3、中国日报(China Daily):英语点睛:新词新译4、王恩冕,《大学英汉翻译教程》,对外经济贸易大学出版社,第三版,2010。
词汇翻译(30分)英译汉:从10个terms 里面挑5个translate and define them briefly in Chinese (共15分,一个3分)1 added value tax增值税增值税是以商品(含应税劳务)在流转过程中产生的增值额作为计税依据而征收的一种流转税。
2 annual financial report年度财务报告年度财务报告是指年度终了对外提供的财务报告。
3 bull market牛市,旺市;多头市场。
4 11 2016284 law of diminishing marginal returns 边际收益递减规律又称边际效益递减规律,或边际产量递减规律,指在短期生产过程中,在其他条件不变(如技术水平不变)的前提下,增加某种生产要素的投入,当该生产要素投入数量增加到一定程度以后,增加一单位该要素所带来的效益增加量是递减的,边际收益递减规律是以技术水平和其他生产要素的投入数量保持不变为条件的条件下进行讨论的一种规律。
5 angel investment天使投资是权益资本投资的一种形式,是指富有的个人出资协助具有专门技术或独特概念的原创项目或小型初创企业,进行一次性的前期投资。
测试中可能遇到的词汇和知识:skyscrapers摩天大楼ubiquitous无所不在的Euromonitor欧睿(公司名)Mainlanders大陆人A parable of Oreos and ovens(716words)By Patti Waldmeir in Shanghai------------------------------------------------------Three scant years ago,Shanghai celebrated the100th birthday of one of history’s most famous junk foods—the Oreo biscuit —with fireworks on the Bund and multi-storey neon adverts projected on to skyscrapers.But now China has put Oreo on a diet.资料来源:育明考研考博官网This is a country where,within living memory,millions starved to death.People will,to this day,tell you how they ate roots or shoots or even dirt to stay alive.Little wonder the Chinese market was a pushover for the ubiquitousblack-and-white sandwich cookie.Foreign treats were seen as healthier than local snacks, because they were imported from places that did not have such a vigorous tradition of poisoning residents with tainted ingredients,as was the fad in China.When I moved here in 2008,it took a while to get used to the notion that McDonald’s was a healthy option,purely because it was less likely to be toxic.Here,when mainlanders tell you something is“healthy”, they often mean that it won’t be immediately fatal.But in the past few years,China has begun to discover that heavy metals are not the only things to avoid in snack foods. There is that small matter of fat and sugar,st week, Chinese media carried stories saying that Mondelez,the maker of Oreo,was shutting down some Shanghai production because people were going right off biscuits.The US company 资料来源:育明考研考博官网waffled a bit about“optimising our supply chain”and shifting production elsewhere,but the company had made clear in the past that Oreo was in trouble in China.Figures from Euromonitor show that,since the sound and light of its centenary celebration,the biscuit has lost one-third of its market share in China,from nearly9per cent of the market in 2012to6per cent now.So that is how Oreo ended up watching its waistline:Mondelez introduced a new“Oreo Thin”,just to woo Chinese consumers, and it did so well that they last month announced that Americans will be able to opt for the skinnier cousin too.All because of a revolution in eating habits that took decades in the west—and only a handful of years in China.That’s not Oreo’s only problem:many of the world’s most successful brands made it to China early and had a long run almost unrivalled,but are losing their first-mover advantage. (KFC has that problem too,compounded by a spot of bad publicity on the food quality front.)资料来源:育明考研考博官网Meanwhile,mainlanders have developed one of the most fickle palates on earth:Americans may want the same cookie Mum gave them with their milk after school;but Chinese want something new every day.Local companies are often nimbler than multinationals at introducing green tea or purple sweet potato alternatives to traditional flavours.And cookie companies are facing competition from an even more unlikely source:home bakers.When I moved here,ovens were rare in normal homes:I figured that was why mine didn’t work too well.But now many a Chinese bride insists on having one.Sales of the countertop ovens preferred on the mainland have more than quadrupled since I started wielding a flour sifter on Chinese shores,and a318-pieceeverything-you-could-ever-need baking set can be had on Alibaba’s Taobao for only137devalued renminbi.For,given that the vast majority of Chinese under30have never known an hour of hunger in their lives,let alone survived on roots and shoots,just filling the tummy is no longer the point.They cook for fun—and for health reasons,资料来源:育明考研考博官网says Qian Zhaoli,a27-year-old marketing manager inShanghai.She’s started baking her own rusks because her first child is teething.“I wanted her to have the healthiest ones,without any additives,”she says,adding that shop-boughtrusks have such a long shelf life,and“who knows how many artificial colours and preservatives they contain?”Plus,western-style baking is far easier than cooking any of China’s complicated cuisines,she says,noting that in Shanghai most cooking is done by men.This is not just a tale of Oreos and ovens.It is a parable for a new type of Chinese consumption:more finicky,more fickle—potentially less profitable.Anyone selling almost anythinghere should watch it closely.May the best rolling pin win.What is the author's attitude about Oreo?∙Healthy∙yucky∙bad for health∙good for teethWhat is the meaning of“healthy”by mainlanders about food?∙it won’t be immediately fatal资料来源:育明考研考博官网∙little fat and sugar∙it is non-toxic∙all of non-gm ingredientsWhere is production closed by Mondelez,the maker of Oreo?∙Guangzhou∙Beijing∙Chengdu∙ShanghaiWho is the competition from an even more unlikely source for cookie companies?∙Cake shop∙Supermarket∙Home oven∙Male chef在中国“瘦身”的奥利奥解析C第一段作者说奥利奥是junk foods之一,所以应该是对健康无益的食物。
