人教版高中英语必修二课件:Unit2 Workbook



Games start?
2.How many countries competed in the
ancient Olympic Games?
3.Who could not take part in the ancient Olympic Games?
Olympic stadium
Nest National Stadium
Olympic emblem
Olympic motto 口号
The Olympic theme song
1. This is a very fast game. Each of the two teams has five players ,and the game is played for four periods (场次) of twelve minutes each. The players try to put the ball into a "basket." It is useful if you are very tall.
Slaves and women
4.Who was China’s first gold medal winner and
for what event?
Xu Haifeng
for shooting
5.What are the three words that show the spirit of the Olympic
A 1986 in Sydney
B 1896 in Athens C 1698 in New York
How many gold medals did China win in the 2004 Olympic Games?

人教版高中英语必修二课件:Unit 2

人教版高中英语必修二课件:Unit 2

swift pain physical
take part in stand for as well in charge one after another pick up
be/get married so sb.
课程标准要求掌握的项目 Talking about interests and hobbies谈论兴趣爱好 1.What are your hobbies?你的业余爱好是什么?
•You must be interested in the Olympic Games, which attract the athletes from all the countries.Here let's know about the history of the Olympic Games. •你一定对奥运会感兴趣,奥运会吸引着来自各国的运动 员。这儿让我们了解一下奥运会的历史。
•Notes •①dedicated/′dedIkeItId/adj.献身的;专心的 •②myth/mIθ/n.神话 •③truce/truːs/n.休战 •④revival/rI′vaIvl/ n.复兴
•Task C •Why did the players attend the ancient Olympics? ______ •A.Because they wanted to show elves. •B.Because they wanted to see the Olympics themselves. •C.Because they wanted to win the final prize and a “heroic” return to their city. •D.Because they wanted to introduce their country to the

高中英语Unit2课件新人教版必修第二册 251126

高中英语Unit2课件新人教版必修第二册 251126

B: Should we start a pet shelter for them? C:Sure,and think we could also advertise the animals on the Internet fobe adopted.
Search for more information about the wildlife in your neighbourhood on the Internet and prepare a short presentation to show you opinion on how to help the wildlife in your neighbourhood.
+ n.
be used for
Expressing purposes
+ v.
+ clause
to in order to so as to
so that in order that
Expressing purposes: This is uesd for... I did it to/ in order to/ so as to... He has done it so that/ in order that...
Match the words with the pictures.
1. binoculars____B_____ 2. bird feeder____A_____ 3. bird field guide__C_____
Choose the right ending for each sentence and summarize phrases expressing purposes.







目录1.Unit 1 Making a Difference–Lesson 1: Could you tell us something about what we learned in the last period?–Lesson 2: She says China is changing fast!–Lesson 3: Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.2.Unit 2 Healthy Eating–Lesson 1: What’s the best food for Halloween?–Lesson 2: He died recently!–Lesson 3: Welcome to the unit3.Unit 3 A taste of English humour–Lesson 1: The British sense of humour–Lesson 2: You have to work with others.–Lesson 3: We all need to relax.4.Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars–Lesson 1: What’s euphemism?–Lesson 2: Could you tell us your favourite films?–Lesson 3: It’s a really nice day today.5.Unit 5 Canada—“The True North”–Lesson 1: Let’s do some exercises!–Lesson 2: Everyone has his or her dream.–Lesson 3: Have you ever been to a museum? 6.Unit 6 Inventors and inventions–Lesson 1: Can you come to my party?–Lesson 2: Famous inventors–Lesson 3: Have you ever had a dream?7.Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.–Lesson 1: Let’s do some listening.–Lesson 2: The talk about shopping.–Lesson 3: Why don’t you get her a ticket to the concert?8.Unit 8 Animals—Our Friends–Lesson 1: Should cloning be banned?–Lesson 2: Mosquitoes are the deadliest animals.–Lesson 3: It’s rning!9.Unit 9 Undersea World–Lesson 1: The water planet–Lesson 2: What’s the relationship between whales and dolphins?–Lesson 3: Let’s do some grammar exercises.10.Unit 10 Life on Mars–Lesson 1: Could you tell us something about the Red Planet?–Lesson 2: Mars trip cost some of students’ summer vacations.–Lesson 3: It’s tree of life.11.Unit 11 Music–Lesson 1: The world of music–Lesson 2: What’s your hob?–Lesson 3: It’s a great movie.12.Unit 12 The Asian Games–Lesson 1: Let’s have some vocabulary quizzes!–Lesson 2: Can you complete it in 10 minutes?–Lesson 3: It’s complusary.使用说明1.请在相应课程的上即可查看或课件。

