



SM5386VUser ManualFile Version: V22.1.20SM5386VSpeed Sensor isSensor is a type of instrument designed to monitor wind speed. Th e instrument can continuously monitor wind speed and display remotely, and convert wind speed to Signal transmission to associated equipment. The wind speed sensor is made of aluminum alloy material, usingspecial mold precision die-casting process, the dimensional tolerance is very small, the surface precision is very high, the internal circuit is protected, the whole sensor has high strength, weather resistance,anti-proof Corrosion and water resistance. The cable connector is a military plug with good an ti-corrosion and anti-corrosion properties, which can guarantee the long-term use of the instrument.can be widely used in greenhouses, environmental protection, weather stations, ships, terminals, heavy machinery, cranes, ports, terminals, cable cars, any place where wind speed needs to be measured.Product SelectionProduct DesignRS485,4-20mA,DC0-5VMultiple output methods, the products are divided into theHow to wiring?Application solutionHow to use?Communication ProtocolThe product uses RS485 MODBUS-RTU standard protocol format, all operation or reply commands are hexadecimal data. The default device address is 1 when the device is shipped, the default baud rate is 9600, 8, n, 11. Read Data (Function id 0x03)Inquiry frame (hexadecimal), sending example: Query 1# device 1 data, the host computer sends theformat is parsed as follows:Data Description: The data in the command is hexadecimal. Take data 1 as an example. 00 79 is converted to a decimal value of 121. If the data magnification is 100, the actual value is 121/100=1.21. Others and so on.(1) Read or query device addressIf you don't know the current device address and there is only one device on the bus, you can use thedevice address, 00 64 is the device model register.For the correct query command, the device will respond, for example the response data is: 01 03 0255 3C converted to decimal 20182 indicates that the current device main model is 21820, the last two bytes 00 01 Indicates that the device has a status quantity.(2)Change device addressFor example, if the current device address is 1, we want to change to 02, the command is:01 06 00 66 00 02 E8 14 .address. After the general device address is changed, it will take effect immediately. At this time, the user needs to change the query command of the software at the same time.4 Read and Modify Baud Rate(1) Read baud rateThe device default factory baud rate is 9600. If you need to change it, you can change it according to the following table and the corresponding communication protocol. For example, read the current device's baud rate ID, the command is:01 03 00 67 00 01 35 D5 , its format is parsed as follows.Read the baud rate encoding of the current device. Baud rate encoding: 1 is 2400; 2 is 4800; 3 is 9600;4 is 19200;5 is 38400;6 is 115200.For the correct query command, the device will respond, for example the response data is: 01 03 02 00 03 F8 45, the format of which is as shown in the following table:coded according to baud rate, 03 is 9600, ie the current device has a baud rate of 9600.(2)Change the baud rateFor example, changing the baud rate from 9600 to 38400, ie changing the code from 3 to 5, theChange the baud rate from 9600 to 38400, changing the code from 3 to 5. The new baud rate will take effect immediately, at which point the device will lose its response and the baud rate of the device should be queried accordingly. Modified.5 Read Correction Value(1) Read Correction ValueWhen there is an error between the data and the reference standard, we can reduce the display error by adjusting the correction value. The correction difference can be modified to be plus or minus 1000, that is, the value range is 0-1000 or 64535 -65535. For example, when the display value is too small, we can correct it by adding 100. The command is: 01 03 00 6B 00 01 F5 D6 . In the command 100 is hex 0x64 If you need to reduce, you can set a negative value, such as -100, corresponding to the hexadecimal value of FF 9C, which is calculated as 100-65535=65435, and then converted to hexadecimal to 0x FF 9C. The correction value starts from 00 6B. We take the first parameter as an example. The correction va lue is read and modified in the same way for multiple parameters.first state quantity correction value register. If the device has multiple parameters, other parameters operate in this way. The same, the general temperature, humidity have this parameter, the light generally does not have this item.(2)Change correction valueFor example, the current state quantity is too small, we want to add 1 to its true value, and the currentparameters take effect immediately after successful change.For example, the range is 0~30m/s, the analog output is 4~20mA cur rent signal, wind speed and current The calculation relationship is as shown in the formula: C = (A2-A1) * (X-B1) / (B2-B1) + A1, where A2 is wind speed range upper limit, A1 is the lower limit of the range, B2 is current output range upper limit, B1 is the lower limit, X is the currently read wind speed value, and C is the calculated current value. The list of commonly used values is as follows:SM5386V User Manual /As shown in the above formula, when measuring 8mA, current current is 11.5m/s。




































处理后的风速数据可通过传感器 的数据接口输出,支持多种输出 格式和通信协议,方便与不同设 备进行数据交互。同时,传感器 还支持无线传输功能,可将数据 实时发送至指定终端设备。
该传感器具有结构紧凑、重量轻、便 于安装和使用等特点,可广泛应用于 气象、风电、航空航天等领域。
采用先进的测量原理和高精度 的信号处理算法,能够实现风
适用于不同风速范围的测量需 求,可提供多种量程选择。
经过严格的质量控制和环境适 应性测试,具有良好的稳定性 和可靠性。
将传感器的电源线连接到电源上, 并确保电源稳定可靠。
将传感器安装在支架上,并使用螺 丝固定好。
调整传感器的方向,使其指向风向 标所在的方向。
使用其他测量工具(如风速计)对同一位置的风速进行测 量,与传感器的测量结果进行比对,以验证传感器的准确 性。
可能是由于传感器校准不当、环境因素影响或传感器 本身质量问题等原因造成。
首先检查传感器的电源和电缆连接是否正 常,如有问题及时修复。
检查周围环境中是否存在干扰因素,如电 磁干扰、振动干扰等,并采取相应的措施 予以排除。


(4) 断电点: 按遥控器面板上的“功能+”或“功能-”,使数码管显示“4 XXX”(出厂时设为 0.5),用户需要调整时,按“参数+”或“参数-”使数码管显示为用户要求值。
(5) 复电点: 按遥控器面板上的“功能+”或“功能-”,使数码管显示“5 XXX”(出厂时设为 1.2),用户需要调整时,按“参数+”或“参数-”使数码管显示为用户要求值。
(7) 测试点: 测试功能主要是通过此功能检测其声光报警及输出是否正常。按遥控器面板上的 “功能+”或“功能-”使数码管显示“7 XXX”(0-15.0 可任意设置),用户需要调整时,按“参数+” 或“参数-”,使数码管显示为用户要求值。
注意:每次参数调整完毕后必须按“退出”键,以保证参数被有效的保存,如果没有按“退出” 键或其它键,30 秒后参数不保存自动退出到测量状态。 5 使用注意事项
上下左右晃动,距传感器 20m 范围内不能有遮挡物体存在,以免挡住风流,影响传感器的正常测量。
4.2 传感器接线
本传感器的外部接线采用航空插座方式,外配一个带航空插头的 1.5 米电缆线(型号 MHYVR-1×5× 7/0.3,外径约 8mm)。航空插头各引脚的定义及电缆芯线的对应关系如下:
1 号脚 -- 电缆红芯 --- 电源 + 2 号脚 -- 电缆白芯 --- 电源 3 号脚 -- 电缆蓝芯 --- 信号 + 4 号脚 -- 电缆绿芯 --- 信号 – 5 号脚 -- 电缆黄芯 --- NC(空) 4.3 传感器的使用
的传输电缆时,传输距离不小于 2km。
11 附件及资料



