

2019 年 9 月 1 日托福机经

2019 年 9 月 1 日托福机经

2019年9月1日托福阅读机经1.plows of New England2.鸟类是恐龙的后代3.陨石为什么对地球形成有影响4.落叶树与长青树5.讲fish在temperate water和permanent water,然后fungi在这俩不同环境里对植物的作用,然后为了提高生产农业上的应用6.一种动物数量减少的因素,三个。

Predator……,人为的物种引进,但是climate 最显著,让migrate提前7.碳断代法在北美F考古点的应用。

最初的研究发现人类最早在north American,是F群落,然后研究sample来证明中间出了问题,但是后来reexam的时候证实了,但是后来又discovery了一些spearpoints,发现其实Celvius更早。

是Radio Carbon一个方法分析一个人种的时间,大长段落。


chemistry weathering跟biology weathering,讲rock 腐蚀。


9. temporary pools,主要说生物在这些pool里的好处,比如说main predator fish 没法在那个dry的环境里生存之类的10.考古,一个东西一直以为是很古老的,但是俩人做了research以后发现实际年轻很多,然后有人又做了research证明确实如此11.16世纪欧洲经济12.bats echolocation,蝙蝠的回声定位13.土星14.New England农业15.天文,chronites16.十六世纪欧洲人口增长,乡村人口到城市,然后发生类似通货膨胀还是什的17.动物数量和捕食数量,成功率的关联18.一种weekly上的,插画受到早期照片的影响以及之后内容上的转变19.美国的文化独立,包括科技文学美术等20.一篇讲bat,超声波回声定位,很精准可以捕捉猎物21.Pluto’s status,开始以为是planet后来归到asteroid2019年9月1日托福听力机经Conversation1.学生作业超市选择2.学生抗议建图书馆3.学生反映停车场堵4.女生所在的组织想要捐书还有收集旧衣物捐给需要的人,想要老师给permission在学校收集宣传,老师让女生去和另外一个组织joint together在city,女生同意认为可能效果更好,还能招募成员5.女的问教授为啥不给她的paper grade,教授说她写的不符合要求。

2019 年 3 月 31 日托福机经

2019 年 3 月 31 日托福机经

2019年3月31日托福阅读机经1.树的branch掉了Preventing Overgrowth among Tree Branches2.Biomass Energy生物燃料的使用什么的3.美国urban和rural的改变,美国的汽车影响经济以前都是在市中心有streetcar。


4.是关于粟特人和中国5.金字塔怎么建造的Understanding the Construction of the EgyptianPyramids6.可持续的杀虫剂(害虫产生了resistance)7.Tree Species Identification in Tropical Rain Forests植物鉴定种类为什么难18.丝绸之路的一个国家很会做生意,后来来到甘肃省敦煌,后来又被迫害就毁灭了9.美国的汽车影响经济。

以前都是市中心有streetcar,后来太堵车就去了郊区10.Viviparity versus Oviparity in Reptiles and Birds;卵生胎生;Viviparity 这种动物是不是会下蛋的和不会下蛋的动物,举了鸟蛇和蜥蜴。

11.孔鸟生前捕食特点研究,有一种叫c的树会抵抗孔鸟12.关于一种带刺的植物,他们的捕食者如何吃他们13.The Origin of Flight昆虫腮和还有什么帮助飞行的两种理论14.Soil Fertilization15.Extinctions at the End of the Cretaceous216.The Dvaravati Civilization;6-9世纪形成17.怀孕的鸟类和不怀孕的鸟的对比。


自己的论文写的不行,因为focus范围太大了,老师给他举了例子用xxx来写,这篇论文分数低没事,因为期未可以去掉最低分2.学生落了一节戏剧课,找教授问一些她搞不懂的地方;有的时候戏剧会结合科学科学给realistic戏剧提供了审视人的生活的方法然后观众刚开始不接受后来发现这些戏剧更能反映他们的生活后来学生又举了一个那种电视真人秀来说明realistic戏剧对现在的影响3.学生想自己选宿舍但是不允许然后还想只申请一个学期但是如果不是交换生只能申请一年然后还要交押金这个押金不能退除非在今年年底之前毕业但是这个学生还有两年毕业然后学生想提前7天入住需要多交140美元但是她现在卡里好像没那么多钱4.学生的广播站因为广告的减少出现了经济困难,来寻求解决办法;学校只提供广播的地方但是不管学生如何运营,然后老师给了解决办法,说他可以让喜欢听广播的人捐助,然后说另外一个department有人特别懂fund可以问他;5.学生写艺术课的paper去找教授,说了写实和抽象的两种表现方法46.学生去问recycle bin的location,因为宿舍没有,跟老师举了自己朋友学校关于做循环的的例子,老师建议他自己提出这个相关的program7.讲家具放在hall里Lecture1.关于停车难2.关于天文学astronomy,讲的是nebula(星云)的,星云是由气体和尘埃组成的云,分布在银河系和星际空间的各处。



机经中的单词(红色的是听力部分的)Fangzheng050324修改美化版sulfured 硫的helium 氦methane 甲烷amino acid 氨基酸periodical 期刊frontier 边疆individualism 个人主义continental(plate)drift 大陆漂移granite 花岗岩social contract 社会契约sentimental style 情感方式(本善,本恶)goodness nature & evil nature 善与恶恶性是受influence 和lure 造成的pottery 陶土poetry 诗basketry 竹篮part time 兼职Doldrums 赤道无风带horizontal 水平的imitation 赝品weather aging 风化年代候鸟迁徙的原因,一个是为了食物,一个是躲避恶劣天气,北冰洋往南飞,单程1100miles. 越冷的地方,迁徙的越多,北美北,欧洲北等,都是80%,越往南越少,20%,到雨林就不迁徙了。


白天鸟儿看太阳的高度,height, latitude,决定飞,晚上看northern star,也可以确定。


有实验,在密封条件下,给鸟儿看sky的图,winter sky,它们就聚在南边,summer sky,他们就聚在北边,屡试不爽。




Weaver织布机Navajo 纳瓦获人loom 织布机innovation 革新subdue color温色barter易货rug,blanket(毛毯)提到chief blanket,早期是这些祭司用的,后来通过交易,开始变化。

Invasive侵入的field house 储藏室公司里:Location ,employee的数量。



affront-complimentardent热心的-indifference beholden有责任的-independent bilious坏脾气(bile)-cheerfulbilk(躲债)-deal with earnest cadenced-arrhythmic consternation(惊慌)-composure curb-abetdainty(量少而美味的/挑剔的)-coarse desiccated-succulent(多汁的) dissident(反对)-concord(和睦) docile(驯服听话的)-refractory earmarked(标记预留的)-unallocated effete(虚弱的)-haleescalate-ebbextraneous-intuitive/intrinsic extricate-embroilflinch(畏缩)-stoic(坚持)fractious-conciliatoryfragrant-rank/rancid(恶臭的) fraught(uneasy)/placidgangly-compactly builtharry(骚扰)-mollify haughty(傲慢)-humble headlong-deliberateheed(注意留心听从)-flout histrionic-unaffected immunity-liability insidious(潜在的)-open insolent-courteous(有礼貌的) laze-toil(辛勤劳动)leaden(沉重的)-vivacious majesty(威严)-abjection(卑劣) measured-heedless(不适当的) menial(卑贱的)-lofty metaphysical-concrete nadir-apogeenemesis(复仇)-benefactor nether-upperobdurate-toward(易动摇的) oblivion-famepinion(束缚)-emancipate plaudit(赞扬)-criticize recompense-penaltyrollicking(欢闹的)-orderlysacrosanct(神圣的)-vulnerable to reprobation sardonic(嘲笑的)-respectfultear-dawdle(闲逛)tender(提供/柔软/敏感)-insensitive trivialize-lionizevirile(强有力的)-flaggingvouchsafe(赠予)-withholdvulture-beneficialwhet(模块/刺激)-be flatabhorrent:objectionable=manic:excited annex:building=appendix:bookedible:consumptionartisan:potter=entertainer:comedianbrute(残忍的):urbaneness=enigmatic:lucidity celebration:lament=repugnance:innocuous chain:links=rope:knotshitch(故障):difficulty=coalition:alliance drawl:slow=bicker(口角):unpleasantoffal:butchering=dross:metal embezzlement:fraud=cronyism:favoritism flag:fatigue=mope(闷闷不乐):dejected pursue:capture=smother:choke flowchart:process=map:territoryforage:sustenance=canvass:support fustian:bombast=vile:turpitudeharry:pacific=engross:tiresomeinsipid:bore=poignant(刺激的):remember insouciant(无忧无虑的):worry=tenacious:yield invincible:conquer=irreparable:discard=scarce:hoarddine(用餐)=restaurantvillainous(坏的):miscreantmite(小孩):creature=speck:amount morass(困境):irritating conflagration(大火):firespent(失去效能的):efficacyraddled(混乱的):composurestomp(猛踩):step=slug(猛击):strike resentful(愤怒的):umbrage swashbuckler(虚张声势的人):boasting topical:currency(有关事实的)flaunt(炫耀):exhibitwistful:yearning(渴望的)yank(猛拉):extract。



