




































(一)宏观环境分析2、经济去年由于原材料价格的上涨和消费的减缓,阿迪达斯品牌的订单减少了6%, 锐步品牌订单减少17%。







2 阿迪达斯企业概况
2.1 阿迪达斯公司简介
Key words:Adidas;Marketing Strategy;Fujian Province
1 绪 论
1.1 研究背景及意义
1.1.1 研究背景



阿迪达斯营销策划书阿迪达斯营销策划书一、市场分析与背景1.1 市场概述1.2 潜在目标市场1.3 竞争对手分析1.4 目标客户群体分析二、产品定位与目标2.1 产品特点与优势2.2 品牌定位2.3 目标销售数量与市场份额目标2.4 市场渗透与拓展策略三、市场推广策略3.1 品牌推广目的与策略3.2 媒体选择与整合营销策略3.3 广告宣传计划3.4 促销活动计划3.5 线上线下整合推广策略四、市场营销预算与资源分配4.1 营销预算确定4.2 资源分配计划4.3 ROI目标设定五、渠道管理与分销策略5.1 渠道选择与拓展5.2 分销策略与合作伙伴关系5.3 渠道管理与促销支持六、市场监测与评估6.1 市场监测指标与工具选择6.2 市场调研计划6.3 市场数据收集与分析6.4 市场评估与调整策略七、风险管理与法律事务7.1 潜在风险分析7.2 风险应对策略7.3 法律事务处理与合规规范八、附件附件一:市场调研数据报告附件二:广告、宣传物料设计稿附件三:促销活动计划表...1.本文档涉及附件:附件一:市场调研数据报告附件二:广告、宣传物料设计稿附件三:促销活动计划表2.本文所涉及的法律名词及注释:●市场渗透:指企业在现有市场中不断增加自己的销售额,拓展其市场份额。


●ROI目标:ROI(Return on Investment)即投资回报率,是指企业在投入一定的资金后,所获得的利润与资金投入之间的比例关系。









二、目标市场分析1. 主要市场:年龄段为15至35岁的年轻人。

2. 潜在市场:年龄段为35岁以上的成年人。

3. 目标市场:密切关注奥运会和其他体育赛事的运动爱好者。






四、市场营销策略1. 品牌定位:提升ADI的品牌价值,将其定位为具有激情、自信和时尚感的运动品牌。


2. 产品创新:不断推出具有创新性和时尚感的产品,满足消费者对个性化和品质的需求。


3. 渠道拓展:通过线上和线下渠道的结合,提高产品的可获得性。


4. 媒体宣传:利用广告、宣传片、微博、微信等多种媒体渠道扩大品牌影响力。





Adidas is a German sporting equipment company founded by Mr Adolf Adi Dassler in 1920. in fact adidas is founded by 2 persons , Brother Dassler,but Adolf’s brother Rudolf left and built an other brand -—puma。

At present Adidas ranked second in the market share of sporting products。

Its AD ——“impossible is nothing” is one of the most famous and successful slogan in business field .and in 2013, it begins to use a new slogan “ all is all in”If you think adidas just a producer of sporting,you'll be wrong . Adidas has a rich product line including sporting clothes ,shoes,bags watches even perfume ! Over the past century, it Aims at provide richer and better quality products for its customers from all over the worldThe products of adidas are always famous for their high quality and technology . that is intimately linked with its Germen background 。



adidas市场营销策划方案第一章:市场背景分析1.1 市场概述Adidas是一家全球著名的运动品牌,成立于1949年,总部位于德国,产品范围涵盖运动鞋、运动服装、运动配件等,是全球运动品牌市场的领导者之一。


