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Book 1-Unit 9
List three things that you can do to keep fit or
live longer. Compare your notes with the expert’s. • “Activity is life; stagnation is death.” Activity is the law of life, and of health. Choose to do exercise that suits you well regularly. • Try to mix in strength-building exercise (weight/strength training) with endurancebuilding (walking, jogging) activities.
1. What are the risks that we are born with? We are born with certain risks of getting diseases such as lung cancer or heart diseases. Every one is exposed to the danger of getting disease from the moment of birth. The danger of getting disease is inherent in human beings.
Book 1-Unit 9
• Drink plenty of liquids before, during and after exercise. • If you are feeling overtired or ill, don't push yourself to exercise. • Practice alternative fitness exercises such as qigong, martial arts, and yoga. • Lead a well regulated life, or a balanced life of work and leisure. • Maintain a balanced and healthy diet; for example, more vegetables, fruits, whole-wheat flour, grain; less high fat food such as meat, cream, butter, oil, or high cholesterol diet.
Book 1-Unit 9
1.Preview the language points of the passage 2.Finish the Ex.A.B.C of the language work on P.143--144
Thank you for Listening
Book 1-Unit 9
Book 1-Unit 9
What is the rule in the writer’s mind when he says “Exceptions don’t break the rule”? And what is the exception he is referring to?
The rule implied in the passage: we should choose food wisely, don’t smoke, and take some exercise regularly. (Don’t be overweight, don’t smoke, don’t drink excessively, get plenty of exercise.) The exception implied in the passage: the old man, even though he violated the principles of good habits, lived a long life. (Some people may live a long life without keeping healthy habits. If you happened to see a man of long life who has not had good habits, don’t take it to be a universal truth.)
3rd part Never too early 4th part Individual variation
It’s never too early to eat a good diet and live a healthier life. Changing to a good diet may improve the condition. As no two people are exactly alike, there is no fixed formula for a diet good for everyone. Besides, the disease patterns are different from person to person. However, doctors can’t say that certain ways of eating will be good for health.
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Book 1-Unit 9
4. If we can’t change our genes, then what can we do to keep fit?
Eat wisely Maintain good habits
Book 1-Unit 9
5. What do people mean when they say “It’s never too early/late to do a certain thing”? And why? For “never too soon to …” Change your eating habits to a healthier diet. Reason: once you realize you are following an unhealthy diet, a lot of damage may already have been done. For “never too late to …” Switch to a healthier way of eating/ or change a bad habit Reason: Good diet or habits may make a difference to restore health/may improve the condition.
Book 1-Unit 9
2. What can people do to avoid the risks? change/alter the way we live, the food we eat or stop doing things that are harmful to our health get more exercise, don’t smoke, drink less alcohol, etc.
Book 1-Unit 9
Second Reading
Read the text carefully again and discuss with your group member the questions on page 142. (Comprehension Work A)
Book 1-Unit 9
Book 1-Unit 9
Reading Comprehension Language Points and Notes Story Reproduction Activity
Book 1-Unit 9
Identifying the Main Ideas
1st part Introduction 2nd part Exceptions don’t break the rule What we choose to eat can influence our health —for better or worse. Although our life is more or less determined by the genes inherited from our parents, how we live can influence how long we live.
Book 1-Unit 9
6. What is the main idea of the last section “Individual variation”? No two people are exactly alike There is No universal formula for a good diet Disease patterns are different from person to person. No safe way to anticipate who will Fra Baidu bibliotekave what disease Certain diets or life habits are good for health. This is a scientifically proven fact.
Unit 9
The Risks of Life
王 奕
Part II
Reading Comprehension
Book 1-Unit 9
A healthy mind is in a healthy body
Reading Comprehension
Pre-reading Task Comprehension Work Language Work Get Your Pronunciation Right
Book 1-Unit 9
• Deal with stress properly. • Avoid smoking and drug abuse. • Stay away as much as you can from chemicals such as pesticides, sprays. • Do all you can to preserve the environment, such as not littering, not spitting. Clean up the workplace and home regularly. • Maintain a good personal hygiene, such as washing hands before meals, brushing teeth twice a day. • Seek advice on health from doctors or other medical professions.