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FingerPlays.01-little bee
Little bee,little bee,round,round,round.
Little bee,little bee,sound,sound,sound.FingerPlays.02-peek a boo
Peek ,peek,
Peek , peek,
I see you.
重点词语:peek , I see you .
FingerPlays.03-open shut(幼儿英语)
Open, Shut
Open, shut, open, shut.
Give a little clap.
Creep, creep, creep, creep.
Give a little flap.
重点词语:open, shut, clap, creep, flap FingerPlays.04-Here is the beehive(幼儿英语) Here Is the Beehive
Here is the beehive ,
Where are the bees?
Hidden away where nobody sees.
Watch and you’ll see them,
Come out of the hive ,
One, two ,three ,four, five,
重点词语:beehive, one, two, three, four, five FingerPlays.05-Ten little fingers(幼儿英语) Ten little Fingers
One little, two little, three little fingers.
Four little, five little, six little fingers.
Seven little, eight little, nine little fingers.
Ten fingers on my hands.
重点词语:finger, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
FingerPlays.06-dance you fingers(幼儿英语)
Dance Your Fingers
Dance your fingers up,
Dance your fingers down,
Dance your fingers to the side,
Dance them all around.
Dance them on my shoulders,
Dance them on my head,
Dance them on my tummy,
And put them all to bed.
重点词语:up, down, side, all around, shoulder, head,tummy, bed FingerPlays.07-tow little black birds(幼儿英语)
Two Little Black Birds
Two little black birds
Sitting on a hill
One named Jack
And one named Jil
Fly away Jack
Fly away Jill
Come back Jack
Come back Jill
重点词语:black bird, fly away, come back
FingerPlays.08-Jack and Jill(幼儿英语)
Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water,
Jack fell down and broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after.
重点词语:hill, pail, a pail of water
FingerPlays.09-The chimney(幼儿英语)
The Chimney Here is the chimney
Here is the top.
Open the lid,
Out Santa will pop.
重点词语:chimney, lid, Santa, pop
FingerPlays.10-Eentsy Weentsy Spider(幼儿英语)
Eentsy Weentsy Spider
The eentsy weentsy spider
Went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out;
Out came the sun and Dried up all the rain;
And the eentsy weentsy spider went up the spout again.
重点词语:spider, water, spout, rain, sun FingerPlays.11-Five little birds(幼儿英语)
Five Little Birds
Five little birds without any home,
Five little trees in a row,
Come and build your nests in the trees,
We will rock you to and fro.
重点词语:bird, home, nest, tree
FingerPlays.12-Five Rabbits(幼儿英语)
Five Rabbits
Five rabbits were hiding,
In the woods one day,
1-2-3-4-5 jumped out,
and then they ran away.
重点词语:rabbit, woods, jump out, run away FingerPlays.13-Five little sausages(幼儿英语)
Five Little Sausages
(1) Five little sausages frying in the pan,
The pan got hot and one went BAM!
One little sausage frying in the pan,
The pan got hot and one went
“wait, wait! Put me on your plate and eat me!”
重点词语:sausage, pan, hot, plate, eat
FingerPlays.12-Five Rabbits(幼儿英语)
Five Rabbits
Five rabbits were hiding,
In the woods one day,
1-2-3-4-5 jumped out,
and then they ran away.
重点词语:rabbit, woods, jump out, run away
FingerPlays.14-This little pig(幼儿英语)
This Little Pig
This little pig went to market,
This little pig stayed home,
This little pig had roast beef,
This little pig had none,
And this little pig cried “wee-wee-wee”
All the way home .
重点词语:little pig, market, home, roast beef, cry
FingerPlays.15-Three little monkeys(幼儿英语)
Three Little Monkeys
1.Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,
One fell off, and bumped his head ,
Mommy called the doctor and the doctor said,”No more little monkeys jumping on the bed.”
3.One ……He……his……
重点词语:monkey, bed, jump, head, doctor, monkey FingerPlays.16-Hickory dicory dock(幼儿英语)
Hickory Dickory Dock
(1)Hickory dickouy dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory dickory dock.
