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目的 翻译和修订日文版压疮愈合状态评价及分类量表,形成中文版压疮愈合状态 评价及分类量表,并在中国压疮患者中使用,检验其在中国压疮患者中使用时的信 度和效度。 方法 在获得作者授权后,以 Brislin 的翻译模型为基础,严格按照翻译程序对日文 版压疮愈合状态评价及分类量表进行翻译、回译和跨文化调适,形成中文版压疮愈 合状态评价及分类量表。然后采用便利抽样方法选取压疮患者,收集患者基本信息 和压疮照片。最后请 5 名评价者使用翻译的中文版压疮愈合状态评价及分类量表对 压疮照片进行评分,对评分结果进行重测信度、内部一致性信度、评定者间信度、 内容效度和结构效度的初步评定。 结果 内容效度分析显示经 7 名专家评定的中文版压疮愈合状态评价及分类量表的 内容效度指数为 0.93。各条目与总分的相关系数(除深度外)为 0.46~0.80,差异 有统计学意义(P<0.01)。探索性因子分析提取了 2 个公因子,累积方差贡献率为 64.53%,并在相应项目上有较强的因子负荷。量表的 Cronbach's α系数为 0.82;分半 信度系数为 0.76。各条目的评定者间信度 ICC 是 0.79~0.99,重测信度的 ICC 是 0.90。 各条目删除后量表的 Cronbach’s α系数为 0.70~0.79。 结论 本研究表明中文版压疮愈合状态评价及分类量表在中国压疮患者中具有良 好的信度和效度,可用于中国压疮患者压疮愈合过程的量化评价。
硕士研究生 闫甜甜(护理学) 指教师 魏丽丽 副教授
Abstract Objectives: To translate and revise pressure ulcer classification and severity scale DESIGN-R, to get the Chinese version of pressure ulcer classification and severity scale DESIGN-R, and to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of DESIGN-R scale among Chinese patients with pressure ulcers. Methods: After we got the original author's agreement and authority, we translated and translated back the scale and made cultural adaptation. Brislin’s translation model was applied to translated the Japanese version of pressure ulcer classification and severity scale DESIGN-R. The scale was translated into Chinese according to translation program, and then we got the Chinese version of DESIGN-R scale. Sampling was used to choose pressure ulcer patients. We collected patients’ information and pressure ulcers’ photos. 5 raters using the scale assessed the photos of pressure ulcers. We evaluated the test-retest reliability, internal consistency reliability, inter-rater reliability, content validity, and construct validity of the Chinese version of pressure ulcer classification and severity scale DESIGN-R. Results: The index of content validity of the scale was 0.93. The coefficient of correlation among entries ( except depth) was 0.46~0.80, all correlations were significant(P<0.01). The function of 2 factors of factor analysis accounted for 64.53% of the total variance. The basic dimensions of each
corresponding entry were with higher factor loading. The internal consistency reliability of the scale was 0.82; the split-half reliability was 0.76. The intraclass correlation coefficient of the inter-reliability was at 0.79~ 0.99, and the ICC of test-retest reliability was 0.90. The Cronbach's α coefficient of the scale was 0.70~0.79 if items was deleted. Conclusions: The Chinese version of DESIGN-R scale has good reliability and validity and can be used to evaluate pressure ulcers of Chinese.
目的 翻译和修订日文版压疮愈合状态评价及分类量表,形成中文版压疮愈合状态 评价及分类量表,并在中国压疮患者中使用,检验其在中国压疮患者中使用时的信 度和效度。 方法 在获得作者授权后,以 Brislin 的翻译模型为基础,严格按照翻译程序对日文 版压疮愈合状态评价及分类量表进行翻译、回译和跨文化调适,形成中文版压疮愈 合状态评价及分类量表。然后采用便利抽样方法选取压疮患者,收集患者基本信息 和压疮照片。最后请 5 名评价者使用翻译的中文版压疮愈合状态评价及分类量表对 压疮照片进行评分,对评分结果进行重测信度、内部一致性信度、评定者间信度、 内容效度和结构效度的初步评定。 结果 内容效度分析显示经 7 名专家评定的中文版压疮愈合状态评价及分类量表的 内容效度指数为 0.93。各条目与总分的相关系数(除深度外)为 0.46~0.80,差异 有统计学意义(P<0.01)。探索性因子分析提取了 2 个公因子,累积方差贡献率为 64.53%,并在相应项目上有较强的因子负荷。量表的 Cronbach's α系数为 0.82;分半 信度系数为 0.76。各条目的评定者间信度 ICC 是 0.79~0.99,重测信度的 ICC 是 0.90。 各条目删除后量表的 Cronbach’s α系数为 0.70~0.79。 结论 本研究表明中文版压疮愈合状态评价及分类量表在中国压疮患者中具有良 好的信度和效度,可用于中国压疮患者压疮愈合过程的量化评价。
硕士研究生 闫甜甜(护理学) 指教师 魏丽丽 副教授
Abstract Objectives: To translate and revise pressure ulcer classification and severity scale DESIGN-R, to get the Chinese version of pressure ulcer classification and severity scale DESIGN-R, and to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of DESIGN-R scale among Chinese patients with pressure ulcers. Methods: After we got the original author's agreement and authority, we translated and translated back the scale and made cultural adaptation. Brislin’s translation model was applied to translated the Japanese version of pressure ulcer classification and severity scale DESIGN-R. The scale was translated into Chinese according to translation program, and then we got the Chinese version of DESIGN-R scale. Sampling was used to choose pressure ulcer patients. We collected patients’ information and pressure ulcers’ photos. 5 raters using the scale assessed the photos of pressure ulcers. We evaluated the test-retest reliability, internal consistency reliability, inter-rater reliability, content validity, and construct validity of the Chinese version of pressure ulcer classification and severity scale DESIGN-R. Results: The index of content validity of the scale was 0.93. The coefficient of correlation among entries ( except depth) was 0.46~0.80, all correlations were significant(P<0.01). The function of 2 factors of factor analysis accounted for 64.53% of the total variance. The basic dimensions of each
corresponding entry were with higher factor loading. The internal consistency reliability of the scale was 0.82; the split-half reliability was 0.76. The intraclass correlation coefficient of the inter-reliability was at 0.79~ 0.99, and the ICC of test-retest reliability was 0.90. The Cronbach's α coefficient of the scale was 0.70~0.79 if items was deleted. Conclusions: The Chinese version of DESIGN-R scale has good reliability and validity and can be used to evaluate pressure ulcers of Chinese.