design and conduct of studies to be undertaken to define in-use shelf life in a uniform fashion. Therefore, this document attempts to define a framework for selection of batches, test design, test storage conditions, test parameters, test procedures etc., taking into consideration the broad range of products concerned.
In use stability专题研究Nevertheless should this Note for guidance also be read in connection with the Notes for guidance on
Development pharmaceutics (CPMP/QWP/155/96),
Stability testing of existing active substances and related finished products (CPMP/QWP/556/96) and
Stability testing of new drug substances and products (CPMP/ICH/2736/99).
In use stability专题研究
The registration dossier for a multi-dose product should include either the in-use stability data on which the in-use shelf life is based or a justification why no in-use shelf life is established.
This justification can also be based on experimental results.
In use stability专题研究
Selection of batches批次选择
A minimum of two batches, at least pilot scale batches,
should be subjected to the test. At least one of the batches should be chosen towards the end of its shelf life. If such results are not available, one batch should be tested at the final point of the submitted stability studies. The batch number, date of
manufacture and size of each batch should be stated.
The container and closure of the product and, if
present, the medicinal device should be equivalent to that proposed for marketing.



In use stability专题研究
If the product is to be supplied in more than one container size or in different strengths, the inuse stability test should be applied to the product which presents the greatest susceptibility to change. The choice of the tested product should always be justified.
In use stability专题研究
Test design
As far as possible the test should be designed to simulate the use of the product in practice
taking into consideration the filling volume of the container and any dilution/reconstitution before use.
At intervals comparable to those which occur in
practice appropriate quantities should be removed by the withdrawal methods normally used and described in the product literature. Sampling should take place under normal environmental conditions of use.
In use stability专题研究
The appropriate physical, chemical and
microbial properties of the product susceptible to change during storage should be determined over the period of the proposed in-use shelf life. If possible, testing should be performed at intermediate time points and at the end of the proposed in-use shelf life on the final remaining amount of the product in the container.
In use stability专题研究
Test storage conditions
The product should be stored under the conditions as recommended in the product literature (SPC and PIL) throughout the in-use stability test period. Any other storage conditions should be justified.
In use stability专题研究
Test parameters
The appropriate physical, chemical and microbial properties of the product susceptible to change
during use should be monitored. The tests used must be appropriate to individual dosage forms, however, examples of parameter types which may need to be
studied are given below:
Physical: colour, clarity, closure integrity, particulate matter, particle size
Chemical: active substance assay(s), antimicrobial preservative and antioxidant content(s), degradation product level(s), pH
Microbial: Total viable count, sterility
In use stability专题研究
Analytical procedures
The analytical procedures used in the study should be described and fully validated. Stability indicating assays should be employed.
In use stability专题研究
Presentation of the results
The results should be summarized and tabulated.If relevant, the results should be presented graphically.
In use stability专题研究
Conclusions reached based on the data provided should be stated. In the case of anomalous results these
should be explained.Where applicable and justified an in-use shelf life specification should be given.
In-use stability data should be used to determine whether or not a declaration of an in-use shelf life and additional storage conditions are necessary.
In use stability专题研究
Labelling of the primary container
The in-use shelf life should be stated on the label. In addition (if space allows) there should be a space for the user to write the date of opening or the "use-by" date.
In use stability专题研究SPC, leaflet and labelling of the secondary container
The in-use shelf life and in-use storage recommendations -if applicable -should be included in SPC, leaflet and outer carton text.
In use stability专题研究
在2009年,WHO发布了Technical Report Series, No. 953。

其中,附录2《Stability testing
of active pharmaceutical ingredients and fi nished pharmaceutical products》对药

In use stability专题研究
2.2.10 In-use stability
The purpose of in-use stability testing is to provide information for the labelling on the preparation, storage conditions and utilization period of
multidose products after opening, reconstitution or dilution of a solution, e.g. an antibiotic injection supplied as a powder for reconstitution.
In use stability专题研究
As far as possible the test should be designed to simulate the use of the FPP in practice, taking into consideration the fi lling volume of the container and any dilution or reconstitution before use. At
intervals comparable to those which occur in practice appropriate quantities should be removed by the withdrawal methods normally used and described in the product literature.
In use stability专题研究
The physical, chemical and microbial properties of the FPP susceptible to change during storage should be determined over the period of the proposed
in-use shelf-life. If possible, testing should be performed at intermediate time points and at the end of the proposed in-use shelf-life on the fi nal
amount of the FPP remaining in the container. Specifi
c parameters, e.g. for liquids an
d semi-solids,
preservatives, per content and effectiveness, need to be studied.
In use stability专题研究
A minimum of two batches, at least pilot-scale batches, should be subjected to the test. At least one of these batches should be chosen towards the end of its shelf-life. If such results are not available, one batch should be tested at the fi nal point of the submitted stability studies.
In use stability专题研究
This testing should be performed on the reconstituted or diluted FPP throughout the proposed in-use period on primary batches as part of the stability studies at the initial and final time points and, if full shelf-life,long-term data are not available before submission, at 12 months or the last time point at which data will be available.
In general this testing need not be repeated on commitment batches (see 2.2.10).
In use stability专题研究




In use stability专题研究2010年,《药物使用期间稳定性试验的技术要求探讨》对此问题进行比较全面的阐述。

In use stability专题研究
7.1 VICH 指南《Stability Testing of New Veterinary Drug Substances and Medicinal Products (Revision) 》,这是兽药研究的权威指南。

7.2-1998年,资深法规专家Scott Sutton在《THE REGULATORY AFFAIRS JOURNAL》杂志上面撰文,论述此问题。


7.3-TGA《Australian regulatory guidelines for prescription medicines-Appendix14: Stability testing 》指南也对此问题进行了阐述。

In use stability专题研究
In-use stability data should be generated where relevant, for example:
·where the product must be reconstituted or diluted prior to use;
·where the product is claimed to be stable when mixed with other products; ·where the product may be labile once the container is opened.
In use stability专题研究
The stability of the in-use form of the product should be established for the period of time and under the conditions for which storage is recommended. Published papers may be submitted as evidence of in-use stability provided they can be shown to be relevant to the formulation proposed for registration, and they include sufficient detail to allow independent evaluation.
In use stability专题研究Where it is claimed (on the label or in the Product Information, PI) that the product may be diluted with a range of solutions, the most common example being parenteral medicines diluted in large volume intravenous infusions, stability data should establish compatibility with each recommended diluent at the extremes of the recommended dilution ratios for the permitted duration of storage.
Have any questions, please contact me at zhulikou431@。
