



林语堂先生英文著作25种,以京华烟云份 量最重,将近代中国描绘出一幅生动的风貌。 这一本书是历来有关中国的著作中,最忠 实、最巨丽、最完备、最重要底成绩。它 是忠实的,毫不隐瞒一切真情;它的笔墨 是豪放瑰丽,对于古往今来,都有透澈的 了解与体会。 在国外影响最响的中国书
作者曾应美国一书局邀请写这篇个人传略,因为 藉此可得有机会以分析我自己,所以我很喜欢的 答应了。从一方面着想,这是为我的多过于为人 的;一个人要自知其思想和经验究竟是怎样的, 最好不过是拿起纸笔一一写下来。从另一方面着 想,自传不过是一篇自己所写的扩大的碑铭而已。 中国文人,自陶渊明之《五柳先生传》始,常好 自写传略,藉以遣兴。如果这一路的文章涵有乖 巧的幽默,和相当的“自知之明”,对于别人确 是一种可喜可乐的读品。
《纽约时报》在评论这部长篇小说时,把它称为中国版 的《乱世佳人》。林语堂自己把《朱门》、《京华烟 云》、和《风声鹤唳》这三部小说合称为“林语堂三部 曲”,因为三者有着内在的精神联系,都寄托了作者的 某种人生理想。所以《风声鹤唳》也是《京华烟云》的 姊妹篇。《风声鹤唳》和《乱世佳人》一样,都描写了 一个行为不羁的女子,精心刻画了她们在战争的磨难中 苦斗挣扎的命运。
作者希望超越国家、民族与语言的隔阂, 让更5年由美国纽约约 翰戴· 公司出版以来,在海内外引轰动,被 美国许多知名人士推崇备至,曾译成多种 文字,在西方广泛流传。
《吾国与吾民》全书共分十章,分别为中 国人民、中国人之德性、中国人的心灵、 人生之理想、妇女生活、社会生活和政治 生活、文学生活、艺术家生活、生活的艺 术、中日战争之我见。



道德经林语堂英文版IntroductionThe Tao Te Ching is a classic Chinese philosophical text that waswritten by Laozi, an ancient Chinese philosopher. The book has been translated into numerous languages, including English. In this article, we will explore the English translation of the Tao Te Ching by Lin Yutang. We will delve into the significance and impact of this translation, as well as analyze its key themes and philosophical teachings.Background of the TranslationLin Yutang was a renowned Chinese writer and philosopher known for his expertise in both Chinese and English languages. His translation of the Tao Te Ching is widely recognized for its eloquence and faithfulness to the original text. Published in 1948, his translation serves as a bridge between Chinese philosophical thoughts and Western readers.Key Themes in Lin Yutang’s Translation1. The Way and VirtueThe concept of “the Way” is a central theme in the Tao Te Ching. Lin Yutang accurately captures the essence of this concept, referring to it as “the Way of Life.” He emphasizes that followin g the Way leads to harmony, balance, and naturalness. Lin Yutang’s translation successfully conveys the Taoist idea that the Way cannot be explained or defined, but can only be experienced.2. Simplicity and HumilityLin Yutang beautifully conveys the importance of simplicity and humility in the Tao Te Ching. He emphasizes the idea of embracing the natural and letting go of excessive desires. Through his translation, he encouragesindividuals to lead a modest and contented life, free from the pressures of materialism and societal expectations.3. Non-Action and Non-InterferenceAnother significant theme in the Tao Te Ching is the concept of non-action or non-interference (wu wei). Lin Yutang skillfully translates this concept as “the art of letting things alone.” He highlights the importance of non-action as a means to achieve inner peace and harmony with the natural flow of the universe. Lin Yutang’s translation serves as a guide for individuals in understanding the benefits of non-interference in their daily lives.4. Balance and HarmonyLin Yutang’s translation beautifully captures the emphasis on balance and harmony in the Tao Te Ching. He portrays the importance of embracing contradictions and finding harmony in the midst of chaos. Through his translation, he encourages individuals to seek a balanced and harmonious way of living, both internally and externally.Analysis of Lin Yutang’s Translation1. Clarity and AccessibilityOne of the key strengths of Lin Yutang’s translation is its clarity and accessibility. His choice of language and his explanations of complex philosophical concepts make the Tao Te Ching more approachable for Western readers. Lin Yutang’s translation enables readers to grasp the profound wisdom of the original text without feeling overwhelmed.2. Cultural SensitivityLin Yutang’s translation demonstrates cultural sensitivity by successfully maintaining the essence of Chinese philosophy while making it relatable to Western readers. He strikes a balance between preserving the Taoist principles and reaching out to a broader audience. Lin Yutang’s translation serves as a cultural exchange platform, allowing Western readers to appreciate and understand ancient Chinese philosophy.3. Preservation of Poetry and BeautyThe Tao Te Ching is not only a philosophical text but also a beautifully written piece of literature. Lin Yutang’s translation strives to preserve the poetic nature and beauty of the original text. Through careful selection of words and phrases, he captures the elegance and grace inherent in the Tao Te Ching.4. Dissemination of Taoist PhilosophyLin Yutang’s translation has significantly contributed to the dissemination of Taoist philosophy in Western culture. His work has introduced countless individuals to the wisdom and teachings of Laozi, expanding the awareness and understanding of this ancient Chinese philosophy beyond traditional boundaries.ConclusionThe English translation of the Tao Te Ching by Lin Yutang is a remarkable contribution to cross-cultural exchange and understanding. This translation not only captures the essence and wisdom of theoriginal text but also presents it in a clear and accessible manner for Western readers. Lin Yutang’s translation serves as a timeless guidefor individuals seeking balance, harmony, and a deeper understanding of life’s mysteries.。


