




1. —Good morning, Dr Johnson’s office. Can I help you?


A. Speaking, please.

B. I’d like to make an appointment, please.

C. Yes, go on.

D. No, you can’t.

2.— Good morning, sir. May I help you?


A. No, I don’t buy anything.

B. No, I don’t need your help.

C. Yes, I need some sugar.

D. Oh, no. That’s OK.

3.— Are you ready to order dessert, please?


A. Yes, please.

B. Please don’t order it.

C. No, don’t mention it.

D. Yes, I’d like to have some chocolate cake.

4.-Is that Mr. Robert Lee?


A. Yes, Lee speaking

B. Hello, what do you want

C. Sorry, speaking

D. I don’t know

5.—Oh, I’m sorry. But I promise I’ll be careful next time.


A. It’s nothing at all

B. Oh, never mind. It doesn’t matter

C. Thank you

D. There are no questions


Passage 1

Since March 21st, 2002, the government granted foreign banks, including Citi Bank, Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp (HSBC), and Bank of East Asia (BEA), licenses to provide foreign exchange (forex) service to local residents. Within 10 days of the foreign banks entering the market, a price war in personal forex trading broke out among Chinese banks.

What has set fire to once frozen local players? The answer is WTO membership. China's entry into the WTO marked the start of a process that will remove restrictions on foreign banks within five years. Citi Bank's acceptance of their first Chinese customer was only the beginning of the change.

Experts pointed out that most residents would stay with local banks owing to the service charges collected by foreign banks. However, all parties agree that the competition has begun. The price war among Chinese banks reflects that they are still not mature(成熟的)enough to face the post-WTO environment. Xiong Jizhou, secretary-general of the Institute for Financial(金融的)Studies at Fudan University, said an absence of creative financial products or professional skills to handle such products leads them to participate in price wars.

Bank of China's official Zhang Xiaobin said, faced with the unstable forex trading business, they had to take part in price wars. He added that this is a good lesson for Chinese banks as they have to fully prepare during the five-year-long buffering(缓冲)period. "Foreign competition will help us to speed up our reforms," he said.

6. Which of the following has NOT obtained license to provide forex service to local residents?

A. Bank of East Asia

C. Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp

B. Citi Bank

D. Barclays Bank

7. What caused a price war in personal forex trading to break out among Chinese banks?

A. The huge profits of personal forex trading.

B. China's entry into the WTO.

C. The good service of foreign banks.

D. The complete removal of restrictions on foreign banks.

8. Why would most residents still choose local banks for forex service?

A. Because foreign banks collect the service charges.

B. Because they are familiar with local banks.

C. Because local banks have lots of branches.

D. Because local banks can offer good service.

9. According to Xiong Jizhou, what does the price war among Chinese banks reflect?

A. Chinese banks are not mature enough to face the challenging post-WTO environment.

B. Chinese banks begin to consider the interests of their customers.

C. Chinese banks have possessed quality financial products.

D. Chinese banks have borrowed excellent professional skills from foreign banks.

10. For Chinese banks how long is the buffering period?

A. One year.

C. Five years.

B. Three years.

D. Ten years.

Passage 2

Although the United States covers so much land and the land produces far more food than the present population needs, its people are by now almost entirely an urban society. Less than a tenth of the people are engaged in agriculture and forestry(林业), and most of the rest live in or around towns, small and large. Here the traditional picture is changing: every small town may still be very like other small towns, and the typical small town may represent a widely accepted view of the country, but most Americans do not live in small towns any more. Half the population now lives in some thirty metropolitan areas (large cities with their suburbs) of more than a million people each—a large proportion than in Germany or England, let alone France. The statistics(统计) of urban and rural population should be treated with caution because so many people who live in areas classified as rural by car to work in a nearby town each day. As the rush to live out of town continues, rural areas within reach of towns are gradually filled with houses, so that it is hard to say at what moment a piece of country becomes a suburb. But more and more the typical American lives in a metropolitan rather than

a small town environment.

