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动物实验animal test
胚胎分割embryo splitting
非人灵长类nonhuman primate
灵长类全脑图谱neural mapping of primate brains
基因编辑genetic reprogramming
3. 长江经济带
Yangtze River Economic Belt
满月full moon
月球近地点the lunar perigee
椭圆轨道elliptical orbit
日偏食partial solar eclipse
流星雨meteor shower
5. 带字卫衣
message sweater
新春快乐Happy Spring Festival
恭喜发财Wish you prosperity
望子成龙hold high hopes for one's child
5. 奥运吉祥物
mascots for Olympic Games
亚运会Asian Games
青年奥林匹克运动会,青奥会Youth Olympic Games
奥运会会歌,《奥林匹克圣歌》Olympic Hymn/Anthem
疏解交通堵塞alleviate/ease traffic jam
5. 妈妈给装的后备箱
the trunk my mom packed
快乐空巢族happy empty nesters
归属感sense of belonging
新一线城市new first-tier city
城乡差距urban-rural gap
供给侧结构性改革supply-side structural reform
modernized economy
坚持质量第一、效益优先 ?put quality first and give priority to performance
市场主体market entities
碳排放carbon emission
节能环energy conservation and environmental protection
可再生能源renewable energy
1. 世界经济论坛
World Economic Forum
Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World
农村土地制度改革reform of the rural land system
农业支持保护制度the systems for supporting and protecting agriculture
2. 反导拦截试验
anti-missile interception test
反舰导弹anti-ship missile
全球议程The Global Agenda
消除社会分歧eliminate social differences
build a flexible technology governance mechanism
2. 克隆猴
clone macaque
非生殖细胞non-reproductive cell
change in quality, change in efficiency, and change in growth drivers
稳增长maintain stable growth
促改革promote reform
调结构make structural adjustments
人类命运共同体a community with a shared future for mankind
3. 个人信用记录
personal credit records
职业道德professional ethics
加强教师队伍建设improve the ranks of teachers
1. 代表委员通道
passage for NPC deputies and CPPCC National Committee members
政府工作报告government work report
2. 校外培训机构
after-school training institutions
惠民生improve living standards
产业兴旺thriving businesses
rural revitalization strategy
万事如意Everything goes well
常见的祝福语often-used greetings
我这么做都是为你好What I do is for your own good
1. 乡村振兴战略
rural vitalization strategy
顶层设计top-level design
游戏货币in-game currency
释放压力relieve stress
角色扮演游戏role-playing game
1. "黄金时代"增强版
an enhanced version of the "Golden Era" bilateral ties
黄金时代Golden Era
顺应时代潮流conform to the trend of the times
包装垃圾packaging waste
过度包装excessive packaging
一次性包装disposable package
快递包裹express parcel
4. 学校恐惧症
school phobia
返校忧郁back-to-school blues
精神健康mental health
专制的父母overbearing parents
4. 猫经济
cat economy
单身经济single economy
分享经济sharing economy
空巢青年empty-nest youth
剩女leftover women
5. 非厄尔尼诺年
non-El Nino year
极端天气extreme weather
气候灾难climate disaster
一带一路Belt and Road
京津冀一体化 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration
区域经济一体化regional economic integration
绿色发展green development
新兴产业集群new clusters of emerging industries
high-quality development
'五位一体'总体布局 ?the five-sphereintegrated plan
“四个全面”the four-pronged comprehensive strategy
全面建成小康社会 building a moderately prosperous society in all respects
速度滑冰speed skating
冰球ice hockey
室外冰场outdoor ice rink
雪场ski resort
2. 反向春运
reverse Sprig Rush
航空出行高峰air travel boom
客流高峰期peak time for passenger transport
和合共生realize harmony and coexistance
respect and consider each other's core interests and major concerns
2. 冰上丝绸之路
Polar Silk Road
北极事务Arctic affairs
离婚协议书divorce settlement
伪造债务forged debt
3. 在线开放课程
open online course
在线辅导online tutoring
"双一流""Double First-Class" initiative