(2)……Two ……the mouse said:boo!
(3)……Three ……the mouse said:w hee!
(4)……Four ……the mouse said:no more!
重点词语:mouse, run up, clock, run down FingerPlays.17-Where is thumkin(幼儿英语)
Where Is Thumbkin?
(1) Where Is Thumbkin?
Where Is Thumbkin?
Here is am, here is am,
How are you today,sir?
Very well I thank you.
Run away. Run away.
(3)……tall man……
(4)……ring man……
重点词语:where is Thumbkin? Here I am. How are you?
Very well. Thank you.
FingerPlays.18-You are my sunshine(幼儿英语)
You’re My Sunshine
You’re my sunshine, my only sunshine,
You make me happy, when skies are gray,
You never know dear,
How much I love you,
So please don’t take my sunshine away.
重点词语:sunshine, happy, I love you
Skidamarink a dinga ding,
Skidamarink a doo, I love you.
Skidamarink a dinga ding,
Skidamarink a doo, I love you.
I love you in the morning,
And in the afternoon,
I love you in the evening,
And underneath the moon,
Oh, Skidamarink a dinga ding,
Skidamarink a doo, I love you.
重点词语:I love you, morning, afternoon, evening, moon
FingerPlays.20-Clap your hands(幼儿英语)
Clap Your Hands
(1)Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can.
Clap, clap clap your hands as quickly as you can.
(5)Wiggle your fingers ……
(6)Pound your fists……
重点词语:clap your hands, shake your hands, roll your hands, rub your hands, wiggle your fingers, pound my fists
FingerPlays.20-Clap your hands(幼儿英语)
Clap Your Hands
(1)Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can.
Clap, clap clap your hands as quickly as you can.
(3)Rol l……
(5)Wiggle your fingers ……
(6)Pound your fists……
重点词语:clap your hands, shake your hands, roll your hands, rub your hands, wiggle your fingers, pound my fists
FingerPlays.20-Clap your hands(幼儿英语)
Clap Your Hands
(1)Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can.
Clap, clap clap your hands as quickly as you can.
(5)Wiggle your fingers ……
(6)Pound your fists……
重点词语:clap your hands, shake your hands, roll your hands, rub your hands, wiggle your fingers, pound my fists
FingerPlays.21-Gobble Gobble(幼儿英语)
Gobble Gobble
Gobble, gobble, gobble,
Quack, quack, quack,
A turkey says gobble,
A duck says quack.
重点词语: turkey, duck
FingerPlays.22-Old macdonald(幼儿英语)
Old Macdonald
(1)Old macdonald had a farm,EIEIO,
And on his farm he had a duck, EIEIO
With a quack quack here,
And a quack quack there,
Here quack, there quack,
(2)……Pig …… oink
(3)……Cow …… moo
(4)……Turkey …… gobble
重点词语:farm, duck, pig, cow, turkey FingerPlays.23-Walking walking(幼儿英语)
Walking Walking
Walking walking,
Walking walking,
Jump jump jump,
Jump jump jump,
Running running running ,
Running running running ,
Now let’s stop.
Now let’s stop.
重点词语:walking, jump, running ,stop FingerPlays.24-Ring around the rosy(幼儿英语)儿歌Ring around the Rosy
(1)Ring auound the rosy,
A pocketful of posies,
Ashes, ashes, we all fall down.
重点词语:fall down, run, walk, hop, jump, tiptoe FingerPlays.25-Teddy bear(幼儿英语)
Teddy Bear
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Turn around.
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
Touch the ground,
Teddy bear , teddy bear,]
Show your shoe,
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
That will do.
重点词语:bear, turn around, touch the ground, show your shoe FingerPlays.26-If you are happy(幼儿英语)
If You’re Happy
(1)If you’re happy and you know it,
clap your hands,( repeat )
If you’re happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it,
If you’re happy and you know it.
Clap your hands.
