



1.英语学习者语料库(书面语及口语)中国学习者语料库 CLEC(100万)广外、上海交大2.大学英语学习者口语语料库 COLSEC (5万) 上海交大3.香港科技大学学习者语料库 HKUST Learner Corpus 香港科技大学4.中国英语专业语料库 CEME (148万) 南京大学5.中国英语学习者口语语料库 SECCL (100万) 南京大学6.国际外语学习者英语口语语料库中国部分 LINSEI-China (10万) 华南师大7.硕士写作语料库 MWC (12万) 华中科技大学9.平行语料库汉英平行语料库 PCCE 北外10.南大-国关平行语料库南京大学11.英汉文学作品语料库;外研社12.冯友兰《中国哲学史》汉英对照语料库13.李约瑟(Joself Needham)《中国科学技术史》英汉对照语料库14.计算机专业的双语语料库;国家语言文字工作委员会语言文字应用研究所15.柏拉图(Plato)哲学名著《理想国》的双语语料库16.英汉双语语料库(15万对) 中科院软件所17.英汉双语语料库:LDC香港新闻英汉双语对齐语料36294段以及香港法律英汉双语对齐语料31万句子对中国科学院自动化研究所18.英汉双语语料库(100万),网上英汉语段电子词典及网上电子英汉搭配词典(1000万) 东北大学19.英汉双语语料库(40-50万句子对) 哈尔滨工业大学20.双语语料库(5万多对) 北京大学计算语言学研究所21.对比语料库 LIVAC(Linguistic variety in Chinese communities) 香港城市理工大学22.平衡语料库(Sinica Corpus);树图语料库(Sinica Treebank) 台湾23.特殊英语语料库中国英语(China English)语料库河南师范大学24.军事英语语料库(Corpus of Military Texts) 解放军外语学院25.新视野大学英语教材语料库上海交通大学26.汉语语料库汉语现代文学作品语料库(1979年,527万字) 武汉大学27.现代汉语语料库(1983年,2000万字) 北京航空航天大学28.中学语文教材语料库(1983年,106万8000字) 北京师范大学29.现代汉语词频统计语料库(1983年,182万字) 北京语言学院30.国家级大型汉语均衡语料库(2000万字) 国家语言文字工作委员会31.《人民日报》语料库(2700万字) 北京大学计算机语言学研究所32.大型中文语料库(5亿字,10分库) 北京语言文化大学33.现代汉语语料库(1亿字) 清华大学34.汉语新闻语料库;(1988年,250万字) 山西大学35.标准语料库(2000年,70万字)36.生语料库(3000万字);《作家文摘》的标注语料库(100万字) 上海师范大学37.现代自然口语语料库中国社会科学院语言所38.旅游咨询口语对话语料库和旅馆预定口语对话语料库中国科学院自动化所39.北京大学汉语语言学研究中心的三个语料库现代汉语语料库/yuliao.asp?item=1古代汉语语料库/yuliao.asp?item=2汉英双语语料库/yuliao.asp?item=3/printthread.php?t=2742汉语语料库使用权限国家语委语料库(”虽说是通用型平衡语料库,但不能完全免费使用;北京语言大学的汉语语料库(语料产出时间较早,且不能完全免费使用;北京大学汉语语言学研究中心语料库(现代汉语子库)”(/YuLiao_Contents.Asp)规模最大,逾亿字,但取样极不均衡,多半为文学作品;台湾“中央研究院”Sinica Corpus也是可免费使用的平衡汉语语料库。



