





年别卷别话题内容词数播放时长2012A卷自然B卷自然C卷自然D卷自然98个69秒103个69秒93个65秒108个69秒从上表可以看出:仁短文的内容主要涉及自然、科研、社会、历史地理、文学艺术等话题;2.短文的长度均在100个词左右(上表显示:93〜108个词);3. 朗读时间均在57到70秒之间;4. 播音以男声为主;5. —般会有生词出现,在听原声时要重点关注生词。






Part A Reading AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.现在你有一分钟的准备时间。

Now you have ONE minute to practice reading.Now listen to the speaker once again ・And try to read after thespeaker.现在请对照原文 再听一遍 me 求首。

The South Pacific Ocean/ is on the surface of it/ still a healthy ocean. /We depend on it. /Over 60% of the world's fish /catch comes from the Pacific. /But like all oceans, /it has little or no protection, /so it may not stay healthy much longer. /For the South Pacific, /this is a critical time. /It's changing in ways that, /if left unchecked, /could develop into a global crisis. /Some of its residents have been through crisis before. /And protecting the fish /will ensure a healthy ocean /for all the marine life of the Pacific. /It will require international commitment and cooperation・现在开始录音。

广东高考英语听说考试Part A 模仿朗读汇总(2019-2022年)

广东高考英语听说考试Part A 模仿朗读汇总(2019-2022年)

