第九章 旅游景点公示语的翻译
• 2. Admission charges:
• Adults: RMB 30
• Children (height 1. 0m - 1. 3m): RMB 15
Gornergrat Bahn, • 日期: 6月11日至9月10日的每个星期四 • 价格:成人:59瑞士法郎(持半价卡),79瑞士法
郎(无半价卡) • 预订:活动的前一天16:00之前,地点:戈尔内格拉
特铁路公司(Gornergrat Bahn)
• 例2: • Ancient Egypt • Even in ancient times, the civilization of Egypt was f古时期埃及就以其悠久的历史和聪 明智慧闻名于世。在古代其他民族(包括 亚述人和希腊人)的眼里,埃及独特的文 化似乎高深莫测。
• 埃及的宗教仪式、岩石壁画和丧葬风俗 (如木乃伊)延续了3000多年,直到今天 这些古老的文化仍让现代人着迷不已。
• 公元前3000年左右埃及帝国就占领了尼罗河平原以 及非洲东北部的三角洲地带。在漫长的历史长河中, 埃及人基本上自给自足,但还是占领了努比亚(现 在的苏丹)并吞并了近东地区。尼罗河孕育了埃及 的农业,而埃及人也拥有大量的黄金和其他贵重金 属资源。
• 埃及也曾遭受外族侵略,包括亚述族、波斯人和希 腊人,但埃及人一直保留着自己独特精湛的文化。 即使在公元前30年古埃及女王克利奥帕特拉去世埃 及被纳入罗马帝国的版图后,埃及人对自己的古老 文化仍不离不弃。公元4-5世纪,随着基督教的诞 生,古老的埃及文化和艺术也走到了尽头。
• 例3: • 1.导游收费标准: 50 元/场。 • 2.购票须知 • (1)门票每张30元,一人一票。 • (2)儿童1. 0 - 1. 3米半票。
4. 旅游景区景点景点标识翻译
Yongle Temple
Xuanmiao Temple
Stupa / Dagaba
Radio and TV Tower
Student Tickets
Sightseeing Buses
Oil Paintings
Cable Car
Ski Lift
Landscape / Scenery
园; 阙; 苑
公园; 综合公园
City Park / Urban Park
Folklore Park
Ethnic Culture Park
Wetland Park
Sculpture Park
泛指 特指一处遗产
Top Tourist City of China
Patriotism Education Base
Scenic Spots and Historical Sites
National Cultural Heritage Site
Church / Cathedral
陵; 墓
Tomb / Mausoleum
陵园; 墓园
Chapter Two Literature ReviewBefore a thorough review of literature available on the topic, let’s examine two examples, 1) 爱护文物,人人有责 (The Great Wall, App 1)A: Everybody should protect cultural relics.B: Please help to protect the cultural relics.2) 美景深藏蔚竹庵 (Mount Laoshan, App 2)A: Beautiful sights are hidden in the Weizhu Nunnery.B: For beautiful sight, please come to Weizhu Nunnery.Example 1) is a public sign at Badaling. Example 2) is a public sign in the Mount Laoshan in Qingdao. The first example calls for travelers to protect the cultural relics; the second advices travelers to visit the sight. Version A of both examples may be proper if they are used elsewhere. However in scenic spots, they are not regarded as quite satisfactory. Version As did not arouse enough attention of target readers (foreign travelers). That is they fail to exert the same effect on a target reader as the original (source text) on a source text reader (Chinese traveler). Although version Bs are different from the original in sentence structure and tone, they read more attractive. And they almost have the same functions as that of the source text. According to different purposes, the above two examples can be translated in different ways. English public signs in scenic spots are in the service of target readers. Their reaction should be taken into prime consideration. Translations in functional approach can best serve target readers. So the functional approach to translation is the key theory discussed in this thesis.2.1 Review of the Functional ApproachChristiane Nord defines “functionalism” as follows,Functionalism is a broad term for various theories that approach translation in this way. Although what will call Skopostheorie has played a major role in the development of this trend; a number of scholars subscribe to functionalism and draw inspiration from Skopostheorie without calling them anything like “skopos”. We shall thus be looking at functionalism as a broad approach, trying to distinguish between its parts wherever possibleand necessary (Nord, 2001: 1)From what Nord defines in her book, we may understand that functionalism is a broad concept, pooling together a variety of scholars and theirs approaches to translation. Functional approach includes the German school with Katharina Reiss as the founder, British scholar Peter Newmark and his semantic vs. communicative translation as well as American scholar Eugene. A. Nida and his functional equivalence.In the German school the best known names are Katharina Reiss, Hans J. Vermeer and Christiane Nord. As founder of Skopostheorie, Reiss first established a general relationship between translation strategies and text functions. Reiss’s student Vermeer put forward the concept of Skopostheorie. He defines that every translation is directed at an intended audience, since to translate means “to produce a text in a target setting for a target purpose and target addressees in target circumstances”. (Nord, 2001: 12). Later on Nord put forward the rule of “Function plus Loyalty” with regard to the limitation of Skopostheorie and the problems of radical functionalism.Peter Newmark suggests three main textual functions: informative, expressive and vocative. Different text types require different translation strategies. Semantic translation is used for expressive texts; communicative translation is used for informative