

锂 二氧化锰电池 技术规格书说明书

锂 二氧化锰电池 技术规格书说明书

版本/状态A/0锂/二氧化锰电池技 术 规 格 书电池型号:CR1620编制: 日期:审核: 日期:批准: 日期:客户确认: 日期:版本/状态A/0- 2 -1. 目的1.1 对武汉力兴(火炬)电源有限公司出品的锂电池的产品规格、测试方法进行规范,避免因测试条件、方法的不同引起偏差。

1.2 指导客户正确选择和使用我公司电池。

2. 产品类别和产品型号表13.产品基本特性表2序号 项目 特性1 标称容量*70 mAh (20±2℃时47K Ω负载电阻连续放电至2.0V )2 标称电压 3.0V3 工作温度范围 -20~+60℃4 最大脉冲电流 8 mA5 最大连续放电电流 3 mA6 结构及成分 二氧化锰正极、锂负极、有机电液、隔膜及不锈钢外壳等7重 量约1.3g* 标称容量:数值是在47K Ω负载、20±2℃、截止电压为2.0V 的条件下测得的。

(所测得的容量值会随着放电电流、温度以及截止电压的不同而变化)类别 型号 锂锰扣式电池CR1620版本/状态A/0- 3 -4. 外形示意图及尺寸(尺寸单位:mm )AФ16.0-0.3B2.0-0.25.外观电池的外观整洁,标志清晰,极性标识正确,表面无变形、锈迹、污点及泄漏。

6.特性 6.1电性能表3 序号 项目 测试条件常温一年内性能开路电压 室温 20±2 ℃ 3.0~3.5V 低温 -20±2 ℃ 3.0~3.5V 1高温 60±2 ℃ 3.0~3.5V工作电压 放电负载:30K Ω室温 20±2 ℃ ≥3.0V 低温 -20±2 ℃ ≥2.9V 2高温 60±2 ℃ ≥3.0V放电负载:47K Ω 工作寿命终止电压:2.0V室温 20±2 ℃ ≥1000hrs 低温 -20±2 ℃ ≥600hrs 3高温60±2 ℃≥990hrs6.2性能检验6.2.1每项试验的样品数为6只。

拓品微电子 500mA线性锂离子电池充电器数据手册说明书

拓品微电子 500mA线性锂离子电池充电器数据手册说明书

南京拓品微电子有限公司NanJing Top Power ASIC Corp.数据手册DATASHEETTP4057(500mA线性锂离子电池充电器)概述、特点、典型应用-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P2管脚、特性指标----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P3引脚功能说明-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P5充电电流大小设置、电池反接保护功能----------------------------------------------------------------P7充电指示状态、无电池连接指示状态-------------------------------------------------------------------P8多种典型应用图、使用注意事项-------------------------------------------------------------------------P12采用SOT23封装500mA 防锂电池反接充电器Top Power ASIC拓品微电子特点·锂电池正负极反接保护; ·高达500mA 的可编程充电电流; ·无需MOSFET 、检测电阻器或隔离二极管; ·用于单节锂离子电池 ·恒定电流/恒定电压操作,并具有可在无过热危险的情况下实现充电速率最大化的热调节功能;·可直接从USB 端口给单节锂离子电池充电; ·精度达到±1%的4.2V 预设充电电压; ·最高输入可达9V ; ·自动再充电;·2个充电状态开漏输出引脚; ·C/10充电终止;·待机模式下的供电电流为40uA ; ·2.9V 涓流充电器件版本; ·软启动限制了浪涌电流; ·采用6引脚SOT-23封装。



3.7V 锂电池充电器技术规格可能因不同的制造商和产品而有所不同,但通常包括以下内容:
1. 输入电压:充电器的输入电压范围,通常为交流电源电压(如100-240VAC)。

2. 输出电压:充电器的输出电压,应该与待充电的
3.7V 锂电池的电压相匹配。

3. 输出电流:充电器的输出电流,通常以毫安(mA)或安培(A)为单位。


4. 充电模式:充电器的充电模式,如恒流充电、恒压充电或智能充电等。


5. 充电时间:充电器的充电时间,通常以小时(h)为单位。


6. 过充保护:充电器应该具有过充保护功能,以避免电池过度充电而损坏。

7. 短路保护:充电器应该具有短路保护功能,以避免短路引起的火灾或其他安全问题。

8. 温度保护:充电器应该具有温度保护功能,以避免充电器过热而损坏。

9. 认证:充电器应该符合相关的安全认证标准,如CE、UL、FCC 等。

以上是3.7V 锂电池充电器的一些常见技术规格,具体规格可能因产品而异。




500mah锂电池充放电参数英文回答:Battery Charging Parameters.Charging voltage: 4.2V.Charging current: 500mA or less.Charging time: Approximately 1 hour.Constant current / constant voltage (CC/CV) charging method.Battery Discharging Parameters.Discharge voltage range: 2.75V 4.2V.Discharge current: 500mA or less.Discharge capacity: 500mAh.Discharge time: Approximately 1 hour.Additional Considerations.Use a dedicated lithium-ion battery charger.Do not overcharge or over-discharge the battery.Avoid extreme temperatures during charging or discharging.Store the battery in a cool, dry place when not in use.Monitor the battery's temperature during charging and discharging.中文回答:电池充电参数。



恒流/恒压 (CC/CV) 充电方式。


放电电压范围,2.75V 4.2V. 放电电流,500mA或以下。






电源适配器技术规格承认书客户:产品型号: 5V1200MA类型:适配器版本号: A深圳市XXXX科技有限公司地址:联系人:电话:传真:1 适用范围此规格书用于规定适配器的电气、机械特性以及外部环境要求等各方面的规格。