林语堂翻译思想启示我们在翻译实践中注重准确表达和文化包容,实现语言和文化的平等对 话。ຫໍສະໝຸດ 《林语堂翻译思想》PPT 课件
在这个PPT课件中,我们将一起探索林语堂翻译思想的精髓。通过深入了解林 语堂的生平和主要成就,概述翻译的重要性、本质和难度。我们还将探讨林 语堂翻译思想的主要内容,以及它对翻译学术研究和实践的影响和启示。最 后,我们将总结林语堂翻译思想的历史地位、现实意义和启示意义。
林语堂的翻译思想对翻译学术研究产生了深 远的影响,推动了翻译理论的发展。
林语堂翻译思想鼓励人们在跨文化交流中尊 重和理解不同的文化,促进文化的多元发展。
给读者以启迪 的翻译方法
林语堂提倡通过翻译来 启发读者,传达作者的 观点和思想。
多元文化的翻 译观念
林语堂认为翻译应该尊 重和包容不同的文化, 避免文化误解和偏见。
翻译文学作品 的技巧
林语堂在翻译文学作品 时,注重语言的美感和 文学风格的传承。
林语堂的翻译思想为翻译实践提供了宝贵的 启示和指导,帮助翻译人员更好地应对挑战。
林语堂以其出色的翻译工作和重要著作而闻名。他翻译了许多经典文学作品,如《红楼梦》 和《傲慢与偏见》。


• The Chinese Theory of Art (1967), • Moment in Peking (京華煙雲) (1939) • The Vermillion Gate (朱門) (1953) • Chinese-English Dictionary of Modern Usage (當代漢英辭典)
Chinese-American writer,
editor, inventor
• Born in Fujian China .
• Bachelor's degree at Saint John's University in Shanghai
• My Country and My People (吾國吾民) (1935) • The Importance of Living (生活的藝術) (1937) • Between Tears and Laughter (啼笑皆非) (1943)
• The Importance of Understanding (1960, a book of translated Chinese literary passages and short pieces)
The weather, now warm, now cold,
Makes it harder Than ever to forget!
三杯两盏淡酒,怎敌他、 晚来风急?
How can a few cups of thin wine
Bring warmth against