and vocative texts. Of vocative texts he put forward the focus of translation is the readership. In translating informative and vocative texts, the translator is supposed to produce a version which is readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership both in content and language and he /she is justified to improve the original text if it is poorly translated. (Newmark, 1981: 42) This provides useful guidelines for the translation of public signs, which fall in to the categories of informative and vocative texts.According to Eugene Nida, the governing principle of dynamic equivalence is to “reproduce in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style” (Nida and Taber, 2004: 12) He explains it is essential that the target text functions in the same manner as the source text. The target readers are able to respond to it in substantially the same manner as the source text readers respond to the original text.In the following passages, the German school and Peter Newmark’s theory would bediscussed in detail.2.2 The Functional Approach2.2.1 Katharina Reiss and Her Text Typology TheoryIn 1971, Reiss in her book Possibilities and Limits of Translation Criticism developed a model of translation criticism based on the functional relationship between source and target texts. To her target text should be equivalent to source text in terms of conceptual content, linguistic form and communicative function. From this point we can see that she still took equivalence as the basis. However, in practice “she knew that real life presents situations where equivalence is not possible and in some cases, not even desired. (Nord, 2001: 9) Especially, when the target is intended to achieve a purpose or function other than that of the original. “In such a situation, she thinks that the functional perspective takes precedence over the normal standards of equivalence. Then translation critic can no longer rely on features derived from source-text analysis but has to judge whether the target text is functional in terms of the translation context”. (Nord, 2001: 9)Reiss is also aware that it is the overall text type, rather than the subdivisions that decide the type of equivalence to be sought and the translation strategy to be followed. If the text function is to provide information, then content must be preserved at all cost, and any “flourishes of style” can safely be sacrificed to that purpose, so that the translation method will be “plain-prose”. When there is a conflict between the functions of the ST and the TT, Reiss uses an “author-adapted” translation method to produce the same or at least a similar effect.She further divides text into three main types as content-focused text, form-focused text and appeal-focused text. Reiss generalizes her typology theory in the following form, (Reiss, 2000: 26)language function representation expression persuasion language dimension logic esthetics dialoguetext type content-focused(informative) form-focused(expressive)appeal-focused(operative)Content-focused text emphasizes content and the form is comparatively less important. When such a text is translated, the original information should be retained as intact as possible and the linguistic form of the translation should be adjusted to the target language conventions. For expressive text, form plays a vital role. Authors of form-focused texts such as literary prose and poetry often employ some formal elements to attain the original aesthetic effect. They should use similar form in translation to produce corresponding impression. The third type is appeal-focused text. This type intends convey information or provoke certain reaction. The translation must undergo certain adaptation to match the target language and the target culture.However there is not a pure informative, expressive or persuasive text. Reiss states that “…a further point should be clarified. If we draw a distinction between content-focused and from-focused text, this is not to imply that content-focused text do not have a form. Just as there can be no form of communication without some kind of content, there can be no kind of content that does not have some form.” (Reiss, 2000: 28) This is quite applicable for C-E translation of public signs which fall somewhere between informative and evocative (operative) text.Reiss’s text typology shed light on C-E translation of public signs. As one of foreign publicity material, public signs are classified as both the informative and evocative (operative) texts. Typology theory is particular valuable for the translators of public