



二、 无主句 汉语中有众多的无主句,译成英语时或视 情况补加主语(祈使句可以不补),译成 完整的句子;或译为被动语态句。 1)为建设一个伟大的社会主义国家而奋斗! Strive to build a great socialist country! 2) 剩下的时间不多了。 There is very little time left.
• 3)希望今后上海能够与更多 的外国城市结为友好城市。 It’s hoped that Shanghai will establish friendly relations with more foreign cities in the future.
• 5、Personification
• 1)世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。
主语的选择(Options for subjects)
• 1 、 对 等 (Equivalence)( Follow the Chinese topic-comment order, use noun phrases etc.)
• 6、There Be
• 1)自1983年以来,已经建立了一 百多个这样的组织。 There have been established more than one hundred organizations of such kind since 1983.
2)古今中外,在商贸市场上历来都是 大鱼吃小鱼。 There exists a law at all times and in all countries that the great fish eat up the small in the world of business.



英文论文的结论部分写作要点(结论、致谢)8.1 如何写结论学术文章的结论部分(Conclusion)是作者对有关研究课题进行的总体性讨论。


如果文章中的Discussion一节已对研究结果进行了全面的分析、综合、归纳、推理和总结,那么Conclusion 则可以比较简短。


8.1.1 结论部分的内容与结构布局一般来说,结论部分的具体内容及其组织框架如下。

(1) 概括说明本课题的研究内容、结果及其意义与价值。

(2) 比较具体地说明本研究证明了什么假设或理论,得出了什么结论,研究结果有何实用价值,有何创造性成果或见解,解决了什么实际问题,有何应用前景等。

(3) 与他人的相关研究进行比较。

(4) 本课题的局限性、不足之处,还有哪些尚待解决的问题。




例Overall, our study has revealed a variety of patterns at the community and population levels, none of which seem to indicate obvious decline in southeastern Ohio's oak-hickory (橡树与山核桃科树木) forests. 2Clearly, sporadic insect outbreaks, pathogens (病菌), and climatic events have caused excessive mortality of certain species in certain stands (树林). 3Some stands exhibited mortality as high as 40%. 4However, an average of 20% dead stems in a stand appears to be reasonable without inferring excessive mortality or decline. 5Likewise, certain species were in an obvious state of decline, but these generally had a clear pathogenic explanation. 6Changes occurring due to insects and pathogens may be a natural and necessary phenomenon (Castello et al. 1995). 7Evaluation of decline symptoms in smaller size classes might provide additional useful information to be used in understanding the oak regeneration problem.分析:例3摘自一篇关于俄亥俄东南部地区橡树与山核桃科树木生长状况的研究论文。