11. If now America has 250 million people, how many of them are engaged in agriculture and forestry?

A. About 25 million.

B. More than 25 million.

C. Less than 25 million.

D. Less than 225 million.

12. Which of the following four countries has the smallest proportion of people living in metropolitan areas?

A. United States.

B. Germany.

C. France.

D. England.

13. What's the meaning of the word "metropolitan" in the middle of the passage?

A. Of a large city with its suburbs.

B. Of small and large towns.

C. Of urban areas.

D. Of rural areas.

14. According to the passage, what can we learn about small towns in the United States?

A. Most small towns become gradually crowded.

B. Small towns are still similar to each other.

C. As the traditional picture is changing, towns are different.

D. Small towns are turning into large cities.

15. Why is it hard to say when a piece of country becomes a suburb?

A. Because they are the same.

B. Because the rush takes place too quickly.

C. Because the process is gradual.

D. Because more and more Americans live in metropolitan areas.


16. Always ______ your computer when you've finished.

A. switch off

B. put off

C. take off

D. send off

17. Tian’an Men is the _____ of China.

A. symbol

B. sign

C. signal

D. sympathy

18. The next tax law will affect everyone, but ___ those highly-paid.

A. specially

B. particularly

C. unusually

D. uniquely

19. T here’s no ____ in arguing with him—he won’t change his mind.

A. point

B. use

C. end

D. spot

20. A kind teacher always takes a very ____ attitude when correcting students’ mistakes.

A. negative

B. partial

C. potential

D. positive


Churchill's childhood was an unhappy and lonely one. A speech defect(缺陷), which he never entirely 21 , made him a shy and hesitant child, and his only 22 was the friendship of Mrs. Everest, his beloved nurse. His poor performance at school led his disappointed father to send him to the Royal Military College—and to make matters worse, Winston 23 the entrance exam(入学考试) twice before finally managing to pass it. Once there, however, his abundant talent for the art of war became clear, and he graduated 20th in a class of 130. In 1895, the year his father died, he entered the army and was sent to Cuba, 24 he discovered his talent for writing. Churchill was 25 when his reports on the Cuban War of Independence(古巴独立战争) attracted wide attention, and he seriously contemplated a career as a journalist. Churchill's 26 into politics was not a promising one: He lost his first election 27 , although only by a narrow margin. To 28 himself from this shameful failure, he 29 into action, going to South Africa to report on the war there for London Morning Post. Within a month of his arrival, he had won fame for his part in the dramatic 30 of a train that had been taken under control by the enemy. The train was freed, but Churchill was taken prisoner; and his fame was doubled when less than a month later he escaped from the prison. Returning to Britain as a military hero he again stood for election to Parliament in 1900 and won by an overwhelming margin.

21. A. overcame B. overwhelmed C. defeated D. won

22. A. retreat B. refuge C. recoil D. withdrawal

23. A. disappointed B. missed C. failed D. passed

24. A. there B. where C. that D. on which

25. A. being delighted B. been delighted C. delighting D. delighted

26. A. entry B. retreat C. enter D. participate

27. A. mission B. campaign C. battle D. conflict

28. A. rescue B. diverted C. distract D. prevent

29. A. fell B. plunged C. took D. got

30. A. rescue B. refuge C. help D. aid


31. Please tell me what to do next.

32. Please get off the bus at the next stop.

33. You should arrive at the airport at 10 am.


34. The season I like best





1-5 BCDAB6-10 DBAAC 11-15 CCABC

16-20 AABAD

21-25 ABCBD 26-30 ABCBA

31. 请告诉我接下来做什么。

32. 请在下一站下车。

33. 你该在上午10点到机场。


I like winter best. Though it is very cold and people would be more likely to stay inside, when it snows, everything turns bright. Trees and houses are all covered with thick snow. How beautiful the world looks! At that time, my friends and I will make snowmen. Sometimes we make snowballs and throw them at each other, which gives us much pleasure. Although snowing days become rare, I’m still longing for the winter to come, just in hopes of snow. Besides, the winter also gives me a feeling that the hope of spring is just lying ahead.


校园网络安全知识 常见的几种网络安全问题 1.陷入网络游戏中欲罢不能,玩了第一级,就想玩到第二级、第三级……玩者在游戏过程中为了获得荣誉、自尊,不惜出卖友谊、信誉,对同伴欺骗、讹诈甚至施暴。 2.玩游戏不仅花费他们所有的业余时间,而且一旦上瘾就很难控制自己甚至不想上学,经常旷课、逃学,成绩下降,导致退学。 3.网络还隐藏着其它陷阱。网上聊天交友是学生喜欢的“节目”,但在虚拟环境下交网友比现实生活中要更加警惕,以防上当受骗。 4.过度使用互联网,使自身的社会功能、工作、学习和生活等方面受到严重的影响和损害。长时间的上网会造成不愿与外界交往,行为孤僻,丧失了正常的人际关系。 上网要警惕哪些心理健康问题 1.计算机依赖成瘾。使用者没有任何明确目的,不可抑制地长时间操作计算机或上网浏览网页、玩游戏等,几乎每天上网5-6个小时,常熬夜上网,网瘾日益严重。 2.网络交际成瘾。在现实生活中不愿和人直接交往,不合群,沉默寡言,但喜欢网络交际,经常上网聊天或通过其他网络交流方式与人交流思想情感,一天不上网交际就浑身不舒服。 3.网络色情成瘾。上网者迷恋网上的所有色情音乐、图片以及影像等。有专家指出每周花费11小时以上用来漫游色情网站的人,就有色情成瘾的嫌疑。

