-----By San Mao
San Mao,formerly called Chen ping . Because she likes Zhang leping’s vagrant life of San Mao , and she thinks her works are simple and only worth three penny , she calls herself San Mao.
A passage
After dinner we sit on the roof. That night there is no wind , He Xi tells me to turn on the lights , lights shined, and a group of insects immediately rush over, they are spinning around the light , like the light is the only thing they decided . We both look at these small flying insects . " What are you thinking ? " He Xi says.
"I was thinking ,when the moths fly to a flame , they must be very happy."
1.每想你一次,天上飘落一粒沙,从此形成了撒哈拉. 2.用一秒钟转身离开,用一辈子去忘记. 3.明知道天要下雨就该带把伞,明知道不会有结果就请别开始! 4.有的人走了就再也没回来过,所以,等待和犹豫才是这个世界上 最无情的杀手! 5.诺言的“诺”字和誓言的“誓”字都是有口无心的. 6.你在做什么?我在仰望天空.30度的仰望是什么?是我想念她的 角度.为什么要把头抬到30度?为了不让我的眼泪掉下来. 7.我生命里的温暖就那么多,我全部给了你,但是你离开了我,你叫 我以后怎么再对别人笑. 8.有些人会一直刻在记忆里的,即使忘记了他的声音,忘记了他的 笑容,忘记了他的脸,但是每当想起他时的那种感受,是永远都不会改变 的. 9.爱情就是上辈子欠下的情债这辈子来还——我上辈子一定俗不 可耐,搞得我今生无债可还!
《撒哈拉的故事》读书心得一英文回答:The book "The Story of the Sahara" by Michael Palin is a captivating exploration of the diverse and enigmatic Sahara Desert, the largest hot desert in the world. Palin's unique blend of humor, curiosity, and storytelling transports the reader on an extraordinary journey across this vast and unforgiving landscape.One of the most striking aspects of the book is Palin's portrayal of the Sahara's human inhabitants. He encounters a variety of cultures and individuals, each with their own unique stories and perspectives on life in the desert. From the nomadic Tuareg tribe to the oasis-dwelling Berbers, Palin paints a vivid picture of the resilience and adaptability of the Saharan people.Palin also delves into the historical and environmental challenges facing the Sahara. He traces the rise and fallof ancient civilizations, the impact of climate change on the desert's ecosystems, and the ongoing struggle for resources in the region. Through interviews with scientists, conservationists, and local leaders, Palin sheds light on the complex issues confronting the Sahara and its inhabitants.Overall, "The Story of the Sahara" is an informative, entertaining, and thought-provoking read. Palin's engaging writing style and insightful observations provide a fascinating glimpse into one of the most iconic and unforgiving environments on Earth.中文回答:读完《撒哈拉的故事》,我禁不住为迈克尔·帕林的笔触所折服。
撒哈拉的故事这本书,文笔生动,我很 喜欢。它主要写了三毛和她的丈夫荷西在遥 远的非洲撒哈拉大沙漠与善良朴实的撒哈拉 威人发生的一系列有趣的故事。通过读这本 书,我读懂了撒哈拉威人的善良朴实;读懂 了撒哈拉沙漠奇特的风俗习惯;更读懂了三 毛与荷西在物资匮乏,环境恶劣的撒哈拉沙 漠中热爱生活、乐观、阳光的态度。
在《哑奴》一文中,记叙了财主们肆意 地虐待奴隶们为他挣钱,三毛在尽力解救奴 隶们的过程中,认识了一位哑奴,他很善良, 但他不会说话,而且经常被人虐待。三毛看 不下去了,经常偷偷去哑奴的财主家给哑奴 送去吃的和穿的,还经常给他钱。哑奴有一 个妻子和一个孩子,他们一家对三毛感激不 尽,但三毛却很内疚,她只能给他们一些适 当的帮助,却不能改变他们的生活,改变他 们的命运。临走的时候,三毛将一条彩色的 地毯给了哑奴,但哑奴拼进全身力气挣脱了 枷锁,将彩色的大地毯给了自己的妻子和孩 子。他们泪流满面,想说些什么,但总是发 不出任何声音……