211工程Project 211
农村教师rural teacher
一专多能教师versatile teacher
义务教育均衡发展balanced development of compulsory education
学前教育preschool education
职业教育vocational education
4. 超级蓝血月
Super Blue Blood Moon
three critical battles against potential risk, poverty, and pollution
风险防控risk prevention and control
僵尸企业zombie enterprise
治理有效effective governance
生态宜居pleasant living environments
最大射程maximum firing range
短程导弹short-range missile
联合军演joint drill/exercise
军售arms sale
军备竞赛arms race
3. 冬奥会
Olympic Winter Games
速度滑冰long track speed skating
自由式滑雪freestyle skiing
4. 爱莎门
儿童色情child pornograwenku.baidu.comhy
迪士尼动画电影Disney animation movie
适合儿童观看的视频child-friendly video
屏蔽有害视频block disturbing videos
5. 旅行青蛙
Travel Frog
满足感sense of satisfaction
家教private tutor
教学大纲teaching syllabus
应试教育exam-oriented education
死记硬背rote learning
3. 包装革命
packing revolution
快递服务express delivery service
淘汰制knockout format
斜坡道steep ramp
4. 猎鹰重型
Falcon Heavy
遥控船drone ship
货运飞船cargo spacecraft
可回收助推火箭reusable booster rocket
载人航天工程manned space flight project
重型运载火箭heavy-lift carrier rocket
1. 居住用地
residential land
商用土地commercial land
廉租房low-rent housing
经济适用房affordable housing
高库存high inventory
空置率vacancy rate
去库存cut overcapacity
5. 春联
Spring Festival couplets
年画New Year painting
中国结Chinese knot
年夜饭New Year's Eve dinner
压岁钱gift money
年糕rice cake
first gold medal
花样滑冰figure skating
2. 债务分配
division of debt
共同财产joint estate, common wealth, mutual property
婚前财产pre-marital property
婚前协议prenuptial agreement
财产分割division of property
离婚诉讼divorce proceeding
黄金周golden week
假后综合症post-holiday syndrome
10,000 cars stranded in Haikou
能见度低low visibility
发布紧急通知issue an urgent notice
紧急服务部门emergency service department
胚胎分割embryo splitting
非人灵长类nonhuman primate
灵长类全脑图谱neural mapping of primate brains
基因编辑genetic reprogramming
3. 长江经济带
Yangtze River Economic Belt
满月full moon
月球近地点the lunar perigee
椭圆轨道elliptical orbit
日偏食partial solar eclipse
流星雨meteor shower
5. 带字卫衣
message sweater
新春快乐Happy Spring Festival
恭喜发财Wish you prosperity
望子成龙hold high hopes for one's child
5. 奥运吉祥物
mascots for Olympic Games
亚运会Asian Games
青年奥林匹克运动会,青奥会Youth Olympic Games
奥运会会歌,《奥林匹克圣歌》Olympic Hymn/Anthem
疏解交通堵塞alleviate/ease traffic jam
5. 妈妈给装的后备箱
the trunk my mom packed
快乐空巢族happy empty nesters
归属感sense of belonging
新一线城市new first-tier city
城乡差距urban-rural gap
供给侧结构性改革supply-side structural reform
modernized economy
坚持质量第一、效益优先 ?put quality first and give priority to performance
市场主体market entities
碳排放carbon emission
节能环energy conservation and environmental protection
可再生能源renewable energy
1. 世界经济论坛
World Economic Forum
Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World
农村土地制度改革reform of the rural land system
农业支持保护制度the systems for supporting and protecting agriculture
2. 反导拦截试验
anti-missile interception test
反舰导弹anti-ship missile
全球议程The Global Agenda
消除社会分歧eliminate social differences
build a flexible technology governance mechanism
2. 克隆猴
clone macaque
非生殖细胞non-reproductive cell
change in quality, change in efficiency, and change in growth drivers
稳增长maintain stable growth
促改革promote reform
调结构make structural adjustments
人类命运共同体a community with a shared future for mankind
3. 个人信用记录
personal credit records
职业道德professional ethics
加强教师队伍建设improve the ranks of teachers
1. 代表委员通道
passage for NPC deputies and CPPCC National Committee members
政府工作报告government work report
2. 校外培训机构
after-school training institutions
惠民生improve living standards
产业兴旺thriving businesses
rural revitalization strategy
万事如意Everything goes well
常见的祝福语often-used greetings
我这么做都是为你好What I do is for your own good
1. 乡村振兴战略
rural vitalization strategy
顶层设计top-level design
游戏货币in-game currency
释放压力relieve stress
角色扮演游戏role-playing game
1. "黄金时代"增强版
an enhanced version of the "Golden Era" bilateral ties
黄金时代Golden Era
顺应时代潮流conform to the trend of the times
包装垃圾packaging waste
过度包装excessive packaging
一次性包装disposable package
快递包裹express parcel
4. 学校恐惧症
school phobia
返校忧郁back-to-school blues
精神健康mental health
专制的父母overbearing parents
4. 猫经济
cat economy
单身经济single economy
分享经济sharing economy
空巢青年empty-nest youth
剩女leftover women
5. 非厄尔尼诺年
non-El Nino year
极端天气extreme weather
气候灾难climate disaster
一带一路Belt and Road
京津冀一体化 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration
区域经济一体化regional economic integration
绿色发展green development
新兴产业集群new clusters of emerging industries
high-quality development
'五位一体'总体布局 ?the five-sphereintegrated plan
“四个全面”the four-pronged comprehensive strategy
全面建成小康社会 building a moderately prosperous society in all respects
速度滑冰speed skating
冰球ice hockey
室外冰场outdoor ice rink
雪场ski resort
2. 反向春运
reverse Sprig Rush
航空出行高峰air travel boom
客流高峰期peak time for passenger transport
和合共生realize harmony and coexistance
respect and consider each other's core interests and major concerns
2. 冰上丝绸之路
Polar Silk Road
北极事务Arctic affairs
离婚协议书divorce settlement
伪造债务forged debt
3. 在线开放课程
open online course
在线辅导online tutoring
"双一流""Double First-Class" initiative
211工程Project 211
农村教师rural teacher
一专多能教师versatile teacher
义务教育均衡发展balanced development of compulsory education
学前教育preschool education
职业教育vocational education
4. 超级蓝血月
Super Blue Blood Moon
three critical battles against potential risk, poverty, and pollution
风险防控risk prevention and control
僵尸企业zombie enterprise
治理有效effective governance
生态宜居pleasant living environments
最大射程maximum firing range
短程导弹short-range missile
联合军演joint drill/exercise
军售arms sale
军备竞赛arms race
3. 冬奥会
Olympic Winter Games
速度滑冰long track speed skating
自由式滑雪freestyle skiing
4. 爱莎门
儿童色情child pornograwenku.baidu.comhy
迪士尼动画电影Disney animation movie
适合儿童观看的视频child-friendly video
屏蔽有害视频block disturbing videos
5. 旅行青蛙
Travel Frog
满足感sense of satisfaction
家教private tutor
教学大纲teaching syllabus
应试教育exam-oriented education
死记硬背rote learning
3. 包装革命
packing revolution
快递服务express delivery service
淘汰制knockout format
斜坡道steep ramp
4. 猎鹰重型
Falcon Heavy
遥控船drone ship
货运飞船cargo spacecraft
可回收助推火箭reusable booster rocket
载人航天工程manned space flight project
重型运载火箭heavy-lift carrier rocket
1. 居住用地
residential land
商用土地commercial land
廉租房low-rent housing
经济适用房affordable housing
高库存high inventory
空置率vacancy rate
去库存cut overcapacity
5. 春联
Spring Festival couplets
年画New Year painting
中国结Chinese knot
年夜饭New Year's Eve dinner
压岁钱gift money
年糕rice cake
first gold medal
花样滑冰figure skating
2. 债务分配
division of debt
共同财产joint estate, common wealth, mutual property
婚前财产pre-marital property
婚前协议prenuptial agreement
财产分割division of property
离婚诉讼divorce proceeding
黄金周golden week
假后综合症post-holiday syndrome
10,000 cars stranded in Haikou
能见度低low visibility
发布紧急通知issue an urgent notice
紧急服务部门emergency service department