广东高考英语听说考试Part A 模仿朗读汇总(2019-2022年)2022 Test AEveryone has their own routine and personal habits. Although it is difficult to change them, sometimes it’s a good idea to try something different, like Rodman and Gina. They’re adopting a greener family lifestyle for a TV show called Urban Conversion. Rodman doesn’t care much about the environment. But his wife, Gina, is in favour of a life that is environmentally responsible and closer to nature. Rodman has promised to learn how to live a more eco-friendly life, but he’ll have to step outside his comfort zone to succeed. So what is stopping us from trying new things?2022 Test BA week has passed. The elephants are still searching for water. They’ve survived so far by draining the last drops from dried-up water holes. The oldest member of the herd must lead them to water soon. With a mental map formed over decades, she’s brought the family to an ancient seep. It’s a hidden lifeline in times of drought. The elephants can smell the water through the earth, and they know that to get to it, they must dig. For the adults, it’s easy. But fo r calves, it’s more of a challenge. They won’t have tusks to dig with until they’re two years old.2022 Test CDickens was born into a comfortable middle class family and as a child he loved books and reading. But in 1823, his father got into debt. The family were locked up in Marshalsea /'mɑːʃ(ə)lsiː/ prison, and 12-year-old Charles was sent out to work. He found himself in a blacking factory by the river Thames, putting labels on bottles of shoe polish. Dickens never forgot these experiences and through his novels he showed the dark side of 19th century society. He wrote about what he saw: the huge houses of the rich and the terrible conditions that the poor lived in.2022 Test DDo you ever wake up and think, is today going to be a good day or a bad day? Well, the ancient Maya believed they could answer that question. The Maya lived here, in parts of Mexico and Central America. They are famous for their complex calendars. In Mayan cities, they closely watched the movement of the sun, moon, stars, and planets. They built their king’s tombs under rays of sunlight. And they waited for the moon to pass here above the palace before they got the crops out of the fields. Their knowledge of the sun and moon helped them make their calendar.2021 Test AIn recent years, more and more ice has been melting. And for one animal, this is a critical issue. A mother bear and her cub rest on a small piece of sea ice. With the melt, they’re forced to swim greater distances to hunt for seals. Their Arctic home is vulnerable to climate change, and this year there has been even less ice than normal. If future ice melts are asextreme as this one, bears like these may starve or drown, lost at sea. This is one of the last pieces of ice now floating. The polar bear’s icy world has melted away.2021 Test BLondon has always been the centre of the British theatre world. It’s home to the West End, a small area of Central London with some of the most famous theatres i n the world. Not far away, there’s the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, arguably the most prestigious /pre'stɪʤəs/ drama school in the world. Many of today’s famous actors started their careers at this school. Before RADA and the West End, Shakespeare had made London his home. After he became a famous playwright /'pleɪraɪt/, the shrewd /ʃru:d/ Shakespeare opened his own theatre, the Globe. Today a recreated version of the Globe Theatre attracts thousands of visitors a year.Macronutrients/'mækrəo'njuɪtrɪəntz/are in meats, nuts , grains, fish, eggs,and other things. They give us energy and keep us healthy. So, be sure to eat the right amount of macronutrients each day. The reason most junk food is bad for you is because it contains too much of one thing and not enough of anything else. Junk foods may be too high in fat and not have enough protein, for example. It’s OK to have junk food once in a while. But you should try to eat a healthy diet every day. Make sure you get plenty of micro- and macronutrients for your health and wellbeing.The living room and bedroom of Eon Felton’s new home are large and comfortable. The building h as a new kind of green construction that is becoming popular in Europe. It is made of recycled shipping containers. The shipping containers bring goods back and forth between Asia and Europe. But the trade is mostly one way because it’s too expensive to se nd empty containers back thousands of kilometers. In the past, the empty containers became junk and a problem for the ports. Now the containers are used as a quick and cheap way to build homes, schools and offices.It was the beginning of a totally new way of life. But there was another very important difference between these hunter-gatherers and any of their predecessors. They were settling down. A huge shift, which would help spark Europe-wide revolution. Communities settled down and populations expanded. This could’ve driven the need to start producing food. And as farming spread, the landscape was transformed.Forests were cleared and villages, then towns, then cities would grow, founded by descendants of the small groups of pioneers who first entered Europe around 45, 000 years ago. Those early Europeans were people just like you and me.Back then, most of Arabia was brutal desert. Is it really possible that a handful of Stone Age people could’ve trekkedthrough hundreds of miles of this and gone on to populate the whole world? There is no way they could’ve done it without more widespread sources of fresh water.So, around 70, 000 years ago, the Arabian coastline was very different to today. Freshwater springs bubbled up all the way along it. If our ancestors attempted this route, they would’ve found a lifeline. And it’s perhaps no wonder that there seems to have been just one successful attempt in our ancestors’ journey.In 1905, sitting alone on a city bus, Einstein looks back at the clock tower and what he sees is astonishing. In his imagination, as he reaches the speed of light, the hands of the clock appear frozen in time. Einstein knows that back at the clock tower, time is passing normally. But on Einstein’s light-speed bus, the light from the clock can no longer catch up to him. The faster he races through space, the slower he moves through time. This sparks the birth of Einstein’s “Special Theory of Relativity”, which says that space and time are deeply connected.The oceans cover 70% of the surface of our planet, and yet they are still the least explored. Hidden beneath the waves, there are creatures beyond our imagination. From creating the weather to producing oxygen, the seas keep our world healthy. With revolutionary technology, we can enter new worlds and shine the light on behaviors in ways that were impossible just a generation ago. We’ve also recognized an uncomfortable fact. They’re changing at a faster rate than ever before in human history. In the Arctic, here in the past 30 years, the ice in summer has been reduced by 40% .In the last years of the nineteenth century, thousands of people came to London to see these works of art of an African society. The public were fascinated but also troubled by what they saw, because it was widely believed that the people of the Dark Continent had no history and no culture and the thing called civilization. In fact, created from the 16th century onwards in the ancient West African kingdom, these works record Benin’s great kings, her wealth, power and the history that Africans were supposed to lack. They are now regarded as one of Africa’s greatest treasures.The South Pacific Ocean is on the surface of it still a healthy ocean. We depend on it. Over 60% of the world's fish catch comes from the Pacific. But like all oceans, it has little or no protection, so it may not stay healthy much longer. For the South Pacific, this is a critical time. It's changing in ways that. If left unchecked, could develop into a global crisis. Some of its residents have been through crisis before. And protecting the fish will ensure a healthy ocean for all the marine life of the Pacific. It will require international commitment and cooperation.Tortoises, as heavy as four grown men. In their huge bodies they can store enough fat to go for a year without eating or drinking anything. To survive here, it seems you need to be a monster. Or is it just that you need to be different? Their rich at, their giant size made tortoises perfect for the ship's larder. In 200 years, over 200,000 were taken. On some islands tortoises were completely wiped out. But out of the tragedy came some good. As more people came to Galapagos, a clearer picture of the islands began to appear. Each got its own name.The Road tells us stories of cities, stories of wars, all passed on through travelers' tales. The hardest part of the Silk Road journey was crossing the vast expanse of desert, called “The Sea of Death”. The Mogao Cave is an intersection between the edge of the Silk Road an d starting point of the “Desert of Death”. The numerous stories of the Silk Road tale were hidden in the desert. The desert sand wind has two different sides, and the desert does not leave any traces. However, uncovering the Silk Road's stories is similar to counting the grains of sand in the desert.The desert leaves not a trace of what has been. Stories of people who passed through the Silk Road have become legendary. Two thousand years ago, how did people know that on the far side of an endless desert lay a world different from theirs? To travel the Silk Road containing two thousand years of history is a journey of many faces with hardships and danger around every corner. Endless desert spreads before us.After passing through this desert, what kind of land will we discover? A special record reports and eighth century Silk Road journey. The Silk Road is a path for those seeking Buddhism.Navigating and surviving in this vast, remote wilderness, had proved almost impossible for this experienced sailors. And at times, even the ultimate ocean travelers need help. Natural harbours may be safe heavens for sailors, but for the migratory whales, they can be death traps. One whale is still alive. Left like this, he will die within days. But he's held fast. The only opinion left is to use nets. At last he's free. But he's not out of trouble yet. First, he must negotiate the rocky heads of the bay. His sensitive skin, never designed to touch rock, is badly lacerated. He is through and back into the safety of the endless blue.。

