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Candidate Major Supervisor
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Wu Wenfeng Mechanical Engineering Associate Prof. Chen Yuxue Prof. Yang Shunian
Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan, Hubei 430074, P. R. China May, 2012
华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
signals , completes the processing of data and sends out the motion commands. The motion control cards receive the commands and then execute the corresponding action. The software Measuring and control system contains data processing program and motion contro l program. The data processing program completes the analysis,processing and storage of measurement signal and the motion control program controls mechanical motion. Experimental results show that the precision of repeated measurement of the machine is ±0.5μm. The requirements of the customers satisfied. Keywords: film laser thickness measuring instrument motion control cards
华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering
Research On Laser Thickness Measuring Instrument for Film
华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
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学位申请人:吴 文 峰
学 科 专 业 :机械工程 指 导 教 师 :陈於学 副教授 杨曙年 教 授
答 辩 日 期 :2012 年 5 月 11 日
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华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文

电池极片表面需要涂覆一层箔片(铜箔、铝箔),即集流体,其功用是将电池活性物 质产生的电流汇集起来,以便形成较大的电流输出。涂膜厚度是影响电池质量的重要参 数。涂膜的厚度过薄会降低活性物质的附着力,过厚则会增加电池内阻,从而导致电池 容量衰减,并且造成经济上的浪费。而且涂膜厚薄不均或未达到规定要求,最终将影响 到电池容量和一致性。因此,涂膜厚度的实时检测对保障产品质量至关重要。 本课题根据用户要求,利用激光测厚技术,设计涂膜激光测厚仪,用以解决电池极 片生产过程中极片涂膜厚度的非接触监测问题。测厚仪系统分为机械系统和测控系统两 部分。 机械系统主要包括:机架、激光测头自校准装置、涂膜箔片传送装置、涂膜测量机 构四大部分。机架为整个测厚仪提供工作平台;激光测头自校准装置实现了激光同轴度 的校准及激光测头的在线标定;涂膜箔片传送装置完成涂膜箔片的卷绕收料;涂膜测量 机构实现激光测头固定及测头三维精确调整,并进行厚度的自动测量。 测控系统包括测控系统硬件和测控系统软件两大部分。测控系统硬件又分为测厚系 统硬件和运动控制系统硬件。测厚系统硬件核心部分为工控机,运动控制系统硬件主要 包括运动控制卡,工控机接收信号完成数据处理并发出动作指令,运动控制卡接收指令 执行相应的动作;测控系统软件包含数据处理程序和运动控制程序,数据处理程序完成 测量信号的分析处理、存储等工作,运动控制程序实现各机械动作的控制。 测厚仪使用情况表明:该检测仪器重复测量精度达到±0.5μm,满足了用户的要求。 关键词:涂膜 激光 测厚仪 运动控制卡
华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
目 摘

要 ..............................................................................................IV
Abstract.................................................................................................. V 1 绪论 1.1 课题来源及研究意义 ........................................................................1 1.2 国内外测厚技术的研究概况.............................................................2 1.3 本文基本结构 ................................................................................. 10 1.4 本章小结......................................................................................... 11 2 总体方案设计 2.1 涂膜测厚仪设计要求 ...................................................................... 12 2.2 涂膜测厚仪测量原理 ...................................................................... 13 2.3 涂膜测厚仪系统组成 ...................................................................... 16 2.4 本章小结......................................................................................... 17 3 机械结构设计 3.1 机械结构总体方案.......................................................................... 18 3.2 机架 ................................................................................................ 20 3.3 激光测头自校准装置 ...................................................................... 21 3.4 涂膜箔片传送装置.......................................................................... 25 3.5 涂膜测厚机构 ................................................................................. 28
华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽 我所知,除文中已经标明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过 的研究成果。对本文的研究做出贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意 识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。
华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
The surface of battery need to be coated with a layer of foil(Copper or Aluminum) , namely current collector. Its function is to collect the electric current which generated by the battery active materials together to form strong electric current output. The thickness of film is an important factor which will affect the quality of products . If the thickness of film is too thin,the adhesion force to collect active materials will reduce. If the thickness of film is too thick, it will increase the internal resistance of battery, lead to the attenuation of battery capacity and cause the waste in economy. And if the thickness of film is not uniform or not reach the requirements,will have a negative impact on battery capacity and consistency. Therefore,real-time detection of the thickness of film is important. According to the requirements of user , based on the technology of thickness measurement by laser,we design the laser thickness measuring instrument for film. Through this instrument,can solve the problem of non-contact monitoring of the thickness of film which arise in the process of production. The whole thickness measuring system includes two parts:mechanical system,measuring and control system. Mechanical system mainly includes four parts: the whole frame , self-calibration device for measuring head by laser, transfer device for film coated by foil, measuring device for film. The whole frame provide work platform for instrument. Through the self-calibration device for measuring head by laser,can realize the calibration of laser’s coaxial tolerance and measuring head by laser. Transfer device can finish the rewind of film coated by foil. Measuring device for film will complete the thickness measurement. According to the composition,the measuring and control system can be divided into two parts: hardware and software. The hardware of measuring and control system can be divided into two parts: the hardware of measuring system and the hardware of motion control system. Industrial PC is the key part of the hardware of measuring system. The hardware of motion control system mainly includes the motion control cards. The industrial PC receives