2 存储条件3 电气特性3.1 输入特性3.1.1 电压/频率:输入电压范围是AC110V-240V,频率范围为47HZ-63HZ。

3.1.2 稳定电流(满载时):当输入交流电压AC90V–50/60HZ时,最大输入电流1000mA。

3.1.3 浪涌电流在冷开机的情况下,当输入230V电压后10uS内,最大浪涌电流小于27A。

3.1.4 空载消耗:240Vac输入,输出空载的情况下,输入功率小于1W。

3.1.5 最大功率:输出最大功率5W。

3.1.6 工作效率:在额定输入电压范围内和满载条件下,工作效率(输出功率/输入功率)≥ 50% 。

3.2 输出特性3.2.1 额定输出电压:DC5.0V3.2.1 输出电压范围:DC5.0V±0.5V3.2.3 输出电流范围:0.9~1.5A3.2.4 输出纹波:≤80mV(测试电路参考附图)测试方法:任何负载正常工作下,使用示波器带宽为20MHz连接到适配器的输出端,同时输出端并连一个104pF 陶瓷电容和一个10uF的电解电容。

3.2.5 起机延迟:输入额定电压后,该充电器应该在 100mS以内输出正常。

3.2.6 保持时间:断开交流输入,该适配器能保持输出电压在5.0V±0.5V以内,时间大于5mS(测试条件:240Vac输入,满载)。

3.3 保护电路3.3.1 短路保护能保证本产品在输出端短路状态下不会导致着火或任何损坏。


3.3.2 过温度保护当本产品内部温度过高时,内部过温度保护电路动作,使温度降低,不得出现着火或任何破坏。

4 环境适应性试验4.1 高温测试实验温度为65℃±2℃,产品不包装,持续实验时间为8小时。



锂离子电池充电器规格书1. 引言本文档旨在提供关于锂离子电池充电器的规格信息。


2. 规格2.1 输入电压- 标称输入电压:220VAC- 输入电压范围:200VAC - 240VAC- 输入频率:50Hz2.2 输出电压- 标称输出电压:DC 12V- 输出电压精度:±5%2.3 输出电流- 标称输出电流:2A- 最大输出电流:3A2.4 充电方式- 充电模式:恒定电流充电(CC)/恒定电压充电(CV)- 充电截止条件:- 恒定电流阶段:当电池电压达到4.2V时- 恒定电压阶段:当电池充电电流下降至0.05C时2.5 安全性能- 过充保护:当电池电压超过4.2V时,充电器自动停止充电。

- 过流保护:当输出电流超过3A时,充电器自动停止充电。

- 短路保护:当输出端出现短路时,充电器自动停止充电。

- 温度保护:当充电器工作温度过高时,充电器自动停止充电。

2.6 外观和接口- 外观尺寸:100mm x 50mm x 30mm- 输入接口:国标插头- 输出接口:USB Type-A3. 注意事项- 请使用厂商提供的指定电源适配器,以确保充电器性能和安全性。

