


【2011连云港】4.—Must we leave now?

—No, we _______.We still have two more hours.

A. can’t

B. mustn’t

C. needn’t

D. shouldn’t


【解析】考查情态动词。句意:---我们现在必须离开吗?---不,我们不必,我们仍有两个小时。根据上文,得知“must”引导的一般疑问句应用needn’t或don’t have to来作否定回答。【2011北京】26. — Can you ride a horse?

— No. I____ .

A. needn't

B. may not

C. can't

D. mustn't



【2011广西百色】27.—Miss Li, must we hand in our homework right now?

—No, you ____.You can hand it in tomorrow.

A. don’t

B. mustn’t

C. needn’t

D. may not



【河北省2011】36. You eat the soup if you don't like it.

A. shouldn't

B. mustn't

C. needn't

D. can't


【解析】考查情态动词用法,shou ldn’t 不应该;mustn’t 不能;needn’t没有必要;can’t不能。本句是if引导条件状语从句,“如果你不喜欢这汤,你没必要喝”,选C符合题意。

【2011?河南省】26. _____ you wait a few more minutes? It'll be your turn soon,


B. Should

C. Could

D. Might


【2011黑龙江绥化市】()13. —May we leave the classroom now?

—No, you______. You shouldn't leave until the bell rings.

A.may not

B. can't

C. needn't


【解析】情态动词的考查。May引导的疑问句,在否定回答时,用mustn’t 或can’t。【2011江苏徐州】5. She _______ be here . I saw her come in.

A. can

B. may

C. should

D. must


【解析】考查情态动词的用法。Can和may表示没有把握的推测,should意为“应该”,must 表示有把握的推测。由后句句意“我看见他进来了”可推测前句,她一定在这儿。故选D 【2011内蒙古包头】( ) 27. I can’t go to the cinema with you bec ause I ___________ stay here until my mother comes back.

A. can

B. could

C. may

D. must

27. 答案:D


【2011哈尔滨】28. In order to speak English better, we _ be afraid of losing face. Because the most important thing is to practice. Remember, practice makes perfect.

A. should

B. shouldn't

C. have to


【解析】考查情态动词根据句意:为了说好英语,我们不应当害怕丢面子。用shouldn’t。【2011?四川广元】7. —Be quiet, Mr Smith is coming.

—Don’t worry. It ___be him. Mr Smith is much taller.

A. mustn’t

B. must

C. can’t


【解析】情态动词的用法。mustn’t指不允许,表示禁止;must 必须;应该,表猜测时,用于肯定句,意为“一定”,可能性较大;can能,会,表猜测时,常用于否定句和疑问句,意为“不可能”;依据句意“安静,史密斯先生来了。”“不要担心,不可能是他,史密斯先生高得多。”,这里表是否定的猜测,故选C。

【2011?四川南充】34. —Another cup of tea?

—No, thanks. I_______ be off. Gina is waiting for me.

A. can

B. must

C. may


【解析】考查情态动词。can能; may可以;must 必须。句意:......我必须要走有了,Gina 在等着我。

【2011四川宜宾】33. —________ I smoke here?

—No. You are not allowed to smoke in public places.

A. Could

B. Must

C. May

D. Might



(2011四川资阳)26.—Hey, Ted! You _______ never play in the street. It’s not safe.—Sorry, Mum. I won’t again.

A. need

B. must

C. can

D. may


【解析】考查情态动词的用法。need“需要”must “必须”;can “能够”;may “可以”。句意为“你好,泰德。你必须永远不要在街上玩耍,不安全”“对不起,我不会再那样做了,妈妈”。故选B。

【2011乌鲁木齐】24. —Must I return the hook tomorrow morning? —No, you _ .You can keep it longer.

A. mustn't

B. can't

C. needn't

D. couldn't


【解析】情态动词的考察回答以must引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答用Yes,Sb. must . “是的,……必须” 否定回答用No,Sb. needn’t“不,……不必”

39.【2011?广西柳州】—How long may I keep the book?

—You ________ keep it for two weeks.

A. may

B. must

C. will



【2011湖南益阳】28. — Susan, would you like to go hiking with us this afternoon?

— I'd love to, but I study for a test.

A. may

B. have to

C. can


【解析】情态动词的考查。May意为“可以”;can意为“能够”,have to意为“不得不”,根据句意可知“我不得不为考试而学习”。

(2011贵州毕节)30.—May I smoke here,please?

—I am afraid you .This is a non-smoking area.

A.can B.can’t C.may D.may not

解析:本题考查情态动词。由This is a non-smoking area.“这是无烟区”可知“不能”在这里吸烟,故答案选B。

【2011福建莆田】( ) 31. —Do you know the song Come on, Haixi!—Yes, and I _________sing it well.

A. must

B. can

C. need



【2011广东深圳】8. —Must I return the book this week?

— No, you ____. You can _ it for 20 days.

A. mustn't: keep

B. needn't; borrow

C. needn't; keep

D. mustn't; borrow


【解析】must回答与延续性动词的用法。Must开头的一般疑问句的否定回答用“……needn’t”, 由答语for短语指一段时间,故用延续性动词,borrow为短暂性动词,要换成延续性动词keep。

(2011广西南宁市)35.—Look at the sign!

—Oh, I see.We _______ waste water.

A. can

B. must

C. mustn’t

D. needn’t

35. 答案:C

【解析】情态动词的用法。根据标志可知为禁止浪费水的标志。表示禁止命令用must. 因此选C。

【2011梧州】37. — _ I use your eraser, Rose?

— Sure. Here you are.


B. Would

C. Need

D. Must



【2011湖南湘西】31. —Can I borrow your dictionary?

—Yes, you _______.

A. Can

B. must

C. should


【解析】考查情态动词上句用can问,再用can进行回答,构成进行时用“be + 现在分词”,所以选择答案A.

(2011湖南岳阳中考)23.-Must I hand in my exercise book now, Mr. Zhao?

-No, you .You may give it to me tomorrow.

A. needn’t

B. mustn’t

C. can’t


( 2011大庆) 4. — Congratulations! You've got the first prize in the English Contest.

