第2课 翻译中意义的处理

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• cousin,sister, stepchild用于比较或类比的 情形 • Airports are the poor cousins of this country's aviation industry. while hundreds of millions of dollars are spent importing or developing expensive state-of-the-art passenger aircraft, airports are poor funded, overcrowded and inefficient.
• 两类对应: 固定对应 非固定对应
• A personnel deficit has existed for years. • The EEC's Common Agricultural policy is a dinosaur which is adding £13.50 a week to the food bill of the average British family. • Hanoi romanced its Asian neighbors for six years before winning its membership in ASEAN. • For many families, especially in Tokyo, two incomes are a necessity.
3.1 semantic extension 语义引申
• Translating musit aim primarily at "reproducing the message." To do anything else is essentially false to one's task as a translator. But to reproduce the message one must make a good many grammatical and lexical adjustments. (Nida)
3.2 Semantic Explication语义阐释
• 翻译的根本任务就是要正确地传递原文的 意思,即奈达所谓“Translating means translating the meaning.(Nida) 如何将字面 的及言外之意详尽地译出来始终是译者所 要面临的挑战。英汉两种文字表现手法、 蕴含文化、心理各异,译者往往要在不兼 容的语义中寻找合适的语义阐释途径。
• to synchronize with the world to accord with the international norms • we will gradually move towards international practice. • Efforts are being made to bring China's trade system in line with the prevailing trade system of the world.
• 3.4 语义处理策略的几点原则 • 词语对应的公式: The word means X but you wouldn't really call it X here.(Newmark) • 第一:The text can rather be described as the ultimate court of appeal; every stretch at every level of the translation has to conform to the unity of the text, its integrating properties,... • 篇章可被形容为翻译的最终上诉法院,在 翻译每一层次上的延伸操作都得符合篇章 的统一性,符合其整体特性。
• Agriculture, long the neglected stepchild of the economy, has become the government's top priority. • As the only Scandinvian country in the European Community, Denmark was once considered the weak sister of the region, unable to stand on its own.
• At the Mandarin Singapore, flagship hotel of Singapore Mandarin International, we have long practical service that is in the tradition of emperors. • The statesman contemplates retiring with a hand on the helm. • Resettlement countries, suffering "compassion fatigue" years after the end of the Vietnam War and faced with their own domestic socio-economic pressures, have also indicated a lower resettlement rate in future.
• Vancouver has become a bedroom city for people who operate on a global basis. • Stability depends on political reforms as well as GDP numbers. • Summit meetings, say cynics, usually offer more stagecraft than statecraft. • Hard seat is for those who can't afford to be fastidious. • The tiger economies have hit the wall. • She is a sociology professor with an English accent that would impress a duchess.
• Lecture 2 翻译中意义的处理
Baidu Nhomakorabea
• • • •
语境意义 语法意义 语用意义 语言意义
• 语义引申 • 语义阐述 • 语义变通
1. Money has become king, while nature, family, law and other important things have been ignored. 2. Fast food is about to get faster in southern California, where the car is king, hamburgers are considered heavenly, and speed is of the essence. 3. For the women of the country, it would seem that tradition is king where aspirations are concerned.
• czar (tsar) 原义:俄国沙皇 现指主管 economic czar: 经济主管 grain czar: 农业主管 movie czar: 电影主管 publicity czar: 宣传部门主管
• friendly 作为构词后缀用指对...友好/有利/适 应/无害作为构词后缀用指对...友好/有利/适 应/无害的 • Last year government ministries began proposing a number of info-highwayfriendly measures, from substantive deregulations to promotions such as "national E-mail day". • Malaysia presents a voter-friendly budget. • Four child-friendly discs make learning to read and write fun.
infopreneur information+enterpreneur 信息企业家 industrial dinosaur 庞大而陈旧的工业体系 cyberdate(cyberdating) 网络约会 online courtship 网上求爱 to dress provocatively 穿着极富性感 a cut-throat politician 不择手段的政客 a bread-and-butter day 很平常的一天 a sleeper agent 长期蛰伏的间谍 people on fixed incomes 工薪阶层
3.3 Semantic Variation and Adaptation 语义变通
• • • • • 英语理解的几种情形 第一种:顺利地理解和表达原文 Salaries have barely kept abreast of inflation. 第二种:会遇到陌生词语,靠词典即可解决 These are "luxury" houses thrown up cheek-byjowl, with no obvious buyers. • 第三种:要求具体情况具体分析,灵活处理。 • The country is experiencing its gray wave.
亏损、抓大放小、与国际接轨等说 法对应的表达
• Small state-owned companies are going their own way and there are 300,000 of them----mostly spilling red ink. • Forty percent of the country's 80,000 state-owned enterprises oozed red ink last year. • reform the underperforming state sector
• Grabbing the big, letting go the small • Grasp the large, release the small • Thousands of small firms will be cast loose by the turn of the century. • Take a tight grip of the big ones and let loose the small ones. • seize the large and release the small.
• The metropolis is furiously rebuilding, attracting foreign investment. • The department store is criminally expensive. • Economic growth since then has averaged about 9% a year, transforming China's economy from basket-case to boomtown. • The authority has to kowtow to the price demands of ordinary folks.