- 在充电过程中,请确保室内通风良好,避免过热情况的发生。

- 充电器不适用于非锂离子电池类型的充电。




Energizer EN500 车载充电器 用户手册说明书

Energizer EN500 车载充电器 用户手册说明书

Cautions identify conditions or practices that may damage the unit or other equipment.EN500EN500EN500Connected to the 12volt outlet in your vehicle,the efficiently and reliably powers a wide variety Read this guide before connecting or using the and save it for future reference.1EN500Energizer of loads through both the AC outlet and USB port.Thank you for purchasingthe ® EN500EN500We hope you enjoy using your and if you require any assistance,please contact our help desk: or toll free:1.866.295.6775Misusing or incorrectly connecting the may damage the equipment or create hazardous conditions for users.Read the following safety instructions and pay special attention to all Caution and Warning statements in the guide.Warnings identify conditions that may result in children away from the . T he nverter generates the same potentially lethal AC power as a normal household wall outlet.1. Introduction 2. Important Safety Information2extended high power operation.During operation,keep it away from materials that may be affected by high temperatures.Do not use the in the presence of flammable fumes or gases,such as in the bilge of a gasoline powered boat,or near propane tanks.Do not use the in an enclosure containing automotive-type ,lead-acid batteries.These batteries,unlike sealed batteries,vent explosive hydrogen gas,which can be ignited by can becomebent from misuse.If an AC plug isimproperly inserted into the AC outlet,a bentprong can slip outside the inverter and becomea shock hazard.Grip the inverter carefullywhen inserting or removing an AC plug.Keep yourngers clear of the AC outlet.Ensure thatyour ngers do not contact the prongsof an AC plug when the plug is partiallyinside theinverter.EN500EN5003Do not replace any vehicle fuse with a rating higher than recommended by the Vehicle Manufacturer.Ensure that the electrical system in your vehicle can supply this product without causing the vehicle fusing to open. Information on the vehicle fuserating is typically found in the vehicle operator’s manual.If a vehicle fuse opens repeatedly, do not keep on replacing it. The cause of the overload must be found. On no account should fuses be patched up with tin foil or wire as this may cause serious damage elsewhere in the electrical circuit or4rechargeable flashlights,some rechargeable shavers,and night lights that are plugged directly into an AC receptacle torecharge.not connect live AC power to the outlets.This will damage the inverter,and the damage is not covered by warranty.Do not connect any AC load that has its neutralconductor connected to ground to the EN500EN500EN500•Battery chargers used in hand power tools.These chargers display a warning label stating that dangerous voltages are present at the charger battery terminals.Output non-sinusoidalchargers for small nickel-cadmium batteries be damaged if connected to the Do not use the inverter with the following appliances:•Small battery-operated appliances like5Additional Safety Guidelines •Do not insert foreign objects in the outlets or other openings.•Never connect the inverter to power utility AC distribution wiring.•Do not use the in temperatures over 100°F (40°C).•Do not expose the to water,rain,snow,or spray.Failure to follow these safety guidelines may cause personal injury and/or damage to the It may also void your product warranty.•Overload protection with automatic shutdown •Low battery voltage shutdown •High-input voltage protection with automatic shutdown •Overheat protection with automatic shutdown •Output short circuitprotection.EN500EN500EN500EN5003. Safety Features6GroundTerminalRemote Control ReceptacleDCConnectorsCooling FanBackON/OFFPowerButton AC Outlets USB port2.1 AmpFront 4. Inverter Features7EN500EN500EN500 AC output waveform,called “modified sine wave”is designed to function similarly to the sine wave shape of utility power.Most devices are not affected by a "modified sine wave",you may need to consult with the manufacturer of the device you wish to run prior to connection with inverter.Through its AC outlet,the is capable of powering most 120V AC products that use 500W or less.The can also power or chargemost consumer electronics that have USB power ports.The 5. Using the Inverter1. Plug a DC cable into the DC cable port on theEN500 and connect to a 12V cigarette lighter receptacle.2.Plug the device you want to operate into the EN5003.When the inverter is not in use,unplug it from the 12V outlet to prevent slight discharge of the battery.91.When properly connected to a 12V outlet, the light will glow GREEN, indicating the inverter is ready.2.Plug the product(s) you want to operate into the AC outlet or USB port and switch them on (if necessary).Operating Guidelines •As the battery is used, its voltage begins to fall. When the EN500 senses that the voltage at its DC input has dropped to 10.5V , the inverter automatically shuts down and the light glows RED, indicating a fault. This prevents the battery from being damaged. Turn off any devices that theEN500 is powering.6. Inverter Operation10•If an AC product rated higher than 500 W is plugged into the EN500, the inverter will shut down. The LED light will alternate from GREEN to RED continuously.•If the EN500 exceeds a safe operatingtemperature, due to insu cient ventilation or a high-temperature environment, it automatically shuts down. The RED FAULT light comes on.•Should a defective battery charging system cause the battery voltage to rise to dangerously high levels, the EN500 automatically shuts down. The RED FAULT light comes on.Important:Vehicle batteries are designed to providebrief periods of very high current needed for enginestarting. They are not intended for constant deep discharge. Regularly operating the EN500from a vehiclebattery until low-voltage shutdown occurs will shorten thelife of the battery.11•In the event of an overload,low battery voltage or overheating,the EN500 a utomatically shuts down.Battery Operating TimeOperating time will vary depending on the charge level of the battery,its capacity and the power level drawn by the particular AC load,USB load,orcombination of both.With a typical vehicle battery and a 80W load,an operating time of 4to 5hours or more can be expected.When using a vehicle battery as a power source,it is strongly recommended to start the vehicle every hour or two to recharge the battery before its capacity drops too low. The EN500 can operate whilethethe EN500incorporatesagainst over-voltage,it may still be damaged if the input voltage exceeds 16V .engine is running, but the normal voltage drop that occurs during starting of the engine may trigger theinverter’s low voltage shutdown feature.12Interference with Electronic EquipmentGenerally,most AC products operate with EN500just as they would with household AC power.Below is information concerning two possible exceptions.Buzzing sound in audio systems and radiosTelevision interference•Increase the distance between the EN500and the TV ,antenna and cables.•Adjust the orientation of the EN500television,antenna andcables.