阅读题源被LED灯吸引的工业巨头LED(Light Emitting Diode)是发光二极管的简称。
测试中可能遇到的词汇和知识:conglomerate联合大企业upheaval突变oligopoly求过于供的市场情况hitherto迄今sophisticated精致的Industrial giants caught in LED headlights(451words)By Chris Bryant in Frankfurt------------------------------------------------------Shoppers at the Carrefour hypermarket in Lille no longer have to ask for help to find items on special offer—instead they can navigate to them using their smartphone.Philips,the Dutch technology conglomerate,has installed800light-emitting diode fixtures at the7,800square metre store that can send a location signal to a customer’s phone using light invisible to the human eyes.“With the right sensors installed,an LED light-fitting could become the best GPS ever by directing customers or visitors to where they want to go”says Gaia Nocchi,director at Frost&Sullivan,the research and consulting firm.Lighting is starting to become part of the“internet of things”—where different devices are all connected on telecoms networks—but for incumbent manufacturers this rapid technological shift is causing huge upheaval.资料来源:育明考研考博官网Industrial giants Philips,Siemens and General Electric for decades enjoyed an oligopoly in the hitherto slow-moving lighting market,which James Stettler,an analyst at Barclays,compares with a“licence to print money”,partly because people have to regularly replace their bulbs.Now LEDs are fast displacing traditional light sources such asincandescent,halogen and fluorescent bulbs,catalysed partly bydouble-digit annual price declines in components.Government regulations also have supported the growth of LEDs because of their energy efficiency.They produce light using semiconductors—whereas traditional light bulbs rely on filaments—and therefore consume less electricity.LEDs also last much longer than old-style bulbs and are far moresophisticated.For example,the new68-storey International Youth Culture Centre in Nanjing,China,has700,000LED lights capable of illuminating the building façade in different colours at night.Frost&Sullivan estimates the global LED lighting market grew35per cent to$32.3bn last year,and it is forecast to more than double to$70bn by 2019.LED as a proportion of the total lighting market is set to near50 per cent by the end of2015and reach84per cent by2020.The incumbents saw the tech revolution coming and are now among the biggest players,but the rapid growth in LEDs has attracted new low-costcompetitors,particularly from Asia.The incumbents are responding to these challenges in different ways,but broadly speaking they are restructuring legacy,high-volume lighting units and regearing their business models towards“smart”and“connected lighting”.“In10years there might not be a single light bulb left.If your core competence isn’t needed any more,then you need to adapt—the challenge is to move from being a general lighting company to a solution provider,”says Ms Nocchi.How can shoppers at the Carrefour hypermarket find items on special offer? Using their smartphones资料来源:育明考研考博官网∙Asking the shop assistants∙Looking for special signs∙Using GPSWhich of the following is not mentioned as one of the industrial giants having enjoyed an oligopoly in the lighting market?∙Philips∙Siemens∙ A.O.Smith∙General ElectricWhy have government regulations supported the growth of LEDs?∙Their universality∙Their Energy efficiency∙Their low price∙Their high qualityWhich of the following is not mentioned as LED’s advantage?∙Consuming less electricity∙Creating less pollution∙Lasting longer∙Being more sophisticated被LED灯吸引的工业巨头资料来源:育明考研考博官网解析A文章第一和第二段提到顾客可以通过使用智能手机接收LED光信号来找到特价商品,而不需要寻求他人帮助。
测试中可能遇到的词汇和知识:keen愿意,希望daunting使气馁rogue无良的,欺诈的UK pensions:how to hire an adviser(590words)By Judith Evans------------------------------------------------------As retirement looms,you resolve to take professional advice—only to discover a quandary:from which of the vast array of30,000UK registered advisers keen to take your custom?This puzzle has been faced by growing numbers of savers since the government reformed the pensions market by removing the requirement to turn savings into a secure income,offering a far greater choice in how to deploy a nest egg.That choice has driven up demand for ,an online directory,has seen a20per cent increase in searches for financial advisers compared with last year,according to Karen Barrett,chief executive.But choosing an adviser can be daunting.Jane Vass,head of public policy at Age UK,says:“We know that people often put off using an adviser, even if they think they need one.