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Don't prop your feet up.不要把脚跷在椅子上。

在生活中,我们经常会看到有人把脚跷在旁边,或放在前面的椅子上,这是很不礼貌的。prop up表示“支撑”,如果你托着头,我们就可以说:prop your head up。当我要用东西把门撑住,让它不会自动关起来时,我们可以说:prop the door up。所以今天我们学这个短语prop your feet up,表面意思就是“把脚撑起来”,生活中指的就是“把脚放在椅子上”。


Jane: Terry, don't prop your feet up. That's not polite.


Terry: OK. All right.





1. I’m just calling to thank you for all your help in making our trip to Shanghai such a success and to let you know how much I enjoyed it.

2. I’m calling to thank you for making such great arrangements for our trip to Shanghai.

3. I’m just calling to thank you for the wonderful time we had in Shanghai.

4. I’m just calling to tell you how much we enjoyed our stay in Shanghai.


1. You’re a great hostess. I greatly appreciated all your assistance.

2. You are so kind. We would like to express our gratitude for all your help.

3. You are such a great hostess. Thank you very much for your hospitality.

4. Mr. Liu is so nice that please convey my greatest appreciation to him.

5. And thank you again for taking us out for such a memorable dinner. The restaurant was fabulous and the food really exceptional.

6. Thank you again for taking us out for such memorable meals.


1. I hope I’ll have the chance to host you sometime.

2. I hope I can sometime return the favor.

3. I look forward to the opportunity to return your hospitality on your next trip to Beijing.

4. It would be my pleasure to show you around in Beijing next time you visit us.