广东高考英语听说考试 第一部分Part A 模仿朗读 教学课件:第一章 模仿朗读模块2

广东高考英语听说考试 第一部分Part A 模仿朗读 教学课件:第一章 模仿朗读模块2

Some people learn ⌒ iheir work./ Many people learn ⌒ English for their higher studies,/ because ⌒ at college ⌒ or university some ⌒ of their books ⌒ are in ⌒ English./ Other people learn ⌒ English/ because they want to read newspapers ⌒ or magazines⌒in⌒English.↘
参考译文: 自信对于日常生活很重要。研究表明:自 信的人更快乐。他们成功的机会也更多。但我 们怎样才能变得自信呢?首先要大声说话。不 自信的人无法做好自己想做的事。说话声音太 小,别人很难听清。提高声调会使你更加自信。 其次要不断鼓励自己。每天都要总结一下自己 哪些方面做得好。如果哪些事情做得好,就要 因此表扬自己。
The Antarctica is all ice all year round. The warmest temperature ever recorded there is zero at the South Pole. Explorers used to think that a place so cold would have heavy snowfall. But less than ten inches of snow falls each year. That is less than half an inch of water.
参考译文: 许多国家的人们都在学英语。有的在学 校学,有的自学,也有的通过听收音机或看 电视学。为什么这么多人都想学英语呢?这 个问题并不难回答。许多在校学生学习英语 是因为英语是必修课;有的是因为工作需要; 也有很多人是为了接受高等教育,因为大学 里的部分课本是英语的;其他人学英语是为 了读英语报纸或杂志。


2. How can you grasp some skills and get a good mark in Part A?
1. criteria for assessment 2. skills in Part A Reading Aloud
Reading Skills
在朗诵长句子时候,要使朗诵流畅、自 然,经常需要停顿。但停顿不是随意,只 能在意群之间进行。句子能够按照它意思 和语法结构分成小段,这么小段就叫意群。 意群能够是一个词,一个短语,也能够是 并列句中一个分句或复合句中一个主、从 句等。
档 语音语气
次 分值
语速与内容 标准
A 10-12 发音清楚、
8 按原语速,且内容完整
B 7-9 发音基本准
5-7 基本按原语速,漏几个词
C 4-6 部分音素发
2-4 基本按原语速,漏一些词
Reading Skills
技巧四:怎样处理助动词弱读 助动词弱读在句子中应用: 学会助动词弱读,是掌握连读技巧第一步。那么, 在英语中,哪些单词在句子中需要弱读呢?普通 情况下,助动词会显著地弱读。请看下面例句, 琢磨助动词在句中是怎样被弱读:



and a te↗mperature.

4)You speak English, ↘ don’t you? ↗
升调↗ (rising tone)表示语义未结束,不肯定 和降调↘ (falling tone)表示语义完结,语气肯定
1.升调(rising tone):表示“未完结”、“不肯 升定调”主要用于:
子。 In my opinion,↗he is perfectly right.↘ (3)计数(count)或列举(list)。 One,↗two, ↗three↗ and four.↘ I want a pen,↗ a ruler ↗and some paper.↘ (以 and 相连的几个并列的词或短语, and 前面
4.前降后升:主要用于带有疑问语气的反意疑问句 (disjunctive question)。如:
You haven’t finished it,↘ have you?↗ The movie wasn’t interesting(↘), was it(↗)?
一般疑问句(general question),带有疑问语气;
祈使句(imperative sentence),表示委婉、客气; 陈述句(declarative sentence),表示疑问,不肯定 或 不耐烦等。
Can you come to us for lunch?↗
Do you like reading novels? ↗ So long(再见)!↗ Stand up,please. ↗ You know her?↗