(2)……stomp your feet……
(3)……shout hurray……
(4)……do all three……
重点词语:happy, clap your hands, stomp your feet, shout hurray FingerPlays.27-Looby loo(幼儿英语)
Looby Loo
Chorus: Here we go looby loo,
Here we go looby light,
Here we go looby loo,
All on a Sayturday night,
(1)You put your right hand in,
You put your right hand out,
You give your right hand a shake shake shake,
And turn yourself about.
(2)……left hand……
(3)……right foot……
(4)……left foot……
(5)……whole self……
重点词语:right, left, hand, foot, whole, self
FingerPlays.28-Hokey pokey(幼儿英语)
Hokey Pokey
(1)You put your right hand in,
You put your right hand out,
You put your right hand in,
And you shake it all about,
You do the hokey pokey,
And you turn yourself around,
That’s what its all about.
(2)……left hand……
(3)……right foot……
(4)……left foot……
(5)……right shoulder……
(6)……left shoulder……
(7)……right hip……
(8)……left hip……
(10)……whole self……
重点词语:hand, foot, shoulder, hip, head FingerPlays.29-Head and shoulders(幼儿英语)
Head and Shoulders
Head and shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes, knees and toes.
Head and shoulders, knees and toes.
Eyes and ears , mouth and nose.
重点词语:head, shoulder, knee, toe, eye, ear, mouth, nose FingerPlays.30-A-tu-li-ta(幼儿英语)
(1)Thumbs up, Thumbs up, Thumbs up, Thumbs up,
(2)Elbows back ……
(3)Knees together……
(4)Turn around……
重点词语:thumbs up, elbows back, knees together, turn around FingerPlays.31-Mulberry bush(幼儿英语)
Mulberry Bush
Here we go round the mulberry bush,
The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush,
Here we go round the mulberry bush,
So early in the morning,
(1)This is the way I wash my face,
Wash my face, wash my face,
This is the way I wash my face,
So early in the morning.
(2)……I brush my teeth……
(3)……I comb my hair……
(4)……I put on my clothes……
重点词语:wash my face, comb my hair, brush my teeth,
put on my clothes.
FingerPlays.32-There is Thunders(幼儿英语)
There Is Thunder
There Is Thunder ,There Is Thunder
Hear it roar. Hear it roar,
Pitter patter, raindrops,
Pitter patter, raindrops,
I’m all wet, I’m all wet.
重点词语:thunder, raindrops, wet
FingerPlays.33-Twinkle Twinkle little star(幼儿英语)
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky,
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
How I wonder what you are,
重点词语:star, wonder, high, diamond, sky FingerPlays.34-I am a little teapot(幼儿英语)
I’m a Little Teapot
I’m a little teapot, short and stout,
Here is my handle. Here is my spout.
When I get all steamed up, then I shout.
“Tip me over and pour me out.”
重点词语:teapot, handle, spout, shout
FingerPlays.35-One two buckle my shoes(幼儿英语)
One, Two, Buckle My Shoes
One, two, buckle my shoes,
Three ,four, open the door,
Five, six, pick up the sticks,
Seven, eight, lay them straight,
Nine, ten, do it again.
重点词语:buckle my shoes, open the door, pick up sticks, lay them straight
FingerPlays.36-The wheels on the bus(幼儿英语)
The Wheels on the Bus
(1)The wheels on the bus go,
Round and round,
Round and round, round and round,
The wheels on the bus go,
Round and round,
All through the town.
(2)The driver…… turn turn turn……
(3)The door ……open and shut……
(4)The people ……up and down……
(5)The baby…… wee wee wee……
(6)The mother ……shh shh shh……
(7)The wheels…… round and round……
重点词语:bus, wheel, driver, door, open and shut, people,
up and down, baby, mother
幼儿园英语手指游戏《one little finger》
one little finger, one litter finger (依次伸出左右两个食指)
one little finger, tap tap tap (同时伸出两个食指,对敲三下)
point to the ceiling, point to the floor (指天花板,指地板)
put it on your head. (放在脑袋上)