4.强迫信息收集成瘾。这包括强迫性地从网上收集无用的、无关紧要的或者不迫切需要的信息。 5.游戏成瘾。包括不可抑制地长时间玩计算机游戏,这是较普遍存在的现象,不但用家中的电脑可以轻松地进行连网游戏,遍街的电脑网吧更是绝佳的去处,既可以逃避家长的耳目,还可众人一起连机,使游戏更加的刺激有趣。 6.如果一段时间不能上网,就会产生失落感、焦虑症、空虚感,烦躁不安,想找人吵架或想攻击别人;有的心情郁闷,产生悲观厌世情绪和自杀念头。 如何摆脱网络成瘾症 如果你觉得网瘾太大,自己抵抗力太小,那么以下的三条具体建议,可以帮助你预防网络成瘾症: 1.不要把上网作为逃避现实生活问题或者消极情绪的工具。“借网消愁愁更愁”。理由是,上网逃脱不了现实,逃得过初一,逃不过十五。更重要的是,因为你的上网行为在不知不觉中已经得到了强化,网瘾加重。 2.上网之前先定目标。每次花两分钟时间想一想你要上网干什么,把具体要完成的任务列在纸上。不要认为这个两分钟是多余的,它可以为你省10个两分钟,甚至100个两分钟。 3.上网之前先限定时间。看一看你列在纸上的任务,用1分钟估计一下大概需要多长时间。假设你估计要用40分钟,那么把小闹钟定到20分钟,到时候看看你进展到哪里了。 总之,我们在享受高科技带来的全新概念时,不能忘记很重要的一个原则:网络的精彩绝伦、快速便捷以及其他的种种优点都不能完完全全地替代现实生活,网络生活只能作为现实生活的一部分。


全国高校网络教育大学英语统考(B)试题及答案(1) Part I 日常会话 1. – Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now?-- A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment B. No, you can’t C. Sorry, you can’t D. I don’t know 2. -- Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?-- A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, go on C. Yes, help yourself D. It doesn’t matter 3. -- Is that Mr Robert Lee?-- A. Yes, Lee speaking. B. Hello, what do you want? C. Sorry, speaking. D. I don’t know. 4. –Excuse me, sir. Where is Dr. Brown’s office?-- A. You can’t ask me B. Pardon? I have no idea C. Please don’t say so D. Sorry, I don’t know, but you can ask the man over there 5. – Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John?-- A. Thank you very much B. No, no, John is not bad C. Thank you. He is fine D. Don’t say that. It’s ugly. John is good 6. – What can I do for you, madam?-- . A. I want a kilo of apples B. You can go your own way C. Thanks D. Excuse me. I’m busy 7. –I’d like to take you to the coffee house on t he corner.- A. Thank you. You shouldn’t do that B. Thanks, I’d like to go with you C. No, you can’t say so D. No, no. You can’t do that 8. –Do you mind telling me where you’re from?-- A. Certainly. I’m from London B. Sure. I was b orn in London C. Not really, you can do it D. Certainly not. I’m from London 9. – May I see the menu, please?-- A. That is the menu, sir. B. Yes, please go on. C. Here you are, sir. D. Of course, sir. 10. – I was worried about chemistry, but Mr Brown gave me an A !-- . A. Don’t worry about it B. Congratulations! That’s a difficult course C.Mr Brown is very good D. Good luck to you! 1. – Would you like to have dinner with us this evening?-- A. OK, but I have to go to a meeting now B. No, I can’t C. I’d love to, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents D. I don’t know 2. – Hi, is Mary there, please?-- A. Hold on. I’ll get her. B. No, she isn’t here. C. Yes, she lives here. D. Yes, what do you want? 3. – Please help yourself to the fish.-- . A. Thanks, but fish doesn’t agree with me B. Sorry, I can’t help C. I don’t like fish D. No, I can’t 4. –Hurry up, please, or I’ll be late.-- . A. Sorry sir, but the traffic is thick now B. Well, it’s alright, sir C. How can you say that, sir? D. Oh, we are going the right way