educated for the ministry but renounced Christianity
in his early 20s and became a professor of English. He traveled to the United States and Europe for advanced study,and attained the degree of Master of Arts of Harvard
In 1932 Lin established the Lunyu banyuekan (“Analects Fortnightly”), a type of Western-style satirical magazine
totally new to China at that time. It was highly successful, and he soon introduced
translations of Chinese literary
masterpieces, such as Famous
Chinese Short Storiห้องสมุดไป่ตู้s Retold
two more publications. In 1935 Lin published the first of his many English-
language books, My Country and My People. It was widely translated and for years was regarded as a standard text on China. The following year he moved to New York City to meet the popular demand for his historical accounts and novels. In 1939 he published his renowned English novel Moment in Peking. The Wisdom of



The Preservation of LifeHuman life is limited, but knowledge is limitless. To drive the limited in pursuit of the limitless is fatal; and to presume that one really knows is fatal indeed!In doing good, avoid fame. In doing bad, avoid disgrace. Pursue a middle course as your principle. Thus you will guard your body from harm, preserve your life, fulfill your duties by your parents, and live your allotted span of life.Prince Huei's cook was cutting up a bullock. Every blow of his hand,every heave of his shoulders, every tread of his foot, every thrust of his knee, every whshh of rent flesh, every chhk of the chopper, was inperfect rhythm, --like the dance of the Mulberry Grove, like the harmonious chords of ChingShou."Well done!" cried the Prince. "Yours is skill indeed!""Sire," replied the cook laying down his chopper, "I have always devoted myself to Tao, which is higher than mere skill. When I first began to cut up bullocks, I saw before me whole bullocks. After three years' practice, I saw no more whole animals. And now I work with my mind and notwith my eye. My mind works along without the control of the senses. Falling back upon eternal principles, I glide through such great joints or cavities as there may be, according to the natural constitution of the animal. I do not even touch the convolutions of muscle and tendon, still less attempt to cut through large bones."A good cook changes his chopper once a year, -- because he cuts. An ordinary cook, one a month, -- because he hacks. But I have had this chopper nineteen years, and although I have cut up many thousand bullocks, its edge is as if fresh from the whetstone. For at the joints there are always interstices, and the edge of a chopper being without thickness, it remains only to insert that which is without thickness into such an interstice. Indeed there is plenty of room for the blade to move about. It is thus that I have kept my chopper for nineteen years as though fresh from the whetstone."Nevertheless, when I come upon a knotty part which is difficult to tackle, I am all caution. Fixing my eye on it, I stay my hand, and gently apply my blade, until with a hwah the part yields like earth crumbling to the ground. Then I take out my chopper and stand up, and look around, and pause with an air of triumph. Then wiping my chopper, I put it carefully away.""Bravo!" cried the Prince. "From the words of this cook I have learned how to take care of my life."When Hsien, of the Kungwen family, beheld a certain official, he was horrified, and said, "Who is that man? How came he to lose a leg? Is this the work of God, or of man?""Why, of course, it is the work of God, and not of man," was the reply. "God made this man one-legged. The appearance of men is always balanced. From this it is clear that God and not man made him what he is."A pheasant of the marshes may have to go ten steps to get a peck, a hundred to get a drink. Yet pheasants do not want to be fed in a cage.For although they might have less worries, they would not like it. When Laotse died, Ch'in Yi went to the funeral. He uttered three yells and departed. A disciple asked him saying, "Were you not our Master's friend?""I was," replied Ch'in Yi."And if so, do you consider that a sufficient expression of grief at his death?" added the disciple."I do," said Ch'in Yi. "I had thought he was a (mortal) man, but now I know that he was not. When I went in to mourn, I found old persons weeping as if for their children, young ones wailing as if for their mothers. When these people meet, they must have said words on the occasion and shed tears without any intention. (To cry thus at one's death) is to evade the natural principles (of life and death) and increase human attachments, forgetting the source from which we receive this life. The ancients called this 'evading the retribution of Heaven.' The Master came, because it was his time to be born; He went, because it was his time to go away. Those who accept the natural course and sequence of things and live in obedience to it are beyond joy and sorrow. Theancients spoke of this as the emancipation from bondage. The fingers may not be able to supply all the fuel, but the fire is transmitted, and we know not when it will come to an end."。