2009年1月10日托福机经1月10日托福机经阅读:第一篇: functionism(忘了是这个词还是functional) culture第一段先举了生物学的例子,这里有题,问为什么要举生物学的例子。




第一个人的意思是每一个文化主要取决于大众的需要,并且大众的需要分两层,第一是basic demand,衣食住行,第二层是宗教,政治还是什么的。













加试:电报电话在欧洲和美国的发展,鸟类学说话1月10日托福机经听力:1. 学生放假忘了cancel电话服务,暑假的时候貌似他的宿舍有人住,电话打爆了,她的电话费就奇高无比。





第一篇英国工业的发展关于英国经济的兴起,主要是由于工业化后出口量(volume of exports)大增。

商业(commerce; trade; business)以棉花的发展为 lead,次要是煤、丝等,之後 coal replace the wood成了主要的 fuel。

英国之所以成了欧洲重心的原因有:英国国内政治稳定统一,语言一致,没有internal tariff(关税),有标准化的xx,得益于bank and finance investment 的发达(推动贷款(loan),減少 tax)(题目,排除题,选 tariff)。

英国有便捷的交通和有力的地理位置,所有的城市都离海不远,最远不过 70 mile,水运方便,raw(自然状态的) material 和 goods 运输顺畅(运铁),即使到 Ireland 的edinburgh(爱丁堡)也只需 60 小时车程。


英国有皇家海军的保护,政府采取低税收(题目,但是对 high-quality woolen 收税),政府会出面与他国谈判低进口税。

英国从印度等殖民地(colony; plantation; settltment)廉价進口rm,然后出口 finished goods。

(一名学者adam 不支持这个理论)。

第二篇艺术与地点的关系讲 art 与 location(place)的关系,以其历史发展来说,art 刚开始时都必须依附 location,它们是紧密联系(contact; connection; integrate)的,painting 和sculpture 是不能动的,只能固定在某个地方,例如古代的洞穴壁画(cave painting)、教堂顶(church roof)的壁画,后来发明了 ease painting,随着portable(便于携带的,手提的,轻便的)东西的出现,例如 vase(花瓶)、雕像(statue)、小饰品(accessory),可以带着到处创作,教堂的玻璃画也是画好了再加上去的,渐渐地 art 和 location 开始分离了。

2019 年 4 月 13 日托福机经

2019 年 4 月 13 日托福机经

2019年4月13日托福阅读机经1.鸟类栖息地Bird Colonies。


3.新西兰农场经济Farming New England in Colonial Times。


5.西班牙对印加文化的记录Documenting the Incas6.梯田Terrace7.美国东海岸经济带。


19.美索不达米亚和埃及Mesopotamian and Egyptian Settlements Patterns10.Spider’s Coloration for Prey,主要关于crab spider捕食,说了蜘蛛的变色,是为了变成和花想配的颜色然后去埋伏去捕食那些蜜蜂的,但它的变色更多是为了猎物而不是为了躲避捕食者。

11.关于狼群回归生态系统12.尼罗河Nile Floods13.飞蛾的形成The moth diversity14.欧洲两次工业革命15.整篇主要说一个地区的人民是靠什么为生的,本来说是主要靠种玉米吃玉米,但是一些专家不认为这样,认为玉米只是占一小部分,还有很多别的食物来源。


217.The dawn of life生命起源讲18.19世纪欧洲经济Economic Changes in Late-Nineteenth-Century Europe19.Understanding the Construction of the Egyptian Pyramids金字塔看作一部分high-ranking可以获得永生的象征20.Early Farming in the Colorado Plateau21.新西兰农场经济32019年4月13日托福听力机经Conversation1.男生与女生交流宿舍舍友关系,以及商量排球比赛,提供场地等问题。

2.学生问宿管她妹妹来能不能拿到guest pass;3.学生说了primary资料和second资料,然后说他要做一个关于欧洲德国的迁移研究,老师说你用primary数据要注意;4.一个男学生有些一首诗,教授说他教不了因为他只会分析,给了两个建议(1)上一个教授的课。



Exploit 利用Deliberate 故意的Probe 探索Feud 结仇Ensue 接着发生Contention 争吵,看法Exclusive 唯一的Endorse 赞同Coordinate 协调Livelihood 生计Render 报答, 使成为, 呈现Meticulous 小心翼翼Linger 逗留Optimum 最好的Hail 赞扬Slot 缝Formulate 规范Susceptible 易受影响的Pronounced 明显的Ascertain 弄清楚Twist 扭Spawn 大量生产Prone 易于..Primitive 原始的,基础的,最初的Instinctive 天生的Scorching 炎热的Intense 剧烈的Parching 炎热的Strenuous 费力的Mitigate 减轻Epic 宏大的,史诗Devise 计划,发明Contour 轮廓Reel 轮Deteriorate 恶化Circuit 线路Entail 使。