风向变送器STEWD-YM039说明书测量参数量 程:0~360°或16风向,“北”由传感器上箭头标志指定测量精度: ±5°或1个风向启动风速:0.2~0.5 m/S换算公式:电压型0-15=电压V*7.5(±40mV 误差区间)电流型0-15=(电流-4mA)/1.06666(±0.4mA 误差区间)使用环境:-30℃~70℃/0-100%RH(可轻度沙尘/凝露,结冰情况下不适用)电路参数 电压型 电流型 数字型 注意事项 附:十六风向表 工作电压12V(7-24V) 12/24V 12V(7-24V) 纹波<200mV 北、东北偏北、东北、东北偏东、东、东南偏东、东南、东南偏南、南、西南偏南、西南、西南偏西、西、西北偏西、西北、西北偏北 静态功耗8-15mA 15-30mA 8-15mA 浪涌防护不可替代引雷器或防雷器 输出方式0-2V/0-5V 4-20mA RS485(ModBus-04) 雷击浪涌 600W@1000uS 600W@1000uS 600W@1000uS 功能特点采用铝合金及不锈钢结构,铝阳极氧化表面处理与静电喷涂处理,精巧坚固,法兰式安装,使用方便 具备较为全面的防护措施及抗干扰能力,可在多种气候条件下使用数字型采用标准ModBus 协议,04号读寄存器指令,CRC16校验方式(指令格式请自行参阅有关资料) 引线定义红线 黄线 绿线 黑线 注意事项 电压/电流型电源正 信号正 信号负/地 电源负/地 信号负与电源负可并联合并 数字型 电源正 485-/A 485+/B 电源负/地 请勿对485信号线施加电压 注意事项(电流输出型默认输出匹配100欧下拉电阻,250欧请事先说明,仅限24V 供电!)如无特殊要求,信号输出将不具备反向保护及过压、过流保护功能,请勿将信号线接错,以防损毁! 传感器线缆屏蔽层一般情况下已与电源地线短路,接线时请妥善处理屏蔽线,防止电源短路或故障! 适用范围采用高性能磁敏元件,并运用独特的处理算法,可实现对环境风向角度的测量,并输出标准的信号。

Vaisala WMT700风速传感器说明书

Vaisala WMT700风速传感器说明书

Order Form Valid from20161020JGL Vaisala Ultrasonic Wind SensorWMT700WMT 7 01Measurement range90 m/s WMT704490 m/s + Accredited Wind Calibration (WMT704)D2Temperature range-10...+60 C A-40...+60 C B-55...+70 C C3HeatingNon-heated version1Heated transducers2Heated transducers and arms3Heated transducers, arms and body44Digital communication interfaceRS-485 isolated ARS-422 isolated BRS-232 isolated CSDI-12 isolated D5Digital communication profileWMT70 - poll mode (default)9600b, 8, N, 1 Polled0WS425 - ASCII 2400b, 8, N, 1 Polled1WS425 - NMEA Extended(v 0183)9600b, 8, N, 1 Auto send 1/s2WS425 - SDI-12 (v 1.3)1200b, 7, E, 1 Polled3WS425 - ASOS 2400b, 8, N, 1 Polled4ROSA - MES12 9600b, 8, N, 1 Polled5AWS520 - NMEA Extended(v 0183)4800b, 8, N, 1 Auto send 1/s86Digital communication unitsm/s Aknots Bmph Ckm/h D7Analog output signals for wind speed channelDisabled0Voltage output100 mV/m/s1Current output 4...20 mA(0...Range m/s)3Current output0.2 mA/m/s4Push-Pull frequency output10 Hz/m/s6WS425 - voltage output8 mV/mph7WS425 - frequency output (Push-Pull) 5 Hz/mph8Pull up frequency output (PNP)10 Hz/m/s APull down frequency output (NPN)10 Hz/m/s B8Analog output signals for wind direction channelDisabled0Voltage output20 mV/Deg ACurrent output50 uA/Deg DCurrent output 4...20 mA44.444 uA/Deg EPotentiometer output (WS425)0...Vref (Vref = external reference voltage from system)F9CableNone1Cable 2 m, cable connector, open leads on one end WMT70Cable12Cable 10 m, cable connector, open leads on one end WMT70Cable23MAWS cable 10 m WMT70Cable34AWS520 cable 10 m, shield connected to PE pin WMT70Cable45Adapter cable for WS425 serial WMT70Cable56Adapter cable for WS425 analog frequency output WMT70Cable67RS485 Cable 2 m, cable connector, open leads on one end WMT70Cable88RS485 Cable 10 m, cable connector, open leads on one end WMT70Cable99Adapter cable for WS425 analog voltage output WMT70Cable7AAWS520 cable 10 m, shield not connected to PE pin WMT70Cable10BROSA analog cable 10 m, cable connector, open leads on one end WMT70Cable11CJunction Box with Cable 2meters WMT70Cable12DCable 15 m, cable connector, open leads on one end WMT70Cable13ECable 26 m, cable connector, open leads on one end WMT70Cable14F 10Mounting adapterAdapter 228869 only Standard adapter, no fix AAdapter 228869 with WMT70FIX70 (suitable also for inverted mounting)Standard adapter with general purpose fix BAdapter 228869 with WMT700FIX60-POM Standard adapter with plastic fix for 60 mm pole CAdapter 228869 with WMT700FIX60-RST Standard adapter with stainless steel fix for 60 mm pole DAdapter 228777 only (used for old WS425 FIX30/60)WS425 compatible adapter, no fix E 11Power - Reserved for furture purposesNone1 12AccessoriesNone ABird cage WMT70BirdKit B 13ManualNone1English2Japanese3Chinese4Russian5DEIF6French7Spanish8For freezing conditions select appropriate combination of heating and temperature ranges.AccessoriesTool Verifier WMT70VerifierCable Tightener Tool237888SPBird Bird cage WMT70BirdKitBird perch WS425BirdPerchCable Cable connector WMT70ConnCable 2 m, cable connector, open leads on one end227567SPCable 10 m, cable connector, open leads on one end227568SPCable 15 m, cable connector, open leads on one end237890SPCable 26 m, cable connector, open leads on one end237889SPRS485 Cable 2 m, cable connector, open leads on one end228259SPRS485 Cable 10 m, cable connector, open leads on one end228260SPMAWS cable 10 m227565SPAWS520 cable 10 m, shield connected to PE pin229807SPAWS520 cable 10 m, shield not connected to PE pin227566SPROSA analog cable 10 m, cable connector, open leads on one end231425SPAdapter cable for WS425 serial227569SPAdapter cable for WS425 analog frequency output227570SPAdapter cable for WS425 analog voltage output227571SPJunction Box with Cable 2meters ASM210719SPWMT700 USB service cable240855Universal USB service cable with screw terminal for RS485 or RS232240884Mounting WMT700 Mounting Accessories:Adapter for FIX70228869Fix70 (suitable also for inverted mounting)WMT70FixSPMounting adapter 60mm POM WMT700FIX60-POMSPMounting adapter 60mm RST WMT700FIX60-RSTSPCross-arm (40x40x850mm)WMT70CROSSARMWS425 Mounting Accessories:Adapter for old WS425 FIX30/60228777FIX30WS425Fix30FIX60WS425Fix60Sensor support arm for 60mm pole (655mm with integrated fix for item 228777)WAC425。

HL-SDS HL-SDS-X 系列风速传感器说明书

HL-SDS HL-SDS-X 系列风速传感器说明书

HL-SDS/HL-SDS-X 系列风速传感器说明书
HL-SDS 系列,外壳为耐高温防腐蚀材质,变送器基于热耗散或毕托管原理,所需空气量极少,即使在恶劣环境中,性能同样稳定可靠;相比于其他传统风速传感器可获得更好的稳定性,能保证更快速的精确微小风量测量和精度,宽量程比,通过内部微控制器将检测数据进行全量程精确标定,线性补偿和温度补偿均为数字化实现,因此精度和分辨率高;无零点漂移,长期稳定性极好,使其性价比更高。