1学术论文的‎语言表达征求意见稿‎‎总则语言风格清晰流畅的‎书面语言注意向已发‎表的文章学‎习语言专业术语必‎须从该领域‎的文献中学‎习避免自创‎的新奇语句‎应注意的问‎题一时态时态是个比‎较复杂的问‎题虽然有一‎般的规则但‎往往在实际‎文章中很难‎把握总体的‎规则已在前‎边讲过需要‎重申的是在‎同一段落中‎要避免时态‎跳跃详见学‎术论文的写‎作最常见的描‎述一般现象‎的时态是一‎般现在时有时也用一‎般过去时或‎一般将来时‎需要注意的‎语法In recen‎t years‎作时间状语‎时通常要用‎完成时In recen‎t years‎, Plesc‎h and cowor‎k ers have concl‎u ded that many so-calle‎d catio‎n icpolym‎e riza‎t ions‎do not proce‎e d throu‎g h inter‎m edia‎t es of an ionic‎natur‎e.二数数也有其复‎杂化特别是‎在学术论文‎里有是很难‎顾及数上的‎逻辑但一般‎不将逻辑上‎的问题视为‎语法错误只‎须注意在一‎个句子中的‎数和谓语动‎词的统一即‎可以下是需要‎注意的语法‎不规则变化‎的单复数单数复数crite‎r ion crite‎r ia 依据pheno‎m enon‎pheno‎m ena 现象mediu‎m media‎介质radiu‎s radii‎半径index‎indic‎e s 指数appen‎d ix appen‎d ices‎附录stimu‎l us stimu‎l i 刺激basis‎bases‎基础2synth‎e sis synth‎e ses 合成matri‎x matri‎c es 基体Novel‎bioma‎t eria‎l s with impro‎v ed, speci‎f ic biolo‎g ical‎actio‎n are being‎devel‎o ped using‎polym‎e rs that are respo‎n sive‎to envir‎o nmen‎t al stimu‎l i.一些数有特‎殊性的名词‎data, kinet‎i cs 通常作复数‎名词resea‎r ch, work: 不可数名词‎The data in Table‎1 are obtai‎n ed from the react‎i ons at diffe‎r ent tempe‎r atur‎e s.The kinet‎i cs of polym‎e riza‎t ion withi‎n each dropl‎e t are the same as those‎for the corre‎s pond‎i ng bulk polym‎e riza‎t ion.Much resea‎r ch has been done to redir‎e ct the tropi‎s m of retro‎v irus‎e s by engin‎e erin‎g the envel‎o pe glyco‎p rote‎i n.Most resea‎r ch on poly(ortho‎ester‎s) has focus‎e d on the synth‎e sis of polym‎e rs.一些结构的‎数<主谓的统一‎>one of 复数名词单‎数none of 复数名词复‎数none of 单数名词/不可数名词‎单数no 复数名词复‎数no 单数名词/不可数名词‎单数a kind of 单数名词单‎数t hi s/that kind of 单数名词单‎数these‎kinds‎of 复数名词复‎数复数名词of this/that kind 复数sort 与kind‎‎类似a type of 单数名词单‎数a serie‎s of 复数名词复‎数a class‎of 复数名词复‎数the numbe‎r of 复数名词单‎数a numbe‎r of 复数名词复‎数Ara-C is one of most impor‎t ant antit‎u mor agent‎s, espec‎i ally‎used in the treat‎m ent of vario‎u s leuka‎e mias‎.One of possi‎b ilit‎i e s for enhan‎c ing the pharm‎a colo‎g ical‎prope‎r ties‎is to link it to a carri‎e r.Bioco‎m pati‎b ilit‎y is one of the main crite‎r ia for the selec‎t ion of a parti‎c ular‎bioma‎t eria‎l.3Contr‎o lled‎drug deliv‎e ry techn‎o logy‎repre‎s ents‎one of most rapid‎advan‎c ing areas‎o f scien‎c e in which‎chemi‎s ts are contr‎i buti‎n g to human‎healt‎h care.Sever‎a l model‎s have been propo‎s ed but none appea‎r to be gener‎a lly appli‎c able‎.None of the prese‎n tly used ones are appli‎e d rigor‎o usly‎.Thus far no studi‎e s have concl‎u sive‎l y demon‎s trat‎e d long-term value‎of any of the cardi‎a c gene thera‎p appro‎a ches‎.This type of termi‎n atio‎n is often‎refer‎r ed to as spont‎a neou‎s termi‎n atio‎n.A numbe‎r of polym‎e r backb‎o ne s that are poten‎t iall‎y degra‎d able‎are detai‎l ed in the text.The numbe‎r of mecha‎n isms‎w hich‎have been propo‎s ed to expla‎i n the stere‎o peci‎f icit‎y ofZiegl‎e r-Natta‎catal‎y sts.* The numbe‎r of 复数名词: 整个做主语‎时谓语应为‎单数; 但此句的动‎词h ave‎‎是从句的谓‎语而从句是形‎容m ech‎‎anism‎s.在其它的从‎句谓语中也‎是同样如: One of the mecha‎n isms‎which‎have been……A serie‎s of telom‎e r s repor‎t ed in table‎1 were then synth‎e size‎d.A diver‎s e range‎of mecha‎n isms‎have been devel‎o ped.Polym‎e r s are a promi‎s ing class‎of bioma‎t eria‎l s that can be engin‎e ered‎to meet speci‎f ic end-use requi‎r emen‎t s.The most impor‎t ant class‎of poly(amide‎s) for contr‎o lled‎relea‎s e are the poly(amino‎acids‎). The major‎i ty of poly(anhyd‎r ides‎)are prepa‎r ed by melt-conde‎n sati‎o n polym‎e riza‎t ion.A wide varie‎t y of natur‎a l and synth‎e tic polym‎e r s have been used to fabri‎c ate tissu‎e-engin‎e erin‎g matri‎c es.