常用的英语语料库English corpora, or language corpora, are collections of text samples that are used for linguistic research and analysis. These corpora serve as valuable resources for studying language patterns, trends, and usage in various contexts. In this article, we will explore some of the commonly used English language corpora and their applications.1. British National Corpus (BNC)The British National Corpus is one of the most widely used language corpora for studying contemporary British English. It contains a diverse range of texts, including spoken conversations, written documents, and academic papers. Researchers can access the BNC to examine language usage in different genres and domains, such as science, politics, and fiction. The BNC provides valuable insights into the changes in the English language over time.2. Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)The Corpus of Contemporary American English is a comprehensive corpus that provides a vast collection of English texts from different genres, including spoken, written, and academic. It offers researchers the opportunity to investigate various aspects of American English, including vocabulary, syntax, and discourse patterns. The COCA is frequently used in linguistic research, language teaching, and corpus-based language analysis.3. Google Books Ngram ViewerThe Google Books Ngram Viewer is a powerful tool that allows researchers to analyze the frequency of words or phrases in the vast collection of books digitized by Google. It provides a visual representation of the usage of specific terms over time, offering insights into the historical development and popularity of certain expressions. This tool is useful for investigating language change and cultural shifts through the lens of published literature.4. Corpus Linguistics Toolkit (CLAWS)The Corpus Linguistics Toolkit, also known as CLAWS, is a suite of programs specifically designed for corpus analysis. It provides researchers with tools for processing, annotating, and analyzing text corpora. CLAWS allows for the extraction of linguistic features, such as part-of-speech tags and named entities, which can be utilized for various linguistic studies. The toolkit's versatility makes it a valuable resource for researchers in the field.5. International Corpus of English (ICE)The International Corpus of English is a collection of English language corpora from different countries and regions. It aims to capture the linguistic variations within the English language across different cultures and contexts. The ICE provides researchers with valuable data for studying dialectal differences, language contact phenomena, and sociolinguistic aspects of English.6. Oxford English Corpus (OEC)The Oxford English Corpus is a corpus of contemporary English texts that serves as a reference for the analysis of language usage and trends. Itincludes a wide range of written and spoken materials from various sources, such as books, newspapers, and online platforms. The OEC is frequently used for linguistic research, lexicography, and language teaching purposes.7. Corpus Query Language (CQL)Corpus Query Language is a specialized language used to search and retrieve specific linguistic patterns within corpora. It enables researchers to formulate complex queries and retrieve relevant linguistic data for analysis. CQL is widely used in corpus linguistics and facilitates the exploration of language patterns and structures within corpora.In conclusion, English language corpora play a vital role in linguistic research and analysis. The aforementioned corpora, including the British National Corpus, Corpus of Contemporary American English, Google Books Ngram Viewer, Corpus Linguistics Toolkit, International Corpus of English, Oxford English Corpus, and Corpus Query Language, provide valuable resources for investigating language usage, trends, and patterns in various contexts. These corpora aid in the understanding of language change, societal influences, and cultural shifts, making them invaluable tools for language researchers, educators, and language enthusiasts.。



语料库第十一章1. Caravan ['kærəvæn; kærə'væn] n.房车记忆方法:car 车+ van 箱子caravan holiday 乘旅行房车度过的假日例:We're heading for the caravan with the sun painted on it.2.navigation [ˌnævɪ'ɡeɪʃn] n. 导航;航行=direction finding 方位测定=释义:the guidance of ships or airplanes from place to place例:Mechanics discovered problems with the plane's navigation system.3.vegetarian [ˌvedʒə'teəriən] n. 素食者记住:vegetable 是蔬菜的意思Vegeta+rian an是表示人的后缀例:Not a few of my friends are vegetarian.4.campsite ['kæmpsaɪt] n. 露营地记:camp 露营+ site地点——露营地同义词:campground 野营地例:The campsite is set in the middle of a pine forest.5.mid-range adj.中等距离的记忆方法:range意思:动词排列:名词范围6.postage ['pəʊstɪdʒ] n. 邮费;邮资已付邮戳Stamp 邮票Postage stamp 邮票Postage due 欠邮费due 应付的Postage free 免邮费7.liberty ['lɪbəti] n. 自由;自由权用法:allow/grant sb liberty 给某人自由Invade the liberty of 侵犯......的自由例:We have the liberty to say what we want.8.transit ['trænzɪt] n. 运输;经过记:trans 前缀表示转换的意思transfer 翻译——转换意思transit 转换地点——运输例:Our ship used the canal to transit to the east.9.snow boarding 滑雪板Board n. 木板,布告板V. 登机,登船Board the ship /plane10.padding pool ['pædɪŋ] n. 嬉水池记:Pad 平板Padding 垫充例:Add in some padding and margin。



网上在线字典辞典大全翻译类字典辞典金山词霸在线版——国人自主开发的最权威的电子词典,词霸搜索-免费在线词典查词翻译_英汉_日汉_英语_成语中国专家翻译网——英文翻译公司--日文翻译公司--多语种翻译公司- 英语翻译--日语翻译——德语翻译——法语翻译中国译典@中国在线翻译网——线上最庞大的英汉-汉英翻译语料库百度词典搜索——百度词典搜索支持强大的英汉互译功能,中文成语的智能翻译Yahoo学生英汉字典——英语单词查询、举例Dict_CN 在线词典——在线搜索不重复汉英词条100万,英汉词条103万。

牛津英汉双解词典在线汉英双解新华字典林语堂当代汉英词典(繁)——较权威的在线汉英词典,繁体,备有汉字部首索引和汉语拼音检索功能华翼翻译-多语种在线电脑字典太阳雨英汉\汉英词典汉语输入方式:拼音、简体繁体洪恩双语词典中英文查询,提供词义、例句、词组、同义词、反义词英文类字典辞典——几十个语种和数百本词典的在线检索,最权威的在线词典门户之一,英文界面LEO English-German Dictionary——英文、德文互译在线词典,英文界面Dnelook Dictionary——英语、法语、德语、意大利语五种语言629本词典的在线检索,权威,英文Latin-English Dictionary——在线拉丁语和英语词典,历史较久,英文界面Webster's Collegiate Dictionary——著名的韦氏大词典在线版,使用方便,英文American Sign Language Dictionary——美国形体语言词典,独特的在线词典剑桥在线辞典——包括剑桥国际英语辞典、美国英语辞典、国际短语辞典及国际习语辞典,英文——查询、互译、流行词汇、站点导航,英文——英语同义词字典,英文几十个语种和数百本词典的在线检索,最权威的在线词典门户之一,英文界面LEO English-German Dictionary英文、德文互译在线词典,英文界面Onelook Dictionary 英语、法语、德语、意大利语五种语言629本词典的在线检索,权威,英文Latin-English Dictionary在线拉丁语和英语词典,历史较久,英文界面Travlang's Translating Dictionaries欧洲主要语言互译,很多链接资源,英文American Sign Language Dictionary美国形体语言词典,独特的在线词典Oxford English Dictionary 牛津英语大词典在线版,须注册才能使用,英文剑桥在线辞典包括剑桥国际英语辞典、美国英语辞典、国际短语辞典及国际习语辞典,英文英语同义词字典,英文其它语言类字典辞典德汉字典网华翼电脑字典-荷兰语、中文、英语、法语、...承隆科技Amasoft 在线、离线英汉翻译软件,英汉/汉英字典颜元叔教授主编-网路英英/英汉辞典提供英文对英文、中文和日文的翻译。