•Maximize TV signal strength by using a better antenna and use shielded antenna cable where possible.Some inexpensive stereo systems and AM-FM radios have inadequate internal power supply filtering and will “buzz”slightly when powered by the EN500Generally,the only solution is an audio product with a higher quality filter.The EN500 i s shielded to minimize itsinterference with TV signals.However,with weak TV signals interference may be visible in the form o f l inesscrolling across the screen.The following shouldminimize or eliminate the problem:13PROBLEM:AC product will not operate,no inverter lights are ON .PROBLEM:Measured inverter output is too low.7. Troubleshooting14PROBLEM:AC product will notoperate, R ED FAULT light ON.Battery voltage is too low.Recharge battery.Possible causeSolution Move the inverter to a coolerplace. Reduce load if continuous operation is required. Restart.down.15Specifications: EN5008. Specifications16Specifications: EN500 (continued) All specifications are typical at nominal line, half load, and 77°F (25° C)unless otherwise noted. Specifications are subject to change without notice.NOTE:17PowerBright will,at its option,use new and/or reconditioned parts in performing warranty repair and buildingreplacement products.PowerBright reserves the right touse parts or products of original or improved design in the repair or replacement.If PowerBright repairs or replaces a product,its warranty continues for the remaining portion of the original Warranty Period or 90days from the date of thereturnWhat will PowerBright do?PowerBright will,at its option,repair or replace the defective product free of charge,provided that you notify PowerBright of the product defect within the Warranty Period,and provided that PowerBright through inspection establishes the existence of such a defect and that it is covered by this Limited Warranty.Warranty by PowerBrightWhat does this warranty cover?This Limited Warranty is provided by PowerBright andcovers defects in workmanship and materials in yourEN500.This warranty period lasts for 24months from the date of purchase at the point of sale to you,theoriginal end user customer.You are required to have proofof purchase tomake warranty claims.9. Warranty and Return18shipment to the customer,whichever is greater.All replaced products and all parts removed from repaired products become the property of PowerBright.PowerBright covers both parts and labor necessary to repair the product,and return shipment to the customer via a PowerBright selected non-expedited surface freight within the contiguous United States and Canada.Alaska and Hawaii are excluded.Contact PowerBright Customer Service for details on freight policy for return shipments outside of the contiguous United States and Canada.How do you get service?If your product requires troubleshooting or warranty service,contact your dealer.If you are unable to contact your dealer,or the dealer is unable to provide service,contact PowerBright directly at:Toll Free:186********Website:Direct returns may be performed according to the PowerBright Return Material Authorization Policy described in yourproduct manual.For some products,PowerBright maintains a network of regional Authorized Service Centers.Call PowerBright or check our website to see if your product can be repaired at one of these facilities.19What does this warranty not cover?This LimitedWarranty does not cover normal wear and tear of the product or costs related to the removal,installation,ortroubleshooting of the customer's electrical systems.This warranty does not apply to ,an d P owerBrigh t w ill n ot be responsible for ,any defect in or damage to:a)the product if it has been misused,neglected,improp-erly installed,physically damaged or altered,either internally or externally,or damaged from improper use or use in an unsuitable environment;b)the product if it has been subjected to fire,water,generalized corrosion,biological infestations,or input voltage that creates operating conditions beyond the maximum or minimum limits listed in the PowerBright product specifications including high input voltage from generators and lightning strikes;c)the product if repairs have been done to it other than byPowerBright or its authorized service centers (hereafter "ASCs");d)the product if it is used as a component part of a prod-uct expressly warranted by another manufacturer;e)the product if its original identification (trade-mark,serial number)markings have been defaced,altered,orremoved.20ExclusionsIf this product is a consumer product,federal law does not allow an exclusion of implied warranties.To the extent you are entitled to implied warranties under federal law,to the extent permitted by applicable law they are limited to the duration of this Limited Warranty. Some states and provinces do not allow limitations or exclusions on implied warranties or on the duration of an implied warranty or on the limitation or exclusion of incidental or consequential damages,so the above limitation(s)or exclusion(s)may not apply to you. This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have other rights which may vary from state to state or province to province.Warning:Limitations On UsePlease refer to your product manual for limitations on uses of the product.SPECIFICALLY ,PLEASE NOTE THAT THE EN500SHOULD NOT BE USED IN CONNECTION WITH LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS OR OTHER MEDICAL EQUIPMENT OR DEVICES.WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING,POWERBRIGHT MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES REGARDING THE USE OF THE ENERGIZER EN500IN CONNECTION WITH LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS OR OTHER MEDICAL EQUIPMENT ORDEVICES.21Return Material Authorization Policy Before returning a product directly to PowerBright you mustobtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA)number andthe correct factory "Ship To"address.Products must also beshipped prepaid.Product shipments will be refused andreturned at your expense if they are unauthorized,returned without an RMA number clearly marked on the outside of the shipping box,if they are shipped collect,or ifthey areshipped to the wrong location.When you contact PowerBright to obtain service,please haveyour instruction manual ready for reference and be prepared to supply:-A copy of your dated proof of purchase-The serial number of your product -Information about the installation and use of the unit - Information about the failure and/orreason for the return22Return Procedure 1.Package the unit safely,preferably using the original box and packing materials.Please ensure that your product is shipped fully insured in the original packaging or equivalent.This warranty will not apply where the product is damaged due to improper packaging.2.Include the following:•The RMA number supplied by PowerBright Technology,Inc.clearly marked on the outside of the box.•A return address where the unit can be shipped.Post Office Boxes a re not a cceptable.•A contact telephone number where you can be reached during work hours.•A brief description of the problem.3.Ship the unit prepaid to the address provided by your PowerBright customer service representative.If you are returning a product from outside of the USA or Canada In addition to the above,you MUST include return freight funds and are fully responsible for all documents,duties,tariffs,anddeposits.。