—_____ it be true? It's unbelievable!

A. May

B. Should

C. Must

D. Can


【2011本溪】7. You ______ finish the report today. Any time before Friday is OK.

A. mustn’t B must C. need D .needn’t


【2011?宁夏】( )24. —Could I use your eraser for a while? —Yes, of course you _.


B. can

C. will

D. Should


【2011郴州】—Can you come to my party on Wednesday?

—Sorry, I can't. I _____ finish my homework.

A. may

B. would

C. have to


【解析】考查情态动词的用法。根据句意“我必须完成我的作业”,所以用have to。

【2011河源】38.—________ I watch TV now,Mom?

—No.It’s too late ,and you ______ go to bed.

A.May;have to





【2011遵义】33.—Must I finish my homework today,Ms Liu?


A.you mustn’t

B.you don’t have to

C.you can’t


【2011泰州】6. According to the new traffic laws, people ______ drive after drinking wine or beer.

A .wouldn’t B. couldn’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t


【2011重庆江津】( ) 33. A: Can I wear any clothes I like to school?

B: No, you can’t. You wear a uniform(校服).

A. might

B. will

C. must

D. would


【2011山东菏泽】34. —Will you stay for some more days?

—Sorry, I_____. My mother called to ask me to go back at once.

A. mustn’t

B. may not

C. can’t

D. wouldn’t


【解析】情态动词表推测。句意:-你再呆几天好吗?-对不起,我不能,我的母亲打电话让我马上回去。Mustn’t禁止;may not可能不;wouldn’t不愿做……,将要不……。故选C。

【2011山东枣庄】25. You ______ wear sports shoes when you climb a mountain.

A. can’t

B. shouldn’t

C. mustn’t

D. have to



【2011山东滨州】31. – Must I get up early tomorrow morning?

– No, _________.

A. you mustn’t

B. I don’t think you have to

C. you can’t

D. you need


【解析】考查情态动词的用法。情态动词must引导的一般疑问句的否定答语为“No, sb. needn’t./ No, sb.don’t have to .”故选B。

【浙江湖州】23. —Who’s singing in the next room?

—It ____ be her . She has gone to New York.

A. can’t

B. must

C. shouldn’t

D. can



【2011山东泰安】38. —Must I learn all these words by heart?

—No, you ______. It’ll be fine if you copy them in your exercise books.

A. needn’t

B. can’t

C. shouldn’t

D. mustn’t



34.【2011·福州中考】— Mom, must I finish my homework now?

— No, you ______. You may have supper first.

A. mustn’t

B. needn’t

C. can’t


【解析】选B。考查情态动词的用法。对must引导的一般疑问句,否定回答时常用No, …needn’t.由句意:-妈妈,我现在必须完成家庭作业?-不,你不需要。你可以先吃饭。故选B。

【2011浙江杭州】22.-Will the new iphone cost a lot?

-I ______ think so. Apple’s products are usually expensive.

A. shouldn’t

B. needn’t

C. would

D. Must


【解析】情态动词的用法。由“Apple's products are usually expensive.”可推断“我也认为花费多”。I would think so. 意思是“我以前就这么认为”。故选C。

【2011浙江金华】22. — Must we clean the classroom now?

— No, you needn't. It _____ after school.

A. may clean

B. must clean

C. need be cleaned

D. can be cleaned 答案:D



【2011重庆】30. —Mr. Wang, can I finish my homework tomorrow?

—Sorry, you_______.

A. can’t

B. don’t

C. needn’t

D. won’t



【2011山东济宁】21. ---Would you come to my birthday party tomorrow evening?

---I’m afraid I ______. I have to look after my sister.

A. wouldn’t

B. can’t

C. won’t

D. mustn’t


【解析】情态动词的用法。根据答语句意“I have to look after my sister.”可知是去不了的,故选B。

【2011四川乐山】24. It rained heavily, so we _______ stay at home watching TV or surfing the Internet all day.

A. could

B. had to

C. must


【解析】词语辨析。句意“雨下的很大,我们必须待在家里看电视或上网”。had to表示客观原因(下雨)而引起的必须干某事,must强调主观原因。could表示有能力干某事,与文意不相干。

【2011浙江宁波】28. — May I take the magazine out of the reading room?

— No, you can’t. You _________ read it here. It’s the rule.

A. must

B. would

C. may

D. might



【2011广安市】35.-Dad, may I watch TV?

-No, you can’t. Yo u _______ finish your homework first.

A. must

B. can

C. may



【2011浙江丽水】18.一Bob,shall we go and meet our new classmate?

一Sorry.I'm busy now.But you_________ ask David to go with you.He is free.

A.need B.may C.would D.must



【2011山东临沂】30. If you are in the zoo, remember not to touch or go near the animals.

Although some of the animals are cute, you _________ leave them alone.

A. must

B. will

C. may

D. can


【解析】情态动词的意义。前文的remember not to 提示,下文空格处用情态动词must 表


(2011·南京)8. –Fifty dollars for such a T-shirt! You _____ be joking!

–I’m serious. It’s made of silk.

A. must

B. need

C. may

D. can

8. 答案:A

解析:情景对话。理解句意,你一定在开玩笑。must意为:一定,故选A项。【2011山东威海】31.—Have you decided where to go for your summer vacation?

—Not yet. We _________go to Qingdao. It is a good place for vacation.

A. may

B. should

C. need

D. must



【2011四川内江】38. —Must I be home before eight o'clock, Mum?

— No, you _____. But y ou have to come back before ten o'clock.



C. mustn't


【解析】情态动词。must引导的一般疑问句,否定回答是needn’t或don’t have to,意为“不需要”。故选A。

【2011江苏淮安】3.—_________ I borrow your history book?

—Sure. Here you are.

A. Must

B. May

C. Need

D. Will


【解析】情态动词辨析。must “必须”,may “可以”,语气委婉,表示请求建议,need “有必要”,will “要,想要”,常用于第二人称的请求建议。语境“--我可以借你的历史书吗?-- 当然,给你。”故选B.

【2011山西】21.The talented boy ____ write lyrics when he was at the age of ten.