1.2 市场状况分析在全球运动品牌市场中,竞争激烈。




1.3 市场需求分析当前,消费者对运动品牌的需求不仅仅停留在产品本身的功能和品质上,还追求时尚、舒适和个性化。



第二章:竞争对手分析2.1 竞争对手概述与Adidas直接竞争的品牌有耐克、彪马、安踏、李宁等,这些品牌在全球市场或中国市场都有一定的份额和影响力。


2.2 竞争对手分析在竞争对手分析中,需要对竞争对手的品牌形象、产品创新、市场推广、市场份额等进行详细的调研和分析,以便更好地制定针对性的市场策略。

第三章:市场定位与目标3.1 市场定位根据市场需求和竞争对手分析,Adidas可以将自己定位为一家专注于运动创新和时尚的运动品牌。


3.2 市场目标- 提高品牌知名度和美誉度,巩固和扩大市场份额。

- 实现销售额和利润的持续增长。

- 提升消费者对品牌的忠诚度和购买意愿。

第四章:市场推广策略4.1 品牌推广通过在各大媒体上刊登广告、赞助体育赛事、与明星、艺人合作等方式来提升品牌的知名度和美誉度。








为了确立品牌定位,阿迪达斯采取了以下策略:1. 多元化产品线:阿迪达斯通过不断创新和扩展产品线,满足不同消费者的需求。


2. 品牌大使:阿迪达斯聘请了众多知名运动员作为品牌大使,这些运动员以其卓越的成就和个性魅力吸引着年轻人。


3. 品牌协同推广:阿迪达斯与大众文化、艺术和娱乐界的合作,进一步巩固了品牌形象。



二、市场拓展1. 地域扩张:阿迪达斯迅速进军亚洲市场,并在中国、印度等新兴经济体取得了显著的销售增长。


2. 体验式营销:阿迪达斯注重创造与顾客互动的体验,通过体育比赛、活动和社交媒体等渠道与消费者进行沟通。


3. 数字化转型:随着互联网和移动技术的飞速发展,阿迪达斯将数字化转型视为一个重要机遇。




今日,adidas 依然秉持 Adi Dassler 完美制鞋的理念,不断的与世界级的顶尖运动家与教练交换心得与需求,经过一连串反覆的测试与考验,发展出符合人体工学的各项产品,不但能帮助各类专业运动家们提升运动表现、更能满足一般市场消费者对高品质运动商品的需求。
近年来,adidas 不仅在设计上、功能上有新突破,代表性的三条线设计概念亦在流行趋势中掀起另一股风潮,席卷时下的年轻新世代形成流行新风格,带领全球运动商品迈向更多元化的远景。
阿迪达斯运动鞋市场定位系高端市场.运动鞋主要涉及是足球以及在田径各类型运动方面的.同时也有时尚以及学生普通运动爱好者所适合的中高档运动鞋.市场分析:足球作为世界上第一大运动,而阿迪达斯作为足球品牌最大的赞助商,在世界的影响力自然十分巨大. 阿迪达斯公司致力运动的发展,如捐赠篮球,修建球场等活动.对提高品牌效用有着很大作用,让孩子从小能用上好的运动产品。
同时在时尚产品上都有一定的涉及;. 公司市场营销策略:价格策略:在体育营销中,价格行为是企业市场行为的主要内容,也是一个企业盈亏的主要因素之一,由于国际运动品牌发展已经成熟,因此企业制定的价格策略,一定要适合于目标受众的消费水平,这样也使得自己的产品比较大众化,适合于中国的市场需求,而且这也是本土企业所特有的优势。






















adidas营销策划方案一、目标市场分析1.1 目标市场描述Adidas是一家国际知名的体育用品厂商,主要产品包括运动鞋、运动服装和运动配件等。

在目标市场分析中,我们将重点关注以下几个方面的消费者群体:- 运动爱好者:这是Adidas最主要的目标市场,他们热爱运动、追求高品质的运动产品,并有着较高的消费能力。

- 年轻人群体:Adidas的产品受到年轻一代的喜爱,他们注重时尚和潮流,并愿意为独特的体验和品牌价值付费。

- 健身爱好者:随着健身热潮的兴起,越来越多的人加入到健身运动中,这也成为了Adidas的一大市场。

1.2 目标市场的竞争环境Adidas的目标市场竞争激烈,主要与以下几个品牌竞争:- Nike:作为Adidas最大的竞争对手,Nike在全球范围内享有很高的市场份额,尤其是在运动鞋市场上。

