



.Logix控制器对比表特性1756ControlLogix 1756 GuardLogix1768CompactLogix1769-L3xCompactLogix1769-L23xCompactLogix1789SoftLogix5800PowerFlex 700SPhase 2,带有DriveLogix控制器任务数:• 连续• 周期• 事件• 32个任务• 100个程序/任务• 事件任务:所有事件触发• 32个任务• 100个程序/任务• 事件任务:所有事件触发• 16个任务• 事件任务:消费者标签,事件(EVENT)指令,轴和运动事件触发• 1769-L35x:8个任务• 1769-L32x:6个任务• 1769-L31:4个任务• 事件任务:消费者标签和事件(EVENT)指令触发• 3个任务• 4个程序总数• 事件任务:消费者标签和事件(EVENT)指令触发• 32个任务• 100个程序/任务• 事件任务:所有事件触发,包括出站事件和Windows事件• 8个任务• 事件任务:轴和运动事件触发用户内存1756-L61:2 MB1756-L62:4 MB1756-L63:8 MB1756-L64:16 MB1756-L65:32 MB 1756-L61S:2 MB标准1 MB安全1756-L62S:4 MB标准1 MB安全1768-L43:2 MB1768-L45:3 MB1769-L31:512 KB1769-L32x:750 KB1769-L35x:1.5 MB512 KB 1789-L10:2 MB;1个控制器;无运动1789-L30:64 MB;3个控制器1789-L60:64 MB;6个控制器1.5 MB非易失性用户内存CompactFlash CompactFlash CompactFlash CompactFlash 无无CompactFlash内置通讯端口1个端口RS-232串口1个端口RS-232串口1个端口RS-232串口• 1769-L31:2个RS-232端口• 1769-L32C、1769-L35CR:1个ControlNet端口和1个RS-232串口• 1769-L32E、1769-L35E:1个EtherNet/IP端口和1个RS-232串口• 1769-L23E-QB1B:1个EtherNet/IP端口和1个RS-232串口•1769-L23E-QBFC1B:1个EtherNet/IP端口和1个RS-232串口• 1769-L23-QBFC1B:2个RS-232串口取决于个人计算机的配置1个端口RS-232串口通讯选项• EtherNet/IP• ControlNet• DeviceNet• Data Highway Plus• 远程I/O• SynchLink • EtherNet/IP (标准和安全)• ControlNet (标准和安全)• DeviceNet(标准和安全)• Data Highway Plus• 远程I/O• SynchLink• EtherNet/IP• ControlNet• DeviceNet• EtherNet/IP• ControlNet• DeviceNet• EtherNet/IP• DeviceNet• EtherNet/IP• ControlNet• DeviceNet• EtherNet/IP• ControlNet• DeviceNet串口通讯• ASCII• DF1全双工/半双工• DF1无线调制解调器• DH-485• 使用逻辑的Modbus • ASCII• DF1全双工/半双工• DF1无线调制解调器• DH-485• 使用逻辑的Modbus• ASCII• DF1全双工/半双工• DF1无线调制解调器• DH-485• 使用逻辑的Modbus• ASCII• DF1全双工/半双工• DF1无线调制解调器• DH-485• 使用逻辑的Modbus• ASCII• DF1全双工/半双工• DF1无线调制解调器• DH-485• 使用逻辑的Modbus• ASCII• DF1全双工/半双工• DH-485• 使用逻辑的Modbus• ASCII• DF1全双工/半双工• DF1无线调制解调器• DH-485• 使用逻辑的Modbus控制器连接数250 250 250 100 100 250 100网络连接数每个网络模块:• 100 ControlNet(CN2/A)• 40 ControlNet (CNB)• 256 EtherNet/IP;128 TCP (EN2x)• 128 EtherNet/IP;64 TCP (ENBT) 每个网络模块:• 100 ControlNet(CN2/A)• 40 ControlNet (CNB)• 256 EtherNet/IP;128 TCP (EN2x)• 128 EtherNet/IP;64 TCP (ENBT)每个网络模块:• 48 ControlNet• 64 EtherNet/IP;32 TCP每个控制器:• 32 ControlNet• 32 EtherNet/IP;32 TCP每个控制器:• 32 EtherNet/IP;8TCP每个网络模块:• 48 ControlNet• 128 EtherNet/IP;64 TCP每个网络模块:• 32 ControlNet• 32 EtherNet/IP;32 TCP控制器冗余完全支持无通过DeviceNet热备通过DeviceNet热备通过DeviceNet热备不适用不适用简单运动控制• 步进• DeviceNet的伺服• 模拟或网络交流变频器• 步进• DeviceNet的伺服• 模拟或网络交流变频器• 步进• DeviceNet的伺服• 模拟或网络交流变频器• 步进• DeviceNet的伺服• 模拟或网络交流变频器• 步进• DeviceNet的伺服• 模拟或网络交流变频器• 步进• DeviceNet的伺服• 模拟或网络交流变频器• 步进• DeviceNet的伺服• 模拟或网络交流变频器集成运动控制SERCOS接口模拟选项:• 编码器输入:• LDT输入• SSI输入SERCOS接口模拟选项:• 编码器输入:• LDT输入• SSI输入SERCOS接口不适用不适用SERCOS接口模拟量编码器输入• 1个完全伺服• 1个反馈轴编程语言• 梯形图• 结构文本• 功能块• SFC • 梯形图• 结构文本• 功能块• SFC• 梯形图• 结构文本• 功能块• SFC• 梯形图• 结构文本• 功能块• SFC• 梯形图• 结构文本• 功能块• DFC• 梯形图• 结构文本• 功能块• SFC• 外部例程 (用C/C++开发)• 梯形图• 结构文本• 功能块• SFC选择ControlLogix系统/输出(RTB)或配线(RTB) - 仅适用于模拟量接口模块(使用Motion)闪存卡3选择ControlLogix系统ControlLogix系统概述ControlLogix外形尺寸小,不仅可提供离散、传动、运动、过程和安全控制,同时具有先进的通讯能力和最新的I/O技术。

AB700S 变频器手册第一二章

AB700S 变频器手册第一二章
一个很好的例子就是推荐使用电缆Belden®295xx(xx决定了规格)。此电缆具有4个XLPE 隔离导线,周围覆盖了100%的金属薄片和85%的铜丝屏蔽(带排扰线),该铜丝编织屏蔽又 被PCV套管包裹。
同样可以使用其他类型的屏蔽电缆,但是这些类型的选择可能限制电缆的允许长度。特别是 一些新型的电缆将4个THHN导线扭在一起,并且用一个金属薄片屏蔽紧紧包裹着。这种构 造能够大大增强电缆所需的负荷电流,同时也降低了整个变频器的性能。除非用户在特殊距 离下测试变频器接有这些电缆时的运行情况,否则不推荐用户使用这些电缆,并且它们的性 能由于受到导线长度的限制而不确定。
1. 所有变频器 - 用户或电力公司通过将功率因数修正电容器接入或切出系统来修正功率因数。 - 电源有超过 6000V 的间歇电源峰值。这些峰值可能是由其它在线设备或如雷击这样的 事件引起的。 - 电源发生频繁中断。
2.5HP 或更小的变频器(除上面的“1”之外) - 最近的供电变压器容量应大于 100kVA 或可承受的短路(故障)电流大于 100,000A。 - 变频器进线阻抗小于0.5%。
EMC兼容性 详细情况参阅1-29页的CE一致性。
安装/接线 1-9
电缆槽和导线管 如果在安装中使用电缆槽或大的导管,请参阅《脉宽调制(PWM)交流变频器的接地和接线 指南》出版号:DRIVES-IN001,中所述的内容。
注意事项:为了避免感应电压可能引起的电击事故,应将导线管中未用电线的 两端予以接地。基于同样原因,如果正在维修或安装某变频器时,应严禁使用 所有与其公用导线管的变频器。这样可最大程度减少电动机导线“交叉耦合” 引起的电动机事故。
Removing the Cassette 移除盒
Proper tightening torque for reassembly is 6 lb.-in. 重新组装上紧扭矩6 lb Removing the Side Covers 移除侧面的机壳

AB PowerFlex 变频器选型指南

AB PowerFlex 变频器选型指南

DriveLogix™ — 带有 DriveLogix 选件的 PowerFlex 700S 交流变频器提供嵌入式 Logix 处理器,针对变频器系统 或独立应用中苛刻的控制要求提供优化的集成。带有 DriveLogix 选件的 PowerFlex 700S 变频器与所有 Logix 平台一样支持通用的编程环境和多种编程语言。
Bob Wright Ash Grove 水泥公司 — 美国
精选的 PowerFlex 变频器具有预组态的专用变频器参 数,用于支持特定的应用。应用数据集对标准变频器参 数进行了组态,简化了用户实施标准变频器应用的过 程,无需自定义编程。
定位 — PowerFlex 40P、525、700、700S 和 750 系列针对单 轴应用项目进行了优化。从简单的位置与速度曲线及点到 点运动轨迹规划到更复杂的电子齿轮、套准、复位和安全功 能,应有尽有,是转速和位置控制应用的理想之选。
SynchLink™ — PowerFlex 700S 变频器中的一种变频器间 数据链路,这是一条高速、同步的变频器间数据链路,用于 传输同步的变频器和应用数据。SynchLink 所提供的过程 协调和性能远远超过了标准控制网络的过程协调和性能。
我们深信应从长远角度考虑电机的维护工作。这能为我们节 省更多资金,使我们专注于保护这些电机,而不是一直运行电 机直至它们报废。”
除了采用 CIP 开放式网络架构之外,PowerFlex 变频器还支 持全球现有的所有工业协议。有关详细信息,请参见变频器 选件。
通过变频器启用的 EtherNet/IP 连接,我们能够访问广泛的操 作和性能数据,追踪变频器自身的运行时间,监视负载情况和 其他参数,从而进行更好的诊断和更积极主动的维护。”