MEAN WELL NPB-1200系列超宽输出范围智能电池充电器产品说明书

MEAN WELL NPB-1200系列超宽输出范围智能电池充电器产品说明书

All rights reserved by MEAN WELL 2021Ultra-Wide Output Range Intelligent Battery ChargerNPB-1200SeriesFrank Chen|Product Manger|Product Strategy Center******************WattPB/NPB Series RoadmapO l d G e n e r a t i o nN e w G e n e r a t i o n120 240 360 500750 1000 12001500 1700PB-120 / 230 / 300 / 360 / 600 / 1000NPB-120 / 240 / 360 / 450 / 750 / 1200/ 1700Stationary Type-Compact size programmable chargerNPBSeries Selection TableSeriesWattageAC Input VoltageDC Output VoltageBuilt-in DC FanOutput ConnectorDimension (mm)NPB-120120W 90~264Vac14.4Vdc 28.8Vdc57.6Vdc 96Vdc (450W)Terminal Block Anderson 4 pin XLR180*96*49NPB-240240W NPB-360360W NPB-450450W Terminal Block205*130*55NPB-750750W 230*158*67NPB-12001200W 250*158*67NPB-17001700W300*184*673 Key Features of NPBSeriesSmartFunctionAuto rangingRemote controlFast Charging&High Efficiency upto 93%Global certification3 years warrantySafe &DurableHighEfficiencyKey Features●Patented auto ranging with ultra-wide charging voltage(10.5~21V, 21~42V, 42~80V)●Built-in CANBus protocol for control, setting and monitoring●Programmable 2/3 stage and charging curve settings via SBP-001●Manual setting for 2/3 stage and 4 built-in charging curves via DIP switch ●Adjust charging current between 50~100% via VR on front panel●Over temperature automatic de-rating●Thermal controlled DC fan for noise reduction●Temperature compensation function to prolong battery life●Multiple protections: Short circuit / Over voltage / Over temperature /Battery under voltage / Battery reverse polarity (no damage)●Suitable for lead-acid (Pb) and li-ion batteries●Carry handle accessory available (Order No.: DS-Carry handle)●Safety: CB, UL, DEKRA, EAC, CE, UKCA(62368-1 + 60335-1/-2-29)●3-year warrantyNew Gen.Reduced Size(%)Series Dimension(LxWxH)NPB-1200250*158*67 mm-32%Old Gen.Series Dimension(LxWxH)PB-1000300*184*70 mmOld Gen. —PB SeriesNew Gen. —NPB SeriesSize MiniaturizationComparison TableOld Gen. -PB-1000SeriesOutput Power1000W1200WInput Voltage90~264Vac90~264VacCharging Voltage14.4V (stationary voltage)28.8V (stationary voltage)57.6V (stationary voltage)14.4V( 10.5~15.2V)28.8V( 21~30.4V)57.6V ( 42~60.8V)(Patent number.: CN111711254B )Patented AutoRangingAdjustable ChargingAdjust between 50~100% via VR on frontpanel or connect with computerCommunicationInterface(Built-in )Charging Stage2/3/8stage 2 or 3 stage selectable by DIP S.W or connect with PC Other Function Floating maintenance, NTC sensing , RC Floating maintenance, NTC sensing , RCEfficiency85~89% 92~94%Working Temp.-20~+60℃-30~+70℃Multi-intelligentProtectionsShort circuit / Over voltage / Over temp. /Battery reverse polarityShort circuit/ Over voltage/ Over temp./ Battery reversepolarity/ Battery static discharge protection Applicable Battery Lead-acid battery lead-acid or li-ion batteriesSafety Approvals62368-1or60335-2-29 (by series)62368-1+60335-2-29dual certificationNew Gen.-NPB-1200 SeriesAuto Ranging Charging with Multiple Functions21V 42V 80V 100V10.5V 21V 42V 54VUltra-wide charging voltage ,and can be used for a wide range of batteriesBuilt-in CANBus Protocol InterfaceWith CANBus protocol,control and monitoring function can be realized.It is helpful when users intend to modify the parameters ers can access the master and modify the parameters through CANBus,which include,ON/OFF,output voltage/current,temperature.More to that,users can even change the charging curve parameters,such as constant current level,boost voltage,float voltage and timeout function.Simple Operation InterfaceProgrammer SBP-001 is able to work with:ENC-120/240/360、HEP-1000C 、RCB/RPB-1600、DBU/DBR-3200、NPB-450/750/1200/1700 seriesSmart Programmer SBP-001Charger can be quickly connected with USB to the laptopConnectionFunction Settingcurveadjustable2 or 3-stageselectableChargingtimeout setting Programmer SBP-001 is able to work with:ENC-120/240/360、HEP-1000C、RCB/RPB-1600、DBU/DBR-3200、NPB-450/750/1200/1700 seriesLead-acid BatteriesLi-ion Batteries14.4V 、28.8V 、57.6V 、67.2V 、72V 、84V 、96V 、120V 13.8V 、27.6V 、55.2V•Wet cells •Gel cells •AGMFor A Variety of Batteries•Ternary lithium•Lithium-ion manganese oxide (LiMn 2O 4)•Lithium iron phosphate (LiFePo 4)•Electric crane •Forklift truck •Automated guided vehicle •DroneApplications•Electric drill •Electric weeder •Electric screwdriver/ Impact wrench •Electric blenderElectric Mobility•Electric motorcycle •E-Bikes •Golf cart •E-Scooters •Electric unicycleHand-held Power ToolsHandling EquipmentMobile Robotics Charging Stations•Hospital food delivery robot •Airport guide robot •Warehouse picking robot。





三、电气参数1、输入:90-250V AC,50/60Hz 80mA;2、输出:5VDC 500MA,最大2A;3、空载功耗:0.2W MAX;4、充电满载功耗:5W MAX;5、电池充饱率:≥90%。

四、环境条件1、使用环境:温度:0-40℃湿度:≤95%;2、存储环境:温度: -25~+60℃湿度:≤85%;3、工作时本体温度:充电时壳体表面温度≤50℃,电池表面温度≤45℃。


六、可靠性能参数1.输入特性 (3)1.1额定输入电压 (3)1.2输入电压范围 (3)1.3输入频率 (3)1.4输入频率范围 (3)1.AC输入电流 (3)1.6峰值输入电流 (3)1.7效率 (3)2.输出特性 (3)2.1输出额定电压 (3)2.2输出电压 (3)2.3额定输出电流 (4)2.4额定功率 (4)2.5 LED 指示功能) (4)2.6充电器输出电压/电流特性图..........................2.7输出纹波、噪音 (4)2.8输出电流纹波、噪音 (4)2.9启动延时 (4)2.10关断时延 (4)2.11过冲 (4)2.12电流倒灌 (4)2.13保护 (4)2.13.1过压保护 (4)2.13.2过流保护........................................................................ .............. (4)2.13.3短路保护........................................................................ ......... .. (4)3.信赖性项目 (4)3.1静电 (4)3.2高压测试 (4)3.3绝缘电阻 (4)3.4泄漏电流 (4)3.5温升 (4)3.6连续工作时间 (5)3.7平均无故障时间............................................................................... . (5)3.8 EMI标准..................................................................................................5.4.环境要求 (5)4.1工作温度 (5)4.2储藏温度 (5)4.3工作湿度 (5)4.4储藏湿度 (5)5.机械要求 (5)5.1尺寸 (5)5.2重量 (5)5.3USB 接口类型 (5)5.4跌落试验 (5)5.5振动试验 (5)5.6插拔实验 (5)6.机械性能 (6)6.1外观 (5)6.2外壳材质 (6)7.环境性能 (5)7.1低温工作实验 (5)7.2高温工作实验 (6)7.3低温存储 (6)7.4高温存储 (6)7.5恒温恒湿工作) (6)1.输入特性1.1额定输入电压额定输入交流100V~240V。