主要应用场合;暖通空调(HVAC )、过滤器压降监控、化工、航空、电子、能源管理系统、VAV 及风扇控制、环境污染控制静态管路和洁净室压力、医药环境、烟雾罩控制、烘箱增压及炉通风控制等领域。

注:HL-SDS 同时支持4~20Ma /0~10V 无需跳线。







GFW15矿用风速传感器执行标准:Q/SDBA003-2012GB3836-2010使用说明书山东三大博安测控技术有限公司20201212年7月目录一、概述 (1)二、主要技术参数 (2)三、传感器工作原理简介 (3)四、安装方法 (4)五、使用操作 (5)六、维护和修理 (8)七、运输与贮存 (8)八、故障分析与排除 (9)九、随机配件 (10)一、概述GFW15矿用风速传感器是依据MT448-2008《矿用风速传感器》和GB3836.4-2010《爆炸性环境第4部分:由本质安全型“i”保护的设备》的标准制造,符合Q/SDBA003-2012产品标准,防爆标志为ExibI(矿用本质安全型)。




2、型号命名G F W15测量范围超声波漩涡式风速传感器3、电缆参数电缆型号:MHYV1×4×7/0.52参数:电阻≤12.8Ω/km,电容≤0.06μF/km,电感≤0.8mH/km4、防爆形式及标志本产品防爆型式为矿用本质安全型,防爆标志为ExibI。

5、外形尺寸及重量外形尺寸(长×宽×高):307mm×131mm×82mm(如图1所示);质量:1.1kg±0.1kg图1:传感器外形尺寸二、主要技术参数1、工作电压:21.5V,波动范围12V~24V(DC)2、工作电流:≤50mA3、测量范围:风速0.4~15m/s4、允许误差:≤±0.3m/s5、重复性误差:显示数值X±1%6、输出方式:频率信号输出,200Hz~1000Hz7、传输距离:传感器使用电缆标称截面积为1.5mm 2时,传感器与关联设备的传输距离2km8、遥控器:普通1.5V 五号干电池2节遥控范围3m9、防爆形式:ExibI (矿用本质安全型)10、本安参数:Ui :21.5V I i :50mA Ci :0μF Li :0mH11、防护等级:IP54三、传感器工作原理简介根据卡曼涡街理论,在无限界流场中,垂直于流向插入一根非流线形阻力体(即旋涡发生体)。


3 技术特性 3.1 主要特征
3.1.1 传感器具有风速、风向、风量检测功能(风速、风量功能只能二选一)。 3.1.2 传感器具有输出状态指示功能。 3.1.3 传感器具有红外遥控设置功能。 3.1.4 传感器具有声光报警功能。 3.2 主要技术指标 3.2.1 工作电压、工作电流:
工作电压:(9~25)V DC;工作电流≤180mA。 3.2.2 输出信号
调校指示位无显示),最后将风洞内风速值分别设定在 0.4m/s,3m/s,6m/s,9m/s,14m/s,待风洞内
传感器具有两路信号输出,一路输出风速(或风量)信号,一路输出风向信号; 风速输出信号制式为以下四种,出厂时输出信号制式为四选一:
a)电流:DC (4~20)mA,负载电阻(0~500)Ω; b) 电流:DC (1~5)mA,负载电阻(0~1)kΩ; c)频率:(200~2000) Hz(输出电流 2mA 时,脉冲宽度大于 0.3ms,脉冲幅度:高电平不小于 3V, 低电平不大于 0.5 V),当风速信号为频率信号时,(200~1000) Hz 对应正向风速值,(1200~2000) Hz 对应反向风速值; d)数字信号: RS-485 数字通信,信号工作电压峰峰值不大于 15 Vp-p、信号工作电流峰峰值不大 于 150 mA。 风向输出信号制式为以下两种,出厂时输出信号制式为二选一: a)电流:1 mA/5 mA,负载电阻(0~500)Ω,其中 1mA 对应正风(或顺风)信号,5mA 对应反风 (或逆风)信号; b)数字信号: RS-485 数字通信,信号工作电压峰峰值不大于 15 Vp-p、信号工作电流峰峰值不大 于 150 mA。 3.2.3 正向风速测量范围:(0.4~15)m/s,分辨率 0.1m/s。 3.2.4 风量测量范围:根据巷道横截面积实时显示测量点风量值,最大量程为 750 m3/s。 3.2.5 反向风速测量范围:(0.4~15)m/s,分辨率 0.1m/s。 3.2.6 基本误差 正向风速基本误差: ±0.2m/s。 反向风速基本误差:±0.2m/s。 3.2.7 传感器使用电缆的单芯截面积为 1.5mm2 时,传感器与关联、配接设备之间的传输距离≥2km。 3.3 本安参数:Ui:25.0V、Ii:470mA、Ci:0.88μF、Li:80μH。



*稳定性好:本仪器根据卡曼涡街理论测量的风速稳定可靠。 *兼容性好:本仪器可由红外遥控器灵活设置多种输出信号制式,几乎可以与国内所有类型的分站连接。
2、安装 实际使用前,一般可进行简单测试。本机出厂时已设置好参数,接线完成后,即可通电。在无风状态,风速显 示为零,然后对准探头进风口吹风,本机即刻显示一定风速。 安装时,把传感器牢固地安装在测量位置,不 能晃动,注意探头进风方向,有三角柱体侧为进风口。接入电源及输出线,即传感器电缆。
接收电路;数据存储电路等组成。 电源电路:
,给各电路供电5V,D102为电源反相集成块7660,将+5V电压反相输出-5V电压供精密运算放大器D302使 用。
超声波调制原理: 根据卡曼涡节理论,在无限界流场中垂直插入一根无限长的非线性阻力体(漩涡发生体)时,则在一定的 雷诺数范围内(RED=200~50000),阻力体下游会产生两排交替的、内旋的漩涡列,而其漩涡率正比于流速 。 微处理电路: 此电路由集成微机芯片(单片机)D101及晶振JZ1、电容C101、C102组成。它完成数据的采集、运算、 处理、控制、输出等功能。
*微电脑处理芯片:采用新型单片微机和高集成数字化电路,使电路结构简单、性能可靠,便于维修调试。 *灵敏度高:高性能的传感器元件加上仪器内部软件的自动非线性补偿使得仪器对风速的检测具有较高的灵敏度

GFY15型煤矿用 说明书

GFY15型煤矿用 说明书

GFY15型煤矿用风速传感器使用说明书上海高致精密仪器有限公司1 概述 (1)2 工作原理与结构 (2)3 技术特征 (3)4 外形尺寸、重量 (3)5 使用方法 (3)6 故障分析及排除 (3)7 注意事项 (6)8 成套性 (6)9 贮存、运输 (6)10 开箱及检查 (7)11 售后服务 (7)附录A (8)警告:1.严禁改变本安电路和与本安电路有关的元器件的型号、规格和参数!2.关联设备未经联检不得接入本传感器!GFY15型煤矿用风速传感器使用说明书一概述1、产品特点GFY15型煤矿用风速传感器(以下简称传感器)采用嵌入式微控制器技术,在测量原理上使用的是利用微压差变化来测量风速,内部线性化和温度补偿均采用数字化实现。





3、型号的组成及其代表意义最大测量范围15m/s差压原理风速传感器4、环境条件1)使用环境条件a) 工作温度-5℃~40℃;b) 相对湿度≤98%;c) 气压(80~116)kPa;d) 机械环境:无显著振动和冲击的场所;e) 可含有瓦斯、煤尘等的场所;f)防爆标志:矿用本质安全型,防爆标志ExibI2)贮存温度 -40℃~+60℃。