Midrange Architecture SystemSelection Guide2Rockwell Automation Publication IA-SG001D-EN-P - January 2013Integrated Architecture Midrange ApplicationWhat's NewThe following new products offer the same flexibility, reduced development time and cost, and ease-of-use as products used in larger scale systems, now for midrange applications.Integrated Architecture™ Product DescriptionStratix 5700™ managed switchThe Rockwell Automation Stratix 5700 is an industrial Ethernet, managed switch based on Cisco Technology. This switch offers a broad range of switching capabilities for smaller applications through IT-ready integration with a plantwide infrastructure. The switch supports tools for configuration and monitoring by both IT and manufacturing professionals. These tools provide secure integration to the enterprise network, while allowing for easy setup and diagnostics from within the Rockwell Automation Integrated Architecture environment.Kinetix® 5500 servo driveThe Kinetix 5500 servo motor and VP-Series Low Inertia servo motor offering is designed to connect and operate with the CompactLogix™ 5730 family of controllers. The Kinetix 5500 requires less panel space and can be connected easily. In addition, you can reduce installation and commissioning time by using just a single cable. To further enhance the design, the Kinetix 5500 has two embedded Ethernet ports for both linear and device-level topologies.PowerFlex® 525 AC driveThe PowerFlex 525 AC drive provides motor control in a compact, innovative design, with simplified programming, EtherNet/IP communications, embedded safety, and energy savings to help you maximize system performance and reduce your time to design, develop and deliver your machines.•Modular design speeds installation and configuration time •Embedded port for EtherNet/IP connectivity •Embedded safe-torque off•Fully compatibility with Logix5000™ controllers •Support for high-ambient operating temperatures•More motor control options for drives up to 22 kW/30 hp at global voltages 100 (600V)Studio 5000™ version 21.00.00 design and engineering environmentThe Studio 5000 Engineering and Design Environment combines engineering and design elements into a common environment. The first element in the Studio 5000 environment is the Logix Designer application. The Logix Designer application is the rebranding of RSLogix 5000 software and will continue to be the package to program Logix5000 controllers for discrete, process, batch, motion, safety, and drive-based solutions.The Studio 5000 environment is the foundation for the future of Rockwell Automation engineering design tools and capabilities. The Studio 5000 environment is the one place for design engineers to develop all of the elements of their control system.Midrange System ArchitectureCommon Products and Tools to Scale Any SolutionAs a machine builder or end user, you design machine control solutions with a focus on improving safety, achieving higher levels of performance and efficiency, and better integration with the rest of the manufacturing operation. To achieve these goals, you need a scalable, modular control system that offers the safety, throughput, and information management capabilities to match each application's requirements. Moreover, if you're an end user, you want a control system that doesn't require significant reconfiguration each time you make a production change.The Rockwell Automation® Integrated Architecture system is unique in that it offers scalable, integrated safety, motion control, and visualization capabilities that are ideal for machine builders and end users who want a single control and development environment, regardless of application size, discipline, or complexity. Through features such as integrated safety and standard control, high-integrity Add-On Instructions, information-enabled open networks and software, and reusable development tools, we help you to develop and/or deliver machine control solutions that exceed expectations.Kinetix 300Rockwell Automation Publication IA-SG001D-EN-P - January 20133Midrange System ArchitectureOur innovative approach lets you use common automation products and tools to scale a solution for your entire range of applications. The Integrated Architecture system offers you the flexibility to find the best fit through a range of products and tools, including controllers, I/O, visualization, motion, drives, safety and information—all scalable:•Architecture sizes•Product offerings•Capabilities for core, multiple-discipline functions4Rockwell Automation Publication IA-SG001D-EN-P - January 2013Typical ConfigurationsStandalone MachineThe CompactLogix 5370 L1 controllers combine the power ofthe Logix architecture with the flexibility of POINT I/O in acompact and affordable package. Ideal for small to mid-sizemachines, these controllers offer value to customers looking for the benefits of Integrated Architecture in a lower cost system.Integrated architecture products:•CompactLogix 5370 L1 controller with local 1734 POINT I/O modules•PanelView Plus Compact terminal•Kinetix 350 servo drives•PowerFlex 525 AC drive•Stratix 2000™ switchSmall MachineThe CompactLogix 5370 L2 controllers deliver scalable, affordable control in a space-saving form factor. From small standalone equipment to higher performance applications, these controllers are ideal for assembly machines, hoisting systems, process skids, indexing tables, and packaging. Integrated architecture products:•CompactLogix 5370 L2 controller with local1769Compact I/O™ modules•1734 POINT I/O modules•Kinetix 5500 servo drives•1732 ArmorBlock® I/O modules•PanelView Plus Compact terminal•PowerFlex 525 AC drive•Stratix 5700™ switchKinetix 350 Servo DrivesPanelView PlusCompact TerminalCompactLogix 5370 L2PanelView PlusCompact TerminalKinetix 5500Servo DrivesRockwell Automation Publication IA-SG001D-EN-P - January 201356Rockwell Automation Publication IA-SG001D-EN-P - January 2013Typical ConfigurationsStandard MachineThe CompactLogix 5370 L3 controller system provides an integrated solution for midsize applications. Typically, theseapplications are machine-level control applications that require smaller I/O quantities and more communication capabilities than serial connectivity.Integrated architecture products:•CompactLogix 5370 L3 controller with local 1769 Compact I/O modules •1734 POINT I/O modules•1732 ArmorBlock I/O modules •PanelView Plus 6 terminal •Kinetix 5500 servo drives •PowerFlex 753 AC drive •Stratix 5700 switchTo Business SystemsPowerFlex 753 AC DriveRockwell Automation Publication IA-SG001D-EN-P - January 20137Typical ConfigurationsProcess SkidPackaged units for process applications combine a CompactLogix controller with HART field devices. The HART field devices connect directly to analog I/O modules that are HART enabled. The modules do not require separate HART multiplexers and offer powerful functionality such as scaling and alarming.Integrated architecture products:•CompactLogix 5370 L2 controller with local 1769 I/O modules, including a 1769-sc-IF4IH Spectrum Controls Compact HART I/O module•1794 FLEX I/O modules, including an analog module with HART devices •PanelView Plus Compact terminal •PowerFlex 525 AC drive•1788-EN2DN linking device between EtherNet/IP and DeviceNet networks•1440 XM measurement module and XM-441 expansion relay module on a DeviceNet network •Stratix 5700 switch Our Encompass™ partners offer additional options for connecting HART devices. For more information, see /encompass .CompactLogix 5370 L2ControllerFLEX I/OPowerFlex 525 AC DrivePanelView Plus Compact TerminalStratix 5700 Switch1788-EN2DN Linking Device1440 XM Measurement ModuleTypical ConfigurationsSupervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)This SCADA system demonstrates the scalability of a ControlLogix controller to control several, smaller CompactLogix stations. Equipment can be distributed over long distances and the data is still accessible. Because the EtherNet/IP network is a standard Ethernet network, a variety of modem technologies and instruments can be easily integrated to form a complete system.Remote CompactLogix 5370 L2ControllerIntegrated architecture products:•Remote CompactLogix 5370 controllers with local I/O•1756 ControlLogix controller maintaining remote control systems•Wireless linking devices managing communication8Rockwell Automation Publication IA-SG001D-EN-P - January 2013Typical Configurations Integrated SafetyThe 1768 Compact GuardLogix controller provides safety control to achieve SIL 3/PLe according to ISO 13849. A major benefit of this system is that it’s still a single project, safety and standard together.PanelView Plus 6 TerminalIntegrated architecture products:•1768 Compact GuardLogix controller with 1768-ENBT bridge for EtherNet/IP connectivity•1734 POINT Guard digital and analog I/O modules•PanelView Plus 6 terminal•Kinetix 6000M integrated drive-motor with safe off, connected via a 1768-M04SE sercos interface•MP-Series low inertia motors•MP-Series electric cylinders•PowerFlex 525 AC drive with embedded safe torque-off•Stratix 6000 switchRockwell Automation Publication IA-SG001D-EN-P - January 20139Typical ConfigurationsConverge Power Control PlatformsIn some cases, you might want to standardize on all Kinetix servo drives or all PowerFlex drives in your system. Both drive systems:•offer permanent, magnet motor and inductive motor options.