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一、The study proposal is a statement of approximately 1,000 words describing your current practice. You should use referenced text or images where appropriate.


二、It should also describe how you will develop a self-directed programme of work and related research whilst at Chelsea College of Arts.它还应该描述在切尔西艺术学院,你将如何发展自主的工作计划和相关研究。(就是问在UAL你将如何自主学习研究创作,学习能力怎么样)。

三、When writing your proposal you are not expected to have complete answers to all your questions.在写作的时候,对于这些问题不需要有一个非常完整的答案。

四、However, you should be able to:但是,要体现以下方面:

1、Examine your knowledge and experience in relation to your proposed project 审视下和你准备做的项目相关的自己的知识及经历。

2、Identify questions and areas that you do not know about 明确知道有哪些问题及领域是自己不擅长的。

3、Demonstrate how you intend to tackle these questions and area 展示你将如何解决这些你不知道的问题和领域。


How to structure a study proposal 如何构思自己的学习计划

Each section should be approximately 250 words. 每项最多用250字描述

Introduction 自我简介

1、Briefly describe your work 简要介绍你的工作(也可以理解为作品、从事的事)

2、Outline recent developments 简要介绍最近的一些发展

3、Identify those aspects you would like to take further at MA level介绍你在研究生阶段想要进一步研究的方面

4、Describe specific areas, issues and critical ideas that are central to your area of interest 描述你最感兴趣的某个领域,问题和批判性的想法

5、Methods 研究方法

6、How will you go about researching your area of interest 你将如何去研究自己感兴趣的领域中呢

7、Are there particular methods you will use? For example - drawing, model making, photography etc 你有使用特定的方法吗?例如:图、模型制作、摄影等。