1923年获得哈佛大学比较文 学硕士学位。
1928年受聘为北京大学英文 系教授。
1936年定居上海,从事文学 创作和翻译工作。
翻译是一门艺术,需要译者的 主观创造性和审美判断。
翻译不仅仅是语言的转换,更 是文化的传播和交流。
翻译应追求“忠实、通顺、美 ”的标准,其中“美”指的是 译文应具有文学美感,能够传 达原文的意境和韵味。
意译的实践要求译者首先理解原文的大意,然后根据目标语言的表达习惯和语法规则进行重新组织,尽可能地传达原 文的含义和精神。
意译能够使译文更加流畅、自然,符合目标语言的表达习惯和语法规则。但是,如果过度意译可能会导 致译文失去原文的语言特色和风格,甚至曲解原文的含义。
• 直译的优势在于能够保留原文的语言特色和风格,让读者更好地理解原文的文化背景和语言特色。但是,如果 过度直译可能会导致译文生硬、不自然,甚至产生歧义。相比之下,意译的优势在于能够使译文更加流畅、自 然,符合目标语言的表达习惯和语法规则。但是,如果过度意译可能会导致译文失去原文的语言特色和风格, 甚至曲解原文的含义。因此,在翻译实践中,应根据具体情况选择适当的翻译方法,有时也可以将直译与意译 相结合,以达到更好的翻译效果。
林语堂的翻译理论促使人们更加深入地研究翻译 的本质、过程和技巧,促进了翻译研究的深入发 展。

林语堂提出的翻译理论为译者提 供了科学的翻译方法,指导译者 在翻译过程中更好地处理语言和 文化差异。
遵循林语堂的翻译理论,译者在 实践中更加注重翻译的准确性和 流畅性,提高了翻译的质量。


正而流利,甚至由流利而精通。此是先苦后 英语中的语法规则有限的,我们一旦内化了英语的语法体系,便可以创造性地产出无限的语句,表达自如。
写作在学英语的过程中有其特别重要和不可替代的作用。 你周围的语言环境是汉语,但你完全可以自己创造虚拟的“英语世界”。
• 常问问自己:这层意思或这个事物用英语该 怎么表达?在这种场合或情景下,“老外” 会说些什么话?带着这类问题去读书,去请 教他人,就能“立竿见影”。有了这种意识, 你就会发现:你走到哪里都可以学英语,一 辈子都在学英语。
大量阅读 培养语感
• 一部英文小说其实就是英语建构的一个“虚拟 世界”。读一些英语简易读物,可以反复见到 一些常用词汇和语法,便于我们学习一些基本 语言现象,例如语法、词汇搭配,也能巩固已 学过的知识使其转化为技巧。
错、充分练习的学生。若得教员随时指正, 最后的胜利者,还是不怕羞、不怕错、充分练习的学生。
林语堂先生(1895-1976),现代文学家、翻译家,一生共出版中文集三种,英文著作36种。 马马虎虎,糊涂了事,不但英文学不好,任何学问也学不好。
自然可由多错而少错,由少错而纯正,由纯 我们生活在汉语语言环境里,英语的阅读量不足,难以在自然的语境中掌握全部词汇。
• 一、学英文时须学全句,勿专念单字。学时 须把全句语法、语音及腔调整个读出来。
• 二、学时不可以识字为足。识之必然兼用之。 凡遇新字,必至少学得该字之一种正确用法。 以后见有多种用法,便多记住。
• 三、识字不可强记。得其句中用法,自然容 易记得。
• 四、读英文时须耳目口手并到。耳闻、目见、 口讲、手抄,缺一不可。四者备,字句自然 记得。