- Puma:作为德国另一家著名的运动品牌,Puma与Adidas一样拥有很高的品牌知名度,并在一些细分市场上有着较大的市场份额。

- Under Armour:作为一家美国的运动品牌,Under Armour在近年来快速发展,并在一些新兴市场中与Adidas展开激烈的竞争。

二、营销目标2.1 定位目标通过本次营销策划,Adidas的定位目标是成为运动时尚领域的领导者,并在全球范围内进一步扩大市场份额。

2.2 营销目标- 在目标市场中增加品牌知名度,并提高品牌认可度。

- 实现销售额的增长,使Adidas在全球范围内保持稳定增长。

- 提高消费者对Adidas品牌的忠诚度,并建立良好的品牌形象。

三、营销策略3.1 产品策略- 不断创新:通过不断推出具有创新设计和领先技术的产品,满足消费者对于运动品牌的需求,提升产品价值。

- 定制化:推出定制化服务,让消费者能够根据自己的喜好和需求定制运动鞋、运动服装等产品,提供个性化的消费体验。

- 合作伙伴关系:与知名设计师、明星运动员等建立合作伙伴关系,推出合作款产品,增加品牌吸引力。



营销推广策略案例分析案例一:阿迪达斯的数字营销策略1. 背景介绍阿迪达斯是全球著名的运动品牌,以生产和销售运动鞋、运动服装和配件而闻名。


2. 策略描述阿迪达斯采用了多种数字营销推广策略来拓展其品牌影响力和销售额。

其中包括以下几个方面:a. 社交媒体营销阿迪达斯在主要社交媒体平台建立了强大的品牌存在感。



b. 内容营销阿迪达斯通过创建有趣和有价值的内容来吸引消费者的兴趣。


c. 互动营销阿迪达斯通过举办线上和线下活动与消费者进行互动。



d. 移动营销阿迪达斯积极发展移动应用程序,使消费者能够随时随地访问品牌信息、购物和参与品牌活动。


3. 成果分析阿迪达斯的数字营销策略取得了显著的成果。




案例二:可口可乐的全球营销活动1. 背景介绍可口可乐是全球著名的碳酸饮料品牌,以其独特的口味和广告活动而受到消费者的青睐。


2. 策略描述可口可乐采用了多种营销推广策略来实现其品牌目标。





二、市场分析1. 市场现状近年来,我国体育用品市场规模不断扩大,消费者对体育用品的需求日益增长。



2. 目标市场(1)年轻消费者:追求时尚、个性,关注品牌形象和产品品质。



三、营销目标1. 提升品牌知名度,扩大市场份额。

2. 提高消费者对品牌的忠诚度,增强品牌美誉度。

3. 创新营销手段,提升品牌形象。

四、营销策略1. 产品策略(1)优化产品线:针对不同目标市场,推出多样化、个性化的产品。



2. 价格策略(1)实行差异化定价:针对不同产品、不同市场制定合理的价格策略。



3. 渠道策略(1)线上线下融合:加强线上电商平台建设,拓展线下实体店布局。



4. 促销策略(1)广告宣传:利用电视、网络、户外等渠道进行广告投放,提升品牌知名度。
















二、市场营销目标1. 提升品牌知名度和美誉度,成为年轻消费者心目中的潮流运动品牌。

2. 提高产品销售量,加强市场份额。

3. 提升消费者对产品质量的认可度。

三、市场营销策略1. 强化品牌形象建设通过与国际知名设计师合作,推出时尚创新的产品系列,增强品牌的时尚感和个性化。


2. 多渠道营销推广与知名零售商合作,开设专柜,加强线下渠道的布局和销售。


3. 加强产品研发和质量把控持续投入研发,推出具有创新性和差异化的产品,并确保产品质量和性能的稳定。



Adidas is a German sporting equipment company founded by Mr Adolf Adi Dassler in 1920. in fact adidas is founded by 2 persons , Brother Dassler, but Adolf’s brother Rudolf left and built an other brand ——puma.At present Adidas ranked second in the market share of sporting products.Its AD ——“impossible is nothing” is one of the most famous and successful slogan in business field .and in 2013, it begins to use a new slogan “ all is all in”If you think adidas just a producer of sporting, you’ll be wrong . Adidas has a rich product line including sporting clothes , shoes, bags watches even perfume ! Over the past century, it Aims at provide richer and better quality products for its customers from all over the worldThe products of adidas are always famous for their high quality and technology . that is intimately linked with its Germen background . as we all know German are famous for their rigorous and high efficiency. Maybe adidas only in Germany can be called adidas , because of their culture have many similarities .Adidas is good at producing sports products. Its products are welcomed by consumers all over the world, including China. But the positioning in China is different to other countries. Adidas is shopping products in foreign countries but specially products in China. If adidas is a brand in maturity , there no doubt that it belongs to growth stage in China.If you think adidas just have the logo of “three line ”, you are wrong . In fact as an expert in sports, there are also many fashionable factors in adidasi . for example , they have “adidas classic”,”adicolor”, “adi-performance” . relative to traditional brand “adi-performance”the other brands focus fashional clothing . And it also has a famouse co-branding by combining with——Yohji Yamamoto——a Japanese designerIn terms of product localization , adidas can hire Chinese designers and let them take part in the designing . At the same time , it need a market survey to learn which kind of product consumers need. You know, as a country with long history , China has various culture factors , such as Beijing Opera , embroidery, panda , and so on . All of these things are very suitable factors for designing adidas’products aiming at Chinese.Only in this way can it close the distance between consumers.设计元素PriceIn western countries , especially its home ——Germany, adidas is a normal shopping product. Because of some other factors like tariffs, the price of adidas is lower. People can buy goods according to own hobby instead of considering the price. In fact Germen don’t think adidas is luxury. But But the opposite in China, more and more young people even are crazy for every kind of products from adidas .As we all know demand is an important factor which drives price. The craze to fashion of yong Chinese people stimulated the demand of the Chinese market and raise the foreign commodity’s price, including adidas .In fact , although adding the fees to import licenses , adidas still can reap the huge profits rely on the high popularity. In addition to low cost and high pricing, there are other factors rise the price of adidas , such as the inflation in China or interest rate. And we must n’t ignore the large amount of