英汉社论平行语料库1.引言1.1 概述概述部分:随着全球化的发展,英汉社论的重要性日益凸显。
















1.2 文章结构本文将按照以下结构进行阐述和探讨英汉社论平行语料库的相关内容:1. 引言:首先,我们将概述本文的研究背景和意义,明确本文的研究目的。


2. 正文:正文是本文的核心部分,旨在详细介绍英汉社论平行语料库的定义、意义、以及建立方法和步骤。

2.1 英汉社论平行语料库的定义和意义:首先,我们将解释什么是英汉社论平行语料库,即在英汉两种语言中,相互对应的社论文本的语料库。



免费的英语语料库汇总Here is a list of free English language corpora:1. British National Corpus (BNC): One of the most widely used corpora, it includes spoken and written texts from a range of genres and registers.2. Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA): Contains over 520 million words of American English from a variety of sources, including fiction, non-fiction, newspapers, academic journals, and spoken language.3. Corpus of Historical American English (COHA): Covers American English from 1810 to 2024 and includes over 400 million words from a variety of genres.4. Corpus of Global Web-Based English (GloWbE): A web-based corpus that contains over 1.9 billion words from websites around the world. It includes texts from different countries and regions, allowing for the study of global variation in English.5. International Corpus of English (ICE): A collection of corpora representing different varieties of English, including British, American, Indian, Australian, and Hong Kong English.6. TIME Magazine Corpus: Contains articles from TIME Magazine published between 1923 and 2024. It is a useful resource for studying the use of language in news and current affairs.7. Open American National Corpus (OANC): A wide-ranging corpus that includes a variety of written and spoken texts from different sources, including newspapers, fiction, academic journals, and interviews.8. Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English: A corpus of spoken American English that includes conversations between native speakers from different regions of the United States.9. EnTenTen Corpus: A web-based corpus that has over 20 billion words of English from a wide range of online sources. It is useful for studying contemporary English usage.10. BYU-BNC: A version of the British National Corpus that has been cleaned and lemmatized, making it easier to analyze.11. The Corpus of Contemporary American English under COCA: Similar to COCA, this corpus includes 560 million words of American English, allowing for detailed analysis of language use in various contexts.12. The Corpus of Contemporary American English under COCA-Spoken: Specifically focuses on spoken American English, with over 200 million words from conversations, interviews, and other spoken sources.13. The Hansard Corpus: Contains transcripts of parliamentary debates in the United Kingdom from 1803 to thepresent day. It is a valuable resource for studying political discourse and language change.14. TIMIT Corpus: A widely used speech database that contains recordings of speech from speakers of eight major American English dialects.15. The New York Times Annotated Corpus: An extensive collection of articles from The New York Times, allowing for analysis of language use in journalistic writing.。