signs. They are encouraged to shift from the locking chains imposed by source text. The translators can hold a balance while selecting appropriate strategies to cope with various translation problems.2.2.2 Hans. J. Vermeer and His SkopostheorieSkopos is a Greek word for ‘purpose’. According to Skopostheorie, the prime principle determining any translation process is the purpose (skopos) of the overall translation action. (Nord, 2001: 27)Skopostheorie first assumes that translation must be a purposeful human activity. The purpose has three explanations: the translator’s purpose; the communicative purpose of the translated text; and the purpose to reach by exploiting certain special translation method. Usually the communicative purpose is the main purpose of the translated text.Skopostheorie also defines an intratextual coherence and intertextual coherence. Intratextual coherence implies a translation should be acceptable when it is coherent with the norms of the target culture. A communicative interaction can only be regarded successful if the receivers interpret it as being sufficiently coherent with their situation. (Nord, 2001: 32) For intertextual coherence, a translation is expected to bear some kind of relationship with the corresponding source text. Intertexual coherence should exit between source and target text. (Nord, 2001: 32) Intertextual coherence is considered subordinate to intratextual coherence and both are subordinate to the skopos rule. (Nord, 2001: 33)The theory prescribes a mode of thinking that will allow the translator to explore new approaches to the task of producing a successful target text. The theory particularly emphasizes target-orientation of translation. And it also stresses the translation situation which always determines the translation strategies to be used.This rule is intended to solve the eternal dilemmas of free vs. faithful translation, dynamic vs. formal equivalence, good interpreters vs. slavish translators and so on. It means that the skopos of a particular translation task may require a ‘free’ or a ‘faithful’ translation, or anything between these two extremes, depending on the purpose for which the translation is needed. (Nord, 2001: 29)Skopostheorie bears on C-E translation of public signs. Nord points out that “a text is made meaningful by its receiver and for its receiver.” (Nord, 2001: 31) The reaction of target readers’ should be taken into prime consideration. That is translation of public signs should be target-reader oriented.2.2.3 Christiane Nord and Her “Functions plus Loyalty”Christiane Nord further develops functional theory in the early 1990s and puts forward a rule of “Functions plus Loyalty”.Nord indicates that “My personal version of the functionalist approach stands on two pillars: function plus loyalty. Function refers to the factors that make a target text work in the intended way in the target situation. Loyalty refers to the interpersonal relationship between the translator, the source-text sender, the target-text addresses and the initiator. (Nord, 2001: 126). She holds that the translator should be responsible bilaterally for the target reader aswell as the original author. The translator should respect the source text producer and try to adjust the purpose of the target text and the source text author’s intention. The notion of loyalty not only means conveying the content and style of the source text, but also proposes necessary adaptation based on the source text in order to achieve the intended function of the target text, such as in the case of pragmatic translation. (Chen Xiaowei, 2006: 17) The principle of loyalty limits the range of justifiable target-text functions for one particular source text and raises the need for a negotiation of the translation assignment between translators and their clients. (Nord, 2001: 126). Thus the loyalty principle reduces the probability of “radical” functionalism. It is also an answer to those critics who argue that the functional approach leaves translators free to do whatever they like with any source text.The combination of function plus loyalty further improved the Skopostheorie. It grants translators some liberty in the translation process to achieve the intended function of the target text. Meanwhile it also keeps them from going far away from the original author’s intention. Moreover, Nord also proposes her documentary and instrumental translation. Documentary translation and instrumental translation are different in their emphasis on the source text and the target text. The former focused on source text, translators