“They’re worried about being charged commission,they feel they won’t understand the charges,they won’t feel able to negotiate or they don’资料来源:育明考研考博官网t know how to compare advisers.”Those in need of advice may take some reassurance from the Retail Distribution Review reforms that took effect in2013,increasing the qualifications required to register as an adviser—now equivalent to a certificate of higher education.They must regularly obtain a “statement of professional standing”,which certifies that they have kept their qualifications up-to-date and signed up for an ethics code.Under the changes,all advisers were banned from taking commissions on most financial products,removing the incentive to sell products that a customer may not need.Experts say this has led to significant progress in improving standards and rooting out rogue operators,after a spate of overly risky products were sold to retail investors in the early2000s.A series of advisers have been banned and fined,and others investigated for exposing clients to high-risk investments in areas such as overseas property and biofuels.“The industry is clearly in a very different place from where it was10 years ago,”says Ms Vass.Among the first decisions to be taken is whether to opt for an “independent”or“restricted”adviser.The latter will only offer products from a limited panel of providers,although their charging structures and qualifications are similar to their independent counterparts.Both types of advisers charge fees to the investor,not commissions.But regulatory and insurance requirements are more onerous for independent advisers—such as proving that they really do survey the entire market when choosing products.Some smaller operations with limited resources opt for restricted status.Advisers may also be restricted in a different way,offering advice on just one type of financial product,such as mortgages.This can enable them to develop specialist knowledge while saving on costs—but make sure you clarify in what way an adviser is restricted.Beyond the minimum standards,advisers may also have extra qualifications in specialist areas,such as pensions advice or long-term care,a bonus if one of these is your focus.资料来源:育明考研考博官网“Ring up and go to see at least three or four advisers,”Ms Barrett says.“Ask them who’s going to be working with me,what experience do they have,where have they worked before,what types of clients are they especially able to help?”Many advisers will offer an initial free face-to-face consultation,which gives you a chance to brandish a checklist of questions,including on the vexed question of fees;you can also ask how the adviser expects to make or save you money that will make the fees worth your while.What is the trend for the amount of people that saves their pension?∙Increasing∙Decreasing∙Reaching zero∙Don't knowBeginning2013,what changed if you want to become an adviser?∙Lower educationdegreerequired∙There is an annual fee if you want to be an adviser∙More qualifications required∙Nothing changedWhat’s the author’s attitude towards restricting the adviser’s expertise to one field?∙Indifferent∙Positive∙Doubtful资料来源:育明考研考博官网∙NegativeHow much does it cost to set up a one-on-one meeting with an adviser?∙Very expensive∙Free∙Very cheap∙Don’t know专业养老金顾问解析A文章第二段讲到,由于政府改革养老金政策,越来越多的人开始储存他们拿到的养老金C文章第六段作者提到13年之后成为顾问更难了因为需要更多证书。
2016 对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士考研真题 及 答 案
在苹果股价的连续走低背后,到底隐藏着投资者怎样的顾虑?市场是否不再接受苹果独居鳌头的状况?消费者对于苹果的期待值和需求狂潮是否就此消退?究竟是谁,动了苹果投资者的“奶酪”?测试中可能遇到的词汇和知识:bullish积极乐观的,看涨的behemoth巨头Atop在…顶上What is eating Apple investors?(432words)By Kadhim Shubber------------------------------------------------------Apple’s shares slid to their lowest point since January on Wednesday morning before its five-day losing streak finally halted as buyers emerged.The world’s most valuable company has been hit by investor concern about its business in China,where there are signs economic growth is slowing and where Apple has recently slipped from its pre-eminent position in the smartphone market.Despite Tim Cook’s bullish comments on China during Apple’s recent third-quarter earnings call,investors have sold off the company,wiping more than$111bn off its market value since July21,a15per cent drop.资料来源:育明考研考博官网Shares opened a further2per cent lower on Wednesday but recovered by mid-morning,leaving it up 1.6per cent at$116.44.The technology behemoth has fallen in10out of the past12trading sessions and a further drop on Wednesday would have been the stock’s sixth straight day of losses —the longest such stretch since February2013Apple’s share price slide has weighed heavily on broader stock market indices,with every$1change in Apple’s share price resulting in a0.65 point shift in the S&P500,according to Howard Silverblatt,senior index analyst at S&P Dow Jones Indices.“The combination of Apple’s size and price moves results in an enormous impact on indices,with the only comparison being International Business Machines’impact in the early1980s,when PCs were new,and IBM was expected to own the market,”he said in a note.Although Apple more than doubled its sales in China to nudge third-quarter revenues and earnings just ahead of market forecasts,investors were rattled as iPhone sales fell short of expectations.Their concerns were reinforced after research outfit Canalys said this week that Apple has lost its position atop the Chinese smartphone market to local upstart Xiaomi during the second quarter.Apple dropped to third in China in the second quarter,according to Canalys, falling behind Xiaomi at number one and Huawei in second place.