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The final revision was on November 23, 2020




例题:(ABD)There is _________on the floor. money orange box books

little water

( ) practice ______ every day..

English the piano speak English kung fu

( )2. How many ______can you see on the tree

( )3. -What are _________names -Lucy and Lily .

parents’ girl’s girls’ twins’

( ) pandas –China.

,from ,come ,from ,come from

( )5. It’s 6:00pm. . It’s time _________.

have dinner our party have a dinner go home

( ) He often helps her _______ her homework. A. does B. do C. to do D. with

( ) I want to join the _______ club,because I can _______ well now.

A. music , swim

B. swimming , swimming

C. sports , play soccer , draw

( ) you .

birthday to you English is very good ’s your lost pen. ’t talk in class

( ) Let me tell you ________get to the park.

A. what

B. how to

C. how I can

D. how can I

( )10. I am an_________boy . But my brother Jim is only ___________.

A. 15 years old, 12 years old.

B. 18-year-old, 11 years old.

C. 15-year-old, 12 years old

D. 11-year-old, 5 years old


()1. -What do you think ______ the idea -I think it's funny.

A. of

B. over

C. in

D. for

()2. Maria doesn’t like singing_______ dancing, _____ she likes drawing.

A. and , and

B. and, but

C. or, but

D. or ,and

()3. He’ll arrive ________Shanghai ______ the afternoon of May the tenth.

, on , in , on , in

()4. Mike often ______books. He enjoys ______books.

A. reads, looking

B. read, reading

C. reads, reading

D. read, to read

()5. His mother is ill _________ for two days.

A. in bed

B. on bed

C. in the bed

D. on the bed

()6. Mother was always the first one ________ in the morning.

A. get up

B. to get up

C. gets up

D. got up

() has______ uncle ,and his uncle usually wears______uniform.

A. an, an

B. a, an

C. a, a

D. an, a

()8. Thank you for ________ us! A. joining B. joined C. joins D. to join

()9. Tom,let’s good friends. do C. be be

()10. –Why do you like dogs-Because they’re .

B. boring

C. dirty

()11. The sign tells us “______”here.

A. No run !

B. No playing basketball!

C. No walking!

D. No playing soccer!

()12. -What’s the time now’s .

to ten B. forty to ten C. ten twenty o’clock D. two to two

()13. Ice-cream tastes _______, but it isn’t good _________our health.

A. well , at

B. good ,for

C. well , with ,with

()14. –Would you like me to see the animals with you- .

,you would ’s very kind of you ’s right ’re welcome.

()15. _________ is it from your home to school It’s about 10 kilometers.

A. How far

B. How long

C. How often

) () work is too hard for him. He__________ finish it on time.

A. can't

B. mustn't

C. shouldn't

D. needn't

() are teachers in that school.

man hundreds of women woman

( )19. Please brother is sleeping.

A. keep quite

B. keep quietly

C. to be quiet

D. be quiet

( ) want ten good teachers __________ our school .

A. at

B. in

C. on

( )21. I have _______ rules in my home. We have ________ homework to do today.

A. too many, too much

B. too much , many too

C. too many, much too

D. much too, many too

( )22. I need a place to relax after a week’s busy work.

A. noisy

B. dirty

C. quiet

D. exciting

( )23. -Have a good day!-________

A. The same to you.

B. How do you do

C. Fine, thank you.

D. Nice to meet you, too. ( ) 24. Either mother or father ________ to the movies on Sunday sometimes.

One of my ________ must look after the baby.

A. go , parents

B. went , parent

C. goes , parents

D. went , parents

( ) 25. On Sunday I have to go to the farm农场___________ my parents.

A. to help

B. help

C. helping

D. helped


can (走路) for a long time and never get (迷路)..

2. My sister never__________ (want ) to be busy, she wants to (放松) herself. .

Ping is in great_________(dangerous), please go to (救) him at once..

4. Look! One of your friends (sing) over (开心) she looks!

must brush my (tooth) before (have) breakfast. cat is kind of (无聊).

It (睡觉) all day.

is no (桥) between their school and the students have to go on a ropeway

to (横过) the river to school.

’t (迟到)for school,please come to school (按时) next time

teacher is (与孩子们相处得好).

’t forget (tell ) them to stop (砍倒) the trees.

11.我们必须严以律己,遵守学校所有的规章制度。We must be ourselves, and all the school .

12.走路到这里通常花费我们半小时。It usually us half , to here.

13.我希望你们的梦想能早日实现。I hope can so