A. may

B. could

C. must



24.【2011?株洲】—Let’s go dancing tonight.!

—Sorry, I ________.I have to go to my guitar lesson.

A. mustn’t

B. needn’t

C. can’t


【解析】情态动词的用法。本题意思为“我们今天晚上去跳舞吧!”“对不起,我不能去,我得去上吉他课。”从答句中的have to“不得不”可以知道前面是表达不能去跳舞。不能是can’t.故本题答案为C。

【2011?山东青岛】19. The magazine___________ be Lily's, for we can find her name on the cover.

A. may

B. might

C. could

D. must

答案:D 【解析】考查情态动词的用法。由we can find her name on the cover“我们在封皮上发现了她的名字”可推知这本杂志有“一定”是丽丽的,故答案选D,意为“一定”,语气最强;而其他三个选项都具有“可能”之意,语气较弱,故排除。

【2011温州】7.—Dad,can I go to the movies tonight?

--Sure,but you__come back home before 9 o’clock.







【2011浙江衢州】29. Drunk driving is against the law now. It ______be forbidden.

A. may

B. must

C. can

D. might


【解析】情态动词。may 可以,must 必须,can 能,might 可能。根据题意:酒驾现在是违法的,它必须被禁止。选“必须”。

【2011 山东烟台】39. .—I think the man over there must be Bob.

-- It _______ be him. He has ______ to Australia.

A. can’t, gone

B. can’t, been

C. may not, been

D. mustn’t, gone


【解析】考查点:情态动词can及现在完成时的用法。此处can’t表示推测语气,意为“不可能”;“have/has gone to+地点”意为“去了某地”,表示不在说话人这儿;“have/has been to +地点”表示“去过某地”,现在已经回来了;mustn’t意为“严禁,不许”,may表示不确定的推测语气。句意为“—我认为那边的男人一定是Bob。—不可能是他。他已经去了澳大利亚。”故选A。

【江西省2011】31. The work is too hard for him. He__________ finish it on time.


B. mustn't

C. shouldn't

D. needn't


【解析】情态动词的考察句意为“这工作对他来说太难。他不可能按时完成”。can't 用在否定句中表示“不可能”;mustn't“绝对不能,禁止”;shouldn't “不应该”needn't“不必”【2011湖南怀化】27. This dictionary______ Tom's. It has Ann's name on it

A. might be

B. may he

C. can't be



【2011湖北黄冈】41. —Whose T - shirt is this?

—It______ be John' s. It ‘s ______ small for him.

A. can't; much too B, can't; too much C. mustn't; much too D.mustn't; too much


【解析】情态动词的用法。根据句意“它不可能是约翰的,对他来说太小了。”故排除C、D,“too much”为“太多”的意思,“much too”为“太”。故选A。

【2011安徽】33. -- May I go out now, Dad?

-- No. You __ let your mother know first.

A. can

B. may

C. need

D. must 答案:D

【解析】选D。考查情态动词词义。由答句中“不”,表示语气要求很坚决,应该是“必须”。【2011?铜仁】26.— _______ we clean the classroom at once?

— No, you _______. You _______ clean it after school.

A. Must; needn’t; may

B. Must; mustn’t; can.

C. Shall; can’t; must

D. Need; mustn’t; may



(2011江苏宿迁)15. You look quite tired. You’d better ______ a good rest.

A. stop to have

B. stop having

C. to stop to have

D. to stop having


【解析】本题考查had better的用法。had better(常简略为’d better)是一固定词组,had better"最好",用于表示对别人的劝告、建议或表示一种愿望。故选A

【2011山东】25. - Can I skate on the lake now?

- No, you ______. It’s dangerous.

A. can’t

B. mustn’t

C. needn’t

D. won’t


【解析】考查点:本题情态动词的用法。解题思路:mustn't表示禁止…,千万不能…;can,t表示不能;need,t表示不需要;won,t表示不会。根据下文“It,s dangerous”可知故本题选B。

【2011上海】39. You _____ lose your way if you walk alone in the mountains at night.

A) may B) need C) should D) ought to



9. 【2011?无锡】—Peter doesn’t mind lending you his camera.

—He __________. I’ve already borrowed one.

A. needn’t

B. can’t

C. mustn’t

D. shouldn’t


【解析】根据I’ve already borrowed one.“我已经借到一架了。”可推知彼得“不必”再借给了,故答案选A;而can’t“不肯能”:mustn’t“不准、不应该、不允许”:shouldn’t “不该”均不合句意,故排除。

【2011贵州安顺】30. —I can’t stop smoking, doctor. —For your health, I’m afraid you ______.

A. may

B. can

C. have to

D. need



【2011浙江绍兴】20. — Good morning. I've got an appointment with Ms King in her office.

— Morning. You _______be Mr Jones. This way, please.

A. will

B. must

C. can D, might


【解析】情态动词的用法。will将要,表意愿;must 必须;应该,表猜测时,用于肯定句,意为“一定”,可能性较大;can能,会,表猜测时,常用于否定句和疑问句;might 可能,表猜测时,可能小。依据句意“你一定是琼斯先生吧。”,故选B。

【2011四川绵阳】12. ----Dad, the bread is not enough. I am still hungry. I have something more?

----But there’s nothing in the fr idge now.

A. Must

B. Need

C. Will

D. Can


【解析】考查情态动词的用法。must意思是“一定,必须”;need意为“需要”;will意思是“将要”;can意思是“可能,可以”。根据句子“I am still hungry. 我仍旧很俄。”可推断“我可以再吃点东西吗”,故选D。

【2011?四川成都】32. —Oil is everywhere in this store, so you know smoking is forbidden here.

—I'm sorry.

A. can

B. may

C. must


【解析】考查情态动词表示推测。根据句意应该是语气强烈的肯定推测。故用must。【2011?盐城】3. — Where's David?

— He be in the playground because he is fond of playing basketball.

A. will

B. may

C. can't

D. mustn't


【2011湖北·武汉】 33. - Look, Sue is over there.

- That ____ be her. She i s in Canada now.