“Competition among major brands has never been so intense,”said Jingwen Wang in the report.Sliding commodity prices,which Wall Street has taken as evidence of a 资料来源:育明考研考博官网slowdown in China’s economy,along with turmoil in the country’s stock markets,have added to bearish investor sentiment around Apple.During Apple’s earnings call on July21,chief executive Tim Cook shrugged off concerns about the sharp drop in China’s stock markets and worries about its economic growth,saying the company remained“extremely bullish”on the country.“Nothing that’s happened has changed our fundamental view that China will be Apple’s largest market at some point in the future,”he said.Which market is the most concerning to investors?∙America∙India∙China∙UKWhich company in the1980s’market can be a comparison of Apple in today’s market?∙Microsoft∙Intel∙Cisco∙IBMWhat is Tim Cook’s attitude towards the Chinese market?∙Indifferent资料来源:育明考研考博官网∙Negative∙Don’t know∙PositiveWhich domestic company did Apple lose its atop position in the Chinese market to?∙Xiaomi∙Huawei∙Samsung∙HTC谁动了苹果投资者的“奶酪”?解析C文章第二段提到投资者最担心对他们有影响的就是苹果在中国市场的表现。
对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士考研解析刘毅10000词汇学习笔记lesson1(1)1.abdomen:part of the body below the chest and diaphragm,containing the stomach.腹部abdominal(adj)腹部的an abdominal operation腹部手术belly:(口)front of the human body from the waist to the groin;belly肚子,胃with an empty belly空着肚子in the belly of a ship在船腹里belly out(动词用法):鼓涨,凸出The wind bellied out the sails2.bereave:使某人丧失(尤指亲属)bereave sb of sb an accident which bereaved him of his wife使他丧失妻子的事故the bereaved husband死了妻子的男人the bereaved丧失亲人的人bereavement(n):丧亲之痛,丧失亲人deprive:take sth away from sb;prevent sb from enjoying or using sth剥夺sb/sth的sth;阻止某人享有或使用sthdeprive sb/sth of sthdeprive of one's civil rights剥夺某人的公民权deprivation(n):剥夺;贫困;被剥夺的事物widespread deprivation普遍贫困Missing the holiday was a great deprivation.错失假日是极大的损失。
deprived(adj):贫困的,穷苦的deprived childhood贫苦的童年3。
consecrate:devote sth/sb to or reserve sth/sb for a special(esp religious)purpose把sth/sb献给sth/sb做某种(尤其宗教)用途consecrate sth/sb to sthconsecrate one's life to the service of God,to the relief of suffering献身于为神服务(解除世人痛苦)的事业devote:give one's time,energy to sth/sb;dedicate为某人付出,向某人奉献,献身于devote oneself/sth to sb/sthdevoted(adj):热爱的,非常忠实的,全心全意的a devoted son孝子She is devoted to her children.她深爱她的孩子。
阅读题源速读测试:恐惧和贪婪:中国O2O热潮的动力O2O即Online To Offline(在线离线/线上到线下),是指将线下的商务机会与互联网结合,让互联网成为线下交易的前台。
测试中可能遇到的词汇和知识:enthuse充满热情地说commodity商品wariness小心jargon术语hype夸张的广告宣传clout影响力Fear and greed drive China’s online to offline commerce craze(764words)By Richard Waters------------------------------------------------------Sometimes,simply invoking the latest hot consumer internet trend is not enough.Chinese search engine Baidu learned that late last month,as its deepening investment in so-called“online to offline”commerce,or O2O, left a chill on its stock price.In China,O2O has been all the rage.But the term has been slapped on such a broad range of businesses that it has become meaningless.Chinese consumers,for instance,think the most useful aspect of O2O is going to a physical store to pick up and return things bought online,according to consultancy firm McKinsey.Others use the term to describe online ordering of local services from independent suppliers.Elsewhere in the world this is known as the on-demand economy.资料来源:育明考研考博官网Low labour costs in China have made this model particularly attractive, according to its supporters.Local media enthuse breathlessly about manicurists who can make a multiple of the median wage and tour guides who are suddenly a hot commodity.Investor wariness is therefore understandable.Some of the old categories of the consumer internet are breaking down,and it is not entirely clear what lasting new business models will emerge—let alone who will come out on top.O2O,internet-plus,on-demand,full-stack start-ups—all of thehalf-formed jargon being applied to these new approaches is one indication of the definitional vagueness.It also leaves room for plenty of hype.Of the many different O2O services being promoted,the most effective seem to link an online user interface to a service or product that has not been deeply touched by the internet.Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz calls these“full-stack start-ups”,because they offer a more integrated style of commerce.Companies claiming part of this new market come in many shapes,but they share two broad aims.One is to vacuum up online orders in volume,giving them extra clout in negotiations with real-world retailers or service providers.Dominant digital platforms that are able to aggregate large numbers of users—a trend accelerated by the shift to mobile apps—have been the main forces behind this.In China,all but one of the15most actively used mobile apps is owned by or associated with one of the three leading internet companies:Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent.That is according to Weibo,the Twitter-like service that is itself affiliated with Alibaba.Some specialist apps have had enough of a headstart