ig英语口语语料库大全1、You should take the medicine after you read the _______. [单选题] *A. linesB. wordsC. instructions(正确答案)D. suggestions2、1.________my father ________ my mother is able to drive a car. So they are going to buy one. [单选题] *A.Neither; norB.Both; andC.Either; orD.Not only; but also(正确答案)3、5.Shanghais is known ________ “the Oriental Pearl”, so many foreigners come to visit Shanghai very year. [单选题] *A.forB.as (正确答案)C.withD.about4、I'm sorry I cannot see you immediately. But if you wait, I'll see you_____. [单选题] *A. for a momentB. in a moment(正确答案)C. for the momentD. at the moment5、The sun disappeared behind the clouds. [单选题] *A. 出现B. 悬挂C. 盛开D. 消失(正确答案)6、How _______ it rained yesterday! We had to cancel(取消) our football match. [单选题] *A. heavily(正确答案)B. lightC. lightlyD. heavy7、Growing vegetables()constantly watering. [单选题] *A. neededB. are neededC. were neededD. needs(正确答案)8、33.Will Mary's mother ______ this afternoon? [单选题] * A.goes to see a filmB.go to the filmC.see a film(正确答案)D.goes to the film9、He has bought an unusual car. [单选题] *A. 平常的B. 异常的(正确答案)C. 漂亮的D. 废弃的10、We need a _______ when we travel around a new place. [单选题] *A. guide(正确答案)B. touristC. painterD. teacher11、She passed me in the street, but took no()of me. [单选题] * Attention (正确答案)B. watchC. careD. notice12、I think _______ is nothing wrong with my car. [单选题] *A. thatB. hereC. there(正确答案)D. where13、If you don’t feel well, you’d better ask a ______ for help. [单选题] *A. policemanB. driverC. pilotD. doctor(正确答案)14、I have worked all day. I'm so tired that I need _____ . [单选题] *A. a night restB. rest of nightC. a night's rest(正确答案)D. a rest of night15、22.______ is convenient to travel between Pudong and Puxi now. [单选题] *A.It(正确答案)B.ThisC.ThatD.What16、I _______ play the game well. [单选题] *A. mustB. can(正确答案)C. wouldD. will17、—What can I do to help at the old people’s home?—You ______ read stories to the old people. ()[单选题] *A. could(正确答案)B. mustC. shouldD. would18、I _______ seeing you soon. [单选题] *A. look afterB. look forC. look atD. look forward to(正确答案)19、45.—Let's make a cake ________ our mother ________ Mother's Day.—Good idea. [单选题] *A.with; forB.for; on(正确答案)C.to; onD.for; in20、We _______ swim every day in summer when we were young. [单选题] *A. use toB. are used toC. were used toD. used to(正确答案)21、______ the morning of September 8th, many visitors arrived at the train station for a tour.()[单选题] *A. FromB. ToC. InD. On(正确答案)22、23.Hurry up! The train ________ in two minutes. [单选题] *A.will go(正确答案)B.goC.goesD.went23、You have failed two tests. You’d better start working harder, ____ you won’t pass the course. [单选题] *A. andB. soC. butD. or(正确答案)24、Will you see to()that the flowers are well protected during the rainy season? [单选题] *A. it(正确答案)B. meC. oneD. yourself25、—______ is the concert ticket?—It’s only 160 yuan.()[单选题] *A. How manyB How much(正确答案)C. How oftenD. How long26、When Max rushed to the classroom, his classmates _____ exercises attentively. [单选题] *A. didB. have doneC. were doing(正确答案)D. do27、Mrs. Green has given us some _______ on how to study English well. [单选题] *A. practiceB. newsC. messagesD. suggestions(正确答案)28、Many people prefer the bowls made of steel to the _____ made of plastic. [单选题] *A. itB. ones(正确答案)C. oneD. them29、—I can’t always get good grades. What should I do?—The more ______ you are under, the worse grades you may get. So take it easy!()[单选题] *A. wasteB. interestC. stress(正确答案)D. fairness30、Sorry, I can't accept your invitation. [单选题] *A. 礼物B. 观点C. 邀请(正确答案)D. 好意。



汉英双语语料库1. 这个城市的夜景很美,特别是那些高楼大厦的灯光,让整个城市感觉都变得更加璀璨。

The night view of this city is beautiful, especially the lights of the tall buildings, which make the whole city feel even more dazzling.2. 这个博物馆收藏了许多有价值的文物和艺术品,是了解本地历史和文化的最佳场所。

This museum has collected many valuable relics and artworks, and is the best place to learn about local history and culture.3. 我们一家人喜欢去海边度假,享受阳光、沙滩和大海的美丽。

Our family likes to go to the beach for vacation, and enjoy the beauty of the sun, sand, and sea.4. 我们在学校的食堂里可以选择各种各样的美食,包括中餐、西餐和快餐。

We can choose a variety of cuisine in the school cafeteria, including Chinese, Western, and fast food.5. 这个地区的气候十分宜人,四季分明,春暖花开、夏日清凉、秋高气爽、冬日雪景,都让人感受到大自然的美好。

The climate of this region is very pleasant, with distinct seasons, spring blooms, cool summers, refreshing autumns, and snowy winters, all making people feel the beauty of nature.6. 现在越来越多的人喜欢做运动来保持身体健康,例如跑步、游泳、瑜伽等等。



- Brown语料库:这是一个基于英语的语料库,包含了1961年至1979年间推广的1,000,000个单词的样本,覆盖了各种文体和题材。

- COCA(Corpus of Contemporary American English):这是一

- BNC(British National Corpus):这是一个覆盖英国英语的

- CHILDES(Child Language Data Exchange System):这是一

- Penn Treebank:这是一个标注了句法和语义信息的英语语料库,用于自然语言处理研究。

- EuroParl语料库:这是一个包含欧洲议会会议记录的多语言

- COrE(Corpus of English):这是一个以英语为基础的多样

- WALS(World Atlas of Language Structures):这是一个收集了世界各地不同语言结构的数据库,可以用于跨语言比较和语言学理论研究。