2017年6月大学英语六级考试真题及答案解析(第一套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend a vocational college or a university, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 【参考范文】 Whether to Attend a Vocational College or a University? It’s an undisputable truth that virtually all high school graduates will encounter the choices between a vocational college and a university. And when it comes to this question, students’ ideas are not cut from the same cloth. In point of which to choose and what to be taken into consideration, my advices are as follow. In the first place, we should be conscious of the fact that both of the two choices have its own superiorities. For instance, a vocational college specializes in cultivating human resources with practical capabilities; while a university serves as the cradle of academic researchers in different fields. Then it does follow that high school graduates should have a clear picture of themselves. That is to say, they should know their merits and demerits and their choices must give play to their strengths whilst circumvent weaknesses. In addition, interest is the best teacher and it’s also the premise of learning on one’s own initiative. Thus interest must be taken into account because it can not only decide how far one can reach academically and professionally but also how happy and fulfilled one will be. In brief, all above just goes to show that there really is no one-size-fits-all answer for the question. The key lies in a clear cognition, accurate self-positioning and the interest of oneself. Only then can every one find a right path that works best for us. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) He would feel insulted. B) He would feel very sad. C) He would be embarrassed. D) He would be disappointed. 【答案】A 【解析】题目问如果男士在二手书店中发现了自己写的书,那么男士会感觉怎样。男士说到:如果他在二手书店发现了自己的书,他会认为这是种侮辱。因此选A。 2. A) They are worthy of a prize. B) They are of little value. C) They make good reading. D) They need improvement. 【答案】B 【解析】题目问男士的妻子认为他的书怎么样。男士说到:他最新的一本书是在2004年写的,当时在写的时候给他妻子看了一小部分。妻子认为他写的内容是垃圾。这表明他的妻子认为他写的书毫无价值。因此选B。 3. A) He seldom writes a book straight through. B) He writes several books simultaneously. C) He draws on his real-life experiences. D) He often turns to his wife for help. 【答案】A


英语六级满分答题技巧大总结 达到重要目标有二个途径——势力与毅力,势力只是少数人所有,但坚韧不拔的毅力则多数人均可拥有。它沉默的力量随着时间发展而至无可抵抗。 ——拿破仑想要得到英语六级满分,这个想法似乎是天方夜谭。但是大家都知道“取乎其上,得乎其中;取乎其中,得乎其下。”的道理,嗯,虽然让大家考英语六级满分是不可能的,因为总有某个题型会影响你的英语六级满分。 满分虽然遥不可及,但是想要考个高分还是很好的目标。现在就和大家分享一下,英语六级复习的注意事项,希望能够帮助大家取得英语六级高分。 ◆词汇最重要 英语六级对于词汇的要求还是挺高的,大家需要格外的重视。大家就根据自己的情况找一本词汇书,要是词汇基础好的话,就找个六级核心词汇书(估计是2000词);要是词汇基础不太好的话,就找一本单词比较全的。 备好单词书后,就制定好单词的记忆计划,规定自己每天记忆多少单词,多少天记完。另外,拿单词书记单词是比较容易忘的,所以大家还应该专门安排时间进行词汇的复习。 ◆真题要精炼

真题是最好的复习资料,大家一定要好好利用真题的价值。大家在做真题的时候要进行“精做”,也就是要非常细致的去做真题,把每个试题的知识点、难点、重点、考点都要知道,反正是要把真题彻底掌握。 巨微英语——六级真题/逐句精解就很适合大家去“精做”,这本书对于真题的解析非常细致,它把真题文章中的生词和句子语法都进行很细致的注释和解析,大家不仅能够对文章进行理解,还能够掌握文章中的词汇和语法知识,非常适合基础不好的同学使用。 ◆听力是难点 讲道理,英语六级听力是真的比较难,尤其是新增加的讲座/演讲,真的是难得要死(还好分值不高)。对于听力的复习,大家就抓住一点,锻炼自己听的能力。一方面是要进行听力量的积累,就是要每天都听会听力音频,做到灌耳音的效果;另一方面就是做到“精听”,也就是要对听力音频反复的听,直到自己听懂为止。 然后大家对于听力的试题也要进行适当的练习,增加自己做题的感觉。 希望大家都能够考一个好的成绩。