When this crossed-out wheeled bin symbol is attached to a product it means the product is coveredSeule une mise au rebut adéquate des produits peut empêcher la contamination de l'environnementEl producto se ha diseñado y fabricado con materiales y componentes de alta calidad, que se pueden reciclar yIhr Gerät wurde unter Verwendung hochwertiger Materialien und Komponenten entwickelt und hergestellt, die nicht über Ihren Haushaltsabfall. Durch die korrekte Entsorgung Ihrer Altgeräte werden Umwelt undUw product is vervaardigd van kwalitatief hoogwaardige materialen en onderdelen, welke gerecycled en opnieuw Neem bij de verwijdering van oude producten de lokale wetgeving in acht en plaats deze productenIl prodotto è stato progettato e assemblato con materiali e componenti di alta qualità che possono essere riciclati e Informarsi sulle modalità di raccolta, dei prodotti elettrici ed elettronici, in vigore nella zona in cui siO seu produto foi desenhado e fabricado com matérias-primas e componentes de alta qualidade, que podem ser a d a a a a a w a a a a aa a a a aLütfen, elektrikli ve elektronik ürünlerin toplanması ile ilgili bulunduğunuz yerdeki sistem hakkında bilgiDit produkt er konstrueret med og produceret af materialer og komponenter af høj kvalitet, som kan genbruges. husholdningsaffald. Korrekt bortskaffelse af dine gamle produkter er med til at skåne miljøet og voresProdukten är utvecklad och tillverkad av högkvalitativa material och komponenter som kan både återvinnas ochTuotteesi on suunniteltu ja valmistettu laadukkaista materiaaleista ja komponenteista, jotka voidaan kierrättää ja käyttääTuotteeseen kiinnitetty yliviivatun roskakorin kuva tarkoittaa, että tuote kuuluu Euroopan parlamentinpodzespoły,któreelektronicznego.wrazrecyklovat anaktorésa dajúrecyklovaťfelhasználásával terveztékésháztartási。



锂离子电池规格书SpecificationForLithium-ion Rechargeable Battery电芯型号: N18650CNPCell Type : N18650CNPDocument No P/PR03/PB-D-N18650CNP revised date 2018-5-3 Version A/01 Pages 13 Approved Checked Designed李艳斌邱沫马奇会Contents 目录1Preface前言2Definition定义2.1Standard charge method 标准充电方式2.2Standard discharge method 标准放电方式2.3Nominal capacity 标称容量3Cell type and dimension电芯型号及尺寸3.1Description and type 电芯说明及型号3.2Cell dimension电芯尺寸4Battery characteristics电池特性5Technical requirements技术要求5.1Battery usage conditions 电池使用环境5.2Battery testing conditions 电池实验环境5.3Requirement of the testing equipment 测量仪表要求5.4Electrochemical characteristics 电化学特性5.5Environmental characteristics 环境适应性能5.6Safety characteristics 安全性能6Package picture包装图片7Shipment出货8Warranty质量保证9Storage and shipment requirement存储及运输要求10Warning and cautions in handling the lithium-ion battery电池使用时警告事项及注意事项11The restriction of the use of hazardous substances有害物质控制要求12Contact information联系方式13Version history修订履历1Preface前言This specification describes the type, dimension, performance, technical characteristics, warnings and cautions of the lithium-ion rechargeable battery. The specification only applies to N18650CNP fresh batterys supplied by Shenzhen BAK Power Battery Co., Ltd.本标准描述了圆柱型锂离子电池的型号、尺寸、特性、技术要求及注意事项。

MEC ATLAS_500 Instruction-Manual

MEC ATLAS_500 Instruction-Manual

使用说明书电池充电器ATLAS-500 系列:安全事项与警告•由于身体,感官或精神方面的能力不足或是因经验不足而无法安全使用本充电器的人,不得在没有技术人员的控制或指导的情况下使用。
















产品特色•IP65被动冷却;挤压铝合金外壳•微处理器的四步充电技术,具有软启动和充电周期自动重启功能•5种可选电池类型(GEL, AGM, WET, Calcium, +PS-Mode) 和内置电池温度传感器,针对铅酸电池的应用•LED指示灯显示相应的充电状态及错误信息•防止短路,反极性,过热或过载的保护•电池恢复功能,尝试通过反复出现的一系列电压 / 电流脉冲来恢复深度放电或「失效」的电产品结构图专为锂电池而设的型号1.防护通风口2.AC线3.DC线4.红外接口 LED5.绿色主电源指示灯6.黄色充电指示灯7.绿色充满指示灯8.红色错误指示灯IP65 防水、微处理器控制的电池充电器。



CAN 总线/点火锁止(可选)。


1. 请勿将电子产品当成家庭废弃物丢弃。
To ensure that the products for your cell phone or the use of electronic products to provide quality results, in addition to reading the user manual also refer to your cell phone or electronic product guide.

