六年级小升初英语试题 (含答案)

六年级小升初英语试题 (含答案)
六年级小升初英语试题 (含答案)




( )1. A. play B. pour C. point

( )2. A. waste B. wake C. water

( )3. A. full B. cool C. care

( )4. A. doctor B. dentist C. pianist

( )5. A. please B. palace C. place

( )6. A. August 3rd B. October 3rd C. August 13th

( )7. A. plastic bottles B. paper bags C. plastic bags

( )8. A. father B. fast C. fashion

( )9. A. sleepy B. sleeping C. sweep

( )10. A. get out B. come out C. look out


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、根据所听内容,选择正确的应答句。(5分)

( ) 1. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, they do. C. No, we don’t.

( ) 2. A. At ten. B. Ten. C. It’s ten.

( ) 3.A. No, she won’t. B. Yes, he will. C. Yes, he is.

( ) 4. A. Take a taxi. B. Wait for the green man. C. Great!

( ) 5. A. In the afternoon. B. Watched a film. C. The Heping Cinema.


( ) 1. A. No swimming. B. Don’t take photos. C. No eating or drinking. ( ) 2. A. He could jump. B. He could draw. C. He could walk.

( ) 3. A. It was sunny. B. It was rainy. C. It was windy.

( ) 4. A. Canada. B. The UK. C. The US.

( ) 5. A. He went to school by bike. B. He often goes to school by bus.

C. He’ll go to school on foot.


Jack is my . He has many good . He his things in . He likes healthy food. This , he is going to Taipei with his . Jack me about his travel plans on the

last night .




B. 把下面的句子正确规范地写在四线三格内,注意大小写及标点符号(2分)excuse me how can I get to sunny road


( )1. clown window( )2. sharp hard

( )3. reach easily( )4. mouse through

( )5. sport horse( )6. hear careful



2. on Chinese New Year’s Eve


4. put his things in order


6. put on an English play

7.很多好习惯8. eight months ago

9.发电子邮件给我10. wait on the pavement





4.they (宾格)



7.happy(副词) 8.brought(动词原形)

9. right(同音词)10. plan(现在分词)


( )1.There_______any tomatoes on the table. But there _______some tomato juice in the fridge.

A. are; are

B. aren’t; is

C. aren’t; are

( )2.The lion and the mouse is from______________.

A. Chinese idiom books

B. Aesop’s Fables

C. Japanese cartoons

( )3.The boys were very _______about the _______game.

A. exciting; excited

B. excited; excited

C. excited; exciting

( )4.Where_______you last night? I_______ in the supermarket.

A. are; am

B. were; was

C. were; am

( )5. What would you like _______? I’d like _________ bread.

A. to eat; a few

B. eating; some

C. to eat; a little

( )6. _______will she stay in the USA?---For three months.

A. When

B. How long

C. How many

( )7. I’d like a book_______ animals and a cake _______lots of grapes.

A. about; with

B. to; with

C. about; for

( )8. In , drivers should drive on the right side of the road.

A. New York

B. London

C. Hong Kong

( )9. It is often in the UK, so people always an umbrella.

A. rains; carries

B. raining; carried

C. rainy; carry

( )10. Our teacher busy this month, but he free next month.

A. is;will be

B. was;will

C. will be;will be

( )11.-- there two glasses of juice on the table just now?

--No. There a few apples now.

A. Were;were

B. Was;are

C. Were;are

( )12. We can reuse paper boxes.

A. make

B. makes

C. to make


1. Liu Tao (bring) some snacks to his friends last Sunday.

2. His father is a ____ ____( write). He ____ ____(write) stories for children.

3. Be (careful).You should do your homework (careful).

4. There (be)any teachers in the office just now.

5. Do you know anything about road (safe)?

6.Mike does (well)at school. He is good at (paint)pictures.

7.Listen!They (talk) about the party of Children’s Day.


( )1.Where are you going? A. She’s a good doctor.

( )2.What time is it? B. Let me see. Some fish.

( )3.How many kites are there? C. We are going to the cinema.

( )4.What’s your favourite subject? D. No. I like bananas.

( )5.Do you like oranges? E. Yes, please.