校园网络安全教育总结 总结,是对过去一定时期的工作、学习或思想情况进行回顾、分析,并做出客观评价的书面材料。按内容分,有学习总结、工作总结、思想总结等,按时间分,有年度总结、季度总结、月份总结等。人们常常对已做过的工作进行回顾、分析,并提到理论高度,肯定已取得的成绩,指出应汲取的教训,以便今后做得更好。 校园网络安全教育总结一:根据某局XXXXXX文件精神,结合我局工作实际,近日对照检查内容开展了安全自查工作。 现将自查情况报告如下: 为妥善地完成网络安全工作,消除网络安全隐患,我局成立了以分管副局长为组长的网络安全工作领导小组,其中办公室、网监科的科长为副组长,各科室负责人为小组成员,以加强对网络安全工作的领导。严格按照上级部门要求,积极完善各项安全制度,保证了网络安全持续稳定运行。 基本情况 为保证网络安全工作顺利开展,我局先后投入资金30余万元,购置绿盟数据库审计系统2套、盈高入网准入控制1套。办公电脑均安装了360三件套(卫士、杀毒、浏览器),

采取了360企业版安全防护模式,机房配备了入侵检测系统 1台、上网行为管理1台、千兆防火墙2台。同时在每个基层单位确定一名信息联络员,具体负责基层单位日常网络安全维护。我局目前是通过乐清市政府电子政务网访问互联网,我局的外网网站在市政府电子政务网的防火墙保护下。 我局制定了网络安全工作的各项信息管理制度制度。包括人员管理、机房管理、资产和设备管理、数据和信息安全管理、系统建设和运行维护管理等制度,涉及国家秘密、要害部门管理、计算机及信息系统管理、通信及办公自动化设备管理、网络安全监督检查、政府信息公开网络安全审查、涉密事件报告查处、责任考核与奖惩等基本制度均在上述管理制度中有涉及到。同时,我局加强网络安全教育、宣传,使有关人员了解网络安全的危害,设立责任意识。 我局的信息安全产品都采购国产厂商的产品,未采用国外信息安全产品。信息系统和重要数据的均自行维护,信息安全产品售后服务由厂家提供服务。 信息系统等级测评和安全建设整改情况。 20xx年10月oa系统通过等保2级,该信息系统未变化,所以无需作备案变更;目前暂无新建信息系统需要定级备案。 1、重要的网站还未开展信息系统定级备案、等级测评。


全国高校网络教育大学英语统考 (B )试题及答案 Test 1 Part I 日常会话 1. — Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now -- A A. Sorry, he is busy at the mome nt C. Sorry, you can ' t 2. -- Do you think I could borrow your dictionary -- .C A. Yes, you may borrow C. Yes, help yourself 3. -- Is that Mr Robert Lee -- A A. Yes, Lee speak ing. C. Sorry, speak ing. 4. — Excuse me, sir. Where is Dr. Brow n - D. A. You can ' t ask me B. Pard on I have no idea C. Please don ' t say so D. Sorry, I don ' t know, but you can ask the man over there 5. - Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John -- .C A. Thank you very much C. Thank you. He is fine is good 6. - What can I do for you, madam -- .A A. I want a kilo of apples C. Thanks B. No, you can ' t D. I don ' t know B. Yes, go on D. It doesn ' t matter B. Hello, what do you want D. I don ' t know. 's office I ' d like to take you to the coffee house on the corner. B. You can go your own way D. Excuse me. I ' m busy


关于大学英语四、六级考试题型调整的说明 自2013年12月考次起,全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会将对四、六级考试的试卷结构和测试题型作局部调整。调整后,四级和六级的试卷结构和测试题型相同。 一、试卷描述 四级和六级的试卷结构、测试内容、测试题型、分值比例和考试时间如下表所示: 试卷结构测试内容测试题型分值比例考试时间写作写作短文写作15%30分钟 听力理解听力对话长对话2篇选择题(单选)7% 30分钟听力短文 听力篇章选择题(单选)7% 讲座/讲话选择题(单选)20% 阅读理解词汇理解选词填空5% 40分钟长篇阅读匹配10% 仔细阅读选择题(单选题)20% 翻译汉译英段落翻译15%30分钟 总计100%130分钟 二、新题型说明 1.单词及词组听写 原复合式听写调整为单词及词组听写,短文长度及难度不变。要求考生在听懂短文的基础上,用所听到的原文填写空缺的单词或词组,共10题。短文播放三遍。 2.长篇阅读 原快速阅读理解调整为长篇阅读理解,篇章长度和难度不变。篇章后附有10个句子,每句一题。每句所含的信息出自篇章的某一段

