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In 1945 H. W. Bode presented a system for analyzing the stability of feedback systems by using graphical methods. Until this time, feedback analysis was done by multiplication and division, so calculation of transfer functions was a time consuming and laborious task. Remember, engineers did not have calculators or computers until the '70s. Bode presented a log technique that transformed the intensely mathematical process of calculating a feedback system's stability into graphical analysis that was simple and perceptive. Feedback system design was still complicated, but it no longer was an art dominated by a few electrical engineers kept in a small dark room. Any electrical engineer could use Bode's methods find the stability of a feedback circuit, so the application of feedback to machines began to grow. There really wasn't much call for electronic feedback design until computers and transducers become of age.



An integrator(Figure 5.1a) is the simplest filter mathematically, and it forms the building block for most modern integrated filters. Consider what we know intuitively about an integrator. If you apply a DC signal at the input (i.e. , zero frequency), the output will describe a linear ramp that grows in amplitude until limited by the power supplies. Ignoring that limitation, the response of an integrator at zero frequency is infinite, which means that it has a pole at zero frequency. (A pole exists at any frequency for which the transfer function’s value becomes infinite.)



While the complex frequency’s imaginary part (jw) helps describe a response to AC signals, the real part (q) helps describe a circuit’s transient response. Looking at Figure 5.2b, we can therefore say something about the RC low-pass filter’s response. Looking at Figure 5.2b, we can therefore say something about the RC low-pass

filter’s response as compared to that of the integrator. The low-pass filter’s transient response is more stable, because its pole is in the negative-real half of the complex plane. That is, the low-pass filter makes a decaying-exponential response to a step-function input; the integrator makes an infinite response. For the low-pass filter, pole positions further down the -σ axis mean a higher ω0, a shorter time constant, and therefore a quicker transient response. Conversely, a pole closer to the j axis causes a longer transient response.



The converter is essentially a highly over-sampling 1-bit ADC (the comparator) followed by digital filtering and decimation to realize the processing gain. The effective performance of the converter is greatly enhanced by the addition of circuitry to shape the quantization noise such that, instead of being uniformly spread throughout the 0 to fs/2 band, it is minimized in the band of interest (Figure 6.5).

这个转换器实质上是一个后跟数字滤波和抽取、高过采样率的1位模数转换器(即比较器),用来实现处理增益。通过另外增加一个噪声整形电路去整型量化噪声,该转换器的有效性能获得了极大的提高。噪声整形电路将原来在0~1/2sf 频带内均匀分布的噪声最大限度地从有用频带中去除(见图6.5)。


The buck converter is capable of kilowatts of output power, but suffers from one serious shortcoming which would occur if the power switch were to fail short-circuited, the input power source is connected directly to the load circuitry with usually produces catastrophic results. To avoid this situation, a crowbar is placed across the output. A crowbar is a latching SCR which is fired when the output is sensed as entering an overvoltage condition. The buck converter should only be used for board-level regulation.



Clock Driver Skew (Intrinsic Skew) is the amount of skew caused by the clock driver itself. There are two kinds of clock driver devices; buffer devices and PLL-based devices. Skew occurs on the output of the buffer devices because of the differences in propagation delay of the input signal through the device. A majority of
