哈工大 地震工程课件 工程地震部分 第五章 强地震动工程特征和地震动的衰减

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最大增量速度(IV)、最大增量位 移(ID)
增量速度:加速度脉冲下的面积,实际上代表 速度变化的增量,它与质量的乘积代表结构的 动量或者相当于地震左右的冲量作用
增量位移:速度脉冲下的面积 可用来刻画近断层区域的地震动破坏势
1 Td
x (t )dt )
2 0
地震动反应谱(response spectrum)
单自由度弹性系统在地震动作用下最大反应 的绝对值与体系的自振特征(自振周期或频率
和阻尼比)之间的函数关系 • (日)大崎顺彦著,吕敏申、谢礼立译, 地震动的谱分析入门,地震出版社,1980 • 反应谱的算法
• Response spectra describe peak time-domain response of a suite of single-degree of freedom oscillators to the seismic excitation. Response spectra play an important role in the development of engineering designs. • The pseudo-relative velocity, PSV, is obtained from Sd by PSV = (2π/ To) Sd. The pseudo-relative acceleration, PSA, is obtained from Sd by PSA = (2π/ To) 2 Sd. In general, PSA≈ Sa and PSV≈ Sv, although these different spectra can have different asymptotic properties at high and low frequencies. The spectra are usually computed for a range of damping, from h = 0% (undamped) to h = 20% of critical. This range is used because most manmade structures are similarly lightly damped. A damping of h = 5% is the most likely to be reported.
这类参数因为具有简单、直观的物理意义及 计算简便等优点,所以被人较早的认识和接受。
人们从静力的观点看待地震动,直观地认为最 大加速度可以作为地震动强弱的标志,因为由此 产生的侧向惯性力可代表地震动对结构的破坏作 用;这以后又发展用地震动的峰值速度和峰值位 移作为地震动强弱的标志,认为地震动的峰值速 度与地震动的能量有关,峰值位移与变形有关。

ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidua (t )dt
谱烈度(Spectrum Intensity)
SI S v (T , )dT
0.1 2.5
Sv 为对应阻尼比为 ζ 的相对速度反应谱, T 为周 期, ζ 常取为 0 或 0.2 ,是一个客观的物理量,并不 涉及任何宏观现象。 谱烈度也是一个从能量的角度表征地震动潜在 破坏势的参数,因为Sv反映了弹性单自由度体系的 能量需要,但谱烈度一个明显的缺点就是它没有考 虑持时的影响,而持时对结构的累积损伤是很重要 的。
Engineering Seismology (3)
Main Characteristics and Attenuation of Ground Motion
http://www.cen.bris.ac.uk/civil/students/eqteach97/earth4.htm http://www.cen.bris.ac.uk/civil/students/eqteach97/glossary.htm

The strongest earthquake motions that have been recorded to date have peak accelerations between 1 g and 3 g, where 1 g (= 980 cm/sec2) is the acceleration of the Earth's gravity field, although records with such large peak values are rare. It is less clear what threshold of ground motion needs to be exceeded to be considered “strong motion”. Probably a logical level to choose would be about 10 cm/sec2, as the older strong-motion instruments (accelerographs) that traditionally defined the field are not able to resolve ground accelerations with amplitudes smaller than this. Modern digital accelerographs are much more sensitive, able to resolve peak accelerations to 0.1 cm/sec2 or smaller. People at rest are able to feel motions as small as 1 cm/sec2. In moderate magnitude earthquakes, damage to structures that are not designed for earthquake resistance appears at accelerations of about 100 cm/sec2.
• 同样距离处,地震动幅值随着震级的增大 而增大,在大震级段加速度幅值会产生饱 和现象。 • 同震级,地震动幅值随着距离的增大而减 小,大地震在近场也会产生饱和现象。 • 土层场地,尤其是软弱场地上,地震动幅 值一般比基岩场地上大。在震中区或地震 断裂附近,基岩场地上的地震动幅值有可 能比土层场地上大。
均方根加速度、均方根速度和均方根位移 定义为: T
1 RMSX ( Td
2 2 x ( t ) dt ) 0
其中:x(t)为地震动的加速度、速度或位移, Td为地震动的持时。 对于量度地震动的能量方面更为有效一些
d Td T 2 I A ( 1 a 2 (t )2dt RMSX 2 g 0 Td x (t )dt )
• 强地震动相当复杂,只能选择其主要的特 征,地震动三要素: • 幅值(amplitude),最大值PGA、PGV、 PGD,有效值EPA、EPV,均方根值Arms、 Vrms、Drms,SI等; • 频谱特征:富氏谱(Fourier spectrum)、 反应谱(response spectrum)和功率谱 (power spectrum)等; • 持续时间(duration),绝对持时(0.05g或 0.1g)、相对持时(5%-95%)等。