落,要求考生找出与每句所含信息相匹配的段落。有的段落可能对应两题,有的段落可能不对应任何一题。 3.翻译 原单句汉译英调整为段落汉译英。翻译内容涉及中国的历史、文化、经济、社会发展等。四级长度为140-160个汉字;六级长度为180-200个汉字。 三、成绩报道 成绩报道分为总分和单项分。单项分包括:1)听力,2)阅读,3)翻译和写作。

大学英语六级考试听力样题 Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear some questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre. Conversation One Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) He invented the refrigerator. C) He was admitted to a university. B) He patented his first invention. D) He got a degree in Mathematics. 2. A) He started to work on refrigeration. B) He became a professor of Mathematics. C) He fell in love with Natasha Willoughby. D) He distinguished himself in low temperature physics. 3. A) Discovering the true nature of subatomic particles. B) Their explanation of the laws of cause and effect. C) Their work on very high frequency radio waves. D) Laying the foundations of modern mathematics. 4. A) To have a three-week holiday. C) To patent his inventions. B) To spend his remaining years. D) To teach at a university. Conversation Two Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5. A) The injury of some students. B) A school bus crash on the way. C) The collapse of a school building. D) A fire that broke out on a school campus. 6. A) Teaching. C) Having lunch. B) On vacation. D) Holding a meeting. 7. A) A malfunctioning stove. C) Violation of traffic rules. B) Cigarettes butts left by workers. D) Negligence in school maintenance. 8. A) Sent a story to the local newspaper. B) Threw a small Thanksgiving party.


教育行业信息系统安全等级保护 定级工作指南 (试行) 1 总则 本指南依据国家信息安全等级保护相关政策和标准,结合教育行业信息化工作的特点和具体实际,对教育行业信息系统进行分类,提出安全等级保护的定级思路,给出建议等级,明确工作流程。 本指南适用于各级教育行政部门及其直属事业单位、各级各类学校的非涉密信息系统安全等级保护定级工作。 信息系统的定级工作应在信息系统设计阶段完成,与信息系统建设同步实施。 2 定级依据 《中华人民共和国计算机信息系统安全保护条例》(国务院第147号令) 《信息系统安全等级保护定级指南》(GB/T 22240-2008)《信息系统安全等级保护实施指南》(GB/T 25058-2010)《关于开展全国重要信息系统安全等级保护定级工作的通知》(公信安〔2007〕861号) 《信息安全等级保护管理办法》(公通字〔2007〕43号)

3 信息系统的类型划分 信息系统的类型划分是进行信息系统安全等级划分的前提和基础。按照信息系统的主管单位、业务对象、部署模式对教育行业信息系统进行分类,形成信息系统分类表(附件1)。 3.1按信息系统主管单位划分 按照信息系统主管单位的不同,信息系统分为“教育行政部门及其直属事业单位信息系统”(简称“部门信息系统”)和“学校信息系统”两类。 部门信息系统可分为教育部机关及其直属事业单位信息系统(部级系统)、省级教育行政部门及其直属事业单位信息系统(省级系统)、地市级教育行政部门及其直属事业单位信息系统(市级系统)和区县级教育行政部门及其直属事业单位信息系统(县级系统);学校信息系统可分为重点建设类高等学校信息系统(I类)、高等学校信息系统(Ⅱ类)、中小学校(含中职中专院校)信息系统(Ⅲ类)。 3.2按信息系统业务对象划分 根据信息系统业务对象不同,部门信息系统可分为政务管理类、学校管理类、学生管理类、教师管理类、综合服务类;学校信息系统可分为校务管理类、教学科研类、招生就业类、综合服务类。