成为必须Slender 苗条的Secrete 分泌Elaborate 详细解释Intimidate 威胁Entomology 昆虫学Shed 蜕皮Lodge 借宿Mantle 覆盖物Mollusk 软体动物The bulk of 很多Revolt起义Terrace 叠层Indigo 靛青Unravel 拆开Motif图形Saddle 鞍状物Take on a role 扮演Have one’s heart set on= set one’s heart on Give it a shot试试Tract土地Meager 极少的Erg 沙质沙漠Gypsum 石膏Brood 沉思Relive 再经历Stifle 抑制Vaudevilles 歌舞杂耍Amorous 多情的Suffice it to say that 只想说Suffice 足够Take hold 掌握Get the credit for 因..得到称赞Narrow down 减少Kayak皮艇Affliated with 隶属于Grove 小树林Sap 树液Spout 喷出Bear a resemblance to 相似Crust 地壳Asthenosphere 岩石圈Proficient熟练地Intermidiate 中等的You bet 不客气Venture 冒险Prose 散文Vernacular 当地的Legacy 遗产Matamorphosis 变形Holometabolism完全变态Molt 脱皮Hind leg 后腿Chrysalis 茧Larva=larval 幼虫Pupa=pupal蛹Imago 成虫Potent 强有力的Quell 制止Snare 陷阱,抓住Dull=lessen 减少Repurcussion 后果Akin to 与.相似Overt 公开的Presume 以为,假定Intriguing 神秘的Elucidate 解释Anchor 固定Dynamic 有活力的,动力的Resolve 解决决定Confrom to 遵照Dismiss 解散,驳回Configuration 外形,构造Proliferation 增殖Sever 断Radical 激进的,根本的Coalesce 联合Discern 看见,识别Composite 混合EjectAdminister 管理,给予Impose 强迫,推行Finite 有限的Intrinsic 内在的,固有的,基础的Comprising 包括Outright 正直的,完全的(adv) Procure 努力取得Detain 拘留Retain 保留Inception 开始Expedition 远征,探险Indigenous 固有的,土生土长的Dwell 居住Avid 渴切的Compact 紧凑的Prompte 迅速的,Swell 膨胀,增长Perilous 危险的Bendable 可弯曲的Rigid 固执的,坚硬的Multitude 大量Furnish 装饰,布置,供应,提供Landscape 装点Dubbed 授予Municipal 市政的Entitlement 权利,资格Designate 标明Initiate 开始the initiated 外行Spark 引发Lament 抱怨Conclusive 令人信服的Fortuitous 偶然的Implement 工具Jolting震动Supersede 超过Resent 憎恨Intrusive侵略的Premise 前提,假设Gear 搭配,使兴奋Grudging 不愿的Pertinent 恰当的,有关的Threshold 限制Tantalize 取笑Tantalizing 诱人的Enigmatic 谜一样的Harness 利用自然资源Luxuriant 繁茂的Outperform 超过Hallmark 特点Lethal 致命的Decimation 大量毁灭Pulverize打碎Affront=Insult 冒犯Apcae with 快速的Aptly 适合的Attachment to倾向于Attire 服装Avail 利用Biting尖锐的Come of age 成名Come to the forefront 有重要作用Cast off抛弃Coarse粗糙的Cohesion凝聚力Cluster 集中Concomitant with 同时发生的Consorted 交往Cumbersome 沉重的Dampened 潮湿Demise死亡Devastate 摧毁Dictate 决定Discrete 分泌,分离的Discreet 小心的Divergence 不同Drab 单调的Drastic 激进的Elicit引出Embrace接受Enactment实行Entomb 陷入Eradicate根除Exalted 高级的Excavate挖掘Execute 执行,创造Extol赞扬Fade from 从..消失Fixture日常用品Fuse结合Graphic生动的Henceforth 从今以后Herald 宣布Hinterland 腹地Ignite 点燃Immutable 不变的Inception 开始Incinerate itself 燃烧Incised雕刻的Ingenuity 机灵Ingot 银块Inhibit 阻碍Intensive 集中的,透彻的Intent 目的,意向Intermittently 间歇的Intervention 干涉Renounce 拒绝Mandate 授权Maneuver 诡计Margin 空白Meteoric星星的,迅速的Miniscule 微小的Myriad无数Notwithstanding 尽管Noxious 有毒的Ocillate震荡Overtake 超过Partitioning 分割Periphery 弥漫,渗透Plunge 投入Ponderous 笨重的Postulate假定Precarious 不稳定的Preside over 管理Presumably大概Prolific 丰富的Pry off 翘起Puncture=pierce 刺穿Rapture 破裂Reckless 不负责的Score 乐谱Scurry 快走Secure 获得Sedentary 长坐的Shy away from 躲避Synchronous 同时的Skyrocket快速上升Snap 折断Spot识别Staggering 令人惊愕的Stationary固定的Strain疲劳Stunning 极好的Subjugate 征服Sumptuous奢侈的Surge 汹涌Thwart 阻挠Substantiate 证明Convulse 震动A1 abundant 丰富的plentiful 丰富的2 accelerate 加速increase 增加3 accessible 可达到的reachable 可达到的4 accordingly 因此for that reason 因此5 account for 说明explain 说明6 accumulate 积聚collect 收集7 acute 急性的intense 剧烈的8 adhere 粘附stick 粘附9 adjunct 辅助addition 附加10 adorn 装饰decorate 装饰11 adverse 相反的negative 负面的12 advocate 提倡者proponent 支持者13 aesthetical 审美的artistic 艺术的14 astound 令人极为惊奇surprise 令人惊奇15 attachment 喜爱preference喜爱16 attain 获得achieve 获得17 attendant 伴随的accompanying 伴随的18 attire 衣物clothing 衣物19 attribute 特征characteristic 特点20 aviation 航空navigation 航空B21 barren贫瘠的infertile 贫瘠的22 bias 偏见prejudice 偏见23 bizarre 奇异的odd 希奇的24 boost 促进raise 提高25 bound 限制limit 限制26 break 与…相分离departure 与…相分离27 bring about 导致cause 导致C28 calculate 计划determine 决定29 carry 支撑support 支撑30 cast off 丢弃get rid off 抛弃31 cease 终止stop 停止32 celestial 天上的astronomical 天文的33 chance 偶然的unplanned 未计划的34 characterized 具有特色的distinguished 杰出的35 classify 分类categorize 分类36 coarse 粗糙rough 粗糙37 cohesion 凝聚unity 结合,统一38 coin 创造,杜撰create 创造39 collectively 共同地together 一起40 comparably 类似similarly 同样地41 compile 收集put together 收集42 compose 创作create 创作,创造43 comprise 由….组成consist of 由…..组成44 conceal 隐藏hide 隐藏45 concentrate 集中cluster 集中46 conclusive 最后的,结论性的definitive 最后的,确定性的47 concomitant with 与…..相一致in conjunction with 与…..相一致48 condone 宽恕mercy 宽恕49 confined 被限制的limited 限制的50 conflict 冲突opposition 相反51 conjectural 推测的based on guessing 基于猜测的52 consciously 有意识地on purpose 有目的地53 conserve 保存retain 保存54 considerable (数量、程度)巨大的great 巨大的55 considerable 巨大的much 许多的56 considerable 大量的substantial 大量的,坚实的57 consort 合伙人,伴侣associate 合伙人,伙伴58 conspicuous 明显的noticeable 明显的59 constituent 组成部分component 成分60 constitute 构成make up 构成61 consult 商量counsel 商量62 consumption 消费eating 吃63 contemporary 当代的existing 现存的64 counteract 抵消negate 取消,否定65 counterpart 副本version 版本66 crucial 重要的,关键的essential 重要的,基本的67 cumbersome 麻烦的burdensome 麻烦的68 customary 习俗的usual 一般的D69 dampen 使潮湿moisten 使潮湿70 daring 大胆的bold 大胆的71 deft 灵巧的skilled 熟练的72 deliberate 深思熟虑的careful 小心的73 demand 要求order 命令74 demonstrate 证明show 显示75 dense 密集的thick 周密的76 depress 降低lower 降低77 depressed 沮丧的saddened 悲伤的,沮丧的78 derive 取得,获得obtain 获得79 detect 发现discover the presence of 发现…..的存在80 detectable 可察觉的,可测出的measurable 可测量的81 detectable可察觉的,可测出的sizable 巨大的82 devastate 损坏ruin 毁灭83 devote 投身dedicate 致力84 dictate 规定determine 确定85 diffuse 扩散travel 传播86 dirt 土壤soil 土壤87 disaster 灾祸catastrophe 大灾祸88 discreet慎重的careful 小心的89 discrete 离散的separate 分离的90 dispute 争论argument 争论91 disseminate 传播spread/impart/inform 散布/传播/传播92 distinct 截然不同的different 不同的93 distinct 明显的obvious 明显的94 distinct 分别的,截然不同的separate 分离的95 distinction 区别difference 差别96 distinguished 不同的differentiated 不同的,有区别的97 divergence 分歧difference 不同98 dogma 教条belief/doctrine 信仰/教条99 domain 范围,领域field 土地,领域100 dominate 占优势be prevalent in 占优势101 dramatic 引人注目的striking 引人注目的102 drastic 猛烈的radical 根本的103 drastic 激烈的severe 猛烈的104 draw 吸引attract 吸引105 durable 耐久的lasting 持久的106 durable 耐久的endurable 持久的107 dwelling 住宅house 房子E108 eagerly anticipate 热切地期望look forward to 盼望109 elaborate 详尽的,精巧的detailed 详细的,精细的110 embed 植入encase 包裹111 embrace (欣然)接受welcome 欢迎112 embracer 接收者recipient 接收者,收件人113 emerge 出现appear 出现114 emit 发射give off 发射115 employ 雇用hire 雇用116 enable 使能够allow 准许117 enable 使能够help 帮助118 enact 制定法律,扮演角色perform 扮演角色119 end 目的goal 目的120 entire 全部的whole 全部的121 entity 实体object 物体122 entomb 埋葬trap 使陷于….之中123 eradicate 根除eliminate 清除124 essential 基本的fundamental 基本的125 evidence 表明indicate 指出126 exalted 高贵的superior 出众的127 exceed 超越surpass 超过128 execute(按计划或设计)做成,制成create 创造129 exert 施加apply 施行130 exorbitant 昂贵的expensive 昂贵的131 expedient 权宜之计makeshift 权宜之计132 exponential leaps 几何级数般的跳跃rapid increases 快速增加133 expose 揭露uncover 揭露134 expose to 暴露于subject to 使经受,使遭受135 extend 延长increase 增加,扩大136 extend 延伸stretch 伸展137 extol 赞美praise 赞扬138 extract 提取remove 清除F139 faction 帮派side 一方140 fade (form) 淡出disappear (form) 消失141 fashion 制作create 创造142 fatal 致命的deadly 致命的143 feed 填入put 放入144 fine 细小的minute 微小的145 first rank 顶级的highest quality 最高档次的146 fixture 固定装备commonplace object 常规物体147 flatter 奉承compliment 赞美148 forage 喂草料feed 喂食149 forward-looking 有远见的progressive 进步的150 frame 给…设框pose 使摆放姿势151 fundamental 基本的basic 基本的152 fuse 融合combine 联合G153 gap 裂缝opening 裂缝154 give way to 被..所代替turn into 转变为155 glow (炽热)发光shine 发光H156 hard 坚硬的firm 坚硬的157 hemisphere 半球side 一侧158 herald 预示,宣布announce 预示,宣布159 homogeneous 同源的uniform 一致的I160 imitate 模仿copy 复制161 immunity 免疫protection 保护162 implement 工具tool 工具163 implication 内涵significance 含义,意义164 impose 加强(要求)demand 要求165 in place of 代替instead of 代替166 inadequate 不充分的deficient 缺乏的,不足够的167 incise 切割carve 雕刻168 inclination 爱好,倾向preference 爱好169 induce 导致cause 导致170 inevitable 不可避免的ineluctable 不可避免的171 influx 流入arrival 到达172 ingot 金属锭 a block of metal 一块金属173 inhibit 阻止hinder 妨碍174 initially 最初at first 第一175 initiate 创立begin 开始176 instance 案例case 案例177 instantaneous 立竿见影的immediate 立即的178 integral 整体的,构成整体所必需的essential 基本的,必需的179 intense 强烈的extreme 极端的180 interchangeable 可替换的equivalent 等值的181 intervention 干涉influence 影响182 intricate 复杂的complex 复杂的183 inviting 吸引人的attractive 吸引人的J184 jolt 使震惊的shock 使震惊的L185 lament 令人对….感到遗憾complain about 抱怨186 lure 引诱attract 吸引M187 magnify 扩大increase 提高188 magnify 扩大intensify 加强189 magnitude 量值,大小extent 范围190 maintain 维持preserve/keep 保持/保持191 major 主要的principal 主要的192 maneuver 策略,花招trick 诡计193 margin 边缘edge 边缘194 marked 明显的pronounced 明显的195 meticulous 过分注意细节的careful 小心的196 milestone 里程碑significant development 重大发展的197 minuscule 微小的tiny 微小的198 minute 微小的tiny 微小的199 modify 改变change 改变200 monopolize 垄断dominate 支配201 moreover 进一步说furthermore 进一步说202 mundane 世俗的ordinary 平常的203 myriad of 无数的many 许多的N204 nevertheless 然而however 然而205 novel 新颖的innovative 创新的206 noxious 有害的harmful 有害的O207 obtain 得到acquire 获得208 obtain 获得get 得到209 outbreak 爆发beginning 开始210 outline 概要summarization 概述211 outstanding 出类拔萃的excellent 很好的P212 peak 顶峰maximum 最大值213 peculiar 独特的distinctive 独特的214 penetrate 穿过go through 穿过215 persist 坚持continue 持续216 pertinent 相关的relevant 相关的217 phenomenon 现象event 事件218 pick up 沿着follow 沿着219 picture 想象,描写imagine/describe 想象/描写220 pit 深坑hole 洞221 ponder 沉思meditate 沉思222 ponderous 笨重的heavy 沉重的223 pore 孔hole 洞224 position 位置location 位置225 potential 潜在的possible 可能的226 prefer 倾向,喜欢favor 喜欢227 preoccupation 全神贯注involvement 全神贯注228 preside over 掌管manage 掌管229 prevailing 主要的most frequent 最经常的230 prevent 阻止avoid 避免231 primary 基础的fundamental 基本的,基础的232 principal 主要的main 主要的233 prior to 在…之前preceding 前面的234 prominent 卓越的distinguished 杰出的235 prominent 卓越的prestigious 著名的236 property 特点characteristic 特点237 proponent 支持者supporter 支持者238 prospect 前景possibility 可能性239 protrude 突出project 突出240 puncture 刺破pierce 刺破R241 rapid 快速的swift 迅速的242 rare 稀罕的infrequent 不经常的243 rather 相反instead 相反244 readily 容易地easily 容易地245 realization 认识到awareness 认识到246 reap 收获gain 获得247 reckless 不负责任的irresponsible 不负责任的248 refreshing 给人新鲜感的unusual 不同寻常的249 relate 与…有关connect 与…有关250 reliance 依靠dependence 依靠251 remarkable 非凡的extraordinary 非凡的252 restricted 受限制的limited 受限制的253 revise 修改change 改变254 rich 丰富的abundant 丰富的255 robust 强壮的strong 强壮的256 roll back 把…压到标准水平reduce 降低,减少257 rotate 旋转alternate 交替258 rotate 旋转turn 旋转259 roughly 大约approximately 大概260 rudimentary 初步的,尚未发展完备undeveloped 尚未发展完备的261 rupture 爆裂burst 爆裂S262 sanitation 卫生health 卫生263 scale 攀登climb 攀登264 scope 范围range 范围265 secure 弄到,获得acquire 获得266 secure 安全的safe 安全的267 set 设置establish 建立268 settle 定居locate 坐落269 shield 保护protect 保护270 shy away from 躲避avoid 躲避271 simultaneous 同时的synchronous 同时的272 since 因为because 因为273 site 地点location 位置274 skepticism 怀疑doubt 怀疑275 skilled 熟练的expert 熟练的276 skyrocket 快速上升的increase rapidly 迅速增加277 smother 窒息eliminate 清除278 snap 断裂break 断裂279 sole 唯一的only 唯一的280 solemn 严肃的serious 严肃的281 some 大约approximately 大概282 sort out 区分separate 分离283 spark 引起,开始bring (about)/usher (in) 引起/开始284 spawn 引起,大量生产create 创造285 speculate 推测hypothesize 假设286 spot 发现identify 确定,鉴别287 staggering 令人惊愕的overwhelming 压倒性的288 staple 主要部分basic element 基本组成部分289 stationary 静止的fixed 固定的290 stimulate 刺激encourage 鼓励291 story 故事tale 故事292 strategy 诡计scam/trick 诡计/诡计293 strength 力量的源泉basis 基础294 stress 强调emphasize 强调295 stringent 严格的strict 严格的296 struggle 挣扎competition 竞争297 subject to 易受….的susceptible to 易受….的298 subsidize 资助finance 资助299 substantiate 证实verify 证实300 subtle 精巧微妙的slight 细微的301 succinct 简短的concise/terse 简明的/简短的302 sufficient 充足的adequate 充足的303 sumptuous 诸多的luxurious 诸多的304 supplement 补充extension 扩展,延伸305 support 支持hold/upload 支撑/支持306 supposed 假定的seeming 表面上的307 supremacy 至高无上的dominance 优势308 supreme 至高无上的most outstanding 最出类拔萃的309 surge 汹涌进行accelerate 加速发展310 suspend 悬挂hang 悬挂311 symmetrical 对称的proportionally balanced 比例平衡的T312 tangle 纠缠twist/jumble 缠绕/使混乱313 tempting 吸引人的attractive 吸引人的314 thankful 感谢grateful 感激315 trace 痕迹imprint 印记316 trend 倾向tendency 趋向U317 unadorned 未装饰的disorganized 混乱的318 undergo 经历experience 经历319 uniform 统一integrate 整合320 unique 独一无二的particular 独特的321 unravel 弄清discover 发现322 usher in 开始begin 开始V323 vary 改变differ 与…不同324 vast 宽广的,巨大的large 巨大的325 vibrate 震动convulse 震动326 vigilant 警惕的alert 警惕的327 virtually 实质上(几乎)actually/practically/almost 实际上(几乎)W328 witness 目击observe 观察Y329 yield 产生provide 提供。