如韵电子 500 毫安 USB 接口兼容的线性锂离子电池充电器电路 说明书

如韵电子 500 毫安 USB 接口兼容的线性锂离子电池充电器电路 说明书

在恒流模式,计算充电电流的公式为: ICH = 1800V / RISET 其中,ICH 表示充电电流,单位为安培 RISET 表示ISET管脚到地的电阻,单位为欧姆 例如,如果需要500毫安的充电电流,可按下面的公式计算: RISET = 1800V/0.5A = 3.6kΩ 为了保证良好的稳定性和温度特性,RISET建议使用精度为1%的金属膜电阻。 通过测量ISET管脚的电压可以检测充电电流。充电电流可以用下面的公式计算: ICH = (VISET / RISET) × 900
图 2 功能框图
REV 1.4
序号 名称 功能描述 电池温度检测输入端。将TEMP管脚接到电池的NTC传感器的输出端。如 果TEMP管脚的电压小于输入电压的45%或者大于输入电压的80%超过 管脚被拉 0.15秒,意味着电池温度过低或过高,则充电将被暂停, 到低电平,表示进入电池故障状态。如果TEMP在输入电压的45%和80%之 间超过0.15秒,则电池故障状态将被清除, 管脚为高阻态,充电将 继续。 如果将TEMP管脚接到地,电池温度监测功能将被禁止。 恒流充电电流设置和充电电流监测端。从ISET管脚连接一个外部电阻到地 端可以对充电电流进行编程。 在预充电阶段, 此管脚的电压被调制在0.2V; 在恒流充电阶段,此管脚的电压被调制在2V。在充电状态的所有模式,此 管脚的电压都可以根据下面的公式来监测充电电流: ICH = (VISET×900)/RISET 3 4 GND VIN 电源地 输入电压正输入端。此管脚的电压为内部电路的工作电源。当VIN与BAT 管脚的电压差小于40mv时, CN3052A将进入低功耗的睡眠模式, 此时BAT 管脚的电流小于3uA。 电池连接端。将电池的正端连接到此管脚。在芯片被禁止工作或者睡眠模 式,BAT管脚的电流小于3uA。BAT管脚向电池提供充电电流和4.2V的调 制电压。 漏极开路输出的电池故障状态指示端。当TEMP管脚的电压低于输入电压 VIN的45%或者高于输入电压VIN的80%超过0.15秒时,表示电池温度过低 被内部开关下拉到低电平,指示处于电池故障状态。除此 或过高, 以外, 管脚将处于高阻态。 漏极开路输出的充电状态指示端。当充电器向电池充电时, 管脚被内 部开关拉到低电平,表示充电正在进行;否则 管脚处于高阻态。 CE 芯片使能输入端。高输入电平将使CN3052A处于正常工作状态;低输入电 平使CN3052A处于被禁止状态。CE管脚可以被TTL电平或者CMOS电平驱 动。

智能锂电充电器 产品规格书

智能锂电充电器 产品规格书

智能锂电充电器产品规格书一.产品功能:(1) 本产品是一种智能锂电充电器,带有电池容量测试功能。


(2) 本产品的最大充电电流为1A。

可由介片设定充电电流为1A或700mA ,而3.6V 的电池充电电流全部为700mA 。

(3) 本产品是12V,1A供电。


(4) 本产品共分为三个部分,开关电源和充电器主体及放电部分。


二.产品规格:a) 在不加电源的情况下,直接插进电池,电池百分比侦测显示功能。


b) 有NTC侦测功能即是温度保护功能。

(对于10K的普通的NTC电阻起作用,即是NTC的阻值在4.7K时会关掉一充电及放电功能,之后显示工作错误)c) LCD背光功能。

d) 电池容量测试。


三.显示界面a) 液晶显示图1B)一个LED显示放电体是否插入充电器。















Vout, 8A↓
Vout, 6A↓ 5%CC 输 入 电 压 =220Vac, 额 定 负 载 Vin=220Vac,rated load
转换电流 Vout, Vout, Vout, Vout, Vout, Vout, Transition Current 1A→0 0.6A→0 0.6A→0 0.5A→0 0.4A→0 0.3A→0
300W ■180-260Vac □90-260Vac
Environmental condition
序号 No. 1 2
项目 Item 湿度 Humidity 海拔 Altitude
技术参数 Technical specification 5~95% ≤3000m
备注 Remark 带包装 With package 正常工作 Work normally
2. 主要参数
Main product specification
型号 Model 最大 输出 电压 Max output voltage □镍氢 Ni-MH






■LiFePO4 □Ni-MH
技术参数 Technical specification □12V 15V 16.8V 14.6V ≤Vout
备注 Remark □72V 90V 88.2V 87.6V ≤Vout
□24V 30V 29.4V 29.2V ≤Vout
□36V 45V 42V 43.8V ≤Vout

HX4054A 500mA 锂电池充电器说明书

HX4054A 500mA 锂电池充电器说明书

(没充电的情况下)概述HX4054A 是一款单节锂离子电池恒流/恒压线性充电器,简单的外部应用电路非常适合便携式设备应用,适合 USB 电源和适配器电源工作,内部采用防倒充电路,不需要外部隔离二极管。


HX4054A 充电截止电压为 4.2V,充电电流可通过外部电阻进行设置。

当充电电流降至设定值的 1/10 时,HX4054A 将自动结束充电过程。

当输入电压被移掉后,HX4054A 自动进入低电流待机状态,将待机电流降至 1uA 以下。

HX4054A 在有输入电源时也可置于停机模式,从而将工作电流降至 30uA 。

特点∙ 最大充电电流:500mA∙ 无需MOSFET 、检测电阻器和隔离二极管∙ 智能热调节功能可实现充电速率最大化∙ 智能再充电功能∙ 预充电压:4.2V±1% ∙ C/10充电终止 ∙ 待机电流30uA∙ BAT 超低自耗电1uA ∙ 2.9V 涓流充电阈值 ∙ 单独的充电、结束指示灯控制信号 ∙ 封装形式:SOT23-5应用∙ 手机、PDA 、MP3/MP4∙ 蓝牙耳机、GPS∙ 充电座∙数码相机、Mini 音响等便携式设备典型应用电路∙锂电池正负极反接保护注:R1电阻建议不要省列与C1构成RC 滤波防止过充电压。

如果R1电阻不接C1使用10UF 以上电容。


4C/10涓流充电电流∙管脚SOT23-5L 定购信息极限参数(注1)注1电气参数(注2,3)注3:规格书的最小、最大规范范围由测试保证,典型值由设计、测试或统计分析保证。


当充电电流减小到充电结束内部框图工作原理HX4054A 是专门为一节锂离子电池或锂聚合物电池而设计的线性充电器,芯片集成功率晶体管,充电电流可以用外部电阻设定,最大持续充电电流可达500mA ,另加阻流二极管和电流检测电阻。



充电器规格书Specification of Battery Charger型号:ES2406S29.2V/6A 锂电池充电器(全铝外壳)29.2V / 6A Li Iron/Li Polymer BATTERY CHARGER1.概述General此型号2406S 155×90×50mm的铝质外壳充电器能在输出29.2Vdc/6A的情况下工作,具有反接保护功能。