A. mustn’t

B. can’t

C. needn’t

D. won’t



【2011安徽芜湖】36. —Must I go through the radiation (辐射) check when I come back from Japa n at the airport these days?

—Yes, you ______.

A. can

B. may

C. might

D. must [


【解析】情态动词。情态动词must意为“必要”时,引导的问句的肯定回答用must。【2011?四川成都】40. —Where's my music disc? I can't see it!

—You'd better the disc carefully in your bedroom.

A. look up

B. look through

C. look for


【解析】考查短语动词辨析。look up查找,查阅;look through浏览;look for 寻找。答句意思:你最好在你的卧室仔细找一找......

【2011吉林长春】16. —Look at the man in the classroom! Is he Mr. White?

—No, it__________be him. He's eating in the dining hall.

A. can't

B. mustn't

C. may not

D. needn't


【解析】考查情态动词的用法。由答语“He's eating in the dining hall.”可推测他不在教室。故选A。can’t“不可能”;mustn’t“禁止”;may not“可能不”;needn’t“不必,没必要”。

(2011福建南平)27. --- Do we have to go to school this afternoon?

--- Yes, you ________.

A. must

B. can

C. need

本句的have to表达的意愿比较强烈,肯定句用must回答。答案:A

【2011.云南昆明】28. There are no customers in the hotel. It ______ have the friendliest service.

A. can’t

B. must

C. may

D. needn’t



【2011山东淄博】26. As we’re students, we __________ obey the school rules.

A. can

B. may

C. must

D. could



(2011山东日照中考) 29. ---- That must be Mr. John.

---- No, it ________ be him! I saw him off at the airport half an hour ago.

A. may not

B. mustn’t

C. can’t

D. needn’t


( 2011大庆) 4. — Congratulations! You've got the first prize in the English Contest.

—_____ it be true? It's unbelievable!

A. May

B. Should

C. Must

D. Can


【2011?佛山】25. You worry about me. I’m fine.

A. can’t

B. mustn’t

C. needn’t



【2011.广西北海】36. —Whose schoolbag is this?

—It ___________ be Mary’s. It has her name on it.

A. can

B. may

C. will

D. must


【解析】考查点:情态动词辨析。解题思路:书包一定是玛丽的,因为上面有她的名字。(2011海南三亚)29. ---May we go home mow ?

--- No, you____. You____ to go home until 5 o’clock.

A. mustn’t; are allowed

B. don’t have to; are supposed

C. needn’t; aren’t allowed

D. can’t; aren't supposed


考查点:情态动词以及not…until…的用法。解题思路:以May开头的征求意见的句子的否定回答一般情况下用can’t, 又从句意看也只能选择D.

【2011湖北恩施】33. --- Mr. Wang _____ be on the playground, I think.

--- He ______ be on the playground. I saw him in the office just now.

A. may; may not

B. can; mustn’t

C. must; couldn’t

D. may; can’t


解析:情态动词。上句的I think 提示空格处意为“或许”,用情态动词may 表达不肯定的猜测;答语中下句提示上句意为“不可能在操场上”,用can’t 表示否定的猜测。

7. 【2011江苏镇江】----Shall we meet at the station at 8 am?

----In fact we . The train until 10 am.

A. mustn’t; doesn’t leave

B. mustn’t; leaves

C. needn’t; won’t leave

D. needn’t; will leave


【解析】考查not…until句型。根据shall we可以判断出下面用一般将来时;再根据“火车十点才发车”可知用needn’t;所以C为正确答案。

29. 【2011?东营】By the year 2015, all of China's museums will be free to enter. We_______visit any museum without paying.

A. can


C. must

D. should




高考情态动词练习题及答案详解 一、单项选择情态动词 1.Look! There are so many mistakes in your composition. You ________ have fixed full attention on it. A.can B.should C.need D.might 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:看!你的作文里有那么多的错误。你本应该把所有的注意力都集中在它上面的。表示“本应该做但实际上没有做”应该用should have done结构,can have done 表示可能;need表示需要;might have done表示可能做过某事;故选B。 2.—I don’t really like Janes. Why did you invite him? —Don’t worry. He come. He said he was’t certain what his plans were. A.must not B.need not C.would not D.might not 【答案】D 【解析】 考察情态动词,题干中的h e wasn’t certain说明他可能不来,可能来,因此使用不完全否定,might not。 3.-- Did Jim come? -- I don’t know. He _______ while I was out. A.might have come B.might come C.must have come D.should have come 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词推测用法。句意:Jim来了吗?--我不知道,在我不在的时候,可能来过。根据前文I don’t know.可知,说话者不知道Jim来没来,因此后文推测来过,但是语气很不确定,故可知选A。对过去情况的推测为情态动词+have done,must have done 一定做了某事,should have done 应该来过,不符合,故选A。 【点睛】 情态动词+have+过去分词的用法,表示推测或判断过去的情况。 can/could+have+过去分词用法:①多用于否定句和疑问句中。表示对过去某事发生的可能性的否定或质疑,意为:不可能(已经)......了-(否定句)/可能(已经)......了嘛?-(疑问句)②用于肯定句中。表示对过去没有做某事的遗憾,含有轻微的责备,意为:本来可以......的(但实际上没有......)。You could have done better, but you were too careless.(肯定


