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• Signed before me _______, British Consul/Notary Public at _______ • Master of __________ (Signed) • British Consul/Notary Public_______ (Signed) • This _____ day of ______ , Two Thousand and __________.
• I certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of the original Note of Protest, entered in the Acts of this Consulate and copied thereform. • British Consulate, ______ of _____ , 20___
• On this twenty-third day of june,1992, before me, L. Smith, General Consul from American consulate at Nagoya and dependencies thereof, personally appeared Thomas Y. Parka, Master of the vessel called Blue Stream motor ship of the burden of 35,261 tons or thereabout, and declared that on the ninth day of June last past he sailed in and with the ship from the port of Singapore, laden with Logs, and arrived in the ship on the twenty-third day of June and having experienced boisterous weather and heavy seas,
• On this ________ day of ____, 20___, before me ______ American ______ for _________ and the dependencies thereof, personally appeared _____________ , Master of the vessel called the ________ of the burden of __________ tons or thereabouts, and declared that on the ____ day of _____ last past he sailed in and with ___________ , and arrived, in the ship, at __________ on __________ and having experienced, ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________
• 常见的自然灾害
• Typhoon 台风 • Heavy storm 强风暴 • Boisterous weather/heavy weather/bad weather恶劣天气 • Strong winds with heavy seas & swells 大风浪 • Earthquake 地震 • Tsunami 海啸 • Dense fog 浓雾 • Iceberg 冰山 • Tarnaodo/spout 龙卷风
• Witnesses on board: ______________ (name and rank) ______________ (name and rank) ______________ (name and rank)
Master of (name of vessel) _______
Enclosures: Abstracts of deck logbook
(state facts which contribute the protest)
• Hereby enters this Note of Protest accordingly, to serve and avail him hereafter, if found necessary.
_____________ of the United States of America AttestБайду номын сангаасd: ____________ Master __________________ (Date & Place)
• I HEREBY CERTIFY that the within documents is a true copy of Marine Note of Protest, the original of which is deposited as a part of the permanent archives of the American consulate at ______________ of the United States of America.
• In view of the following: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ And fearing loss or damage, I hereby note my protest against all losses, damages, etc., reserving the right to extend same at time and place convenient.
• 地址 海事声明中,本船地址和报送地址同一般 信函一样。 • 标题 标题一般在报送方地址下方,居中打印。 英文名称通常为: Marine Note of Protest Sea Protest Note of Sea Protest
• 正文 海事声明的正文详略不一,通常正文中应包括下 列内容: ☆ 本船船名、船籍港、吨位、货种、货物数量、 出发港、目的港及挂靠港等; ☆ 遭遇自然灾害的时间、地点或海域; ☆ 自然灾害的性质、程度; ☆ 声明对可能发生的灭失和/或损坏不负责任; ☆ 保留在适当时间和地点延伸该项声明的权利;
船舶在锚泊、系泊、装货、航行、卸货等某 船舶在锚泊、系泊、装货、航行、 一运输环节中,遭到了自然灾害袭击, 一运输环节中,遭到了自然灾害袭击,船员虽竭 尽努力保护船舶和货物的安全, 尽努力保护船舶和货物的安全,但仍然担心或认 为船体、设备和/或货物发生某种程度损失或损坏, 为船体、设备和/或货物发生某种程度损失或损坏, 则应在到达受灾害袭击后的第一个停泊港口时尽 快向有关方面提出海事声明。 快向有关方面提出海事声明。 海事声明是日后船方宣布共同海损、 海事声明是日后船方宣布共同海损、申请索 赔及免责的法律文件。 赔及免责的法律文件
• 署名 通常由船长署名,然后交由船旗过驻当地 的外交代表或公证人员或港务局长,作为 永久文件存藏。海事处理中用到的海事声 明是由上述人员签字的原海事声明的复印 件。 • 证人 海事声明通常需要2至3名经历灾难的人员 作证,证人应在海事声明上签字。
• 航海日志摘要 海事声明中,通常应附有记录当时海况、 天气状况及采取的相应措施等的航海日志 摘要。这种摘要,原则上应由公证人员制 取或经公证人员核实。
灭失和损害 通常海事声明会提及到船体、设备和/ 或货物三方面的灭失和损坏,即: losses of and damages to the hull, equipment and/or cargo
• 海事声明应报送下述机构之一: 1. 船籍国驻船舶所在国的官方代表,如 Chinese Diplomatic Representative, Consulate General of P.R.C 2. 船舶所在地的公证处,Notary Public Office 3. 船舶所在港的港务当局,The Harbour Master, Port Authority 4. 有关人员,To Whom It May Concern
to serve and avail him hereafter, if found necessary.
L. Smith, Consulate at Nagoya General Consul of the United States of America Attested: Thomas Y. Parka, Master of Blue Stream motor ship 23rd June 1992, Nagoya I hereby certify that the within document is a true copy of a Marine Note of Protest, the original of which is deposited as a part of the permanent archives of the American Consulate at Nagoya. K. Wall/Consul, US Consulate at Nagoya
中国远洋运输(集团)总公司 海事声明格式
• Port: • Date: • To: (1)Port Authority, or (2)Chinese Diplomatic Representative, or (3)Notary Public:
• Name of Vessel: _____ Tonnage of Cargo:____ • Gross Tonnage: _____ Sailed from ____ to____ • Port of Registry:_____ Bound for________ • Shipowner:_________ Calling on route at ____ • Kind of Cargo:_______ • And arrived at ________ on _____
• On this _____ day of ____ in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and ______ personally appeared and presented himself before me __________ British ________ of ______ official Number _________ and _______ tons Register, which sailed from ____ on or about the ______ day of ______ with a cargo of _______ bound for _______ and arrived at _______ on the _______ day of __________ and fearing loss or damage owing to ________ during the voyage, he hereby note his protest against all losses, damages, etc., reserving right to extend the same at time and place convenient.