阅读:在六级阅读部分,正确答案与文章存在四种关系: 1. 原文再现; 2. 结构顺序相同,而词语同义替换; 3. 语序调整同义替换; 4. 全文整体同义转换。 而六级的几个阅读问题分别对应方法如下: 快速阅读,平均每次考试有约八道题都属于1.原文再现;2.结构顺序相同,而词语同义替换; 简答题,平均每次考试有约四道题属于1.原文再现; 传统阅读,平均每次考试大部分属于2.结构顺序相同,而词语同义替换和3. 语序调整同义替换。少数会出现1. 原文再现和4. 全文整体同义转换。 听力:语音去年12月的考试警醒了众多在语音方面没有充分准备的同学,尤其是平时单方面注重美音而对英式发音不很熟悉的考生,在考试时颇受影响。接下来给大家准备了几个简单的单词,大家可以自己尝试一下他们的英美发音—— Either, dance, course, letter, current.更多英音和美音的区别,请大家多去熟悉历年真题单词和长句的录音,尽量跟读。最终做到能够听懂所有高频词汇的英美发音。 短对话加强了对场景词汇和语义替换的要求 长对话解题思路:a,边听边标记,选项被大部分读到、少部分替换即优选。b,注意逻辑词提示,如but,however,because,so等。c,注意极端词提示,如most,only,absolutely,whole,entire等。d,注意语气语调语速的变化(这点希望考生再对照答案位置关注一下原文放音体会一下)。 在这类专业性较强的文章里,一定要听明白文章首句群——在文章的开头三到四句话中往往会交代这篇文章研究的领域或者提出的科学猜想,这对于解题至关重要。通常在这样的首句群之后,文章将进行到相关的数据例证或者实验分析,这时候,由于文章本身出题数量的限制,经常是没有需要总结或概括的题目出现的,所以,在数据列举和实验分析的过程,即使出题也很可能只是细节的题目,这个时候应用视听基本一致就变得非常简单。文章的结尾往往很重要,通常会有结论出现。基本在所有的新知识普及型文章中,都有两个通用的出题点——a,实验带来的最终结论;b,科学研究者的直接引用观点即得出的最可能的理论和设想。所以,请大家注意如a, research/ survey/ statistics/ evidence/ studies…+ show/ reveal/ indicate…和b, scientist/ researcher/ a certain scientist’s name…+ believe/ find/ discover/ estimate…组合后方的内容,往往是答案所在的区域。


校园网络安全知识 常见得几种网络安全问题 1、陷入网络游戏中欲罢不能,玩了第一级,就想玩到第二级、第三级……玩者在游戏过程中为了获得荣誉、自尊,不惜出卖友谊、信誉,对同伴欺骗、讹诈甚至施暴。 2。玩游戏不仅花费她们所有得业余时间,而且一旦上瘾就很难控制自己甚至不想上学,经常旷课、逃学,成绩下降,导致退学。 3。网络还隐藏着其它陷阱。网上聊天交友就是学生喜欢得“节目”,但在虚拟环境下交网友比现实生活中要更加警惕,以防上当受骗。 4。过度使用互联网,使自身得社会功能、工作、学习与生活等方面受到严重得影响与损害、长时间得上网会造成不愿与外界交往,行为孤僻,丧失了正常得人际关系。 上网要警惕哪些心理健康问题 1.计算机依赖成瘾、使用者没有任何明确目得,不可抑制地长时间操作计算机或上网浏览网页、玩游戏等,几乎每天上网5-6个小时,常熬夜上网,网瘾日益严重。 2.网络交际成瘾。在现实生活中不愿与人直接交往,不合群,沉默寡言,但喜欢网络交际,经常上网聊天或通过其她网络交流方式与人交流思想情感,一天不上网交际就浑身不舒服。 3、网络色情成瘾。上网者迷恋网上得所有色情音乐、图片以及影像等。有专家指出每周花费11小时以上用来漫游色情网站得人,就有色情成瘾得嫌疑。 4。强迫信息收集成瘾。这包括强迫性地从网上收集无用得、无关紧要得或者不迫切需要得信息。