( )6.How is your mother? F. No, I won’t.

( )7.Would you like some apples?G. Not bad.

( )8.What will you cook?H. I like Chinese best.

( )9.Will you go to the library tomorrow?I. It’s nine.

( )10.What does your aunt do?J. Seven.


1. 我们使用木头做桌子。

We wood to tables.

2. 昨天他的爸爸为他做了一架模型飞机。

His father a model for him yesterday.

3. 澳大利亚是个有趣的国家。

is an interesting .

4. 萨姆每天不刷牙。

Sam doesn’t his every day.

5. 我的梦想是成为一名艺术家。

My __ _____ is to be an ____ ____.



Every day we eat a lot of food. A healthy diet is good for us. But people in different

countries eat different kinds of food. My friend Peter is from America and he tells me a lot about food in America. Most Chinese people like to eat pork(猪肉). But in America beef(牛肉) is more popular(受欢迎). We often have rice or noodles at every meal. But Americans may think hamburgers and fruit pies are more delicious(美味). Chinese children like to eat ice creams in summer. But Americans nearly eat them every meal. Americans like sweet food very much, just like cakes, ice creams, chocolate and so on. ( )1. People in China and the US have the same food.

( )2. Peter is American.

( )3. Pork is popular in the US.

( )4. Chinese people like to eat beef and eat it every day.

( )5. Chinese children usually eat ice cream in summer.


Uncle Wang works in a book shop in the middle of the city. The shop is not far (远) from his home. It is about one kilometer (公里) away. So Uncle Wang seldom (很少) goes to work by bus. He usually goes there by bike, sometimes on foot. It takes (花费) him twenty minutes to get there by bike and forty minutes on foot. His work starts at half past eight in the morning and finishes at a quarter to five in the afternoon.

Last Monday,his bike was broken (坏了). He wanted to walk there. He had breakfast at home. He left(离开) home at ten to eight and he walked to work twenty minutes earlier(更早).

( )1. What does Uncle Wang do?

A. He sells books.

B. He makes shoes.

C. He works in a hospital.

( )2. Why does Uncle Wang seldom go to work by bus? Because .

A. there is no bus

B. his shop is not far from his home

C. he likes riding a bike

( )3. How does Uncle Wang usually go to work?

A. By bike.

B. On foot.

C. A or B.

( )4. How long does it take him to walk to his book shop?

A. Twenty minutes

B. Ten minutes

C. Forty minutes.

( )5. What time does Uncle Wang usually leave home by bike?

A. At ten to eight.

B. At half past eight.

C. At ten past eight.


以My summer holiday 为题,写一写你和你的家人去年暑假去了哪些好玩的地方,做了些什么,不得少于五句话。



1. Don’t pour water into the hole.

2. We can’t waste food.

3. Mike doesn’t care about his teeth.

4.I want to be a dentist in the future.

5.Sydney is a tidy and clean place.

6.My birthday is on the third of August.

7.You shouldn’t use too many plastic bags.

8.Look,the boys are running fast.

9. Helen never feels sleepy in class.

10.The mouse helped the lion get out of the net.



1. Do you love animals? You’ll find kangaroos and koalas in Australia.

2. The boy does badly at school.

3. Twenty years ago, many people used the telephone at home to call others.

4. Chinese people like watching dragon dances at Spring Festival.

5. My brother wants to be an astronaut and walk on the Moon.


1.Do you want to go with me?

2.How many students want to be a teacher?

3.Will Mike’s sister have a picnic this Sunday?

4.How can I get to your house?

5.Where did you go for the May Day holiday?


1、Wow, the sea world is so beautiful.

Yes. Look at the fish. They’re swimming happily. Let me take some photos for them. Oh, no. You can’t do that. Look, there’s a sign on the wall.

I’m sorry.

Question: What sign do they see?

2、Hi, Ben. Look at this old photo. You were only one year old then.

Funny. Could I walk then, Mum?

Yes. But you couldn’t run or jump.

Question: What could Ben do when he was only one year old?

3、What did you do last Saturday?

I went boating with my sister.

Did you have a good time?