③/b/在喉音前时,爆破不在口腔,而在鼻 腔,如rob him;
Read the following words
peak beak pack back cap cab napped nabbed rapid rabid
staple praise plays plight pride
stable braise blaze blight bride
Ben bought Bobby a boy's club book. David drew different daffodils. [ 'dæfədil ] n. 水仙花 Kevin kept Kate as keen as a kitten. People make pretty patterns in their soup. Quaint quiz questions about quite quiet
behind one’s back baked beef I beg your pardon. The baby is laughing happily. bread and butter bag and baggage
背地里,暗中 烤牛肉 再说一遍 婴儿开心地笑着 黄油面包 总的,整个的
Read the conversation
hot [ hɔt ] 热的
stair [ stεə ] 楼梯
eat [ i:t ] 吃
stand [ stænd ] 站立
star [ stɑ: ] 星
water [ 'wɔ:tə, 'wɔ- ] 水
tea [ ti: ] 茶
team [ ti:m ] 队

广东高考英语听说考试 第一部分Part A 模仿朗读 教学课件:第一章 模仿朗读模块课件4

广东高考英语听说考试 第一部分Part A 模仿朗读 教学课件:第一章 模仿朗读模块课件4

We usually spend too much time thinking about the future, for example, getting into college or getting a good job. We fail to enjoy the present. We should enjoy life’s simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have several close friends often live happier and healthier lives.
People ⌒ all ⌒ over the world celebrate the New Year./ However, ↗ / not ⌒ all countries celebrate⌒in the same way.↘/ In some countries, ↗ / the New Year doesn’t begin ⌒ on the same date ⌒ every year. ↘ / In many countries,/ the New Year begins ⌒ on January 1,/ but people start celebrating on December 31,/ New Year’s ⌒ Eve./ In New York, ↗ / many people go to celebrate ⌒ in Times Squareople want to be happy,/ but few know how to find happiness./ Money and success do not bring lasting happiness./ A Greek thinker said,/ “Happiness depends ⌒ upon ⌒ ourselves.”/ The first secret ⌒ of happiness ⌒ is to enjoy the simple things⌒in life./


广东省高考英语听说 模仿朗读
PART A Reading Aloud
Watch a video clip and try to read after the speaker in the vide.
the rest of /əf/ the world.
do you /dəjuː/
they’re /ðɛə/ We’re /wiə/
Reading skill: Liaision(连读)
1s.eNeadtsu,rarol omtse⌒diacnindelse,avmeasd. e from flowers,
234pm...oaTPFwdhoaeeescr⌒tu⌒tChs⌒oheafinmnopdenolsapspenrt⌒retwessov.eeefrnenntt,atihtotruenibrferaia.rlstphteetoor ptdhleias⌒ncoaclvuwerarey.thse
5a.vEaixlapbloleretros⌒thaenrdesbt⌒otaonf itshtes
Reading skill: Reduction (弱读)
made from /frəm/ flowers,
The Chinese were / wət / the first to /tə/ discover the power of /əf/ plants, making medicine for /fə/ 4000 years.
made them world.
6. Western⌒and traditional medicine unite, ...
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loss of explosion
模仿朗读下列句子,注意语调的正确把握。 1)Do you come here a lot? ↗
2)Please stand in the line. ↘
3)She’s got a stomachache, ↗ a sore
In these places English is often used as a second language. English is also used as an important international language in many other countries, like China and Japan. People in these countries use it for business. Other people may learn English because they enjoy reading books in English, listening to British or American music or watching American films.
A: What a nice day! ↘ Let’s go to see a film!↘ B: What kind of film do you like?↘ comedy, ↗ thriller,↗ romance, ↗ or fighting? ↘ A: I like comedies most of all. ↘ B: (at the cinema )Do you like coke↗ or coffee?↘ A: Coffee please↗. Don’t drink too much coke. ↘ B:(after the film)The film was interesting↘, wasn’t
讲英语或读英语时,尤其是遇到长句时,适当的 停顿很重要。停顿并非随心所欲读累了就停,而 要根据意群(sense group)(句子中构成相对独立 完整的意思的语言单位)来停。
意群可以是一个词,一个短语,也可以是并列句 中的一个分句或复合句中的一个主、从句等。
一般来说,段与段之间的停顿时间最长,其次是 句与句之间的停顿,最后才是句子内部意群之间 的停顿,
2 .What he said/is very important. 3. The majority of the students/are against
it. ③非限制性的同位语(appsitive)或定语从句可划分
为一个意群,其后可短暂停顿,但限制性的同位语 或定语从句一般不能分成一个独立的意群,也不 应该有停顿。
Reading aloud
English is spoken as a first language /by most people in the USA, ↗∕Britain, ↗∕Australia, ↗∕New Zealand,↗∕ Ireland↗∕ and Canada. However, ↗∕English is spoken all over the world. /It is the main language in over 60 countries, such as India,↗∕Singapore,↗∕ and many countries of the Pacific island.
throat,↗ and a temperature↘. 4)You speak English, ↘ don’t you? ↗
英语的基本语调包括: 升调↗ (rising tone)表示语义未结束,不肯定 和降调↘ (falling tone)表示语义完结,语气肯定
D 0-3 大 部 分 的 音 素 发 音 0-1 不能按原语速,漏整句或很