托福阅读机经训练:特奥蒂瓦坎的崛起3Paragraph 1: The city of Teotihuacán, which lay about 50 kilometers northeast of modern-day Mexico City, began its growth by 200-100 B.C. At its height, between about A.D. 150 and 700, it probably had a population of more than 125,000 people and covered at least 20 square kilometers. ■It had over 2,000 apartment complexes, a great market, a large number of industrial workshops, an administrative center, a number of massive religious edifices, and a regular grid pattern of streets and buildings. ■Clearly, much planning and central control were involved in the expansion and ordering of this great metropolis. ■Moreover, the city had economic and perhaps religious contacts with most parts of Mesoamerica (modern Central America and Mexico). ■13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.In fact, artifacts and pottery from Teotihuacán have been discovered in sites as far away as the Mayan lowlands, the Guatemalan highlands, northern Mexico, and the Gulf Coast of Mexico.Where would the sentence best fit?(4)14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.Teotihuacán was a highly developed city in Mesoamerica that reached its peak between about A.D. 150 and 700.●The number and sophistication…●Several factors may account…●In many important areas…Answer choices○The number and sophistication of the architectural, administrative, commercial, and religious features of Teotihuacan indicate the existence of centralized planning and control.○Teotihuacán may have developed its own specific local religion as a result of the cultural advances made possible by the city’s great prosperity.○As a result of its large number of religious shrines, by the first century A.D., Teotihuacan become the most influential religious center in all of Mesoamerica.○Several factors may account for Teotihuacán’s extraordinary development, including its location, rich natural resources, irrigation potential, intelligent elite, and the misfortune of rival communities.○In many important areas, from the obsidian industry to religious tourism, Teotihuacán’s success and prosperity typified the classic positive feedback cycle.○Although many immigrants settled in Teotihuacán between A.D.150 and 700, the increasing threat of coerced labor discouraged further settlement and limited Teotihuacán’s population growth.参考答案:1. ○32. ○23. ○14. ○45. ○36. ○37. ○48.○39. ○110. ○411. ○1, 412. ○313. ○414. The number and sophistication…Several factors may account…In many important areas…参考译文:特奥蒂瓦坎的崛起起源于公元前200到100年前的特奥蒂瓦坎城位于现在的墨西哥城东北约50公里处。