You know, it was sunny in the morning. But it was rainy in the afternoon. We were


What a pity!

Question: How was the weather last Saturday morning?

4、Nancy, you are reading a travel book. Will you go to the Grand Canyon?

Yes. I will visit it. It’s a beautiful place.

I want to visit there too.

Question: Where will Nancy go?

5、David, do you go to school on foot every day?

No, I go to school by bus. But I want to be a policeman in the future. I want to be brave and strong. I must do more exercise. So I’ll go to school on foot.

Question: How does David go to school every day?


Jack is my e-friend. He has many good habits. He _always_ puts his things in __order___. He likes __eating___ healthy food. This summer , he is going to Taipei with his __parents_____. Jack told me about his travel plans on the Internet last night .












Jack is my e-friend. He has many good habits. He _always_ puts his things in __order___. He likes __eating___ healthy food. This summer , he is going to Taipei with his __parents_____. Jack told me about his travel plans on the Internet last night .



Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu

Excuse me, how can I get to Sunny Road?



1.keep healthy


3.be excited about


5. collect some paper


7. many good habits


9. send emails to me 10.在人行道上等


1. teeth

2. studies

3. cook

4. them

5. fast

6. woke

7. happily

8. bring

9. write 10. planning




1. brought

2. writer, writes

3. careful, carefully

4. weren’t

5. safety

6. well, painting

7. are talking




https://www.360docs.net/doc/af1971483.html,e, make

2. made, plane

3. Australia, country

4. brush, teeth

5. dream, artist





小升初英语试卷附参考答案 一、找出在意义上不属于同类的词,将字母代号写在括号内。(5分) 二、(D ) 1. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. weather 三、(C ) 2. A. bread B. meat C. apple D. butter 四、(A) 3. A. cupboard B. desk C. window D. chair 五、(B ) 4. A. sunny B. rain C. cloudy D. snowy 六、(A ) 5. A. the B. near C. behind D. on 七、二、词汇。(5分) 八、根据首字母提示写出单词,完成句子。 九、 1. --- Thank you very much! --- With p leasure ______. 十、 2. Wednesday__________ comes after Tuesday. 十一、 3. What do you have for breakfast________. 十二、 4. This is Peter's everyday________ life. 十三、 5. F_ebruary_______ is the second month of a year. 十四、三、选词填空。(5分) 十五、用at, on, to, like, for, in front of, from填空。 十六、 1. What's the weather __like____ in Shanghai 十七、 2. A storm is coming __from_______ South China Sea. 十八、 3. Here's the weather report of__________ tomorrow. 十九、 4. Mr. Smith has many pigs _____on______ his farm. 二十、 5. Father is cleaning his car ___on________ the house. 二十一、 6. I get up ____of_____ six o'clock in the morning. 二十二、7. We are eating dinner ___on______ the table. 二十三、8. It's raining. We can watch TV __in_____ home. 二十四、9. What can I do __for________ you 二十五、10. It's five _____to_____ twelve in the morning. 二十六、四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 二十七、 1. Linda can swim very fast. She is a good _at__swimming________ (swim). 二十八、 2. It's late. We can't play any ___long______ (long). 二十九、 3. Mary is much __beutfuil________ (good) today. 三十、 4. That is a new boy. ___his________ (He)name is Jack. 三十一、 5. ---- Here's your book. --- ___think_______(Thank) a lot. 三十二、 6. Today is the __nine_____ (nine)of June. 三十三、7. I ___had_____(have) a shower at this time yesterday. 三十四、8. San was in the __sit_______ (sit) room just now. 三十五、9. Lucy writes ____carefuiiy______ (carefully) than Lily. 三十六、10. My father ___reading______ (read)a newspaper last night. 三十七、五、选出与画线部分意义相近的词组或句子。(10分) 三十八、(B ) 1. Excuse me. Where's Shanghai Zoo 三十九、 A. How far is B. How can I get to C. Where can I go to 四十、(C ) 2. Which apple do you want 四十一、 A. do you like B. would you want C. would you like 四十二、