英汉类字典辞典金山词霸搜索——国人自主开发的最权威的电子词典,免费在线词典,查词翻译_英汉_日汉_英语_成语百度词典搜索——百度词典搜索支持强大的英汉互译功能,中文成语的智能翻译英汉互译词典多语言在线翻译系统Dict_CN 在线词典——在线搜索不重复汉英词条100万,英汉词条103万。

Yahoo!字典(雅虎香港)Yahoo!奇摩字典(台湾)牛津英汉双解词典中国专家翻译网——英文翻译公司--日文翻译公司--多语种翻译公司- 英语、日语、德语、法语翻译中国译典@中国在线翻译网——线上最庞大的英汉-汉英翻译语料库『中国百帆』智能在线翻译系统金桥翻译中心 _WWW_NETAT_NETFree Website Translator - Online Website Translation 网页翻译汉英类字典辞典在线汉英双解新华字典——在页面左下方,可进行字典、词典、成语查询林语堂当代汉英词典(繁)——较权威的在线汉英词典,繁体,备有汉字部首索引和汉语拼音检索功能华翼翻译-多语种在线电脑字典——几十个语种和数百本词典的在线检索,最权威的在线词典门户之一,英文界面法汉汉法词典——法语汉语在线词典西班牙语汉语汉语类字典辞典解字类字典辞典C书词典——在线汉语词汇收录,47万词汇中华在线词典—— 12部在线汉语词典免费使用在线汉语字典引经据典中文字谱——为学汉语的外国人所设,有英汉对照分析汉字的由来、汉字发音、象形文字、英汉索引字典网——国语辞典、台语辞典、中文字典、中文字谱、JDIC等成语类字典辞典成语词典——金石网在线成语大字典中华成语网上字典瓷都成语知识系统诗词类字典辞典中华诗词——共收录了4577位诗词作家61981首作品稻香居电脑作诗机网络版——包含电脑智能作诗(填词),电脑辅助作诗(填词),电脑诗词游戏三个部分专业类字典辞典百科类字典辞典C书百科——在线词汇自由收录,47万词汇大英百科全书—— (英)著名的百科全书百度百科——这是一部由全体网民共同撰写的百科全书。



中英双语平行语料库A Parallel Corpus of Chinese and English Texts: Human PerspectiveTitle: A Joyful ReunionIntroduction:The anticipation of a reunion is always accompanied by excitement and a sense of warmth deep within the heart. Whether it is a long-lost friend or a beloved family member, the joy of being reunited with someone dear to us is indescribable. In this parallel corpus, we explore the emotions and experiences of individuals as they reunite with their loved ones, capturing the essence of these heartfelt moments through the power of language.Section 1: Longing for HomeIn this section, we delve into the stories of individuals who have been away from home for extended periods. Through their narratives, we understand the deep longing they felt for the familiar sights, sounds, and smells of their homeland. The use of vivid descriptions and evocative language enables readers to empathize with their yearning and appreciate the significance of reuniting with their roots.Section 2: Friends ReunitedFriendships are an integral part of our lives, and the joy ofreconnecting with long-lost friends is immeasurable. Through real-life anecdotes, we explore the emotions of individuals who unexpectedly crossed paths with childhood companions or college buddies. The conversations, shared memories, and laughter that ensue paint a picture of genuine happiness and the renewal of cherished bonds.Section 3: Reunited with FamilyFamily is the cornerstone of our existence, and being separated from loved ones can be emotionally challenging. In this section, we follow the journeys of individuals who were separated from their families due to various circumstances. The moments of reunion, filled with tears, hugs, and expressions of love, showcase the essence of familial connections and the overwhelming joy of being together once again.Section 4: Rekindling RomanceLove knows no boundaries, and the rekindling of romance after a period of separation can be a deeply moving experience. Through intimate stories shared by couples who endured distance and time apart, we explore the emotions of longing, anticipation, and ultimately, the euphoria of being reunited with one's soulmate. The power of love and the strength of relationships are beautifully portrayed through their heartfelt narratives.Conclusion:The parallel corpus presented here captures the essence of joyful reunions through the eyes of individuals who experienced them firsthand. By using descriptive language, evoking emotions, and presenting relatable stories, the aim is to transport readers into these moments of reunion and make them feel as if they were there themselves. The human perspective shines through in every word, ensuring a natural and immersive reading experience that transcends the boundaries of language.。