that they have been able to establish themselves as platforms in their own right.Uber and Airbnb are prime examples.But many others are likely to be drawn into the orbits of the big internet companies,which have the ecommerce capabilities to support their operations.This points to the second common aim of companies in the O2O space:they want to deliver an end-to-end service,from collecting an order to 资料来源:育明考研考博官网arranging for a service and handling the payment.Having a digital wallet offering is both a key part of“closing the loop”and,potentially,a highly profitable opportunity in its own right.One question hanging over the heads of these companies is whether they can keep the high-margin online profits to themselves while shuffling off the more prosaic“offline”aspects of the job to others.In the US,this is under threat due to legal questions about whether the independent contractors that on-demand companies use to keep their costs low should be reclassified as employees.However,another even bigger issue is how defensible these new businesses will be in the long run.For now,money is being poured into subsidisinga land grab,as companies race to offer services at below cost to signup users.In a bull market—where user numbers rather than profits are the key—the sums being committed are huge.Once the dust settles,the companies that have signed up the most customers will be in control.Barriers to entry and switching costs for users will allow them to raise prices.But this is still only a theory.Those business that will not make it into the ranks of major platform players will face an even more uncertain future.That explains the recent nervousness of Baidu’s investors,but the company has few options.Growth in PC-based online markets is slowing and established ways of making money—like the lead-based advertising on Baidu’s search engine—are under threat from the rise of the smartphone.This is one internet craze that is being driven as much by fear as greed.Which of the following factors in China have made the O2O modelparticularly attractive?∙Grand online market∙A great number of customers∙Low labour costs资料来源:育明考研考博官网∙Support from the governmentWhich of the following names is not mentioned as one of the O2O’s alternative name?∙Internet-plus∙On-demand∙Full-stack start-ups∙Internet-to-offlineWhich of the following platforms is mentioned as affiliated with Alibaba?∙Weibo∙Twitter∙Uber∙AirbnbWhich of the following businesses of Baidu is mentioned as beingthreatened by the rise of the smartphone?∙Smartphone-based online market∙Baidu’s O2O platform∙The lead-based advertising on Baidu’s search engine∙Baidu’s search engine解析C文章第三段提到中国的廉价劳动力使得O2O商业模式格外具有吸引力。
测试中可能遇到的词汇和知识:turquoise蓝绿色的lagoon环礁湖throwback大倒退connoisseurship鉴赏家integral构成整体所必需的premium优质的Rum:From cocktails to the tipple of connoisseurs(888words)By Shannon Bond------------------------------------------------------In the Tonga Room,in San Francisco’s swanky Fairmont Hotel,rainstorms break out every20minutes,a band plays on a boat floating in a turquoise lagoon and some drinks are served in giant pineapples.With nearly60varieties of rum,as well as the requisite piña coladas, daiquiris and oversized scorpion bowls,the cocktail menu is a throwback to1945,when the hotel first converted its indoor swimming pool into a sprawling tiki-themed bar.Most Americans associate rum with the Tonga Room’s fruit-flavoured 资料来源:育明考研考博官网tropical concoctions.However,a new generation of bartenders and distillers is trading on the spirit’s rich history to help lift it into the realms of connoisseurship.“In America,rum was whisky before whisky was whisky.It was the spirit we all would drink every day,”says Kenneth McCoy,bartender and owner of the Rum House,a New York cocktail lounge.“Now people are going back and realising,hey,this is actually the original American drink.”The sugar cane-derived liquor was the first spirit to be produced in significant quantities in the colonial era,according to the Distilled Spirits Council of the US.By the time of the American Revolution,the US colonies were home to140distilleries producing nearly5m gallons of rum a year,compared with imports of nearly4m.The drink was an integral part of the“triangle trade”:New England-produced rum was used to buy slaves in Africa who were sold in the West Indies for molasses that were sent to New England to make more rum.Today rum is third—behind vodka and whisky—in US sales volume.Sales reached25.2m9-litre cases in2014,up16per cent from a decade earlier, although growth has flattened in recent years,according to Distilled Spirits Council figures.Over the same period,US sales of the most expensive super premium rum —a category that barely existed in the early2000s—have more than tripled to447,000cases.It is a small but growing part of the spirits market that,like premium whisky,bourbon and tequila,is seeing a boost from the cocktail revival that has swept the US in recent years.“Rum is definitely a cocktail spirit.We love it for that reason,”says 资料来源:育明考研考博官网Derek Brown,owner of several bars in Washington DC including Eat the Rich and Mockingbird Hill.