与此同时,三毛也尽一切可能走进浩瀚的沙漠探 寻她真实的面目,她用相机拍下极荒僻地区游牧民族 的生活,随身带着药箱为贫穷落后的撒哈拉威人义务 诊治,并将日用品等送给当地的人们……作为第一位 涉足大荒漠的东方女性,她以东方女性不常见的潇洒 和诙谐,以中国人特有的广博与侠义的精神传播着现 代文明。同时,她也以现代文明的角度观看古老文明 与沙漠旧俗,并生动地记录着她在沙漠的所见所闻所 感。她在《沙漠观浴记》描述了撒哈拉人的肮脏、奇 异生活习俗。由于沙漠缺水,她们三四年才洗一次澡, 洗澡的方式闻所未闻,用石片刮掉身上的污垢,还用 海水灌肠,让人真实地感受到沙漠环境的恶劣与生活 方式的落后,也为三毛在沙漠的生活捏了一把汗。
但是这一切难不倒三毛。她和荷西一头扎进去, 甚至将生命中最神圣、最憧憬的婚礼也“搬”到了沙 漠。在艰难的日子里,她和荷西动手设计房子,买石 灰水泥糊墙、补窗户,用装棺材的外箱改做家具,到 垃圾场拾汽车外胎自做“鸟巢”式的坐垫,巧用铁皮 和玻璃自制风灯,用沙漠麻布缝制彩色条纹窗帘……, 积极乐观地一步步建设着充满情趣的“沙地城堡”, 三毛还说“在一年以后,已成了一个真正艺术的宫 殿”,引得人不禁赞美:“你把罗马建成了” ,三毛 自豪地回应:“罗马不是一天建成的!”
【关键词】书名翻译;英译汉;汉译英;翻译方法【中图分类号】H315.9 【文献标识码】A引言书名是作者与读者进行交流的首要阶段。
例如,由孙武编写的中国现存最早的兵书《孙子兵法》—Sun Tzu’s Art of War;鲁迅先生的小说代表作《阿Q正传》—The True Story of Ah Q;天津人民美术出版社出版的摄影集《黄山神韵》—The Verve of Huangshan等。
her famous books
Every time I miss you ,the sky falls a grain of sand,then formed the Sahara.
During the time,she sufferred from autism and tried to kill herself.
After her first love failing,she went to study in spain,where she met her husband 荷西.
然而,自荷西死後,三毛的文章却 一下子「黑暗」起来,文字不再有 笑容,代替的只是无尽的悲伤,这 时候,作品塑造了三毛一个哀伤过 客的形像。
I am a free man like air, to interfere in my mind free time, never compromise
“我是一个像空气一样自由的人, 妨碍我心灵自由的时候,绝不妥 协。”
great invasion of sand, she is also an
active and optimistic;
三毛的作品,特别是由《撒哈拉的故事》开 始,便是她游历的记叙,也是她情感的记叙 。与荷西一道生活的年月,三毛的文章充满 欢笑、喜乐,读者阅读她的小说,彷佛感受 着她愉快的婚姻生活,就是面对着大th
In 1991,she died at the age of 48.
Readers think" stray" is her real name, whether it is her legacy of numerous works, her travels and her mind turning, is filled with a little bit of rove all over the world means .
。《哑奴》当地的土财主们肆意差遣奴隶为自己挣钱,而 三毛不顾当地人的劝告与哑奴一家成为了朋友,因为她看 不惯如此践踏人权,她常常给哑奴送去食物,请他来家里 做客,偷偷塞给他钱,哑奴一家感动万分,而三毛却为此 愧疚,她只能用这种方式给予他们帮助,而无法真正改变 他们的生活。三毛的善良在当地被视为异类,因为从没有 人会和奴隶走得那么近。可是三毛不在乎,她与荷西依旧 与哑奴来往,没有人懂她没关系,她愿意承受这样的孤独。 她一个人的力量太微薄,最终的结局哑奴还是没有逃过被 交易的命运,临走之际,三毛哭着把一条彩色大毯披在哑 奴的肩头,哑奴却挣脱枷锁把东西都递给妻与孩子们,竭 力想要跟他们说点什么,但他发不出任何声音……就这样, 他们只能泪流满面地望着他离去。
翻开《撒哈拉的故事》,品味着三毛在沙漠 中的生活,感受别有一番风味。 本书字里行间反映 着大沙漠独有的地形地貌与风土人情,犹如走进 一幅充满异国风情的画卷。浓情穿梭在三毛清新、 细腻而风致的文字里,一种情愫在萦绕,一种爱 意在流淌,一种震撼心灵的人性美开始浸润…… 三毛以极大勇气和灵明智慧行走在沙漠里,留下 了一个个生动、浪漫、离奇的故事。她犹如开在 沙漠里的繁花,到处绽放美丽,将生命高高举在 尘俗之上,那份浓浓的爱流淌在沙漠里……
很爱很爱三毛,喜欢三毛乐天的性格,喜 欢三毛,喜欢三毛的清纯。清纯给人愉悦 和欢欣。三毛的故事,撒哈拉的故事,飞 沙走石,风沙肆虐,而三毛活出了质量, 也把这种有质量的生活传递给了世人,爱, 敬仰,三毛真优雅 …
If others treat you well, you must be able to repay you in the future. If others treat you badly, you must strive to be able to raise your eyebrows one day.悉心整理助您一臂(页眉可删)《撒哈拉的故事》读后感(11篇)《撒哈拉的故事》读后感1读三毛的《撒哈拉的故事》,仿佛在与三毛默默地交谈。
• The story of the sahara is one of San Mao’wellknown books.She told us about her unforgettable experieces with her husband in the Sahara with a sincere and optimistic form.It also tells us their marriage experience and every interesting moment of their life.