3)关联设备及检测元件见附录A 。

二 工作原理与结构1、 结构传感器结构见图1。

1.电源/9. 航空插座10.传感器连接线 11.微差压传感器图12、工作原理仪器由电源电路、风速检测元件、单片机信号处理单元、显示电路、报警电路、红外遥控电路、频率信号输出电路、RS-485通讯电路等构成,工作原理框图见图2。

OMC-160 风速传感器安装和技术使用说明书

OMC-160 风速传感器安装和技术使用说明书

OMC-160 Anemometer Meteorological Applications Installation & technical user manualVersion 2.04TDC 28-11-2013Version history2.04 28-11-2013 Corrected part number of Wind vane (page 11)TABLE OF CONTENTS1. GENERAL (5)1.1D ATA SUMMARY (6)2. INSTALLATION (7)2.1M ECHANICAL (7)2.2E LECTRICAL (7)3. COMMISSIONING (8)3.1A LIGN PROCEDURE (8)4. SENSOR BODY (9)4.1M AINTENANCE (10)4.2S PARE PARTS (11)5. THE OUTPUT OF THE OMC-160 (12)5.1OMC-160 FORMAT (12)5.2NMEA (12)6. INTERNAL WIRING (13)7. CONNECTIONS (14)7.1J UMPER FUNCTION CONNECTION 13&14 (14)8. DIMENSIONS (15)9. DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY (16)Page intentionally left blank1. GeneralThe wind sensor combination OMC-160 consists of the wind speed sensor and wind direction sensor. The system is robust, lightweight, corrosion resistive and easy to install.The wind sensor is a rotary-cup type unit made from stainless steel. The 3 cups are helicoid shaped, 80 mm in diameter, with an outer spin diameter of 130 mm. Rotation of the cup-unit generates 8 pulses/rotation in an optical encoder. The encoder is directly connected to the micro processor which converts the pulses to wind speed in M/S.The wind direction sensor is a wind vane type unit, made from stainless steel. The wind vane drives a resolver, from which the reference coils are connected to the microprocessor. The micro processor translates the sine and cosine output from the resolver into a direction signal.The microprocessor transmitter is completely encapsulated to withstand extreme environmental conditions. It converts both the optical pulses from the wind speed and the resolver position from the wind direction, into a combined digital signal (serial current loop, 300 bps, ASCII code). This signal can be transmitted over cable lengths up to 1200 meters, but it can also be transmitted via VHF or other data-communication systems. The transmitter unit requires a 8- 30 volts dc supply, which is usually supplied by the indicator coupled to the wind sensor (typically 15Vdc).De-icing heatersAs an option, the wind sensors may be equipped with de-icing heaters. These heaters are located in the top part of the sensors. By heating the bearing-housing, it prevents the rotating parts freezing to the housing in case of precipitation at low temperatures. The heaters (24 Volts ac or dc, 35 Watt) are controlled by a thermostat in the sensor housing.1.1 Data summaryPower supply: 8 TO 30 VDC 60 mAOutput: Currentloop ASCII coded output 20 mA2.30NMEA-0183versionkgWeight: 6.5Dimensions: 865x248x465mm (DxWxH) see sketch chapter 8 Mounting pole: max. 65 mm diaOperating temperature: –25 to 70°CMoisture protection: IP65Humidity: 10 to 95%Accuracy: Wind speed: better than 2% FROWind direction: better than 3 degreesSpeed range: 0,3…75 m/sClass: EMC EN 50081-1 class B, EN 50082-2Conform RoHS directive 2002/95/EC en 2005/18/EC2. Installation2.1 MechanicalThe wind sensor OMC-160 is supplied with the mounting bracket and junction box. This can be mounted on a vertical pipe with external diameters between 35-60 mm using the U-bolt clamps supplied.Before starting the installation, make sure that all components are complete, and that the mast is properly fixed to withstand rugged wind forces. The wind-sensors are usually shipped with the wind vane and cups disconnected from their appropriate units. On the common unit, the upper spindle is for the wind direction sensor, and the lower spindle for the wind speed sensor. To prevent damaging the wind vane and cups, properly mount thesensor/bracket combination on the mast before fitting the wind vane and cup-unit. (this may not always possible)Ensure that the sensors are mounted high enough to avoid any turbulence from obstacles. For guidance refer to the WMO publication ’Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation’ (latest issue).On completion of the above installation carry out the setting-up procedure as contained in the commissioning paragraph ElectricalThe mounting bracket is provided witha junction box for connection of the fieldcabling. The combined wind sensor onlyrequires a 4-core cable (2 twisted pairs, 0.75mm2, common screen). In case that thesensors are equipped with de-icing heater, a6-core cable is required with 2 extra coresfor the heather.Because the current drawn by the heateris ±2 amp the cable from the sensor to thejunction box should be as short as possibleto prevent loss of power. For the cable fromthe junction box to the heater transformer thecable size depends on the length of thatcable.The field cable should be properlysupported, and fastened to prevent exertingforce on the terminals. The common screenof the cable must be grounded to earth onone end only, inside the junction box of thewind sensor.3. CommissioningBefore commissioning the wind sensor, check that the display is properly connected and the power is switched on. The display normally provides the 15 volts dc power supplyto the wind sensor, which can be measured between terminals (1) and (2) at the rear of the display. The wind speed sensor needs no further commissioning, it will automatically transmit the measured speed.3.1 Align procedureLand-based:The wind direction sensor needs alignment. In land based systems the OMC-160 shouldbe aligned to North. After alignment the OMC-160 wind sensor will report "absolute" wind direction. This way of alignment is also used on most fixed offshore rigs.Ship-based:On ship based systems the OMC-160 should be aligned to the bow of the vessel. After alignment the OMC-160 will report "relative" wind direction. This way of alignment is also used on small buoys and on some offshore objects as F(P)SO’s.For the purpose of alignment the sensor is provided with an LED located in the junction box mounted on the mounting bracket which will light-up when the sensor transmits a direction signal around zero degrees (between 350 and 010 degrees):1. Open the cover of the junction box that is located on the mounting bracket toobserve the LED.2. When the color of the LED is green the sensor transmits a direction between002 to 010 degrees.3. When the color of the LED is red the sensor transmits a direction between the350 an the 358.4. When the color of the LED turns yellow the transmitted signal is "North" or 0degrees, within a band width of 2 degrees.5. For land based alignment locate North by using a hand held compass or similar.6. Unscrew the locknut of the wind vane7. Put a screwdriver in the groove of the vane-shaft and set the counterweight ofthe wind vane pointing to North or the ships bow, and keeping it in thisposition, slowly turn the shaft with the screwdriver until the LED lights up.8. Fine adjust the shaft until the LED lits yellow (i.e. North or 0 degrees within 2degrees)9. Tighten the lock-nut of the wind vane, taking care that the vane does not move onthe shaft.10. Check the "North" transmitting signal with LED after tightening the vane locknut.11. Close the junction box cover.Remark:Depending on local circumstances, it may be more practical to align the wind vane with the sensor mounting bracket and adjust the wind vane shaft until the LED light. The mounting bracket can then be aligned to the north by rotating the complete mast, thus aligning the wind vane to the North.4. Sensor body4.1 MaintenanceThe OMC-series wind sensors are designedfor low maintenance and all components are conservatively rated. The only componentsthat are likely to require replacement due to normal wear are the precision ball bearings. Replacement of these components should only be attempted by a qualified technician. Itshould be carried out in a workshop free fromdirt and impurities.Refer to assembly drawings of wind speedand, wind direction sensor for part names and locations. First remove the cup-unit or vane-unit from the body by unscrewing the locknutand lifting the unit. To gain access to the bearings remove the bearing housing by unscrewing the 3 screws on the side of the body. When lifting the bearing housing, the attached transmitter block in the speed sensor,or the resolver in the direction sensor will alsobe pulled out with the attached wiring. Before disconnecting this wiring mark the original connections.In the wind speed sensor the transmitter block must be removed after which the columns can bescrewed off to free the bearing lock plate. The bearings can now be taken out complete with the shaft. In the wind direction sensor this is done in a similar way after removing the resolver.When the bearings are renewed, care should be taken not to apply excessive force on the new bearings.The bearing housings of wind speed and wind direction units are not identical on the OMC-160.When re-installing the complete bearing housing with the transmitter block or resolver, care should be taken that the internal wiring is properly connected, and not touching any moving part.The cable-gland in the bottom part of the body should be tightened to support the field cable.Parts with positioning numbers as used in the drawings on the previous pages.Pos Nr. Description Pos Nr. Description 18 2Ball bearing383Distance column19 2 Ball bearing 39 6 Hexagonal screw 20 2 Axis40 2 Lockingscrew 21 1 Bearing wind direction 41 2 Circlip washer 22 1 Center bus 42 1 Circlip washer23 1 Carrier fork 43 6 Countersunk head screw 24 1 Carrier pin plate 44 1 O-ring 25 1 Mounting plate resolver 45 2 Circlip washer 26 1Distance tube resolver462Spring washer27 3 Bolt 47 2 Cap nut 28 1Resolver29 2 Screw 14 1 Cable gland 30 1Transmitter block15131 1 Bearinghouse wind speed 16 32 1Locking plate331 Pulse code cap4.2 Spare partsPart : Part No.Cup assembly : OMC-9166 Fin assembly : OMC-9165 Transmitter block : OMC-9161 Ball bearing set : OMC-9169Retaining ring Diameter. 10 x 1 mm and 8 x 1 mm included in bearing set.5. The output of the OMC-1605.1 OMC-160 formatJumper on terminal 13 & 14 sets the sensor to OMC-160 ouput:The output of a OMC-160 wind sensor is a current loop signal with ASCII information.The format of this message is:The checksum is all information in the string added, the least significant byte is divided into high and low nibble and both nibbles are incremented by hexadecimal 30. This information is sent out as a checksum.Data protocol,Baud rate = 300 Parity = noneWord length = 8 Stop bit = 15.2 NMEAJumper removed from terminal 13 & 14 will set the output to NMEA 4800 baud (On request this can be set to 9600 Baud).$IIMWV,xxx.x,R,xxx.x,M,A*xx(CR)(LF)$IIMWV, ID : II, MWV message typedirectionxxx.x, WindR, Relativespeedxxx.x, WindM, m/svalue,V= invalid value=validA, A* Check sum identifierxx Check sum (high byte first)ReturnCR CarriageFeedLF Line6. Internal wiringShould for some reason the sensor not be electrically connected to the mounting bracket junction box, access must be gained to the interior of the sensor to enable connection of the field cabling. Remove the bearing-assembly from the sensor body by unscrewing the three screws on the side of the body, and lift the bearing-assembly. In the wind speed sensor the transmitter block is fitted to the bearing housing, and in the wind direction sensor the resolver is fitted to the bearing housing. From the wind direction resolver six signal cores are connected to the transmitter block in the wind speed sensor. The combined output signal is available on 14 screw terminals on the transmitter block. Field cabling can be connected either directly to the transmitter block terminals inside the speed sensor, or via a junction box on the mounting bracket. (see internal wiring diagram)7.1 Jumper function connection 13 & 14In the junction box of the OMC-160 a jumper can be found on terminal 13 & 14. It is possible to set different output types with this jumper. The available settings are:Jumper in place:∙Baud rate 300 baud∙OMC-160 format on terminal 3 & 4 Currentloop∙OMC-160 format on terminal 1 & 9 RS232∙Jumper removed:∙Baud rate 4800 baud∙NMEA format on terminal 3 & 4 Currentloop∙NMEA format on terminal 9 & 10 RS4229. Declaration of Conformity。



