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6.A.You're welcome.B.It doesn't matter.C.Sorry to hear that.

7.A.Yes,I can.B.No,I can't.C.Sorry,I won't.

8.A.I want to be a teacher.B.I'm 12 years old.C.I'd like some noodles.

9.A.It's very beautiful.B.Yes,I have.C.Sounds good.

10.A.Enjoy the full moon.B.Watch the boat races.C.Make snowmen.


听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一道小题,每段对话和问题读两遍,请你听完对话和问题的第二遍朗读后,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。11.(1)How much is the red hat?

A.It's five dollars.B.It's ten dollars.C.It's fifteen dollars.

(2)Why can't Tim come to the party?

A.He has to do the dishes.B.He has to clean his room.C.He has to study for a test.

(3)Why can't Tim come to the party?

A.He has to do the dishes.B.He has to clean his room.C.He has to study for a test.

(4)What should Peter do?

A.Write to David and say thanks.B.Call David and say sorry.C.Email David and say hello.

(5)Who probably answered the telephone just now?

A.Rick.B.Lucy.C.Lucy's mother.



12.(1)When did Li Lei take part in the Cleanup Day activities?

A.Last Friday.B.Last Saturday.C.Last Sunday.

(2)Where did they go with their teacher by bus?

A.Tianxiang Park.

B.People's Park,

C.Zhaowanghe Park.

(3)Who picked the banana peels up and put them into the rubbish box?

A.A boy.B.Li Lei.C.Li Lei's teacher.

(4)What did they help to do in the end?

A.Plant the trees.B.Throw the rubbishC.Water the flowers.

(5)How did they feel?

A.Tired but happy.B.Tired and terrible.C.Bored but relaxed.



1.—Are you____little boy in the photo, Tony?

—Yes, it's me. This photo was taken when I was only three.

A. a

B. an

C. the

2.—The relations between my parents have become difficult. What should I do?

—You could do more jobs around the house so that they have more time for proper____.

A. instrument

B. communication

C. community

3.—How is your friend going to the station?

—I'm not sure. He ____take a taxi there.

A. must

B. has to

C. may

4.—This is a really old bike. —Yes, I ____it for seven years.

A. have had

B. have bought

C. bought

5.Be more ____next time, and you won't make the same mistake again.

A. careless

B. careful

C. nervous

6.____my grandpa is over 80 years old, he still looks strong and healthy.


B. Because

C. Unless 7.—Lucy, when you leave the room, please ____the light. —OK, Mom. A. put off B. turn off C. turn up 8.—Could you please tell me____? —Sure. Just go along this street and you'll find it on your left. A. where is the bookstore B. where the bookstore is C. how can I get to the bookstore 9.﹣Would you like to go shopping with me after lunch? ﹣I'd love to, but I____to go out this afternoon. A. don't allow B. will allow C. won't be allowed 10.—What do you think of the movie The Wandering Earth(《流浪地球》)? —____! I've seen it three times and it always gives me something to think about. A.Wonderful B. I can't stand it C. It's too boring 第二节完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各小题所给的A、BC三个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。