人教版高中英语必修二课件:Unit2 Workbook(共42张PPT)

人教版高中英语必修二课件:Unit2 Workbook(共42张PPT)
1. Smoke signals on the Great Wall to warm of invasion
2. A message in a bottle in the ocean. 3. A man sending a homing pigeon to its
home with a message tied to its leg.
By other means
Tied to the back of a fish Written in the sky by an airplane On the back of an animal taken from its home and trying to return to it.
2 Now listen to the tape and write down in one sentence how the hero of the story sent his message miles away.
In the modern Olympic Games the longest running race is called the Marathon. It gets its name from a town in Greece called Marathon which is 26 miles from Athens, the capital city of Greece. This is the story of why the Marathon race is included in the Olympic Games.
The Marathon is only one of the running events in the Olympic Games. Are you familiar with other events in the Olympic Games? List as many as you can with your partner. In pairs, discuss where the following events come from. Make a guess if you are not sure. Taekwondo, judo, beach volleyball, soccer, icehockey, baseball, wrestling,… Some people suggest that the Chinese martial arts(武术) should be included in the Olympic Games. Do you agree? Give your reasons.

2020-2021新教材高中英语Unit2课件新人教版必修第二册 251121

2020-2021新教材高中英语Unit2课件新人教版必修第二册 251121

Listening tip: Use visuals to predict content-Before you listen, look pictures, charts, videos, and other visuals to help you predict what you will hear.
1.Make a short conversation about one of the animals that you are concerned about.
2.Review the new words learned from the listening material: rate,mass,extinction,habitat,etc.
animals problems measures
Talk about one of the animals in the photos.
You can organize the information in this way:
I’m concerned about…
(an animal)
They are…
Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Listening and Speaking
Teaching objectives:
By the end of this period, you will be able to…
1.know about the current situation and problems of wildlife. e visuals to predict content. 3.voice your opinions on wildlife protection. 4.talk about the living conditions and protection measures



High Jump
Horse riding
Quiz about
1. When did the ancient Olympic Games started? A.1896 B. 1906 C. 776 BC
Unit 2
The Olympic Games
You and Me
The theme song of Beijing Olympic Games.
Five Rings Flag
Five Continents
The five interlocking(联锁的 ) rings stand for friendship of five continents.
A. Beijing, China
B. London, UK
10. Which one is not the mascot of Beijing Olympic Games?
Li yan
2. Which is the Olympic torch of Beijing Olympic Games?
3. How many gold medals did
China get in the 2008 Beijing

新人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 2 Workbook教学课件

新人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 2 Workbook教学课件

Listening Task 1: Leading in (1) Do you know there is an event called “Marathon”? (2) Do you think there was such an event in ancient Olympics?
The Marathon was a modern event that was first introduced in the 1896 Olympic Games. The distance is 26 miles 385 yards or 42,195 kilometers. The men’s record is under 2 hours and 7 minutes. The women’s record is slightly above 2 hours and 20 minutes.
1. Phidippides made two journeys: one to
Sparta and back and one to Athens. 2. This was the only way to get help quickly as there were no telephones, faxes or emails. 3. Phidippides also fought in the Battle of Marathon against the Persians.
Answer key for exercise 4
Marathon was included in the first modern
Olympic Games:
Phidippides has become a link with the