睿源教育小升初龙班六年级英语秋季课程随堂测试 Name__________Score___________ 考试范围:新概念英语49-54课 一.根据汉语写出下列单词。(每词1分,共15分) 1.丈夫 2.季节 3.春季 4.学科 5.秋季 6.中国 7.二月 8.有趣的,有意思 9.七月10.羊肉 11.一起12.停留13.冬季14.十一月15.谈话 二.从A,B,C,D中选出划线部分的读音与其他三个不同的选项。(每题1分,共10分) ()1.A.butcherB.husbandC.butterD.summer ()2.A.meatB.peaC.steakD.bean ()3.A.climateB.windyC.winterD.Brazil ()4.A.thinB.eitherC.southD.north ()5.A.cabbageB.AugustC.grapeD.Greece ()6.A.countryB.houseC.blouseD.hour ()7.A.snowB.brownC.flowerD.how ()8.A.warmB.MarchC.hardD.are ()9.A.minuteB.busyC.lettuceD.Autumn ()10.A.weatherB.pleasantC.eastD.heavy 三.单项选择。(每题1.5分,共15分) ()1.What___theclimate____inwinterhere? A.does;like B.is;likes C.is;like D.do;likes ()2.ThisisBen.He’sfrom____.He’s____. A.German;German B.German;Germany C.Germany;German D.Germany;Germany ()3.ItisoftenwetintheWestand____warmintheSouth. A.sometimes B.sometime C.sometimes D.sometime ()4.___yourbrother____toschoolbybus? A.Do;goes B.Does;go C.Do;go D.Does;goes ()5.Whichseason___Dan___best? A.does;like B.does;likes C.is;like D.is;likes ()6.Where___youfrom? A.do B.does C.are https://www.360docs.net/doc/af1971483.html,e ()7.Isitcold____warminsummer? A.and B.---- C.or D.of ()8.Bob_____fromFrance. A.don’tcomes B.doesn’tcomes C.isnot https://www.360docs.net/doc/af1971483.html,esnot ()9.Thesun____earlyand___lateinsummer. A.rise;sets B.rises;sets C.rise;set D.sets;rise ()10.It’salwayscoldinwinter,butSusan_____toschoolearlyinthemorning. 仅供个人学习参考


xx英语名词专项 I.写出下列名词的复数形式 1. book__________15.half__________29.mouse_________ 2. dress__________16.leaf__________30.foot__________ 3. box___________17.roof__________31.man__________ 4. watch_________18.safe__________32.woman________ 5. dish___________19.egro__________33.tooth_________ 6. baby__________20.hero__________34.ox___________ 7. boy___________21.potato_________35.child__________ 8. wife__________22.tomato________36.sheep_________ 9. knife__________23.studio_________37.deer__________ 10.wolf__________24.piano_________38.cattle_________ 11. thief_________25.radio_________39.fish__________ 12.shelf__________26.zoo___________40.Chinese_______ 13.self__________27.photo_________41.Japaness_______ 14.life___________28.goose_________42.Swiss_________ II.用名词的正确形式填空 1. There are seven________(sheep). 2. My uncle has two________ (child). 3. Can you give me two bottles of________ (water)? 4. I brush my________ (tooth)three times a day.


往年郑州中学小升初选拔考题英语部分 一.词汇 A.认真观察下列各句,根据提示完成句子。 1. I like b_____ very much, and YaoMing is my favorite player. 2. This is a photo of my f_____.There are four people in it. 3. Lisa doesn't like this old dress, and she wants a _____ one. 4. "Hero'' is a very famous action m______. 5. Jack had a good time in Shanghai, so he _____ himself there. B.用所给词的适当形式填空。 6. In hengzhou Middle School, the classrooms of Grade One are on the____ (two) floor. 7. These _____ (visit) to our school come from different countries. 8. He finished his homework _____ (easy) last night. 9. Lily jumped _____(far) than her twin sisler Lucy in the long jump. 10.1 ____(buy)an English dictionary yesterday, because I must learn English well. 11. Mr Wu told us an ______ (interest) story. 二.补全对话:请从备选答案中选出合适的一句,将其序号填在横线上。 Mike 接到一个电话,但似乎有点误会…… A Hello. Mike speaking. B Hi, Mike. Is your brother at home? A 12 B Where is he now? A He is at school with his classmates Jim . B 13 A Yes. B It’s funny. 14 A What? Their names are different. B 15 A No, Jack is my brother, B 16 A I’m Mike, but J"m not Mike Brown. I'm Mike Green. B Oh, sorry. I dialed the wrong number. 三.阅读理解。 A.看谜语,把你的谜底写在题后的横线上。 17. I have forest but no trees; mountains but no rocks; cities without houses; rivers without water. What am I? __________ 18. You can't see me, and I can't see you. When you call, I answer; when I speak, you listen. What is it? ___________ B. 看图,选择正确答案,将其序号写在题前括号内。 ( ) 19. is in . A. France B. Australia C. Japan D. China A. Is Jim your classmate? B. Is your brother Jim? C.Oh, he isn’t in. D.They have the same name. E.What’t is your name? F. With his classmate Jim? G.But are you Mike Brown? H.Are you Jim’s brother?


