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六、科学管理是什么what is the scientific
对管理者或企业主的一种精神革命。也就是说, 生产不仅仅是工人的事情,也同样是管理者的事 情,双方责任要均分。in essence, the scientific is a mental revolution of both sides of whether
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2、以协调合作取代分歧和个人主义; 3、以最大化的产出和劳动生产率实现最大化富裕也即共同富裕。
science takes the place of experience,coordination and
cooperation replaces the divergence and individualism, achieving maximum or common wealth with the maximum output and maximum production rate
第一节 科学管理原理The principles of scientific management by Frederick Winslow Taylor 1911 一、泰勒生平(1856-1915) 与哈佛的机缘,1883年从新泽西州史蒂文斯技术 学院获得学位,1878年进入米德维尔钢铁公司, 从工人到总工程师。对工厂、工人、工作细致观 察并对工人产生同情。
第二讲:Selection 6 of Chapter 1 principles of scientific management 目标:了解科学管理的基本原则与实质 重点难点:重点是其界定、原则、实质;难点是 对其产生背景的认知 问题框架: 1.why did the scientific management emerge? 2.what is the basic principle of it? 3.what is the operating element (regime) of it? 4.what is the proof for approving of scientific management? 5.what on earth is the scientific management?
四、科学管理机制的两个最重要因素: 任务和奖金 The two important elements of the scientific management system: task and bonus
五、科学管理理论的经验证据 来自搬运生铁块实验,47长吨;铲运实验:21磅 左右; The empirical proof of scientific management Handling the pig of iron, the shoveling, and so on, about 26 years.
the workman or the manager. And finally, there
should be a fair or average division between them in the sense of responsibility.
七、科学管理的实质The essence of scientific management:
二、科学管理原理的总体背景 1、工业社会的内在冲突 the internal conflict of industry society 2、效率运动 the efficiency movement
三、科学管理原理四个组成要素The elements of scientific management: 1、要将管理形成一门真正的科学;forming a real science 2、科学的选择工人,选择一流的工人; selecting the workman scientifically and selecting the first workman 3、对工人进行教育和培训;teaching and training the workman 4、管理者与工人之间要实现亲密友好的合作。 intimate cooperation between the workman and the management side
Conclusion: 随着组织活动的深入与广泛,走向管理的科 学化是一种必然趋势。但这种科学肯定有一个逐步接受的 过程,不是一发而就的。科学也有一个适应社会适应人类 的过程。 References: 科学管理原理,机械工业出版社