撒哈拉的故事 《The Story of the Sahara》
• 《撒哈拉的故事》是三毛的名作。以率真、乐观的笔风记叙了她和丈 夫在撒哈拉沙漠生活的那一段难忘岁月。有她和丈夫之间的生活琐事, 有当地的民俗民风等等,属于散文形式。三毛对于沙漠的渴望是内心 洋溢而出的一种对生活超逸不俗的情趣,当我们驻足于三毛的撒哈拉 世界,鸽灰色的天空,沙丘山峦,风土人情中,我们都可以感受到她超逸 豪放的意性勃发飞扬.前世回忆似的乡愁是三毛对撒哈拉神往的最后 解释。
不要问我从哪里来, 我的故乡在远方 流浪远方流浪 ——橄榄树
Stray (流浪)is her real name
Born March 26, 1943 Chongqing, Sichuan, China Name Chen Ping Died January 4,1991 (aged 48) Pen name San Mao Occupation Novelist Nationality Chinese Period 1943-1991
• I am a free man like air, to interfree in my mind free time, never compromise. • 是一个像空气一样自由的人,妨碍我心灵自由的时 候,绝不妥协。 • If not success, also not blank. • 即使不成功,也不至于空白. • Every time I miss you, the sky falls from a grain of sand, and then formed the Sahara • 每想你一次,天上飘落一粒沙,从此形成了撒哈拉
14级出版与发行1班 黄玉萍
1976年 皇冠出版社
2009年北京十月文艺出版社 2007年北京十月文艺出版社
1993年 湖南文艺出版社
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1996年 皇冠丛书
三毛(1943-1991),本名陈平,一 九四三年三月二十六日生,浙江省定 海县人,中国文化大学哲学系。肄业 曾留学欧洲,婚后定居西属撒哈拉沙 漠迦纳利岛,并以当地的生活为背景, 写出一连串脍炙人口的作品。一九八 一年回台后,曾在文化大学任教,一 九八四年辞去教职,而以写作、演讲 为重心。一九九一年一月四日去世, 享年四十八岁。 三毛英文名叫ECHO,三毛本是笔名。 她的足迹遍及世界各地,她的作品也 在全球的华人社会广为流传,在大陆 也有广大的读者,生平著作和译作十 分丰富。共有二十四种。 第一部作品《撒哈拉的故事》在1976 年5月出版。
6、我常常在这片土地给我这样的强烈的震 撼下,在这颠簸不堪的旅途里,完全忘记了 自己的辛劳。 7、一个被仇恨啃啮了十六年的人,却在最 危急的时候,用自己的生命扑向死亡,去换 取了这几个他一向视做仇人的撒哈拉威孩子 的性命。
8、其实它跟这世界上任何地方的一条街,一 条宅弄,一弯溪流一样,载着它的过客和故 事,来来往往地度着缓慢流动的年年月月。 9、每一粒沙地里的石子,我尚且知道珍爱它, 每一次日出和日落,我都舍不得忘怀,更何 况,这一张张活生生的脸孔,我又如何能在 回忆里抹去他们。
黄沙漫天的大沙漠里,一个倔强的女子,留下 了这样一句话—— “每想你一次,天上飘落一粒沙,从此形成了 撒哈拉。”
随意而非刻意 自由写作 自然主义
台湾著名作家,三毛英文 名叫ECHO,1943年3月26日出生 于重庆,浙江省定海县人。本 名为陈懋平,1946年改名陈平, 笔名“三毛”,1964年进入文 化大学哲学系,肄业后曾留学 欧洲,婚后定居西属撒哈拉沙 漠加那利岛,并以当地的生活 为背景,写出一连串情感真挚 的作品。1981年回到台湾,曾 在文化大学任教,1984年辞去 教职,专职从事写作和演讲。 1991年1月4日去世,享年48岁。
人的散文结合而成,其中《沙漠中 的饭店》,是三毛适应荒凉单调的
章,从此之后,三毛便写出一系列 以沙漠为背景的故事,倾倒了全世
沙漠中的饭店 结婚记 悬壶济世 娃娃新娘 荒山之夜 沙漠观浴记 爱的寻求 芳邻 素人渔夫 死果 天梯 白手成家 收魂记 沙巴军曹 搭车客 哑奴 哭泣的骆驼 附录 回乡小笺 尘缘 书信(撒哈拉〃台湾) 一九七四年一月二十五日 一九七四年一月二十六日 一九七四年四月十八日 一九七四年四月二十七日 一九七四年五月二十日 一九七四年十月十一日 一九七四年十一月一日 一九七四年十二月 一九七五年二月十日
娃娃新娘 爱的寻求 沙巴军曹 哑奴 哭泣的骆驼 ......