“I make daiquiris,real daiquiris,with rum,lime and sugar,the way it was originally created.I will also substitute aged rum in a Manhattan for bourbon or rye.There’s not a lot of spirits you can do that with.”Mr Brown and fellow spirits experts say that they are drawn to rum’s versatility and variety,which allow for a broad range of experimentation.Dan Kleinman,vice-president of marketing for rums at Diageo North America, whose Captain Morgan is one of the top-selling US rum brands,says the liquor can appeal to a range of tastes.“On the light side it refreshes as well as a vodka and on the bold,dark side it has that complexity and flavour that stands up in crafted cocktails.”The rising popularity of dark spirits such as bourbon and Scotch is creating opportunity for aged rums in particular.“We’re now in a whisky boom that is going to help everyone.People are starting to understand barrel ageing and what that does in other drinks as well,”says H Joseph Ehrmann,owner of the Elixir bar in San Francisco.“Consumers are more adventurous with their palates and their wallets.”New craft distilleries in states such as Massachusetts and New York,which were centres of rum making in colonial days,are also elevating the spirit away from its associations as a party drink.Bridget Firtle,a former hedge fund analyst,runs the Noble Experiment, a distillery in Brooklyn that is reviving rum production in the US.She believes that wider consumer trends are fuelling the interest in rum.“We’资料来源:育明考研考博官网re entering an age,a movement of farm to table,focused on using less ingredients.People want to learn about what they’re eating and drinking, whether it’s a craft rum from Brooklyn or Rhum Agricole from Martinique.”Her distillery produces about500,six-pack cases a month and is expanding distribution this year to states including California,Florida and Illinois.Martin Cate,who owns the tiki lounge Smuggler’s Cove in San Francisco, says the US is seeing“a boom in domestic rum production that we really haven’t seen since colonial America”.But he says that while rum has the advantage of being an“approachable”drink with an attractive price point compared with whisky and tequila, he believes that it faces challenges to gain market share.“Rum still has a long way to go in terms of the name-brand recognition that whisky,tequilas and vodkas enjoy.The brand loyalty that exists with vodkas and scotch is much more sporadic in rum,”he says.“But when it’s at its best,it’s as sophisticated,as complex and as enjoyable as any other premium aged fine spirit.”By the time of the American Revolution,how many gallons of rum could the US colonies produce within a year?∙4m∙3m∙9m资料来源:育明考研考博官网∙5mWhich quality of rum has drawn Mr Brown and fellow spirits experts?∙Variety∙Compatibility∙Unicity∙ComplexityWhich of the following is mentioned as one of the top-selling US rum brands?∙Blanton’s∙Captain Morgan∙Crown Royal∙Early TimeWhich of the following states is mentioned as a center of rum making in colonial days?∙Ohio∙Nevada∙Massachusetts∙California朗姆酒:从轻柔基酒到浓香烈酒解析资料来源:育明考研考博官网资料来源:育明考研考博官网D 文章第五段提到截至到独立战争前,殖民地每年可生产近五百万加仑的朗姆酒。
虽然三季度发达国家经济形势出现好转,但据经济合作与发展组织预测,今年全年美国经济将萎缩2.5%,日本和欧元区将分别萎缩 5.3%和2.5%。
2016年对外经济贸易大学翻译硕士考研真题,辅导讲义,考研参考书357英语翻译基础第一部分短语翻译加解释七个选五个翻译加解释E-Cbarries to entrycar poolingspecial drawing rightscurrent accountquotaexport credittertiary industryC-E全面二孩灵猫六国跨太平洋伙伴合作协定一带一路首次公开募股国际收支平衡表投资组合理论第二部分E-C世界银行集团的风险管理C-E第一部分三个古文句子翻译1.百川汇海阔风正好扬帆(后半句不大确定了)2.同心合意,庶几有成3.急人之急,雪中送炭,是中国所推崇的处世之道第二部分,篇章翻译是关于RCEP的,貌似是李克强的一个讲话。
211翻译硕士英语单选20题考的基本上都是词义辨析改错10题不是很难阅读四篇第一篇用机器鸟赶鸽子T/F/NG第二篇关于学习英语的(FT中文网原文)四选一第三篇关于Creation的选headings的题目第四篇关于Uber的文章(没记错的话也是FT中文网的文章)选句子填空写作图表作文给了两个图,第一个是FDI的图,第二个China's trade with Georfia(记不清是不是这个国家了)通过这两个图标分析说明中国在这个地区建立自由贸易区的可行性。
3、中国日报(China Daily):英语点睛:新词新译4、王恩冕,《大学英汉翻译教程》,对外经济贸易大学出版社,第三版,2010。
阅读题源好莱坞UTA进军音乐领域UTA创建于1991年,是好莱坞五大经纪公司中的后起之秀,由鲍尔•班尼戴克和领先艺术家(Bauer Benedek and Leading Artists agencies)两家中型经纪公司合并而成。
测试中可能遇到的词汇和知识:acquisition收购veteran老手hedge fund对冲基金peers同行Hollywood talent agent UTA expands into global music business(637words)By Shannon Bond in New York------------------------------------------------------United Talent Agency is expanding into the global music business with the acquisition of The Agency Group of the UK, as the Hollywood agency boosts its financial firepower with an investment from ValueAct Capital’s Jeffrey Ubben.The move to raise UTA’s profile comes as the fiercely competitive talent management sector is being rocked by a new round of inter-agency wars and as the broader media business is undergoing a sweeping digital shift.The purchase of TAG,whose line-up of more than2,000 clients includes Mariah Carey,Ringo Starr,The Black Keys and Dolly Parton,significantly increases UTA’s representation 资料来源:育明考研考博官网资料来源:育明考研考博官网of big global touring acts.