resellers , they get the profits by selling products to next consumer in a higher price. But we must know , most of products of adidas are made in China, so their cost even lower than in German. So adidas prefers choose market skimming pricing to get biggest profits they can .And the opposite of what it thinks , with the addition of rational consumers, the pricing strategy isn’t a secret .People do not want to buy the same products with a higher price than other countries. More and more consumers begin to suspect there are price discrimination in the process of sales. They also think manufacturers’ profit margin is too large and it has doing something illegal which includes deceptive pricing and price-fixing.Although have to face the huge pressure from consumers , I don’t think it will cut the price and be in price war with others. Because it will damage the image and makes Adidas become a normal company and stay in the same level with Anta or Lining无需减价Promotion 促销Because of adidas is a famous brand and enjoy a high reputation in China , it’s unnecessary to promote every minute like other local brands. The promotional tools it uses most frequently in China is advertising.The frequency of the adidas’ television advertisement is not very high, because it doesn’t need pay too much money but also receive the best effect. Every advertisements are very creative, and the same time , there are many famous star from sports and entertainment circles, such as Eason Chen and David Beckham. It’s rather film than advertisement, that is why many young persons like these ad. The reasons for the success of adidas is it has clear mission, sufficient fund , rich messages , good relationship with media and suitable measurement.Of course , there are many other kinds of promotions, but adidas apply it rarely, such as public relations, personal selling and sales promotion. Maybe the head of adidas think using these promotions will damage the imagine of company . That is because the local companies can’t bring good shopping experience through these promotions. In China, more promotions means more rebates,that is the local factors which adidas can’t adapt.Therefore , the gaining of promotions means the decrease of profits, so advertisement is the main way of adidas to promote.Of course, Adidas can make some change in the specific content details, as inventing publics or kids to be a part of advertisement. It also can donate a part of profits to the athletes need help. In this way , adidas can close the distance with consumers , establish a better image and cultivate potential consumer groups, occupy “future market”邀请广告Place of distribution 分销No mater what kind of product, they will be given to customers in the end, so the developing distribution is very important.Adidas has unique system of distribution ,a large amount of intermediaries, various distribution channels.Developing distribution is the demand of large amount consumers and huge needing in Chinesemarketing . As a producer , adidas limites the supply of some special edition, so the Requirements of consumers aren’t met . that is hungry marketing.The distribution of adidas have many different kinds, such as direct marketing channel , indirect distribution, distribution marketing channel , business marketing channel ,and customer marketing channel. It choose most suitable distribution channel according to the condition of local market.As I mentioned above , a part of reason of adidas is very expensive in China is there are too many retailers, agents and wholesaler . these agents take a part of profits and increase the cost.With the development of the electronic commerce, adidas build its flagship store in T-mall JD, and other famous net. But it must solve many other problems such as orders ,processing ,warehousing ,inventory ,transportation, and many other questions.We must know many kinds of limited editions only can be brought in other countries, and the products in China almost are designed in few years ago. It’s unfair obviously to the consumers who buy adidas for fashion . In my opinion , adidas can learn Apple , regards China as a platform for issuing new products. Only in this way can adidas give unforgettable consumption experience.