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摘要:“Huangdi Neijing ”, the bible of TCM, has profound and obscure language as well as ancient and abundant rhetoric devices. It is not only a Medical literature, but also a model of the ancient medical about Chinese rhetoric wield.There are also significant differences in the contents of the text and differences in the factors such as the translator’s linguistic and education background, translation skills, target readers and initiators of the translation. The application of pluralistic ancient-Chinese rhetoric devices make its English difficult. To better understand the effects of translator’s subjectivity on translation, original sentences of Huangdi Neijing and their English equivalence were picked out. The English Sentences were compared between different versions and their differences were analyzed based on the theory of translator’s subjectivity.
《黄帝内经》翻译从1925开始,到2005年正式出版过11个英译本。其中《黄帝内经》全译本4部,节译本3部,编译本4部。这些译本产生于不同的历史时期,由不同背景的译者翻译,译本之间差异巨大,反映了中医古籍英译事业的发展进程。译者中有的是在读博士的医史学家,如美国的Ilza Veith;有的是出身中医世家,在美国从事中医临床教学的中医师,如吴氏父子Maoshing Ni;有的是比较严肃的医学学者,如文树德和李照国等译本内容也不尽相同,有节译、选译、摘译、编译等不同译本。总体而言,《内经》英译已经从规定性研究发展至描写性研究,从纯理论研究发展至具体文本研究,从语料研究微观的符号层面发展至宏观的语篇研究。随着翻译理论的不断发展和完善,《内经》英译事业最终会出现高潮,为中医典籍英译奠定一定理论和实践基础。
而今现有的译本有:Dawson节译的《素问》(1925);美国医史学家Ilza Veith《素问》前34章的英译本The
Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine(1949);广州孙逸仙医学院院长黄雯医师《素问》前2章的译文Nei Ching, the Chinese Canon of Medicine(1950);加拿大人哼利·C陆(Henry C. Lu)《内经》和《难经》的合译本《内、难经全集》(1978);美国华裔中医师Maoshing Ni的《素问》编译本The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine (1995);李照国教授的《素问》全译本Huangdi Neijing –Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine(2005)等等。
例1:风盛则动,热盛则肿,燥盛则干,寒盛则,湿盛则濡泻李本:Predominance of wind causes tremor [of the limbs] predominance of heat produces swelling, predominance of dryness lends to desiccation predominance of cold results in dropsy and predominance of dampness brings about watery diarrhea .
倪本:When the pathogenic wind comes like a storm. It can cause shaking, if fire burns excessively .There will be redness and swelling, if dryness is present there will be withering .Excess cold can result in swelling and extreme dampness will lead to urinary problems and diarrhea.
威本:When wind is victorious everything moves and stirs. When the heat overcomes the world then, in the end, swelling will ensue. When dryness overcomes the world everything will be scorched. When the cold overcomes the world everything becomes light and floating. When dampness overcomes the world the moisture will be dispelled.
分析:引自《素问阴阳应象大论篇第五》,讨论的是五气偏盛致病的特点,“风盛则动”是指风气太过,易导致痉挛动摇的症状。李本译为:Predominance of wind causes tremor [of the limbs],即风邪偏盛,易导致四肢震颤。倪本译为:When the pathogenic wind comes like a storm. It can cause shaking.是:风邪袭人会导致震颤。威本译为:When wind is victorious everything moves and stirs.风邪偏盛,一切都会动摇。中医理论中,风邪致病的特点是易导致四肢搐动,只有李本增加of the limbs(四肢)补充了这层隐含信息。