“Our desire and appetite to grow in the music business really mirrored [The Agency Group’s]desire and appetite to provide a much more complete platform for their artists,”said Jeremy Zimmer,UTA chief executive.TAG was founded in 1981by Neil Warnock,a music industry veteran who has represented acts including the Rolling Stones,The Doors and Michael Jackson.It has expanded aggressively in recent years to represent global clients from seven offices in Britain,US,Sweden and Canada.Mr Warnock will become UTA’s head of worldwide music.Gavin O’Reilly,TAG’s chief executive who joined in 2013and who was previously chief executive of Ireland’s Independent News &Media,is leaving the company.UTA is boosting its financial muscle with a minorityinvestment from Mr Ubben,founder of ValueAct,the US activist hedge fund that holds stakes in 21st Century Fox and Rolls-Royce.In addition to helping fund the purchase of TAG,theinvestment will provide growth capital and fund strategic initiatives.Mr Ubben will join UTA’s board as a non-voting member.“We want access to somebody who really understands how businesses expand,how businesses continue to provide a smart transition for the next generation of executives,all the things that fast-growing businesses deal with,”Mr Zimmer said.Like its larger rivals Creative Artists Agency and William Morris Endeavor,UTA has been expanding its range ofservices from its traditional business representing Hollywood actors,directors and writers to areas including branding,资料来源:育明考研考博官网corporate marketing,digital strategy and investing.However,Mr Zimmer said UTA’s primary focus remains on representing artists and advising them on the opportunities created by new technologies and platforms.“Where some of our colleagues are trying to diversify out of representation and get into much more broad ownership of businesses,we’re really doubling down on the representation business,”he said.“We believe that representing artists,to have opportunities to connect with a fan base,that’s a super powerful business to be in,whether with musicians,actors or fine artists.”Earlier this year,UTA won 12agents and a number ofhigh-profile clients including Kanye West,Chris Pratt and Will Ferrell from CAA in one of the industry’s largest defections in decades.Unlike its bigger peers,UTA has not pursued private equity backing in the course of its growth.CAA’s majorityshareholder is TPG,and WME’s recent $2.3bn purchase of IMG was backed by Silver Lake,the technology-focused private equity firm.Mr Zimmer said UTA had looked at different ways to bring in outside financing but the company was “not comfortable with the traditional structure of private equity”investment.“The investment from Jeff is a very different kind ofinvestment.He’s a private individual —he has no controls on the business and no rights over how we operate on aday-to-day basis.And there’s no built-in exit provision that puts a ticking clock on the relationship.”Mr Ubben is a long-time value investor who has been involved in dealmaking and overhauls at companies includingMicrosoft and Valeant.He played a role in Thomson’s 2007acquisition of Reuters,as the UK news and data company’s second-biggest shareholder,and he served as chairman ofMartha Stewart Living Omnimedia following Martha Stewart’s indictment.Which company will be acquired by UTA?∙Cosmos Music∙The Agency Group∙Soundcloud∙ValueAct CapitalWhich company is UTA’s model in the music business?∙ECG∙TPG∙TAG∙CAAHow can we describe TAG in the music industry?∙inexperienced∙Operating rich∙callow∙evilWho is CAA’s majority shareholder?∙IMG资料来源:育明考研考博官网∙UTA∙TAG∙WME好莱坞UTA进军音乐领域解析:B文章第一段,UTA将要收购世界最大的独立音乐代理公司The Agency Group。
测试中可能遇到的词汇和知识:blockbuster大片complementarity并协性conglomerate联合大企业venture商业冒险contingent代表团orchestrate精心策划China will need to rely on intermediaries to succeed in Hollywood (664words)By Henny Sender------------------------------------------------------Last week Relativity Media,a Hollywood film studio,filed for bankruptcy protection.But even before its fall from grace,Chinese companies including Alibaba Pictures,Baidu,Dalian Wanda,Tencent,and Huayi Brothers Media Corp had been eyeing the business closely.A lot of Chinese money has already found its way into California.In the past year Chinese investors have put billions into Silicon Valley companies including Uber,Airbnb and LinkedIn.But of late China Inc has become increasingly focused on the US film industry—in a bid to crack how to make Hollywood blockbusters with Chinese characteristics.This relationship has a natural complementarity. US studios have the know-how but are cash-strapped and risk averse,while the Chinese have abundant capital and an appetite for risk,which lends itself to financing films.Hunan Television and Broadcast,a government-controlled company,has 资料来源:育明考研考博官网already put$375m into Lions Gate Entertainment,the studio behind the blockbuster action film series The Hunger Games.Fosun,a privately held conglomerate,plans to spend up to$200m backing Studio8,an independent studio founded by Jeff Robinov,former head of Warner Brothers.And an arm of Citic,the Chinese state-owned group,has committed$125m to a venture run by Dick Cook,a former Walt Disney executive.Certainly,the economic fundamentals make sense.China is already the second-largest movie market after the US by value of tickets sold,and it is expected to become the largest by2020.If the country is to shift from a manufacturing-led,export-driven economy to one based on domestic demand and services,entertainment will become