人教版英语英语情态动词专项练习含答案百度文库 一、初中英语情态动词 1.—Mum, I play football this afternoon? —Sure, but you finish your homework first. A. may; could B. can; must C. can; mustn't D. may; can't 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:-妈妈,今天下午我能踢足球吗?-当然,但是你必须先完成作业。前句提请求,can,may都可以;后句,由sure可知后句用肯定回答。Could表示一种委婉的语气;must表示主观愿望:必须。妈妈要求孩子“必须”先完成作业。故选B。 【点评】考查情态动词辨析,may表示请求时候的回答用语。 2.—How amazing this robot is! —Wow, it has video cameras in its eyes, so it “see” and interact with people. A. may B. can C. must D. should 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:—这个机器人多么惊人啊!—哇,在它的眼睛里有摄像机,因此它能看见和人打交道。A. may 可以,可能;表示许可,B. can 能;表示能力,C. must 必须;D. should应该;根据it has video cameras in its eyes,可知是有能力看见,故选B。 【点评】考查情态动词辨析。熟记情态动词的含义和用法。 3.—Shall we meet at the station at 9 a.m.? —In fact we ______. The train ______until 11a.m. A. needn't; will leave B. needn't; won't leave C. mustn't; leaves D. mustn't; doesn't leave 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:—我们上午9点在车站见面好吗?—事实上我们不需要。火车直到11点才离开。needn't情态动词,不需要,没必要;mustn't情态动词,不允许,语气强烈,本题含义只是“不需要”,并没有“禁止、不许”这样强烈的语义。not...until...,意为“直到...才...”,表示将来发生的事情,所以使用一般将来时态的否定形式won't。故选:B。 【点评】考查情态动词辨析,固定搭配not...until...。一般将来时态。 4.—Where is Mom now? —I'm not sure. She _________ be in the kitchen. A. shall B. may C. need D. must 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:—妈妈现在在哪里?—我不确定,她也许在厨房。A. shall 将要; B. may 可以,可能; C. need 需要; D. must必须,一定;根据I'm not sure可知是不确定;故选B。 【点评】此题考查情态动词表推测的用法。


情态动词练习题带答案 一、单项选择情态动词 1.—I feel a little nervous. —Take it easy. You __________ have difficulty passing the exam when you have prepared for it well. A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.may not D.shouldn’t 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:——我觉得有点紧张。——不要着急。当你准备充分时,通过考试应该不会有困难。A. mustn’t禁止,不允许;B. needn’t不必;C. may not可能不会;D. shouldn’t不应该。结合句意可知答案为D。 2.—I have something important to tell John. But I can’t find him. —His cell phone is here, so he ________ have gone too far. A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.wouldn’t D.can’t 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:——我有重要的事情要告诉John,但是我找不到他。——他的手机在这儿,所以他不可能走得太远。根据句意可知,此处是对过去的一种猜测,此处是表达不可能……,用can’t have done。故选D。 3.It has been announced that all the candidates ___________ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected. A.shall B.could C.would D.ought 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词用法。句意:据宣布,所有的候选人都要坐在位置上,直到所有的试卷都被收齐。根据句意可知本句是考试规则,情态动词shall可以表示“按照规则/规定/法律要做的事情”,符合本句语境。故A项正确。 4.—It’s really great to have a computer to store my photos. —Don’t count on it too much. It ________ break down and you’d better mak e a copy of them. A.must B.can C.should D.will


英语情态动词专项练习题及答案含答案解析 一、初中英语情态动词 1.— _______ you play tennis? —Yes, and I'm a good player. A. Can B. May C. Must D. Should 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——你会打网球吗?——会,我是一名优秀的网球员。Can能,表示能力;may可以,表示允许;must必须,表示要求;should应该,表示建议;结合句意,此处表示能力,故用情态动词can,故选A。 【点评】此题考查情态动词的用法。 2.All passengers ______ go through safety check before they take a plane. A. can B. may C. must D. could 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:所有乘客登机前必须接受安全检查。A. can能够,表示能力;B. may可以,表示许可;C. must必须;D. could可能,可以。登机前必须安检。故选C。【点评】情态动词词义辨析。以及can、may、must、could四个词的词义和用法。 3.You be tired after walking for such a long time. Sit down and have a rest. A. can B. can't C. mustn't D. must 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:走了这么长时间你一定很累了。坐下休息一下吧。can能,能够,can't不能,对事物进行否定推测;mustn't一定不是,禁止,must一定,对事物进行肯定推测,根据after walking for such a long time,可以肯定你一定很累,所以是进行肯定推测,情态动词使用must,故选D。 【点评】此题考查情态动词。弄清每个情态动词的使用规则,根据句意确定所使用的情态动词。 4.—Where is Mom now? —I'm not sure. She _________ be in the kitchen. A. shall B. may C. need D. must 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:—妈妈现在在哪里?—我不确定,她也许在厨房。A. shall 将要; B. may 可以,可能; C. need 需要; D. must必须,一定;根据I'm not sure可知是不确定;故选B。 【点评】此题考查情态动词表推测的用法。 5.—Who it be that is knocking at the door? —It be father, but I'm not sure.


最新情态动词专项练习题及答案详解 一、单项选择情态动词 1.—Daddy, would you please buy me an iPhoneX? —If you can pass this midterm examination, you __________ have one as a reward. A.must B.need C.would D.shall 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:爸爸,你可以给我买部iPhone X吗?--如果你通过考试,你就会得到一部作为奖励。A. must一定;B. need必要;C. would将,会;D. shall会。根据语境可知,这句话是父亲对子女的允诺,故选D。 【点睛】 shall的用法。 1. shall作为助动词,一般用于第一人称Ⅰ和We,表示一个将来的动作,构成将来时态。shall后面接动词原形。例如: (1)I shall think it over and Let you know my idea.我将考虑一下此事,然后告诉你我的想法。 (2)We shall have a good time in the park.我们在公园里会玩得很高兴的。 2. shall用于第一人称,表示征求对方的意愿。如:What shall we do this evening? 3. shall用于第一、第三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请示。如:Shall we begin our lesson? When shall he be able to leave the hospital? 4. shall用于第二、第三人称,表示说话人给对方命令、警告、允诺或威胁。如:You shall fail if you don't work harder. (警告) He shall have the book when I finish reading. (允诺)He shall be punished. (威胁) 比如本题,根据语境可知,这句话是父亲对子女的允诺,故选D。 2.Paul did a great job in the speech contest. He many times last week. A.need have practised B.might practise C.must have practised D.could practise 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:保罗在演讲比赛中表现得很好。他上星期一定练习了很多次。must have done是对过去发生的动作最有把握的猜测,意思是“一定”。故C选项正确。 3.Ann said whenever her father was unhappy he ________ go out and buy something, usually something large and useless. A.should B.could