文学作品的人,“须把翻译自身事业也当做一种 艺术”。
三、从译者的基本素质方面对比分 析两种中译本
例1.“Come in,” said the woman, greeting him with a smile that was spoiled by her black teeth.He went into the barely furnished hall, and still there was no Silverscreen.
• 借用理论:林语堂的翻译理论
从林语堂翻译理论对比Moment in Peking的两个汉译本
• 一、林语堂及其作品Moment in Peking
• 二、林语堂的翻译理论
• 三、从译者的基本素质方面对比分析两种 中译本
• 四、从林语堂的翻译标准方面对比分析两 种中译本
• 五、总结
一、林语堂及其作品Mo941年,《瞬息京华》最早出版,由郑陀和应元杰译。 1977年,台湾德华出版社推出张振玉译本,名为《京
华烟云》。这个译本在海峡两岸畅销多年。两岸先 后据此拍摄的电视剧也均以此为题。 1987年,吉林时代文艺出版社最早在大陆推出张译本。 1991年,湖南文艺出版社出版由郁达夫之子郁飞翻译 的《瞬息京华》。 2005年,陕西师范大学出版社推出新版《京华烟云》 张译本据称该译本为林语堂之女推荐译本之一。 (摘自,林语堂英文名著 《京华烟云》尚无满意中译本,南方日报:2006年 03月24日)
(2)林语堂与Moment in Peking
• Moment in Peking是林语堂旅居巴黎时于
1938年8月至1939年8月间,仿照《红楼梦》 的结构用英文写的长篇小说,并题献给“英 勇的中国士兵”,讲述了北平曾、姚、牛三 大家族从1901年义和团运动到抗日战争30多 年间的悲观离合和恩怨情仇,全景式展现了 现代中国社会风云变幻的历史风貌。1975年, 林语堂以此书荣获诺贝尔文学奖提名。



"Leisure in time is like unoccupied floor space in a room (similar). Every working girl who rents a small room where every inch of space is fully utilized feels highly uncomfortable because she has no room to move about, and the moment she gets a raise in salary, she moves into a bigger room where there is a little more unused floor space, besides thosestrictly useful spaces occupied by her single bed, her dressing table and her two-burner gas range. It is that unoccupied space which makes a room habitable, as it is our leisure hours which make life endurable. I understand there is a rich woman living on Park Avenue, who bought up a neighboring lot to prevent anybody from erectinga skyscraper next to her house. She is paying a big sum of money in order to have space fully and perfectly made useless, and it seems to me she never spent her money more wisely.


林语堂英文简介 linyutang, wade-giles romanization lin y-t'ang, original name lin hele (born october 10, 1895, longxi, fujian province, china—died march 26, 1976, hong kong), prolific writer widevariety 1930she founded several chinese magazines specializing socialsatire western-stylejournalism. lin, chinesepresbyterian minister, renouncedchristianity hisearly 20s english.he traveled unitedstates advancedstudy,and attained harvarduniversity. 1932lin established lunyubanyuekan ("analects fortnightly"), western-stylesatirical magazine totally new highlysuccessful, hesoon introduced two more publications. 1935lin published hismany english-language books, my country mypeople. widelytranslated standardtext followingyear he moved newyork city populardemand hishistorical accounts 1939he published his renowned english novel moment indiaappeared 1942.although he returned chinabriefly 1954,lin both times became involved disputesstemming from his stand self-expressionrather than socialeducation. writingbooks chinesehistory philo



• • • • • • • • 《英雄气短说》 《黛玉葬花诗》 《莺莺札》 《声声慢》 《桃花源记》 《石钟山记》 《愚溪诗序》 《蝶梦》
• • • • • 《浮生六记》 《不亦快哉》 《东坡诗文选》 《冥寥子游》 《板桥家书》
Translation Standard
• The standard of true. 忠 • The standard of fruent. 顺
• (2)Intruction Chinese cultural spirits and the
Chinese way of the westen through his English works.
Thank you
• Born in Longxi,Fujian province.The son of a minister牧 师.
• In 1919, at the age of 23, he received a half - tuition scholarship to attend Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. • He married at this time and moved with his wife to the United States. • He moved to Le Creusot,France, to study with other Chinese and to work for the Young Men's Christian Academy (YMCA).
• It is such a wonderful day, with fresh air and mild breeze.Facing upwards to the blue sky, we behold the vast immensity of the universe; when bowing our heads towards the ground, we again satisfy ourselves with the diversity of species.Thereby we can refresh our views and let free our souls, with luxuriant satisfaction done to both ears and eyes. How infinite the cheer is! • 是日也,天朗气清,惠风和畅。 仰观宇宙之大,俯察品 类之盛。所以游目骋(chěng)怀,足以极视听之娱,信可 乐也。