•work together on EtherNet/IP networks.Drive System Typical ApplicationsPowerFlex drives•Variable speed conveyors•Fan and blowers•PumpsKinetix 6500 or Kinetix 350 servo drives•Vertical form, fill, and seal•Case erector•LabelingKinetix 550 servo drives•Tire manufacturing•Flow wrapper•Web handlingSee page 45See page 38and page 42See page 3910Rockwell Automation Publication IA-SG001D-EN-P - January 2013Ethernet InfrastructureEthernet SwitchesIndustrial-rated switches are recommended for connecting the computers and other devices in the supervisory level to each other and to higher level networks in the network reference architecture.Select an Ethernet SwitchFor more information, see Stratix Switch Reference Chart, publication ENET-QR001.Ethernet InfrastructureEthernet MediaThe actual wire used for the network is referred to as the physical media. Generally, shorter cable runs are less susceptible to electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio-frequency interference (RFI) from electrical circuits, motors, and other machinery. Select Ethernet MediaFor more information about the media options, see the Ethernet section of the Network Media Catalog,publication M116-CA552.CompactLogix SystemCompactLogix ControllersThe CompactLogix platform brings together the benefits of the Integrated Architecture system—common programmingenvironment, common networks, common control engine—in a small footprint with high performance. CompactLogix is ideal for systems that require standalone and system-connected control over EtherNet/IP networks, as well as other networks via Encompass partner products.For more information, see CompactLogix Selection Guide, publication 1769-SG001.For information on estimating memory requirements for you application, see Logix5000 Controllers Execution Time and Memory Use Reference Manual, publication 1756-RM087.WITH EMBEDDED #OMPACT ) /#OMPACT,OGIX , CONTROLLER WITH EMBEDDED 0/).4 ) /, , 3 CONTROLLERSee page 15See page 14See page 17See page 16CompactLogix SystemCompactLogix 5370 L1 ControllersCompactLogix System CompactLogix 5370 L2 ControllersCompactLogix SystemCompactLogix 5370 L3 ControllersCompactLogix System1768 CompactLogix ControllersSelect a 1768 ControllerCompactLogix SystemDistributed I/ODistributed I/O ModulesRockwell Automation offers a wide selection of distributed I/O for use in your control system. These range from simple I/O blocks to modular I/O that offer increased flexibility for your exact needs and reduce your total cost of ownership.9ES&,%8 ) /7ELD"LOCK ) /0/).4 ) /%3 #OMPACT"LOCK 'UARD ) /$O YOU NEED HIGH DENSITY ) /#OMPACT ) /See page See page See page See page 29Distributed I/O1732 ArmorBlock and Armor WeldBlock I/OArmorBlock I/O provides low-cost, hardened, digital I/O suitable for on-machine use. Mountthe modules anywhere on a machine for automotive, material handling, and semiconductorapplications, or when diagnostics and local control are not needed. In addition, ArmorWeldBlock I/O is suited for use in typical welding applications and is ideal for end-of-armrobot applications.In addition to EtherNet/IP modules, there are other network options available. For more information, see ArmorBlock I/O Selection Guide, publication 1792-SG001.ArmorBlock I/O1732 ArmorBlock EtherNet/IP Digital BlocksCat. No.Inputs/Outputs Voltage Category Voltage Range Termination Type1732E-IB8M8SOER8 inputs, scheduled sink with dual port24V DC11…30V DC(8) M121732E-IB16M1216 inputs, sink1732E-IB16M12DR16 inputs, sink, diagnostic with dualport1732E-IB16M12R16 inputs, sink with dual port1732E-IB16M12SOEDR16 inputs, sink with CIP Sync and dualport1732E-OB8M8SR8 outputs, scheduled source with dualport1732E-OB16M1216 outputs, source1732E-OB16M12DR16 outputs, source, diagnostic with dualport1732E-OB16M12R16 outputs, source with dual port1732E-8CFGM8R8 self-configuring with dual port1732E-8X8M12DR8 inputs, sink8 outputs, sourcediagnostic with dual port1732E-16CFGM1216 self-configuring1732E-16CFGM12R16 self-configuring with dual port1732 ArmorBlock EtherNet/IP Analog BlocksCat. No.Inputs/Outputs Voltage Category Voltage Range Termination Type1732E-IF4M12R 4 inputs with dual port24V DC11…30V DC(8) M121732E-IR4IM12R 4 inputs, RTD with dual port1732E-IT4IM12R 4 inputs, isolated thermocouple withdual port1732E-OF4M12R 4 outputs with dual portArmor WeldBlock I/O1734 POINT I/OThe POINT I/O system can be easily applied to most any automation system because of comprehensive diagnostics and configurable features. Used in remote device panels and local control panels and accessed from many locations including the Internet, POINT I/O modules provide smooth integration and standardization, helping to lower your system costs and space requirements.Conformally coated versions of some modules are available. For more information contact Rockwell Automation. For more information about all modules, see POINT I/O Selection Guide, publication 1734-SG001.1732 Armor WeldBlock EtherNet/IP Digital BlocksCat. No.Inputs/Outputs Voltage Category Voltage Range Termination Type 1732E-IB16M12W 16 inputs, sink 24V DC11…30V DCM12 quick-disconnect1732E-16CFGM12W16 self-configuring1734 POINT I/O AC Digital ModulesCat. No.Inputs/Outputs Voltage Category Operating Voltage Range Terminal BasePointBus Current1734-IA2 2 inputs 120V AC 65...132V AC 1734-TB, 1734-TBS, 1734-TOP , 1734-TOPS75 mA 1734-IA4 4 inputs 120V AC 65...132V AC 1734-IM2 2 inputs 220V AC 159...264V AC 1734-IM4 4 inputs220V AC 159...264V AC 1734-OA2 2 outputs 120/220V AC 74...264V AC 1734-OA44 outputs120/220V AC74...264V AC1734 POINT I/O DC Digital ModulesCat. No.Inputs/Outputs Voltage Category Operating Voltage Range Terminal Base PointBus Current 1734-IB2 2 inputs, sink 24V DC10...28.8V DC1734-TB, 1734-TBS 75 mA1734-IB4 4 inputs, sink 1734-TB, 1734-TBS, 1734-TB3, 1734-TB3S1734-IB4D 4 inputs diagnostic, sink 11...28.8V DC 1734-TB, 1734-TBS, 1734-TOP , 1734-TOPS 50 mA 1734-IB88 inputs, sink 10...28.8V DC 1734-TB, 1734-TBS 75 mA 1734-IB8S 8 inputs, sink,safety rated 11...28.8V DC 1734-TB, 1734-TOP , 1734-TOP3175 mA 1734-IV2 2 inputs, source 10...28.8V DC1734-TB, 1734-TBS 75 mA 1734-IV4 4 inputs, source 1734-TB, 1734-TBS, 1734-TB3, 1734-TB3S 1734-IV88 inputs, source1734-TB, 1734-TBS1734-OB2 2 outputs, source24V DC10...28.8V DC1734-TB, 1734-TBS75 mA1734-OB2E 2 outputs, source, electronically protected1734-OB2EP2 outputs, source, electronically protected, fast-switching high-current 1734-OB4 4 outputs, source1734-OB4E 4 outputs, source, electronically protected 1734-OB88 outputs, source1734-OB8E 8 outputs, source, electronically protected 1734-OB8S 8 outputs, source,safety rated1734-TB, 1734-TOP , 1734-TOP3190 mA 1734-OV2E 2 outputs, sink, electronically protected24V DC10...28.8V DC1734-TB, 1734-TBS75 mA1734-OV4E 4 outputs, sink, electronically protected1734-OV8E 8 outputs, sink, electronically protected 1734-8CFG 8, self-configuring 24V DC11...28.8V DC1734-TB, 1734-TBS, 1734-TOP , 1734-TOPS100 mA 1734-8CFGDLX8, self-configuring with DeviceLogix™1734 POINT I/O Contact ModulesCat. No.Inputs/Outputs Voltage Range Terminal Base PointBus Current 1734-OW2 2 Form A N.O. output relays 5…28.8V DC @ 2.0 A resistive 48V DC @ 0.5 A resistive 125V DC @ 0.25 A resistive 125V DC @ 2.0 A resistive 240V DC @ 2.0 A resistive1734-TB, 1734-TBS80 mA 1734-OW4 4 Form A N.O. output relays 1734-OX22 Form C isolated N.O./N.C. relays100 mA1734 POINT I/O Analog ModulesCat. No.Inputs/Outputs RangeResolution Terminal Base PointBus Current 1734-IE2C 2 inputs, single-ended 0…20 mA, 4…20 mA16 bits1734-TB, 1734-TBS 75 mA1734-IE4C 4 inputs, single-ended 1734-IE4S4 inputs, single-ended,safety rated 0…20 mA, 4…20 mA ±5V, 0...5V, ±10V, 0...10V 12 bits1734-TB, 1734-TBS, 1734-TOP , 1734-TOPS, 1734-TOP3, 1734-TOP3S 110 mA1734-IE8C 8 inputs, single-ended 0…20 mA, 4…20 mA 16 bits 1734-TB, 1734-TBS75 mA1734-IE2V 2 inputs, differential ±10V, 0...10V 15 bits + sign 1734-OE2C 2 outputs, single-ended 0…20 mA, 4...20 mA 13 bits 1734-OE4C 4 outputs, single-ended 0…20 mA, 4...20 mA 13 bits 1734-OE2V2 outputs, single-ended±10V, 0 (10V)14 bits (13 + sign)1734 POINT I/O DC Digital ModulesCat. No.Inputs/Outputs Voltage Category Operating Voltage Range Terminal Base PointBus CurrentIn addition to EtherNet/IP adapters, there are other options. For more information, see POINT I/O Selection Guide, publication 1734-SG001.1734 POINT I/O RTD/Thermocouple ModulesCat. No.Inputs/Outputs Sensors Supported Resolution Terminal Base PointBus Current 1734-IR22 RTD inputs, single-ended100, 200 Ω Platinum 385100, 200 Ω Platinum 391610 Ω Copper 427100, 120 Ω Nickel 618120 Ω Nickel 67210 Ω Nickel-iron 5180…600 Ω16 bit1734-TB, 1734-TBS, 1734-TOP , 1734-TOPS220 mA1734-IR2E 2 RTD inputs, electronically fused, single-ended100 Ω Platinum 3850…220 Ω16 bits 1734-IT2I2 thermocouple inputs, single-endedThermocouple types B, C, E, J, K, N, R, S, T ±75 mV15 bits + sign1734-TBCJC175 mA1734 POINT I/O Counter ModulesCat. No.Counters Voltage Category Input FrequencyTerminal BasePointBus Current 1734-IJ 15V DC 1.0 MHz counter and encoder X1 configurations (no filter)500 kHz encoder X2 configuration (no filter)250 kHz encoder X4 configuration (no filter)1734-TB, 1734-TBS 160 mA 1734-IK 115...24V DC 1734-VHSC515V DC 180 mA1734-VHSC24115...24V DC1734 POINT I/O