词汇学 复习资料

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Keys to exercise II (P.81)

1.ad libitum随意,即兴(略作ad lib) Water can be given to the

patients ad lib.

2. ante meridiem上午(略作a.m. )

3. confer 参看(略作cf.)

4. bis in die 一日两次(略作b.i.d )

5. exempli gratia例如(略作e.g. )

6. et cetera 等等(略作etc. )

7. et alii 以及其他人等(=and others) (略作et al. )

8. ad valorem从价的,按价(略作ad val. )

9. Idem同上;同前(略作id. )

10.libra镑(英国货币单位), 磅(古罗马重量单位,约等于12盎司) (略作

lb. )

11. loco citato在上述引用文中(略作loc. cit.或l. c.)

12. post meridiem下午(略作p.m. )

13. secundum依照, 按照(略作sec. )

14. ter in die一日三次(略作t.i.d. )

15. quod vide 见该页(略作q.v. )

16. recipe 处方(略作Rx. )

17. sub voce 在……词下(略作s.v. )

18. ut infra 如下所述(略作u.i.)( as stated or shown below )

19. videlicet 即, 就是说(=namely) (略作viz.)

e.g.Three subjects must be taken, viz., English, mathematics

and history.

20. versus 对(略作vs)

Keys to exercise II (P.83)

1.screamager: screaming teenager

2.bus-napper: bus kidnapper

3.keytainer: key container钥匙夹套

4.sexploitation: sex exploitation(电影等大肆宣扬色情的)性泛滥

5.ballute: balloon-parachute

6.escalift: escalator-lift

7.ruddervator: rudder-elevator

8.transceiver: transmitter-receiver

9.cattalo: cattle-buffalo

10.liger: lion-tiger


12.needcessity: need-necessity

13.shamateur: sham amateur冒牌业余选手

14.slanguage: slang language

15.automania: automobile mania恋车癖,对汽车的过分依赖

16.stimulighting: stimulating lighting

17.chunnel: channel tunnel水下隧道,特指英吉利海峡下的隧道

18.daymare: day nightmare

19.nightscaping: night landscaping

20.seavacuation: sea evacuation

21.telegogue: television demagogue

22.bomphlet: bomb pamphlet

23.plastinaut: plastic astronaut

24.bit: binary digit

25.permalloy:permeable alloy透磁合金, 坡莫合金, 镍铁导磁合金

26.positron: positive electron正电子, 阳电

27.privilegentsia: privileged intelligentsia特权阶级

28.spam: spiced ham兜售信息

29.Medicare: medical care

30.submarisle: submarine isle

31.clantastical: clandestine-fantastical

32.alphamerical: alphabetic-numerical

33.respectaburban: respectable-suburban

34.attractivating: attractive-captivating

35.boldacious: bold-audacious

36.fantabulous: fantastic-fabulous

37.solemncholy: solemn-melancholy

38.meld: melt-weld

39.smothercate: smother-suffocate

40.baffound: baffle-confound