5。游戏成瘾。包括不可抑制地长时间玩计算机游戏,这就是较普遍存在得现象,不但用家中得电脑可以轻松地进行连网游戏,遍街得电脑网吧更就是绝佳得去处,既可以逃避家长得耳目,还可众人一起连机,使游戏更加得刺激有趣。 6、如果一段时间不能上网,就会产生失落感、焦虑症、空虚感,烦躁不安,想找人吵架或想攻击别人;有得心情郁闷,产生悲观厌世情绪与自杀念头、 如何摆脱网络成瘾症 如果您觉得网瘾太大,自己抵抗力太小,那么以下得三条具体建议,可以帮助您预防网络成瘾症: 1、不要把上网作为逃避现实生活问题或者消极情绪得工具。“借网消愁愁更愁”。理由就是,上网逃脱不了现实,逃得过初一,逃不过十五。更重要得就是,因为您得上网行为在不知不觉中已经得到了强化,网瘾加重。 2.上网之前先定目标。每次花两分钟时间想一想您要上网干什么,把具体要完成得任务列在纸上。不要认为这个两分钟就是多余得,它可以为您省10个两分钟,甚至100个两分钟。 3、上网之前先限定时间。瞧一瞧您列在纸上得任务,用1分钟估计一下大概需要多长时间。假设您估计要用40分钟,那么把小闹钟定到20分钟,到时候瞧瞧您进展到哪里了、 总之,我们在享受高科技带来得全新概念时,不能忘记很重要得一个原则:网络得精彩绝伦、快速便捷以及其她得种种优点都不能完完全全地替代现实生活,网络生活只能作为现实生活得一部分。 上网应小心网络陷阱 不可否认,互联网确实开拓了我们得视野,丰富了我们得生活,但就是互联网上也存在着大量得陷阱、如果不能认识到这些陷阱得危害并预防它们,那么,互联网带给我们得恐怕不再就是鲜花与美酒,而就是财物得浪费、秘密得泄露,更有甚者会危及到人身得安全。


第一部分交际英语 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ----------------以下红色1-60重点掌握看,可得分值9-12分----------------- 1.-Are you going on holiday for a long time?你度假很长时间吗? -- ____C____ 不是,只是几天。 A. It was a long time B. Two weeks ago. C. No. Only a couple of days. D Not long time ago. 2.-Could you help me with my physics, please? 请问你能帮我做物理课作业吗? -___D___.很抱歉不行。我马上要去开会。(表示歉意要婉转,不能直接说NO 还应加理由)A. No, no way B. No, I couldn’t C. No, I can’t D. Sorry I can’t. I have to go to a meeting right now 3.-Could I speak to Don Watkins, please? 我能和Don Watkins说话吗? - ___A___ 我就是。 A. Speaking, please. B. Oh, how are you? C. I’m listening. D. I’m Don. 4.-Could I borrow your car for a few day? 我能借你的车用几天吗? -____C____.当然可以。给你。祝你旅途愉快。 A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, go on C. Sure, here is the key. Enjoy your journey D. It doesn’t matter 5.-Congratulations!You won the first prize in today’s speech contest. -___C___. 祝贺你在今天的演讲比赛中获得冠军。--谢谢你。 A. Yes, I beat the others B. No, no, I didn’t do it w ell C. Thank you D. It’s pleasure 6.-Do you mind my smoking here? 你介意我在这吸烟吗?(介意询问时,YES是表示介意)-_____B____.是的,我介意 A. No, thanks B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I’d rather not D. Good idea 7.- Did you know that David injured his leg yesterday?你知道戴维昨天弄伤了他的腿吗? - Really? ____C___真的吗?发生了什么事? A、Who did that? B、What's wrong with him? C、How did that happen? D、Why was he so careless? 8.-Excuse me, how much is the jacket?请问,这件夹克衫多少钱? -It’s 499 Yuan. ____D____. 499元。你想试一下吗? A. Oh, no. That’s OK! B. How do you like it? C. Which do you prefer? D. Would you like to try it on? 9.-Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office? 打扰下,你能告诉我最近的邮局怎么走吗? - ___D___Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue. You can’t miss it. 噢,我想下!从这里过两个街区,在格林大街,你不会错过 A. I beg your pardon? B. What do you m ean? C. You’re welcome. D. Um,let me think. 10.-How are you, Bob?你好吗,鲍勃?-____B____, Ted.我很好,谢谢。


2016年6月英语六级考试真题试卷附答案和解析(第1套) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the use of robots. Try to imagine what will happen when more and more robots take the place of human beings in industry as well as people's daily lives. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer. from the four choices marked A), B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) Project organizer. B) Public relations officer. C) Marketing manager. D) Market research consultant. 2. A) Quantitative advertising research. B) Questionnaire design. C) Research methodology. D) Interviewer training. 3. A) They are intensive studies of people's spending habits. B) They examine relations between producers and customers. C) They look for new and effective ways to promote products. D) They study trends or customer satisfaction over a long period. 4. A) The lack of promotion opportunity. B) Checking charts and tables. C) Designing questionnaires. D) The persistent intensity. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5. A) His view on Canadian universities. B) His understanding of higher education. C) His suggestions for improvements in higher education. D) His complaint about bureaucracy in American universities. 6. A) It is well designed. B) It is rather inflexible. C) It varies among universities.