小升初英语必考题型 一、单词和语法 1、简单的词组利于:look at等在小升初英语试卷中经常出现; 2、情态动词用法如must之类是小升初英语的必考内容; 3、非谓语动词也是小升初英语的必考内容; 4、虚拟语气是小升初英语的必考内容。 二、完形填空 完形填空会全面考察孩子的英语知识体系,词汇、语法、词组搭配等。三、阅读题 一般小升初英语试卷会有四道阅读题,四篇阅读题中,最后一篇非常难,有的甚至达到了高考英语水平。但是,做阅读提有一些技巧,是可以强化的。四、英文奥数题 英文奥数题是孩子认为最难的题目,因为会出现很多孩子从来没有见过的生词,而且还要孩子有一些数学基础。一般数学成绩好的孩子,英语不咋地,那么这类题就成为了他们的难题。 五、摘要写作题 这类题型对于大多数孩子来说很简单,只要孩子了解一些基本的做题技巧,都能顺利通关。孩子在考试之前,可以学习新概念英语教材,以为小升初英语写作题是从新概念英语教材中的摘要写作部分借鉴而来的。 附口诀: 英语句子万万千,五大句型把线牵。 句型种类为动词,后接什么是关键; 系词后面接表语;vi独身无牵连; vt又可分三类,单宾双宾最常见, 还有宾语补足语;各种搭配记心间。 五种基本句型: 1.主语+系动词+表语 2.主语+不及物动词 3.主语+及物动词+宾语 4.主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 5.主语+及物动词+宾语1+宾语2 六、句型 1.So + be/助动词/情牵动词/主语。 前面陈述的肯定情况也适于另一人(物)时,常用到这种倒装结构,表示"另一人(物)也如此。"前面陈述的否定情况也适于另一人(物)时,常用"Neither/


小升初英语数词专项 一、选择填空 l. September is the ________ month of the year. A. eighth B. ninth C. tenth D. eleventh 2. The People's Republic of China was founded ________ A. on October the first, 1949 B. in October the first ,1949 C. on October one, 1949 D. on October first one, 1949 3. There are ________ days in a year. A. three hundreds and sixty-five B. three hundreds and fifty-six C. three hundreds of sixty-five D. three hundred and sixty-five 4. There are ________ days in February. A. thirty B. thirty-one C. twenty-eight D. twenty-six 5. The film begins at 4:15. The right answer of ―4:15‖ is _______ A. four fifth B. fifteen four C. four fifteen D. a quarter to four 6. ________is seventy seven. A. forty and four B. thirty-seven and forty C. forty or thirty-seven D. seventy of seven 7. What row are you in? I am in ________. A. Row One B. Row First C. Row one D. One Row 8. At the age of ________, he was a worker. A. twenty B. the twenty C. twentieth D. one 9. Li Ping was born ____. A. in the year 1984, at 10 a.m. on June 18th B. on June 18th at 10 a.m. in the year 1984 C. at 10 a.m. in the year 1984 on June 18th D. at 10 a.m. on June 18th in the year 1984 10. The cotton production has increased by ____ percent this year compared with last year. A. five point six eight B. five point sixty-eight C. fifth point and six eight D. five point and six eight 11. The airport is ____ from my hometown. A. two hour's ride B. two hours' ride C. two hour ride D. two hours ride 12. The hero of the story is an artist in his____. A. thirtieth B. thirty C. thirty’s D. thirties 13. There are____ visitors in the exhibition every day. A. hundred B. hundreds of C. hundreds D. a hundred of 14. About ____ the people of the town are workers. A. sixty percent B. sixty percent of C. percent sixty D. sixty percents of 15. The story happened ____. A. in 1960’s B. in his 60’s C. in 60’s D. in the 1960’s 16. About ____ of these rooms ____ empty. A. two third, are B. two thirds, are C. two thirds, is D. two third, is 17. ---- When is your birthday party? ---- It’s on Friday,____ . A. fifth October B. five October C. the fifth of October D. the five of October 18. Mary was the____ of the ____ students climbed up to the top of the hill. A. nine, fourty B. nineth, fortieth C. ninth, forty D. nine, fortieth 19. ____ people have visited the _____ stone bridge. A. Two millions of, 500-foot-long B. Several millions of, 500-feet-long