2019 年 10 月 13 日托福机经

2019 年 10 月 13 日托福机经

control, choice,举例有娃的员工,可以允许员工早上班早走,方便接孩子。2019
年 10 月 13 日托福写作机经
独立写作 Which of the following do you think is the best way for a student to make new friends? ·joining a sports team ·participating volunteer activities in a community ·traveling Use specific examples to support your answer. 综合写作 Gamburstev mountain range 形成的原理
6. 讲 surrealism 和 expressionism Lecture 1. 认知能力形成的年龄和实验
2. 生物链中的 engin息
5. 黄石公园火山形成
6. 达芬奇的画被藏了起来 2019 年 10 月 13 日托福口语机经
Task 1
Some people want to change their appearance,even by surgery. Do you agree or disagree? 如今有些人用特殊方法,如手术,让自己有一个更吸引人的外表,你同意吗? Task 2 学校要取消图书馆对外开放浏览,原因: 1. 有学生抱怨学习受到影响 2. 有新的关于图书馆的 video 给到游客 反驳:只有少数人吵,大部分人还是保持安静的,可以加强提醒。另外还可以通 过泡图 书馆的同学展示学习气氛,吸引同学申请学校。 Task 3 讲了动物 different color 的现象。举了一种 bird 的例子 male 有大且鲜艳的羽 毛,而 female 相反。male 的羽毛吸引异性 mate 而 female 的羽毛可以与 nest 融为一 体 不容易 被 predator 发现 Task 4 在商业中企业为住员工做的 retention strategies 1. 建立 mentor program,这样新员工觉得自己什么问题都有人帮助解决关注, 教授举 自己例子,新来时有老教授帮她 settle 各种问题,这样感觉很好。 2. 给员工在工作时间方面一定的 flexibility,free location and time for worker 可 以














2019 年 11 月 2 日托福机经

2019 年 11 月 2 日托福机经

2019年11月2日托福阅读机经1.深海生物2.冷血动物居住在不同纬度,北美南美和非洲的物种多样性3.irrigation对civilization的重要性4.英国人口减少5.恐龙是哪种孵化6.Domestication7.农业变革8.二战之后经济增长9.古希腊发展10.一种青蛙的分布11.石头对考古的重要性12.讲石头对考古的重要性,以前认为海洋很热,后续研究海洋只有40度,所以生物起源比以前以为的要早,之前假定古时候海洋和天空现在海洋成分差不多,现在证明以前的氢更多,导致那时的大气成分也不同13.古罗马蓄水的发展14.Greece Emerges from the Dark Ages15.Irrigation and Early Civilizations16.Dinosaurs and Parental Care17.The Decline in the Population18.The Green Revolution19.A Debate about Dinosaurs20.The Postwar Economic Boom21.The Evolution of Grass and Herbivores22.The Development of Agriculture23.Amphibian Distribution and Abundance24.Calcium Carbonate in the Ocean2019年11月2日托福听力机经Conversation1.学生越过老师去申请了一个什么职务,但是实际上是要学校选举的2.老师推荐写澳大利亚自己开窍的印象派画家3.女生找教授问为什么自己上次交的作业分数低,教授说她交晚了,并说下次presentation女生还有机会提高分数,然后女生说自己想的演讲内容,最后说之后paper也想写这个主题,教授让她讲完presentation再补充4.音乐小组5.考古课作业陶器6.课堂作业团队合作咨询7.一个同学不想group work,想独自完成问卷调查,他不满意组员的时间冲突8.最优选择理论9.学生换一个校园工作,现在的工作不适合她;她有志愿者经历,符合老师推荐的另一个工作,但这个工作在校园外,学生没车有驾照,可以用短途汽车Lecture1.Britain second-century的人口减少原因2.农作物家养3.外来鱼类对great lake的影响4.造山运动,板块学说的提出影响了之前的认识5.研究3-5岁小孩子具有planning的能力,让他们共同解决问题,设置了两组,用工具拿到玩具6.月球上可能有水7.地形变化板块理论8.岩画9.气候变化反射理论10.心理学实验孩子合作11.提到发现了一个M,在另一处也发现了。



托福阅读机经练习:温血海龟The passage discusses the warm-bloodedness of sea turtles, specifically the leatherback sea turtle. The leatherback sea turtle is unique among sea turtles because it is able to regulate its body temperature and maintain a consistent warm temperature even in cold water.According to the passage, the leatherback sea turtle is able to maintain its warm blood temperature through a variety of adaptations. First, the turtle has a large body size, which helps to retain heat. Additionally, the turtle has a thick layer of insulating fat, which also helps to maintain body temperature. The turtle's unique blood vessels also play a role in maintaining warmth. The passage explains that the turtle has a countercurrent heat exchange system, where warm blood from the heart is transferred to veins carrying cold blood from the skin. This warms up the cold blood and keeps the turtle's body temperature constant.The passage also discusses how the leatherback sea turtle's warm-bloodedness allows it to survive in cold waters. Unlike other sea turtles, which are cold-blooded and rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature, the leatherback sea turtle's warm-bloodedness allows it to swim in cold water for long periods of time without becoming lethargic. This is an advantage for the turtle, as it enables it to feed on jellyfish, which are abundant in cold waters.In conclusion, the passage explains that the leatherback sea turtle is unique among sea turtles because it is warm-blooded. Its ability to regulate its body temperature and maintain warmth in cold water is due to its large size, insulating fat layer, and countercurrent heat exchange system. This warm-bloodedness allows the leatherback sea turtle to thrive in cold waters and feed on jellyfish.。



老托福阅读词汇总结名词:1. phenomenon(现象)2. hypothesis(假设)3. strategy(策略)4. consequence(结果)5. trend(趋势)6. concept(概念)7. method(方法)8. factor(因素)9. principle(原则)10. theory(理论)动词:1. analyze(分析)2. evaluate(评估)3. interpret(解释)4. demonstrate(证明)5. illustrate(说明)6. emphasize(强调)7. conclude(得出结论)8. utilize(利用)9. integrate(整合)10. acquire(获得)形容词:1. significant(重要的)2. effective(有效的)3. diverse(多样的)5. crucial(关键的)6. relevant(相关的)8. numerous(许多的)9. essential(必要的)10. considerable(相当大的)副词:1. gradually(逐渐地)2. ultimately(最终)3. frequently(频繁地)4. accurately(准确地)5. precisely(精确地)6. significantly(显著地)7. thoroughly(彻底地)8. effectively(有效地)9. consistently(一致地)10. extensively(广泛地)介词:1. in addition to(除了)2. in contrast to(与...相反)3. as a result of(由于)4. in terms of(就...而言)5. with regard to(关于)6. in relation to(与...相关)7. on the basis of(基于)8. for the purpose of(为了...的目的)10. with respect to(关于)这些词汇在阅读理解中经常出现,掌握了这些词汇,可以帮助我们更好地理解文章内容,准确回答问题。

2019 年 3 月 16 日托福机经

2019 年 3 月 16 日托福机经

2019年3月16日托福阅读机经1.fungi和grass共生2.Groundwater Depletion地下水3.罗马文化对侵略地的影响4.Insect Size关于昆虫的尺寸,昆虫体积小但力量大,有实验说昆虫体积是因为oxygen控制但是另一项研究说是environmental adapation,昆虫之前是体积是逐渐大的,但是由于reptile这些predetor的出现变小。

但是昆虫变小是有极限的,一张图类似branch最thinnest的T不能细于0.2纳米,还有一个原因是cell不能少于一定数量5.The Sistine Ceiling。

天花板上的画ceilling fresco.讲了两种painting pigment然后米开朗琪罗不情愿画fresco但是还是画了,而且画的很快,教堂里的壁画容易变黑因为蜡烛还有salt最后是两派关于restoration的debate6.蛋壳的形成17.关于干旱:大概是干旱的定义在不同的地区不一样,干旱的时间界限也很难划定8.关于渔业对于政治的影响9.糖的发展10.美国公路的发展11.中国和日本的单色画monochrome12.宜居行星的条件13.地球环境的演变water and high temperture cause greenhouse effect——a lot of CO2 limestone的形成帮助absorb CO2但是rare,最后大陆的形成水底有shadow帮助形成limestone214.电影的声音。