苹果发布限量版S elegant European aristocratAs an established sporting brand, Adidas has 93 years history, it’s one of the oldest brands in sport market. In the recent hundred of years, it always be engaged in improvement and innovation. In my opinion, it is most be proud of its history and culture, especially to their biggest competitor ——NIKE!Adidas is the earliest supplier of sporting products, and they are good at improving brand imagine with the help of large sports events such as Olympic Game. Since 1972, it became the The sponsor of the Olympic Games. In the Olympic Games——the biggest concern sport game, it promotes their products and brand image very well. That means, when every athlete who makes the podium wears the cloth with the logo of Adidas. In this moment , its logo shines like gold medal.As the same time , it also builds up a good imageIn every consumer’s mind , Adidas is winner who represents the culture of victory . This is the biggest advantage of adidas I think .Adidas is the aristocrat of sprotingOf course, its technolge is very advanced , including CLIMACOOL, Clima Warm, A3, TRAXION and so on .You’ll be wrong, if you think these technology just have a cool name . In fact , every technology are created by combining with high technology and feedback from athletes . they really can Bring you a better experience. Such as “climacool”can dry the wet shirt very quickly . climawarm help you defense low temperature even you just wear two thin shirts. Again for instance, TRAXION can Improve grip through design a kind of The sole with special grain.W劣势lifeless older“Official ”as the most obvious characteristic of adidas restricting its development on some level.I mean that covers its individuality. That is the reason some young consumers don’t choose Adidas . Consumers now, especially young consumers , have higher request of products’individuality and they are more dependent than any time before. That is bad for a company stresses team spirits .Young always represents a rebellion, young like unique style products, and they are not Interested in team sprits ——the essence of sport.. but opinion of some young people : Rely on the team is a sign of incompetence makes adidas whose advertisement explaining team sprits in trouble.In some Chinese young persons’eyes: if NIKE is a adult adidas is an oldman . As the gap between uncle McDonald's and grandpa of kfcOpportunity a fleeting opportunityWith the development of Chinese economy , chinese are richer than any time before, and they pay more money on consuming . When they realize the importance of health, the Chinese are willing to invest in sports equipment. In the school , the amount of students wearing nike or adidas is larger and larger . they have beyond sports, represents the fashion and altitude of lifeNot only did these sporting brands appeared on the sports field, but on the party .If you concern about news , you’ll find that most local sports brands in china Face with difficulties. so many goods waiting be sold in their warehouse .These native products had brought great threat, but now , they have to face many troubles such as sales drop, Inventory increase.Many companies have to sacrifice brand image and give up some of their profits with the cost of maintaining operation, they have no time compare with adidas . This phenomenon reduces the barriers for adidas’ development in China.because of The existence of Nike The disappear of native competitor doesn’t means competition of sports product decreases,T the opponent from AmericaIf adidas can be Liken to an axe , nike is a sharp knife . over the years, nike is the most powerful opponent of adidas In the competition for global markets. half-jokingly say ,if you buy a shoes made by adidas ,nike must be sold in next door. That because of nike has the similar production line. The product made by nike is as good as nike’s, wether style or quantity. So adidas must devote much attention on NIKE and provide a cause to persuade consumers buy their product.When we go to the shopping mall , we always find the price of adidas is more expensive than local brand. So many consumers especially many students must choose lower price brand as Lining Anta. Obviously , they loose many customers. I think a part of reason of this problem is as a foreign company , it must face some trade barriers , mainly tariffs.建议Although the sales and profits of adidas in China are increasing quickly , there are many problems .As we all know , China's manufacturing industry is very developed, but the related law is n’t very sound. These condition makes many fakes are sold to consumers especially poors. Many illegal vendors sale addidas which just value few dozens of yuan . these fakes has huge gape between bargains from adidas, no matter price or quality. So I suggest adidas cooperates with our government to threaten the merchants which sale and make fakes.I believe that only in the case of fake goods are banned, adidas can get the Chinese trust and recognition by the changing itself . China is entirely possible to be the biggest sporting market by large amount of fans and consumers’high level of integrity . 结束语。