Adapter ModulesNetwork Module DescriptionPointBus Current EtherNet/IP1734-AENT EtherNet/IP twisted pair media adapter700 mA 1734-AENTR2-port EtherNet/IP I/O adapter module, star, tree, linear, or ring topology800 mA1738 ArmorPOINT I/OBased on the POINT I/O architecture, ArmorPOINT® I/O adds enhanced environmentalcharacteristics, modular designs, and plug and play electronic capabilities. The quickdisconnect features deliver fewer points of failure. For more information, seeArmorPoint I/O Selection Guide, publication 1738-SG001.1738 ArmorPOINT AC Digital ModulesTerminal Type PointBus Current Cat. No.Inputs/Outputs Voltage Category Operating VoltageRange1738-IA2M12AC3 2 inputs120V AC65...132V AC AC micro 3-pin75 mA1738-IA2M12AC4 2 inputs120V AC65...132V AC AC micro 4-pin1738-OA2M12AC3 2 outputs120/220V AC74...264V AC AC 3-pin1738 ArmorPOINT DC Digital ModulesCat. No.Inputs/Outputs Voltage Category Operating VoltageTerminal Type PointBus CurrentRange1738-IB2M12 2 inputs, sink24V DC10...28.8V DC DC micro (M12)75 mA1738-IB4M12 4 inputs, sink DC micro (M12)1738-IB4DM12 4 inputs, sink, diagnostic11...28.8V DC DC micro (M12)50 mA1738-IB4M8 4 inputs, sink10...28.8V DC Pico 3-pin (M8)75 mA1738-IB8M128 inputs, sink DC micro (M12)1738-IB8M238 inputs, sink M231738-IB8M88 inputs, sink Pico 3-pin (M8)1738-IB16DM1216 inputs, sink, diagnostic DC micro (M12)1738-IV8M128 inputs, source DC micro (M12)1738-IV4M12 4 inputs, source DC micro (M12)1738-IV8M238 inputs, source M231738-IV8M88 inputs, source Pico 3-pin (M8)1738-OB2EM12 2 outputs, source24V DC10...28.8V DC DC micro (M12)75 mA1738-OB2EPM12 2 outputs, source DC micro (M12)1738-OB4EM12 4 outputs, source DC micro (M12)1738-OB4EM8 4 outputs, source Pico 3-pin (M8)1738-OB8EM128 outputs, source DC micro (M12)1738-OB8EM238 outputs, source M231738-OB8EM88 outputs, source Pico 3-pin (M8)1738-OB16EM1216 outputs, source DC micro (M12)150 mA1738-OB16E25DS16 outputs, source D-shell1738-OB16E19M2316 outputs, source M231738-OV4EM12 4 outputs, sink DC micro (M12)75 mA1738-8CFGM88 configurable, sink or source24V DC11...30V DCPico 3-pin (M8)75 mA1738-8CFGM23M231738-8CFGDLXM88 configurable, sink or source with DeviceLogix Pico 3-pin (M8)1738-8CFGDLXM12DC micro (M12)1738-8CFGDLXM23M231738 ArmorPOINT Contact Output ModulesCat. No.Inputs/Outputs Voltage Category Contact Resistance Terminal Type PointBus Current 1738-OW4M12 4 Form A N.O. relays, isolated24V DC30 m ΩDC micro (M12)80 mA1738-OW4M12ACAC micro 4-pin1738 ArmorPOINT Analog ModulesCat. No.Inputs/Outputs RangeResolution Terminal Type PointBus Current 1738-IE2CM12 2 inputs, single-ended 0…20 mA, 4…20 mA 16 bits DC micro (M12)75 mA1738-IE4CM12 4 inputs, single-ended 0…20 mA, 4…20 mA 16 bits 1738-IE2VM12 2 inputs, single-ended ±10V, 0...10V 15 bits + sign 1738-OE2CM12 2 outputs, single-ended 0…20 mA, 4...20 mA 13 bits DC micro (M12)75 mA1738-OE4CM12 4 outputs, single-ended 0…20 mA, 4...20 mA 16 bits 1738-OE2VM122 outputs, single-ended±10V, 0 (10V)14 bits (13 + sign)1738 ArmorPOINT RTD/Thermocouple ModulesCat. No.Inputs/Outputs Sensors Supported Resolution Terminal Type PointBus Current 1738-IR2M122 RTD inputs, single-ended100, 200 Ω Platinum 385100, 200 Ω Platinum 391610 Ω Copper 427100, 120 Ω Nickel 618120 Ω Nickel 6720…600 Ω16 bitsDC micro (M12)220 mA1738-IT2IM12 2 thermocouple inputs, single-ended Thermocouple types B, C, E, J, K, N, R, S, T ±75 mV15 bits + sign 175 mA1738 ArmorPOINT Counter ModulesCat. No.Counters Voltage Category Input FrequencyTerminal Type PointBus Current 1738-IJM2315V DC 1.0 MHz counter and encoder X1 configurations (no filter)500 kHz encoder X2 configuration (no filter)250 kHz encoder X4 configuration (no filter)M23160 mA 1738-VHSC24M231124V DC110 mA1738 ArmorPOINT DC Digital ModulesCat. No.Inputs/Outputs Voltage Category Operating Voltage Range Terminal Type PointBus CurrentIn addition to EtherNet/IP adapters, there are other network options available. For more information, see ArmorPoint I/O Selection Guide, publication 1738-SG001.1769 Compact I/O ModulesThe Compact I/O modules offer innovation and flexibility in a unique, patented I/O platform. Compact I/O is optimized for use with CompactLogix controllers, and can function as distributed I/O with the appropriate network adapter. Rack-type features in a rackless design lower costs and reduce replacement parts inventory. 1738 ArmorPoint I/O Adapter ModulesNetwork Module DescriptionTerminal Type Power EtherNet/IP1738-AENT EtherNet/IP twisted-pair media I/O adapterM12 quick-disconnect 30 mA @ 24V DC1738-AENTR2-port EtherNet/IP adapter, star, tree, linear, or ring topologyM12 quick-disconnect1769 Compact I/O AC Digital ModulesCat. No.Inputs/Outputs Voltage Category Operating Voltage Range Current Draw Power Supply Distance Rating 1769-IA8I 8 inputs, individually isolated 100/120V AC 79…132V AC,47…63 Hz 90 mA @ 5.1V 81769-IA1616 inputs 100/120V AC 79…132V AC,47…63 Hz 115 mA @ 5.1V 81769-IM1212 inputs 200/240V AC 159…265V AC,47…63 Hz 100 mA @ 5.1V 81769-OA88 outputs 100/240V AC 85…265V AC 47…63 Hz 145 mA @ 5.1V 81769-OA1616 outputs100/240V AC85…265V AC 47…63 Hz225 mA @ 5.1V81769 Compact I/O DC Digital ModulesCat. No.Inputs/Outputs Voltage Category Operating Voltage Range Current Draw Power SupplyDistance Rating 1769-IG1616 inputs5V DC TTL 4.5...5.5V DC120 mA @ 5.1V81769-IQ1616 inputs24V DC sink/source10...30V DC @ 30 °C (86 °F)10...26.4V DC @ 60 °C (140 °F)115 mA @ 5.1V81769-IQ16F16 inputs, high-speed24V DC sink/source10...30V DC @ 30 °C (86 °F)10...26.4V DC @ 60 °C (140 °F)100 mA @ 5.1V81769-IQ3232 inputs24V DC sink/source10...30V DC @ 30 °C (86 °F)10...26.4V DC @ 60 °C (140 °F)170 mA @ 5.1V81769-IQ32T32 inputs24V DC sink/source20.4...26.4V DC @ 60 °C (140 °F)170 mA @ 5.1V81769-IQ6XOW4 6 inputs4 outputs 24V DC sink/source inputAC/DC normally open relaycontact outputs10...30V DC @ 30 °C (86 °F)10...26.4V DC @ 60 °C (140 °F)105 mA @ 5.1V50 mA @ 24V81769-OB88 outputs24V DC source20.4...26.4V DC145 mA @ 5.1V81769-OB1616 outputs24V DC source20.4...26.4V DC200 mA @ 5.1V81769-OB16P16 outputs, protected24V DC source20.4...26.4V DC160 mA @ 5.1V81769-OB3232 outputs24V DC source20.4...26.4V DC300 mA @ 5.1V61769-OB32T32 outputs24V DC source10.2...26.4V DC220 mA @ 5.1V81769-OG1616 outputs5V DC TTL 4.5...5.5V DC200 mA @ 5.1V81769-OV1616 outputs24V DC sink20.4...26.4V DC200 mA @ 5.1V81769-OV32T32 outputs24V DC sink10.2...26.4V DC300 mA @ 5.1V81769 Compact I/O Contact ModulesCat. No.Inputs/Outputs Operating Voltage Range Current Draw Power Supply Distance Rating1769-OW88 outputs 5...265V AC5...125V DC 125 mA @ 5.1V100 mA @ 24V81769-OW8I8 outputs, individually isolated 5...265V AC5...125V DC 125 mA @ 5.1V100 mA @ 24V81769-OW1616 outputs 5...265V AC5...125V DC 205 mA @ 5.1V180 mA @ 24V81769 Compact I/O Analog ModulesCat. No.Inputs/Outputs Range Resolution Current Draw Power SupplyDistance Rating1769-IF4 4 inputs, differential orsingle-ended ±10V, 0...10V, 0...5V, 1 (5V)0…20 mA, 4...20 mA14 bits (unipolar)14 bits plus sign (bipolar)120 mA @ 5.1V60 mA @ 24V81769-IF4I 4 inputs, differential orsingle-ended, individuallyisolated ±10V, 0...10V, 0...5V, 1 (5V)0…20 mA, 4...20 mA16 bits (unipolar)15 bits plus sign (bipolar)145 mA @ 5.1V125 mA @ 24V81769-IF88 inputs, differential orsingle-ended ±10V, 0...10V, 0...5V, 1 (5V)0…20 mA, 4...20 mA16 bits (unipolar)15 bits plus sign (bipolar)120 mA @ 5.1V70 mA @ 24V81769-IF16C16 inputs, single-ended0…20 mA, 4...20 mA16 bits (unipolar)15 bits plus sign (bipolar)190 mA @ 5.1V70 mA @ 24V81769-IF16V16 inputs, differential±10V, 0...10V, 0...5V, 1...5V16 bits (unipolar)15 bits plus sign (bipolar)190 mA @ 5.1V70 mA @ 24V81769-IF4XOF2 4 differential or single-endedinputs2 single-ended outputs 0 (10V)0…20 mAInput: 8 bits plus signOutput: 8 bits plus sign120 mA @ 5.1V160 mA @ 24V81769-IF4FXOF2F 4 fast differential or single-endedinputs2 fast single-ended outputs ±10V, 0...10V, 0...5V, 1 (5V)0…20 mA, 4...20 mAInput: 14 bits (unipolar)14 bits plus sign (bipolar)Output: 13 bits (unipolar)13 bits plus sign (bipolar)220 mA @ 5.1V120 mA @ 24V81769-OF2 2 outputs, single-ended±10V, 0...10V, 0...5V, 1 (5V)0…20 mA, 4...20 mA 14 bits (unipolar)14 bits plus sign (bipolar)120 mA @ 5.1V120 mA @ 24V81769-OF4 4 outputs, single-ended±10V, 0...10V, 0...5V, 1 (5V)0…20 mA, 4...20 mA 15 bits plus sign unipolar andbipolar120 mA @ 5.1V170 mA @ 24V81769 Compact I/O RTD/Thermocouple ModulesCat. No.Inputs/Outputs Sensors Supported Current Draw Power SupplyDistance Rating1769-IR6 6 RTD inputs100, 200, 500, 1000 Ω Platinum 385100, 200, 500, 1000 Ω Platinum 3916120 Ω Nickel 618120 Ω Nickel 67210 Ω Nickel-iron 5180…150 Ω, 0…500 Ω, 0…1000 Ω, 0…3000 Ω100 mA @ 5.1V45 mA @ 24V81769-IT6 6 thermocouple inputs Thermocouple types B, C, E, J, K, N, R, S, T±50V, ±100V 100 mA @ 5.1V45 mA @ 24V81769 Compact I/O Specialty ModulesCat. No.Description Current Draw Power Supply DistanceRating1769-ARM Address reserve module to reserve module slots60 mA @ 5.1V81769-ASCII Interface to RS-232, RS-485, and RS-422 ASCII devices425 mA @ 5.1V41769-BOOLEAN Activate an output based on an input transition220 mA @ 5.1V81769-HSC Counter module that is capable of reacting to high-speed input signals245 mA @ 5.1V41769-SM1Connect to PowerFlex 7-class drives and other DPI-based host devices280 mA @ 5.1V61769-SM2Connect to PowerFlex 4-class drives and other Modbus RTU slave devices350 mA @ 5.1V4。