电影里声音的作用,跟画面对比,观众的反应15.Finding Clovis Artifacts16.Confectioners and Penny Candies in the United States17.Adopting Roman Values18.Models of Egg Development19.The United States Interstate Highway System20.Historical Trends in European Urban Design21.Photography and the Pictorial Weeklies322.Urban Development in the United States in the19th Century23.火星上存不存在生命42019年3月16日托福听力机经Conversation1.小孩做志愿者被问树叶为什么落,去找老师了,老师劝他学植物学2.图书馆一些书被漏水破坏了,学生在图书馆网站上登记了想要借的图书,但是一直没得到回复。



托福词汇汇总分学科词汇----part1.天文类1 ASTRONOMY 天文astronomy 天文学astronomical 天文的astronomical observatory 天文台astronomer 天文学家astrophysics 天文物理学astrology 占星学pseudoscience 伪科学cosmos(universe) 宇宙cosmology 宇宙学infinite 无限的cosmic 宇宙的cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射cosmic rays 宇宙射线celestial 天的celestial body (heavenly body) 天体celestial map (sky atlas) 天体图celestial sphere 天球dwarf (dwarf star) 矮星quasar 类星体,类星射电源constellation 星座galaxy (Milky Way) 新河系cluster 星团solar system 太阳系solar corona 日冕solar eclipse 日食solar radiation 太阳辐射planet 行星planetoid (asteroid) 小行星revolve 旋转,绕转twinkle 闪烁naked eye 肉眼Mercury 水星Venus 金星Earth 地球Mars 火星Jupiter 木星Saturn 土星Uranus 天王星Neptune 海王星Pluto 冥王星orbit 轨道spin 旋转satellite 卫星lunar 月球的meteor 流星meteor shower流星雨meteoroid 流星体meteorite 陨石comet 彗星space (outer space) 太空,外层空间spacecraft (spaceship) 宇宙飞船spaceman ( astronaut) 宇航员,航天员space suit 宇航服,航天服space shuttle 航天飞机space telescope空间望远镜astronaut 宇航员star 恒星stellar 恒星的intergalactic 星系间的interstellar 恒星间的interplanetary 行星间的asteroid 小行星nebula 星云space debris 太空垃圾ammonia 氨corona 日冕chromosphere 色球photosphere 色球层convection zone 对流层vacuum 真空infrared ray 红外线chondrite 球粒absolute magnitude 绝对量级radiation 辐射emission 发射,散发high-resolution 高清晰度interferometer 干扰仪分学科词汇----part2.地理类GEOGRAPHY 地理geography 地理geographer 地理学家hemisphere 半球meridian 子午线,经线parallel 平行圈,纬线latitude 经度longitude 精度elevation 海拔altitude 高度temperate latitudes 温带地区horizon 地平线equator 赤道tropics 热带地区Arctic 北极Antarctic(Antarctica) 南极expedition 探险time zone 时区topography 地形,地形学plain 平原plateau (highland) 高地lowland 低地basin 盆地cavern (cave) 洞穴terrain 地域subterranean ( underground) 地底下coastland 沿海地区island 岛屿continental island 大陆岛volcanic island 火山岛coral island 珊瑚岛islet 小岛peninsular 半岛continent 大陆continental shelf 大陆架ranges 山脉valley 峡谷canyon 峡谷channel (strait) 海峡remote-sensing 遥感的terrestrial 地球的,陆地的terrestrial heat (geothermal) 地热terrestrial magnetism (geomagnetism) 地磁continental drift 大陆漂移学说sea-floor spreading 海床扩展evaporation 蒸发salinity 含盐度ocean bottom 海床sediment 沉淀物,沉积物tropical 热带的temperate 温带的frigid 寒带的formation 形成frost heaving 冻胀现象fieldstone 卵石学科词汇----part3.地质类geology 地质学geologist 地质学家crust 地壳mantle 地幔core 地核continental crust 大陆地壳oceanic crust 海洋地壳layer (stratum,复数strata) 地层plate 板块fault 断层fault plane 断层面fault zone 断层带rift (crack; split) 断裂disintegration (decomposition) 分解erosion 腐蚀fossil 化石igneous rock 火成岩sedimentary rock 沉积岩metamorphic rock 变质岩quartz 石英limestone 石灰岩marble 大理石granite 花岗岩lithogenous 岩成的lithosphere 岩石圈magma 岩浆mineral 矿物ore 矿石deposit 矿床platinum 白金,铂silver 银copper 黄铜aluminum 铝tin 锡lead 铅zinc 锌nickel 镍mercury 汞,水银sodium 钠gem 宝石diamond 钻石emerald 绿宝石ruby 红宝石glacier 冰川glacial 冰川的glacial epoch ( age, period) 冰川期glacial drift 冰渍iceberg 冰山volcano 火山active volcano 活火山extinct volcano 死火山dormant volcano 休眠火山eruption 火山喷发crater 火山口lava 火山岩浆volcanic 火山的volcanic dust 火山尘volcanic ash 火山灰earthquake ( quake; tremor; seism) 地震seismic 地震的seismology 地震学magnitude 震级seismic wave 地震波cataclysm 灾变分学科词汇----part4.考古,人类anthropologist 人类学家paleoanthropologist 古人类学家ecological anthropologist 生态人类学家psychological anthropologist 心理人类学家origin 起源originate 起源于ancestor 祖先hominid 人(科)homogeneous 同一种族(种类)的tribe 部落clan 氏族archeologist 考古学家excavation 挖掘excavate (unearth) 挖掘ruins 遗迹,废墟remains 遗迹,遗骸artifact 手工艺品relic 遗物,文物antique 古物,古董antiquity 古代,古老Stone Age 石器时代Bronze Age (青)铜器时代Iron Age 铁器时代Paleolithic 旧石器时代的Mesolithic 中石器时代的Neolithic 新石器时代的archaeology 考古学anthropology 人类学morphology 形态学skull 颅骨cranial 颅骨的分学科词汇----part5.生态类5 ECOLOGY 生态学ecologist 生态学家ecosystem 生态系统balance (of nature) 自然界生态平衡fauna 动物群flora 植物群rain forest 雨林food chain 食物链acid rain 酸雨greenhouse effect 温室效应infrared radiation 红外线辐射ozone layer (ozonosphere) 臭氧层ultraviolet radiation 紫外辐射pollution 污染pollution control 污染控制air pollution 空气污染water pollution 水污染noise pollution 噪音污染soil pollution 土壤污染pollution-free 无污染pollutant 污染物noxious (toxic) 有毒的fumes (有毒)废气waste 废物solid waste 固体垃圾sewage (wastewater) 污水sewage purification 污水净化sewage disposal 污水处理decibel (噪音)分贝分学科词汇----part6气象类Meteorology 气象meteorology 气象meteorologist 气象学家forecast (predict) 预报climate 气候atmosphere 大气层troposphere 对流层current (气)流vapor 蒸汽evaporate 蒸发damp (wet; moist; humid) 潮湿的humidity 湿度moisture 潮湿;水分saturate 饱和dew 露frost 霜fog (mist) 雾smog 烟雾droplet 小水珠condense 浓缩crystal 水晶体downpour (torrential rain) 大雨tempest (storm) 暴风雨drizzle 细雨shower 阵雨hail 冰雹blizzard (snowstorm) 暴风雪avalanche (snowslide) 雪崩precipitation (雨、露、雪等)降水breeze 微风gale 大风whirlwind 旋风typhoon 台风hurricane 飓风tornado (twister, cyclone) 龙卷风funnel 漏斗,漏斗云disaster (calamity, catastrophe) 灾难devastation 破坏submerge 淹没drought 旱灾分学科词汇(word,mp3)----part7化学类chemistry 化学chemical property 化学特性,化学性质chemical composition ( makeup ) 化学成分chemical agent 化学试剂chemical reaction 化学反应chemical change 化学变化chemical bond 化学键chemical apparatus 化学器械substance (matter; material) 物质element 元素periodic table 周期表hydrogen 氢oxygen 氧nitrogen 氮helium 氦carbon 碳calcium 钙silicon 硅sulfur 硫iodine 碘compound 化合物hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物derivative 衍生物alchemy 炼金术petroleum (oil) 石油petroleum products 石油产品crude oil 原油refine 提炼,精炼gasoline 汽油methane 甲烷solution 溶液dissolve 溶解solvent 溶剂solubility 可溶性cohesive 聚合力adhesive 粘合力atom 原子nucleus 原子核electron 电子neutron 中子proton 质子molecule 分子particle 粒子ion 离子particle accelerator 粒子加速器catalysis (复数catalyses)催化作用catalyst 催化剂artificial 人造的synthetic 合成的synthetic fiber 人造纤维polymer 聚合物polymerization 聚合作用plastic 塑料dye 染料cosmetics 化妆品分学科词汇----part8物理类8.PHYSICS物理physics 物理mechanics 力学thermodynamics 热力学acoustics 声学electromagnetism 电磁学optics 光学dynamics 动力学force 力velocity 速度acceleration 加速度equilibrium 平衡statics 静力学motion 运动inertia 惯性gravitation 引力relativity 相对gravity 地心引力vibration 震动medium (media) 媒质frequency 频率wavelength 波长pitch 音高intensity 强度echo 回声resonance 回声,洪亮sonar 声纳ultrasonics 超声学electricity 电static electricity 静电magnetism 磁性,磁力magnet 磁体electromagnet 电磁magnetic field 磁场electric current 电流direct current (DC) 直流电alternating current (AC) 交流电electric circuit 电路electric charge 电荷electric voltage 电压electric shock 触电electric appliance 电器conductor 导体insulator 绝缘体semiconductor 半导体battery (cell) 电池dry battery 干电池storage battery 蓄电池electronics 电子学electronic 电子的electronic component (part) 电子零件integrated circuit 集成电路chip 集成电器片,集成块electron tube 电子管vacuum tube 真空管transistor 晶体管amplification (名词)放大amplify (动词)放大amplifier 放大器,扬声器oscillation 震荡optical 光(学)的optical fiber 光学纤维lens 透镜,镜片convex 凸透镜concave 凹透镜microscope 显微镜telescope 望远镜magnifier 放大镜spectrum 光谱ultraviolet 紫外线X rays X射线Gamma rays γ射线infrared rays 红外线microwaves 微波dispersion 色散transparent 透明translucent 半透明opaque 不透明的分学科词汇----part9数学类9 MATHEMATICS mathematics 数学mathematician 数学家arithmetic 算术calculation 计算calculator 计算器abacus 算盘numeral 数字sum 和total (sum total) 总和,总数aggregate 总计fraction 分数,小数decimal 十进位,(十进)小数digit 数字,数位percentage 百分比addition 加法plus 加上subtraction 减法minus 减去multiplication 乘法multiplication table 乘法表multiply 乘以times乘以power 乘方square 平方division 除法divide 除以algebra 代数quantity 表示量的数(或符号)equation 方程式,等式formula 公式root 根geometry 几何geometric 几何的dimension 维parallel adj. 