ever more important.For non-Chinese companies seeking to profit from this growth market,local partnerships offer a way of keeping a greater share of revenues. Regulations restrict the number of entirely foreign films that can be shown and the percentage of box revenues that foreign studios may collect.It is for these reasons that Chinese technology companies have been visiting Los Angeles in search of content,strategic investors and film distributors.A few months ago,Sequoia Capital China was part of a large contingent of Chinese entrepreneurs that spent days with executives at Fox,Sony Pictures Entertainment and STX Entertainment.New companies are also looking at getting involved.Li Ruigang,former president of Shanghai Media Group,is heading up China Media Capital,a vehicle to invest in content on both sides of the Pacific.Some of the most successful technology entrepreneurs and investors in China want to take big stakes in CMC.In addition,some strategic players are considering partnering with online asset management firms in China to help crowdfund potential acquisitions.Donald Tang,a former Bear Stearns executive who shuttles between Los Angeles and Shanghai,has formed a venture with backing from Tencent and others to capitalise on this trend.He has already orchestrated two of the biggest marriages between Hollywood and China:he was deeply involved in Dalian Wanda’s$2.6bn purchase of AMC,the US’s second-biggest cinema chain,and Huayi’s commitment to put hundreds of millions of dollars into STX(which also has money from China-based Hony Capital and the growth capital arm of TPG,the private equity firm).Of course,the Chinese are not the first to succumb to the lure of Hollywood.资料来源:育明考研考博官网But whether they succeed will depend on their willingness to accept a reliance on intermediaries and co-investors,such as Mr Tang.“They havea lot of ambition but not a lot of knowledge,”says one mainlander familiarwith the Chinese initiatives.Historically,Chinese companies have been reluctant to pay for advice—or acknowledge their need for it.Yet it is often not enough simply to pay the highest price.Sellers want certainty that a deal will be done, but all too often Chinese buyers fail,either because they cannot get approval or because they lack the financing.Still,one day it will probably be a Chinese dragon that roars out from American movie screens before the opening titles roll.Which of the following companies is not mentioned as having been eyeing Relativity Media closely?∙Alibaba Pictures∙Tencent∙Baidu∙SOHUWhich of the following Silicon Valley companies is not mentioned as having been invested by Chinese companies?∙Radiant Entertainment∙Uber∙Airbnb∙LinkedInWhy do non-Chinese companies need local partnerships in China?∙Keeping a greater share of revenues资料来源:育明考研考博官网资料来源:育明考研考博官网∙Broadening international horizon∙Deepening understanding of Chinese cultures ∙Cutting down expenses解析D 文章第一段提到曾经密切关注相对论传媒的中国公司包括阿里巴巴、腾讯和百度等。
国际商务英语术语解释1.Customs union a customs area extengding beyond national boundaries toinclude two or more independent nations is called a customs union.关税同盟一个海关区extengding以外国界包括两个或两个以上独立的国家被呼吁一个关税同盟。
2.Trade terms,trade terms are terms used in international trade to describlethe general information about the trade,such as the unit price port of shipment,port of destination and the kind of currency.贸易术语使用在国际贸易值得要的一般信息关于行业例如单价装运港目的港币种。
3.Protectionism.protectionism is a trade barrier to international trade forthe purpose of protecting a nation's own domestic market and industries.Itincludes tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers.保护主义保护主义一个贸易壁垒国际贸易为了保护一个国家的自己国内市场industries。
it 包括关税壁垒非关税壁垒。
4.Multinational enterprise.A multinational enterprise is a trade barrierto international trade for the purpose of protecting a nation's own domesticmarket and industries.It includes tariff barriers and non-tariff barriers.跨国企业.一个跨国企业一个贸易壁垒国际贸易为了保护一个国家的自己国内市场industries。
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3、中国日报(China Daily):英语点睛:新词新译4、王恩冕,《大学英汉翻译教程》,对外经济贸易大学出版社,第三版,2010。
(平时关注网站、报刊)翻译硕士英语书目推荐1、单选:外贸函电真题,《巅峰突破8级词汇巧学速记》2、改错:(改错只要弄懂了错误类型其实很送分的)3、阅读:FT(原文,要重视,打印出来认真看,下个app多看)4、王关富《商务英语阅读》(里面很多经贸词汇不错)、专八阅读练习、外国报刊阅读练习5、写作:《十天突破雅思写作》2015年报录比:1:8分数线:笔译:389口译:389词汇翻译(30分)英译汉:从10个terms里面挑5个translate and define them briefly in Chinese(共15分,一个3分)1added value tax增值税增值税是以商品(含应税劳务)在流转过程中产生的增值额作为计税依据而征收的一种流转税。
2annual financial report年度财务报告年度财务报告是指年度终了对外提供的财务报告。
3bull market牛市,旺市;多头市场。
4law of diminishing marginal returns边际收益递减规律又称边际效益递减规律,或边际产量递减规律,指在短期生产过程中,在其他条件不变(如技术水平不变)的前提下,增加某种生产要素的投入,当该生产要素投入数量增加到一定程度以后,增加一单位该要素所带来的效益增加量是递减的,边际收益递减规律是以技术水平和其他生产要素的投入数量保持不变为条件的条件下进行讨论的一种规律。
5angel investment天使投资是权益资本投资的一种形式,是指富有的个人出资协助具有专门技术或独特概念的原创项目或小型初创企业,进行一次性的前期投资。
6capital turnover资本周转资本周转指不断重复、周而复始的资本循环过程。
7butterfly effect蝴蝶效应蝴蝶效应是指在一个动力系统中,初始条件下微小的变化能带动整个系统的长期的巨大的连锁反应。
8calling center呼叫中心呼叫中心是充分利用现代通讯与计算机技术,如IVR(交互式语音800呼叫中心流程图应答系统)、ACD(自动呼叫分配系统)等等,可以自动灵活地处理大量各种不同的电话呼入和呼出业务和服务的运营操作场所。
9SWOT analysis四点(优势、劣势、机会、威胁)分析SWOT分析方法是一种企业内部分析方法,即根据企业自身的既定内在条件进行分析,找出企业的优势、劣势及核心竞争力之所在,从而将公司的战略与公司内部资源、外部环境有机结合。
10business model商业模式商业模式,是管理学的重要研究对象之一,MBA、EMBA等主流商业管理课程均对“商业模式”给予了不同程度的关注。