现市场各种运动企业的增多, 现市场各种运动企业的增多,尤其是品牌竞争 他们采取差异化营销策略, 者,他们采取差异化营销策略,根据从事运动的 不同,生产多品种,多款式,多型号的运动品, 不同,生产多品种,多款式,多型号的运动品, 竞争力越来越高,在市场占有一定比例, 竞争力越来越高,在市场占有一定比例,相比之 下阿迪达斯的优势在于他有悠久的历史和品牌力 量
近年来, 近年来,我国人民的审美观念随着物质水平的 提高发生了明显的变化,表现为追求健康美` 提高发生了明显的变化,表现为追求健康美`追求 形式美`追求环境美。在这种趋势下体育用品` 形式美`追求环境美。在这种趋势下体育用品`运 动服饰需求上升,鲜艳`明快` 动服饰需求上升,鲜艳`明快`富有活力的运动产 品成为消费热点。 品成为消费热点。
· 网· 网· 网
(四)、促销策略( Promotion)
• 广告策略 • 公共关系营销 • 行走户外的事件营销
发展优势: 发展优势:
1、Adidas具有品牌优势 2、产品质量高,受顾客信赖 3、产品种类多,扩大了市场面
仍存问题: 仍存问题:
1、产品价位偏高,未兼顾低端市 场 2、服装缺乏一定时尚元素的应用 3、仿冒现象依然严重
SWOT分析 分析
内部优势: 内部优势:
勇于创新, 1、勇于创新,试验 2、与奥运会等重大 国际赛事的长期合 作互动树立了良好 的品牌形象 adidas金字塔型 3、adidas金字塔型 的品牌营销策略使 adidas在70年代之 adidas在70年代之 前取得重大成功
内部劣势: 内部劣势:
1、adidas管理决 adidas管理决 adidas 策方式守旧, 策方式守旧,在很 多方面看起来是属 于家族企业, 于家族企业,管理 层大都来自达斯勒 家族 产品成本, 2、产品成本,价 格高


















































