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Most people think that getting married is a vital ingredient for happiness in life. They don’t, however, recognize the consequences of marriage. Rather than happiness, many are victims of its tormenting attributes. Marriage grants its followers more responsibility toward self and spouse, leading to more stressful lives. Also, the reduction of one’s freedom is also being in effect, putting a limit toward independence. Lastly, one may not get along well with spouse, triggering redundant conflicts. Hence, it is not an equivalent with happiness.

Marriage leads a major concern to people today with an increase in one’s responsibility. Taking responsibility means that one must always take an initiative in doing things in order to achieve a purpose rather than to wait for others to do it instead. To meet up with others’ expectations, one must do extra in order to achieve. More responsibility means more stress. Feeding a family, for instance, requires a higher salary. Voluntarily, one would start working extra hard to meet up with that expectation. While taking the burden, one may not realize that he/she is piling up stress, an amount too significant that it can never be released. Moreover, it is in human nature to desire for more; there is no limit to one’s desire. To be a good spouse, one may work hard to achieve a goal; after it is attained, he/she may wish for more to be done. Responsibility would come to work again, the cycle then continues, on and on. Once one has piled up endless hours of labour, he/she may not realize that freedom has been gradually slipping away, in a pace that can never be retrieved.


Freedom is what helps us replenish stress, allowing us to have a healthy being. It is often limited by marriage, in results to endless responsibility. Having freedom restricted is like being locked in a cell, with only so much space to pace around. Freedom and responsibility are directly related; more responsibility means less freedom and vice versa. Just like responsibility, lack of freedom creates huge amount of stress, as well as frustration. When people get frustrated, things get out of hand; one may act without thinking through first, leaving scars in life that can never be erased. It is even more crucial if the couple do not get along well in the first place.


The most critical issue with marriage is that most couples do not get along with each other. When the matter is being recognized, it is usually too late to recuperate. Squabbling is often what happens to couples that do not get along. They do not share the same interest nor matching personal traits; most importantly, they hardly come to an agreement on making decisions. This is when the virtues of marriage all of a sudden disappear. People’s lives would then be constantly filled with conflicts, so fr equent that the only way it may cease to an end is through divorce.

The deep-seated element for contentment does not depend upon marriage. More responsibility, less freedom ruins the well-being of human with stress and frustration; the issue of not getting along with spouse also slings gratification into an abyss. Thus, if you hunt for true happiness, perhaps marriage is not what you should seek for.