IntroductionIn today's fast-paced, competitive landscape, the pursuit of high-quality and high-standard work has become an essential aspect of professional and organizational success. This comprehensive analysis delves into the multifaceted nature of these concepts, examining their core components, their impact across various domains, and the strategies that foster their attainment. By synthesizing insights from diverse literature, case studies, and industry best practices, this discussion offers a holistic understanding of what constitutes high-quality and high-standard work, why it matters, and how to achieve it consistently.1. Defining High-Quality and High-Standard WorkHigh-quality work is characterized by its ability to meet or exceed established criteria, fulfill user needs effectively, and demonstrate exceptional performance, reliability, and efficiency. It encompasses several dimensions:a) **Accuracy and Precision**: High-quality work is marked by meticulous attention to detail, ensuring factual correctness, data integrity, and alignment with project specifications or industry standards (Juran, 2003).b) **Relevance and Timeliness**: It addresses current challenges, incorporates up-to-date knowledge, and is delivered within appropriate timeframes, reflecting responsiveness to dynamic environments (Crosby, 1979).c) **Functionality and Usability**: High-quality work is designed with end-users in mind, prioritizing ease of use, intuitive interfaces, and seamless integration into existing systems or workflows (Norman, 2013).d) **Durability and Sustainability**: It demonstrates resilience over time, withstands environmental factors, and minimizes negative ecological impacts, aligning with long-term societal and business goals (ISO 26000, 2010).High-standard work, on the other hand, refers to adherence to rigorous norms, protocols, and benchmarks established by recognized authorities, such as professional associations, regulatory bodies, or international standardsorganizations (ANSI, 2025). These standards serve as a common reference point for evaluating quality, ensuring consistency, and fostering trust among stakeholders.2. The Importance of High-Quality and High-Standard Worka) **Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty**: Delivering high-quality and high-standard products or services meets or exceeds customer expectations, leading to increased satisfaction, positive word-of-mouth, and enduring loyalty (Homburg et al., 2009).b) **Competitive Advantage**: Organizations that consistently produce high-quality and high-standard work differentiate themselves in the market, command premium prices, and are better equipped to withstand competitive pressures (Porter, 1985).c) **Operational Efficiency and Cost-effectiveness**: Pursuing quality and standards reduces errors, rework, and waste, ultimately enhancing productivity, minimizing costs, and improving financial performance (Deming, 1986).d) **Legal Compliance and Risk Mitigation**: Adhering to high standards ensures compliance with regulatory requirements, safeguards against legal liabilities, and mitigates reputational risks associated with quality failures (ISO 9001, 2015).e) **Societal Well-being and Environmental Sustainability**: High-quality, high-standard work contributes to broader societal goals, such as public safety, health, and environmental protection, fostering social license to operate and corporate responsibility (Elkington, 1997).3. Strategies for Achieving High-Quality and High-Standard Worka) **Quality Management Systems**: Implementing structured frameworks, such as ISO 9001, Total Quality Management (TQM), or Six Sigma, provides a systematic approach to quality improvement, ensuring continuous monitoring, measurement, and enhancement of processes and outcomes (Antony et al., 2014).b) **Employee Engagement and Skill Development**: Empowering employees through training, recognition, and participation in decision-making fosters aculture of quality, where individuals take ownership of their work and strive for excellence (Bakker & Leiter, 2010).c) **Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing**: Encouraging cross-functional teamwork, open communication, and the exchange of best practices enhances collective problem-solving capabilities and accelerates learning, driving continuous improvement (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995).d) **Innovation and Technology Adoption**: Embracing innovation and leveraging advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and digital platforms, enables organizations to anticipate and respond to evolving customer needs, streamline processes, and enhance overall quality (Westerman et al., 2014).e) **Supplier and Partner Management**: Establishing robust supplier relationships, setting clear quality expectations, and collaborating on continuous improvement initiatives ensure that the entire value chain adheres to high standards, safeguarding product or service quality (Christopher & Gattorna, 2005).ConclusionHigh-quality and high-standard work is a multidimensional concept that underpins organizational success, customer satisfaction, and societal well-being. Achieving it requires a holistic approach encompassing quality management systems, employee engagement, collaboration, innovation, and effective supply chain management. As businesses navigate an increasingly complex and dynamic environment, the relentless pursuit of high-quality and high-standard work will remain a cornerstone of sustained competitiveness and responsible growth.References(References have been omitted for brevity but can be provided upon request.) Word count: .png。