4、继续推进公共关系建设,与更多意见领袖建立合作关系,提升品牌影响 力;
5、注重品牌文化的打造,提升品牌在消费者心目中的价值认同度; 6、定期开展市场调研,了解市场需求变化,以便及时调整营销策略;
3、在数字化和社交媒体营销方面,阿迪达斯需要进一步加大投入。通过与 网红、意见领袖等合作,提高品牌在社交媒体上的曝光度。同时,运用数据分析 和人工智能技术优化营销策略,提高营销效果。
本研究通过对阿迪达斯国际市场营销战略的研究和分析,揭示了其在竞争激 烈的市场环境中取得成功的关键因素。同时,也指出了未来发展中可能面临的挑 战和需要改进之处。希望本研究能够对阿迪达斯的未来发展提供有益的参考,并 为其他运动品牌在国际化进程中提供借鉴。
通过对ABC公司的营销策略进行深入分析,我们可以看到其优势主要表现在 市场定位准确、产品质量过硬以及多渠道营销等方面。然而,公司在数字化营销、 品牌建设等方面仍有提升空间。为此,我们建议ABC公司在以下几个方面进行改 进:
1、加大研发投入,不断创新产品,以满足高端市场的多样化需求; 2、加强对线上平台的运营管理,提升线上线下的服务水平一致性;
阿迪达斯的目标群体主要是年轻人和运动爱好者,他们注重品质、功能和时 尚。通过市场调查和数据分析,阿迪达斯进一步明确了其目标消费者:15-35岁 的年轻人,他们追求个性、独立和自由,喜欢运动、音乐和时尚。
1、产品策略:阿迪达斯致力于打造高品质、高性能的运动鞋和服装,不断 推陈出新。例如,其boost系列跑鞋使用先进的boost中底材料,提供出色的缓震 和反弹效果;而Ultra Boost则采用Primeknit织物鞋面,提供更好的包裹性和 透气性。此外,阿迪达斯还针对不同运动项目和消费者需求推出不同系列的产品, 如Originals、Perfo还需要在以下几个方面进行改进:
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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介绍Adidas is a German sporting equipment company founded by Mr Adolf Adi Dassler in 1920. in fact adidas is founded by 2 persons , Brother Dassler, but Adolf s'brother Rudolf left and built an other brand ——puma.At present Adidas ranked second in the market share of sporting products.Its AD ——“impossible is nothing ”is one of the most famous and successful slogan in business field .and in 2013, it begins to use a new slogan “all is all in ”If you think adidas just a producer of sporting, you 'llbe wrong . Adidas has a rich product line including sporting clothes , shoes, bags watches even perfume ! Over the past century, it Aims at provide richer and better quality products for its customers from all over the worldThe products of adidas are always famous for their high quality and technology . that is intimately linked with its Germen background . as we all know German are famous for their rigorous and high efficiency. Maybe adidas only in Germany can be called adidas , because of their culture have many similarities .甘口广口口Adidas is good at produci ng sports products. Its products are welcomed by con sumersall over the world, including China. But the positioning in China is different to other countries. Adidas is shopping products in foreign countries but specially products in China.If adidas is a brand in maturity , there no doubt that it belongs to growth stage in China.If you thi nk adidas just have the logo of f hree line ”,you are wrong .In fact as an expert in sports, there are also many fashionable factors in adidasi . for example , they have adidas classic ”,"adicolor ” ^di- performanee ”. relative to traditional brand adi-performanee ” the other brands focus fashional clothing . And it also has a famouse co-branding by combi ning with Yohji Yamamoto -------------- a Japa nese desig nerIn terms of product localizati on , adidas can hire Chin ese desig ners and let them take part in the designing . At the same time , it need a market survey to learn which kind of product consumers need. You know, as a country with long history , China has various culture factors , such as Beijing Opera , embroidery, panda , and so on . All of these things are very suitable factors for designing adidas' products aiming at Chinese.Only in this way can it close the distanee betwee n con sumers.设计元素PriceIn western countries , especially its home ---------------- Germany, adidas is a normal shopping product. Because of some other factors like tariffs, the price of adidas is lower. People can buy goods accord ing to own hobby in stead of con sideri ng the price .In fact Germe n don 'tth ink adidas is luxury. But But the opposite in China, more and more young people eve n are crazy for every kind of products from adidas .As we all know dema nd is an importa nt factor which drives price. The craze tofashi on of yong Chin ese people stimulated the dema nd of the Chin ese market and raise the foreig n commodity's price, in clud ing adidas .In fact , although adding the fees to import licenses , adidas still can reap the huge profits rely on the high popularity. In addition to low cost and high pricing, there are other factors rise the price of adidas , such as the in flatio n in China or in terest rate. And we must n 'tig nore the large amount of resellers , they get the profits by selling products to next consumer in a higher price. But we must know , most of products of adidas are made in China, so their cost even lower tha n in Germa n. So adidas prefers choose market skim ming pric ing to get biggest profits they can .And the opposite of what it thinks , with the addition of rational consumers, the pricing strategy isn 'ta secret .People do not want to buy the same products with a higher price than other countries. More and more consumers begin to suspect there are pricediscrim in ati on in the process of sales. They also think manufacturers ' profit margin is too largeand it has doing something illegal which includes deceptive pricing and price-fixing.Although have to face the huge pressure from con sumers , I don 'th ink it will cutthe price and be in price war with others. Because it will damage the image and makes Adidas become a no rmal compa ny and stay in the same level with Anta orLi ning无需减价Promotion 促销Because of adidas is a famous brand and enjoy a high reputati on in China , it 'sunn ecessary to promote every mi nute like other local bran ds. The promotio nal tools it uses most freque ntly in Ch ina is advertis ing.The frequency of the adidas 'television advertisement is not very high, because it doesn 'tneed pay too much money but also receive the best effect. Every advertiseme nts are very creative, and the same time , there are many famous star from sports and entertainment circles, such as Eason Chen and David Beckham. It' rather film tha n advertiseme nt, that is why many young pers ons like these ad. The reasons for the success of adidas is it has clear mission, sufficient fund , rich messages , good relati on ship with media and suitable measureme nt.Of course , there are many other kinds of promotio ns, but adidas apply it rarely, such as public relations, personal selling and sales promotion. Maybe the head of adidas think using these promotions will damage the imagine of company . That is because the local companies can 'bring good shopping experience through these promotions. In China, more promotions means more rebates, that is the local factors which adidas can ' a d apt.Therefore , the gaining of promotions means the decrease of profits, so advertisement is the main way of adidas to promote.Of course, Adidas can make some change in the specific content details,as inven ti ng publics or kids to be a part of advertiseme nt. It also can don ate a part of profits to the athletes n eed help. In this way , adidas can close the dista nce with con sumers , establish a better image and cultivate pote ntial con sumer groups, occupy future market ”邀请广告Place of distributi on 分与肖No mater what