小升初英语试卷(一) 一、 Read and write. (正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号) ( 5分 ) do mr and mrs li like loud music ben yes they do 二、 Read and choose. (选出一个画线部分发音不同于其他的单词) ( 5分 ) ( ) 1. A. sheep B. be C. bread D. read ( ) 2. A. doctor B. door C. hot D. orange ( ) 3. A. make B. cake C. play D. have ( ) 4. A. three B. there C. thank D. fourth ( ) 5. A. is B. nice C. books D. yes 三、 Choose the right word to complete the sentence.(选出正确的单词完成句子) ( 9分 ) 1.—May I use (your/yours)bicycle? —I’m sorry. ( My/Mine ) is not here. 2. Look! The cat is washing ( it’s/its ) face. 3. The supermarket is ( to/too ) ( noisy/noise ) . 4. John ( and/with ) Mary were ( in/at ) home yesterday. 5. There are ( third/three ) girls in the room. The first girl is my sister. They are ( quite/quiet ) happy. 四、Choose the best answer. (选择最恰当的答案) ( 10分 ) ( ) 1. It is evening. The girl’s shadow is . A. small B. short C.long ( ) 2. The are behind the cat. A. mouse B. mice C.mouses ( ) 3. Miss Li a bag. I a sketch book. A. have; has B. is; have C.has; have ( ) 4. The pair of glasses in my handbag. A. is B. are C.am ( ) 5. I can’t see grapes, but Ican see pineapples. A. some; some B.any; some C.any; any ( ) 6. Eric often his bicycle to the shop. A. rides B. ride C. is riding


历年小升初英语试题 2010-07-26 19:44:02 来源:外语爱好者 [标签:历年小升初英语试题] 2008外国语学校入学考试英语试题 Ⅰ.单项填空:(30分)(将答案写在前面的括号内) ( )1. Would you like ____ the football match A. to watch B. to see C. watch D. see ( )2. There is going to be a good film at the _____. A. stadium B. cinema C. office D. school ( )3. My family usually go to the park together _____ Sunday . A. in B. on C. at D. / ( )4. I would like to go to Beijing _____ the morning of Monday . A. in B. on C. at D. for ( )5 _____ is the first day of the week . A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Monday D. Friday ( )6. —Would you like something to drink —Yes,_____. A. I would like B. I would like to C. I would D. I like ( )7. He with his mother going shopping . A. is B. are C. be D. am ( )8. He and his mother going shopping. A. is B. are C. be D. am ( )9. Jackie Chan is my _____ film star.


冀教版英语小升初 冲刺测试卷 学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________ 一、下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他不同,请将这单词的标号填入题前括号内。(每题1分,共5分) ( ) 1. A. take B. game C. have ( ) 2. A. me B. be C. red ( ) 3. A. eye B. many C. goodbye ( ) 4. A. tea B. meat C. weather ( ) 5. A. warm B. garden C. party 二、选择题(每小题1分,共20分) ( ) 1.As soon as he _______, he _______ to his family. A. arrived; writes C. arrived; wrote B. arrived; written D. arrives; write ( ) 2.Mr. Black was late because he _______ his way. A. Losted B. lose C. Loses D. lost ( )3.---Are you ? ---Yes, I am. A. policeman B. a policeman C. policemen ( )4. ---What does your father do? --- . A. He is watching TV. B. He is fine. C. He is a worker.

