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主语 谓语
放在谓语的前面, 叫做自然语

1语法要求:疑问句,there be 句型等。
2修辞要求:为了强调; 为描写
完全倒装 部分倒装

将谓语动词完 只将助动词
全移到主语前 系动词或 情态动词
not until not only… but also hardly…when, no sooner… than
•We are going nowhere at the weekend.
• Nowhere are we going at the weekend.
不 只 让步
not, no, never, nowhere at no time, by no means, in no way hardly, scarcely, barely, little, seldom
Exercise s:
•I did not begin to do my homework until my mother came back.
Not until my mother came back did I begin to do my homework.(从句不倒主句倒)
不 只 让步
not, no, never at no time, by no means, in no way hardly, scarcely, barely, little, seldom
not until not only… but also hardly…when, no sooner… than
_N_o_t _u_n_tilthen ___ I driedalize how lucky I was.直到那时我才意识到我有多幸运。
2) No sooner…than… Hardly …when…
The balloons flew up.flew the balloons.
Up Up flew
• 全部倒装中代词不倒装 • Here you are. • Now she comes. • Out he ran.
不 只 让步 也 常 需 如此 祝福
不 只 让步
not, no, never, nowhere at no time, by no means, in no way hardly, scarcely, barely, little, seldom
• Not only was there no
electricity at that time but also (there was) no water in t•Hhe iasreano.t only an actor but also a writer.
Not only is he an actor but also (he is) a writer.
有 时表 地 方
不 只 让步 也 常 需 如此 祝福
有 时表地方
there be 句型
在这个房间里有很多可爱的学生。 There are many lovely students
in the room.
有 时表 地方
now, then Your turn comes now. Now comes your turn.
不 只 让步
in doing anything.
A.Only by working hard we can
B.By only working hard we can
C.Only by working hard can we
D.Only we can by working hard
有 时 表 地方
here, there, in the
front of,
A teacher sitnandtshein dtihsetfarnocnet…of the
stands a teacher.
In the front of the classroom
有时表 地方
in, out, up, (方位)down, away,off
•He had scarcely fallen asleep when a knock at the door
awakedSchaerrc.ely had he fallen asleep when a knock at the
3) Not only…but also…连接 两个句子时(前倒后不倒)
有 时表地方
Some experienced teachers are present at the meeting. Present at the meeting _a_r_e__s_o_m_e__e_x_p_e_r_i_e_n_c_e_d__t_e_a_c_h_ers.
Scarcely …when…
Hardly had they gone out
of the classroom when it began to rain.
Exercise s:•He had no sooner arrived
there than he fell ill.
No sooner had he arrived there than he fell ill.
2.Only Mr. Wang knows this.(修饰主语不倒装)
不 只 让步
as/though引导让步状语从句, 表示“尽管”,“虽然” 1.As you are young, you know a lot Young a_s__y_o_u__a_r_e, you know a lot. 2.As you are a child, you know a l _C_h_i_l_d__ as you are, you know a lot
not until not only… but also hardly…when, no sooner… than
• He did not make a single mistake.
• Not a single mistake did he make.
1.not …until…
•Not until yesterday did I know the news.