140M:电机保护断路器 140U:塑壳断路器
140M是专用于电机、电机线路、变压器保护的断路器 具有极高的分断能力,具备短路与过载保护,用于电 机保护的还具备缺相保护功能。
类型 140M-RC2 140M-C2 140M-D8 140M-F8 140-CM 140M-H,J,L,N 140UE 额定电流 0.1…16A 0.1…25A 1.6…25A 6.3…45A 16…90A 3…1200A 15…1600A
额定电压 线圈电压 380 AC220V 额定电流或功率 11KW 辅助触点 1开2闭 其他
100-C23A10 100-SA02
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Allen-Bradley 的产品
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Reliance 和 Dodge 的型号构成。
921. 41.00 921 .55.01 921 .59.00 921 .59.01 701819 -100BF 701819 -102AY 701819 -103AG 20C 57 20C 58



Allen-Bradley 1The Bulletin 160 is a microprocessor controlled adjustable frequency drive designed for reliable control of three-phase induction motors. The drive produces a three-phase, PWM, adjustable frequency output to vary the motor speed. Output voltage is a function of output frequency and is adjustable to meet motor parameters so that optimum motor performance can be obtained.ContentsConformity to StandardsThe Bulletin 160 and 160Z conforms to the following standards:➊External components and proper guidelines must be followed. Refer to the 160 User Manual,publication 0160-5.15 for details.➋Standards apply to 160 Standard Packaged Drives only.Description160 Standard Product 160Z Standard Product Packaged ProductConformity to Standards page 1page 1page 1Descriptionpage 2page 5page 8Catalog Number Explanation page 2page 5page 8Product Selection page 2page 5page 8Options & Accessories page 3page 6page 9Approximate Dimensions–page 7page 10Conformity to:Standard ProductPackaged ProductUL Listed (UL 508C)✔ ✔➋CSA Certified (C-UL)✔ CSA 22.2✔➋IEC Classified ✔CE Approved ➊EMC DirectiveLow Voltage Directive ✔EN61800-3, EN50081-1,EN50082-2EN50178, EN60204-1✔EN61800-3➋EN60204-1VDE Approved ✔C-Tick✔✔ AS/NZS2064.1➋2Allen-BradleyBulletin 160 Standard DrivesThis program includes standard Bulletin 160 drives rated from 0.37-4.0 kW (0.5-5.0 HP). Bulletin 160 drives are available in IP20(NEMA Type 00) and chassis mount (external heatsink) designs. The chassis mount product meets IP40/54/65 (NEMA 1/4/12/4X) ratings when installed in an enclosure of like rating. Chassis mount Bulletin 160 drives rated from 0.37-2.2 kW (0.5-3.0 HP) are available.Catalog Number DescriptionProduct Selection160 Drives➊The Bulletin 160 comes standard with a Ready/Fault indication panel. To order a drive with aProgram Keypad Module installed, add suffix P1 to the catalog number.Example: Catalog Number 160-AA02NSF1 becomes 160-AA02NSF1P1. See Table.➋Meets IP40/54/65 (NEMA 1/12/4/4X) when installed in an enclosure of like rating.160–AA02NSF1P1Bulletin NumberDrive Rating (must be specified)Enclosure Rating (must be specified)Control Method (must be specified)Programmer (Optional)Mounting Input Voltage Rating Drive Ratings Analog Signal Follower Model Preset Speed Model kW HP OutputCurrent Rating Catalog Number ➊❋Catalog Number ➊❋IP 20Open Style200-240V 50/60 Hz 1 Phase 0.37 1/2 2.3A 160S - AA02NSF1160S - AA02NPS10.55 3/4 3.0A 160S - AA03NSF1160S - AA03NPS10.75 1 4.5A 160S - AA04NSF1160S - AA04NPS11.5 28.0A 160S - AA08NSF1160S - AA08NPS1200-240V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase0.37 1/2 2.3A 160 - AA02NSF1160 - AA02NPS10.55 3/4 3.0A 160 - AA03NSF1160 - AA03NPS10.75 1 4.5A 160 - AA04NSF1160 - AA04NPS11.5 28.0A 160 - AA08NSF1160 - AA08NPS12.2 312.0A 160 - AA12NSF1160 - AA12NPS14.0518.0A 160 - AA18NSF1160 - AA18NPS1380-460V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase0.37 1/2 1.2A 160 - BA01NSF1160 - BA01NPS10.55 3/4 1.7A 160 - BA02NSF1160 - BA02NPS10.75 1 2.3A 160 - BA03NSF1160 - BA03NPS11.5 2 4.0A 160 - BA04NSF1160 - BA04NPS12.2 3 6.0A 160 - BA06NSF1160 - BA06NPS14.0510.5A160 - BA10NSF1160 - BA10NPS1Mounting Input Voltage Rating Drive Ratings Analog Signal Follower ModelPreset Speed Model kW HP OutputCurrent Rating Catalog Number ➊❋Catalog Number ➊❋IP 20Chassis Mount ➋200-240V 50/60 Hz 1 Phase 0.37 1/2 2.3A 160S - AA02PSF1160S - AA02PPS10.55 3/4 3.0A 160S - AA03PSF1160S - AA03PPS10.75 1 4.5A 160S - AA04PSF1160S - AA04PPS11.5 28.0A 160S - AA08PSF1160S - AA08PPS1200-240V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase0.37 1/2 2.3A 160 - AA02PSF1160 - AA02PPS10.55 3/4 3.0A 160 - AA03PSF1160 - AA03PPS10.75 1 4.5A 160 - AA04PSF1160 - AA04PPS11.5 28.0A 160 - AA08PSF1160 - AA08PPS12.2312.0A 160 - AA12PSF1160 - AA12PPS14.0518.0A 160 - AA18PSF1160 - AA18PPS1380-460V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase0.37 1/2 1.2A 160 - BA01PSF1160 - BA01PPS10.55 3/4 1.7A 160 - BA02PSF1160 - BA02PPS10.75 1 2.3A 160 - BA03PSF1160 - BA03PPS11.5 2 4.0A 160 - BA04PSF1160 - BA04PPS12.2 3 6.0A 160 - BA06PSF1160 - BA06PPS14.0510.5A160 - BA10PSF1160 - BA10PPS1DescriptionCode Program Keypad Module, Factory Installed P1❋ Contact Sales Office for PricingAllen-Bradley 3User Installed OptionsOperator Interface & Communication Devices➊Requires Remote Programming Adaptor (160-RPA) and cable (160-Cxx) to be operational.➋Includes 10 pin DeviceNet Connector.AccessoryCatalog No.❋Ready/Fault Indicating PanelIndicates if the drive is READY for operation or if a FAULT condition has occurred. This is standard if P1 is not factory installed.160-B1Program Keypad ModuleModule to program and/or monitor drive parameters as well as provide local keypad control (start, stop and reverse functions).160-P1Remote Keypad ModuleModule for remote mounting. Has program, monitor and operator interface capability.160-P2 ➊CopyCat Keypad ModuleHand held module with upload/download capability to program, monitor and control drive.160-P3 ➊Remote Programming AdapterInterface connection for the Remote and CopyCat Keypad modules.160-RPACablesConnects the Remote Programming Adapter to either the Remote or CopyCat Keypad Module.- 1 meter cable, non-locking each end- 1 meter cable, non-locking each end, right angle (for minimal depth)- 3 meter cable, locking each end - 5 meter cable, locking each end 160-C10160-C10R 160-C30160-C5024V DC Interface Module24V DC control interface. Bulletin 160 Series C drives must use a Series B, or later, 24V DC Interface module.160-DM-SF1(Analog model)160-DM-PS1(Preset model)Communication ModulesAllow control and monitoring of parameters via the networks listed below. These modules add 21.4 mm (0.85 in.) to the overall depth of the drive.-DeviceNet™-RS-232 Serial Communication -Profibus -Interbus160-DN2 ➋160-RS1160-PD1160-IB1DriveExplorer™ SoftwareWindows based software package that provides an intuitive means for monitoring or configuring Allen-Bradley drives and communication adapters.See Publication 9306-PL001A-EN-P .Common Mode Chokes ➌Open Style, used to enhance noise immunity.1A - used with communications and signal cables 9A - (with terminal block) used with all 160 drives1321-M0011321-M009❋ Contact Sales Office for PricingRS-232 Serial Communication Module160-RS1DeviceNetCommunication Module160-DN2Remote ProgrammingAdapter 160-RPACopyCat KeypadModule 160-P3Remote KeypadModule160-P2Program KeypadModule 160-P1ProfibusCommunication Module160-PD1InterbusCommunication Module160-IB14Allen-BradleyUser Installed Accessories – All Drive Ratings➊Must order two for a 4.0 kW (5 HP) application. The two dynamic brake modules must be wiredin parallel.➋Catalog numbers listed are for 3% impedance open style units. NEMA 1 and 5% impedancereactor types are also available, refer to Publication 1321-2.0 for detailed information. Use the line reactor for rated application to attain proper impedance.➌Catalog No. 1204-RWR-09-B.➍Reflected Wave Reduction Modules (1204-RWR-09-B) may be used at a 10.5 Amp current ratingproviding the drive to motor cable length is less than 122 meters (400 feet).➎Must mount separately when used with Series C drives.Input Voltage Rating Drive Ratings Dynamic Brake Modules Line Reactors Open Style ➋Fan Replacement KIts kW H P Catalog No.❋Catalog No.➋❋Series CDrive Cat. No.❋200-240V 50/60 Hz 1 Phase 0.37 1/2———0.55 3/4———0.75 1160 - BMA1—160-FRK21.5 2160 - BMA2—160-FRK3200-240V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase0.37 1/2—1321-3R4-B —0.55 3/4—1321-3R4-A —0.75 1160 - BMA11321-3R4-A 160-FRK21.5 2160 - BMA21321-3R8-A 160-FRK22.2 3160 - BMA21321-3R12-A 160-FRK24.05160 - BMA2➊1321-3R18-A 160-FRK3380-460V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase0.37 1/2—1321-3R2-B —0.55 3/4—1321-3R2-A —0.75 1160 - BMB11321-3R2-A 160-FRK21.5 2160 - BMB21321-3R4-B 160-FRK22.2 3160 - BMB21321-3R8-B 160-FRK24.05160 - BMB2➊1321-3R8-B160-FRK3Input Voltage Rating Drive Ratings Line Filters Capacitor Modules kW HPClass A Only Class A & B Catalog No.❋Catalog No.❋Catalog No.❋200-240V 50/60 Hz 1 Phase 0.37 1/2160S-L FA1160S-RFA-9-A 160-CMA10.55 3/4160S-L FA1160S-RFA-9-A 160-CMA10.75 1160S-L FA1160S-RFA-9-A 160-CMA11.5 2160S-L FA1➎160S-RFA-16-B ➎160-CMA1200-240V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase0.37 1/2160-L FA2160-RFB-5-A 160-CMA10.55 3/4160-L FA2160-RFB-5-A 160-CMA10.75 1160-L FA2160-RFB-5-A 160-CMA11.5 2160-L FA2160-RFB-14-A 160-CMA12.2 3160-L FA2160-RFB-14-A 160-CMA14.0 5—160-RFA-22-B ➎160-CMA1380-460V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase ➌ ➍0.37 1/2160-L FB1160-RFB-5-A 160-CMB10.55 3/4160-L FB1160-RFB-5-A 160-CMB10.75 1160-L FB1160-RFB-5-A 160-CMB11.5 2160-L FB1160-RFB-5-A 160-CMB12.2 3160-L FB1160-RFB-14-A 160-CMB14.05—160-RFB-14-B ➎160-CMB1❋ Contact Sales Office for PricingAllen-Bradley 5Bulletin 160Z Standard DrivesThe Allen-Bradley Bulletin 160Z drive is the newest drive within the Bulletin 160 product line. Designed to meet user demands for motor control in wash-down or zero-cabinet environments, the 160Z drive features NEMA Type 4X/IP65 rated protection and networkconnectivity in a compact, space-saving design. Each drive package delivers a user specified, space efficient control solution for three-phase motors, ranging from 0.37 to 2.2 kW (0.5 to 3 HP) at 200 to 240 volts and from 0.37 to 4 kW (0.4 to 5 HP) at 380 to 460 volts. Additional option kits are available for user installation (see page 6).Ordering InstructionsWhen ordering a 160Z drive without a motor, consider the following.•Select basic Catalog Number based on application requirements (i.e. V oltage, Horsepower and Integral CE Filter). For example: a 380-460V three phase, 0.75 kW (1 HP) drive without CE filter is: 160Z-BA04SFNNN•Select 160Z-WMK wall mount kit.•Select wiring glands if necessary: 160Z-G25 for incoming power and 160Z-G16 for communications or I/O wiring.•Select other accessories as needed.Catalog Number DescriptionProduct Selection 160Z Drives➊When using 160Z as wall mount, communication modules should be ordered as separate options.See page 6.