How to perform well when reading aloud? perfect pronunciation speaking speed a confident and fluent voice speaking skills
1.升调(rising tone):表示“未完结”、“不肯 升定调”主要用于:
一般疑问句(general question),带有疑问语气; 祈使句(imperative sentence),表示委婉、客气; 陈述句(declarative sentence),表示疑问,不肯定 或 不耐烦等。
Can you come to us for lunch?↗ Do you like reading novels? ↗ So long(再见)!↗ Stand up,please. ↗ You know her?↗
4.前降后升:主要用于带有疑问语气的反意疑问句 (disjunctive question)。如:
You haven’t finished it,↘ have you?↗ The movie wasn’t interesting(↘), was it(↗)?

次 分值
语速与内容 标准
A 10-12 发 音 清 晰 、 准 确 , 8 按原语速,且内容完整
B 7-9 发 音 基 本 准 确 , 语 5-7 基本按原语速,漏几个词
C 4-6 部 分 音 素 发 音 不 正 2-4 基本按原语速,漏一些词
2.降调(falling tone):表示语义完结, 与语气肯定
主要用于陈述句(declarative)、特殊疑问句(special quesion)、祈使句(imperative)(表命令)、 感叹句(exclamatory)。
The birds are singing in the ↘ trees. Tell me all about ↘it. When shall I give you the↘ book? Leave the book on the ↘desk. What a beautiful↘ picture!
1. 意思联系的紧密程度:
一般来说,一个短语或一个简短的从句就 是一个意群。在意思联系紧密的短语或从句 之后,应该有一个短暂的停顿。停顿符号常
例: I see animals/in the zoo.
2. 语速: 语速快的时候,意群可长些;语速慢的时候,
例:1.She is Lily,/my new roommate. 2.The sun heats the earth,/which makes it
弱读 reduction
语调 intonation
连读 liaison
Speaking Skills
重读 stress
停顿 pause
loss of explosion
弱读 reduction
语调 intonation
连读 liaison
Speaking Skills
重读 stress
停顿 pause
Teaching aims: undertand the importance of oral English. 2. to get to know how to improve oral English. 3. to master some speaking skills when
speaking English. 4. to foster students’ interest and confidence in
3.前升后降调:主要用于: (1)选择疑问句(alternative question)。 Which do you prefer, tea↗ or coffee? ↘ (2)以状语或状语从句(adverbial clause)开头的
In my opinion,↗he is perfectly right.↘ (3)计数(count)或列举(list)。 One,↗two, ↗three↗ and four.↘ I want a pen,↗ a ruler ↗and some paper.↘ (以 and 相连的几个并列的词或短语, and 前面
Reading aloud
English is spoken as a first language by most people in the USA, ↗Britain,↗ Australia, ↗New Zealand,↗ Ireland↗ and Canada. However,↗ English is spoken all over the world.It is the main language in over 60 countries, such as India,↗ Singapore,↗ and many countries of the Pacific island.
speaking English.
Reading aloud
English is spoken as a first language by most people in the USA, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Canada. However, English is spoken all over the world. It is the main language in over 60 countries, such as India, Singapore, and many countries of the Pacific island.