try to keep the language features or culture of the source text in the translated version, so this strategy is used with the classic works or serious literature. The latter resembles domestication translation, which produces equivalent effect by cultural adaptation; the target readers generally can not feel the text is a translation. The criterion for judging whether it is documentary or instrumental translation is that “the target audience is supposed to be aware or not they are reading a translation” (Nord, 2001: 50)According to Nord’s theory, translators of Chinese public signs should always bear in mind the priority of target text readers. Public signs should be translated according to the specific target functions. However it does not mean that translators have the right to change the functions at will. Any translation, regardless of its different specific purposes, should be based on the source texts.2.3 Peter Newmark and His Semantic vs. Communicative TranslationPeter Newmark’s major contribution to functionalism is his semantic translation versuscommunicative translation. “Communicative translation attempts to produce on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original. Semantic translation attempts to render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original” (Newmark: 1981: 39)It is quite obvious that communicative translation focuses on producing similar effect on the target readers. On the contrary, semantic translation remains within the original language convention and culture. He proposes that semantic translation is used for expressive texts and communicative translation for informative and vocative texts. That is in translating expressive texts, the expressive components should be rendered completely, original culture tend to be transferred intact and even badly and/or inaccurately written passages must remain so. However, for informative and vocative texts, the translator should focus on the accuracy of message and the main function of the source text, trying to produce an equivalent effect on target readers.He also proposes that different texts require different translation criteria and methods. He points out that for informative and vocative text the core is the accuracy of information and the readership. Accessibility and comprehensibility of the translation is very important as the reader does not anticipate difficulties or obscurities and would expect a generous transfer of foreign elements into his own culture as well as his language where necessary. (Newmark, 1981: 39)Peter Newmark’s theory also shed light on C-E translation of public signs. The translator is supposed to use language forms which read naturally to the target reader and he/she is entitled to improve the original text if it is badly and/or inaccurately written. Public signs should not be translated mechanically without an eye to the effect of the target texts on the target readers. Newmark’s semantic vs. communicative translation share some similarities with Nord’s documentary vs. instrumental translation. Semantic and documentary translations remain with the original linguistic and cultural conventions, while communicative and instrumental translations are target language oriented. But their difference is also quiet obvious. Nord holds that the skopos of the translation determines the choice of translation strategies, while Newmark proposes that the choice of translation methods is determined by the source text. However in translation practice, the methods of translation are not determined by the functionof the source text, but that of the target text. Very frequently the translation involves substantial adaptation of the source text in order to achieve the intended function of the target text.2.4 Enlightenments of the Functional Approach on C-E Translation of Public SignsAccording to Newmark’s typology (Newmark, 1981: 15), the features of public signs can be summarized from the functionalist point of view in the following graph.Functional analysis of Chinese public sings and English public signsNotes:1. Cpb: Chinese public signs; Epb: English public signs2. Culture, “low” means there are not many culture elements in public signs.3. Politeness, “low” means the public signs which do not read polite.The above graph gives us a general idea of the features of Chinese public signs and English public signs from the functional approach. Chinese public signs and English public signs are both in the service of their respective target readers. For most public signs, the source text and the target text share the same