生物学专业英语English for Biology

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[16] biological factory 生物工厂 [17] overproduce [] v. 超量生产 [18] genetic engineering[ ] 遗传工程
[19] generation time 世代
[20] radioisotopically labeled[
Because all living cells have evolved from the same progenitors, they share certain fundamental similarities. Careful Biochemical study of just a few types of cells, however different in biochemical details and varied in superficial appearance, should therefore yield general principles applicable to all cells and organisms. The burgeoning of biological knowledge over the past 150 years has repeatedly supported these propositions. Certain cells, tissues, and organisms have proven more amenable to experimental studies than others. Knowledge in biochemistry is derived primarily from a few representative tissues and organisms, such as the bacterium E. coli, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisae , photosynthetic algae such as chlamydomonas, spinach leaves, rat liver, and the skeletal muscle of several vertebrates. Some biochemical studies focus on the isolation, purification, and characterization of cellular components; other research investigates the metabolic and genetic pathways of living cells.
Essay 1 Cells and Tissues Used in Biochemical Studies
[1] progenitor [] n. 祖先 [2] burgeon[] v. 萌发 [3] proposition [] n. 主张, 建议, 陈述, 命题 [4] amenable [] adj. 经得起检验的; 可按照...控制[处理, 测验]的 [5] Saccharomyces cerevisae n. 酵母 [6] chlamydomonas [] n.. 衣藻 [7] spinach [ ] n. 菠菜 [8] vertebrate[] n. 脊椎动物 [9] homogeneous [] adj. 同质的 [10] minuscule [] adj. 极小的 [11] extrapolate[] v. 外推,推断 [12] proliferate[] v. 增生扩散 [13] mutant[] n. 突变体 [14] defective[] protein 缺陷蛋白
] 放射性同位素标记的
[21] actin [] n. 肌动蛋白 [22] myosin[] n.肌球蛋白 [23] internal membrane内膜 [24] bacteriophage[] n. 噬菌体 [25] synchronous burst [ ] 同步突 发

识记专业词汇,扩大阅读范围; 巩固英语语法基础,掌握科技英语的语言特点; 针对应用文体加强阅读、翻译、写作练习。



生物学专业英语教程。刘彩云、赵光强、常志隆 编著,科学出版社出版。

2.4 时态运用较单一 英语有16种时态,但是在专业英语中一般以过去时、 将来时、现在时为主,偶尔会用到完成时。 In the ABO blood type system, when A antigen is
present (in a person of blood type A), the body
sets of reactions take place in chloroplast.
2.2 被动语态使用较多 英语中,被动句比主动句更能突出需要说明论证的对象, 因而在英语科技文章中被动句使用较多。 The nature of viruses has been apparent only within the last halt step on this path of
1.2 词义单一
专业英语中一词多义和一义多词的现象较少,阅 读、翻译时要根据自己掌握的专业知识进行最确 切、最接近的理解。
1.3 缩写词和固定词组较普遍
如DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid,脱氧核糖核
酸)、TMV(tobacco mosaic viruses,烟草花
叶病毒)、PCR(polymerase chain reaction, 聚合酶链式反应)、population(种群)等。
二、 教学目的
1. 掌握生物学专业英语的应用及其语言特点。 专业英语教学的主要目的是培养学生科技文 献的阅读能力和初步的科技论文写作能力。 其教学的重点即阅读与写作。 2. 了解专业英语课程的内容和学习方法。
三、 教学重点

生物学专业英语的特点(语法特点、词汇特点) 生物学专业英语不同于基础英语。
discovery was taken by the Russian botanist Dmitri
Lvanovsky in 1892 when he studying the tobacco mosaic disease.
2.3 长句子较多
因而词语、句子的修饰较多,往往多个从句、词组层层嵌 套。
1.4 逻辑性词汇使用广泛
如because, due to, but, however, therefore,
yet, unless, as a result of 等表示原因、转折、
2.1 大量使用陈述句
第三章 生物学专业英语词汇与阅读
1. 克服不良阅读习惯 2. 根据内容的不同,问题可分为主题型、标题型 和目的型。 主题型找中心(Main Idea)-Skimming ; 标题型选择标题(Title)-全面;忠实原文, 不随意推论;核心信息关键词特别是修饰词。 目的型写作意图(Purpose)-从上下文的联贯 及文中有关部分的暗示去明析作者隐含的意思 .
四、 教学难点




Mulch is an organic material such as pine needles,
home compost, grass clippings, shattered leaves or straw, which protects the plant from weeds, water evaporation and changes in soil temperature and enriches and improves the texture and structure of soil.
produces an anti-B antibody, and similarly for a B antigen. The blood of someone of type AB, has
both antigens, hence has neither antibody. Thus
that person can be transfused with any type of blood, since there is no antibody to attack foreign blood antigens.
An experimenter ideally begins the isolation of enzymes and other cellular components with plentiful and homogeneous source of the material. The component of interest often represents only a minuscule fraction of the total material, and grams or even kilograms of starting material are needed to obtain a few micrograms of the purified component. A homogeneous source of an enzyme or nucleic acid, in which all the cells are genetically and biochemical identical, leaves no doubt about which cell type yielded the purified component and makes it safer to extrapolate the results of in intro studies to the situation in vivo. A large culture of bacterial cells, all derived by division from the same parent and therefore genetically identical, meets the requirement for a plentiful and homogeneous source. Individual tissues from laboratory animals (rat liver, pig brain, rabbit muscle) are plentiful sources of similar, though not identical, cells. Some animal and plant cells proliferate in cell culture, producing populations of identical (cloned) cells in quantities suitable for biochemical analysis.
象,因此陈述句使用较多。 Photosynthesis starts with CO2 and H2O as raw materials and proceeds through two sets of partial reactions. In the first set called light reaction, water molecules are split, O2 is released, and ATP and NADPH are formed. In the second set called dark reaction, CO2 is reduced to carbohydrates. Both
English for Biology 生物学专业英语
第一章 绪论
一、 课程简介
生物学专业英语是面向生物科学相关硕士研究生开设 的必修课程。本课程教学内容主要涉及普通生物、微 生物学、遗传学、分子生物学等领域的专业基础知识, 介绍如何撰写科技论文、投稿等方面的知识;反映现 代生物学的发展趋势,内容涉及面广,可提高学生学 习的兴趣,帮助他们尽快掌握专业英语书刊的阅读技 巧、了解文献检索及写作知识。
第二章 专业英语的特点
1.1 出现频率低 在英语专业期刊文章中,虽然专业词汇的出 现使广大读者在阅读、写作时感到异常费力,但 总体而言,专业英语文章中除了少数术语外,用 得最多的还是普通词汇。因此提高专业英语阅读 和写作能力的前提就是要有一定的英语基本功。