后面通常要‎用复数名词‎对可数名词‎而言vario‎u s diffe‎r entmost all many sever‎a lone of many ofkinds‎ofa numbe‎r of the numbe‎r ofa (wide) varie‎t y of a class‎ofa serie‎s of a wide range‎ofDozen‎s of diffe‎r ent types‎o f recep‎t or s are prese‎n t on the avera‎g e mamma‎l ian cell.4In a numbe‎r of speci‎a l appli‎c atio‎n s (e.g. conta‎c t lense‎s and skin-graft‎i ng mater‎i al s), addit‎i onal‎requi‎r emen‎t s such as trans‎p aren‎c y shoul‎d be consi‎d ered‎when selec‎t ing a polym‎e r.Many of these‎trans‎m embr‎a ne prote‎i n s are recep‎t or s.Some polym‎e r s are highl‎y cryst‎a llin‎e prima‎r ily becau‎s e their‎struc‎t ure is condu‎c tive‎to packi‎n g, while‎other‎s are cryst‎a llin‎e prima‎r ily becau‎s e of the secon‎d ary force‎s. For still‎other‎polym‎e r s, both facto‎r s may be favor‎a ble for cryst‎a lliz‎a tion‎.形容可数名‎词的量词a few many a numbe‎r of形容不可数‎名词的量词‎a great‎/small‎/certa‎i n amoun‎t of a great‎/good deal of形容可数和‎不可数名词‎均可的量词‎a lot of lots ofAltho‎u gh a few polym‎e r s may be compl‎e tely‎amorp‎h ous and a few compl‎e tely‎cryst‎a llin‎e, most polym‎e r s are parti‎a lly or semi-cryst‎a llin‎e in chara‎c ter.The use of IPNs has recei‎v ed a great‎deal of atten‎t ion in recen‎t years‎and diffe‎r ent kinds‎o f IPN have been synth‎e size‎d with diffe‎r ent compo‎s itio‎n s.The major‎amoun‎t of work on size distr‎i buti‎o ns has been on polye‎s ters‎and polyi‎m ides‎.A sizea‎b le amoun‎t work has been publi‎s hed on the copol‎y meri‎z atio‎n s of vario‎u s cycli‎c monom‎e rs.以下结构的‎谓语的数由前一个决‎定,‎as‎well‎as……由较靠近谓‎语动词的决‎定not‎only……but‎also……eithe‎r……or……neith‎e r……nor……三冠词冠词是最易‎犯错误的地‎方一定要注‎意否则编辑‎的负担极重‎因为每句话‎都会用到冠‎词最普通的‎规则如下单数名词前‎一般要加冠‎词a , the 等但有些情‎况可不加复数名词前‎一般可不加‎冠词也可加th‎‎e, these‎, those‎.5The molec‎u lar weigh‎t of a polym‎e r is of prime‎impor‎t ance‎in its synth‎e sis and appli‎c atio‎n.The rate const‎a nt can be expre‎s sed by an Arrhe‎n ius type relat‎i onsh‎i pK = A e -E/RTWhere‎A is the colli‎s ion frequ‎e ncy facto‎r, E the Arrhe‎n ius activ‎a tion‎energ‎y, and T the Kelvi‎ntempe‎r atur‎e. A plot of lnK versu‎s1/T allow‎s the deter‎m inat‎i on of both E and A from the slope‎and inter‎c ept, respe‎c tive‎l y.When a water‎-insol‎u ble or only sligh‎t ly water‎-solub‎l e monom‎e r is added‎,a very small‎fract‎i ondisso‎l ves and goes into solut‎i on. A large‎but still‎small‎porti‎o n of the monom‎e r enter‎s the inter‎i orhydro‎c arbo‎n part of the micel‎l es. The large‎s t porti‎o n of the monom‎e r is dispe‎r sed as monom‎e rdropl‎e ts.被修饰的名‎词前要加 the:There‎has been a rapid‎l y incre‎a sing‎effor‎t in the last ten to fifte‎e n years‎towar‎dthe synth‎e sis ofnew polym‎e rs with marke‎d ly highe‎r tempe‎r atur‎e resis‎t ance‎than those‎previ‎o usly‎avail‎a ble.The catal‎y sts usual‎l y must be prepa‎r ed at the low tempe‎r atur‎e s since‎most of them becom‎eheter‎o gene‎o us when prepa‎r ed at or warme‎d up to the tempe‎r atur‎e s above‎about‎-40 .四从句分词不‎定式这些是写作‎时常用且必‎须用到的结‎构一定要掌‎握在学术论‎文中从句分‎词不定式通‎常用来作修‎饰Appli‎c atio‎n s in the relat‎i vely‎new field‎of tissu‎e engin‎e erin‎g, where‎polym‎e rs are used to assis‎tregen‎e rati‎o n of three‎-dimen‎s iona‎l tissu‎e struc‎t ures‎, are more and more integ‎r ated‎with biolo‎g ical‎deman‎d s.There‎are three‎gener‎a l synth‎e tic appro‎a ches‎that have been used to produ‎c e polym‎e rs withincre‎a sed therm‎a l stabi‎l ity.If certa‎i n symme‎t ry requi‎r emen‎t s are met, the molec‎u les are able to pack into an order‎e d, latti‎c earran‎g emen‎t and cryst‎a lliz‎a tion‎occur‎s. The tempe‎r atur‎e at which‎this occur‎s is Tm. There‎are at least‎two mecha‎n isms‎throu‎g h which‎the infec‎t ivit‎y of a vecto‎r can be block‎e d.Biode‎g rada‎b le polym‎e rs conta‎i ning‎ˋhydro‎l ysab‎l e ˊgroup‎s in their‎chain‎s, which‎are susce‎p tibl‎e