functions, informative, evocative or a combination of the two. There are other public signs: the function of the target text is different from that of the source text. An evocative public sign may be translated into an informative one or vice versa.This is because Chinese and English are different in language conventions and cultural traditions. Chinese public signs and English public signs differ in the ways they appeal to their respective readers. The source text readers (Chinese travelers) are prone to be affected by flowery expressions; while the target readers (foreign travelers) prefer more concrete information.Chinese public signs are therefore more descriptive. The language used is ornate and figurative, containing many flowery expressions like idioms or poems or quotations of famous persons’ remarks. English public signs are more informative. They read simple and concise. The language is plain and factual. When translating Chinese public signs into English, translators are usually required to apply various translation strategies, such as literal or liberal translation or adaptation.The main point of Skopostheorie is: it is the prospective function or skopos of the target text, not the source text that determines the translation process. Translators of public signs should apply various translation strategies in order to produce a version that will arouse the same effect on target text readers as that of the source text does on the source text readers.2.5 SummaryIn this part the writer discusses functional approach and its enlightenments on C-E translation of public signs. Reiss’s typology, Vermeer’s Skopostheorie, Nord’s function plus loyalty and Newmark’s semantic vs. communicative translation are the key theories involved in this chapter. According to the functional approach, it is the intended function of the target text that determines the overall translation process including the selection of translation strategies. The source text can’t be neglected either, as it serves as the main source of information. Translators of public signs should be aware of the status of target text readers. And the translations should always fulfill the need of target readers. The following chapter further explores the features and functions of public signs, giving us an insight on how functional approach applied to C-E translation in this area.Chapter Three A Functional Analysis of Public Signsin Scenic SpotsThe functional approach fits better in public signs translation as discussed in the previous chapter. The definition of a public sign, its categorization and the features are mainly discussed in the following paragraphs from the functional perspective.3.1 Definitions of Public SignsPublic signs are also called public notices, slogans, the languages of public notices, expressions on public signs.According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English1a sign is “a piece of paper, metal etc. in a public place with words or drawings on it that gives people information, warn them not to do something etc. e.g. a road sign, a no-smoking sign.”A Pubic sign can be defined as a piece of paper, metal or billboard in a public place with words or drawings on it that provides information or arouse people’s attention.The counterparts of public signs in Chinese are: 公示语、标志、标示语、告示语、标语、标牌语、标识. The most widely used one is “公示语”.Public signs and other related definitions in Chinese are as follows,1) 标语:用简短的文字写出的具有宣传鼓动作用的口号。
例如, sea for see,,窦旭霞,2008,,出口Exit,EXIT,,阅海廊see-watching corridor,公园入口Entrance OF The Park,Entrance of the Park,2.单词形式错误。
例如,Womans Restroom实际应为Womens Restroom,在Out of Use,Please Use Other Rooms这条公示语中,存在明显的冠词使用谬误,在单词other前面应该添加定冠词the。
例如,在一些宾馆和景点中,禁止吸烟这条公示语,一般都被译成No Smoking。
但是这个译本听上去不但颇为严肃,还带有一些命令式的意味,实际上这种语气的公示语只本文由论文联盟e a Chance to Grow。
1、语言错误:这类错误主要包括语法错误、拼写错误、标点符号错误等。 这些错误可能是由于译者语言水平不足或者粗心大意造成的。
2、文化错误:文化差异是公示语翻译中一个重要的考虑因素。如果译者没 有充分了解源语言和目标语言的文化背景,可能会导致翻译的误导或误解。
3、语境错误:公示语的翻译需要考虑具体的语境。如果翻译没有考虑到特 定的场合和目标人群,可能会产生不准确或者不得体的翻译。
1、准确性:在翻译公示语时,准确性是首要的原则。译者应该准确理解源 语言的含义,并使用目标语言准确表达出来,避免歧义和误解。
2、简洁性:公示语的主要目的是提供简洁明了的信息。因此,在翻译过程 中,应该尽量使用简洁的语言,避免冗长和复杂的表达。
3、统一性:在同一个场合或同一类场所,公示语的翻译应该保持统一,避 免混淆和误解。
本次演示以郴州旅游景点为例,对公示语的翻译错误进行分析,并探讨合适 的翻译技巧。
1、拼写错误:这类错误通常是由于单词拼写错误或大小写不正确引起的。 例如,郴州某景点的公示语"Visitors Guide"被错误地翻译为"Vistors Guide", 大小写不一致导致语义混淆。
4、运用合适的翻译策略:根据具体情况,可以运用直译、意译、音译等不 同的翻译策略。例如,对于一些具有中国特色且在目标语言中没有对应表达的词 汇或短语,可以采用音译或解释性的方法进行翻译,以便游客更好地理解。
5、建立专业的翻译团队:为了避免翻译错误,旅游部门可以建立专业的翻 译团队,进行公示语的翻译和审核工作。团队成员应具备扎实的双语知识和对文 化差异的敏感性。
本次演示将分析旅游景点公示语翻译错误的常见原因,探讨翻译技巧,并通 过具体案例进行分析,旨在提高旅游景点公示语的翻译质量。