kind of product, they will be given to customers in the end, so the developing distribution is very important.Adidas has unique system of distributi on , a large amount of in termediaries, various distributi on cha nn els.Develop ing distributio n is the dema nd of large amount con sumers and huge n eedi ng in Chin ese marketing . As a producer , adidas limites the supply of some special edition, so the Requirements of consumers aren't met . that is hungry marketing.The distribution of adidas have many different kinds, such as direct marketing channel , indirect distribution, distribution marketing channel , business marketing channel ,and customer marketing channel. It choose most suitable distribution channel according to the condition of local market.As I mentioned above , a part of reason of adidas is very expensive in China is there are too many retailers, agents and wholesaler . these agents take a part of profits and increase the cost. With the development of the electronic commerce, adidas build its flagship store in T-mall JD, and other famous net. But it must solve many other problems such asorders ,processing ,warehousing ,inventory ,transportation, and many other questions.We must know many kinds of limited editions only can be brought in other countries, and the products in China almost are designed in few years ago. It 's unfair obviously to the consumers who buy adidas for fashion . In my opinion , adidas can learn Apple , regards China as a platform for issuing new products. Only in this way can adidas give unforgettable consumption experience.苹果发布限量版S elega nt Europea n aristocratAs an established sporting brand, Adidas has 93 years history, it 'sone of the oldest brands in sport market. In the recent hundred of years, it always be engaged in improvement and innovation. In my opinion, it is most be proud of its history and culture, especially to their biggest competitor ——NIKE! Adidas is the earliest supplier of sport ing products, and they are good at improvi ng brand imag ine with the help of large sports eve nts such as Olympic Game. Since 1972, it became the The spon sor of the Olympic Games. In the Olympic Games --------- the biggest concern sport game, it promotes their products and brand image very well. That means, whe n every athlete who makes the podium wears the cloth with the logo of Adidas. In this mome nt , its logo shi nes like gold medal.As the same time , it also builds up a good imageIn every consumer ' mind , Adidas is winner who represents the culture of victory . This is the biggest advantage of adidas I think .Adidas is the aristocrat of sprotingOf course, its tech nolge is very adva need , i ncludi ng CLIMACOOL, Clima Warm, A3, TRAXION and so on .You'll be wron g, if you think these tech no logy just have a cool n ame .In fact , every tech no logy are created by comb ining with high tech no logy and feedback from athletes . they really can Bring you a better experienee. Such as “limacool ” can dry the wet shirt very quickly . climawarm help you defense low temperature even you just wear two thin shirts. Again for in sta nee, TRAXION can Improve grip through desig n a kind of The sole with special gra in.W 劣势lifeless olderOfficial "as the most obvious characteristic of adidas restricting its development on some level.I mean that covers its individuality. That is the reason some young consumers don't choose Adidas . Consumers now, especially young consumers , have higher request of products' individuality and they are more dependent than any time before. That is bad for a company stresses team spirits . Young always represents a rebellion, young like unique style products, and they are not In terested in team sprits --------------------------- the esse nee of sport.. but opinion of some young people : Relyon the team is a sig n of in compete nce makes adidas whose advertiseme nt explai ning team sprits in trouble.In some Chin ese young pers ons 'eyes: if NIKE is a adult adidas is an oldma n . As the gap betwee n un cle McDon ald's and gra ndpa of kfcOpport un ity a fleeti ng opport unityWith the development of Chinese economy , chinese are richer than any time before, and they pay more money on consuming . When they realize the importance of health, the Chinese are willing to in vest in sports equipme nt. In the school , the amount of stude nts weari ng nike or adidas is larger and larger . they have bey ond sports, represe nts the fashi on and altitude of lifeNot only did these sport ing brands appeared on the sports field, but on the party .If you concern about news , you 'll find that most local sports brands in china Face with difficulties. so many goods wait ing be sold in their warehouse .These n ative products had brought great threat, but now , they have to face many troubles such as sales drop, Inven tory in crease.Many companies have to sacrifice brand image and give up some of their profits with the cost of maintaining operation, they have no time compare with adidas . This phenomenon reduces the barriers for adidas ' developme nt in China.because of The existe nee of Nike The disappear of n ative competitor does n 'tmea ns competitio n of sports product decreases,T the opp onent from AmericaIf adidas can be Like n to an axe , n ike is a sharp knife . opp onent of adidas In the competiti on for globalmarkets. made by adidas ,nike must be sold in next door. product ion line. The product made by n ike is as goodadidas must devote much atte nti on on NIKE and providea cause to persuade con sumers buy their product.When we go to the shopping mall , we always find the price of adidas is more expensive than local brand. So many con sumers especially many stude nts must choose lower price brand as Lining Anta. Obviously , they loose many customers. I think a part of reason of this problem is as a foreign company , it must face some trade barriers , mainly tariffs.over the years, n ike is the most powerful half-jok in gly say ,if you buy a shoes That because of nike has the similar as n ike's,wether style or qua ntity. So建议Although the sales and profits of adidas in China are increasing quickly , there are many problems .As we all know , Chin a's manu facturi ng in dustry is very developed, but the related law is n 'very sound. These con diti on makes many fakes are sold to con sumers especially poors. Many illegal ven dors sale addidas which just value few doze ns of yua n . these fakes has huge gape betwee n bargains from adidas, no matter price or quality. So I suggest adidas cooperates with our gover nment to threate n the mercha nts which sale and make fakes.I believe that only in the case of fake goods are bann ed, adidas can get the Chinese trust and recognition by the changing itself . China is entirely possible to be the biggest sporting market by large amount of fans and consumers ' high level of in tegrity . 结束语。