风速传感器产品说明书目录简介 (2)技术参数 (2)功能特点 (2)传感器构成及特点 (2)结构尺寸图 (2)固定方式 (3)信号输出定义 (3)线色定义 (3)RS485通讯协议 (3)寄存器说明与命令格式 (5)风力等级划分表.............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

风速与输出信号对应表. (6)维护和保养 (7)用户反馈意见表 (7)附录一、风速传感器RS485通讯设置及实例 (7)联系方式............................................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。


二、技术参数RS485通讯型脉冲型电压型: 0-5VDC电流型: 4-20mA电源:DC12~24 V量程:0-30m/s风速分辨精度:0.1 m/s最大功耗(DC24V): 脉冲型MAX≤0.2W;电压型MAX≤0.3W;电流型MAX≤0.7W;启动风力:0.4~0.8m/s 重量:≤0.5Kg三、功能特点◆体积小,携带方便、安装简捷、外观精美;◆有较强的防腐蚀性和耐候性;◆测量精度高,量程范围宽,稳定性好;◆功耗低,较强的抗干扰能力,能长期稳定工作;◆电源适应范围宽,数据信息线性度好,信号传输距离长;四、传感器构成及特点风速传感器由壳体、风杯和电路模块组成。



风速传感器(型号:F6100)使用说明书版本号:1.0实施日期:2017.09.20郑州炜盛电子科技有限公司Zhengzhou Winsen Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd声明本说明书版权属郑州炜盛电子科技有限公司(以下称本公司)所有,未经书面许可,本说明书任何部分不得复制、翻译、存储于数据库或检索系统内,也不可以电子、翻拍、录音等任何手段进行传播。














性能参数产品型号F6100量程①0.5、1、2、3、5、10m/s最小典型值最大单位满量程输出② 4.30 4.50 4.70V零流量输出②0.30.500.70V输出阻抗-200-Ω工作电压 5.0512.0V工作电流8090140mA分辨率③-±5±10‰F.S反应时间0.13S工作温度-25-65℃储存温度-40-90℃管脚功能1VCC 2GND 3OUT图1:传感器尺寸图产品特点温漂低稳定可靠超快响应高灵敏度抗电磁干扰应用场所便携仪器管路检测医疗卫生现场控制新风系统1提供0-100m/s之间任意量程,0.5、1、2、3、5、10m/s为常规量程,其他量程收定制费。

WFS 风速传感器使用说明书

WFS 风速传感器使用说明书

WFS 系列风速传感器使用说明书[ WT-197V2.0 ]-1--4--2--3-WFS-1型风速传感器应用典型三杯式设计,由壳体、风杯、和电路模块等组成。




测量范围:1.0~60m/s准 确 度:<30m/s±(0.5+0.05v) ≥30m/s±5% 起动风速:<0.1m /s 工作电压:DC12-36V 响应时间:<0.5s环境温度:-20℃~ +70℃ 湿度: 20%-90%RH (25℃不结露)-6-WFS-15.2 信号输出航插座引脚定义1:电源+2:4~20MA 3:NA 4:NA 5:GND例、WFS-1-3 表示信号输出为0-5V 。

5.1 产品选型及引脚定义WFS-2-2 接线定义4~20mA 0~5V Rs4851234厂家型号 输出型号代码 输出型号类型5.3 MODBUS RTU 通讯协议5.3.1参数说明我公司对外输出的通讯采用标准modbus 的RTU 协议。