公共场所双语标识英文译法English Translation of Public Signs第2部分景区景点Part2:Tourist Attractions1.1旅游景点通名地名通名通常采用英文直接翻译,英文单词首字母大写,其余小写。
1.1.1植物园译为Botanical Garden,如北京植物园Beijing Botanical Garden。
1.1.2博物馆1.1.2.1一般名称译为xxxx Museum,Museum放在最后,如历史博物馆History Museum。某机构的博物馆译为xxxx Museum of xxxx(机构名),如大钟寺古钟博物馆Ancient Bell Museum of Great Bell Temple。
1.1.3纪念馆1.1.3.1历史名人的纪念馆译为Memorial,人名不加’s,如吴运铎纪念馆Wu Yunduo Memorial。历史事件或事迹的纪念馆译为Memorial Museum,如新文化运动纪念馆New Culture Movement Memorial Museum。
1.1.4故居译为Former Residence,如宋庆龄故居Former Residence of Soong Ching Ling。
1.1.5展览馆、陈列馆译为Exhibition Hall/Exhibition Center,会展中心译为Convention&Exhibition Center。
1.1.6陈列室译为Exhibition Room/Display Room。
1.1.7宫、院译为Palace,如颐和园Summer Palace。
有些宫译为Hall,如乾清宫Hall of Heavenly Purity。
1.1.8殿、堂译为Hall,如太和殿Hall of Supreme Harmony、乐寿堂Hall of Longevity in Happiness。
一、公告语旳定义和功能 二、我国公告语翻译旳问题 三、公告语旳文体形式及其翻译
公告语——公开和面对公众,通告、指示、提醒、 显示、警示、标示与其生活、生产、生命、生态、 生业休戚有关旳文字及图示信息。
公告语应用范围——1. 公共设施,如地铁、机场 等
2. 公共交通,如出租车站、高速公路等 3. 旅游景点,如名胜、古迹、公园等 4. 旅游服务,如旅游信息征询,旅游紧急救援等 5. 服务机构,如商业设施旳商店、银行;旅游设
1. Trespassers on the railway are liable for prosecution:横穿铁路者将受罚。
2. 麦当劳每七天7日全天开放: McDonald’s is open 24 hours a day (seven days)
篇章公告语主要指写在标牌上旳某些简介或阐明 性旳文字。翻译时基本能够直译。但是,中文某 些简介性文字会注重言辞优美,突出某些非常具 有修饰性旳细节,翻译时要注意根据英语游客旳 认知欣赏习惯,在译文中进行相应旳处理和取舍, 以传递信息和突出讲解功能为主。例如:
一、名词短语构成旳公告语及其翻译:该类 公告语一般是用来显示特定信息,提供旳信 息比较直观、易懂。均由名词构成旳公告语 英汉互译时能够采用直译。假如英语公告语 以名词为中心,前后使用形容词或分词等则 需要根据汉语旳体现习惯处理。例如:
2) 专名意译(直译),通名直译(literal translation)
red court)
美景欣赏: 西湖十景(Ten Views of the West Lake)
Spring Dawn at Su Causeway
Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked CourtyardSunset glow at Leifeng pagoda
Twin peaks piercing Clouds
Evening bell at Nanping hill
10、三潭印月 Three pools mirroring the moon
音兼意译(combination of transliteration and free translation)
• Features of Chinese names of scenery spots
Term (专名) +
昆明 虎丘
General term (通名)
湖 塔
实际翻译中,专名用音译(主要是拼音法),也可用 意译(主要是直译);通名则一般采取意译中的直译。
例如:“五大连池风景名胜区”中文原文翻译为俄文:“五大连池” природный парк中文翻译的重点是强调“风景名胜区”的概念,而俄文翻译则将这个概念转化为“自然公园”(природный парк),强调了景区自然环境的特色和重要性。
再例如:“哈尔滨太阳岛风景区”中文原文翻译为俄文:“太阳岛”风景名胜区中文翻译强调了“风景名胜区”的概念,而俄文翻译则强调了“太阳岛”(остров Солнца)这个地方的名字,让外国游客对旅游地点更加具体明了。
d o i : 1 0 . 3 9 6 9 / j . i s s n . 1 6 7 1 —5 9 1 8 . 2 0 1 4 . 0 7 -0 8 5 引 言 公共标识语 ( p u b l i c s i g n s ) , 又称为公 示语 、 公共标示语 、 公
告语和公共揭示语 , 指“ 悬挂 、 张贴 、 印刷在公共场所具 有告 示 、 指示 、 提示、 显示 、 警 示、 标示与公众生 活、 生产 、 生命 、 生态密切
兼有陈列史料物 品性质 的, 译为 Me m o i r l a Mu eu s m 。 2 . 旅游景点景 区“ 景 区” 、 “ 风景 区” 、 “ 风景名胜 区” 等公示 语的翻译 规范
的具体体现 。随着我国对外开放 的进 一步深化 , 越来 越多 的来 自不同文化背景的各国民众以“ E x p e i r e n c e C h i n a体验 中国” 为 目的了解中 国, 感受 中国。双语公示语 在服务海外旅 游者更好 地体验 中国 、 感受 中国、 了解 中国、 服务大型 国际 活动和旅游 观 光等方面 , 所承担 的不可替代的重要角色和发挥 的重要作用具 有重要的实践意义。同时 , 建设 “ 功能 对等 , 情景相 同 , 对象 一 致, 目标 明确 , 转换对应 ” 的公示语环 境 , 以中 国的传统 文化诠 释 国际化 内涵 、 语言文化语 境特点 , 对提升 国家形象 具有前所 未有的开创性 意义 。 旅游景点景 区公示语的汉英规范化研 究—— 以江 苏省
旅 游 景 点 景 区 公示 语 的汉英 翻译 规 范 化 研 究
— —
以江苏省部分旅游景 点景 区公示语 的汉英翻译为例
倪 方
2 1 1 1 8 8 ) ( 南京交通职业技术学院基 础部 , 江苏南京
• 公示语使用简短的语言或图示形式向社会公众提 供一定的信息,具有指示、提示、限制和强制于本馆茶座收银处有售,可 同时载两人。票价:每次澳门币十五元整。 Maritime Museum Tickets for the simulator are available at the cash desk of the snack bar. Price: MOP$ 15.00 for a ride of 2 persons
• • • • • •
Baggage Depository 存包处 No tipping 谢绝小费 紧急通道,请勿将手提物品搁置地上! Emergency passage! Place no hand luggage on the floor.
• 非公莫入! • Staff Only! • 为了您的安全,请您输入密码时确保身后等候 者不会知觉。 • For your safety, please make sure that the one behind you does not pay attention while you enter your password. • 12岁以下儿童免费。 • Free for children under 12.
• The Li Bai Memorial, located by the beautiful Changming River in Jiangyou city, is the biggest example of Tang-style courtyard architecture in China. Its unique garden scenes, extensive and magnificent art collections, excellent guides and interpreters, and academic significance combine to make it a culture treasure and a must-visit site for tourists enroute to Jiuzhaigou.
( 案例三 三)
提示性 的公示语如“ 游客游园要文 明、 有序 , 尊老爱幼 , 遵
守社会公德 , 自觉维 护公共 秩序 ” 。其 中“ 尊老爱 幼 ” 果直 如
译 为“ laeg ep o t t o epeadci rn , Pes i r ry o l pol n h de ” 则不符合 v i i d l 西方 文化对 于“ l” o 的认 知心 理。在西 方人 看来 , o ” d “ l 代表 d 老而无用 , 而在传统的中 国文化 里 , 老 ” 了表示年龄外 , “ 除 还
英 语 表 达 习 惯 和 思 维 方 式 , 此 可 分 别 译 为 : P s n e n 因 “ as gr O — e s l” “ tfO l” “ aia dP rig , y 、Sa n 、 V l t akn” 这样 就 考 虑 到 了 外 国 游 f y de
择转换 和关注双语文 化 内涵的传递 与 阐释。可 以看 出 , 文化 语境不但对公示语所体现 的主题 和传递 的信息 产生 影响 , 而 且也会对人们接受 和理解信 息起 到重要 的制约作 用。 因此 ,
在 翻译公示语 的时候 , 译者应该认知文化语 境 , 对所选 择的语 言必须符合其所属的语域 文化 特征 , 这样 才能成 功实现语 言
什 么是文化语境 呢?黄 国文认为 : 每个 言语社 团都有 自 “ 己的历史 文化 、 俗 习惯 、 风 社会 规约 、 思维 方式 和价 值取 向。
这种 反映特定言语社 团特点 的方式和 因素 构成 了所说的 ‘ 文
化语境 … …。也就是 说 , 文化 语境 分别 由历史 文化 背景 、 社
是阅历丰富 、 有地位 、 有身份 、 受人尊敬的象征 , 同时还表示关 系比较亲密。对 于这 样 的公 示语 , 译者 首先就 要考 虑到原语
• 湖区水深,注意安全 • Deep Water! Beware.
