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摘要.................................................................................................................... I Abstract..................................................................................................................... II 引言. (1)

1 刮板式花生脱壳机的现状与发展 (2)

1.1 花生脱壳机械的研究应用现状 (2)

1.1.1 花生脱壳机使用的脱壳技术 (2)

1.1.2 新型的脱壳技术 (2)

1.1.3 花生脱壳机械的工艺研究 (2)

1.2 花生脱壳机械的发展 (3)

1.3 花生脱壳机械的研究重点 (3)


1.3.2 提高脱壳自动化程度 (4)

1.3.3 花生脱壳机械存在的问题 (4)

2 刮板式花生脱壳机的结构及工作原理 (5)

2.1 选择刮板花生脱壳机的理由 (5)

2.2 刮板式花生脱壳机的主体结构 (5)

2.2.1 破壳部分结构设计 (6)

2.2.2 风机分离部分的设计 (6)

3 刮板式花生脱壳机的关键部件结构设计 (8)

3.1 设计前各项参数的确定 (8)

3.1.1 刮板的半径及转速确定 (8)

3.1.2 刮板所需功率计算 (8)

3.1.3 可用传动部件的分析 (9)

3.1.4 传动部件的选择 (9)

3.1.5 电动机的选择 (10)

3.2 电机与轴之间的V带传动设计 (12)

3.2.1 V带计算 (12)

3.2.2 V带轮的设计 (14)

3.3 主轴的设计及参数计算 (15)

3.4 轴承选择和计算 (17)

3.5 刮板结构设计 (18)

3.6 半栅筛的设计 (19)

3.7 惯性筛分选系统设计 (19)

3.7.1 筛网运动部件的结构 (19)

3.7.2 曲柄滑块机构的设计 (20)

3.7.3 曲柄轴设计 (21)

3.7.4 连杆设计 (23)

3.7.5 惯性筛的曲柄轴与刮板轴间的V带传动设计 (23)

3.8 筛网 (25)

4 零件的三维建模 (26)

4.1 机架的三维建模 (26)

4.2 下箱体的三维建模 (26)

4.3 收壳箱的三维建模 (27)

5 花生脱壳机的整体装配 (29)

6 使用花生脱壳机的技术要求 (30)

6.1 花生脱壳机操作准则与注意 (30)

6.2 花生脱壳机的保存方法 (30)

结论 (31)

参考文献 (32)

致谢 (34)






At present, the growing market demand for peanuts and the variety categories required lead to the increase of the planting area and the nutritional value of peanuts after deep processing. Therefore, the manufacturers need a large number of peanut sheller with good stability and high production efficiency. However, peanut sheller also has some disadvantages, such as poor stability of equipment, poor adaptability to the environment and low efficiency of peanut sheller, so we design a scraper type peanut sheller.

In this paper, according to the speed and power of the scraper spindle of the sheller, the motor and V are used to transfer power, and the spindle, box and other parts are designed by the key components of the scraper. At the same time, this design mainly introduces the development status and significance of peanut sheller at home and abroad, and according to the existing problems, studies and formulates the overall structure of the sheller, including the motor, half cage screen, sheller box and other components. Secondly, it also analyzes the design of the crank slider actuator and transmission mechanism. Finally,This paper discusses and summarizes the overall design of the equipment, analyzes the problems encountered in the design process, and summarizes the experience and lessons.

Keywords: Peanuts; Peanut sheller; Scraper;