平行的n. 平行线quadrilateral 四边形square 正方形area 面积rectangle 长方形,矩形polygon 多边形cube 立方形volume 体积sphere 球形circle 圆形ellipse (oval) 椭圆形cone 圆锥形circumference 圆周diameter 直径radius 半径triangle 三角形angle 角degree (角) 度calculus 微积分differential calculus 微分学integral calculus 积分学function 函数probability 概率statistics 统计quantitative 量的,数量的qualitative 质的,质量的deduction (inference) 推论,演绎induction 归纳分学科词汇----part10农业类10 AGRICULTURE 农业agriculture (farming) 农业agricultural 农业的land (soil) 土壤;土地soil conservation 土壤保护soil erosion 泥土流失silt 粉砂,泥沙clay 黏土,湿土clod 土块agrarian 土地的,农业的pilot (experimental ) 试验性的harrow( rake) 耙,耙土ridge 田埂furrow 犁沟plot (patch)小块地ranch 农场,牧场plantation 种植园orchard 果园nursery 苗圃seedbed 苗床sickle 镰刀spade 铲,锹shovel (平头) 铲pick 稿tractor 拖拉机cultivate (till) 耕作sow(seed) 播种harvest 收割weed 除草irrigate 灌溉manure(fertilizer) 肥料spray 喷洒(农药)insecticide(pesticide)杀虫剂pest 害虫rust 锈病grain (cereal) 谷物,谷粒granary(grain store) 粮仓mill 碾,磨wheat 小麦corn 玉米rice 大米barley 大麦sorghum 高粱oats燕麦rye 黑麦millet 粟,小米vegetable 蔬菜horticulture 园艺学hydroponics 水栽法,营养液栽培法greenhouse(glasshouse, hotbed) 温室cabbage 洋白菜lettuce 生菜mustard 芥菜spinach 菠菜broccoli 花椰菜cucumber 黄瓜eggplant 茄子pepper 辣椒pumpkin 南瓜tomato 西红柿beet 甜菜carrot 胡萝卜radish 小红萝卜pea 豌豆soybean 大豆celery 芹菜garlic 大蒜leek 韭菜onion 洋葱头potato 土豆peanut 花生sesame 芝麻cotton 棉花husbandry (animal husbandry) 畜牧业pasture 牧场livestock 家畜fowl (poultry) 家禽cattle 牛,家畜buffalo 野牛dairy (dairy cattle) 奶牛dairy farm 乳牛场hay (作饲料用)干草haystack 干草堆fodder (feed) 饲料trough 饲料槽barn(shed) 牲口槽stable 厩,马厩cowshed 牛棚pigpen (hog pen, pigsty) 猪圈sheepfold (sheep pen) 羊栏roost (hen house) 鸡舍fish farm 养鱼场aquaculture 水产养殖分学科词汇----part11动物类11 ANIMAL 动物Darvinism 达尔文学说natural selection 自然选择class 纲order 目family 科genus 属suborder 亚目species 种invertebrate 无脊椎动物vertebrate 脊椎动物aquatic( life) 水生动物reptile 爬行动物amphibian (amphibious animal) 两栖动物dinosaur 恐龙bird 鸟类extinction 灭绝mammal 哺乳动物primates 灵长目动物insect 昆虫antenna (复数antennae) 触须larva 幼虫,幼体camouflage 伪装pest 害虫worm 虫,蠕虫hibernate 冬眠lizard 蜥蜴chameleon 变色蜥蜴regeneration 再生turtle 龟beast 野兽domesticate 驯养predatory (carnivorous ) 食肉的predator 捕食者prey (动词)捕食(名词)被捕食的动物scavenger 食腐动物migrate 迁移wing 翅膀,翼bill (鸟)嘴beak (鹰等的)嘴nest 筑巢dolphin 海豚whale 鲸鱼bat 蝙蝠gorilla 大猩猩chimpanzee 黑猩猩habitat 栖息地rodent 啮齿动物(如松鼠)primate 灵长动物plankton 浮游生物mollusk 软体动物coelenterate 腔肠动物(如珊瑚)shrimp 小虾prawn 对虾lobster 对虾crab 螃蟹clam 蛤蜊sponge 海绵coral 珊瑚starfish 海星canary 金丝雀chirp (鸟,虫的叫声)唧唧squeak (老鼠等)吱吱porpoise 海豚sloth 树懒slothful 懒惰的hygiene 卫生sanitation 卫生parasite 寄生虫moth 蛾caterpillar 毛虫hordes (昆虫等)群swarms (昆虫等)群flock (鸟,羊等)群community 动物的群落或人的部落herd 兽群bunch (花等)束,捧beaver 海狸monogamous 一夫一妻的,一雄一雌的polygamous一夫多妻的,一雄多雌的polyandrous 一妻多夫的,一雌多雄的trapper 诱捕动物者rhinoceros 犀牛niche 小生态环境vestige 退化器官,遗迹oyster 牡蛎fertilizer 使…受精larvae 幼虫tentacle 触角homotherm 恒温动物poikilotherm 变温动物metabolism 新陈代谢baboon 狒狒breed (名词)品种,(动词)繁殖multiply (reproduce)繁殖hatch 孵spawn (鱼、虾、蛙等)孵offspring (young) 解剖学anatomy 解剖学appetite 食欲creature 生物microbe 微生物herbivorous 食草的carnivorous 食肉的omnivorous 杂事的分学科词汇----part12植物类12 PLANT 植物botany 植物学botanist 植物学家botanical (botanic) 植物的plant 植物aquatic plant 水生植物parasite plant 寄生植物root 根canopy 树冠层,顶棚foliage (leaf) 叶leaflet 小叶rosette (叶的)丛生stem 茎stalk 杆leafstalk 叶柄shoot (sprout ) 嫩芽,抽枝flower 花bud 花蕾petal 花瓣peel(skin) 果皮shell (硬) 果壳husk (干)果壳;(玉米)苞叶trunk 树干branch 树枝bough 大或者粗的树枝twig 小树枝bark 树皮jungle 丛林lawn 草坪meadow 草地,牧场prairie 大草原shrub (bush) 灌木cluster 一簇(灌木)fern 蕨类植物herb 草photosynthesis 光合作用symbiosis 共生wither (shrivel, fade) 凋谢pollen 花粉pollinate 传授花粉pollination 授粉cell 细胞tissue 组织organ 器官system 系统seeds 种子everlasting 永久的orchid 兰花pollinate 授粉crossbreed 杂交shrub 灌木sequoia 红杉root pressure 根压cohesion-tension 凝聚压力bore 腔,肠column 花柱symbiotic 共生的immunity 免疫organism 生物,有机物necrosis 坏死barren 贫瘠futile 无用的carbohydrate (starch) 碳水化合物(淀粉),糖类glucose 葡萄糖starch 淀粉fat 脂肪protein 蛋白质vitamin 维他命calorie 卡路里(热量单位)malnourished 营养不良的nutrition 营养分学科词汇----part13政治类13 POLITICS 政治constitution 宪法legislation 立法Democrats 民主党Republicans 共和党Amendment 修正案Congress 美国国会Senate 参议院House of Representatives 众议院monarchy 君主制anarchism 无政府主义federal system 联邦制presidential system 总统制municipal 市的,市政的metropolitan 大都市的centralized 中央集权的ideology 意识形态maneuver 擦略tariff 关税immigrant 移民institutionalize 机构化election 选举vote 投票officeholding 任职veto 否决American Revolution 美国革命/独立战争Independence War 美国独立战争American Civil War 美国内战radical 激进的,根本的overturning 颠覆性的independent 独立的breathtaking 激动人心的military 军事的colonize 拓殖,殖民per capita 人均treason 叛国conspiracy 阴谋imprisonment 监禁release 释放pardon 特赦accusation 谴责,指控welfare 福利patronage 资助,赞助unionization 联合,结合分学科词汇----part14教育类14 EDUCATION 教育educator 教育家higher education 高等教育moral character 道德品质domain 领域faculty 全体教员alumni 校友treasurer 生活委员,财务大臣elective system 选课制度curriculum 课程(总称)discipline 学科,管理learn by rote 死记硬背分学科词汇----part15音乐类15 MUSIC音乐musical instrument 乐器orchestra 乐队string 弦乐wind 管乐shook rattle 摇拨浪鼓pound drum 击鼓footbeat 点脚,跺脚percussion 震荡,打击乐器note 音符score 乐谱movement 乐章fanatical 狂热的hillbilly music 乡村音乐folk music 民间音乐pop music 流行音乐classical music 古典音乐Jazz 爵士乐分学科词汇----part16心理类PSYCHOLOGY 心理mental 心理的physical 身体的,物质的,物理的spiritual 心灵的conformity 从众majority 多数人minority 少数人threshold judgment (心理学)初始性判断subject 受实验对象托福阅读历年真题文章题材:生物类(一)生物类:chlorophyll叶绿素amino acids氨基酸protein蛋白质nitrogen氮photosynthetic(adj.)photosynthesis(n.)光合作用botany植物学botanist植物学家lichen地衣,苔藓fungus(pl.fungi)菌类algae(pl.alga)海藻bacterium(pl.bacteria)细菌organism有机物rodent啮齿类动物primate灵长类动物mammal哺乳类动物reptile爬行类动物predator捕食者prey被捕食者aquatic水生的artery动脉vein静脉fingernail指甲scale鳞片claw爪子horn角nourish滋养,供给....营养clam蚌crab虾beaver狸pond池塘puddle水坑snail蜗牛shrimp虾hormone荷尔蒙intestine肠corn谷物squash南瓜bean豆类植物nectar花蜜pollen花粉hive蜂巢moss苔藓hibernate冬眠penguin企鹅reef礁coral珊瑚beak鸟嘴enzymes酵母larvae幼虫tadpole蝌蚪caterpillar毛虫grasshopper蚱蜢toad蟾蜍herbicide除草剂secretion(n.)secrete(v.)分泌pancreas胰腺odor气味roe鱼卵caviar鱼子酱raccoon浣熊gland腺体cricket蟋蟀11。