• 禁止停车,违者拖走 • Tow away Zone!
• 未经允许,不准停车 • Assigned Parking only
• 禁止摆卖
• No Venders
• 暂停服务,敬请谅解
• 六点停止入园 • 狗便后,请清理。 • 需要帮助,请按铃。 • 小心台阶间跨度 • 仅作火警安全出口 • 请勿在此倒垃圾 • 免费上网
1.由于不考虑中英文的不同语用原则,有的译文语 气生硬,不符合英文的语用原则(中文强硬,英文委 婉)
• 爱护草地,请勿入内 • Care of the green, Please do not enter. • Keep off the grass. • 禁止吸烟 • Smoking is not allowed in this hall. • Nonsmoking • No smoking
• 游客止步 • Tourists, Please stop. • Employees/ Staff Only. • 请节约用水。 • Please save water. • Water conservation: every drop counts. • Don’t take water for granted.
国游客对于旅游中所涉及到的人名、地名、节日名等专业 术语或介绍景点的资料等有更好的了解 • 这样的译法将名称与其含义联系起来,便于读者记忆,加 深他们的印象,增加他们的游兴。 • E.G. • “西安古称长安”,可译为“Xi’ an was called Changan, or ‘everlasting peace’ in ancient times。” • “天安门”可译为“Tiananmen, the Gate of Heavenly Peace”。
二、公示语的翻译原则1. 符合本土文化习俗:在翻译公示语时,要尊重并符合所在地的本土文化习俗,以便能更好地融入当地环境和传达信息。
2. 简洁明了:公示语的翻译应力求简洁明了,避免使用过多的修饰性语言。
3. 准确传神:公示语的翻译需要准确地传达景区的特色、亮点以及相关信息,体现出景区的独特魅力,并能引发游客的兴趣。
4. 吸引和引导游客:公示语的翻译需要具备吸引力,能够引导游客了解和参观景区,并能激发他们的好奇心和参与度。
三、公示语的常见翻译问题及解决方法1. 词语选择:公示语中常包含一些特殊的词语,如地理、历史、人文等专业名词,翻译时需要将其精确地转化为目标语言,同时要考虑到读者的接受能力和理解程度。
2. 文化隐喻:不同地域、民族拥有不同的文化背景和习俗,其中产生了大量的文化隐喻,翻译时需要将其恰当地翻译过来,以便读者能够理解其中的意义。
3. 语体特点:公示语常使用简洁、直接的语言形式来吸引游客,翻译时需要注意保持原文的语言特点,让译文更贴近原文所表达的意图,给读者一种直观明了的感受。
4. 格式布局:公示语的格式布局对于整个翻译效果也有很大的影响。
[3] 简单地说,是给公众在公众场合看,以达到某种交际目的的文字语言及图示。
如:Nursing Room母婴室;Information问询服务等。
如:Wet Paint油漆未干;Out of Order故障维修等。
如:Mind Your Head小心碰头;Fasten Your Seat Belt请系上安全带等。
如:Stand in Line站队等候;Ticket Only凭票入场等。
作者: 徐来永
作者机构: 郑州升达经贸管理学院公外部,河南郑州451191
出版物刊名: 湖北科技学院学报
页码: 129-130页
年卷期: 2014年 第12期
主题词: 公示语;旅游景区公示语;翻译;文化
大足石刻 The Dazu Rock Carvings
Key Area for Fire Prevention and Control
玉皇殿 Hall of Jade Emperor
可 改 为
Yuhuang Pulture Tourist Area
秘密囚室 Secret Cells
l Warning Slippery Surface 当心滑到
l Beware of Wet Floor 小心地滑
l Beware of Steps 小心台阶
ü Caution: Wet Floor 或Caution, slip
üMind The/Your Step
Ø请当心脚下 Please mind your step Ø当心 Caution/Attention! Ø警告 Warning Ø注意:自动门 Caution: Automatic Door Ø小心冰雪滑落 Caution: Falling Ice & Snow Ø小心岩石滑落 Caution: Falling Rocks Ø小心高温 Caution: Hot Ø注意:油漆未干 Caution: Wet Paint
Out of use, please use other doors
l请系好安全带 Please Wear the Seatbelt Provided
l请在此等候 Please wait here
l请右侧站立(自动扶梯) Please stand on the right
l请勿乱弃 Please don’t litter
Grand Courtyard of the Zhong Family Culture Gallery
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• The Li Bai Memorial, located by the beautiful Changming River in Jiangyou city, is the biggest example of Tang-style courtyard architecture in China. Its unique garden scenes, extensive and magnificent art collections, excellent guides and interpreters, and academic significance combine to make it a culture treasure and a must-visit site for tourists enroute to Jiuzhaigou.