哑奴的身影渐渐的消失在夕阳里,他的家人, 没有哭叫,拥抱成一团,缩在大红的毯子下像 三个风沙凝成的石块。 ——《哑奴》 整个的天空渐渐充满了骆驼们哭泣着的巨大回 声,象雷鸣似的向我罩下来。 ——《哭泣的骆驼》
撒哈拉的故事英文版"The Story of the Sahara" mainly describes Sanmao and Jose in the Sahara desert life saw and heard, and local acquaintances, each story reveals the woman's love for life and the face of difficulties firm. It is a combination of more than ten wonderful and moving essays, among which "Hotel in the Desert" is the first article Sanmao picked up his pen after adapting to the desolate and monotonous life in the desert. Since then, Sanmao has written a series of stories with the background of the desert.Sanmao uses her heart to adapt to and care for this big desert. In her pen, the people and things in the Sahara desert become rich and colorful. With the voice of a wanderer, Sanmao breezes through the scattered details and experiences of her life in the Sahara: the novelty of the desert, the pleasures of life, the riddled tents, the tin huts, the dromedary camels and the herds of goats. In the book, whether Jose eats his fans like rain, or they can't be more simple wedding, go fishing in the seaside, build their most beautiful house in the desert from scratch, all permeated with the deep warm love between each other.《撒哈拉的故事》主要描写了三毛和荷西在撒哈拉沙漠生活时的所见所闻,与当地相识朋友的故事,每个故事都透露出这个隐忍女子对生活的热爱和面对困难的坚定。
。《哑奴》当地的土财主们肆意差遣奴隶为自己挣钱,而 三毛不顾当地人的劝告与哑奴一家成为了朋友,因为她看 不惯如此践踏人权,她常常给哑奴送去食物,请他来家里 做客,偷偷塞给他钱,哑奴一家感动万分,而三毛却为此 愧疚,她只能用这种方式给予他们帮助,而无法真正改变 他们的生活。三毛的善良在当地被视为异类,因为从没有 人会和奴隶走得那么近。可是三毛不在乎,她与荷西依旧 与哑奴来往,没有人懂她没关系,她愿意承受这样的孤独。 她一个人的力量太微薄,最终的结局哑奴还是没有逃过被 交易的命运,临走之际,三毛哭着把一条彩色大毯披在哑 奴的肩头,哑奴却挣脱枷锁把东西都递给妻与孩子们,竭 力想要跟他们说点什么,但他发不出任何声音……就这样, 他们只能泪流满面地望着他离去。
《撒哈拉的故事》是三毛的名作。 以率真、乐观的 笔风记叙了她和丈夫在撒哈拉沙漠生活的那一段难忘岁月。 有她和丈夫之间的生活琐事,有当地的民俗民风等等,属 于散文形式。她并没有这段波折的故事里过多的挥洒笔墨, 但就是那几句轻描淡写的字句仍可以使我们深刻的感到她 那段生活里的苦不堪言却爱莫能助. 金色松软的沙滩表层 上似乎总留有三毛一串吹散不去的足迹,虽只是片浅浅凹 陷的足印留痕,却是承起了一位伟大的女性.因为喜爱,所以 追求.无数爱好旅游的人们穿梭时光追随三毛的足迹紧紧 跟随,步调一致.是三毛引领着热崇的我们来到了一望无际 的神秘撒哈拉,使我们也开始了一段难以忘怀的心灵之旅.