➋For 160Z drives mounted on motors, consult factory.160Z –AA02FSNN ➊NBulletin NumberDrive Rating (from table below)Enclosure Rating NEMA 4X (IP65)Control Method (analog signal follower)Filter Option (must be specified)Communication(None)Motor (None)InputVoltage Rating Drive Ratingwithout motor ➋with integral CE filter kW HP Output Current Rating Catalog Number ❋Catalog Number ❋200-240V,50/60 Hz,3-Phase0.370.5 2.3A 160Z-AA02FSNNN —0.550.753A 160Z-AA03FSNNN —0.751 4.5A 160Z-AA04FSNNN —1.528A 160Z-AA08FSNNN —2.2312A 160Z-AA12FSNNN —380-460V,50/60 Hz,3-Phase0.370.5 1.2A 160Z-BA01FSNNN 160Z-BA01FSFNN 0.550.75 1.7A 160Z-BA02FSNNN 160Z-BA02FSFNN 0.751 2.3A 160Z-BA03FSNNN 160Z-BA03FSFNN 1.524A 160Z-BA04FSNNN 160Z-BA04FSFNN 2.23 5.2A 160Z-BA06FSNNN 160Z-BA06FSFNN 458.1A160Z-BA10FSNNN160Z-BA10FSFNN❋ Contact Sales Office for Pricing6Allen-BradleyUser Installed Options/AccessoriesOperator Interface ➊, Communication Devices & Accessories➊160-P1 is not compatible with 160Z drives.➋ A 160-RPA is not required with 160Z drives. 160-RPA circuitry is included as standard.➌Includes 10 pin DeviceNet Connector.➍For mounting with Allen-Bradley 1329RS motors, cast iron, severe duty.➎For mounting with SEW, D-Type IEC motors.➏Maximum continuous output is 3.0 kW at 40°C and 4 kHz, 3.7 kW at 35°C and 2 kHz.AccessoryCatalog No.❋Remote Keypad ModuleModule for remote mounting. Has program, monitor and operator interface capability.160-P2CopyCat Keypad ModuleHand held module with upload/download capability to program, monitor and control drive.160-P3Cables ➋Connects the 160Z to either the Remote or CopyCat Keypad Module.- 1 meter cable, locking each end - 3 meter cable, locking each end - 5 meter cable, locking each end160Z-C10160Z-C30160Z-C50Communication Modules and AccessoriesAllow control and monitoring of parameters via the networks listed below. These modules can be mounted inside the 160Z.-DeviceNet™-RS-232 Serial Communication -Profibus -Interbus-RS232 Communication Terminal Block -Profibus Communication Terminal Block-Interbus In/Out Communication Terminal Block -Interbus Side Metal plate (5 holes)160-DN2 ➌160-RS1160-PD1160-IB1160Z-RTB 160Z-PTB 160Z-ITB 160Z-ISM Motor Adapters-NEMA motor, 0.5 - 2 HP ➍-NEMA motor, 3 - 5 HP ➍-SEW, IEC Motor, 0.37-1.5 kW ➎-SEW, IEC Motor, 2.2 kW ➎-SEW, IEC Motor, 3.7 kW ➎➏160Z-ABN1160Z-ABN2160Z-SEW1160Z-SEW2160Z-SEW3Hardware-Power cable glands-Motor cable glands, wall mounting only -Communication and I/O cable glands 160Z-G25160Z-G20160Z-G16Dynamic Brake Resistors -0.5 - 1 HP (0.37 - 0.75 kW)- 2 - 3 HP (1.5 - 2.2 kW)- 5 HP (3.7 kW)160Z-BMB1160Z-BMB2160Z-BMB3Accessories-Debris cover, motor mount -Debris cover, wall mount -Fan replacement kit-Spare gasket kit (includes all gaskets)-Wall mounting kit (includes one 160Z-G20)-Wall mount adapter 160Z-DC 160Z-DCW 160Z-FRK 160Z-GSK 160Z-WMK 160Z-WMADriveExplorer™ SoftwareWindows based software package that provides an intuitive means for monitoring or configuring Allen-Bradley drives and communication adapters.See Publication 9306-PL001A-EN-P .RS-232 Serial Communication Module160-RS1DeviceNetCommunication Module160-DN2CopyCat KeypadModule 160-P3Remote KeypadModule 160-P2ProfibusCommunication Module160-PD1InterbusCommunication Module160-IB1❋ Contact Sales Office for PricingWall Mounted DimensionsAllen-Bradley7❋ Contact Sales Office for PricingBulletin 160 Standard Packaged Drives The Standard Packaged Drive Program allows users to create drive packages based on their specific needs. A complete drive package may be specified by assembling a single catalog number string that includes a base drive, enclosure and all required options.Ordering Instructions•Select basic Catalog Number based on application requirements(i.e. V oltage, Horsepower, Control Model and EnclosureRatings). For example: a 200-240V three phase, 0.37 kW (1/2HP), analog signal follower model and an IP66 (NEMA 4/12)enclosure is: 160-AA02SF1-AF•Select Enclosure Options and follow the Option Rules. For example: the catalog number with a fused disconnect switch with Start-Stop pushbuttons is: 160-AA02SF1 -AF- DS-D17 Compliance certificationsSee page1 for compliance information. When the “EMC” option is selected, the product will ship with an RFI filter. If the “EMC” option is not selected, reference the Bulletin 160 Series C User Manual for proper installation instructions.Custom Drives ProgramDrive packages that cannot be ordered via a catalog number can be customized to meet user requirements for specific options such as special enclosure sizes and colors, terminal blocks, wire type, etc. Contact factory.Catalog Number DescriptionProduct Selection 160–AA02SF1–AF–DS–D17 BulletinNumberDrive Rating(must be specified)Enclosure Rating(must be specified)Options(as required)Input Voltage Rating Drive RatingsIP 66 (NEMA 4/12)IP66 (NEMA 4X - 304 Stainless Steel)Analog SignalFollower Model Preset Speed ModelAnalog SignalFollower Model Preset Speed ModelkW H POutput CurrentRating Catalog No.Catalog No.❋Catalog No.Catalog No.❋200-240V 50/60 Hz 1 Phase 0.37 0.5 2.3A160S - AA02SF1-AF160S - AA02PS1-AF160S-AA02SF1-AS160S - AA02PS1-AS 0.55 0.75 3.0A160S - AA03SF1-AF160S - AA03PS1-AF160S-AA03SF1-AS160S - AA03PS1-AS0.75 1 4.5A160S - AA04SF1-AF160S - AA04PS1-AF160S-AA04SF1-AS160S - AA04PS1-AS1.5 28.0A160S - AA08SF1-AF160S - AA08PS1-AF160S-AA08SF1-AS160S - AA08PS1-AS200-240V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase 0.37 0.5 2.3A160 - AA02SF1-AF160 - AA02PS1-AF160-AA02SF1-AS160 - AA02PS1-AS 0.55 0.75 3.0A160 - AA03SF1-AF160 - AA03PS1-AF160-AA03SF1-AS160 - AA03PS1-AS0.75 1 4.5A160 - AA04SF1-AF160 - AA04PS1-AF160-AA04SF1-AS160 - AA04PS1-AS1.5 28.0A160 - AA08SF1-AF160 - AA08PS1-AF160-AA08SF1-AS160 - AA08PS1-AS2.20 312.0A160 - AA12SF1-AF160 - AA12PS1-AF160-AA12SF1-AS160 - AA12PS1-AF 4.0518.0A160 - AA18SF1-AF160 - AA18PS1-AF160-AA18SF1-AS160 - AA18PS1-AF380-460V 50/60 Hz 3 Phase 0.37 0.5 1.2A160 - BA01SF1-AF160 - BA01PS1-AF160-BA01SF1-AS160 - BA01PS1-AS 0.55 0.75 1.7A160 - BA02SF1-AF160 - BA02PS1-AF160-BA02SF1-AS160 - BA02PS1-AS0.75 1 2.3A160 - BA03SF1-AF160 - BA03PS1-AF160-BA03SF1-AS160 - BA03PS1-AS1.5 2 4.0A160 - BA04SF1-AF160 - BA04PS1-AF160-BA04SF1-AS160 - BA04PS1-AS2.2 3 6.0A160 - BA06SF1-AF160 - BA06PS1-AF160-BA06SF1-AS160 - BA06PS1-AS 4.0510.5A160 - BA10SF1-AF160 - BA10PS1-AF160-BA10SF1-AS160 - BA10PS1-AS❋ Contact Sales Office for Pricing8Allen-BradleyAllen-Bradley 9Factory Installed Enclosure Options➊Includes 10 pin DeviceNet Connector.➋If a (P1C), (DN2C), (RS1C), (RPAC) or (P2C) is not specified, the drive is supplied with a factory installed “Ready/Fault” indicating panel as standard.➌120V AC Separate Control Power Required.➍Remote Keypad Module option includes the RPA and cable.➎ 5 pin DeviceNet Connectors are Brad Harrison type. See dimensions/locations on page 11.➏DN2C option must be selected. See page 11 for connector locations.➐Enclosure dimensions for 1/2 - 2 HP are 8.44"W x 17"H x 9.15"D with or w/o disconnect and for 3 HP 9.61"W x 16.5"H x 9.46"D with or w/o disconnect.➑Option is not CE/C-Tick.➒When catalog string contains a communication module, D32 must be used with D33 or D13 except with option P2C. When used with option P2C, must be used with D13.Option RulesDescriptionOption Code ❋Cannot be used withOperator Interface:DeviceNet Module (Drive Mounted) ➊- DN2C D17, P1C, P2C, Ready/Fault, RPAC, RS1C, PD1C, IB1CRS-232 Serial Communication Module (Drive Mounted)- RS1C D17, DN2C, P1C, P2C, Ready/Fault, RPAC, PD1C, IB1C, MX14Profibus Module (Drive Mounted)- PD1C DN2C, PIC, RS1C, Ready/Fault, RPAC, P2C, D17, IB1C, MX14Interbus Module (Drive Mounted)- IB1C PIC, RS1C, Ready/Fault, RPAC, P2C, D17, PD1C, DN2C, MX14DeviceNet I/O Relay - 24VDC input/relay output w/5 point DeviceNet connector.- DNRC ➐EMCReady/Fault Panel- ➋DN2C, P1C, P2C, RPAC, RS1C, MX14, PD1C, IB1CProgram Keypad Module (Drive Mounted)- P1C D17, DN2C, P2C, Ready/Fault, RPAC, RS1C, MX14, PD1C, IB1C Remote Programming Adapter- RPAC D17, DN2C, P1C, P2C, Ready/Fault, RS1C, MX14, PD1C, IB1C Remote Keypad Module (Door Mounted)- P2C ➍➐D17, D33, DN2C, Ready/Fault, P1C, RPAC, RS1C, MX14, PD1C, IB1CFused Disconnect Switch (Class J Fuses)- DS Cover Mounted Devices:“Hand -Off-Auto” Selector Switch - D13D17, D33, MX12, MX19“Start-Stop” Push buttons- D17D13, D33, DN2C, MX12, MX19, P1C, P2C, RPAC, RS1C “Forward/Reverse” Selector Switch - D32 ➒MX12, MX19“Local/Remote” Selector Switch - D33D13, D17, MX12, MX19White “Drive Run” Pilot Light ➌- D35D36, MX12, MX19Red “Drive Fault” Pilot Light ➌- D36D35, MX12, MX19“Speed” Potentiometer- D61MX12, MX19, All Preset Speed Models“Local/Remote” & “Local Control Off/Run Forward” 800T Selector Switches- MX12AS, D13, D17, D32, D33, D35, D36, D61, MX19“Local/Off/Remote” 800T Selector Switch with One N.O. Interposing Relay- MX19AS, D13, D17, D32, D33, D35, D36, D61, MX12, MX14Control Interface Cards:24V DC Interface Card for Analog Model- DMSF1C DMPS1C, LTN120, All Preset Speed Models 24V DC Interface Card for Preset Speed Model- DMPS1C DMSF1C, LTN120, All Analog Models 120V AC Interface Card for Analog and Preset Speed Models - LTN120 ➑DMPS1C, DMSF1CDeviceNet Enclosure Mounted Connector Options:Nema 4/12 5 pin connector side mounted ➎- DNSC1 ➏DNSC2, DNBC1, DNBC2, P1C, P2C, RPAC, RS1C, STD Ready/Fault Nema 4x 5 pin connector side mounted ➎- DNSC2 ➏DNSC1, DNBC1, DNBC2, P1C, P2C, RPAC, RS1C, STD Ready/Fault Nema 4/12 5 pin connector bottom mounted ➎- DNBC1 ➏DNSC1, DNSC2, DNBC2, P1C, P2C, RPAC, RS1C, STD Ready/Fault Nema 4x 5 pin connector bottom mounted ➎- DNBC2 ➏DNSC1, DNSC2, DNBC1, P1C, P2C, RPAC, RS1C, STD Ready/Fault Electro Magnetic Compatibility - EMC ➐LTN120, DNRCMotor Brake Option:Motor Brake Contactor and Surge Suppressor(100M cont. 24V powered off DeviceNet Option), DN2C- MX14 ➏➐D35, D36, MX19, P1C, P2C, RPAC, RS1C, Ready/Fault, PD1C, IB1COptionDescriptionMaximum Number of Cover Devices0.37-1.5 kW (0.5-2 HP) without a disconnect or Remote Keypad Module or MX14 or EMC or DNRC is 4.2.2-4.0 kW (3-5 HP) w/o a disconnect or Remote Keypad Module and all drives with a disconnect, MX14 or DNRC or EMC is 5.0.37-4.0 kW (0.5-5 HP) with the Remote Keypad Module is3.i.e. Start-Stop (D17)= 2 Cover Devices Forward-Reverse (D32)= 1 Cover Device White Run Pilot Light (D35)= 1 Cover Device= 4 TotalFactory Installed Enclosure Option Catalog Configuration When ordering, build the catalog string in the following manner: Bulletin number, drive rating, control model, enclosure type and options. Note: Options are to be configured in alpha-numeric sequence.❋ Contact Sales Office for PricingApproximate Dimensions10Allen-BradleyBulletin 160Adjustable Frequency AC DriveAllen-Bradley 11Figure 5– DeviceNet Connector Option Locations Use above dimensions for Figure 2 & Figure 3Use above dimensions for Figure 1Use above dimensions for Figure 2 & Figure 3Use above dimensions for Figure 1Dimensions are in millimeters (inches) and are not to be used for manufacturing purposes Use above dimensions for Figure 4Use above dimensions for Figure 4DNBC1 and DNBC2DNSC1 and DNSC2。