人教版英语英语情态动词专项练习经典含答案 一、初中英语情态动词 1.—Must I clean the classroom now? —No, you_______. A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:--我必须现在把教室打扫干净吗?--不,你不必。must I do …?的否定回答是No, you needn't 或者 No , you don't have to 。根据是否定回答,故选C。 2.—Where is Monica? I can't find her anywhere. —She be in the library. She loves reading books when she is free. A. must B. need C. can't 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——莫妮卡在哪?我到处都找不到她。——她肯定在图书馆,她喜欢空闲时看书。A肯定,肯定句中表示推测,B需要,C不可能,否定句中表示推测,根据 She loves reading books when she is free ,可知是肯定句表示推测,故选A。 【点评】考查情态动词,注意情态动词表推测的用法。 3.Please don't make so much noise. I ________ hear the speaker very well. A. needn't B. can't C. shouldn't D. mustn't 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:请不要发出那么多噪音。我不能很好地听清楚发言者的话。needn't不必;can't不能;shouldn't不应该;mustn't禁止。根据前半句的Please don't make so much noise.可知别人发出了太多噪音,所以他无法听见演讲者的话,故用情态动词can't。故选B。 【点评】考查情态动词,结合句意和词义做出判断。 4.A hard-working man ______ become a great scientist, but a great scientist _______ be a hard-working man. A. can't; can B. may not; must C. can't; must D. may not; can 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:一个勤奋的人可能不会成为一位伟大的科学家,但是一位伟大的科学家一定是一个勤奋的人。can't不可能,不会;can可能,能,会;may not 可能不;must 必须,一定;结合句意,可知,第一个空为“可能不”,第二个空为“一定”,故答案为B。


【英语】高三英语情态动词专项训练及答案及解析 一、单项选择情态动词 1.It wasn’t right to me that such near neighbors not know one another. A.could B.would C.should D.might 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:对我来说,很不正常,如此近的邻居居然不认识。A. could可能,能够;B. would将;C. should竟然;D. might可能,也许。should 作为情态动词,可以用来表示意外、惊喜或者在说话人看来是不可思议的,常常译为"竟会"、"居然",住的这么近的邻居居然不认识。表示意外,所以答案选C。 【点睛】 should的用法 1、should 作为情态动词,通常用来表示现在或将来的责任或义务,译作“应该”、“应当”,这时它可以和 ought to, be supposed to 互换使用.例如:You should (= ought to ) tell your mother about it at once. 2、should 作为情态动词,可以用在条件状语从句中,表示语气较强的假设,译作“万一”、“竟然”,这时也可将 should 置于从句之首,即将 should 放在主语前面,而省略从属连词 if。例如:If you should fail to come, ask Mrs Chen to work in your place. (= Should you fail to come, ask Mrs Chen to work in your place. ) 3、should 作为情态动词,可以表示谦逊、客气、委婉之意,译为“可……”、“倒……”。例如:I should say that it would be better to try it again. 4、should 作为情态动词,可以用来表示意外、惊喜或者在说话人看来是不可思议的.尤其在以 why, who, how 等开头的修辞疑问句或某些感叹句中常常译为“竟会”、“居然”。例如:How should I know it ? 我怎么会知道这件事? 5、should 作为情态动词,可以用来表示有较大可能实现的猜测、推论,通常译为“可能”、“总该……吧”,相当于 be expected to 。例如:They should be home by now, I think. 我想现在他们总该到家了吧。 6、should 作为情态动词,用在由 so that, for fear that, lest 引导的目的状语从句和 in case (that)引导的条件状语从句中,有“能够”、“可能”、“会”之意。例如:They got up early so that they should (= could/ might) catch the first bus in time. 7、should 作为情态动词,可以用于下列虚拟语气句中: (1)用在表示与将来事实相反的条件状语从句中,构成“ If …… should (do sth)……, …… would/ could/ might (do sth.)…… ”句式。 (2) 用在 suggest (propose), arrange, plan, decide, advise, order, demand, request, desire, insist 等表示“建议”、“要求”、“命令”、“决定”、“安排”、“计划”、“主张”的动词后面接的宾语从句中。这里的 should 也可以省略。 本句中should 作为情态动词,可以用来表示意外、惊喜或者在说话人看来是不可思议的,


人教版英语英语情态动词练习附答案百度文库 一、初中英语情态动词 1.—We've got everything ready for the picnic. —Do you mean I __________ bring anything with me? A. can't B. mustn't C. couldn't D. needn't 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:—我们已经为野餐准备好了一切。—你的意思是我不必带任何东西吗?A. can't 不能;B. mustn't 表示禁止,一定不要;C. couldn't不能,表示过去时态;D. needn't不必。结合句意,故选D。 【点评】本题考查情态动词的用法。 2.—How amazing this robot is! —Wow, it has video cameras in its eyes, so it “see” and interact w ith people. A. may B. can C. must D. should 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:—这个机器人多么惊人啊!—哇,在它的眼睛里有摄像机,因此它能看见和人打交道。A. may 可以,可能;表示许可,B. can 能;表示能力,C. must 必须;D. should应该;根据it has video cameras in its eyes,可知是有能力看见,故选B。 【点评】考查情态动词辨析。熟记情态动词的含义和用法。 3.Please don't make so much noise. I ________ hear the speaker very well. A. needn't B. can't C. shouldn't D. mustn't 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:请不要发出那么多噪音。我不能很好地听清楚发言者的话。needn't不必;can't不能;shouldn't不应该;mustn't禁止。根据前半句的Please don't make so much noise.可知别人发出了太多噪音,所以他无法听见演讲者的话,故用情态动词can't。故选B。 【点评】考查情态动词,结合句意和词义做出判断。 4.—Life is becoming convenient with the Internet. —That's true! Almost everything ______ be done online. A. must B. could C. should D. can't 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——生活正随着网络变得方便。——那是真的。几乎所有的事情可以在网上完成。A必须,B可以,C将,D不能。根据 Life is becoming convenient with the Internet. 生活正随着网络变得方便,可知应该是很多事情可以在网上完成,故选B。 【点评】考查情态动词。注意理解和掌握情态动词的不同用法。 5.You be tired after walking for such a long time. Sit down and have a rest.