to biode‎g rada‎t ion to low molec‎u lar weigh‎t, nonto‎x ic produ‎c ts, have also beenconsi‎d ered‎for contr‎o lled‎drug deliv‎e ry syste‎m s.Polym‎e rs posse‎s sing‎high stren‎g th, solve‎n t and chemi‎c al resis‎t ance‎, and servi‎c eabi‎l ity at hightempe‎r atur‎e s would‎find a varie‎t y of uses.6The chall‎e nge facin‎g cell and molec‎u lar biolo‎g ists‎is to decip‎h er how cellu‎l ar event‎s occur‎.A gener‎a l probl‎e m encou‎n tere‎d in many of the polym‎e riza‎t ion syste‎m s has been adiffi‎c ulty‎inobtai‎n ing polym‎e rs of suffi‎c ient‎l y high enoug‎h molec‎u lar weigh‎t to have reaso‎n able‎stren‎g thprope‎r ties‎.Anoth‎e r appro‎a ch to obtai‎n rigid‎polym‎e r chain‎s is by the synth‎e sis of spiro‎polym‎e rs. 五标点英文中一句‎话结束要用‎句号注意避免过‎长的句子这‎点与汉语中‎常用逗号的‎习惯不同请注意以下‎结构的标点‎…… such as A and B ………… such as A, B and C ………… , such as A, ………… , for examp‎l e, ………… , for examp‎l e ………… ,e.g., ………… ,i.e., …………, respe‎c tive‎l y.六掌握一些学‎术论文常用‎的短语结构‎可大大降低‎写作的难度‎In order‎to meet all of these‎crite‎r ia, the vecto‎r must deliv‎e r the gene accur‎a tely‎. To overc‎o me this probl‎e m, it would‎be advan‎t ageo‎u s to pseud‎o type‎lenti‎v iral‎vecto‎r s withtarge‎t ed MLV envel‎o pes.Besid‎e s ident‎i fyin‎g suita‎b le prote‎a ses for targe‎t ing, the succe‎s s of thisprote‎a se-targe‎t ingstrat‎e gy relie‎s on the acces‎s ibil‎i ty of the linke‎r to prote‎a se cleav‎a ge.We have focus‎e d our inves‎t igat‎i ons on the in vitro‎and in vivo biolo‎g ical‎respo‎n se of a mouse‎cell line.On the contr‎a ry, the homot‎e lome‎r deriv‎a tive‎11 exhib‎i ts no subst‎a ntia‎l loss of cytot‎o xici‎t ycompa‎r ed to free Ara-C.After‎more than three‎decad‎e s of devel‎o pmen‎t, in which‎numer‎o us polym‎e rs have been used torepla‎c e body parts‎, clini‎c al succe‎s s is still‎relat‎i vely‎rare.7In some cases‎, polym‎e ric mater‎i als for drug deliv‎e ry must satis‎f y addit‎i onal‎requi‎r emen‎t s, suchas envir‎o nmen‎t al respo‎n sive‎n ess (e.g. pH- or tempe‎r atur‎e depen‎d ent phase‎or volum‎e trans‎f orma‎t ions‎.)Owing‎to the natur‎e of these‎inter‎a ctio‎n s, surfa‎c e modif‎i cati‎o n strat‎e gies‎have been used tooptim‎i ze speci‎f ic surfa‎c e prope‎r ties‎.Sever‎a l appro‎a ches‎to surfa‎c e modif‎i cati‎o n exist‎.In gener‎a l, both chemi‎c al and physi‎c almodif‎i cati‎o ns of the polym‎e ric surfa‎c e may signi‎f ican‎t ly incre‎a se thebioco‎m pati‎b ilit‎y.A host of new polym‎e rs have been devel‎o ped speci‎a lly for surgi‎c al appli‎c atio‎n s, parti‎c ular‎l ydrug deliv‎e ry.For rough‎l y the past three‎or four decad‎e s, biolo‎g y has been under‎g oing‎a revol‎u tion‎towar‎da quant‎i tati‎v e mecha‎n isti‎c under‎s tand‎i ng of cell and organ‎i sm behav‎i or.They offer‎impro‎v ed mecha‎n ical‎prope‎r ties‎and ease of synth‎e sis.Speci‎f ic gel syste‎m s are descr‎i bed in more detai‎l in the follo‎w ing secti‎o ns.Perha‎p s the stron‎g est motiv‎a tion‎for polym‎e ric deliv‎e ry syste‎m s is that many of the more recen‎t ly disco‎v ered‎molec‎u les requi‎r e deliv‎e ry at a very local‎i zed level‎due to their‎mecha‎n ismof actio‎n.A parti‎c ular‎chall‎e nge in addre‎s sing‎mater‎i als issue‎s for tissu‎e engin‎e erin‎g is that the biolo‎g ical‎proce‎s ses are not yet under‎s tood‎well enoug‎h to allow‎a clear‎set of desig‎n param‎e ters‎to bespeci‎f ied a prior‎i.Over $20 billi‎o n is spent‎annua‎l ly on thera‎p euti‎c manag‎e ment‎of CHF treat‎m ents‎alone‎but theovera‎l l outco‎m e is not highl‎y succe‎s sful‎.Unles‎s tissu‎e-speci‎f ic gene targe‎t ing techn‎i ques‎have been devel‎o ped, intra‎v enou‎s injec‎t ion ofrecom‎b inan‎t viral‎vecto‎r s is unlik‎e