( )5.How does she go to school? A. She goes to school by bus. B. She goes to school on bus. C. Yes, she does. ( ) 6.— Where is the morning paper? —I _______ it for you at once. A.get B.am getting C.to get D.will get ( ) 7.He _______ very upset this week, he _______ better next week. A.will be; is B.is; is C.will be; will be D.is; will be ( )8.He a big garden behind my house. many flowers in it. A. has, There is B. have, There are C. has, There are ( )9.There isn't milk in the cup. Would you like juice? A. some, any B. any, some C. any, any ( )10. We usually stay home Saturday afternoon. A. at…in B. at…on C. in…at ( ) 11.— What _______ you _______ last week? — I bought a bag. A. did; buy B. did; bought C. do; buy D. do; bought ( )12.—_______ he_______ his lunch? 一Yes, he did. A. Does; has B. Does; have C. Did; have D. Did; had ( )13.—Did the thieves _______ into the car?


小升初冠词专项突破练习题 一、在下列名词前填上a或者an,不需要的地方划/ 1.________English girl 2._______hot weather 3._________black pen 4.-------clean park 5._________old hotel 6.________red skirt 7.________blue ink 8.________small clock 9._________big apple 10______wonderful music 二、选择填空 1. Do you like playing _______ tennis or _______ piano? A. the; the B. the; x C. x; x D. x; the 2. There is _______ “U” in the word “useful”. A. a B. / C. an D. the 3.There are sixty minutes in______hour. A.an B. the C.a D./ 4.Which is bigger,_____elephant or_____horse? A.a,the B. an,a C.the, a D.,an, the 5.China is one of the _____oldest countries in __world. A.the,the B.the,/ C.a,a D.an,the 6.Paris is_______capital of France. A.a B./ C.one D.the 7._______Unite States lies in North American. A.An B.A C.The D./ 8.We should look after ______old. A.an B.the C.these D.those 9.At that time, Tom was_____one-year-old baby. A.a B.an C the D./ 10.Shanghai is on ______east of China. A.an B.a C.the D./


2019年小升初新生入学检测卷 英语试卷(时间50分钟,满分80分) 一、语音知识。(每小题0. 5分,共5分)找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的词。 1、thank A. these B. brother C. both D. without 2、where A. whole B. what C. who D. whose 3、look A. football B. food C. school D. tooth 4、care A. here B. hear C. fair D. clear 5、bread A. please B. sheep C. tea D. head 6、cake A. make B. map C. sad D. cat 7、music A. cut B. bus C. use D. put 8、Christmas A. match B. chair C. child D. character 9、now A. grow B. flower C. follow D. bowl 10、helped A. played B. planned C. killed D. worked 二、单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分) 1、Reading aloud is useful way for us to learn English well. A. a B. the C. an D. \ 2. My sister likes playing violin while my brother likes playing basketball. A. the ;the B. the;\ C. \;the D. a; a 3. My mum always gets up six Monday morning and cooks breakfast for me. A. at; on B. in ;at C. on ;at D. at ;in 4. Would you like to drink, Joe? A. Anything B. nothing C. something D. some things 5. ----Mary, book is on the desk, but I can't find . A. Your ;yours B. yours ;mine C. you ;me D. Your; mine


小学升初中英语试卷及答案(一) 一、按要求写单词。(10分) 1. she _______ (宾格) 2. country _________ (复数) 3. close ________ (现在分词) 4. three __________ (序数词) 5. China ________ (形容词) 6. I _________ (名词性物主代词) 7. boy _______(复数) 8. swim _______ (现在分词) 9. photo _______ (复数) 10. mouse ________ (复数) 二、选择填空。(10分) 1. Look! Lucy is ______ a new red dress. She is beautiful today. A. with B. put on C. in D. wear 2. -- __________? -- My bike is broken. A. What is it B. What is wrong with you C. Where is it D. Whose is this 3. There are so many people in the shop. You must ________ your things. A. look at B. look after C. put away D. put on