情态动词归纳及专项练习题 一、单项选择情态动词 1.If we had paid enough attention to the issue of the heavily-overloaded vehicles, the tragedy of the collapse of an overpass in Wuxi _____ avoided. A.should B.could be C.should have been D.could have been 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词用法。句意:如果我们对超载车辆问题给予足够的重视,就可以避免无锡立交桥垮塌的悲剧。本句为“情态动词+have done”结构,结合句意表示“本来可以;本来能够”应用could have done结构,且主语与谓语动词avoid构成被动关系,故应用be done形式。故选D。 【点睛】 情态动词+have done的结构和用法有以下几种: 一、must have done sth.“一定做了某事”。表示对过去事情的较有把握的推测,这时只能用在肯定句中,“肯定/必须已经干过……”,在否定句和疑问句中用can’t或co uldn’t或can/ could,例如: 1.From what you said, she must have told you all about it. 从你的话看,她一定告诉了你所有的事情。 二、can/could have done sth.本来能够做某事,而实际上未做; 1.But we could have done it all so much better. 但是,我们本可以把这一切做得更好。 三、can't/couldn't have done sth.不可能做过某事; 1. We could't have done it without you. 没有你我们办不成这事。 四、ought to/should have done sth.过去本应该做某事而实际上并没有做。 You should have done it when you first saw them blooming this spring. 你应该在今年春天第一次看到它们盛开的时候就挖一些的。 2.Even if it’s something you should have done earlier in the wee k or missed a detail on. 甚至你在一个星期前的就提早完成了一件事或者忽略了一个小细节。 2.—I don’t really like Janes. Why did you invite him? —Don’t worry. He come. He said he was’t certain what his plans were. A.must not B.need not C.would not D.might not 【答案】D 【解析】 考察情态动词,题干中的he wasn’t certain说明他可能不来,可能来,因此使用不完全否定,might not。 3.--- Oh, my God! I just missed the last bus back home.


精选练习情态动词 . 1.You________read that article if you don’t want to A.haven’t B.can’t C. mustn’t D.needn’t2.I_______get this done immediately or it will be too late. A. must B.can C.may D.might 3.The house is dark;the Browns_________ to bed. A.may go B.should go C.should have gone D. must have gone 4.“That car must have cost a 1ot of money.” “Oh,no,_____.” A.it mustn’t B.it hasn’t C.it doesn’t D.it didn’t 5. I _______asleep in the corner,for 1 remember nothing of what happened during the night. A.might fall B. must fall C.must have fallen D. can have fallen 6.I’m feeling sick.I_________so much chocolate. A.needn’t have eaten B. couldn’t have eaten C.mustn’t have eaten D.shouldn’t have eaten 7. My wallet is nowhere to be found.I________when 1 was on the bus. A.must have dropped it B.must drop it C. should have dropped it D.ought to have dropped it 8.Mr.Green________my letter,otherwise he would have replied before now.A.must have received B.must have failed to receive C.must receive D. must fail to receive 9. You could have done much better yesterday.Why_________? A.didn’t you B.couldn’t you C. hadn’t you D.shouldn’t you 10.They have done things they ought_______ A.not to do B. not to be done


情态动词 情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义,但要与动词原形及其被动语态一起使用,给谓语动词增添情态色彩,表示说话人对有关行为或事物的态度和看法,认为其可能、应该或必要等。情态动词后面加动词原形。 情态动词有四类: ①只做情态动词:must,can(could),may(might)…… ②可做情态动词又可做实义动词:need,will ③具有情态动词特征:have(had,has) to,used to,ought to ④情态动词表猜测:一肯一否三不定(must一肯,can not一否,may,might,could,三不定。) 注:mustn't代表强烈禁止 must表示主观,have to表示客观。 常用的有:can may could must have use . 情态动词无人称和数的变化,情态动词后面跟的动词须用原形,否定式构成是在情态动词后面加 "not"。个别情态动词有现在式和过去式两种形式,过去式用来表达更加客气,委婉的语气,时态性不强,可用于过去,现在或将来。情态动词属非及物动词,故没有被动语态。 情态动词表推测的用法小结 (一)情态动词表推测的三种句式 1.在肯定句中一般用must (一定),can,could(可能),might /may(也许,或许)。 e.g:(1)He must/can/may,might know the answer to this question. 他一定/可能/也许知道这个问题的答案。 (2)It is cold in the room. They must have turned off the heating. 屋里很冷,他们肯定把暖气关了。 2.否定句中用can’t / couldn’t(不可能),may not/might not(可能不)。


英语情态动词练习题含答案含解析 一、单项选择情态动词 1.The professor warned the students that on no account ________ use mobile phones in his class. A.should they B.they should C.dare they D.they dare 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查部分倒装和情态动词。句意:这位教授警告学生们,在他的课堂上,决不应该使用手机。on no account意为“决不”,否定词放在句首,句子使用部分倒装,排除B、D项;这里表示应该,故选A。 2.Our English teacher is considerate,helpful,and warm-hearted,but sometimes she________________ be angry at our silly mistakes. A.should B.must C.can D.shall 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:我们的英语老师很体贴、乐于助人、热心肠,但有时她可能为我们愚蠢的错误而发火。can表示一种客观的可能性,但不一定会发生,故C项正确。 3.—It’s already 11 o’clock , and he ______ have been here half an hour ago. —Maybe he got caught in the rain. A.must B.ought to C.may D.can 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:已经11点了,他半小时前就该到了。A. must have done必定做了…(表示对过去的推测);B. ought to have done 本应该做的;C. may have done可能已经做过某事;D. can have done本来可以做的(但没有做),根据题意,故选B。


