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English Topic
1) Come up with a definition for what friendship means in China.
2) What are 3 qualities you want in a good friend? What are 3 qualities you don’t want in a friend? Why?
3) How and where do people in China make their closest friendships?
4) If you move to a new place, what is a good way to make new friends?
5) What advice would you give a foreigner about how to develop good friendships with Chinese people?
6) If there is a foreign volunteer in your group, ask him/her what advice he/she has about being friends with westerners.
English Topic:Work
1) What is your ideal job? (Including: How many hours per week? What kind of benefits? Located in which city?)
2) What does it mean to be successful in your work?
3) What kinds of situations would cause you to change jobs?
4) How can you maintain good relationships with your co-workers? What qualities do you want in a
5) If you have a problem with your boss, how can you resolve it? Should you talk to him directly about your problem?
6) If a person has a good job opportunity in a city far away from his/her spouse and child, do you think he or she should take the job?
English Club Topic: Education
1. Tell your group about your most enjoyable learning experience of the past. What made it good?
2. Describe what qualities you think the ideal teacher must have. What are some qualities you don’t want in a teacher?
3. In Chinese society, do teachers have a high status or a low status? Do you think being a teacher is a good job? Why or why not?
4. Is i t the teacher/school’s or the parents’ responsibility to teach a child good morals and behavior?
5. In your opinion, do men or women make better teachers?
English Club Topic: Holidays
1. What is your favorite Chinese holiday? Which Western holiday most interests you?
2. Do you think holidays are very significant? What meanings are expressed by such holidays as National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, Christmas, Spring Festival and Thanksgiving?
3. What is the history of your favorite Chinese holiday? (For example, what’s the history of Dragon Boat Festival?)
4. What did you think of the National Day celebration?
5. Describe your ideal holiday.
English Club Topic: Family
1. Describe your family, and tell your group a story about your family from your childhood.
2. Who do you think should have the highest authority in the home- the husband, the wife, or both equally share authority? If you think both should have equal authority, how should they make decisions on where to work or live if they don’t agree with each oth er?
3. What do you expect to do to take care of your parents when they grow old? What do you expect your child to do for you when you get old?
4. Do you think the Chinese tradition of children taking care of elderly parents will change in the future because of the One Child Policy? How can only children cope with the pressure of taking care of their parents when they are old?
English Club Topic: What/If…
1. What would you do if someone accused you of a crime you didn’t commit?
2. If you could change a major historical event, what would it be?
3. What would you do if a fierce animal was going to attack you?
4. If you could be an employee of any company in the world, which company would you choose?
5. What would you do if the person you loved didn’t love yo u back?
6. If you could be a bird or a fish, which would you be?
7. What would you do if it was your best friend’s wedding, but you didn’t have any money to give him/her?
8. If you had to choose one of the five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) to lose, which one would you choose to lose?
9. What would you do if you got lost in an unfamiliar city?
10. If you were going to a foreign country and you could only take one thing with you, what would it be?
English Club Topic: Thanksgiving
1. What five things are you most grateful for in your life? Are they tangible things or intangible?
2. What person in your life do you feel the most grateful to? Why?
3. If someone helps you in a big way, how do you express your gratitude? Do you use words, gifts, treat them to dinner, etc.?
4. If you do something good for someone but they don’t express thankfulness, how do you feel? Should you do something in that situation? Is it right to expect people to be grateful?
English Club Topic: Trust
1. How would you define trust? Is it just a feeling? Is it a decision?
2. How do you come to trust a person? Does trust require time and experience with another person or can you trust someone as soon as you meet them?
3. Who in your life do you trust the most? How has that person gained or earned your trust? If you found out that person had lied to you, would you trust them again or not?
4. Do you feel that you are trustworthy? If so, why? If not, why not? Do you think trustworthiness is a characteristic you can develop?
English Club Topic: Personality
1. Which three words would you say best describe your personality? Give examples for each word you choose.
2. Do you think a person’s person results more from nature (they were born with that personality) or from nurture (their family/society/culture formed their personality)? Why? Are there certain personality traits you think result from nature and others that you think result from nurture?
3. Do you think people can change their personality through effort? (For example, can a person who is shy change his personality to be outgoing?) Can society or culture change a person’s personality?