高中英语Unit2课件新人教版必修第二册 251121

高中英语Unit2课件新人教版必修第二册 251121

Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Listening and SpeakingTeaching objectives:n By the end of this period, you will be able to…1.know about the current situation and problems of wildlife.e visuals to predict content.3.voice your opinions on wildlife protection.4.talk about the living conditions and protection measuresof wildlife in simple English.Lead inLook and discuss about the opening page. Questions:1.What do you think of when you see this photo?2.Do you think that elephants are an endangered species?3.What other endangered animals can you think of when reading the quote?When the buying stops, the killing can too.---WildAidWarming upLook at the posters and answer the questions.1.What message do these posters share?The message of these posters is that wildlife is under threat.2.Which one moves you the most? Why?Features of a poster: large pictures; concise and powerful words; usage of figure of speech;careful design and use of colors, types of characters/letters…Listening tip:Use visuals to predict content-Before you listen,look at pictures,charts,videos,and other visuals to help youpredict what you will hear.PredictionPay attention to the new words:rate: a measurement of the speed at which sth. happensmass: a large number of; huge; seriousextinction: habitat:death of all its living membersnatural environment where animals live and growListen to the first part and check your answers.Our planet's __w_i_l d_l_if_e___ is dying out at an alarming rate. Between 150and 200 species are becoming extinct every day. This mass extinction is caused by hunting, habitat_______ and pollution. We must make peoplelossaware of the problem and help ___________ the endangered wildlife beforeprotectit's too late!Listen to the first part again and answer the following questions.1.How do they feel when they saw the poster?They feel scary and terrible.2. Why are so many species dying?Because they are being hunted and killed. And there’s pollution andhabitat loss.3. What should people do then?People should be more aware and help protect the wildlife.Listen to the second part and answer the questions.1. How many elephants are killed on average every day ?542. What did Prince William say about China ?BA. China has made a lot of progress.B. China can become a global leader in wildlife protection.C. China preserves its natural habitats well.Discuss the question in groups.What is said at the very end of the listening? What does it mean to you?“Change begins with you.”If we want things to change, we must change ourselves firstand not wait for others to change first. We must be the changewe want to see in the world.SpeakingLook at the pictures of3different kinds of animals.In pairs,discuss the questions and role-play the example.1. What do you know about the animals in the photos?2.What is being done to help them?Example:A: I’m concerned about the African elephants. What do youknow about them?animals B: Well, I know that they’re being hunted and their habitat isgetting smaller, so they’re in danger of extinction.Elephants need large living spaces, so it’s difficult for them to adapt to the changes. A: That’s terrible. What measures are being taken to help them?B: The authorities are under pressure to build elephant parks and tell people not to buy elephant products.problems measuresTalk about one of the animals in the photos. You can organize the information in this way:I’m concerned about…They are…(an animal) (problems)Some measures are being taken to help them. (measures)Possible versionA: I'm concerned about the blue whales. What do you know about them? B: Well, I know that they're being hunted and their number is getting dramatically smaller, so they're in danger of extinction. Blue whales need large and clear water habitats, so it's difficult for them to adapt to the changes.A: That's terrible. What measures are being taken to help them?B: The authorities are under pressure to make laws to ban illegal hunting whales and tell people not to buy whales products.1.Make a short conversation about one of the animals that you are concerned about.2.Review the new words learned from the listening material: rate,mass,extinction,habitat,etc.Thank you!。



Group work for competition
1. When did the ancient Olympic
Games started?
A.1896 B. 1906 C. 776 BC
2. What was rewarded the winners
in ancient Olympic Games?
9. What’s the host city of the 2008 Olympic Games? (Beijing, China and London in 2012)...
With the same law, the area of Olympia was considered a sacred place while a truce- ekehiria- was initiated: during the Olympics, all the conflicts among the ancient Greek cities-states stopped.
A. Medals
B. Money
C. Olive wreath
3. How many gold medals did
China get in the 2004 Athens
A. 28
B. 32
C. 28
4. Which sport is in the Winter
Olympic Games?
Warming up
Listen to a song and guess what purpose it is used for. Have you ever heard of this song? What is it used for?