• The kingdom of Egypt occupied the Nile valley and Delta in northeast Africa from around 3,000 BC. For much of its long history, Egypt was largely self-contained, but it acquired territory in Nubia (Sudan) to the south and in the Near East. The River Nile ensured Egypt’s agricultural wealth, and the kingdom all had access to gold and other mineral resources. • • Egypt was invaded by other powers, including the Assyrians, Persians, and Greeks. Throughout its history, however, it retained its distinctive and sophisticated culture, even after the death of Queen Cleopatra in 30 BC, when it was absorbed into Roman Empire. The long tradition of ancient Egyptian art and culture finally ended when the Egyptian temples were closed in the early Christian era, in the fourth and fifth centuries AD.
• • • • • • • • •
例3: 1.导游收费标准: 50 元/场。 2.购票须知 (1)门票每张30元,一人一票。 (2)儿童1. 0 - 1. 3米半票。 1. Price for tour guide service: RMB 50 per tour 2. Admission charges: Adults: RMB 30 Children (height 1. 0m - 1. 3m): RMB 15
• 例4: • 李白纪念馆简介 • 江油李白纪念馆位于江油市区风景秀丽的昌明 河畔,是国家AA级景区,全国最大的仿唐建筑 群落,中国百家名园之一。融观光旅游、学术 研究、陈列收藏、旅游服务于一体。以其独特 的园林风光、丰富多彩的陈列收藏、声情并茂 的讲解、热情周到的服务以及极高的学术地位 而享誉全国,蜚声海外。被誉为文化的殿堂, 镶嵌在九寨沟旅游环线上璀璨的明珠。
• 例2: • Ancient Egypt • Even in ancient times, the civilization of Egypt was famous for its great age and wisdom. Its distinctive culture made it seem mysterious and exotic to other people in the ancient world, including the Assyrians and the Greeks. • • Egyptian religion, hierographic script and buried customs, such as mummification, lasted for over 3,000 years and have continued to fascinate the world in modern times. •
第二模块:旅游景点公示语的 翻译
• 例1: • Dates: every Thursday from 11 June to 10 September • Price: adults CHF 59.- (with ½ -Fare-Card), CHF 79.(without ½ -Fare-Card) • Bookings: until 16:00 hrs on the preceding day at the Gornergrat Bahn, • 日期: 6月11日至9月10日的每个星期四 • 价格:成人:59瑞士法郎(持半价卡),79瑞士法 郎(无半价卡) • 预订:活动的前一天16:00之前,地点:戈尔内格拉 特铁路公司(Gornergrat Bahn)
• 古老的埃及
• 早在远古时期埃及就以其悠久的历史和聪 明智慧闻名于世。在古代化似乎高深莫测。 • 埃及的宗教仪式、岩石壁画和丧葬风俗 (如木乃伊)延续了3000多年,直到今天 这些古老的文化仍让现代人着迷不已。
• 公元前3000年左右埃及帝国就占领了尼罗河平原以 及非洲东北部的三角洲地带。在漫长的历史长河中, 埃及人基本上自给自足,但还是占领了努比亚(现 在的苏丹)并吞并了近东地区。尼罗河孕育了埃及 的农业,而埃及人也拥有大量的黄金和其他贵重金 属资源。 • 埃及也曾遭受外族侵略,包括亚述族、波斯人和希 腊人,但埃及人一直保留着自己独特精湛的文化。 即使在公元前30年古埃及女王克利奥帕特拉去世埃 及被纳入罗马帝国的版图后,埃及人对自己的古老 文化仍不离不弃。公元4-5世纪,随着基督教的诞 生,古老的埃及文化和艺术也走到了尽头。
第九章 旅游景点公示语的翻译
• • • • • •
Baggage Depository 存包处 No tipping 谢绝小费 紧急通道,请勿将手提物品搁置地上! Emergency passage! Place no hand luggage on the floor.
• 非公莫入! • Staff Only! • 为了您的安全,请您输入密码时确保身后等候 者不会知觉。 • For your safety, please make sure that the one behind you does not pay attention while you enter your password. • 12岁以下儿童免费。 • Free for children under 12.