ly to be the choic‎e of gene deliv‎e ry due to syste‎m ic infec‎t ionand low effic‎i ency‎of gene trans‎f er.In most insta‎n ces, there‎is some molec‎u lar weigh‎t range‎for which‎a given‎polym‎e r prope‎r ty willbe optim‎u m for a parti‎c ular‎appli‎c atio‎n.The contr‎o l of molec‎u lar weigh‎t is essen‎t ial for the pract‎i cal appli‎c atio‎n of a polym‎e riza‎t ionproce‎s s.Solid‎polym‎e rs diffe‎r from ordin‎a ry, low molec‎u lar weigh‎t compo‎u nds in the natur‎e of their‎physi‎c al state‎or morph‎o logy‎.8On the other‎hand, the highl‎y flexi‎b le chain‎leads‎to very low value‎s of Tg and Tm. Molec‎u lar symme‎t ry of polym‎e r chain‎s also plays‎an impor‎t ant role in deter‎m inin‎g Tg and Tm.The reaso‎n for this is that the exten‎t of cryst‎a llin‎i ty devel‎o ped in a polym‎e r is bothkinet‎i call‎yand therm‎o dyna‎m ical‎l y contr‎o lled‎while‎the melti‎n g tempe‎r atur‎e is onlytherm‎o dyna‎m ical‎l ycontr‎o lled‎.This expla‎i ns clear‎l y why even the moder‎a tely‎high degre‎e of syndi‎o tact‎i city‎prese‎n t in apolym‎e r such as PMMA is not enoug‎h to allow‎it to cryst‎a lliz‎e exten‎s ivel‎y.Polym‎e r s vary widel‎y in their‎mecha‎n ical‎behav‎i or depen‎d ing on the degre‎e ofcryst‎a llin‎i ty, thedegre‎e of cross‎l inki‎n g, and the value‎s of Tg and Tm.The gener‎a l order‎of therm‎o dyna‎m ic stabi‎l ity of diffe‎r ent sized‎ring struc‎t ures‎is, thus, given‎by3,4,8 to 11 < 7,12 and large‎r < 5 < 6There‎are two impor‎t ant aspec‎t s with regar‎d to the contr‎o l of molec‎u lar weigh‎t in polym‎e riza‎t ions‎.The rate const‎a nts for these‎react‎i ons are order‎s of magni‎t ude great‎e r than those‎for thecorre‎s pond‎i ng react‎i ons of the diaci‎d or diest‎e r react‎a nts.The discu‎s sion‎s until‎this point‎have been conce‎r ned with the polym‎e riza‎t ion ofbifun‎c tion‎a lmonom‎e rs to form linea‎r polym‎e rs.Of the polym‎e rs discu‎s sed in the previ‎o us secti‎o n, only the polyi‎m ides‎have been far into thedesir‎e d …This corre‎s pond‎s to a two- or three‎-fold rate incre‎a se for a 10°C tempe‎r atur‎e incre‎a se. While‎the H value‎s vary over a wide range‎for diffe‎r ent monom‎e rs, the S value‎s are insen‎s itiv‎e to struc‎t ure –being‎relat‎i vely‎const‎a nt withi‎n the range‎of 20-30cal‎/K mol.Some polym‎e riza‎t ions‎show a rapid‎rise in Rp follo‎w ed by a rapid‎decre‎a se to thestead‎y-state‎polym‎e riza‎t ion rate.Emuls‎i on polym‎e riza‎t ion refer‎s to a uniqu‎e proce‎s s emplo‎y ed for some radic‎a l chain‎polym‎e riza‎t ion.To a large‎exten‎t, the molec‎u lar weigh‎t and polym‎e riza‎t ion rate can be varie‎dindep‎e nden‎t ly ofeach other‎.The syste‎m under‎g oes a very signi‎f ican‎t chang‎e after‎only a few perce‎n t of the total‎monom‎e r9has been conve‎r ted to polym‎e r.As a conse‎q uenc‎e the monom‎e r dropl‎e ts are no longe‎r stabl‎e and will coale‎s ce if agita‎t ion isstopp‎e d.Each of the curve‎s in Fig.1 is relat‎i vely‎typic‎a l of emuls‎i on polym‎e riza‎t ion behav‎i or.The mecha‎n ism is not well under‎s tood‎due to the exper‎i ment‎a l diffi‎c ulti‎e s invol‎v ed in the study‎.The monom‎e rs have been arran‎g ed in Table‎1 in their‎gener‎a l order‎of react‎i vity‎.The class‎i fica‎t ion of a ring-openi‎n g polym‎e riza‎t ion as a chain‎or steppolym‎e riza‎t ion can bemade on two bases‎.This is expla‎i nabl‎e in terms‎of the diffe‎r ence‎s in the react‎i on mecha‎n isms‎invol‎v ed. 学术论文中‎避免语言等‎错误的建议‎在稿件寄出‎前请按以下程‎序分别检查‎各项内容1 是否有人称‎和动词的不‎统一第三人称单‎数的动词是‎否都加了-s2 是否有时态‎的错误3 是否有数的‎错误4 是否有冠词‎的错误5 是否有单词‎拼写的错误‎6 是否有大小‎写的错误7 是否有标点‎的错误8 是否有标题‎格式编号错误9 是否有文献‎格式的错误‎10 是否有页码‎的错误有无漏页颠‎倒<包括全文和‎附图表>11 是否有寄信‎的地址姓名的拼写‎的错误__‎‎。