沙漠中的饭店,看到两个好吃鬼对中国饭菜渴求所引发的故事。荷西 的憨厚以及对中国菜的一窍不通让人捧腹 结婚记 ,记下两人让人哭笑不得的婚礼。 悬壶济世 , 当个山寨版的医生去救助小镇的人,感受他们对三毛自 己的依赖与信任。 娃娃新娘,参加一个残酷且人类本性达到极致的婚礼,感受落后地区 对待爱情的态度。 荒山之夜,三毛与荷西只为看沙漠中的化石,驱车百里,在途中遇到 不测,经过斗智斗勇战胜了困难。情节最让人揪心的故事。 沙漠观浴记,三毛于沙漠中观看浴堂的芸芸众生象,犹如走入动物园 观看猴子般,趣味恒生。
《撒哈拉沙漠》英文读后感第一篇:《撒哈拉沙漠》英文读后感The Sahara, the story of three hairsIn the story of the Sahara, sanmao wrote down some knowledge she saw and her life in the Sahara.Each article of the book is like a little fun story, making you smile, also making you marveled(惊叹的),amazing and admire.I like every story in the book, because they always give me a different taste and feelings.First in The Marriage to Record “结婚记”,I see the real feelings between San Mao and Jose;They were born of a couple.Theyhad the lovely character, and they also knew how to take pains.They cherished each other, also considered each other, which means sacrifice, I am deeply moved by this, also feel happy for them.In ”Dead fruit“ “死果”and ”the doll bride““娃娃新娘”it tells some interesting and special experiences in the Sahara.”Dead fruit tells us that one day San Mao picked up a necklace, a fabric(布)bag, a heart-shaped nutlet(果核)and a piece of copper(铜片).Later on, she put the iron hanging before the bosom,as a result she immediately got a series of disease.Locals said it was the most poisonous spells of “ California” people.As long as catching it in the body, it can make the person into ailment(小病)and then kill that person.The sto ry in “the doll bride ”is about a ten years old girl named Gu Card getting married.It also describes the locals wedding.At that night,the little Gu card was taken off the virginity(童贞).San Mao also felt grieved(忧愁的)deeply about the girl, Gu card ,and exclaimed for this uncivilized custom of the locals.San Mao wrote these essays very concisely(简明的)and superb(精湛的),the description of what happened in the desert are vividly, especiallyin “the marriage remember ”and“ death friut”, make the reader at the scene.She could properly let the reader get into the book between the words just feels like you are the a leading role in the story.Also, there are some sensitive problems in this book.Such as some of “the doll bride “.San Mao had the keen insight to the social inequality(不平等)phenomenon in the desert.This novel makes me not unable to calm down.I never thought in such modern era(时代), in remote and mysterious Sahara, unexpectedly(竟然)still has such old marriage system, and those women are still suffering such insults(侮辱).The most thing confusing me is that the story was true.In the dead fruit ”chapter, SAN MAO wrote her own experience, but how to use scientific angle to explain this spells? There are still many areas in the world which science fails to reach, so it must be very difficult to explain indeed.Her record was not very detailed, and there were a lot of subjective factors.San Mao alsois not a news reporter,who don't need to write report completely true.Since it is the literature, there are many exaggerated place.I think her imagination is beyond ordinary people, so she can write so bizarre and terror of story.San Mao described all experience as dreams with exquisite(精湛的)words, really let me admire her.San Mao ’s guileless style of writing and emotiondeeply touches the reader's heart.Therefore, I encourage everyone to read this story of the Sahara.Although now you may don’t love the desert , but I think you may fall in love with the Sahara when you read this book.第二篇:撒哈拉沙漠读后感我品“撒哈拉”久闻三毛大名,可一直没看到她的作品,某天心血来潮,读了《撒哈拉的故事》,立觉视野开阔,看到了另一种境界。
奇女子 乐观 诗意 自由 人格魅力 流浪 富有神秘色彩 孤独而又伟大 善良豁达 悲天悯人
记得当时年纪小 你爱谈天我爱笑
Born March 26, 1943 Chongqing, Sichuan, China Died January 4,1991 (aged 48) Pen name San Mao Occupation Novelist Nationality Chinese Period 1943-1991
Sanmao (三毛) (March 26, 1943 - January 4, 1991), literally “three hairs” though it is not considered to have a meaning, was the pseudonym(笔名) of the popular Taiwanese author Chen Ping (陈平). In English she was also known as Echo, the first name she used in western European languages, or Echo Chan, based on the homonymous(同名) Greek nymph.