AB700S 变频器手册第一二章

AB700S 变频器手册第一二章

使用非屏蔽电缆就足够了。一般来说,每 10m(32.8 英尺)长度允许 0.3m(1 英尺)的间 隔。无论任何场合,应尽量避免使用很长的平行布置方式。用户不得使用绝缘厚度低于或等
于 0.015 英尺(0.4 毫米/0.015 英寸)的电缆。只能使用铜电缆。电缆的必要和推荐规格是基 于 75℃时规定的。当使用更高温度要求的电缆时,不要降低电缆的规格。 表 1.A 推荐电缆设计
PowerFlex 700S可选择安装输入熔断器或输入断路器。有关安装的其它要求,请参阅地区/ 国家电气规范。参阅附录A中推荐使用的熔断器/断路器。
注意事项:PowerFlex 700S没有提供输入电源短路保护。附录A中推荐使用的 熔断器或断路器技术要求,可提供短路保护。
安装/接线 1-7
参见页码 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-16 1-16 1-17 1-19 1-29
由于大多数起动问题是由不正确的接线造成的,因此必须做好各项预防措施,保证接线过程。 实际安装前,需要仔细阅读并理解本章中的所有条款。
注意事项:下列资料仅为正确安装的说明。对任何国家、地区或其它方面安 装变频器或其相关设备的规则,规定相符的责任 Allen-Bradley 公司概不承 担相关或不相关的责任。如果忽视安装规则,将有可能导致人员损伤和/或 设备损坏。
注意事项:PowerFlex700S变频器包括保护性的MOVs和用于参考接地的共模电 容器。如果变频器安装在带阻抗接地供电系统或不接地供电系统上,则应断开 这些设备。则参阅1-18 页中所列的跳线位置。
安装/接线 1-5
输入电源条件: 在变频器的供电系统中的某些事件能使得部件损坏或缩短产品的寿命。这些情况可以分为2 个基本类型:














上述变频器均选用美国AB公司生产的PowerFlex 700系列产品。

该系列产品如下:PowerFlex 700交流变频器提供了简捷实用的卓越性能,同时具有世界级性能的包装结构非常精巧。

PowerFlex 700交流变频器主要用于控制三相感应电动机,从最简单的速度控制到最苛刻的转矩控制,满足应用系统的要求。

它有两种配置方式:其中标准控制主要是电压/频率(V/f)控制和无速度传感器矢量控制;获得艾伦-布拉德利专利的Force TM技术主要是电压/频率控制、无速度传感器矢量控制和磁场定向控制。














ABPowerFlex755变频器使用手册pdf ABPowerFlex755变频器使用手册pdf























AB PF520变频器选型资料

AB PF520变频器选型资料
• 在不接地配电系统中,可拆卸的 MOV 接地可确保安全无故障运行。 • 预充电继电器可抑制浪涌电流。 • 所有级别型号均采用集成的制动晶体管,以简单、低成本的制动电阻提供动态制动功能。 • 采用跳线切换 24 V DC 灌入式或拉出式控制,实现灵活的控制接线。 • 为功率大于 15 HP/11 kW 的变频器提供两个过载额定值。标准负载:110% 过载持续 60 秒,或 150%
• 安全断开扭矩功能无需切断变频器电源即可移除转动动力。 • 嵌入式安全特性可减少接线,节省安装空间。 • 满足 ISO 13849-1 标准,提供高达 SIL 2/PLd 的安全防护等级。
罗克韦尔自动化出版物 520-TD001C-ZH-E - 2013 年 9 月
PowerFlex 520 系列交流变频器技术参数
03 ᮍ৥/ড৥䖤㸠
᭄ᄫ䞣݀݅ッ 04
᭄ᄫ䞣䕧ܹッᄤഫ 05/㛝‫ކ‬ 05
06 ᭄ᄫ䞣䕧ܹッᄤഫ 06+Βιβλιοθήκη 4 V+24 V DC
+10 V
+10 V DC 12
0-10 V 䕧ܹ 13
῵ᢳ䞣݀݅ッ 14
15 4-20 mA 䕧ܹ
C1 RJ45 ሣ㬑ッ
䗮ֵ݀݅ッ C2
⬉ԡ䅵ᖙ乏Ў 1...10 kΩ ᳔ᇣ 2 W
罗克韦尔自动化出版物 520-TD001C-ZH-E - 2013 年 9 月
PowerFlex 520 系列交流变频器技术参数
• 借助嵌入式 EtherNet/IP™ 端口,可通过网络方便地配置、控制和收集变频器数据。 ( 仅限 PowerFlex 525 变频器 )
• 双端口 EtherNet/IP 选件卡支持设备级环网 (DLR) 拓扑结构,提供容错连接,可实现最优的变频器 适用性。



Allen-Bradley Bulletin 150SMC Dialog Plus™Controller—Getting StartedIntroduction This guide provides you with the basic information required to startup your SMC Dialog Plus controller. Factory default settings andinformation regarding installing, programming, and calibrating thecontroller are described here. For detailed information on specificproduct features or configurations, refer to the SMC Dialog Plus UserManual, Publication 150-5.3.This guide is intended for qualified service personnel responsible forsetting up and servicing these devices. You must have previousexperience with and a basic understanding of electrical terminology,configuration procedures, required equipment, and safety precautions.SMC Dialog Plus is a trademark of Rockwell Automation.2Installation The open-style design of the SMC Dialog Plus controller requires thatit be installed in an enclosure. The internal temperature of theenclosure must be kept within 0…5°C (32…122°F).The controller is convection cooled. It is important to mount thecontroller in a position that allows air to flow vertically through thepower structure. Allow for a minimum of six inches (15 cm) of freespace around all sides of the controller.Wiring Power WiringRefer to the product nameplate for power lug termination informationincluding:•Lug wire capacity•Tightening torque requirements•Lug kit catalog numbers (97…1000A)Control WiringRefer to the product nameplate for control terminal wire capacity andtightening torque requirements. Each control terminal will accept amaximum of two wires.The SMC Dialog Plus controller accepts control power input of either100…240VAC, (+10/–15%) single-phase, 50/60Hz or 24V AC/DC.Refer to the product nameplate prior to applying control power.Connect control power to the controller at terminals 11 and 12. Thecontrol power requirement for the control module is 40 V A. Forcontrollers rated 97…1000A, control power is also required for theheatsink fans as defined in Table A. Depending on the specificapplication, additional control circuit transformer V A capacity may berequired.Table AHeatsink Fan Power Requirements3Control TerminalsFigure 1SMC Dialog Plus Controller Control TerminalsTable BControl Terminal DesignationDo not connect any additional loads to these terminals. These “parasitic” loads may cause problems with operation, which may result in false starting and stopping.4Figure 2Typical Wiring DiagramFigure 3Heatsink Fan WiringRefer to Chapter 3 of the SMC Dialog Plus Controller User Manual (Publication 150-5.3) for optional 220/240V AC fan power connections and other sample wiring diagrams. Chapter 7 of Publication 150-5.3 also provides typical wiring diagrams for the control options (for example, Pump Control).❶Customer supplied.5 Programming The SMC Dialog Plus controller can be programmed with the built-inkeypad and LCD display or with the optional Bulletin 1201 humaninterface modules. Parameters are organized in a four-level menustructure and divided into programming groups.Keypad Description。