免费的英语语料库汇总Some are not corpora, but (I think) they are corpus-related. The list is incomplete and just let me know if I omit any corpora.1. The best corporaCOCA:/BNC-BYU:/bnc/TIME-BYU:/time/JustTheWord: BNCweb:/bncwebSignup/user/login.php Jukuu(句酷):/ for learnersLeeds: /internet.htmlLextutor: http://www.lextutor.ca/Web Concordancer: 2. General CorporaJiaoda(上海交大): /WebCast/click on “guest”Brown/lob Corpus: http://www.lextutor.ca/concordancers/concord_e.html Corpuseye: http://corp.hum.sdu.dk/cqp.en.htmlCorpus swb : /cgi-bin/?&corpus=swb BNC: //lookup.ht mlBank of English: /Corpus/CorpusSearch.aspx ANC: /OANC/index.htmlICE Corpora /english-usage/i...load/index.htm3. English-Chinese Parellel Corpora(英汉双语语料库)CEO:/ceo/Babel:.sg/cgi-bin/babel/paraconc.plThe Dream Of Red Chamber(红楼梦): .sg/hlm/index.htmHK Poly U(香港理工大学):.hk/Co...ts/default.htmLaozi(老子): .sg/laozi/index.htmXiamen U(厦门大学): /ec-corpus/query.asp 4. Textbook CorporaCollege English:/corpora/COLEN.rarNew Horizon College English(NHCE):New Concept English:/oechw/hanyu/da...e/framconc.aspFamily Album USA:/oechw/hanyu/da...m/framconc.asp5. Business and Financial CorporaBusiness English Corpus (BEC): http://users.utu.fi/micnel/BEC/PolyU BusinessCorpus: .hk/en...ng=1&corpus=30Business Letter Corpus: /concordancer Financial Corpus: .hk/hkfsc/6. Literary CorporaThe Online Corpus of Old English Poetry(OCOEP):http://www.oepoetry.ca/Shakespeare's SonnetsCorpus: /ecorpus/sonnets/framconc.aspBlues Lyric Poetry Corpus: / (search Catalog). Canadian Poets Anthology Corpus: / (search Catalog). CAPA (contemporary American PoetryArchive): /Claremont Corpus of Elizabethan Verse: / (search Catalog)Late Modern English Prose Corpus: / (search Catalog) New Dragon Book of Verse Corpus : / (search Catalog).Northwest Coast Indian mythology Corpus: / (search Catalog).Online Classics Horror and PhantasyFiction: http://home.swipnet.se/~w-60478/SETIS Australian Literary and HistoricalTexts: .au/ozlit/Corpus of Middle English Prose andVerse: /c/cme/Harry Potter Corpus:/oechw/hanyu/da...r/framconc.aspTowneley Plays Corpus: / (search Catalog)Web Concordances Site: /english/wics/wics.htm York Miracle Play Cycle Corpus: / (search Catalog) ME Texts Anthology Corpus: / (search Catalog) 7. Web As CorpusWeb As Corpus :/searchwac.htmWeb Corp: /WebCONC: http://www.niederlandistik.fu-berlin...=en&art=google8. Learner CorporaChinese Learners of English(中国英语学习者): /corpus/EngSearchEngine.aspxCorpus of Hungarian students' essays:/2008/06...subcorpus.htmlThe Multimedia Adult English Learner Corpus:/maelc_access.htmlThe Uppsala Student English Corpus (USE):Dowloadable data at /headers/2457.xml Michigan Corpus of Upper-level StudentPapers: /eli/eli1/micusp/Contact.htmIWILL Corpus: /project/bncrce/default.htm Wordneighbours:t.hk/PICLE Corpus:.pl/~kprzemek/conc...h_adv_new.html EV A Corpus:http://kh.hd.uib.no/eva/PolyU Language Bank Concordancer:.hk/en...ng=1&corpus=16The Montclair Electronic Language Learners' Database under construction)/linguistics/MELD/Singapore Corpus of Research in Education:.sg/score/index.htmBirkbeck Spelling Error Corpus: / (search Catalog) Open Mind Commonsense Corpus: / Corpus for Higher Education:.hk/en...ng=1&corpus=11National Taiwan Normal University Corpora:.tw/English/search/Default.htm.tw/English/search/tag.htm.tw/English/search/tag2.htmhttp:// corpus: http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/elisa/html/elisa_index.html VLC: .hk/9. News CorporaReuters Corpus: /researchandstandards/corpus/ arpers Magazine 1879-1880 Corpus: / (search Catalog).Hong Kong South China Morning PostCorpus: / (search Catalog)New York Newspaper Advertisements and News Items1777-1779: /VOA Special EnglishCorpus: /voa/sentences.htmVOA Special English audio and textcorpus: /voanews.html.American News Stories Corpus: / (search Catalog). MPQA Opinion Corpus: /mpqa/databaserelease/。


对比语料库LIVAC(Linguistic variety in Chinese communities)
李约瑟(Joself Needham)《中国科学技术史》英汉对照语料库





表1 CLEC语料分布类型词次ST2 208088ST3 209043ST4 212855ST5 214510ST6 226106总计 1070602言语失误标注原则1. 简单合理,易于系统操作。





2. 分类表的类别要适中。





例如In the past,[vp6, 4-] kind to each other…, 失误用方括号表示,放在失误people are 之后。











国内语料库资源1. 国家语委现代汉语语料库 现代汉语通用平衡语料库现在重新开放网络查询了。



2. 国家语委古代汉语语料库 网站现在还增加了一亿字的古代汉语生语料,研究古代汉语的也可以去查询和下载。


3. 北京大学“《人民日报》标注语料库”4. 北大语料库——北京大学中国语言学研究中心 北大语料库由“现代汉语语料库”、“古代汉语语料库”、“汉英双语语料库”三个语料库组成。



(汉英双语语料库目前仅对北大校内用户开放)5. 北京语言大学高翻学院的“高翻记忆库”6. 清华大学汉语均衡语料库TH-ACorpus7. 中央研究院“现代汉语平衡语料库” 专门针对语言分析而设计的,每个文句都依词断开,并标示词类。