4. I have two good pen friends. One is an American, ______ is in England. A. the other B. another one C. another D. other 5. -- _______ are his football clothes? -- Under the bed. A. Where B. Who C. Whose D. What 6. I can see ______ in Lucy's room. A. other thing B. any other thing C. some thing D. some other things 7. These are ______. You can buy a pair for your mother. A. woman sock B. women sock C. women socks D. woman socks 8. -- Thank you very much! -- ________. A. You're right B. All right C. You are welcome D. OK. 9. -- She must be in red. No, _____. She wears a green coat. A. she is B. she must not C. I don't think so. D. I am not 10. The coat _____ the wall isn't Kate's. It's ______.


圭塘学府2011暑期小升初英语测试题 : : 一.听力题(20分) I.选出你所听到的词。(5分) ( )1. A. . B. C. D. ( )2. A. B. C. D. ( )3. A. B. C. D. ( )4. B. D. ( )5. A. B. C. .选出你听到的句子。(5分) ()6. A. a . B. a . C. a . ()7. . B. . C. . ()8. A. . B. . C. . ()9. A. ’s . B. ’s . C. ’s . ()10. A. . B. . C. . .听录音写出你所听到的词或数字。(10分) 1’s a . 2 81 _ _ _ . 3 ! 4 _ . 5 _ . 6’s a _ . 7 ? 二.选择题(30分) I 语音。从下面选出一个划线部分发音与其它四个选项不同的单词,将括号填在括号里。(10分)

( )1. C. ( )2. B. C. D. ( )3. A. B. C. D. ( )4. B. ( )5. B. C. D. . 词汇。根据句子的内容选出合适的单词,把序号填入括号中。(10分) ( )1. ? . A. B. C. D. ( )2. ? ’s . A. B. C. D. ( )3. ’s ? ’s .. A. B. C. D. ( )4. ! A. B. C. D. ( )5. ? I’m . B. C. ( )6. ’s ? . A. B. C. D. ( )7 . A. B. C. ( ) 8. , . . A. B. C. D. a ( ) 9. ? ’s . B. C. ( )10! ! B. C. D. . 句型。根据情景选出合适的句子。(10分) ( )1. ’m , . .


小升初英语词汇专项测试 (按话题分类) Name Class 1.数字 基数词one two three four ★five six seven eight nine ten 序数词 fourth sixth 基数词eleven ★twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 序数词 基数词sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen ★twenty 序数词 基数词twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five 序数词 基数词thirty thirty-one forty fifty sixty 序数词 ◇基数词与序数词的区别:基数词是“第…”的意思,前面都有单词the 2.colour(颜色) red yellow green blue purple white black orange pink brown 3.time(时间) ①year(年) 一年两年三岁大四岁 ②seasons(季节) There are seasons in a year. They’re and . ③months(月)按season划分为 Winter is , and .Spring is , and . Summer is , and .Fall is , and . ◇January is the month of a year. ④week(星期)

There are days in a week. They are , , , , , and . ⑤时间短语: 周末下周上周明天昨天 今晚或今天早上今天下午 ♀in spring/summer/January/February/March on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday ⑥时刻(at) at seven o’clock at nine o’clock at six thirty 4.Food and drinks(食品与饮料) ①western food(西方食品) cake (面包) hot dog hamburger (鸡腿) French fries coke (果汁) water tea coffee ice-cream ②eastern food(东方食品) 米饭 fish 猪肉 mutton 面条牛肉 汤 egg ③Vegetable(蔬菜) 卷心菜茄子 , green beans, tofu , 土豆 番茄黄瓜 , onion , 胡萝卜 ④Fruit(水果) 桃子 ,梨 ,orange ,西瓜 , apple , banana , 草莓 , 葡萄 , ♂关于味觉的单词 可口的或 ,健康的 ,甜的 ,酸的 , 新鲜的 ,咸的 ,饿了 ♂餐具 盘子 ,叉子 , knife , 勺子 , 筷子 请随便吃