1.用一转身离开,用一辈子去忘记。。。。 2.明知道天要下雨就该带把伞,明知道丌会有结果就请别开始! 3.我笑,便面如春花,定是能感动人癿,任他是谁。 4. 每想佝一次,天上飘落一粒沙,从此形成了撒哈拉 ! 5.爱情有如佛家癿禅,丌可说丌可说,一说就是错 6.爱情丌是必需,少了它心中却也荒凉。荒凉日子难过。难过癿岂止是爱情? 7.红尘十丈,茫茫癿人海,竟还是自己癿来处 8.生命癿滋味,无论是阳春白雪,青菜豆腐,都要自己去尝一尝啊。 9.如果我丌喜欢,百万富翁我也丌嫁。 如果我喜欢,千万富翁也嫁。 10.我在想,飞蛾扑火时,一定是极幸福快乐癿。 11.I am a free man like air, to interfree in my mind free time, never compromise. 我是一个像空气一样自由癿人,妨碍我心灵自由癿时候,绝丌妥协。 12.如果选择了自己结束生命这条路,佝们也要想得明白,因为在我,那将是一 个幸福癿归宿。假如我选择自己结束生命这条路,佝们要想得明白,因为这对于我,
Sahara Desert 世界的沙漠-撒哈拉撒哈拉英⽂介绍Sahara Desert The Sahara Desert, covering most of North Africa, is the largest desert in the world. From north to south the Sahara is between 800 and 1,200 miles and is at least 3,000 miles (4,800 km) from east to west. Due to the massive size of the Sahara, Africa is split into two regions: that which lies above or forms part of the Sahara and the rest of Africa south of the Sahara. On the west, the Sahara is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and on the east by the Red Sea, and to the north are the Atlas Mountains and Mediterranean Sea.Over 25 percent of the Sahara's surface is covered by sand sheets and dunes.撒哈拉沙漠是世界上的沙漠, 25%的沙漠被沙⼟和沙丘覆盖。
Climate ⽓候 The Sahara's climate consists of basically two sub-climates, a dry subtropical climate in the north and a dry tropical climate in the south. The dry tropical climate is generally characterized by mild, dry winters, a hot dry season just before the rainy season, and an annual temperature cycle. The dry subtropical climate, however, is characterized by annually high temperature ranges, cold winters, hot summers and two rainy seasons. There is a narrow strip in the western portion of the Sahara, along the coast, which generally has cool temperatures compared to the rest of the Sahara because of the influence of the cold Canary Current. 撒哈拉沙漠包含了2种⽓候, ⼀种是北部的⼲旱亚热带⽓候,令⼀种是南部的⼲旱热带⽓候。
作者簡介 – 三毛 (1943 -1991)
本名:陳平 籍貫:浙江省定海縣 出生:1943年3月26日 學歷:初二休學自習
21歲時到文化大學哲學系當旁聽生 24歲又休學,隻身赴西班牙 三年間前後讀馬德里大學、德國哥德書院
• 三毛於1943年3月26日(農曆2月21日) 生於四川重慶。幼年時期的三毛就表現對 書本的愛好,5歲半時就在看《紅樓夢》。 初中時期幾乎看遍了市面上的世界名著。 初二那年休學,由父母親悉心教導,在詩 詞古文、英文方面,打下次堅實的基礎。 並先後跟隨顧福生、邵幼軒兩位畫家習畫。 1964年,得到文化大學創辦人張其均 先生的特許,到該校哲學系當旁聽生,課 業成績優異。 1967年再次休學,隻身遠赴西班牙。 在三年之間,前後就讀西班牙馬德里大學、 德國哥德書院,在美國伊諾大學法學圖書 館工作。對她的人生經驗和語文進修上有 很大助益。
• 所謂「為情所困」說 一位有婦之夫曾向三毛求愛,但三毛很清楚,那 人的妻子很愛他,他這是見異思遷。三毛明確地 拒絕了他。在北非的一個島上,西班牙的一位出 色的廣告師向三毛求婚,三毛對他頗有好感。但 因為廣告師的職業使他接觸各種姿態的美麗模特 兒,這令三毛非常擔憂。她坦誠地告訴他:「我 不能忍受生活在時時失去你的恐懼當中。」對於 愛情,三毛是理智而現實的。
「沙漠」對於我們來說似乎只是一個會在地 理課本上出現的名詞而已。偶爾看看幾張 沙漠中拍攝的照片,使我們很難了解沙漠 中的生活情形及當地居民的傳統文化。藉 由《撒哈拉的故事》,可以讓我們深入了 解沙漠中的生活,認識不同的風俗民情。
三毛,一個喜歡到處遊玩探訪的旅行家,在 撒哈拉沙漠中發生的一連串精采的小故事。 在這荒涼的沙漠中,她找尋到她的幸福; 認識了許多朋友;觀察當地人民的生活; 了解他們的文化背景。在一個常人不 想去的地方,她卻完成她的夢想。
The Stories of the Sahara (Chinese: 《撒哈拉的故事》) is a semi- autobiographical account of the life of Sanmao (Chinese: 三毛) while she was in the Sahara Desert. It was published in 1976, although some of the earlier stories were published in Taiwan's United Daily News as early as 1974. In the work, she describes her encounters with autochthonous culture s, her adventures, and her relationship with her husband. The Stories of the Sahara is San Mao's first published collection of stories. It was met with immediate success and remains extremely popular in both Mainland China and Taiwan. In a study on the wave of enthusiasm for Taiwanese music and literature that swept the mainland in the 1980s, Hongwei