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Establishing Business Relations

1.We have your name and address from…and are now writing to

you for the establishment of business relations.从……得知贵公司及地址,所以发函以请求建立业务关系。

2.We have learned by… that you are one of the leading importers of

Chinese chemicals and pharmaceutics in your country.从……获知贵公司是中国化学品和制药品的主要进口商之一。

3.Specializing in the export of Chinese foodstuffs, we express our

desire to trade with you in this line.我公司专营食品出口,我们愿与你们进行交易。

4.We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as a

state-owned corporation dealing exclusively in light industrial goods.非常荣幸向您介绍,我公司是一家从事轻工业产品贸易的国营企业。

5.In order to promote business between us, we are airmailing you

samples under separate cover for your inspection.为了促进我们之间的业务往来,现在邮寄样本供贵方参考。

6.We have obtained your name and contact details from the…, who

has informed us that you want to import light industrial goods manufactured in China.经……的介绍,我们得知贵公司的名称和联系方式,并了解到贵公司想在中国进口一些轻工业产品。

7.It is hoped that by our joint efforts, we can promote business as

well as friendship.希望通过我们的共同努力,我们可以促进业务


8.Your desire to expand trade with us on the basis of equality and

mutual benefit coincides with ours.在平等互利基础上我们双方都希望扩大贸易往来。

9.Enclosed you will find a copy of our latest catalogue for your


10.I f you are interested in any our products, please let us know and we

will provide you with a quotation.如果您对我方产品感兴趣的话,请务必让我们知道,我们会为您报价。


1.We are interested in …as advertised in…我方对最近在……


2.I understand you are manufacturers of/ deal in … and I should

like to receive your current catalogue.我知道贵方是……的制造商/经销商,因此我想要一份贵方最新的产品目录。

3.Please also state whether you can supply the goods from stock

as we need them urgently.由于急需这批货物,还请贵方说明能否供应现货。

4.If you can supply suitable goods, we may place regular orders

for large quantities.贵方如能提供合适的货物,我方很可能定期订购大批量的货物。

5.We would like to know your terms of trade. 我们想知道你方


6.If terms and delivery date are satisfactory, we should expect to

place regular orders with you.如果条款和交货期令人满意,我们会定期订购

7.Will you please state whether, in these circumstances, you are

able to allow us a special discount?请贵公司在回函中阐明,假如我们定期大宗订购,是否可以享有优惠打折。

8.Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue and current

pricelist for…?我公司拟进口……,请贵公司惠寄一份产品目录及现行价目表。

9.We thank you in advance for all your cooperation in this matter.

We greatly appreciate your help in providing answers to our enquiries.对于贵方对此事的合作,我们预先加以感谢。如果能对我们询价给予答复,我们不胜感激。

10.W e shall be obliged if you will send us some samples with the

best term at your earliest convenience. 如果贵方能及早寄给我们一些样品并给予我们最优惠的条件,我们将不胜感激。


1.Thank you for your letter of … As requested we enclose…


2.I was pleased to learn that you are interested in our…很高


3.In reply to your enquiry for walnuts, we offer you 500 tons

of walnuts as follow:为复贵方500吨核桃的询盘,我们