最新情态动词专项练习及答案详解 一、单项选择情态动词 1.Look! There are so many mistakes in your composition. You ________ have fixed full attention on it. A.can B.should C.need D.might 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词。句意:看!你的作文里有那么多的错误。你本应该把所有的注意力都集中在它上面的。表示“本应该做但实际上没有做”应该用should have done结构,can have done 表示可能;need表示需要;might have done表示可能做过某事;故选B。 2.Keep up your spirits even if you _____ fail hundreds of times. A.must B.need C.may D.should 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词。A. must必须;B. need需要;C. may可能,或许;D. should应该。句意:即使失败了几百次,也要振作起来。此处表示一种不确定的推测,故选C。 3.Using AI, many companies are now conducting experiments that__________ possible just a few years ago. A.would have been B.might have been C.shouldn't have been D.couldn't have been 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词表推测。句意:很多公司现在使用人工智能进行试验,这在几年前是不可能的。根据“a few years ago”可知,此处表示“过去不可能”,应该用couldn’t have done,故D 项正确。 4.Mr. Baker, some students want to see you. ______ they wait here or outside? A.May B.Should C.Shall D.Will 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】


一、选择题 1.— May I have some wine? — No, you . You have to drive home later. A.shouldn't B.needn't C.mustn't D.may not 2.(2018·山东临沂) Could you please speak a little louder? I ______ hear you very well. A.can’t B.mustn’t C.shouldn’t D.needn’t 3.I hope you __________ to my birthday party. A.to come B.can come C.comes D.are come 4.I’ve bought a nice necklace for Jo’s birthday. She _____like it, but I’m not sure. A.can B.may be C.might D.must 5.The designer has tried every possible way to make the robot light, so you _____ worry about its weight. A.must B.may C.can’t D.needn’t 6.—Is that Kate’s green bike? —It ____________be hers. She likes pink. A.can’t B.could C.mustn’t D.might 7.—Is that cap Bob’s? —No, it ________ be his. His is blue. A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.may not 8.—Hi, Lucy, may I sit here? —No, ________. The seats are for teachers and parents. A.you needn't B.you aren't C.you mustn't D.you don't 9.The milk tastes bad. You’d better_______. A.throw it away B.to throw it away C.throw them away D.to throw them away 10.You run with the train when it is coming. It’s dangerous. A.may not B.mustn’t C.needn’t 11.We _______ keep the new traffic law and learn how to protect ourselves. A.may B.should C.can D.need 12.I’m sorry, children over 1.4 me ters________pay the full price for the show. A.may B.must C.can D.ought to 13.—Could you please hang out with me this afternoon? —______. I have to make a plan for Clean-Up Day. A.Sorry, I couldn’t B.Sorry, I can’t C.Sure, I can D.Sure, I could 14.Since the road is muddy,it ________last night, ________? A.must be rained; wasn’t it B.must have rained; didn’t it


最新英语情态动词专项训练 一、单项选择情态动词 1.--- Difficulties always go with me! --- Cheer up! If God closes door in front of you, there be a window opened for you. A.must B.would C.could D.can 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词辨析。句意:——困难总是伴随着我!——高兴点! 如果上帝在你面前关上了门,一定有一扇窗户为你打开。A. must必须;B. would将要;C. could能,会;D. can能,会。must表示对现在的状态推测时,意为“一定”,表示可能性很大的推测。符合语境。故选A。 【点睛】 1) must用在肯定句中表示较有把握的推测,意为"一定"。 2) must表对现在的状态或现在正发生的事情的推测时, must 后面通常接系动词be 的原形或行为动词的进行式。 3) must 表示对已发生的事情的推测时,must 要接完成式。 4) must表示对过去某时正发生的事情的推测,must 后面要接完成进行式。 5) 否定推测用can't。 本句中的。must表示对现在的状态推测时,意为一定,表示可能性很大的推测。符合第2点用法。 2.Using AI, many companies are now conducting experiments that__________ possible just a few years ago. A.would have been B.might have been C.shouldn't have been D.couldn't have been 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查情态动词表推测。句意:很多公司现在使用人工智能进行试验,这在几年前是不可能的。根据“a few years ago”可知,此处表示“过去不可能”,应该用couldn’t have done,故D 项正确。 3.-- Did Jim come? -- I don’t know. He _______ while I was out. A.might have come B.might come C.must have come D.should have come 【答案】A


情态动词练习 1. It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it ____ be rather cold sometimes. A. must B. can C. should D. would 2. You ______ be hungry already ---- you had lunch only two hours ago! A. wouldn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t 3. ---- What do you think we can do for our aged parents? ---- You ____ do anything except to be with them and be yourself. A. don’t have to B. oughtn’t to C. mustn’t D. can’t 4. John promised his doctor he ______ not smoke. And he has never smoked ever since. A. might B. should C. could D. would 5. What a pity! Considering his ability and experience, he ______ better. A. need have done B. must have done C. can have done D. might have done 6. Liza ______ well not want to go on the trip ---- she hates traveling. A. will B. can C. must D. may 7. She ______ have left school, for her bike is still here. A. can’t B. wouldn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t 8. According to the air traffic rules, you _____ switch off your mobile phone before boarding. A. may B. can C. would D. should 9. ---- I can’t find my purse anywhere. ---- You ______ have lost it while shopping. A. may B. can C. should D. would 10. ---- I’m sorry. I _______ at you the other day. ---- Forget it. I was a bit out of control myself. A. shouldn’t shout B. shouldn’t have shouted C. mustn’t shout D. mustn’t have shouted 11. ---- What sort of house do you want to have? Something big? ---- Well, it _______ be big ---- that’s not important. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. can’t D. won’t 12. ---- What does the sign over there read? ---- “No person _______ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.” A. will B. may C. shall D. must 13. Some aspects of a pilot’s job ______ be bring; and pilots often _______ work at inconvenient. A. can; have to B. may; can C. have to; may D. ought to; must 14. My MP4 player isn’t in my bag. Where _______ I have put it? A. can B. must C. should D. would 15. The weather turned out to be fine yesterday, I _____ the trouble to carry my umbrella with me. A. should have taken B. could have taken C. needn’t have taken D. mustn’t have taken ANSWERS:1—5 BBADD 6—10 DADAB 11—15 BCAAC 16. In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you ______ take care of your luggage. A. can B. may C. must D. will 17. ---- She looks very happy. She ______ have passed the exam. ---- I guess so. It’s not difficult after all. A. should B. could C. must D. might