串口通信方式:RS485通信参数设置:波特率:9600 数据位:8 停止位:1 校验位:无通信超时:建议设置50ms 以上轮询间隔:建议设置50ms 以上5.3.2消息说明接收的命令字格式如下:字节序号 类别 内容 说明 备注0102030405060708消息头可变消息尾XX 030001XX XX XXXX仪表地址 功能码 寄存器地址H 寄存器地址L 数据长度H 数据长度L 根据仪表系统参数设置固定固定根据每台仪表的需要设置随数据的变化而变化CRC16校验码当仪表接收到正确的命令字后,开始回传正确的数据,命令格式如下:字节序号 类别 内容 说明 备注010203消息头回传的数据消息尾仪表地址 功能码 数据长度数据1(风速)数据2(风级)数据3根据仪的地址设置固定 根据每台需要来040506070809XX 03XX H L H L H L ……………………XX XXWFS-2-3 接线定义 WFS-2-4 接线定义数据的长度和每个数据代表的含义根据每台仪表的情况来确定随数据的变化而变化CRC16校验码本产品属精密电子产品,正确的维护保养有助于保护仪器性能、延长传感器的使用寿命,应注意下列几点:1、按说明书要求正确使用,接线有误可能导致传感器损坏.2、轻拿轻放,误压,否则导致产品结构变形损坏,或精度降低。