4. If you could significantly change your personality, would you choose to? Why?
English Club Topic: Gifts
1. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? What’s the worst gift you’ve ever gotten?
2. What’s the best gift you’ve ever given someone else? Why was it special?
3. There’s a saying that goes, “It’s better to give than to receive.” What does this saying mean? Do you agree with it? Does China have any sayings about giving gifts?
4. If you were given $1 million to buy gifts for your family and friends, what would you buy them and why?
English Club Topic: New Year’s
1. What are some New Year’s resolutions you’ve made in the past? Were you able to keep those resolutions?
2. What resolutions do you want to make for 2010? If you could accomplish one thing this year, what would it be? What steps can you take to carry out your New Year’s resolution?
3. If you were to make “Life Resolutions,” mea ning the things you want to accomplish before you die, what kinds of resolutions would you make? Is there something you feel like you must accomplish in this life time? How can you accomplish it?
English Club Topic: Cheating
1. Have you ever cheated on an exam or a homework assignment? Do you know anyone who has taken an exam for a classmate? Describe the situation.
2. Do you think it’s ok to cheat on a homework assignment? On a exam? To take an exam for another person? Is all cheating wrong or is it ok on some level?
3. Have you or any of your classmates been caught while cheating? How did you/they feel when you/they got caught?
4. If your classmate came to you and said that if you didn’t take his(her) English test for him(her), he/she would fail his/her class and not be able to graduate. Would you agree to take the test for him/her?
English Club Topic: Winning and Losing
Quotes about Winning:
- “Winning isn’t everything, but the will to win is everything.”
~Vince Lombardi (American Football Coach)
- “Win as if you were used to it, lose as if you enjoyed it for a change.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson (American Poet)
- “Winning isn’t always finishing first. Sometimes winning is just finishing.”
~ Manuel Diotte (Inspirational Speaker)
1. What do you think each of these quotes mean?
2. Do you agree with these quotes? Why or why not? Would you change them at all to fit your viewpoint?
3. What sayings are there in Chinese about winning and losing?
English Club Topic: Revenge(复仇)
1. Discuss what you think each quote means. How would you say it in your own words?
2. Do you agree more with the first quote or the second quote? Do you think these quotes contradict each other? Is it possible for revenge to be both sweet and ignoble?
3. Do you think, as the third quote says, that women enjoy revenge more than men? Why or why not?
4. Do you think that a person can take revenge on another person without there being negative consequences?
English Club Topic: Spring Festival
1. How will you celebrate Spring Festival? Who will you spend it with?
2. Which performances are you looking forward to on the New Year’s Eve tv program? What are some of
your favorite ones of the past?
3. If you were to receive a present (not money) for Spring Festival, what present would you like to receive?
4. How does Spring Festival these days compare with how it was when you were a child? Do you like it better now or when you were a child?
5. What do you think Spring Festival will be like in the future?
English Club Topic: The Year of the Tiger
1. What are the characteristics of the Year of the Tiger? What personality traits will a person have if they were born in this year?
2. Which animal year were you born in? Do you think you have the characteristic traits that are typical of your year? In your opinion, which years are the best to be born in? the worst?
3. Do you believe that the year you were born in really affects your personality? Why or why not? Are there other factors that you feel more deeply affect your personality (such as poverty/wealth,
nature/nurture, birth order) ?
4. When you look for a husband/wife, will it concern you what year that person was born in? Do you to tend to be friends with people that were born in a certain year?
English Club Topic: The Weather
1. What is your favorite kind of weather? Why do you like that kind of weather? What’s your least favorite kind of weather?
2. Do you have a specific memory associated with a certain kind of weather? Maybe a time you were afraid during a thunderstorm or a happy day in the sun.
3. If the winter is very dark and rainy, does it affect your mood? What are some things you do to help yourself cope if the weather is bad? How do different types of weather affect your mood?
4. What do you thin k about weather manipulation using rockets? Do you think it’s ok for people to change the weather by using technology or do you think we should let weather be whatever it naturally is?
English Club Topic: Parents and Kids
1. Pick three adjectives that you feel best describe your relationship with your parents. Explain why you
chose those particular words.
2. On a scale of 1 (being the worst) and 10 (be the best), how well do you think your parents did raising you? If you could change one thing about they way they raised you, what would it be?