A. A hotel
B. A special village
C. A restaurant D. A place hired by competitors
2. Which of the following is included in the Winter Olympic Games?
A. Skiing and ice skating B. Running and races
Games Competitors Host country
Summer Olympics only the people in_G_r_e_e_c_e_, only
olive wreath
Summer and Winter Olympics
7. What’s the motto of Beijing Olympic Games?
One world, one dream.
According to the text, what do Pausanias and Li Yan possibly talk about?
Reasons to host the Olympic Games national
new sports facilities
pride new
too expensive
much planning
accidents Reasons not to host the
Olympic Games pressure

人教版高中英语必修2 Unit2 Workbook-Listening 精品课件

人教版高中英语必修2 Unit2 Workbook-Listening 精品课件

1. Do you know there is an event called “Marathon”? 2. Do you think there was such an event in ancient Olympics? The Marathon was a modern event that was first introduced in the 1896 Olympic Games.
Listen and write down in one sentence how the hero of the story sent his message miles away.
Phidippides sen来自 his message miles
away all by himself on foot.
Smoke signals on the Great Wall to warn of invasion.
A message in a bottle in the ocean.
A man sending a homing pigeon to its home with a message tied to its leg.
1. What was Phidippides’ job as well as running? Phidippides’ job was a soldier as well as a great runner. He fought in the Battle of Marathon against the Persians. He also sent messages miles away by running.
The distance is 26 miles 385
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The Greeks were very worried and didn’t know what to do. They sent Phidippides to Sparta to ask for help for the battle…
1 Before listening to the story look at the pictures below. Write underneath each picture what is happening. In what ways can messages be sent to people far away?
Listening Page 48
Task 1: Leading-in (1) Do you know there is an event
called “Marathon”? (2) Do you think there was such an
event in ancient Olympics? The Marathon was a modern event that was first introduced.
4 In your opinion, why did the Marathon become an event in the modern Olympic Games? What is so special about Phidippides?
Phidippides has become a link with the ancient Olympic past.
2 Why did the Greek army go to Marathon? Their city was going to be attacked, so the Greek army went to Marathon to fight their enemy.
3 Did Phidippides do what he was asked? How do you know? Phidippides did what he was asked. We know because there is a monument to him and to the dead soldiers at Marathon. He died giving his message.
in the 1896 Olympic Games. The distance is 26 miles 385 yards or 42,195 kilometres. It’s a race in honor of Phidippides, an ancient runner. In the 5th century B.C, the Persians attacked Greece at Marathon near Athens.
By other means
Tied to the back of a fish Written in the sky by an airplane On the back of an animal taken from its home and trying to return to it.
1 What Phidippides’ as well a running? Phidippides’ job was soldier as well as a great runner. He fought in the Battle of Marathon against the Persians. He also sent messages mile away by running.
His story is well-know. It is an inspiring example. It is also an example of a great running achievement.
PHIDIPPIDIES AND MARATHON In the modern Olympic Games the longest running race is called the Marathon. It gets its name from a town in Greece called Marathon which is 26 miles from Athens, the capital city of Greece. This is the story of why the Marathon race is included in the Olympic Games.
1. Smoke signals on the Great Wall to warm of invasion
2. A message in a bottle in the ocean. 3. A man sending a homing pigeon to its
home with a message tied to its leg.
3 Listen to the tape and answer the questions.
1 What was Phidippides’ job as well as running?
2 Why did the Greek army go to Marathon?
3 Did Phidippides do what he was asked? How do you know?
Now listen to the tape and write down
in one sentence how the hero of the
story sent his message miles away.
Phidippides sent his message mile away all by himself on foot.
Can you think of more ways to communicate with others without using technonogy?
Iቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ person
Travelling by bicycle or on horseback Skateboarding, skating, roller skating, etc Walking Going by plane, hang glider, balloon, etc