Ventus 010C风速传感器操作手册说明书

Ventus 010C风速传感器操作手册说明书

MODEL 010CWIND SPEED SENSOROPERATION MANUAL Document No 010C-9800 Rev D MODEL 010C WIND SPEED SENSOR OPERATION MANUAL1.0 GENERALINFORMATION1.1 The 010C Wind Speed Sensor uses a durable, three-cup anemometer assembly andsolid-optical link with a 40-slot chopper disk to produce a pulsed output whosefrequency is proportional to wind speed. An internal heater reduces moisture forextended bearing life. This sensor is usually used in conjunction with the 191 Crossarm Assembly. The sensor may be used with a translator module, or used directlywith a variety of data loggers.1.2 The Sensor Cable has a quick-connect connector with vinyl jacketed, shielded cable.Cable length is given in -XX feet on each cable part number. A 1953-XX cable isused with translators having terminal strip connections.Table 1-1Model 010C Wind Speed Sensor SpecificationsPerformance CharacteristicsMaximum Operating Range 0-60 meters/sec or 0-125 mphStarting Speed 0.27 meters/sec or 0.6 mphCalibrated Range 0-50 meters/sec or 0-100 mphAccuracy ±1% or 0.15 mphTemperature Range -50°C to +85°CResponse Distance constant less than 5 ft of flow**The distance traveled by the air after a sharp-edged gust has occurred for theanemometer rate to reach 63% of the new speed. Distant constant less than 15ft offlow with optional 010C-1 aluminum cupset.Electrical CharacteristicsPower Requirements 12 VDC at 10 mAOutput Signal 11-volt pulseOutput Impedance 100 ohms maximumHeater Power Requirement 12 VDC at 350 mAStandard Cable Length 300’ maximum (consult factory if longercable is to be used for special requirements) Physical CharacteristicsWeight 1.1poundsaluminum Finish AnodizedMounting Use with 191 CrossarmCabling 1953-XX Cable (XX is cable length in feet)Optional AccessoriesA. External heater and power supply for extreme low temperature operation.B. Ice Skirt for extreme icing environments.C. Aluminum cup assembly.2.0 INSTALLATION2.1 The 010C Wind Speed InstallationA. Mount the cup assembly and secure with the Allen head set screw, check to seethat the cup assembly rotates freely.B. Install the sensor in the end of the Model 191 Crossarm Assembly (the endwithout the bushing).C. Tighten the locking set screw. Do not over-tighten. Apply a small amount ofsilicone grease to set screws to prevent freezing in adverse environments.D. Connect the cable assembly to the keyed sensor receptacle and tape it to themounting arm.2.2 WiringA. The cable assembly contains five wires. Typical wiring hookup is shown inFigure 2-1.Protection2.3 LightningA. Weather sensors are sensitive to direct or nearby lightning strikes. A well-grounded metal rod or frame should be placed above the sensor installation. Inaddition, the shield on the signal cable leading to the translator must beconnected to a good earth ground at the translator end and the cable routeshould not be vulnerable to lightning.3.0 OPERATIONAL CHECK-OUT AND CALIBRATION3.1 010C Wind Speed Sensor Check-OutA. Spinning the anemometer cup assembly will produce a series of pulses (40pulses per revolution). To verify sensor output, monitor this signal with either thetranslator module, data logger, or an oscilloscope. (Refer to Frequency vs. WindSpeed Table 3-1). Spinning the hub of the wind speed transmitter without thecup assembly mounted and allowing it to coast to a stop will give a goodindication of threshold performance; a jerky or sudden stop indicates damage tobearings, bent drive shaft, or obstruction in the light chopper.B. Inspect the cup assembly for loose cup arms or other damage. The cupassembly cannot change calibration unless a mechanical part has come loose or has been broken. If a cup arm is loose or broken the calibration of the sensor may be affected.C. If the sensor heater is used, check internal heater operation by sliding sensorcover down and touching the housing behind the printed circuit board. Thehousing should feel warmer than the adjoining metal parts. The sensor has a built-in heater that is designed to provide a raise in the internal temperature,providing a small amount of positive pressure. This heater requires as external12 V (@500ma) power supply.FREQUENCY vs WIND SPEED FOR 010 SENSORTABLE 3-1Transfer Functions Miles per hour:Meters per second:rpm = 16.767 * (V mph - 0.6) rpm = 37.522 * (V m/s - 0.27) V mph = (rpm / 16.767) + 0.6 V m/s = (rpm / 37.522) + 0.27 f Hz = (V mph - 0.6) / .08946 f Hz = (V m/s - 0.27) / 0.039976 V mph = V m/s * 0.44704V m/s = V mph / 0.44704f Hz = rpm * 0.66667Conversion TablesV mphV m/sf Hz rpmV m/sV mphf Hz rpm10.0 4.47 105.1 157.6 2.5 5.59 55.8 83.720.0 8.94 216.9 325.3 5.0 11.18 118.3 177.5 30.0 13.41 328.6 492.9 7.5 16.78 180.9 271.3 40.0 17.88 440.4 660.6 10.0 22.37 243.4 365.1 50.0 22.35 552.2 828.3 12.5 27.96 305.9 458.9 60.0 26.82 664.0 996.0 15.0 33.55 368.5 552.7 70.0 31.29 775.8 1163.6 17.5 39.15 431.0 646.5 80.0 35.76 887.5 1331.3 20.0 44.74 493.5 740.3 90.0 40.23 999.3 1499.0 22.5 50.33 556.1 834.1 100.0 44.70 1111.1 1666.6 25.0 55.92 618.6 927.9 110.0 49.17 1222.9 1834.3 27.5 61.52 681.2 1021.7 120.0 53.64 1334.7 2002.0 30.0 67.11 743.7 1115.5 130.0 58.12 1446.5 2169.6 32.5 72.70 806.2 1209.3 35.0 78.29 868.8 1303.1 rpm V m/sV mphf Hz37.5 83.89 931.3 1396.9100 2.94 6.56 66.67 40.0 89.48 993.8 1490.7200 5.60 12.53 133.3 42.5 95.07 1056.4 1584.6 300 8.27 18.49 200.0 45.0 100.66 1118.9 1678.4 400 10.93 24.46 266.7 47.5 106.25 1181.5 1772.2 500 13.60 30.42 333.3 50.0 111.85 1244.0 1866.0 600 16.26 36.38 400.0 52.5 117.44 1306.5 1959.8 700 18.93 42.35 466.7 55.0 123.03 1369.1 2053.6 800 21.59 48.31 533.3 57.5 128.62 1431.6 2147.4 900 24.26 54.28 600.0 60.0 134.22 1494.1 2241.2 1000 26.92 60.24 666.7 1100 29.59 66.21 733.3 Abbreviations:1200 32.25 72.17 800.0 V m/s = Wind speed (meters per second) 1300 34.92 78.13 866.7 V mph = Wind speed (miles per hour) 1400 37.58 84.10 933.3 f Hz = Sensor output frequency (Hz)1500 40.25 90.06 1000.0 rpm = Shaft speed (revolutions per minute) 1600 42.91 96.03 1066.7 1700 45.58 101.99 1133.3 1800 48.24 107.95 1200.0Table 3-14.0 MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING4.1 General Maintenance Schedule*6 – 12 Month Intervals:A. Inspect sensor for proper operation per Section 4.2.B. Replace wind speed sensor bearings in extremely adverse environments perSection 4.5.12 – 24 Month Intervals:A. Recommended complete factory overhaul of sensor.*Schedule is based on average to adverse environments.Table 4-1010C Wind Speed Sensor TroubleshootingSymptom Probable Cause Solution Refer toNo wind speed output Loss of supplyvoltage Check translator +12supply & connectingcablesFigure 2-1Faulty integratedamplifierReplace circuit board Section 4.5Faulty diodes,D1, D2Replace circuit board Section 4.5Faulty detector Replace detector Section 4.6No wind speed outputbelow 2-5 mphBad bearing(s) Replace bearing(s) Section 4.4Faulty detector Replace detector Section 4.6Wind speed signal dropsas speed increasesFaulty detector Replace detector Section 4.64.2 010C Wind Speed Sensor: 6 – 12 Month Periodic ServiceA. At the crossarm assembly, disconnect the quick disconnect plug from the sensor(leave the cable secured to the crossarm) and remove the sensor from thecrossarm assembly.B. Loosen the set screw holding the cup assembly. Support the rotating hub of thesensor with one hand and pull the anemometer cup assembly free.C. Visually inspect the anemometer cups for cracks and breaks. Also, make surethat each arm is securely attached to the cup assembly hub.D. Slide the sensor cover down to expose the light-chopper disc assembly, lightsource, detector, and circuit board.E. Inspect the interior of the sensor for any signs of corrosion and/or dust buildup.F. Inspect the light-chopper for cracks, and make sure that all slots are free ofcorrosion.G. Inspect the signal-conditioning module for cracks and corrosion around solderedconnections.H. Rotate the sensor hub assembly to ensure that it turns freely and that the sensorbearings are not damaged. Make sure the light-chopper assembly is notcontacting the light source and detector.I. Apply a small amount of silicone lubricant. (Dow-Corning DC-33 or equivalent) tothe sensor O-ring seals; slide the cover up over the sensor and wipe off anyexcess lubricant.J. A moisture vent is located on the base of the sensor; make sure that this vent is clear.K. Re-install sensor according to installation procedure (Section 2.0); verify proper operation using procedures in Section 010C Wind Speed Sensor Maintenance (Refer to 010C Sensor Assembly Drawing)The following procedures require a relatively clean, dry work area, a source of 12VDC power at approximately 20 mA, and an oscilloscope (DC to 10 KHz minimumrange required.4.4 Sensor Bearing Replacement. (Refer to 010C Sensor Assembly Drawing)A. Remove sensor from tower and remove cup assembly (1). Refer to Section 4.2.B. Disassemble sensor and remove old bearings (6).1. Slide the sensor cover (16) down to expose the light-chopper discassembly (10), detector assembly (12) and circuit board (18).2. Loosen both special set screws on the shaft of the light chopper assembly(11).3. Support the light-chopper assembly (10) with one hand and slowly pullthe rotating hub/shaft assembly (2) out of the column (8).4. Remove the shield (4) and slinger (5) from the column (8).5. Remove the light-chopper assembly (10) from the sensor housing, beingcareful not to damage the slots located between the light-chopper holderand the lower bearing.6. Insert the lower end of the rotating hub/shaft assembly into the upperbearing, cock it slightly to one side and push out the lower bearing.7. Insert a right-angle type of tool, such as an Allen wrench, into the upperbearing; cock it slightly to one side and remove the bearing.8. Clean dirt from bearing bores, using a cotton swab and alcohol.C. Install the new bearings and assemble the sensor.1. Install new upper and lower bearings in the column (8). Bearings shouldslide easily into bearing bores.2. Install a slinger and shield (4, 5) on the column assembly. Use new partsif old ones are damaged or corroded.3. Insert the rotating hub shaft (2) into the column assembly (8), through theshield (4), slinger, and upper bearing, until it starts to protrude through thelower bearing.4. Support the light-chopper assembly (10) with one hand and slowly pushthe rotating hub shaft into it until the shaft almost touches the bottom.5. Tighten both special set screws on the light-chopper assembly; do notover tighten as the set screw tips will damage the shaft.6. Rotate the sensor hub assembly (2) to ensure that it turns freely and thatan endplay of about .005” exists.7. Hold sensor vertically and make sure that the light-chopper assembly (10)is not contacting the detector assembly (12).8. Apply small amount of silicone lubricant (Dow-Corning DC-33 orequivalent) to the sensor O-rings (9); slide the cover (16) up over thesensor and wipe off any excess lubricant.D. Replace cup assembly and re-install (refer to Section 2.0)4.5 1200-1 Circuit Board Assembly Replacement (Refer to 010C Assembly Schematic)A. Remove sensor from tower and remove cup assembly (refer to Section 4.2).B. Slide the sensor cover (16) down to expose the light-chopper disc assembly (10),detector assembly (12), and circuit board (18).C. Remove two screws (17) holding circuit board assembly (18) and lift circuit boardaway from sensor housing.D. Note color of wires and then unsolder wires to detector assembly from circuitboard and three wires from connector (19).E. Install new circuit board assembly by reversing above procedure.4.6 Detector Assembly Replacement Refer to 010C Assembly Schematic)NOTE: 010C sensors SN M10560 and later use 520253 photodetector. Oldersensors use 1074 photodetector assemblies.A. Remove sensor from tower and remove cup assembly. Refer to Section 4.2.B. Slide the sensor cover (16) down to expose the light-chopper disc assembly (10),detector assembly (12) and circuit board (18).C. Remove two screws (17) holding circuit board assembly (18) and lift circuit boardaway from sensor housing.D. Note color of wires and then unsolder wires to detector assembly from circuitboard (18).E. Remove two screws (20) holding detector assembly (12) and remove assembly.F. Install new detector assembly by reversing above procedures.4.7 010C Wind Speed Sensor Repair and Recalibration ServiceThe factory provides fast, economical service for the user. This repair andcalibration service includes disassembly and detailed inspection of all movingmechanical parts and electronic components.Service includes replacement of bearings, regardless of apparent condition, andfunctional test of sensor. Replacement of the following items is also included: O-rings, shield and slinger, shaft, set screws. Other components will be replaced as required. Only charges for additional materials will be added to the basic service charge.Table 4-2Replacement 010C Parts ListRef No.U Description PartNo.1 Cup Assembly Lexan - 26722672-1–AluminumAssy. 26582 Hub/Shaft4 Shield 10095 Slinger 10106 Bearing 10559 O-ring 72012010 Chopper Wheel Assembly 2202Screw 60125011 SetDetector 520253*12 PhotoClamp 48010013 Heater14 Heater 805080Cover 267516 SensorScrews 601240Mounting17 PCBA18 PCBA 1200-120 Detector Assembly Mounting Screws 60127022 Standoff 860050Amplifier 62030023 Integrated24 Nut, Hex, Kep 4-40 60040025 Screw FH 82° 4-40 x 3/8 60133026 Screw FH 82° 4-40 x ¼ 601240NOTE: 010C sensors SN M10560 and later use the black 520253 photodetector.Earlier sensors use the white 1074 photodetector assemblies.。