The world’s heaviest flower is a
parasite that flourishes among, and lives off of, the roots of jungle vines. Each of these ponderous blooms can weigh up to 15 pounds(7kg).
Cretaceous extinctions, the one that has attracted the most attention in recent years is the asteroid-impact hypothesis first suggested by Luis and Walter Alvarez. According to this hypothesis, Earth collided with an asteroid with an estimated diameter of 10 kilometers, or with several asteroids, the combined mass of which was comparable.



托福阅读真题第2篇MachinesandManufacturingThe tremendous growth in European industry in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries was the result of a number of changes, technology foremost among them. The accumulation and diffusion of technical knowledge necessary for manufacturing began in the countryside, where handicraft operations were gradually enlarged and mechanized. Often it was small-and medium-sized producers, and the occasional amateur experimenter in a barn, who were the inventors and innovators. Numerous small inventions, applied and diffused on both sides of the Atlantic gradually built up a stock of technical knowledge and practice that was widely available.Most famous of these inventors was James Watt (1739-1819) of Scotland who succeeded in making steam engines more efficient Steam engines burned coal to boil water, which condensed into steam that was used to drive mechanized devices. Watt devised a way to separate steam condensers from piston cylinders so that pistons could be kept hot. and therefore running constantly. This set the stage for a fuel-efficient engine. Early prototypes of Watt's engine were used to pump water out of mines. After moving to Birmingham in 1774. Watt joined forces with the industrialist Matthew Boulton(1728-1809). who marketed the steam engine won an extension of the patent for another twenty-five years, and set up a special laboratory for Watt so that he could refine his device. Thus, technical exploration joined forces with the interests of business: collaboration between inventors and entrepreneurs was a sign of the times. Moreover. perhaps the most important aspect of Watt's engineering feat was that it was subject to a stream ofimprovement and adaptation. not just from Boulton and company, but from its competitors as well.The steam engine, driven by burning coal, provided vastly increased, power and sparked a revolution in transportation. Steam-powered ships and railroads, built once inventors were able to construct lighter engines that required less coal to run. slashed the time and cost of long-distance travel. Steam power's diffusion accelerated when iron-making improved, allowing for the production of railroad track and cables used to hang suspension bridges. The first public rail line opened in 1830 in England between Manchester and Liverpool. During the next twenty years, railway mileage increased from less than 100 to almost 25,000 in England, France Russia. and the German-speaking countries. Steamships appeared in the 1780s in France. Britain, and the United States. and in 1807 Robert Fulton inaugurated the first commercially successful route between New York City and Albany on the Hudson River. A century of toying with boilers and pistons culminated in the radical reduction of distances. Moreover steam-powered engines also improved sugar refining, pottery making, and many other industrial processes.Mechanizing processes that would have taken much longer and been subject to human error if done by hand enabled manufacturers to make more products at cheaper cost.Textile production was one of the areas that benefited from both technical changes and the consolidation of different stages of the work in a factory With new machinery, a single textile operator could handle many looms and spindles at once, and could produce bolts of cloth with stunning efficiency. Gone were the hand tools. the family traditions, and the loosely organized and dispersed systems of households producing cloth in theirhomes for local merchants to carry to markets. The material was also stronger, finer, and more uniform. Thanks to such innovations. British cotton output increased tenfold between 1770 and 1790. leading to a 90 percent decline in the price of cloth between 1782 and 1812.Most raw cotton for the British cloth industry had come from colonial India until 1793, when the American inventor Eli Whitney (1765-1825) patented a device called a "cotton gin"that separated cottonseeds from fiber. Cotton farming quickly spread through the southern states-from South Carolina into Georgia. Alabama Mississippi, and Louisiana-as the United States came to produce more than 80 percent of the world cotton supply by the 1850s Thus, the American south became a supplier of raw cotton to Britain.1.►The tremendous growth in European industry in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries was the result of a number of changes, technology foremost among them. The accumulation and diffusion of technical knowledge necessary for manufacturing began in the countryside, where handicraft operations were gradually enlarged and mechanized. Often it was small-and medium-sized producers, and the occasional amateur experimenter in a barn, who were the inventors and innovators. Numerous small inventions, applied and diffused on both sides of the Atlantic gradually built up a stock of technical knowledge and practice that was widely available.。

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