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在有些国家, 计算机仍处于发展初期。 为了生存, 为了自己及后代的衣、食、住, 人类
第二章 转换翻译法
英语和汉语分属不同语系, 在语言结构与表达形式上 各有特点。 有些句子能逐词对译, 有些则不能。 为 使译文表达清楚, 符合规范, 翻译时就需要采用适当 的词性转换、句子成分转换, 乃至句型转换等转换翻 译法。
大雨 崎岖的道路 令人难过的消息 粗线条 笨拙的步伐 重罪 孕妇
1.4 根据上下文选择 That car is really moving. Share prices moved ahead today. They don’t live here any longer—they’ve moved away. I was moved by her story. The MP moved an amendment to the Bill. When will the government move on this matter? This new line of stock is moving much too slowly.
A deep thinker
A deep politician Deep in debt
Deep disgrace
深井 低沉的声音 深邃的思想 狡猾的政客 奇耻大辱
பைடு நூலகம்
酣睡 深蓝色 深刻的思想家 债台高筑
A heavy box Heavy taxes A heavy heart A heavy sky Heavy features Heavy food Heavy reading
高速磨削不存在这种缺点。 晶体管能起三极管所能起的大部分作用。 橡皮柔软,受压就会变形。 这些药品可以用来医治九种严重的疾病。
2.2 将词义做抽象化的引申
In some countries, computer is still in its infancy.
In order to survive, to feed, clothe, and shelter himself and his children, man has to learn how to use the things he finds in nature.
2.1 词性的转换 2.1.1 可转换成汉语动词的各种情况
(1)(具有动作意义的)名词、名词化结构及起名词 作用的不定式、动名词等一般均可译成汉语的动词。
During the two- hour talk, the two sides exchanged views on the choice of terms of payment, but they made no mention of the mode of transportation.
our way of life The earth makes one revolution round the sun in
about 365 days. Revolution of a right triangle about one of its legs
generates a cone . The revolution of the season is repeated year by
The transistor will do most of the things a triode tube will do.
Rubber is soft, it gives way to pressure.
These drugs are used to treat nine serious medical conditions.
那辆汽车真快。 股票价格今日上扬。 他们已不住在这里---他们已经搬走了。 她的故事感动了我。 那位下院议员提议修订该法案。 政府何时在这个问题上采取行动? 这批新货很滞销。
2. 词义的引申
2.1 将词义做具体化的引申 High speed grinding does not know this
Heavy rain A heavy road Heavy news A heavy line A heavy walk A heavy offence A woman heavy with child
一个重箱子 苛税 承重的心情 阴沉的天 粗陋的面貌 油腻的食物 沉闷的读物
语气正式 陈述客观准确 语言规范 文体质朴 逻辑性强 专业术语性强
通读原文,了解大意。 辨明语法关系,搞清句与句之间的逻辑关系。 根据原文所涉及的主题或事物,确定某些多义词的词义。
选择合适的翻译技巧,按照汉语习惯遣词造句,重述原文 内容。
Her face was lighted by a smile.
He’s a bit light since his accident.
这光线太暗不能看书。 铝是一种轻金属。 这火点不着。 孙中山博士是历史上著名人物之一。 微笑使她容光焕发。 那次意外事件后他总是有点头晕。
1.2 根据专业内容选择 The invention of air travel caused a revolution in
第一章 英语词语的正确理解与表达
1. 词义的选择
1.1 根据词类选择 This light is too poor to read by.
Aluminum is a light metal.
The fire won’t light.
Dr. Sun Yat-sen is one of the lights in history.
航空旅行这一创举使我们的生活方式发生了根本性 的变革。
1.3 根据搭配习惯选择
A deep well
A deep sleep
A deep voice
A deep blue
A deep mind