SM5388V 0-5V 电压型户外风速风向一体式传感器产品使用手册说明书

SM5388V 0-5V 电压型户外风速风向一体式传感器产品使用手册说明书

SM5388V0-5V电压型户外风速风向一体式传感器产品使用手册文件版本: V22.2.22SM5388V采用工业通用标准DC0~5V电压输出信号接口,方便接入PLC,DCS等各种仪表或系统,用于监测风速,风向等状态量。

内部使用了较高精度的传感内核及相关器件,确保产品具有较高的可靠性与卓越的长期稳定性, 可定制RS232、RS485、CAN、4-20mA、DC0~5V\10V、ZIGBEE、Lora、WIFI、GPRS、NB-IOT等多种输出方式。

技术参数外形尺寸产品接线应用方案典型应用DC0-5V电压:风速与DC0-5V电压计算例设量程为0~30m/s,模拟量输出为0~5VDC0-5V电压信号时,风速与DC0-5V电压的计算关系如公式所示:C=(30-0)*(X-0)÷(5-0)+0,其中30为风速量程上限,0为量程下限,5为DC0-5V 电压输出量程上限,0为下限,X为当前读出的DC0-5V电压值,C为计算出来的风速值,常用数值DC0-5V电压:风向与DC0-5V电压计算例设量程为0~360°,模拟量输出为0~5VDC0-5V电压信号时,风向与DC0-5V电压的计算关系如公式所示:C=(360-0)*(X-0)÷(5-0)+0,其中360为风向量程上限,0为量程下限,5为DC0-5V电压输出量程上限,0为下限,X为当前读出的DC0-5V电压值,C为计算出来的风向值,如表所示,当测量值2.5V时,当前风向为180°。

免责声明本文档提供有关产品的所有信息,未授予任何知识产权的许可,未明示或暗示,以及禁止发言等其它方式授予任何知识产权的许可?除本产品的销售条款和条件声明的责任 , 其他问题公司概不承担责任。


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相异或,把结果放于 CRC 寄存器; 3、把寄存器的内容右移一位(朝低位),用 0 填补
4、如果最低位为 0:重复第 3 步(再次移位) 如 果 最 低 位 为 1 : CRC 寄 存 器 与 多 项 式 A001(1010 0000 0000 0001)进行异或;
5、重复步骤 3 和 4,直到右移 8 次,这样整个 8 位数据全部进行了处理;
W =V/2.5×L
传感器底部有一个 5 芯航空插头,其针脚对应 的管脚定义如图所示。
(1)若配备本公司生产的气象站,直接使用传感 器线将传感器与气象站上的相应接口相连即 可。
树木可被吹倒,一般建筑物遭 10 狂风
大树可被吹倒,一般建筑物遭 11 暴风
13.9~17.l 17.2~20.7 20.8~24.4 24.5~28.4 28.5~32.6
12 飓风 陆上绝少,其催毁力极大
清劲 有叶的小树摇摆,内陆的水面 5
风 有小波,高的草波浪起伏明显
6 强风
全树摇动,大树枝弯下来,迎 7 疾风
8 大风
草房遭受破坏,屋瓦被掀起, 9 烈风
49 m m
风速传感器 V1.0 TR-FS02
2. Adress 为 1 个字节,范围为 0-255. 例如:发送 00 10 01 BD C0
返回 00 10 00 7C
7、最后得到的 CRC 寄存器即为 CRC 码; 8、将 CRC 结果放入信息帧时,将高低位交换,低
【2】读取设备地址 发送: 00 20 CRC (4 个字节) 返回: 00 20 Adress CRC (5 个字节) 说明: Adress 为 1 个字节,范围为 0-255 例如: 发送 00 20 00 68
等名 级称
0 无风
1 软风 烟能表示风向,树叶略有摇动 0.3~1.5
2 轻风 人面感觉有风,树叶微动
3 微风
能吹起地面灰尘和纸张,树枝动 4 和风
安装孔径:4mm 分布直径:62.5mm 航插直径:15mm(建议预留 25mm 便于布线)
66 m m
98 m m
一、串口格式 数据位 8 位 停止位 1 或 2 位 校验位 无 波特率 9600 两次通信间隔至少 1000ms 以上 二、通讯格式 【1】写入设备地址 发送: 00 10 Adress CRC (5 个字节) 返回: 00 10 CRC (4 个字节) 说明: 1.读写地址命令的地址位必须是 00。
测量范围:□ 0~45m/s □ 0~70m/s
准 确 度:±(0.3+0.03V)m/s (V:风速) 分 辨 率:0.1m/s 启动风速:≤0.5m/s 供电方式:□ DC 5V
□ DC 12V □ DC 24V □ 其他 输出形式:□ 脉冲:脉冲信号 □ 电流:4~20mA □ 电压:0~5V □ 电压:0~2.5V □ RS232 □ RS485 □ TTL 电平:(□频率 □脉宽) □ 其他 仪器线长:□ 标配:2.5 米 □ 其他 负载能力:电流型输出阻抗≤600Ω 电压型输出阻抗≥1KΩ
风速传感器 V1.0 TR-FS02
工作环境:温度-40℃~50℃ 湿度≤100%RH
防护等级:IP45 线缆等级:额定电压:300V 温度等级:80℃ 产品重量:130 g 产品功耗:50 mW
风速传感器(变送器)采用传统三风杯风速传 感器结构,风杯选用碳纤维材料,强度高,启动好; 杯体内置信号处理单元能根据用户需求输出相应 风速信号,可广泛用于气象、海洋、环境、机场、 港口、实验室、工农业及交通等领域。
(2)若单独购买变送器,变送器配套线线序分别 为:
风速传感器 V1.0 TR-FS02
红色 黑(绿)
色 黄色 蓝色
0~5V 电源正
输出信号 4~20mA 电源正
RS485 电源正
485+ 485-
6、重复步骤 2 到步骤 5,进行下一步 8 位数据的 处理;
1、请检查包装是否完好,并核对产品型号是否与 选型一致;
2、切勿带电接线,接线完毕检查无误后方可通电; 3、传感器线长会影响产品输出信号,使用时不要
随意改动产品出厂时已焊接好的元器件或导 线,若有更改需求,请与厂商联系; 4、传感器属于精密器件,用户在使用时请不要自 行拆卸、用尖锐物品或腐蚀性液体接触传感器 表面,以免损坏产品; 5、请保存好检定证书和合格证,维修;
(f = 0)
W =0.1+0.0875×f(f≠ 0)
W = (I-4)×L/16
电压型( 0~5V):
W =V/5×L
Adress 03
站号(地址) 功能码
XX XX 数据(前高后低) 十六进制
CRC 校验码
计算 CRC 码的步骤: 1、预置 16 位寄存器为十六进制 FFFF(即全为 1)。
称此寄存器为 CRC 寄存器; 2、把第一个 8 位数据与 16 位 CRC 寄存器的低位
返回 00 20 01 A9 C0
发送:Adress 03 00 00 00 01 XX XX
00 00
00 01
CRC 校验码,前低后 高
返回:Adress 03 02 XX XX XX XX 说明:
1、风杆旋转不灵,迟滞大。因长期使用导致轴承 内有异物或润滑油用完。请将仪表油从传感器 的上轴承处注入或将传感器寄回公司注油;
2、模拟输出时,显示仪表示值为 0 或不在量程以 内。可能因接线问题导致采集仪无法正确获取 信息。请检查接线是否正确、牢固;
风速传感器 V1.0 TR-FS02
供电 方式
输出 信号
5V 供电
12V 供电
24V 供电
例如:FS-5V-M:风速传感器(变送器)5V 供电, 脉冲输出