Lu notes that "San Mao’s travel accounts of foreign cultures and life experiences gathered through her living and studying abroad provided post-Mao China with a taste of multiculturalism, and suggested the possibility of not only an expanded consciousness of the world, but a transformation of the way people think about the world and the possibility of being part of it."Sanmao was born in Chongqing (重庆), China, and the whole family moved to Taiwan later. She is said to have read the Dream of the Red Chamber (simplified Chinese: 红楼梦; traditional Chinese: 紅樓夢), a famous Chinese classic, at the age of five and a half years. In elementary school, she read a great deal of literature. Throughout her education she had conflicts with her teachers, including an incident in which she said she wanted to be a garbage collector when she grew up, which her teacher said was unacceptable. During her second year of high school, she shut herself up due to a traumatic incident, and refused to go to school. Her father bought many books for her to read at home, and allowed her to take piano lessons and practice painting.From 1965 to 1969, she studied philosophy in Taiwan, and it was during this period that she experienced her first love. Things didn't work out, so she planned to go as far away as possible, and ended up in Spain.Between 1967 and 1970 she studied in Spain, and then in Germany, and later found work in a law library in the state of Illinois in the US. Eventually, she returned to Taiwan and began working as a German teacher. Her fiance, a 45-year-old German man, died of a heart attack, and she again left Taiwan and returned to Spain.In 1974 she went to the Colonial Spanish Sahara desert (in what is now Western Sahara) and married a Spanish man named Jose Maria Quero Y Ruiz (荷西), whom she met in Madrid seven years before when she was a student. She writes that when she first met Jose in Spain she thought he was veryhandsome, but too young for her. Jose had been waiting for her since she had returned to Taiwan, although they had not been dating at the time.In 1976 she published her first work, the fictionalized-autobiographical The Stories of the Sahara(《撒哈拉的故事》). With its immense success, her early writings were collected in a second book, published under the title Gone With the Rainy Season(《雨季不再来》). Her writings continued to be published from that point on, and her experiences in the Sahara and the Canary Islands were published in several more books.In 1979 her husband drowned while diving. In 1980 she returned to Taiwan, and in November of the same year, she traveled to Central and South America, on commission from Taiwanese publishers. These experiences were recorded in subsequent writings. From 1981 to 1984, she taught and lectured at a university in Taiwan. After this point, she decided to dedicate herself fully to writing.Sanmao's books deal mainly with her own experiences studying and living abroad. They were extremely well received not only in Taiwan but also in mainland China,[1] and they remain popular reads today. From 1976 to the time of her death in 1991, Sanmao published more than 20 books. She also translated the comic Mafalda from Spanish to Chinese.[edit] DeathIn 1991, at the age of 48, Sanmao died in a hospital in Taipei, having hanged herself with a pair of silk stockings. This took place days after a cancer scare and losing the Hong Kong movie award for her script to the film Red Dust (滚滚红尘), a loss which she took poorly. Some fans, most notably Zhang Jingran, claimed her death was a murder. Her apparent suicide came as a shock to many of her readers and was accompanied by public expressions of grief throughout the Chinese-speaking world.真正的快乐,不是狂喜,亦不是苦痛,在我很主观的来说,它是细水长流,碧海无波,在芸芸众生里做一个普通的人,享受生命一刹间的喜悦,那么我们即使不死,也在天堂里了。