3. Do you think parents should be strict with their children or lenient? What are the consequences of being too strict or too lenient? What are the consequences of not being strict or lenient enough?
4. Do you think you will be like your parents when you are 40 or 50 years old? In what ways would you like to be like them? In what ways would you like to be different?
English Corner Topic: Social Networking
1. What forms of social networking do you use? (QQ, Facebook, MySpace, Xiao Nei) How often do you use them?
2. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages to different social networks? Do you think one is superior to the others? Do you feel one is particularly safe?
3. What do you primarily use these social networks for? Do you think it’s possible to maintain deep relationships only through social networks?
4. How do you think social networking has changed the way people do friendships? Do you think the friendships you make on a social network are as real as the ones you make in the other areas of your life?
English Corner Topic: Family Stories
1. What do you think your child’s childhood will be like? Do you think it will be happier or less happy than your childhood? Why?
English Corner Topic: Gender
1. When do you think a person changes from being a girl into being a woman? Is this change physical, mental, emotional, social? What characteristics do you think of as being very feminine?
2. When do you think a boy becomes a man? Are there any rites of passage in your culture that demonstrate a person has become an adult in the social sense? What characteristics are masculine?
3. What personality traits or characteristics do you think are just neutral- neither masculine nor feminine?
Do you think some people have more neutral characteristics than masculine or feminine ones?
4. If you could be born again as the opposite gender, would you choose to? Why or why not? What advantages are there to being a man or being a woman?
English Corner Topic: Charity
1. What do y ou think ‘charity’ means? Is it an action, an attitude, an idea?
2. Have you ever given money to a charitable cause? If so, which one? Have you ever volunteered at or worked for a charitable group? What different charitable groups have you heard of in China? Internationally?
3. Do you think people will give as much time and effort to the current earthquake victims as they did the Sichuan victims? Why or why not?
4. If you could create your own charitable group, what kinds of people would you help? Why that kind of person and not other kinds of people that are in need?
English Club Topic: Annoying
1. What annoys you most about living with other people? Do you think you have any habits that annoy the people you live with? If you are annoyed by your family’s living habits, do you try not to be annoyed or do you talk to them about it?
2. What new pet peeves do you have as a result of recent technology (texting, twitter, mp3)? When do you think it’s not appropriate to text? Why?
3. What are some things that anno y you that don’t annoy your best friend and vice versa? Why do you think these things are different for different people?
If there is someone in your class or work that really annoys you but you must be around that person, how do you deal with that situati on? Do you think there’s a way to make that person seem less annoying to you?
English Corner Topic: Advertising
1. What are some of your favorite advertisements? Least favorite? What makes an ad memorable?
2. What do you think of celebrity endorsements? Do favorite or annoying celebrities make you want or not want to buy a product?
3. What is the best way to advertise to children? Adults? Seniors? etc.. Should advertisers be allowed to advertise to children?
4. Can advertising be a force for good? Can you remember an instance in which an advertisement influenced you to take positive action?
English Corner Topic: Health
1. On a scale of one to ten (1 being the most healthy, 10 being the least healthy) how healthy do you think you are? In what areas of health do you think you are the healthiest? Least healthy?
2. What do you think are your ‘healthy habits’? Do you drink enough water? What are some of your unhealthy habits? Do you ever smoke or drink alcohol?
3. How often do you exercise? What kinds of exercise do you like? What kinds do you not like?
4. How is your diet? What thing do you think are important to a healthy, balanced diet? What is one thing you think you could do to improve your diet?
English Corner Topic: Names
1. Who chose your name? Why did they choose that name? Do you like your name? If you could change your name, would you?
2. What’s the meaning of your name? Do you think a person’s name affects their personality? Have you ever disliked a person because of their name?
3. Do you have a nickn ame? How did you get this nickname? What’s the funniest nickname you’ve heard another person called?
4. Do you think it’s better to give a child a more common name or an unusual name? What do you think China should do about the problem of having too many people with the same name/family name?
English Corner Topic: Change
1. What kinds of changes in life do you look forward to? What kinds of changes do you not like? Why?
2. Do you feel like you are the kind of person that easily adapts to change or new circumstances? Can you give an example from your life? If you suddenly found yourself in a new city with no friends and no job, how fast do you think you could adapt?