8. 中央研究院“近代汉语标记语料库”9. 中央研究院汉籍电子文献(瀚典全文检索系统) 包含整部25史整部阮刻13经、超过2000万字的台湾史料、1000万字的大正藏以及其他典籍。



李约瑟(Joself Needham)《中国科学技 术史》英汉对照语料库
柏拉图(Plato)哲学名著《理想国》的 双语语料库
国家语言 文字工作委员 会语言文字应 用研究所


英汉双语语料库:LDC香港新闻英汉 中国科学
双语对齐语料36294段以及香港法律英汉 院自动化研究
平衡语料库(Sinica Corpus);树图语料 库(Sinica Treebank)
中国英语(China English)语料库
特 殊英语 语料库
Hale Waihona Puke 军事英语语料库(Corpus of Military Texts)
河南师范 大学
解放军外 语学院
上海交通 大学
汉语现代文学作品语料库(1979 年,527万字)
北京大学 计算机语言学 研究所
北京语言 文化大学
汉语新闻语料库;(1988年,250万字) 标准语料库(2000年,70万字)
生语料库(3000万字);《作家文摘》的 上海师范
中国社会 科学院语言所
旅游咨询口语对话语料库和旅馆预定 中国科学

英汉双语语料库(100万),网上英汉语 段电子词典及网上电子英汉搭配词 典(1000万)
哈尔滨工 业大学


树库。这个项目由 Pennsylvania 大学计算机系的 M. Marcus主持,到 1993 年已经完成了 300
在美国 Pennsylvania 大学还建立了 LDC 语言数据联合会 (Linguistic data Consortium),
是一个 100多万词的书面英语语料库,涵盖我国中学生、大学英语 4级和 6 级、英语专业低
还把这些数据与一些英语本族语语料库(如 BROWN,LOB,FROWN,FLOB)进行了某
中国的语料库: 英汉双语语料库
? 北大计算语言学研究所的双语语料库,英汉对齐的句子已有5万多对,并开发了相应的对齐工具和双语语料库管理软件。正在此基础上做汉英对照短语库,预计规模将达数十万条。
? 哈尔滨工业大学的英汉双语语料库:1998年有3万句子对,已经进行了词性标注,正在扩充为40-50万句子对,在句子、短语、词汇三级实现双语对齐。
从 1979 年以来,中国就开始进行机器可读语料库(machine-readable corpus)的建设,
汉语现代文学作品语料库(1979 年),527 万字,武汉大学。
现代汉语语料库(1983 年),2000 万字,北京航天航空大学。
中学语文教材语料库(1983 年),106 万 8 千字,北京师范大学。
现代汉语词频统计语料库(1983 年),182 万字,北京语言学院。
习英语。规模为 2000 万词次。
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1.英语学习者语料库(书面语及口语)中国学习者语料库 CLEC(100万)广外、上海交大
2.大学英语学习者口语语料库 COLSEC (5万) 上海交大
3.香港科技大学学习者语料库 HKUST Learner Corpus 香港科技大学
4.中国英语专业语料库 CEME (148万) 南京大学
5.中国英语学习者口语语料库 SECCL (100万) 南京大学
6.国际外语学习者英语口语语料库中国部分 LINSEI-China (10万) 华南师大
7.硕士写作语料库 MWC (12万) 华中科技大学
9.平行语料库汉英平行语料库 PCCE 北外
13.李约瑟(Joself Needham)《中国科学技术史》英汉对照语料库
16.英汉双语语料库(15万对) 中科院软件所
18.英汉双语语料库(100万),网上英汉语段电子词典及网上电子英汉搭配词典(1000万) 东北大学
19.英汉双语语料库(40-50万句子对) 哈尔滨工业大学
20.双语语料库(5万多对) 北京大学计算语言学研究所
21.对比语料库 LIVAC(Linguistic variety in Chinese communities) 香港城市理工大学
22.平衡语料库(Sinica Corpus);树图语料库(Sinica Treebank) 台湾
23.特殊英语语料库中国英语(China English)语料库河南师范大学
24.军事英语语料库(Corpus of Military Texts) 解放军外语学院
26.汉语语料库汉语现代文学作品语料库(1979年,527万字) 武汉大学
27.现代汉语语料库(1983年,2000万字) 北京航空航天大学
28.中学语文教材语料库(1983年,106万8000字) 北京师范大学
29.现代汉语词频统计语料库(1983年,182万字) 北京语言学院
30.国家级大型汉语均衡语料库(2000万字) 国家语言文字工作委员会
31.《人民日报》语料库(2700万字) 北京大学计算机语言学研究所
32.大型中文语料库(5亿字,10分库) 北京语言文化大学
33.现代汉语语料库(1亿字) 清华大学
34.汉语新闻语料库;(1988年,250万字) 山西大学
36.生语料库(3000万字);《作家文摘》的标注语料库(100万字) 上海师范大学
台湾“中央研究院”Sinica Corpus也是可免费使用的平衡汉语语料库。


详情可访问Sinica Corpus官方网站.tw/ftms-bin/kiwi.sh。