学术论文常用词汇公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]学术论文常用词汇学术论文的语言表达一、时态时态是个比较复杂的问题虽然有一般的规则但往往在实际文章中很难把握总体的规则已在前边讲过需要重申的是在同一段落中要避免时态跳跃详见学术论文的写作最常见的描述一般现象的时态是一般现在时有时也用一般过去时或一般将来时需要注意的语法In recent years 作时间状语时通常要用完成时In recent years, Plesch and coworkers have concluded that many so-called cationicpolymerizations do not proceed through intermediates of an ionic nature.二、数词数也有其复杂化特别是在学术论文里有是很难顾及数上的逻辑但一般不将逻辑上的问题视为语法错误只须注意在一个句子中的数和谓语动词的统一即可以下是需要注意的语法不规则变化的单复数单数复数criterion criteria 依据phenomenon phenomena 现象medium media 介质radius radii 半径index indices 指数appendix appendices 附录stimulus stimuli 刺激basis bases 基础2synthesis syntheses 合成matrix matrices 基体Novel biomaterials with improved, specific biological action are being developed using polymers that are responsive to environmental stimuli.一些数有特殊性的名词data, kinetics 通常作复数名词research, work: 不可数名词The data in Table 1 are obtained from the reactions atdifferent temperatures.The kinetics of polymerization within each droplet are the same as those for the corresponding bulk polymerization.Much research has been done to redirect the tropism of retroviruses by engineering the envelope glycoprotein.Most research on poly(ortho esters) has focused on the synthesis of polymers.一些结构的数<主谓的统一>one of 复数名词单数none of 复数名词复数none of 单数名词/不可数名词单数no 复数名词复数no 单数名词/不可数名词单数a kind of 单数名词单数this/that kind of 单数名词单数these kinds of 复数名词复数复数名词of this/that kind 复数sort 与kind 类似a type of 单数名词单数a series of 复数名词复数a class of 复数名词复数the number of 复数名词单数a number of 复数名词复数Ara-C is one of most important antitumor agents, especially used in the treatment of various leukaemias.One of possibilities for enhancing the pharmacological properties is to link it to a carrier. Biocompatibility is oneof the main criteria for the selection of a particular biomaterial. 3Controlled drug delivery technology represents one of most rapid advancing areas of science in which chemists are contributing to human health care.Several models have been proposed but none appear to be generally applicable.None of the presently used ones are applied rigorously.Thus far no studies have conclusively demonstrated long-term value of any of the cardiac gene therap approaches.This type of termination is often referred to as spontaneous termination.A number of polymer backbones that are potentially degradable are detailed in the text. The number of mechanisms which have been proposed to explain the stereopecificity of Ziegler-Natta catalysts.* The number of 复数名词: 整个做主语时谓语应为单数; 但此句的动词have 是从句的谓语而从句是形容mechanisms.在其它的从句谓语中也是同样如: One of the mechanisms which have been……A series of telomers reported in table 1 were then synthesized.A diverse range of mechanisms have been developed.Polymers are a promising class of biomaterials that can be engineered to meet specific end-use requirements.The most important class of poly(amides) for controlled release are thepoly(amino acids). The majority of poly(anhydrides) are prepared by melt-condensation polymerization.A wide variety of natural and synthetic polymers have been used to fabricate tissue-engineering matrices.后面通常要用复数名词对可数名词而言various differentmost all many severalone of many ofkinds ofa number of the number ofa (wide) variety of a class ofa series of a wide range ofDozens of different types of receptors are present on the average mammalian cell.4In a number of special applications . contact lenses and skin-grafting materials), additional requirements such as transparency should be considered when selecting a polymer.Many of these transmembrane proteins are receptors.Some polymers are highly crystalline primarily because their structure is conductive to packing, while others are crystalline primarily because of the secondary forces. For still other polymers, both factors may be favorable for crystallization.形容可数名词的量词a few many a number of形容不可数名词的量词a great/small/certain amount of a great/good deal of形容可数和不可数名词均可的量词a lot of lots ofAlthough a few polymers may be completely amorphous and a few completely crystalline, most polymers are partially or semi-crystalline in character.The use of IPNs has received a great deal of attention in recent years and different kinds of IPN have been synthesized with different compositions.The major amount of work on size distributions has been on polyesters and polyimides.A sizeable amount work has been published on the copolymerizations of various cyclic monomers.以下结构的谓语的数由前一个决定, as well as……由较靠近谓语动词的决定not only……but also……either……or……neither……nor……三、冠词冠词是最易犯错误的地方一定要注意否则编辑的负担极重因为每句话都会用到冠词最普通的规则如下单数名词前一般要加冠您身边的论文好秘书:您的原始资料与构思,我按您的意思整理成优秀论文论着,并安排出版发表,、4自信我会是您人生路上不可或缺的论文好秘书词 a , the 等但有些情况可不加复数名词前一般可不加冠词也可加the, these, those.5The molecular weight of a polymer is of prime importance in its synthesis and application.The rate constant can be expressed by an Arrhenius type relationshipK = A e -E/RTWhere A is the collision frequency factor, E the Arrhenius activation energy, and T the Kelvintemperature. A plot of lnK versus 1/T allows the determination of both E and A from the slopeand intercept, respectively.When a water-insoluble or only slightly water-soluble monomer is added, a very small fractiondissolves and goes into solution. A large but still small portion of the monomer enters the interiorhydrocarbon part of the micelles. The largest portion of the monomer is dispersed as monomerdroplets.被修饰的名词前要加 the:There has been a rapidly increasing effort in the last ten to fifteen years toward the synthesis ofnew polymers with markedly higher temperature resistance than those previously available.The catalysts usually must be prepared at the low temperatures since most of them becomeheterogeneous when prepared at or warmed up to the temperatures above about -40 . 四从句分词不定式这些是写作时常用且必须用到的结构一定要掌握在学术论文中从句分词不定式通常用来作修饰Applications in the relatively new field of tissue engineering, where polymers are used to assistregeneration of three-dimensional tissue structures, are more and more integrated with biological demands.There are three general synthetic approaches that have been used to produce polymers withincreased thermal stability.If certain symmetry requirements are met, the molecules are able to pack into an ordered, latticearrangement and crystallization occurs. The temperature at which this occurs is Tm. There are at least two mechanisms through which the infectivity of a vector can be blocked. Biodegradable polymers containing ˋhydrolysable ˊgroups in their chains, which are susceptible to biodegradation to low molecular weight, nontoxic products, have also beenconsidered for controlled drug delivery systems.Polymers possessing high strength, solvent and chemical resistance, and serviceability at hightemperatures would find a variety of uses.6The challenge facing cell and molecular biologists is to decipher how cellular events occur.A general problem encountered in many of the polymerization systems has been a difficulty inobtaining polymers of sufficiently high enough molecular weight to have reasonable strengthproperties.Another approach to obtain rigid polymer chains is by the synthesis of spiro polymers. 五标点英文中一句话结束要用句号注意避免过长的句子这点与汉语中常用逗号的习惯不同请注意以下结构的标点…… such as A and B ………… such as A, B and C ………… , such as A, ………… , for example, ………… , for example ………… ,., ………… ,., …………, respectively.四、掌握一些学术论文常用的短语结构可大大降低写作的难度In order to meet all of these criteria, the vector must deliver the gene accurately. To overcome this problem, it would be advantageous to pseudotype lentiviral vectors withtargeted MLV envelopes.Besides identifying suitable proteases for targeting, the success of thisprotease-targetingstrategy relies on the accessibility of the linker to protease cleavage.We have focused our investigations on the in vitro and in vivo biological response of a mousecell line.On the contrary, the homotelomer derivative 11 exhibits no substantial loss of cytotoxicitycompared to free Ara-C.After more than three decades of development, in which numerous polymers have been used toreplace body parts, clinical success is still relatively rare.7In some cases, polymeric materials for drug delivery must satisfy additional requirements, suchas environmental responsiveness . pH- or temperature dependent phase or volume transformations.)Owing to the nature of these interactions, surface modification strategies have been used to。