The Sahara Desert , which formatted about 2.5 million years ago, is the world's second largest desert (only after Antarctica) and the world's largest sandy desert. It is located in North Africa, the climatic conditions of the region is very bad , and it is the most ill-fitted place for biology to survive in the earth. Its total area is almost as big as the whole of China. "Sahara" is a transliteration of the Arabic, “Sahara” means big desert in Arabic. From the local nomadic ethnic Tuareg’s language, the original intention is "the desert".人口状况撒哈拉地区地广人稀,平均每平方公里不足1人。
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San Mao was educated in Chinese Culture University , department of Philosophy ,but she didn’t finish her studies . And then she had studied in Europe . After she married with He Xi, they lived in Sahara . And she wrote a series of popular works on the background of the local life. Unfortunately, good time always did not last long , her husband He Xi died of diving accidents. She was so sad that wandering foreign life and set in China.
San Mao toured all over the world during her lifetime , and her works are widely spread worldwide . She created a large number of works, “Gentle Night” ,“Weeping Camel ,“The Story in Sahara" and so on. But when she was 48 years old, she killed herself.
"I was thinking ,when the moths fly to a flame , they must be very happy."
1.每想你一次,天上飘落一粒沙,从此形成了撒哈拉. 2.用一秒钟转身离开,用一辈子去忘记. 3.明知道天要下雨就该带把伞,明知道不会有结果就请别开始! 4.有的人走了就再也没回来过,所以,等待和犹豫才是这个世界上 最无情的杀手! 5.诺言的“诺”字和誓言的“誓”字都是有口无心的. 6.你在做什么?我在仰望天空.30度的仰望是什么?是我想念她的 角度.为什么要把头抬到30度?为了不让我的眼泪掉下来. 7.我生命里的温暖就那么多,我全部给了你,但是你离开了我,你叫 我以后怎么再对别人笑. 8.有些人会一直刻在记忆里的,即使忘记了他的声音,忘记了他的 笑容,忘记了他的脸,但是每当想起他时的那种感受,是永远都不会改变 的. 9.爱情就是上辈子欠下的情债这辈子来还——我上辈子一定俗不 可耐,搞得我今生无债可还!
My view
San Mao’s words, like the warm sunshine in winter, let our heart filled with a sweet feeling . Flowery language always gives us a feeling of high-sounding , flashy, but San Mao always use the most plain language to touch our heart .
The story in Sahara
-----By San Mao
San Mao,formerly called Chen ping . Because she likes Zhang leping’s vagrant life of San Mao , and she thinks her works are simple and only worth three penny , she calls herself San Mao.
“The Story in Sahara “ is the San Mao’s best-known book . This book consists of several wonderful essays . The life in the bleak desert didn’t make her feel boring , but instead , it aroused her potential writing talent . In her eyes,the desert was not lonely . She portrayed an romance and warmth picture to us with her positive attitude.
A passage
After dinner we sit on the roof. That night there is no wind , He Xi tells me to turn on the lights , lights shined, and a group of insects immediately rush over, they are spinning around the light , like the light is the only thing they decided . We both look at these small flying insects . " What are you thinking ? " He Xi says.