3. If a person does not like change or adapt easily, how do you think that person can develop the ability to
adapt? What other qualities does a person that accepts change easily have?
4. Are there advantages to keeping things the same? What things in your life would you not like to change? What things about your country do you think should stay the same?
English Corner Topic: Dreams
1. Do you often remember your dreams? What’s the most recent dream you can remember? Did you dream it in color or in black and white?
2. Do you ever have recurring dreams? What are they about? Why do you think you dream about that specific thing? Are your recurring dreams usually good dreams or nightmares?
3. If you see a certain image in a dream, do you think it has a specific meaning? For example, if you saw the following things in a dream, what do you think they would mean: a road, your middle school, your mom, a bird, sand, an open door, darkness, teeth?
4. Have you ever dreamed something that came true in real life? Do you think it’s possible to know something in a dream before it happens in real life? Do you think you dream about that thing because you fear it or is there another explanation?
English Club Topic: Interests and Hobbies
What are your hobbies? Are your hobbies mostly intellectual or athletic or something else? What do you like about those specific hobbies?
If you have ten minutes of free time, how do you like to use it? One hour? One day? One week? If you unexpectedly have a couple hours of free time, what kinds of spontaneous things do you like to do for fun? If you had to read a book about something not related to your major, what would you like to read about? If it were a nonfiction book, what topic would you choose? If it were a fiction book, what genre of fiction would you read?
Do you think that internet and tv have killed hobbies in China? Do yo u have any friends who don’t like to use the internet or watch tv? If you couldn’t use a computer or tv for a year, how do you think you would spend your time differently?
English Corner Topic Life Story
Briefly share the life story of someone you admire. Why do you admire that person? What made his/her life special?
Tell the highlights of your own life story. What major events in your life made you the person you are today?
If you could change one circumstance or event in your life, what would it be? Why?
Create an ‘ending’ to your life story. What are some things you want to do/accomplish before you die? How can you do/accomplish those things?
English Corner Topic: Music
1.What's your favorite kind of music? What do you like about that style of music? What kinds of topics does that style of music usually take as for its content? Is there a style of music that you especially dislike? Why?
2.Do you like to sing or play a musical instrument? How often do you go to karaoke (k-tv)? What do you like/dislike about karaoke?
3.Do you like to listen to different music when you are in different moods? What kind of music do you like to listen to when you are sad? Happy? Do you think music can change a person's mood?
4.Why do you think all cultures have music? What is the function of music in culture? What do you think our world would be like without music?
English Corner Topic: Wealth
1.Rank the following in order of importance to you: a) health b) family c) money d) a good reputation e) education. Why did you choose that order? Is there any of these that you could do without?
2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of being rich? Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages or vice versa?
3.Can a person be poor and happy? What do you think the hardest part about being poor would be for you if you were poor? What do you do you think would be the hardest part about being rich?
4.Whose responsibility do you think is it to take care of the poor: their family, the government, their neighbors, everyone?
English Corner Topic: Happiness
1. Define happiness. Is it a feeling, a state of being, a decision? Is happiness something that comes and
goes with changing circumstances or something you can always have?
2. What things in life and the world make you happy? Why do those things make you happy? What things take away your happiness?
3. Complete the sentence: “I would be completely happy if…”
4. Are you the kind of person who actively tries to achieve or obtain the things you think will make you happy or are you more the kind of person who tries to accept your situation as it is and learn to be happy in it? Do you think it’s better to be resigned to your fate or try to change it?
English Corner Topic: Love
How would you define love? What different kinds of love are there?
What are some different ways to express love? Do you think the way you receive love and show love is the same or different? Do you think that the people you love know you love them?
What do you think about telling someone, “I love you”? When do you think that is appropriate? When is it inappropriate? Is it as meaningful if you say it in a language that’s not your native language?
Why is love important? Do you think love is as important as movies and songs imply that it is? What kind of love is most important?
English Club Topic: Gifts
What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? What’s the worst gift you’ve ever gotten?
What’s the best gift you’ve ever given someone else? Why was it special?
There’s a saying that goes, “It’s better to give than to receive.” What does this saying mean? Do you agree with it? Does China have any sayings about giving gifts?
If you were given $1 million to buy gifts for your family and friends, what would you buy them and why?。