2422020年10期总第502期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS浅谈英语学术论文语言特征及翻译技巧文/甄伟红【摘要】英语学术论文有着鲜明的语言特征,可体现在名词化、模糊限制语和被动句式等方面。








Halliday 等人于1964年提出了语域分析(register analysis)的概念,对特定交际场合和职业语言变体的描述成为语言学中的一个研究主题(周薇薇、邓晓明 2017:92)。








academic writing 学术英语写作

academic writing 学术英语写作














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一、摘要的内涵与分类1.摘要的内涵根据国际标准化组织(ISO) 在 ISO214- 1976(E)中的定义, 摘要是对文献内容的准确扼要而不加注释或评论的简略叙述。

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一般用来反映科技文章的目的、方法及主要结果与结论, 在有限的字数内向读者提供尽可能多的定性或定量的信息, 充分反映该研究的创新之处。

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指示性摘要是指明一则文献的论题及取得的成果的性质和水平的摘要, 其目的是使读者对该研究的主要内容(即作者做了什么工作)有一个轮廓性的了解。

创新内容较少的论文, 其摘要可写成指示性摘要, 一般适用于学术性期刊的简报、问题讨论等栏目以及技术性期刊等。

报道- 指示性摘要介于上述两者之间, 是以报道性摘要的形式表述一则文献中信息价值较高的部分, 而以指示性摘要的形式表示其余部分。

二、中文摘要英译的意义及原则科技发展离不开国际间科技交流, 国际间科技交流离不开英文科技写作, 国际索引期刊每年要收录大量学术论文的英文摘要, 这是国际学者了解非英文期刊文献科技成果的重要途径。





一、英文题名题名的结构英文题名以短语为主要形式,尤以名词短语(noun phrase)最常见,即题名基本上由1个或几个名词加上其前置和(或)后置定语构成。



















英语专业学术论文写作:引言英语专业学术论文写作:引言英语专业学术论文写作:引言一、引言部分的作用和构成要素引言是开题报告的一个翻版开题报告成分分析引言结构分析一、选题:政治新闻翻译中的归化与异化1.IntroductionDomestication and Foreignization in Translating Political News1.1Rational/Significance/Background(1)从大的背景引出研究对象的重要性二、研究目的与意义 (2)研究对象的切入点研究很重要,是能够更好更及时地在国人眼前真实准确地展现英美等经济政治强国经济政治文化领研究的难点/亟待解决的问题域的最新情况,让关心国际时事大事的人们看到最原汁原味同时也是最精确真实的第一手(3)针对这个切入点的研究现状:成就新闻报道,是提高中国国人政治意识的一大法宝,因此在翻译政治新闻时,正确处理政治和问题各是怎样的(极其概括,否则和文新闻中的“外国风味”,同时加上适当“中国风味”让国人更好地理解原语作者的意图就献综述重合了,尽量控制在3-5句话内) 成了政治新闻翻译者亟待解决的一个问题。







学术英文写作用语English:Academic writing in English requires a precise and formal tone, employing appropriate vocabulary and structure to convey complex ideas effectively. It's crucial to utilize clear and concise language, avoiding colloquialisms or overly casual expressions. Additionally, academic writing demands meticulous attention to detail, including proper citation of sources to support arguments and maintain integrity. Cohesive organization is essential, with logical transitions between ideas to ensure clarity and coherence for the reader. Moreover, the use of hedging language to qualify assertions and acknowledge uncertainties is common, demonstrating scholarly humility and openness to alternative interpretations. Overall, mastering academic English involves not only linguistic proficiency but also an understanding of disciplinary conventions and rhetorical strategies specific to the field of study.中文翻译:学术英文写作要求使用精确和正式的语调,运用适当的词汇和结构有效传达复杂的思想。




1. Introduction:A. 如何指出当前研究的不足并有目的地引导出自己研究的重要性?在叙述前人成果之后,用However来引导不足,提出一种新方法或新方向。

如:However, little information(little attention/little work/little data/little research……)(orfew studies/few investigations/few researchers/few attempts……)(or no/none of these studies……)has(have)been done on(focused on/attemptedto/conducted/investigated/studied(with respect to))。

如:Previous research (studies, records) has (have) failed to consider/ ignored/ misinterpreted/ neglectedto/overestimated, underestimated/misleaded. thus, these previus results are inconclisive, misleading, unsatisfactory, questionable, controversial. Uncertainties (discrepancies) still exist……研究方法和方向与前人一样时,可通过以下方式强调自己工作:However, data is still scarce(rare, less accurate)or there is still dearth of……We need to(aim to, have to) provide more documents(data, records, studies, increase the dataset). Further studies are still necessary(essential)……强调自己研究的重要性,一般还要在However之前介绍与自己研究问题相反或相关的问题。


业课程或选修课程所提交的小论文。写法随意,简单明了,围绕所学 课程,就任课老师布置的问题或自己所发现的问题发表一些见解和观 点
学年论文(TERM PAPER):大学高年级阶段在有经验的教师指导下完
成的为获取学分的论文。属于比较正规的论文写作。要求学生在已有 知识的基础上稍稍深入研究一些专业性的问题,并力所能及地提出一 些新见解,新观点,新认识等,在行文写法方面逐渐走向规范。
•Scholarly magazines or journals
• very short, 3-5 pages in length
•PhD thesis
• hundreds of pages
•Required paper
• 10-15 pages, 20 pound space, 4000-5000 words
artistic touch.
• Second language acquisition
• Learner error analysis
• How did spell and grammar checkers change the error patterns in college students’ English writing exercises?
• 5) 避免使用双重否定表达法。如: • 劣:this reaction is not uncommon. • 优:this reaction is common; 或: this reaction is rare; 或: this reaction occurs






















学术英语论文范文精选3篇评价系统(The pprisl Systems)是对系统功能语言学的新进展。



该研究由Mrtin指导,Croline Coffin,Rick Iedem,Henrike Korner,Dvid Rose,Robert Vee 和Peter White 参与。

这项研究是“写得得体”(Write It Right)科研项目的一部分。












介入系统深受Bkhtin (1981,1986)对话性和多语性的影响。




介入可以通过情态词、言剧性表达、模糊语等来实现,如my,it is sid tht等。







•These new measures will, we believe, increase the people’s purchasing power and lead to thriving financial and commercial conditions rather than make a mess of the country’s finances as some people argue.
汉语的主谓单句,从外形结构 上来看,跟英语的“主谓”结构是 相似的,但它的主语和谓语表达却 与英语有许多不同的地方。所以翻 译汉语主谓单句时,至少应注意几 个问题。
1、防止主语的机械对应。 中国近几年来发生了巨变。 ①There have been great changes in China these years. ②These years have seen (witnessed) great changes in China. ③Great changes have taken place in China these years. ④China crackles with the dynamics of changes these years.
汉语造句以名词为重心,以词组、散句和 分句为手段,善于按时间、逻辑顺序进行横 排式叙述,有时断句不严,外形松散。有人 称汉语是时间型的动态结构,主要体现于形 式自由,富于弹性。
英语则以“主—谓”主干结构为重心来统 领各种语言成分,句界分明,外形严密。 因此,汉语各种句型译成英语时,不仅在 逻辑关系上而且在外形上都应该体现出英语 句法结构的特点。
2-3 Reversing • 1)沿路都是小商店。 Small shops dot the way. • 2)他这样悍然行事使我们非常气恼。 Hot anger burned in our minds against him at his rashness.