《丑奴儿》 林语堂 译 少年不识愁滋味,
In my young days, I had only tasted gladness, 爱上层楼,更上层楼,
But loved to mount the top floor, But loved to mount the top floor, 为赋新词强说愁。
liberator, and linguist.
Life experience
• In 1919. at the age of 23, he received a halftuition scholarship to attend Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
• He married at this time and moved with his wife to the United States.
• He moved to LE Creusot, France, to study with other Chinese and to work for the Young Men’s Christian Academy(YMCA).
《瞬息京华》(Moment in Peking) 又名《京华 烟云》 《风声鹤唳》A Leaf in the Storm 《朱门》The Vermillion Gate 《啼笑皆非》Between Tears and Laughter 《吾国与吾民》 My Country and My People 《生活的艺术》 The Importance of Living 《武则天传》 Lady Wu
Moment in Peking
Moment in Peking is a novel originally written in English by Chinese author Lin Yutang. The novel, Lin's first, covers the turbulent events in China from 1900 to 1938, including the Bห้องสมุดไป่ตู้xer Uprising, the Republican Revolution of 1911, the Warlord Era, the rise of nationalism and communism, and the start of the SinoJapanese War of 1937-1945.


breasts. 句中“风生袖底,月到波心”,但林先生凭借其深厚的语 言功底,选了“play about”和“sparkle”生动地体现 原文的“字神”,特别是“play about”采用拟人的手 法,不仅惟妙惟肖地再现了“风生袖底”,而且还暗示了 人物轻松愉快的心情。从上可以看出林先生虽然反对“ 字译”,但他为了忠实于原著者并不反对对于单字的锤 炼
林语堂(1895-1976),中国现代著名 学者、文学家、语言学家。福建龙溪人 ,出生于福建省漳州市平和县坂仔镇贫 穷的牧师家庭。原名和乐,后改玉堂, 又改语堂。早年留学国外,回国后在北 京大学、厦门大学等著名大学任教, 1966年定居台湾,1976年在香港逝世, 享年八十二岁。林语堂既有扎实的中国 古典文学功底,又有很高的英文造诣, 他一生笔耕不辍,著作等身。林语堂于 1940年、1950年和1975年三度获得诺贝 尔文学奖的提名。
林语堂“明智地选择自己民族所特有的东 《孔子西的”智,慧不》遗和余《老力子地的翻智译慧中》国反映文中化国的的优古秀典代哲学的 论著;表作品。所以,因此,林语堂的大部分翻 《京华译烟文云本》和、英《文风声创鹤作唳的》选等择能都综合是折以射中出国中的国历历史文 化《和吾哲国史学与文的吾化小 民为说》背;、景《生活的艺术》、《苏东坡传》等反映
第三是译事上的训练,译者对于翻译标准 及手术的问题有正当的见解。
翻译标准之三方 面
第一是忠实标准 第二是通顺标准 第三是美的标准
译者对原文方面的问题 译者对中文方面的问题 是翻译与艺术文的问题
论忠实标准——译者第一的责任,就是 对原文或原著者的责任,换言之,就是 如何才可以忠实于原文,不负著者的才 思与用意。 “忠实标准”的四义:非字译、须传神 、非绝对、须通顺。
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Chinese writer, philosopher, translator, editor and oet
Born in Longxi, Fujian province . The son of a minister牧师. His education in Xiamen was the first to expose him to true western culture. Afterward, he studied in Saint Jonh’s University ,Harvard University and the Leipzig University. Lin spent most of his life in the United States and wrote most of his many works in English.
Translation Appreciation
满地黄花堆积。 憔悴损,如今有 谁堪摘? 守著窗儿,独自 怎生得黑? 梧桐更兼细雨, 到黄昏、点点滴 滴。
Let fallen flowers lie where they fall. To what purpose and for whom should I decorate? By the window shut, guarding it alone, to see the sky has turned so black! And the drizzle毛毛雨 on the kola nut Keeps on droning: Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat!
In this connection, I might mention a personal experience. I could never see the beauty of skyscrapers摩天大厦 in New York, and it was not a good frontage (metaphor)and at least half a mile of unused space around it. Chicago is fortunate in this respect, because it has more space than Manhattan(contrast). The tall ( ) buildings are better spaced, and there is the possibility of obtaining an unobstructed view of them from a long distance. Figuratively speaking, we, too, are so cramped in our life that we cannot enjoy a free perspective of the beauties of our spiritual life. We lack spiritual frontage.
