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第11卷 第5期2011年10月


Journal of T raffic and Transportation Engineering

Vol .11 No .5Oct.2011

收稿日期:2011-05-12基金项目:国家973计划项目(2007CB714701);“十一五”国家科技支撑计划项目(2009BAG12A01);国家自然科学基金项目(50821063)作者简介:李 田(1984-),男,湖南醴陵人,西南交通大学工学博士研究生,从事车辆动力学研究。导师简介:张继业(1965-),男,四川夹江人,西南交通大学教授,工学博士。



李 田,张继业,张卫华

(西南交通大学牵引动力国家重点实验室,四川成都 610031)

摘 要:应用多体系统动力学理论,建立了车辆-轨道耦合动力学模型,利用新型显式积分法求解动力学方程组,利用赫兹非线性弹性接触理论计算轮轨法向力,利用沈氏理论计算轮轨蠕滑力,编写了车辆-轨道耦合动力学计算程序,研究了轨道结构对高速列车动力学性能的影响,分析了不同横

风环境下高速列车动力学性能和列车姿态。研究结果表明:当列车运行速度为350km h -1,横风速度为15m s -1时,车体最大横向加速度为0.45m s -2,车体最大垂向位移为24.5m m ,车体向背风侧横移80.0mm ,车体最大侧滚角为2.23°;一位轮对的最大轮重减载率接近0.80,二、四位轮对均向背风侧横移,背风侧车轮易发生爬轨现象,二位轮对的横向位移最大,为7.4mm 。在横风下,高速列车的运行安全性指标变差,车体振动加速度变化不明显,车体向背风侧横移。在所有轮对中,二位轮对最危险。关键词:高速列车;车辆-轨道耦合动力学;空气动力学;横风;运行姿态;车体;轮对;轨道结构;安全指标

中图分类号:U270.11 文献标志码:A

Coupling dynamics performance of vehicle -track under cross wind

LI Tian ,ZH ANG Ji -ye ,ZH ANG Wei -hua

(T raction Pow er S ta te K ey Labor atory ,So uthw est Jiaoto ng U niver sity ,Chengdu 610031,Sichuan ,China )

A bstract :A coupling dynamics model o f vehicle -track w as established by using multi -body sy stem dy namics theory ,a new ex plcit integ ratio n method w as used to solve the dynamics equations of the m odel ,w heel -rail norm al contact force w as calcula ted by using nonlinear H ertz contact theory ,w heel -rail creep fo rce w as calculated by using Shen -H edrick -Elkins m odel ,and vehicle -track coupling dynamics prog ram w as w ritten.The influence of track structure on the dynamics performances o f high -speed train was studied ,and the dynamics perform ances and running

attitudes o f hig h -speed train under different cross w ind conditio ns w ere analyzed.Analy sis result indicates that w hen train speed is 350km h -1and cro ss wind speed is 15m s -1,the maxim um lateral acceleratio n of car body is 0.45m s -2,the maximum vertical displacem ent of car bo dy is 24.5mm ,car body traver ses 80.0mm tow ard the leew ard side ,and the m aximum ro ll angle of car body is 2.23°.The max imum w heel unlo ading rate of the first w heelset is close to 0.80,the seco nd and fo urth w heelse ts traver se to wa rd the leewa rd side ,and the w heels o n the leew ard side have climbing track pheno meno n.The lateral displacem ent of the second w heelset is largest ,and reaches 7.4m m.Under cross wind ,the safe ty inde xes of hig h -speed train become w o rse ,car bo dy acceleratio n chang es unconspicuous ,and car bo dy traverses tow ards the leew ard side.The