Battery Charger 2406S 155×90×50mm can work normally under 29.2Vdc/6A and with reverse polarity protection.2.主要参数最大输出功率Max.output power 输入电压Inputvoltage最高输出电压Output voltage误差范围Combinedregulation输出电流Output current误差范围Combinedregulation180W 220Vac 29.2V+/-0.2Vdc +/-0.2V 6A +/-0.2A 3.环境条件序号No. 项目Item技术参数Technical specification备注Remark1 湿度Humidity 5~95% 带包装With package2 海拔Altitude ≤3000m正常工作Work normally4.技术特征Electrical characteristics4.1 输入特征:序号No.项目Item 技术参数Technical specification 备注Remark1额定输入电压Rated input voltage220Vac220Vac2电压输入范围Input voltage range180-240Vac3频率AC input voltage frequency50~60 Hz4.2 输出特征和充电模式:序号No.项目Item技术参数Technical specification备注Remark1恒流CC(constant current)≤29.2Vdc, 6A2恒压CV(constant voltage)29.2Vdc, 6A↓3 浮充Float stage 无20%CC4效率Power efficiency≥90%输入电压=220Vac, 额定负载Vin=110/220Vac,rated load 4.3 保护特征:序号No. 项目Item技术参数Technical specification备注Remark1过压保护Over voltageprotection是Yes2限压保护Software overvoltage protection充电器设置的最大输出电压不会超过电池的最大充电电压。



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Please return one specification or one copy of it with your chop and signature of approval and retain the others for your record.In the event of an order being placed for this part number before the chop and signed with specification(or copy)is returned and without special explanstion,It will be assumed that full approval have been given.二合一充电器技术规范一、适应范围本标准规定了二合一充电器的实验规范,技术要求,标志,包装,运输及储存。

二、技术要求1.1使用环境工作条件:工作温度0o C至45o C、在湿度10%RH-90%RH。

存储条件:温度0o C至60o C、湿度10%RH~90RH1.2外观要求二合一充电器外壳表面应平整无划痕、缩水纹、毛刺及其它机械损伤,外露金属部分不应有锈蚀;二合一充电器表面的标志符合国标要求;1.3 标识及包装包装上应有标志、内容包括制造厂名、产品名称、产品型号、包装箱号、毛重、装箱日期等,产品包装应防潮、防振;产品运输中应防雨淋、水浸、不应有剧烈震动;1.4 绝缘电阻施加500V直流电压进行测量,带电部件和输出电路及壳体之间的绝缘电阻不低于50MΩ,输出电路和壳体之间的绝缘电阻应不低于10MΩ。

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Specification of Battery Charger
CNBN-500EL 系列 锂电电池充电器
(全铝外壳) CNBN-500EL series LITHIUM BATTERY CHARGER (Aluminum enclosure)
1. 概述
General CNBN-500EL 系列, 207×120×70mm 的铝质外壳充电器,具有反接保护功能。 The series CNBN-500EL,207×120×70mm aluminum shell charger with reverse polarity protection function.
Battery Specifications
30V±0.2 29.4V±0.2 29.2V±0.2 20A±5%
45V±0.2 42.0V±0.2 43.8V±0.2 12A±5%
12 串
60V±0.2 54.6V±0.2 58.7V±0.2 10A±5%
Input characteristic
额定输入电压 1
Rated input voltage
电压输入范围 2
Input voltage range 频率
3 AC input voltage frequency
技术参数 Technical specification
□110Vac □220Vac
≥85% ≥85% ≥85% ≥85% ≥85%
Power efficiency
4.3 保护特征:
Protection characteristics
5%CC 输 入 电 压 =220Vac, 额定负载 Vin=220Vac,rated load
Technical specification
Short circuit
Short circuit protection should be automatically recovery after
remove the condition.
Nominal voltage
最大输 □Ni-MH
15V பைடு நூலகம்0V
45V 60V 75V
出电压 □Li-MnO2 16.8V 29.4V 42V 54.6V 67.2V
2 (Vout) □LiFePO4 14.6V 29.2V 43.8V 58.4V 73.0V
恒流 CC
≤Vout ≤Vout ≤Vout ≤Vout ≤Vout
When output wires are reversely connected to the battery the
charger will not operate and will work normally when DC wires
限压保护 充电器输出电压不会超过设定电池的最大充电电压。
Software over The charger output voltage does not exceed set the maximum
charging voltage of the battery.

限流保护 充电器输出电流不会超过设定的电池最大充电电流。
The charger output current does not exceed a set battery charge
At CC mode
16 串
75V±0.2 67.2V±0.2 73.0V±0.2
8A±5% 20 串
最大输出功率 Max. output power
输入电压 Input voltage
□90-132Vac □180-260Vac □90-260Vac
Environmental condition
(constant current) 30A
恒压 CV
Vout, Vout, Vout, Vout, Vout,
3 (constant voltage) 30A↓ 20A↓ 12A↓ 10A↓ 8A↓
Vout, Vout, Vout, Vout, Vout,
4 Transition Current 1.5A→0 1A→0 0.6A→0 0.5A→0 0.4A→0
□90-132Vac □180-260Vac □90-260Vac
50~60 Hz
备注 Remark
4.2 输出特征和充电模式:
Output characteristic or charge stages
Technical specification
□12V □24V □36V □48V □60V
2. 主要参数
Main product specification

最大 输出
□镍氢 15V±0.2
电压 □锰锂 16.8V±0.2
Max Li-MnO2
output □铁锂 14.6V±0.2
voltage LiFePO4
输出电流 Output current
湿度 1
海拔 2
技术参数 Technical specification
备注 Remark 带包装 With package 正常工作 Work normally
Electrical characteristics 4.1 输入特征: