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Labor Contract

甲方(用人单位):Party A (employer) :

性质:有限责任公司Property : Limited Liability Company


乙方Party B(劳动者Laborer)姓名Name______性别Gender______年龄Age______ 身份证号ID No.______________________

家庭住址Home Add.______________________

联系电话Contact No.______________________

根据《劳动合同法》和国家有关规定,甲乙双方经平等协商一致,自愿签订本合同,共同遵守本合同条款:According to the "labor contract law" and the relevant provisions of the state, through equal consultation between both parties’ agreement, sign this contract voluntarily, abide by the terms of this contract

一、劳动合同期限Term of the Labor Contract

本合同期限类型为______期限合同The type of the contract is ___________ contract(填“有固定或无固定”其中一项)( Fulfill terminable or dateless )。

本合同期限为___年The term of the contract is _____ years,自___年___月___日起至___年___月___日止。from ____________ to ____________. 双方约定的试用期至___年____月____日止,期限为3个月。The two sides agreed probation period ends on ____________, 3 months' duration. 表现优异者,甲方可缩短试用期,但不能少于1个月。For the outstanding laborer, the probation period can be shortened by Party A, but no less than 1 month.

以完成一定工作为期限:Based on a fixed working term: 从___年___月___日起,到任务完成时止。starting from _____________ until the task is finished.

二、工作内容和义务Job Content and Responsibility

1、乙方同意根据甲方工作需要, According to Party A’s demand, 在部门,从事______(管理、销售、技术、生产、后勤等)工作,并遵守岗位工作制度与合理的工作安排(包括但不限于工作内容、工作地点)。Party B agrees to engage in __________ (management/sales/technology/manufacture/logistics etc.) work in the department and abide by the work system and reasonable work arrangement. (Included but unlimited to job content & working place.)

2、乙方应当按照甲方岗位职责要求,保质保量完成工作任务;According to Party A’s post responsibility requirement, Party B should finish working task with quality and quantity guaranteed.

3、甲方本着“一专多能、一职多岗”的用人原则,可以根据经营需要及乙方的工作能力调整乙方的工作职务和岗位,乙方应服从安排。Based on the principle of “one skill with multiple ability, one post with multiple work”, and according to the business demand and Party B’s competence, Party A may adjust Party B’s duty and post, while Party B should obey the adjustment.

三、劳动保护和劳动条件Labor Protection & Labor Condition

1、甲方根据国家有关安全生产、劳动保护、职业卫生的规定,为乙方提供必要的工作条件和劳动保护设施,保障乙方的安全与健康;According to the related stipulation of safety manufacture/labor protection/occupational health from the state, Party A provides necessary working condition and labor protection facilities, insuring Party B’s safety and health.

2、甲方根据国家有关规定制定工时制度,乙方确因生产经营需要延时的,甲方应当依法安排乙方补休或支付相应的加班费;若乙方实行的是级别工资,则在当月的绩效考核中体现;According to the relevant regulations of working hour system,if Party B needs to extend the working hours due to the need of production and operation, party A shall arrange party B compensatory time off or pay overtime salary in accordance with the law; If party B is implemented wage levels, the compensation should be reflected in the performance appraisal for the month.

3、甲方根据国家有关规定为孕期、产期、哺乳期的女职工提供劳动保护;Party A should provide protection for women workers in pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, in accordance with the