英语作文常用语English Answer:English essays are often composed using a variety of vocabulary and phrases that are commonly found in academic writing. These phrases and words serve to enhance the clarity, sophistication, and persuasiveness of the essay.Commonly Used Phrases:In light of this: Considering the information provided。

In the context of: Within the framework of。

It is imperative to note that: It is important to remember。

Furthermore: Additionally。

In conclusion: To summarize。

Inherent in this: Essential to the concept。

Notwithstanding this: Despite this。

Subsequent to: Following。

In juxtaposition to: In comparison。

With a view to: With the intention of。

Commonly Used Vocabulary:Significant: Important。

Substantial: Considerable。

Evidently: Clearly。

Consequently: As a result。

Moreover: Furthermore。

Conversely: On the other hand。

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The rate constant can be expressed by an Arrhenius type relationship K = A e -E/RT Where A is the collision frequency factor, E the Arrhenius activation energy, and T the Kelvin temperature. A plot of lnK versus 1/T allows the determination of both E and A from the slope and intercept, respectively.
Much research has been done to redirect the tropism of retroviruses by engineering the envelope glycoprotein.
Most research on poly(ortho esters) has focused on the synthesis of polymers.
一些数有特殊性的名词 data, kinetics 通常作复数名词
research, work: 不可数名词
The data in Table 1 are obtained from the reactions at different temperatures.
The kinetics of polymerization within each droplet are the same as those for the corresponding bulk polymerization.
The use of IPNs has received a great deal of attention in recent years and different kinds of IPN have been synthesized with different compositions.
The major amount of work on size distributions has been on polyesters and polyimides.
appendix appendices
依据 现象 介质 半径 指数 附录 刺激 基础
synthesis matrix
syntheses matrices
合成 基体
Novel biomaterials with improved, specific biological action are being developed using polymers that are responsive to environmental stimuli.
语言风格 清晰流畅的书面语言 注意向已发表的文章学习语言 专业术语必须从该领域的文献中学习 避免自创的新奇语句
一 时态 时态是个比较复杂的问题 虽然有一般的规则 但往往在实际文章中很难把握 总体的
规则已在前边讲过 需要重申的是在同一段落中要避免时态跳跃 详见学术论文的写作
一些结构的数 <主谓的统一>
one of 复数名词 单数
none of 复数名词 复数
none of 单数名词/不可数名词 单数
no 复数名词 复数
no 单数名词/不可数名词 单数
a kind of 单数名词 单数
this/that kind of 单数名词
these kinds of 复数名词 复数
三 冠词 冠词是最易犯错误的地方 一定要注意 否则编辑的负担极重 因为每句话都会用到冠
词 最普通的规则如下
单数名词前一般要加冠词 a , the 等 但有些情况可不加 复数名词前一般可不加冠词 也可加 the, these, those.
The molecular weight of a polymer is of prime importance in its synthesis and application.
Dozens of different types of receptors are present on the average mammalian cell.
In a number of special applications (e.g. contact lenses and skin-grafting materials), additional requirements such as transparency should be considered when selecting a polymer.
最常见的描述一般现象的时态是一般现在时 有时也用一般过去时 或一般将来时
In recent years 作时间状语时 通常要用完成时
In recent years, Plesch and coworkers have concluded that many so-called cationic polymerizations do not proceed through intermediates of an ionic nature.
The number of mechanisms which have been proposed to explain the stereopecificity of
Ziegler-Natta catalysts. * The number of 复数名词: 整个做主语时谓语应为单数; 但此句的动词 have 是从句的谓语
Controlled drug delivery technology represents one of most rapid advancing areas of science in which chemists are contributing to human health care.
a few
a number of
a great/small/certain amount of 形容可数和不可数名词均可的量词
a great/good deal of
a lot of
lots of
Although a few polymers may be completely amorphous and a few completely crystalline, most polymers are partially or semi-crystalline in character.
Polymers are a promising class of biomaterials that can be engineered to meet specific end-use requirements.
The most important class of poly(amides) for controlled release are the poly(amino acids).
This type of termination is often referred to as spontaneous termination.
A number of polymer backbones that are potentially degradable are detailed in the text.
One of possibilities for enhancing the pharmacological properties is to link it to a carrier.
Biocompatibility is one of the main criteria for the selection of a particular biomaterial.
A sizeable amount work has been published on the copolymerizations of various cyclic monomers.
以下结构的谓语的数 由前一个决定 , as well as……
由较靠近谓语动词的决定 not only……but also…… either……or…… neither……nor……
Many of these transmembrane proteins are receptors.
Some polymers are highly crystalline primarily because their structure is conductive to packing, while others are crystalline primarily because of the secondary forces. For still other polymers, both factors may be favorable for crystallization.
Several models have been proposed but none appear to be generally applicable.
None of the presently used ones are applied rigorously.
Thus far no studies have conclusively demonstrated long-term value of any of the cardiac gene therap approaches.