Thank you!
"Leisure in time is like unoccupied floor space in a room (similar). Every working girl who rents a small room where every inch of space is fully utilized feels highly uncomfortable because she has no room to move about, and the moment she gets a raise in salary, she moves into a bigger room where there is a little more unused floor space, besides thosestrictly useful spaces occupied by her single bed, her dressing table and her two-burner gas range. It is that unoccupied space which makes a room habitable, as it is our leisure hours which make life endurable. I understand there is a rich woman living on Park Avenue, who bought up a neighboring lot to prevent anybody from erectinga skyscraper next to her house. She is paying a big sum of money in order to have space fully and perfectly made useless, and it seems to me she never spent her money more wisely.
Work Appreciation
Culture, as I understand it, is essentially a product of leisure (Do you agree this sentence?). The art of culture is therefore essentially the art of loafing 游手好闲. From the Chinese point of view, the man who is wisely idle懒惰 is the most cultured man (what does the “wisely idle” mean). For there seems to be a philosophic contradiction between being busy and 'being wise. Those who .are wise won't be busy, and those who are too busy can't be wise. The wisest man is therefore he who loafs most gracefully.
The American is known as a great hustler催促 者, as the Chinese is known as a great loafer.游手好闲者(contrast) And as all opposites admire each other, I suspect that the American hustler admires the Chinese loafer as much as the Chinese loafer admires the American hustler. Such things are called the charms of national traits.
Translation Appreciation
寻寻觅觅,冷冷 清清,凄凄惨惨 戚戚。 乍暖还寒时候, 最难将息。 三杯两盏淡酒, 怎敌他、晚来风 急? 雁过也,正伤心, 却是旧时相识 I recognize the geese flying overhead: My old friends, Bring not the old memories back! So dim, so dark, So dense稠密的, so dull阴暗的, So damp潮湿, so dank阴湿, So dead! The weather, now warm, now cold, Makes it harder Than ever to forget! How can a few cups of thin wine Bring warmth against The chilly寒冷的 winds of sunset?
Moment in Peking《京华烟云》 A Leaf in the Storm 《风声鹤唳》 Between Tears and Laughter 《啼笑皆非》 My Country and My People《吾国与吾民》 The Importance of Living 《生活的艺术》 Thy Gay Genius《苏东坡传》 Lady Wu《武则天传》
and so on …
Work Appreciation
THE CHINESE THEORY OF LEISURE Before we read this essay,we must know that it is selected from <The Importance of Living> . And it was wrriten for western people to read. Let’s see how Lin introduce the Chinese theory of Leisure to the western hustler催促者.
(2) Introduce Chinese cultural spirits and the Chinese way of life to the western through his English works. The <China Times> has said about Linyutang like this :”Some western people with limited knowledge know about Linyutang before they know about China, and they know about China before they know the splendid culture of China” The <New York Times >has said about Lin yutang: "he explains to western people of his countrymen and the customs of the country ,no one can match."