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As the auto industry and the shock absorber and the development of the industry to improve the living conditions of people in the car such a market demand of both urban walking, field sports, in line with modern young people to pursue an extremely strong personality of the mentality of SUV cars to be

shipped and Health. SUV can adapt to all kinds of traffic, but also for suspension of comfort and of the SUV car suspension system is also in order to meet the current development of the actual needs of such a design.

The design of major research SUV cars before and after the suspension system of structural design. Before the current suspension of the more popular Maifuxunshi independent suspension system, rear suspension better use of comfort-two-link independent suspension. Before and after the suspension of the shock absorber and effective use of the improved comfort and driving stability. Also in the design of a suspension parameters of the flexibility of the design elements, the orientation and structure of the calculation and strength checking. Moreover, the use of Matlab software on the ride suspension system of a programming analysis, demonstration of the system design of reasonable accuracy, to meet the actual needs.

The design for improving the car on ride comfort, addition to auto enterprises suspension design, with some reference value.

Key words: independent suspension; dependent suspension; automobile

shock absorber; ride comfort;


第1章绪论 (1)

1.1悬架系统概述 (1)

1.2课题研究的目的及意义 (3)

1.3课题研究的主要内容 (4)

第2章前、后悬架结构的选择 (4)

2.1独立悬架结构特点 (4)

2.2非独立悬架结构特点 (6)

2.3前后悬架结构方案 (7)

2.4辅助元件 (10)

2.4.1横向稳定器 (10)

2.4.2弹性元件 (10)

第3章技术参数确定与计算 (11)

3.1自振频率 (11)

3.2悬架刚度 (11)

3.3悬架静挠度 (11)

3.4悬架动挠度 (12)

第4章弹性元件的设计计算 (13)

4.1前悬架弹簧(麦弗逊悬架) (13)

4.1.1螺旋弹簧的端部形状 (13)

4.1.2螺旋弹簧的参数计算 (13)

4.1.3弹簧圈数 (14)

4.2后悬架弹簧(二连杆悬架) (14)

4.2.1螺旋弹簧的参数计算 (14)

4.2.2弹簧圈数 (15)

第5章减振器设计 (16)

5.1减振器概述 (16)

5.2减振器分类 (16)

5.3减振器主要性能参数 (17)

5.5.1相对阻尼系数 (17)

5.5.2减振器阻尼系数 (18)

5.4最大卸荷力 (18)

5.5筒式减振器主要尺寸 (18)

5.5.1筒式减振器工作直径 (18)

5.5.2油筒直径 (19)

第6章横向稳定器设计 (19)

第7章平顺性分析 (21)

7.1平顺性概念 (21)

7.2汽车平顺性的研究方法 (21)