可选件 可选件 如何选择可选件 基本控制盘 继电器输出可选模块 即插型现场总线模块 FlashDrop工具 SREA-01 以太网适配器 DriveWindow Light 制动单元和斩波器 制动斩波器选型 输出电抗器 冷却和熔断器 冷却 熔断器 控制连接
产品样本 | ABB 标准传动ACS550-01 3
3- 相 380 至 480 V 供电 壁挂式单元
额定容量 一般应用 PN kW 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 PN hp 1.5 2 3 4 5.4 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 100 125 150 150 200 200 I 2N A 3.3 4.1 5.4 6.9 8.8 11.9 15.4 23 31 38 45 59 72 87 125 157 180 205 246 290 P hd kW 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 重载应用 Phd hp 1 1.5 2 3 4 5.4 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 60 75 100 125 125 150 200 I2hd A 2.4 3.3 4.1 5.4 6.9 8.8 11.9 15.4 23 31 38 45 59 72 96 125 156 162 192 246 ACS550-01-03A3-4 ACS550-01-04A1-4 ACS550-01-05A4-4 ACS550-01-06A9-4 ACS550-01-08A8-4 ACS550-01-012A-4 ACS550-01-015A-4 ACS550-01-023A-4 ACS550-01-031A-4 ACS550-01-038A-4 ACS550-01-045A-4 ACS550-01-059A-4 ACS550-01-072A-4 ACS550-01-087A-4 ACS550-01-125A-4 ACS550-01-157A-4 ACS550-01-180A-4 ACS550-01-195A-4 ACS550-01-246A-4 ACS550-01-290A-4 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R2 R2 R3 R3 R3 R4 R4 R4 R5 R6 R6 R6 R6 R6 型号代码 外形尺寸

ABB变频器ACS510选型手册 ACS510-

ABB变频器ACS510选型手册  ACS510-

ABB 标准传动........................................................................................4
ABB 标准传动保证 ■ 及时交货 ■ 快速安装 ■ 快速启动 ■ 无忧使用
ACS510 传动应用于广泛的工业领域,适用各类型负 载。 ACS510 还针对风机、水泵应用做了特别的优化, 典型的应用包括恒压供水,冷却风机,地铁和隧道通风 机等等。
■ 完美的风机水泵应用 ■ 高级控制盘 ■ 用于降低谐波的专利技术:变感式电抗器 ■ 循环软起 ■ 用户自定义U/F曲线
■ 超越模式
■ 内置RFI滤波器作为标准配置,适用于第一和第二环境 ■ CE认证
完美匹配 风机水泵
更环保( 标准配 置) 其它
增强的PFC应用 最多可以控制7(1+6)个泵
多点U/F曲线 可以自由定义5点 U/F曲线
PID 调节器 直觉特性
技术数据............................................................................................... 11 电磁兼容............................................................................................... 11

AB PowerFlex 400变频器用户手册

AB PowerFlex 400变频器用户手册

PowerFlex® 400 Adjustable Frequency AC Drive for Fan & Pump Applications 用于鼓风机和水泵应用的PowerFlex® 400交流变频器FRN1.xx固件版本1.xxUser Manual用户手册重要用户信息固态设备具有不同于电动机械设备的操作特性。

《固态控制器的应用、安装和维护安全指南》(出版号SG I-1.1,本资料可从本地罗克韦尔自动化销售办事处或/manuals/gi获得)说明了固态设备和硬接线电动机械设备之间的重要差别。














DeviceNet是Open DeviceNet Vendor Association的商标。

目录前言概述谁应该使用本用户手册?………………………..P-1参考资料…………………………………………P-1手册中的规定……………………………………P-2变频器外形尺寸…………………………………P-2一般预防措施……………………………………P-3产品目录号说明…………………………………P-4第一章安装/接线打开机盖………………………………………….1-1安装注意事项……………………………………1-3交流供电电源注意事项…………………………1-5一般接地要求……………………………………1-7熔断器和断路器…………………………………1-8电源接线………………………………………..1-10I/O接线推荐……………………………………1-14起动和速度基准值控制………………………..1-23EMC电磁兼容指南…………………………….1-25第二章起动准备接通变频器电源……………………………2-1全数字式键盘……………………………………2-3查看和编辑参数…………………………………2-5键区硬关自动功能………………………………2-6 第三章编程与参数关于参数…………………………………………3-1参数组织…………………………………………3-2基本显示组………………………………………3-3基本编程组………………………………………3-6接线板组………………………………………..3-11通讯组…………………………………………..3-26高级编程组……………………………………..3-28参数对照-按名称顺序………………………...3-49第四章故障处理变频器状态……………………………………….4-1故障……………………………………………….4-1故障说明………………………………………….4-3常见故障和处理措施…………………………….4-5附录A 变频器附加信息变频器、熔断器和断路器的额定值…………….A-1说明书…………………………………………….A-2附录B 附件和尺寸产品选择………………………………………….B-1产品尺寸………………………………………….B-6附录C RJ45 DSI 分裂式电缆附录D PID 设置附录E Modbus RTU协议附录F Metasys N2索引2 目录前言概述本手册的目的是为用户提供PowerFlex400变频器的安装、起动和故障处理所需的基本信息。

AB 传动产品drive world

AB 传动产品drive world

1.4 变频调速的基本原理
L1 L2 L3
交流电源转变为直流电输入“变频器”,“变频器”实际上是一个逆变装置,它的 实际作用与“整流器”刚好相反并且可调节,这样,输入的直流电经过逆变之后变 成交流输出至电动机并由逆变装置的可调部分实施对输出交流电的频率的确定和调 整,从而设定和改变电动机转速,简单的说,变频调速器的基本工作原理就是一个 从交流到直流,再变为交流输出的过程,即“交— 直— 交”的过程。
PowerFlex 700H
PowerFlex 70 (Optimized Simplicity)
Power Rating (HP @ 460V)
Frame 0
Frame 1
Frame 2
Frame 3
PowerFlex 两个产品系列
“自动化” 级 - 以满足应用的灵活多样性 和系统集成的整体性
• 功率范围广,性能强大 • 灵活性使复杂的应用简单化 • 高度集成,支持多种通讯协议的网络结构
– 首要集成到 RA 的 Logix, NetLinx(三网和一) & View (RS WIEW/VIEW ANYWHERE)
1305 AC Drive
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Scalable Motor Control
Because there are a wide variety of application requirements, PowerFlex drives offer a broad range of motor control solutions. From open loop speed regulation to precise speed and torque control, the PowerFlex family of drives can meet the simplest to the most demanding applications. The family also features a wide selection of hardware, software, safety and packaging options to help fit your needs. • Reduce total cost of ownership by selecting a drive built for application requirements, with as many options as the application requires • Boost productivity with specific application control such as TorqProv™ for lifting applications and Pump-Off for oil wells • Protect against unplanned downtime with advanced diagnostics and notification of irregular operating parameters • Easily configure and commission with software tools and wizards
Seamless Drive and Control System Integration
Save configuration and troubleshooting time by seamlessly integrating PowerFlex drives and Logix programmable automation controllers. • Unite communication between plant floor and the front office and get convenient access to real-time information and production data with EtherNet/IP™, DeviceNet™, ControlNet™, and other networks • Lower programming, installation and overall ownership costs with consolidated drive system configuration, operation and maintenance with one software tool • Increase productivity with easy access to system and machine level data and diagnostic information utilizing a single repository for configuration data
PowerFlex® Low Voltage Drives Selection Guide
Powerful performance. Flexible control.
PowerFlex Low Voltage Drives Selection Guide
PowerFlex Family of Drives Advantage PowerFlex Drives At-a-Glance PowerFlex Drives Selection PowerFlex 4M PowerFlex 4 PowerFlex 40 PowerFlex 40P PowerFlex 400 PowerFlex 4-Class Options PowerFlex 70 PowerFlex 700 PowerFlex 700H PowerFlex 700S PowerFlex 700L PowerFlex 753 PowerFlex 755 PowerFlex 7-Class Options Drive Software DriveTools™ SP DriveExplorer™ RSLogix™ 5000 Drive Application Software Rockwell Automation Services & Support Additional Resources 2 10 14 16 18 20 22 24 32 38 42 46 50 52 56 60 82 83 84 85 86 89
The PowerFlex Family of Drives Advantage
Powerful performance. Flexible control.
The Allen-Bradley® PowerFlex family of drives offers a broad range of control modes to fit virtually any motor control requirement. With the combination of features, options and packaging for application versatility, to helping meet safety requirements, ease programming and configuration the PowerFlex family has a solution to meet your application demands. Designed to offer you a complete portfolio covering global voltages and a wide range of power ratings, the PowerFlex family of drives offers a common experience out of the box and on the line. PowerFlex 4-Class drives deliver a simple and cost effective solution for machine level, stand alone control applications or simple system integration. Designed for ease of use, this general purpose class of drives provides a compact package to optimize panel space and application versatility. PowerFlex 7-Class drives provide a broad set of features, application specific parameters and are ideal for high performance applications. This class of drives is designed for advanced application flexibility and control system integration.
Chuck Atchison Leitner-Poma – US
World Class Offering
The PowerFlex family of drives is backed by over 100 years of motor control application and expertise. • Meet most environmental requirements with factory and field installable packaging options from cabinet and wall mount to extra protection for harsh environments • Meet standards worldwide including UL, CE, CUL, C-Tick, RoHS • Support drive system installation with the largest network of services and support
Adolfo Edgar Brampton Engineering – Canada
Improve Productivity with Байду номын сангаасafety Functionality
Increase productivity and help protect personnel with industry-leading safety options. Select Safe Torque-Off (DriveGuard®) and Safe Speed Monitoring to help protect your personnel, your equipment and conform to specific safety requirements and certifications. • Protect against potentially hazardous equipment or operating conditions • Reduce costs and wiring complexity with the Safe Speed Monitor option that does not require the use of an external relay • Resume production faster after a demand on the safety system has occurred • Meet safety ratings up to and including PLe/SIL3 and CAT 3 and CAT 4